Has Biden/Harris Declared War on America? Literally?

Okay, first things first, a “literal” declaration of war would be for someone to say “I declare war”. Nobody has done that so literally? No. But… wait for it:

ANYBODY reading this post already knows about the illegal alien invasion. A case for war could be made from this alone. Not to mention the overt registering illegal non-citizens to vote, forbidding by law any requirement for proof of citizenship to vote (California), refusing to vet, remove, or even constrain known illegal alien criminals from rampaging within our borders, actively trafficking illegal aliens, funding illegal aliens, allowing for or being directly involved in child trafficking, while defending all these actions with an air of elitist superiority.

Yeah, you could call all that war crimes. But I’m not talking about that. What I am talking about is Hurricane Helena and the aftermath. So far I’ve seen lots of speculation about weather manipulation, etc. by our own government being a part of this. For the time being I’ll categorize this as “wild and crazy speculation” and yet, sad to say, I firmly believe they would do exactly that IF THEY WERE ABLE. Moving on:

I’ll begin with a X post I bookmarked a couple of days ago as I “didn’t have time” to watch it right then. It is six minutes long and now I wish I’d made the time to watch.

Something very sinister is going on…

This morning my regular web travel to 90 Miles from Tyranny rewarded me several times over. Including a video in a story I’ll post below. Here are a couple of  memes from today:

So far it is hard to see any real evidence of war – declared or not. Bear with me. Now lets take a look at a disturbing article in todays Gateway Pundit:

DISTURBING: Helicopter With Pilots Wearing ‘Military Headgear’ Sabotages Hurricane Helene Recovery Supplies at NC Distribution Site – Cajun Navy Confirms (VIDEO)

Again, you’ll find the video itself on 90 miles but I think this offers a more complete aspect.

Some have identified the helicopter as one of our “Black Hawks”. It has no markings and thus cannot legally operate in U.S. territory and certainly not in a designated “no fly” zone. Note the cost of one of these helicopters ranges from a “low” $5.6 million to $10.2 million. No doubt there are options available to add to the base cost. The question is… who, exactly has that kind of money?

Stories about FEMA confiscating donations, blocking citizens’ efforts to provide relief, and otherwise doing everything in their power to increase the suffering of affected citizens abound. Again while these things cannot be called willful acts of war, these agents of our federal government are openly working against the American people and specifically against the very disaster victims they are charged with helping.

But WHY?

It’s no secret Kamala Harris and Joe Biden despise America and the American People. They all but openly proclaim their hatred for us. Some point to the overall politics of the affect reasons citing their goal is to further impede any votes against their regime. This view is hard to argue against, but others suggest there is more to all this than what is readily apparent.

If you watched the video above, you may have guessed what’s coming:

Is it cliché to say “follow the money”? Maybe but we all know Joe “10% for the Big Guy” Biden, as well as most of Congress, is all about the money. Many have suggested the billions in aid sent to Ukraine is little more than a massive money laundering scheme.  I’ll add to that the idea that every government program amounts to  a money laundering scheme – taxpayer funded, of course.

But don’t blame Joe Biden. Really, I mean that. I don’t like the man. I’m sure I’d be hard-pressed to refrain from sandblasting my hand and counting my fingers should we ever shake hands, but Joe is the cut-out. At this stage of the game he almost totally resembles an elementary school example of an actual cardboard cutout with rudimentary moving jaw hooked to a speaker designed to emulate a real person. Sad to say, the cardboard version might well outthink the flesh and blood man at this point. No, you can’t really blame Joe because he’s clueless. Give him a dollar for ice cream and he’d likely pocket the dollar then demand his ice cream.

The real blame goes to whoever is behind the curtain – the man or men calling the shots. (Sorry ladies, this glass ceiling is bulletproof.) Him (or they) operate in the shadows. As I’ve alluded before, I think there is one man who makes all the final decisions surrounded by a ring of cohorts who may or may not understand their true places as subordinates.

How does all this play out in real time? It is not good. Much of what we witness is orchestrated.

The Trump-Biden debate was historically early in the campaign season

Kamala Harris was going to be the candidate all along.

I happened across this from 2021

Everybody, and I do mean EVERYBODY, knew back then – Kamala Harris is, was, and will forever be a twit. Surely whoever installed her as the the Democratic nominee for POTUS knew it. He ain’t stoopid.

Tim “Tampon” Walz was hand-picked as her running mate. He is arguably the one person in this nation who cannot hold a candle to Kamala’s brilliance.  Again, whoever is the conductor of this mess ain’t stoopid.

The mass importation of illegal aliens is part of a plan.

Funding terrorists is part of a plan.

Promulgating the Ukraine/Russia conflict is either part of a plan or an opportunity seized.

Speaking of seizing opportunities – these days it is hard to sort out what events are planned out ahead of time in detail or are simply crises not gone unwasted.  It doesn’t matter to them. Anything fomenting chaos and confusion with an eye to the destruction of our nation is music to their ears.

The key here is the destruction of our nation. This is the end game, the ultimate goal. This is war.