Don’t Feel Neglected – What’s New

Bluntly put it’s hard to believe my last post was on Independence Day. Time flies. What have I been doing? Ask the NSA, they know. Kidding… kinda.

I suppose I should start back to when SCOTUS handed down a couple of rulings, including one that rippled through those keeping an eye on our J6 Political Prisoners. This prompted my July 2 post. That pretty much explains what I’ve been up to. I am continuing to work on one or more events to help these J6ers and their families.

Since then I’ve been in contact with a few individuals on the front lines of this scandalous outrage, including one J6 defendant in particular – Jalise Middleton. If ever someone touched my soul, it is Jalise. Her and her husband Mark are currently remanded to house arrest. They are allowed to go to church and shop for groceries. That is about it. I have no idea how they pay for those groceries.

They also founded and are involved in American Patriot Relief

While this is a non-profit organization founded to help J6 Political Prisoners, Mark and Jalise do not accept any monies from there own organization themselves. This fact alone stuns me.

More than this, my wife and I only spoke to Jalise on the phone for a few minutes when her godly heart floored me. It wasn’t “one thing” it was everything. She’s been put through the ringer, along with her husband. (I’ve never had the privilege to talk to him.) She’s taken everything thrown at her in stride and continues to be meek and thankful. All this while facing up to forty years in prison. Forty years?! What for?

Here are the charges straight from the latest DOJ press release:

A federal jury convicted Mark Middleton, 55, and Jalise Middleton, 54, both of Forestburg, Texas, of two counts of assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers, civil disorder, and obstruction of an official proceeding. All of these are felony offenses.

In addition to the felonies, the Middletons were convicted of misdemeanor offenses of entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds,disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds,engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in the Capitol grounds or building, and act of physical violence in the Capitol grounds or building.

My, it sure sounds like they’re mastermind criminals, now doesn’t it? WTF happened? Here is a 2 minute timeline provided by Jalise.

That’s it. What happened there is the crux of the government’s case against the Middleton’s. They are now felons and as such their rights to vote, keep and bear arms, among others are forfeit. As of today, they await sentencing. According to this press release it was set for June 12,2024.  It was since changed to July 15th and now moved to August 9th.

Above all this Jalise remains steadfast and hopeful. She seems far more concerned about other J6 Political Prisoners. In fact, she demonstrates far more angst when the topic turns to two such Political Prisoners who have recently been released,  who were handed a ticket to take them into DC and told they had to stay in the area until their probation ended. I believe this probation period to be one year but this has not been confirmed.

Thus they have no access to family, no friends, no job, no place to live. Oh, and they are expected to give them an address where they are living within a specified period of time. Is this how all convicts are treated? If it is not then once again, said treatment is unconstitutional.

More is coming concerning the plights of these defendants and others. This is not over – not by a long shot.

NOT Forgotten! Two J6 Political Prisoners Highlighted

Today I found two separate and very different stories about two J6 political prisoners. While their experiences are different, what they have in common is they both have lost their liberty and their lives are forever changed.

Once again I will point out – my grievance is not about their guilt or innocence but about the total disregard for their rights as citizens under our Constitution.

Patrick Byrne Answers Trump’s Call To Support J6 Political Prisoner Ryan Samsel When All Organizations Refused

A Day in the Life

It matters not whether you agree with what they did or are accused of doing.

It matters not whether they broke the law or not.

No one deserves this treatment.  As Americans we have protested and marched against the inhumane treatment  hapless souls in other countries. We have railed against poor treatment of animals. And yet we look away, or worse, cheer, how these J6 political prisoners are being treated day in, day out for years now. For what? For some misguided “sense” of patriotism? Since when do we suspend proper treatment of the accused?  For SHAME!

This shame is doubled for those of you schooled in law and DOUBLE THAT SHAME for any politician schooled in law. And for you in our judiciary? If all you can do is look the other way or worse, throw up your hands declaring, you cannot do anything – you should resign immediately. You are a disgrace to our justice system.


