What a mess! To be blunt, I very much admire Thomas Massie’s grit. As for this latest bit – Massie holding out on the CR (continuing resolution) vote and Trump’s threat to primary him – I’m siding with Thomas Massie.
Look, I understand the principle of supporting President Trump. However it is one thing to support our President, it is quite another to “rubber stamp” his every whim. Fact is somebody has to say something about the President’s new clothes.
In the past, Rand Paul was the voice of opposition in the Senate. I expect he will also speak up when the situation warrants it. We NEED reasonable voices speaking up when things aren’t “quite right”. How do you thing we ended up in this quagmire in DC in the first place?
We handed the Poligarchy far too many “blank checks” – look where that got us.
We failed to hold our “representatives” accountable and now we are faced with rooting out the Deep State that has embedded itself into every facet of our lives.
We cannot keep on keeping on with this nonsense.
Near as I can tell, Thomas Massie fine Patriot and a strong conservative voice. We need more like him. He needs our support.
It’s too late to back off from this current CR but let’s DO consider Massie’s objections, such as, this CR continues to fund USAID. What sort of insanity is that?