Democrats AND Republicans Behind Closed Doors

Or… when the sideshow takes center stage, just try taking a peek at what on the other side of the closed curtain.

As John Whitehead at The Rutherford Institute details… you’ll see some horrifying hypocrisy as well as both “sides” of today’s parties not only in bed together but immersed in an orgy. Their lust is not for sex , well, not THIS time anyway. No, this time their lust is for unconstitutional power over the citizens in this nation. My question is: do they laugh hysterically every time they say “The Patriot Act”?

As Whitehead explains:

while Americans have been fixated on the carefully orchestrated impeachment drama that continues to monopolize headlines, Congress passed and President Trump signed into law legislation extending three key provisions of the USA Patriot Act, which had been set to expire on December 15, 2019.

Yep, you got it, publicly these clowns fight tooth and nail but when it comes to shredding our privacy, there’s no drama, no contention. They are all – “all in”. It doesn’t stop there either. Few if any of these cretins have a shred of remorse when it comes to extracting money from taxpayers, spending every cent and borrowing more so they can continue to spend. Why are they so intent on spending our wealth? Follow the money and you will soon see. Ask yourself how so many “public servants” retire as millionaires. That thread alone promises to lead to some unsettling answers. Ask the Clintons or the Bidons or the Pelosis or the Obamas. Shall I keep going?

Yes, I got off track. How can I not? The cancer rampages everywhere in our nation. It affects everything. As you read Whiteheads article, ask yourself… why? Why do our nations representatives – our EMPLOYEES – insist on “legally” spying on us? Why indeed. My own speculation is to enable them to maintain power over anyone they choose so they may stay in power. The purpose is simple with such an assumption: they are protecting their fiefdoms.

Here’s John Whitehead (h/t zerohedge)

Betraying the Constitution: Who Will Protect Us from an Unpatriotic Patriot Act?

God bless,