Right MSNBS?

So here’s another one from The National File

Video: MSNBC Says Rights Come from Government, Not God, and You’re a Christian Nationalist if You Think Otherwise

I can NOT let this slide!

Of course, first, I’d have to ask how MSNBS defines “Christian Nationalist”. It’s not that I have any objection to the term as I understand it but let’s get a few things straight:

I am NOT a “republican”. Yes, I am registered as such but the fact is I despise party politics because all political parties are statists at heart.

I am NOT a “libertarian”.  Of course one must distinguish between someone who belongs to the “libertarian party” (I’m sure you know my thoughts on that one!) and someone who has a general affinity for libertarian ideas. To that end I do agree with many libertarian ideas but we have our differences also.

I am NOT a “conservative”. Again there’s the “party” and the ideas they promote and again, I share some of the ideas.

I MIGHT be considered a “nationalist”. It depends on how you mean. If being a nationalist means being opposed to statist concepts, I’m all in.

I MIGHT be considered a “constitutionalist”. Definitions mean a lot. Here I fully support the concept of a limited government by the People. I’m all in on self-governing. The problem is, as a nation, we’ve strayed far from this ideal.

I AM CERTAINLY an individualist. I have my own thoughts and ideas on just about everything. We may agree or disagree on a little or a lot. Either way, that’s okay.

And as long as the folks as MSNBS brought it up

I AM A CHRISTIAN – at least I confess Jesus as Lord and believe God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9), along with some other things. Some of my siblings in Christ may doubt my status but I’m willing to leave it to God Almighty to make that final determination. (Like I have a choice 🙂

So let’s  consider just the headline from The National File and the allusion concerning “rights”.

First and foremost MSNBS, y’all can bite me. I really, really do not give a whit about your opinion concerning me. This is for those with enough brains and inquisitiveness to seek out this post and consider these words in earnest.

Now about their contention that “rights come from government, not from God”, um, ahem, I hate to be the one to point this out but you folks a full of “it”.  If you believe in any god then how can you deny your own god? For the rest of you, I need to point out, even if you shun any “god”, then government IS your god. Oh. Let me spell it out for you.

You see, “government” is NOT an “entity”. Government is much like a rock in the yard, except the rock actually has a physical form. Government is what y’all like to call a “social construct”.  As such “government” is no more tangible than any god worshiped by men over the centuries. Now let’s get down to some brass tacks, shall we?

In our nation, as I like to say, WE the People ARE the Government. You got that? Now, we are not god, no, not at all. However WE did not and do not “grant” rights. We accept them aseither God-given or natural rights. Take your pick. Once again, since humans naturally tend to seek out something greater than ourselves, i.e. “God”, to argue against the origin of our natural rights can be prohibitively  problematic.  In any true logical debate, God wins. Sorry.

As for you folks, well, y’all seem to think in terms of “our betters” – you know, the elites. And who are they but “godlike creatures” in human form? What makes them better, after all? Do they sport super powers? Are they endowed with far greater intelligence? Have they been blessed (careful now!) with superior morality? I could go on but the sheer ridiculousness of this line of thought is embarrassing. Let’s face it, you are sinking in your own cesspool of shit.

Let’s keep this simple because, really, between whoever came out with such a foolish idea and myself, only one of us is truly capable of thought and if you’re thumping your chest right now, I see no point in trying to ‘splain it further. For the rest of us, I’ll offer this (hopefully) succinct answer.

The concept of “rights” cannot come from “government” because “government” can never be sentient. Nor can rights come from humans because no one human or group of humans can qualify to grant rights. In short, rights are something every human is born with. It’s a package deal. Just like the very basic human right to defend oneself, our rights are instinctive and as such are inseparable from our very existence.

We DON’T NEED NO STINKIN’ GUNS to Take Back Our Nation

Ran across the article below in Ammoland.

