This is what I keep asking myself. Yesterday my wife asked me if we should get “our mail-in ballots”. While my response was I will vote in person if at all possible, it led to a discussion about whether we will be “allowed” to vote at the polls. My thought was if mail-in was made mandatory then mail-in ballots would need to be sent automatically to all registered voters. She thinks we will have to initiate the mail-in process. Who’s correct? My bigger question is: Will it even matter? Think about this.
Two Scenarios
The first scenario has Trump winning and another four years of controller sponsored chaos. Already the controllers and their sycophants, such as Hillary Clinton, are pushing the idea of not accepting a Trump win… again. (yes, Hillary, face it, you are nothing more than a useful idiot and your usefulness is now relegated to whatever name recognition you can muster.) Remember four years ago when Hillary raised this question about whether Trump would accept the results? This was when she had the presidency in the bag… lady.
Now it is quite reasonable to assume Trump will win a fair election so the controllers are preparing to once again reject the will of the people. Last time they ignored the electoral college and pointed to the “popular vote”.
What they accomplished in my mind at least was demonstrating the true value of the electoral college. Even further, I believe we citizens should reject the “winner take all” doctrine of some states and insist the electors be free to vote their conscience. Period. Instead the controllers are pushing in the opposite direction towards “democracy” i.e. mob rule, and away from our democratic republic. Already much massive voter fraud at the polls has been uncovered in the last election. I suspect this is how the controllers finally seized Virginia. Mail-in voting could well skew the election towards the controllers. More on that in a moment.
Back to a Trump “win”. If he does indeed win, the controllers are prepared to ramp up the chaos. We can expect more riots and more resistance by both those controllers in office and in the streets led by professional agitators. Yes. More. We’ve seen this already. They are not going to stop. Unless WE citizens put a stop to this, they will continue to do all they can to demolish our society. They have nothing to lose so they will continue until we stop them or surrender. The way things are going this could well mean a win for the controllers.
Scenario Two: A Biden Victory
We can all decry the terrible things Biden’s puppet masters would do under his nose. Do not be alarmed at this as he would likely approve if he had the metal capacity to do so. What I suspect is the controllers anticipate something other than a peaceful return of the reins of government to their grimy hands. They want war. How did I conclude this?
First we have every indication of the controllers intention to brazenly steal this election. We all know it. Few of us can fathom anyone giving a single thought to their vote pulling the lever for this clown. The only intelligible words he has spoken have been gaffs. “I am J… uh, I… uh, can I get a glass of ice cream?” (Yes, I made that up but…) The only conclusion we can come to is IF Biden wins, it will be because of a massive effort of the controllers to steal the election. For all I know they may even start bragging about it.
We, as citizens will have two choices – accept or reject the results. Again, either choice is a win for the controllers.
In the unlikely event that we reject a Biden victory, we will then be forced to take to the streets in protest. Unlike our counterparts, our protests will be peaceful. At least until the controllers roll out the troops and start shooting us where we stand. They may allow their current crews of agitators to “counter protest”, raining violence in citizens until they are “forced” to step in and stop “our” violent rioting. They will continue until we are either eliminated or subdued.
And if we accept a Biden “win”? They will keep pushing. They will do all they can to further strip the republic and solidify their control. Again, their intention is to eliminate or subdue anyone who resists bowing to their authority. Never mind said authority was stolen. Never mind their total disregard for the founding document of our nation – our constitution. Control is all that matters.
The bottom line is the controllers are making every effort to back the citizens of this nation into a corner so we are forced to either submit to their stolen authority or die. It matters not what corner we end up in so long as they can force check and mate. What choice do we have? Does this mean we cannot win? Have the controllers won already? No. They have not.
There is an alternative. It is right in front of us – right under our own noses. Even better, this alternative is peaceful and entirely legal. As a matter of fact this alternative embraces the very law of our land. What is this alternative?
It is reclaiming our constitutional republic. This entails more than mere “voting”. The controllers have zero authority not granted by us citizens – WE THE PEOPLE. What they have done so successfully is replace our republican form of government with their political “two-party” system so that no matter what party wins, the controllers remain in control. It is sad to realize this but the controllers corrupted our republic from the very beginning. I do not believe this was the intent at first. When our nation was in infancy, even in the womb – so to speak, it was necessary for strong men to lead the way. Thus nobody was taught the principles of republican government in the early days or since. At least if anyone was taught these things, said teachings were lost. It is now time to understand and deploy a true republic.
