Don’t Feel Neglected – What’s New

Bluntly put it’s hard to believe my last post was on Independence Day. Time flies. What have I been doing? Ask the NSA, they know. Kidding… kinda.

I suppose I should start back to when SCOTUS handed down a couple of rulings, including one that rippled through those keeping an eye on our J6 Political Prisoners. This prompted my July 2 post. That pretty much explains what I’ve been up to. I am continuing to work on one or more events to help these J6ers and their families.

Since then I’ve been in contact with a few individuals on the front lines of this scandalous outrage, including one J6 defendant in particular – Jalise Middleton. If ever someone touched my soul, it is Jalise. Her and her husband Mark are currently remanded to house arrest. They are allowed to go to church and shop for groceries. That is about it. I have no idea how they pay for those groceries.

They also founded and are involved in American Patriot Relief

While this is a non-profit organization founded to help J6 Political Prisoners, Mark and Jalise do not accept any monies from there own organization themselves. This fact alone stuns me.

More than this, my wife and I only spoke to Jalise on the phone for a few minutes when her godly heart floored me. It wasn’t “one thing” it was everything. She’s been put through the ringer, along with her husband. (I’ve never had the privilege to talk to him.) She’s taken everything thrown at her in stride and continues to be meek and thankful. All this while facing up to forty years in prison. Forty years?! What for?

Here are the charges straight from the latest DOJ press release:

A federal jury convicted Mark Middleton, 55, and Jalise Middleton, 54, both of Forestburg, Texas, of two counts of assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers, civil disorder, and obstruction of an official proceeding. All of these are felony offenses.

In addition to the felonies, the Middletons were convicted of misdemeanor offenses of entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds,disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds,engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in the Capitol grounds or building, and act of physical violence in the Capitol grounds or building.

My, it sure sounds like they’re mastermind criminals, now doesn’t it? WTF happened? Here is a 2 minute timeline provided by Jalise.

That’s it. What happened there is the crux of the government’s case against the Middleton’s. They are now felons and as such their rights to vote, keep and bear arms, among others are forfeit. As of today, they await sentencing. According to this press release it was set for June 12,2024.  It was since changed to July 15th and now moved to August 9th.

Above all this Jalise remains steadfast and hopeful. She seems far more concerned about other J6 Political Prisoners. In fact, she demonstrates far more angst when the topic turns to two such Political Prisoners who have recently been released,  who were handed a ticket to take them into DC and told they had to stay in the area until their probation ended. I believe this probation period to be one year but this has not been confirmed.

Thus they have no access to family, no friends, no job, no place to live. Oh, and they are expected to give them an address where they are living within a specified period of time. Is this how all convicts are treated? If it is not then once again, said treatment is unconstitutional.

More is coming concerning the plights of these defendants and others. This is not over – not by a long shot.

Virginia’s Primary 2024 – The Stink of Corruption

Per my last post on this topic, I’d written off this primary, saying the outcome doesn’t matter, or rather what is really important is to hold whoever sits in the 5th Congressional Seat of Virginia accountable, as all citizens should endeavor for all representatives. Now this primary result DOES matter. What changed?

Allegations of Impropriety, i.e. the stink of corruption. THIS cannot stand.

It’s no secret I voted for Bob Good, I posted here the reasons why I intended to do so despite certain reservations. Today’s post should not be considered any sort of “sour grapes” on my part. I’d accepted the situation and moved on. The news of shenanigan both surprised and shocked me. I just  happened upon them doing other things and there it was.

Here is the story as released to the press by Peter Alexander

I don’t know who Peter Alexander or Chris Faraldi are. A quick search suggests both are politician types. both republicans. Alexander seems to be more conservative. The early into in the above letter suggests he and Faraldi do not see eye to eye on many issues. In fact, Alexander has little good to say about Faraldi.

Alexander is calling for a recount. I will go further than this. There needs to be a full investigation into these allegations with full intent to prosecute any alleged illegal actions. Simply saying “oops, my bad” and sliding past a potentially devious attempt to cheat cannot be tolerated.

As an election official I took an oath as did every other citizen participating as such. I swore to support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia and support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia

What good is an affirmation if there is no consequence for ignoring it?

Today, Monday, June 24, 2024 I’ll be hosing an X space event on this at 9AM. All are invited. You may speak if a slot becomes available.

Bob Good – John McGuire Virginia 5th Congressional District Primary – June 18th 2024: The Decision


Recently I posted concerning Donald J. Trump’s endorsement of John McGuire over Bob Good for Virginia’s 5th Congressional District. This is my district. As of now Bob Good is my congressman, so I’m taking this seriously – VERY seriously.