Johns Hopkins: More Gun Control Needed to Prevent Second Civil War

Gee… WHERE do I start? How about with the authors/publishers of this  “work”? The article itself supplies plenty of detail so I’ll proffer the “Cliff Notes” version:

Johns Hopkins is supposed to be a well-respected medical school and health care center. Thus their expertise is medicine NOT firearms and certainly not “Civil War”.  The very title of this hit piece should make it obvious if you also understand there  actually was no first “Civil War” in this nation. Certainly nobody in the South made any attempt to overthrow the United States Government any more than West Virginia attempted to overthrow Virginia. They simply wanted to disassociate themselves from what was becoming an unbearably oppressive centralized power – the exact opposite of the original intent of the formation of our  Constitutional Republic. Oh yeah, that brings up point #2:

OUR NATION IS NOT A DEMOCRACY! Sorry for shouting but some of those statists lurking in the back like to turn deaf ears to this simple fact.  Ours is a republic, formed by our constitution. Taken along with our other primary founding document, The Declaration of Independence, the groundwork was previously laid for the right, nay, the responsibility of a self-governing people to dump oppressive elites, scrap institutions that become too big for their britches and start over. Such is exactly what the Confederacy did. Now get this straight in your head…

It doesn’t matter what their reasoning was or if YOU agree with them. None of that has any relevance to the issue at hand and that is whether the southern states had the right to secede from the union. We all seem to forget this is the crux of the matter and they were well within their rights to take off and do their own thing. The reason I make this point is so many others, particularly fellow conservatives, hold up Lincoln and the Norther Aggression he fomented  in such esteem as the feat of some great and noble savior.  Maybe it was for the best. Maybe it was all ordained by God Almighty Himself. None of this excuses the brutal truth of the lawless and unconstitutional actions of those on both sides of the conflict.

So right in the title of this presentation, the authors begin with false premises while continuing to tout idiocy.  Need I tell you that none other than gun control freak Michael Bloomburg via  his money (at least) is behind all  this? Go figure. It all boils down to the promise alluded to in the title – more gun control is needed to save our nation. Bull Cookies! (If you like Mikey Bloomburg, you’ll love ’em – crunchy and tasty with a creamy center.)

Hey Mikey! If you’re reading this, lemme tell ya from one of those types you hate and fear so much:

We don’t need no stinkin’ guns!

Now that should take the wind out of your sails and leave your crap dead in the water. Hope you’ve stock up on Bull Cookies ’cause I, for one, ain’t coming to get ya.

Look fool, what never seem to understand is WE the People have the law of the land, the constitution on our side. Now granted, when our Southern ancestors tried to right the wrongs imposed on them, the rest of the nation rallied together to brutally rape, kill, and pillage all those who opposed them. If you ask me, they took the wrong approach and it came back to bite them. What is the right approach? It is simple – not easy, but simple.

WE the People must assert our birthright – our GOD-GIVEN authority to govern ourselves. And that means we need to dump, NOT our government, so to speak, but our party system. It is time.

We now have the technology that allows citizens to stand for whatever seat they wish AND we have the technology to hold our representatives and employeesaccountable. We don’t need anyone to ride from house to house with news or gather at the town square to discuss important matters. We can do these things, but we can also do as much from the comfort of our homes, our place of business, or a laundromat – wherever. We have unprecedented access to our government entities and to each other.

Sure we have guns. Lots of them. We have ammo. Many in our ranks also have outstanding knowledge and skills to use them. But we don’t need any of those things. The entire idea of any “insurrection” or armed takeover of our government is ludicrous. Why? Because WE the People ARE the government! What? Are we to rebel against ourselves? Leave it to Brandon to shoot himself in the foot. I’ll abstain, thank you.

If you look at it all this way, it is laughable. Are you getting this Mikey? Yours is a straw man. The ONLY thing your proposals can accomplish is to either overthrow our government by your penchant for seizing our liberty, forcing us to either surrender to your elites or rise up and toss them out on their ears. (No, we don’t need to stinkin’ guns for that either.) To that end, YOU, sir, are fomenting rebellion BY insisting on more unconstitutional gun control.