The strength of the controllers is centralization. Controllers rule from the top down and a central seat of power is necessary to accomplish this. They gain wealth and power via their ability to extract wealth from citizens and rule us through laws and regulations. Is it any wonder why their response to any situation is always more government?
As citizens of a constitutional republic WE have absolute authority to govern ourselves. It is the law of the land. We do this by electing representatives. In doing so we delegate to them some of our authority. What authority? The authority to enact and enforce laws. This authority is limited – first by the law of the land, the constitution itself. As citizens, WE
also have the authority to overrule our representatives at ANY TIME. Our only restraint is the law of the land… the constitution. We do have the authority to amend, change the constitution itself, but this is necessarily a difficult and arduous process. This is intentional because it would be foolish to make such changes without sound deliberation. Even so, certain changes have been made, such as the 17th Amendment, allowing Senators to be elected by popular vote – i.e. mob rule, rather than elected by the State Legislatures. The original concept was a safeguard to preserve state’s rights and allow ALL the people of a state to have a voice.
A constitutional republic is the basis for a decentralized government. WE retain the power. We retain OUR authority by voicing and voting our will locally. The controllers have usurped our authority by consolidating and centralizing power and authority. While the political “two-party” system is one of their primary tools, their control now reaches far beyond this. They have entrenched themselves in the very government itself – the deep state – and within the military-industrial complex. As is obvious to anyone truly aware – the controllers almost entirely own the media propaganda machine as well as social media. That said, the power the controllers wield and the authority they have assumed is a smokescreen. They can only hold on to it as long as WE LET THEM!
What can I do? I’m only one little guy?
After all if you can’t fight city hall, how can you take on the United States Government? This is the beauty of our constitutional republic! As individuals we are essentially powerless. Yes, one man or woman could gather together a militia unit or even a group resembling a small army. They could gather weapons, legitimately or not (bear with me here), they could train and become an effective fighting force. And they could easily be squashed like a bug. Sure, one could tout the Afgan resistance or even the IRA but what, really would any of this truly accomplish? My point is while arms are indeed a valid and necessary component – such can only be a last resort because invoking such tactics basically destroys the very thing we wish to preserve – our nation. This is NOT how to restore our nation!
So… What?
If you want to see a real-life example of how a republic should work – consider the VCDL – the Virginia Citizens Defense League. This small group
focuses only on Second Amendment Issues. They led the 2A Sanctuary movement in Virginia in late 2019 and early 2020. EVERY county and city government was forced to vote on whether or not to declare themselves a 2A Sanctuary and an overwhelming majority – over 95% did just that! The real power in this movement was the turnout by citizens in support of 2A Sanctuaries. Such action would not have been necessary if not for the illegal and treasonous actions by the Governor and State Legislature. Virginians are not done yet either. This is just the beginning. However the actions of the citizens in Virginia demonstrate how a republic should operate.
Citizens did NOT protest in the streets. We did NOT just flood representatives with emails letters and faxes. We did NOT simply write letters to editors. WE SHOWED UP at our county board meetings in force and demanded action! While the message sent to our state AND federal representatives was largely ignored – the message was clear. Now… we can NOT let up!
While this is just a fleeting thought – it does seem strange our nation was hit by a pandemic just after citizens in Virginia flexed our authoritative muscles. Coincidence? Possibly, even probably BUT – this pandemic surely put the skids on citizen action in our own communities! Yet somehow “peaceful protests” – riots are perfectly acceptable. Think about that.
The bottom line is WE CITIZENS wield true authority and power in this nation. It IS the LAW OF THE LAND. Those sitting in plush accommodations paid for by US consider themselves the “ruling class”. Such is an abomination. ANY “representative” or party “official” or anyone else for that matter who ascribes themselves to this “ruling class” should be immediately be forced to resign in shame.
Enough is enough. It is time for the citizens of this nation to reclaim our rightful place in this nation as self-governing individuals who directly elect representatives to serve our interests. My own interest is a return to a limited government by scaling back government intrusion into our lives.
Have the controllers won already? Yes and no. If WE THE PEOPLE, the citizens of this nation do nothing, we might as well bow down to our rulers now. This is something I am not willing to do. If I and I alone standing against these forces of evil am swept away, so be it. To paraphrase Emiliano Zapata… “I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees”. How about you? Will you stand up for what is rightfully yours or kneel to tyranny?