Three Insights from GOD via Lance Wallnau RAV Sunday March 2, 2025

This first insight from GOD should GLARE at you as you read – He will utilize almost ANY resource to tell you what He wants you to know (even me). On Sunday, He showed me two other tidbits as He reminded me of this with an object lesson.

Second insight: He often gives the same message to multiple people – believers and non-believers. Few, if any, are granted “an exclusive”. God simply does not work that way.

Third insight: As God restores the United States of America to empower U.S. Christians to implement His plans, He is preparing the body of Christ for an outpouring if His spirit in order to reap a massive harvest before His only begotten son Christ Jesus returns.

What should also be evident is while this nation has been extraordinarily blessed by God Almighty, these blessings are spreading world-wide, as will the outpouring of holy spirit, as will the great harvest. Just as Jesus’s ministry began in Israel, this great harvest had to start somewhere. Just as God had begun preparing Bethlehem long before Jesus was born, He has prepared our nation for this moment.

The greater lesson here is God is now calling YOU. Will you answer?

Has Trump Changed How We Politic?

After just over 5 weeks in office, Hurricane Trump has taken DC and the world by storm. Many are still reeling from the fully automatic fire from the Trump Administration. Congress is shaken. World leaders are shaken. The Mainstream Media? Devastated. What about us, We the People?

The words “shock and awe” come to mind. Bluntly put, I don’t think we’ve been able to take it all in much less fully process what is happening. Nor have we had time to come to terms with this new landscape. What’s more, if the early signs are any indication, this is just the beginning. Yet is not too early to step back and reflect on what we are seeing so far.

The most startling thing is how President Donald J. Trump is changing our expectations, not only of the United States Presidency, but of the politics and politicians in general.

This really hit me in the face this morning as a high school classmate announced he is running for the county legislature. While we’d gone to school together since 5th grade or so, we never really knew each other. Over the past couple of years I’ve come across his posts on FB. They are consistently Christian and conservative. His announcement was more or less “cut and paste” from the standard political playbook – too much taxes, etc. Sorry fella but, ho-hum. We’ve heard all that before again and again. Normally I’d give him a “thumbs up” and wish him well. I don’t live there any more so it’s not like I can vote for him anyway. Even so I realized my attitude towards him and the political process has changed dramatically.

Anyone reading most any of my posts will soon realize I despise politics. If you don’t I’m quick to tell you. I always have. However in the past I’ve fallen for the same tropes spewed out by just about anyone running for office. Not anymore. To this end I challenged this new hopeful. You hate taxes – great. What is your plan to fix the problem. And that, my friends, is at the heart of what Trump as accomplished.

It is not longer good enough to define the problem – real or imagined. (The democRats are particularly adept at imagining problems.) Now we need solutions. We need the fix and the fix had better not be “more government”. In fact, for the time being, the best strategy might well be to jump on the Trump bandwagon and start pointing out ways to get government out of our lives. New York State, where my former classmate lives, offers a target rich environment.

Moreover the “Trump Effect” is changing how we view our representative government. The old view was when we were offered two choices, we chose the “lessor of two evils” and either rejoiced or cringes come election day. Either way, we could forget about it until the next cycle. This is the essence of “set it and forget it” politics. Trump has changed all this.

By his example, President Trump, is raising our expectations. How? For once, our government is being held accountable. Amazingly, he is not just holding the federal government accountable but state governments as well, not to mention the massive ocean of NGOs. He’s also holding foreign governments and international organizations accountable. His reach is immense. He wields power like no leader before him. How does he do this? By acknowledging and utilizing our overwhelming economic might. He knows we hold all the cards and he is not afraid to play them.

Those clinging to the status quo are hanging on for dear life. They are all in a panic, grasping at any rhetoric they can, like a drowning man flailing at handfuls of water trying to stay afloat. Their cries are mostly ignored. Many of those that hear them are beginning to question their so-called logic. Many more are seeing behind their masks for the first time and are revulsed. As desperation sets in, they’ve become more and more outlandish in their statements. Those who stood by them, parroting their diatribe are starting to reconsider it all, especially as those things they’ve insisted were facts are shown for the lies they are. For them, it gets worse.

President Trump, via Elon Musk heading DOGE, has pulled back the curtain to reveal the ugly truth: those “ideals and principles” so highly touted were nothing more than smokescreens obscuring massive embezzlement schemes. Charges abound as more and more taxpayer dollars are traced to the bank accounts of those we were expected to trust implicitly. Sure, many of us have been screaming fraud and theft for years – questioning how lifelong “public servants” can amass multi-million dollar fortunes. Nobody wanted to demand answers as to how such obvious “financial geniuses” couldn’t seem to turn their talents to balance our public budgets. Now the evidence is out for everyone to see. Now competent individuals are positioned to investigate and prosecute bad actors.

The genius of President Trump’s strategy is he has gone after the money first. No longer can his – OUR – enemies tap taxpayer dollars to fund battles against our own nation. As the public trough dries up, so does the resistance. Brilliant. And it’s working. We are winning.

Probably the most stunning revelation of all is the fact that had Trump been awarded the win in 2020, none of this would have happened. In fact, Obama’s moles would have remained in strategic places in government and continued to thwart President Trump’s efforts. Consequently, all the savage attacks on Trump virtually guaranteed a new outlook in 2025. In other words, the globalists’ grand plans backfired on them… bigly.

Now it’s our turn. WE need to take a hard look at how we politic. We can no longer “assume” those we elect to office will, more or less, do the right thing. Instead, EVERY representative needs to be closely monitored, not only to ensure they are making good on their promises but that they are doing good for us constituents. President Trump is pointing us in the right direction but this is not “HIS” nation, it is OUR nation. OUR nation is a nation by the People, of the People, and for the People. From here on out, WE need to hold our government to this principle.