As for my fellow citizens, I urge you to stand up and be counted. And no, “voting”  alone is not enough. For right now though it is a start, unless you want to see a repeat of 2020. Let’s take action now. How?

Be vocal. Stop biting your tongue and speak up. You need not be loud. You need not be obnoxious. Some of the most effect voices are soft-spoken. While I have zero talent for this myself, do not think because you cannot be heard because you do not raise your voice. It is enough to speak your mind.

Participate. Yes, you’re gonna have to vote but please, please, PLEASE do more, even if it is just a little bit more. Even if it means holding your nose while working with the republican party. Yes, YOUR vote counts but OUR VOTES count more! To this end we need to get more citizens registered to vote and get them to to polls. We need bodies at board meetings to hold our representatives accountable.

Encourage others. The plain truth about our decentralized government is none of us can do this alone. The most daunting problem of our nation today is it is run by a slim few who have slithered themselves into positions of power. Their authority is stolen, or at best acquired by deceit when they were put in place by party bosses who then dictate the terms of their occupation of office.  No matter. It is our job to join forces and put them on notice they were elected to represent US and that they will do or be tossed out. Some will comply, most will ignore us. Nobody said it would be easy, but no one of us can begin the process of reclaiming our nation. We need numbers – big numbers, and as birds of a feather flock together, we all need to encourage those around us to join in.

There’s more to come and I fully expect to see more and better I ideas from other citizens. By all means, let’s hear YOUR ideas and suggestions. How can we get more involved? How can we involve others. How can we band together to retake our nation?



Review of Sound of Freedom

Unless you’ve been lost at sea or something, the movie Sound of Freedom is causing quite a stir these days. All I needed to know is the globalist shills, i.e. the mainstream media is agin it. I knew I’d have to see it sometime. So what made me shell out nearly $20, drive to the nearest town big enough to have a movie theater, and blow half a day? Well, a couple of things. (I SO want to put a “THE” in front but this article doesn’t seem to be in the title.)

Not in any order but first off, my wife told me an associate had seen the movie locally. She said it was good and worth watching. Okay, so much for that but not much. I tend to ask a couple of questions of anyone who recommends any movie to me. For instance… what other movies would you recommend? This I learned back in the good ol’ days of video stores. Too often a clerk at the store would rave about a movie. I’d rent it only to find out it sucked – big time. So… what other movies do you like? Keep naming until you hit on something I recognize. If you say “Natural Born Killers”, I’m gone. On the other hand, if you list “Shawshank Redemption”, then I’m interested. I’ll pay even more heed if you agree it should have won the Academy Award over Shindler’s List. Now don’t get me wrong, I like both movies but I thought Shawshank was more deserving. Either way, it’s not a deal killer.

Then there’s the media. Calling the movie a “Q-anon conspiracy” or the like, and “filled with Hollywood tropes” gets my attention. Again, I stand by my contention that “Q-anon” was a federally sponsored psyop so such linkage suggests someone wants to ward off the sheep herd. As for “filled with Hollywood tropes”, uh, what does that mean… exactly? For me it is an empty phrase that offers no significant information.

What really got me was Disney. You know, the mega-corporation whose main bidness is marketing to kids. Word is they had the rights to the story and sat on it. Then they sold it to Angel Studios. Huh. Now, we’ve been there before but I’ll say it again. If your branding with an eye on youngsters (not in the creepy Joe Biden way) then wouldn’t it make more sense to spend more time and effort championing kids? Instead they seem more intent on wooing the pedo crowd. I’m surprised they sold those rights instead of sitting on them forever. I see the hand of God here.

So, Sound of Freedom. In short, I went, I saw, I liked. It was not what I expected at all. The crowd watching was thin on this Thursday afternoon. Most of the audience was older. Everyone was quiet. There is a special message at the end of the movie signified by a countdown timer. It was only a couple of minutes. Bluntly put, I would have ignored it but I wanted to see the casting credits to confirm one of the actors was whom I thought played the part. (It was.) Funny thing, we all stayed. Every one of us. It was interesting. I won’t offer a spoiler here. Nor will I go into detail about the movie.

