MAD and the Economic Scorched Earth

During the height of the “Cold War” we all became familiar with the concept of MAD – Mutually Assured Destruction. The crux of the concept was – if the Soviets tried to nuke us into oblivion, we would nuke them off the face of the earth. Everybody loses. Yes, it was also called the “Scorched Earth” policy. MAD was a better term because the entire idea was indeed insane. My question is: is the Wuhan virus the globalists’ version of MAD?

First off, let’s not talk “conspiracy” huh? Instead, how about we think in terms of “opportunity”? Whether or not anyone planned on unleashing this virus on the world is a moot point, at best. If this was someone’s plan it turned out to be a bungled mess. When the smoke clears there is a good chance fear of the virus tallied more deaths than the virus itself. Likewise the aftermath – the totally irrational response to the so-called “danger” the virus presented. Bluntly put, I seriously doubt if any of the “elites” are competent enough to pull such a stunt off. They would find a way to drop all the balls. And yet… here we are in a nation, a world actually, almost totally shut down and firmly in control – or so they think – of a handful of controllers. Please, do not give the controllers too much credit. As ruthless and sociopathic as they are, they aren’t all that brilliant. What they are is better described as cunning and opportunistic.

Consider a common career criminal who happens to be walking down the street planning his next mugging. Suddenly an armored truck swerves in front of him and crashes. Miraculously, the doors burst open revealing bags of cash. It just so happens the truck takes out a delivery guy making his last run for the day. His van is left running a few feet from the wreckage. It is empty, seemingly waiting for someone to fill it up and drive away. What does the criminal do? Why, he fills his pockets and runs!

Of course not. He fills up that van and takes off. Chances are he will not live “happily ever after”. He will find some way to screw himself out of his good fortune. I see so many parallels here.

Compare the career criminal in our story with the “elites”. ‘nough said. Regardless of how highly they hold themselves, the “elites” are mere fallible humans just like the rest of us. In some ways they fall far below the curve because they have no clue what it means to live as the majority of citizens. They are, in a word, insulated from our reality. The fact is they are failures in a failed ideology. They will scoff at this as they ponder what gourmet snack to scrounge from their $24,000 fridge but what will they do when their power goes out? I mean, after their generators fail, of course. But I digress…

Career criminality aside, the “elites” must ultimately fail. I say this with such confidence because their basic premise is flawed. While centralization is their ultimate brass ring – it is also the very reason the “elites” have to fail. Remember the adage “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”? Cliche’s are cliché for a reason. Reality will bite them in the ass. What I’m asking is not if but when? Will they take the nation down with them? Unless we stand up, reclaim our authority and put a stop to this nonsense, it is very likely they will at least succeed in scorching the earth beyond recognition.

What the Controllers Want

No secret agendas here – the controllers want control. It is what they always want. Joe “Malarkey” Biden and Hilary “What Difference Does It Make” Clinton have BOTH stated this is the perfect time to “radically transform” our nation. While I cannot find a reference to Clinton’s statement I did find this one from when she endorsed the bumbling one for President:

“It needs to be part of a much larger system and eventually and quickly I hope gets us to universal healthcare so I can only say amen to everything you’re saying,” Hillary said. “This would be a terrible crisis to waste.”

Yes, she actually said that. You just can’t make this stuff up!

Meanwhile, yes, ol’ Malarky Joe said exactly how this was an exciting opportunity to “radically transform the country

What do they want? More from the town hall event:

The discussion between the two top Democrats featured sharp criticisms of Trump along with an expansive progressive policy wish list: higher minimum wage, universal health care, expanded unemployment compensation, abortion rights, paid sick leave, subsidies for domestic violence victims and protections for the federal program known as food stamps.

Already unemployment benefits pay more for people NOT to work. Can anyone honestly say this is an incentive to get the nation moving economically? Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi and others are proposing a basic monthly income for all. Such can only end in two ways. Such a system will either break under its own weight or make slaves of us all.

Meanwhile the nation’s economy continues to disintegrate. Food is being dumped while the stores are empty. Food may soon be the number one issue facing all of us. We all need food and shelter to survive. If you live in a city – God help you. For those of us in flyover country – it is time to regroup.

Recognizing what is happening is the first step but what can anyone do about it? My own solution is simple – not easy but simple. We need to decentralize. What does this mean?Start now. Start locally. Start right at home. Plant a garden for goodness sakes! If you have a garden already, consider expanding it. Think now about how you will preserve food. Prepare now for a hard winter. If it never comes. If I am totally, absolutely 100% wrong – what have you lost?