That said, I’m sticking with Bob Good. He has my vote for this primary. I won’t go far as to call this an “endorsement” – not because I hesitate to do so but my opinion is that of another mere citizen. As such it should hold no more weight than this. Besides this, I doubt if any endorsement from me would do Bob Good any, well, good.

As I stated before, I have a couple of issues with Mr. Good. After contacting his office via his website and official “contact” form, I received no response. None. This is bad. Not just for me but for any constituent. Secondly, he needs to get on the ball concerning the J6 political prisoners. All they can do is suffer unimaginable horrors while most us go about our daily lives without giving them a thought.

As for Trump’s issues with Bob Good, well, sure I understand his problem but he’s also forgiven others for much worse than endorsing his rival. I saw the video MTG posted and Bob made sense. At some point I was giving DeSantis some consideration myself. I stopped short of any idea of voting for him but I was warming to the idea of him in the VP slot. Paul Ryan’s endorsement stopped that idea cold.

All in all, Bob Good is a solid conservative as far as I can see but I wanted another opinion. Then I realized I could try to reach out to someone I’ve come to respect. Nick Freitas.

If the name doesn’t ring a bell, he is a member of Virginia’s House of Delegates. In fact he represents the district where I once lived – Culpeper ,VA. I’ve written about him before. He stood tall while speaking against gun control in the House. He stood for citizens during the 2A Sanctuary movement. In fact he is the ONLY Virginia representative who joined citizens as they swarmed county board meetings in support of 2A Sanctuary resolutions in my memory. Beyond that, he famously won a write-in campaign for his Delegate seat when a paperwork snafu bumped him from the official ballot.

So I reached out on a Twitter dm and he replied. Note, I warned him in advance that I might post his response on this blog with his permission. After he responded, I asked for and was granted said permission. Here is what Nick Freitas had to say…

Hello Andrew.

I have endorsed Bob Good. I think Bob is a very genuine conservative and he stands by his word, which goes a long way with me. In Congress I am looking for people who are willing to risk everything to stand up for what they believe in, even if it means standing against your own leadership at times.

I have known John McGuire for some time. John ran against me in a primary once. He accused me of being a “California liberal” and a “swamp creature,” despite the fact that I have always had a better voting record than him. He also likes to claim that he had the convention “stolen” from him despite the fact that I won all 3 rounds. I know that sounds personal, but the bottom line is, I have a problem with a guy who tells you he is going to run a clean race, because we’re friends, and then as soon as it becomes obvious that he is behind in the polls, he starts lying about you because he wants to win.

While it was all good, what really stood out was John McGuire’s accusations. Nick Freitas is anything but a “California liberal” and certainly not a “swamp creature” as far as I can tell. In fact those very accusations mirror exactly the globalist tactic of accusing one’s opponents of those things they are doing themselves. This as much confirmed what I previously learned about McGuire being hand-picked by Keven McCarthy.

By the way, didn’t Trump also endorse and stand firmly behind Kevin McCarthy?

We all know The Donald is not perfect. Who amongst us is? Why, then, do we expect perfection from Bob Good? I don’t. That said, I do support his bid for re-election to the House of Representatives and, should he be successful, I will then earnestly take him to task about those issues I brought up.

However, should you win, Mr. McGuire, take notice, your own words and actions have dropped your trust level a few notches on my scale. Thus you will be subject to even greater scrutiny from me. No matter who wins this nomination, I expect you to fully represent this district – not your political cronies.

Vote Like a Boss Delaware Now Online!

The Delaware – Vote Like a Boss!  collection is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Delaware “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Delaware’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Wisconsin Now Online!

The Wisconsin – Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Wisconsin “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Wisconsin’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Oregon Now Online!

The Oregon- Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Oregon “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Oregon’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Oklahoma Now Online!

The Oklahoma- Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Oklahoma “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Oklahoma’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Ohio Now Online!

The Ohio – Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Ohio “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Ohio’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss West Virginia Now Online!

The West Virginia- Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with West Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to West Virginia’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Washington Now Online!

The Washington – Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Washington “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Washington’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Vermont Now Online!

The Vermont – Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Vermont “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Vermont’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Utah Now Online!

The Utah- Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

This is the only pic with the model wearing the sleeve QR code. This T-shirt is available for all state “Vote Like a Boss” groups.

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Utah “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Utah’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Texas Now Online!

The Texas – Vote Like a Boss!  collection is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Texas “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Texas’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Tennessee Now Online!

The Tennessee – Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Tennessee “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Tennessee’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).