So… Are We Going to Let Wall Street Pick Our President in November or What?

According to Mark Hulbert at MarketWatch, Biden has already won the 2024 election. Are YOU willing to let that stand? I am not. Mark Hulbert can bite me. What about you? What are you going to do about it?

My answer – take action. This is why I started the Vote Like a Boss collection. My goal is to help flood the polls in November. How?

By urging fed-up citizens like myself to vote AND register others to do the same. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy. Anyone who can spare a few bucks can by a T-shirt, a sports bottle, or even just a sticker. What to go all out? Grab a tote and fill with mugs, sports bottles, posters, stickers, a notebook, and, of course – T-shirts.

Choose between two variations of T-shirt – either with a QR code added to the sleeve or not. Both sport QR codes on the body of the shirt. What does the QR code do? Each one links directly to the voter registration page for your state.

As of this writing – 43 states offer online voter registration.

These items are great whether you are into  voter registration drives or if you just want to do your own thing.

The graphic is bold to grab attention. The message is simple yet evocative. Best of all it presents a challenge – take action now. Register to vote.

Vote-Like-a-Boss-sticker on a skateboardYou can go all out or you can work on a shoestring budget. Heck a 6X6 sticker is only $3.99. And nobody says you can’t just get a bunch of registration forms or even make your own QR code and print it plain paper. I just wanted to make it easy.

There’s an old adage “If you’re not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

Which applies to you?