Next, gather your friendlies. Find out how you can help them and how they can help you. Make plans and preparations to join forces if necessary. Recently I read something that partly stuck because it made a lot of sense. Basically, it said the key to surviving is to be with about 30 people who care about each other. There may never be a need to gather around one location but it would not hurt to have a plan to do so.

Finally, gain control of your local government. This sounds more radical than it should. I do not mean any sort of “rebellion”, but simply showing up at local board meetings to offer your input. We are a republic. We are self-governed. This means your opinion not only counts but it is your duty to help guide those we put in place to represent us. This duty belongs to all of us citizens.

Planned crisis or not, the controllers are bound to take every advantage. This is their golden opportunity to entrench themselves in our lives. They are not “masterminds”. For my money they aren’t really all that bright. One needs not be intelligent to be cunning. To an extent, I agree with them, but I see a different opportunity – one where WE THE PEOPLE reclaim our birthright – our Constitutional Republic. This is OUR opportunity to beat back the failed centralists, to exercise our God-given authority to govern ourselves while establishing a system that works from the bottom up as it was intended.

God bless,


Divine Intervention

Are you waiting for Almighty God to save you? Did you ever consider the idea we are all in the same “boat” right now?

Over the past few decades, I’ve been in all kinds of unpleasant situations. Some them seemed quite dire at the time. Dire, as in broke, discouraged and in the middle of nowhere in a foreign country where I couldn’t even begin to speak the language dire. Worse, I ended up there fully believing God Himself had lead me there. Ouch!

Often I had to remind myself – God is in control. Even now. Guess what?

God IS in control – even NOW. Divine intervention is happening now. Where will it all lead? I have no idea. I have hopes and dreams and aspirations. I have a vision for this nation. Don’t get me wrong – this “vision” is what “I” would like to see happen – not what anyone would call a “Godly vision”. Know the difference! I cannot tell you what will and what will not come to pass. I simply do not know. Here is what I DO know:

Our nation remains a Constitutional Republic. WE HAVE the authority to self-govern. There are those who desire to strip this authority from us. They work towards this end as I write. Since the very start of this nation and even before, men, mostly men, have dedicated themselves to usurping our God-given authority. In many cases they succeeded. In fact, in the entire history of our nation, we citizens have NEVER fully realized the power and authority granted to us by Almighty God. It is safe to say, at best, we only scratched the surface. Why?

Ignorance, for one thing – a lack of knowledge. We’ve lacked knowledge of how our republic was divinely designed to operate. We’ve lacked knowledge of the true source of the gift and our birthright. We’ve lacked knowledge of our true authority. Worse, we’ve lacked knowledge of the true source of our authority – God Himself. If we, or our ancestors, had truly turned to Almighty God, we would only need to ask to uncover the truth. How do I know this? Because I asked. These writings are the result – the answers I received.

Note these writings are not “prophetic” as most understand prophecy. They are not deep spiritual secrets. These words I write, these concepts are neither hard to understand nor do they require massive intelligence. The wisdom I receive from God is nothing special – in other words – they are nothing any of you could not receive if you were to do just one thing…. ASK!

I asked and I received. Maybe you asked and maybe this is one way God is answering you. Just sayin’. The question I’m asking now is…. what do we DO with this knowledge? Now that I KNOW our Constitutional Republic is intact, that WE HAVE the authority along with stewardship – responsibility, what now? Well, this is where consternation sets in.

What if you were on a boat over deep water and someone was drowning? The problem is you can’t swim and there is nothing in the boat to offer help? Would you feel helpless? This is sort of where I am at now. All I can do is “shout” for help. It’s frustrating because while there are plenty of boats (citizens) around me, nobody is listening.

I am only one man with a very unique perspective. Worse, unlike the controllers, my very beliefs in independence abhors the very thought of forcing anyone to my point of view, much less forcing anyone to listen to my cry. The good news is, I am not alone.

Once again, I’ll refer to the 2A sanctuary movement here in Virginia. If there was an organizing force behind this movement, I am not aware of it. How did this come about? It was a reaction to events here in Virginia. From what I can gather citizens simply showed up. We need more of this – a LOT more!

