SuperMike “Daddy” Bloomberg Swoops in to Save the Democrats AND the Nation!

It’s like the best of both classic tv shows now starring Mikey “Daddy” Bloomberg as he transforms hisself into both Superman AND Daddy (Knows Best).Holy WOW POW! Batman ain’t got nothing on him!

SuperMike "Daddy" Bloomberg
SuperMike “Daddy” Bloomberg Swoops in to save the day! Where’s Mickey Mouse?

How does he do it? Money! He’s got money to burn and boy he’s setting the cash on fire with a blowtorch! This is nothing new to Daddy as he’s already blown up big bucks ’cause us little folk (HE things WE are little HA!) is too stoopid to have soda pops, firearms and probly pointy thingys even though he hasn’t got around to those yet. If you are like me – someone who rebels against Daddy and doesn’t wanna behave like Daddy says I should – don’t worry – it ain’t ’cause Daddy don’t like us. He’s kinda like Mikey – he hates everybody. Hey! Maybe Daddy IS Mikey! Uh, NAH!. THAT Mikey was a cute kid. Daddy is a lotta things  – maybe everythings but he weren’t never cute. I’m sure all his lady friends – and give him credit for that – he seems to have had a LOT of lady friends – will agree. His cash is cute, ’cause he’s got piles of it but Big Daddy Mikey? Not so much.

SuperMike "Daddy" Bloomberg

He also hates republicans – even though he once claimed to be one, women, babies and, oh yeah, farmers – let’s not forget farmers!

Why worry? Anybody can farm! Just let them try to find REAL work.

I don’t think he actually “hates” anyone. I think it’s more he just doesn’t respect anyone who is stoopider and poorer than he is, which, as it turns out is pretty much anyone who isn’t Mikey “Daddy” Boomberg. Huh.

Did I mention he likes guns? No really! He does! He just wants them all for himself that’s all. it’s like – THAT’S for ME! You can’t have any! Well, that and, like I said, he thinks thingys that go boom are too scary for us common folk. Why, if we all had guns we’d go around shooting everthin up and killin everone… right?

Shhhhh! I’m hunting wascally guns. heheheheheh.


Fact is the Democrats, theys fightin back. They ain’t got his money but they’ve got spunk.

Super Mikey Daddy Bloomberg gets sucker swatted by a mysterious foe

Anywhoo, if you came here looking for something serious, you won’t likely find it because I cannot be serious about this turd. Granted. I never thought The Donald was a serious contender and I am happy HE proved me wrong but Mikey “Daddy” Bloomberg is not in Trump’s league at all. Oh he’s got the money. Yeah, there’s that and he can tout hisself as a “bidnessman” like Trump but seriously – I’ve seen lots and lots of people in business who made lots and lots of money and they are still total idiots. I’ve often scratched my head about that. Go figure ’cause I never could.

All that said and done let’s get to the real reason for this post – the memes!

There are just sooooo many of them – and they are sooooo funny I just couldn’t resist dedicating a post to Mikey “Daddy” Bloomberg Memes.
