RIP Pete Rose – MLB’s Unforgivable Sin

RIP Pete Rose 1941-2024

Baseball and I go back nearly 60 years. I remember sunning in the lawn with my Mom as we listened to the Yankees on the radio. Back then I was a Yankees fan and continued to be so for several years. I’m not sure when I switched loyalties to the National League and the Mets but no doubt George Steinbrenner had something to do with it.

As far as Pete Rose goes, as a Mets fan I all but swore a blood oath the hate him until the day I died. First I hated him as a player because it seemed he was always in the midst of every lost to the Cardinals. Then I hated him as a manager – mostly because he managed the Cards, of course.

When Pete Rose was banned from baseball for gambling  on baseball, I had no sympathy for him. None at all. Shame on him for shaming baseball. I was never a gambler. Hell, I hated taking risks for the most part. Still do, but I’m working on getting over that ,but gambling? No, thank you. Seems like every bet is a sucker’s bet.

Then one day I read an article about “Charlie Hustle”. From that day on, I saw Pete Rose in a different light. What changed my mind? Pete did. His attitude, his work ethic, his humility. Now don’t get me wrong, I have no doubt if I’d met Pete Rose at the height of his career, say when he became the all-time MLB hit leader, he might not have been so humble. Fact is, I’ll never know now will I? What I do know is what the article said about his amazing feat that stands to this day.

They said Pete Rose himself said he was no great talent. He said he was an average player at best. So how did he manage so many hits? Hard work. He practiced his craft relentlessly. I found this inspiring. I think any boy who aspires to a career in professional sports or any endeavor for that matter should take a page from Pete Rose’s book . Don’t fret about the other guy’s “natural abilility” – his gift. Don’t whine about God granting some advantage to another. Do the best with what God gave you.

What Pete “Charley Hustle” Rose believed about God, I cannot say, but his example says plenty. So… should he be considered a “role model” despite his apparent gambling habit? I say yes, without a doubt.

The trouble with role models and “heroes” is we tend to put  them on pedestals. We want to worship them, think they can do no wrong. That is always a mistake. Pete Rose, just like any other “hero” is a mere human. Every human is capable of making mistakes. Most of us do – in fact every single one of us has, save one, Jesus Christ. None of us are Jesus so live with it. You are going to muck up.

As for MLB – your sin borders on the unforgivable. You denied Pete Rose a place in the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame. Shame on YOU. In case you forgot, Jesus told the pious church leaders “whoever is with out sin, cast the first stone” at the woman caught in adultery. They were wise enough, barely, to realize their error and walk away. You? Not so much.

Now Pete Rose, all-time hit leader (4,256), games played (3,562), at-bats (14,053), singles (3,215) and outs (10,328). and yet he died without ever being officially recognized for his tremendous achievements. If his sins were so onerous, why stop there? Why not hand over those three World Series wins to the opposing teams? After all, you seem to want to pretend he was never a part of baseball or at least his efforts did not count.  You know why you’d never do that. It would be a slap in the face of baseball fans and players everywhere. So is your refusal to recognize the man while he lived. Again, SHAME ON YOU!

It is time to repent. You didn’t honor him in live, at least honor him in memory. Induct Pete Rose into the Hall of Fame. Let those wounds heal. Give his family peace. Give Pete Rose peace.

RIP Pete Rose 1941-2024