This movement is a model for citizen action. While it may not be a perfect model, the power displayed was awe inspiring. The whole nation took notice! The best part is, it all happened with nary a word from yours truly. Sure I posted some stuff and even sent a letter of support to the local papers, but this all started without my input and would have continued if I had not participated at all.

Again, I am just one man, one voice. MY voice is not important. OUR VOICES are what count! This is what our Republic is designed for. For our Republic to be strong it takes many, rather than a few.

You do not need me to schedule meetings. They are already on the calendar. They are YOUR village, town and county board meetings. This is where YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES meet on a regular basis. If you go with someone or take someone with you, all the better. If you can encourage others to go – it would be great, but do not let the failure of others prevent you from doing what is right.

Each of us citizens have a say. We have stewardship and thus are charged by God Almighty to do our part in governing ourselves. It is not for you to “control” anyone else. You control yourself. If you are wise, you submit to Almighty God of your own free will. The foolish submit to ungodly individuals who usurp authority they have not been granted. They – the controllers and those who submit to them may enjoy some short-term victories and relief but the price they will pay is a hefty one.

As I am not responsible for your actions – or failure to act – you are only responsible for your  own actions. No one answers to you or me. We all answer to God Himself. I urge you to turn to God now. ASK! Ask what is on your heart. Ask Him to show you what is true. He is faithful. He will reveal more than you could ever guess.

God bless,




We Are Here…

Most likely you’ve seen something along the lines of a woman – it is always a woman – complaining about the guy is lost. My favorite response is “we’re not lost honey, we’re right here.” and that is about were we are with this Wuhan pandemic. Note the word pandemic = “prevalent over a whole country or the world.”. Yes, technically this is a “pandemic”.  That said, the panic and response has caused far more problems than the actual virus.

Some say this Wuhan Kung  Flu is a Hoax. As far as I am concerned, such speculation does not matter anymore. The whole idea of this event being planned and executed should be frightening as it would suggest very high level of savvy execution. Frankly, it looks more like wholesale bumbling than a well-executed operation. As generally happens, some keep their heads and take advantage of any opportunities. Nancy Pelosi and company top my list here. If I were to guess, I’d say they didn’t panic due to their inherent sociopathic tendencies. It would not surprise me to know some were disappointed the death toll was not a lot higher. Never forget part of the globalist agenda is an 80% reduction in human population.

In any case, here we are, stuck in the middle of flu.

Is there really any need to outline the chaos perpetrated by the politicians – those we’ve entrusted to run our various governments? If you don’t know or recognize the damage done by those “in charge” by now, I doubt if there is any hope for you.

I found this meme amusing…

In case you forget it was AG Barr who reportedly requested Congress suspend the constitution. He was not alone in his desires. Of course, the internet and airwaves even are full of stories of unconstitutional abuse by so-called “authorities”.

Recently I saw a headline about a park ranger in Texas tossed into a lake while trying to “enforce social distancing”.  Reading further I’d say social distancing was only one of the issues involved, but the point is tolerance for such enforcement is dissolving. While this is not necessarily a bad thing in itself, such events will likely widen the gap between controllers and citizens. Keep in mind, the controllers’ minions are nearly always armed. One cannot expect these confrontations to end well.

There is a larger problem looming…


For all practical purposes “here” is a mire wrapped in a fog. There is no telling where we may end up. Most of us are just trudging along.

Setting aside the figurative, the real question is… where do we go from here? I hate to admit this but like certain so many politicians and their globalist cohorts, I too, see tremendous opportunity emerging from the wreckage. The controllers have shown their true colors while inadvertently pulling back the curtain to reveal themselves as the powerless wimps they are. All they are left with at this point is a well-equipped police presence and the facade of legal authority. Let’s face it, their armed forces are far to few to be effective. At best they could intimidate by concentrating in large groups. Such is not our nation. We are spread out. We are everywhere. They cannot be everywhere. The mere size of our population and our nation presents a real problem for the centralists as long as we remain in small groups.  As far as any “authority” goes – I refer to theirs in quotes for good reason.

Just as our own authority is derived from Almighty God who has entrusted us with stewardship along with the birthright of self-government, the controllers “authority” is such as we grant them by the true authority vested in us.

Face facts: someone is going to exercise authority – real or imagined. As of now, some already are. They’ve usurped authority they do not actually have. Even IF they can justify their actions claiming implied authority – WE have THE authority to overrule them. Theirs is not absolute. Only Almighty God can rightfully claim absolute authority and He as granted authority to US.

Consider that.

God bless,