I will tell you this much, it is based on a true story. How much of this is true? Well the facts stated at the end of the movie are likely accurate and this is enough for me to ignore any literary license. Pedophiles exist. Children are taken and sold, traded, and prostituted as sex slaves. As one character put it “You can sell cocaine once. You can sell a child ten times a day, every day, for ten years.” (I’ll call this a paraphrase but I think it is reasonably true to the actual words.)

What this movie is not is – it is not a documentary. It is a story, well-told and riveting. If it were total and complete fiction, it would still be a good movie. It is not political. If you happen to belong to a political party or activist group that glorifies pedophilia then you will likely scream at me about now. Have at it. Don’t expect me to visit you in hell. (Check out Matthew 18:6)

My reasons for seeing this movie are mostly above but there is one more reason I wanted to see this in an actual movie theater instead of my usual “I’ll wait for it to come out on disk.” – I wanted to financial support this movie – to make a small but clear statement to the globalists. You can’t have our children.

Now there was a surprise, and a pleasant one at that. I’ve learned there you can see the movie, in a theater, even if you are strapped for cash. The link is below to get free tickets or if you can and so desire, buy tickets for someone else.

Sound of Freedom Tickets

If you missed the trailer…

As a nation, as a people, we should be ashamed that this sort of activity is not only going on right under our very noses but we are turning deaf ears and blinding our eyes to such atrocities. Kudos to those who have stood up to school boards and so-called “educators” coming after our children. Now we need to stand up for those children who have been forced into a world not of their choosing – who are trapped by evil adults who care only for their own perverse pleasures. God will deliver them but WE need to do our part.

SQUIRREL! Trump Indictment vs. Shaman’s Release

Two news stories dated March 30, 2023 – one is ALL OVER THE NEWS and the other? Meh.

First up – The Donald

“Former President Donald Trump faces more than 30 counts related to business fraud in an indictment from a Manhattan grand jury, according to two sources familiar with the case.” CNN reported.

Then there’s this:

“QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley Released from Prison to Halfway House

This second article was buried on the second page of The Gateway Pundit. I only learned about this because my wife found it last night on Yahoo! News of all places.  Seriously?

Now one thing I like about The Gateway Pundit is they’ve run hard with coverage on the J6 Political prisoners. They are relentless. I commend them for this.

Granted we’ve known about Chansley’s promised early release for a couple days now, as we have about Trump potentially being indicted. Strange both travesties of justice should come to a head on the same day. The ONE news program I watched yesterday  on Real America’s Voice, never mentioned Chansley, not once. They were all about Trump.

Think about it. The J6video is released. Tucker Carlson broadcasts video clearly and totally vindicating Chansley. A few days later Shazaam! Whatdoyaknow? He is going to be released. It kinda reminds me of what happened to the Apostle Paul in Philippi.

Acts 16:35  But when it was day, the magistrates sent the sergeants, saying, “Let those men go.”
36  The jailer reported these words to Paul, saying, “The magistrates have sent to let you go; now therefore come out, and go in peace.”
37  But Paul said to them, “They have beaten us publicly, without a trial, men who are Romans, and have cast us into prison! Do they now release us secretly? No, most assuredly, but let them come themselves and bring us out!” (WEB)

The authorities had no qualms about publicly beating Paul and Silas before tossing them in prison. Then they decided to quietly release them.

I do hope this is not the end of Jason Chansley’s story. His maltreatment needs to be addressed, as does that of all the other J6 Political Prisoners. Treating this story as such, essentially sweeping it under the rug, is not acceptable.

As far as the proceedings concerning Trump is concerned, it is yet another sideshow in the American Main Event Circus come front and center. Everything about this is wrong. Worse, they are using the splash caused by this as a distraction from other dirty deeds.

Yet another page ripped from the globalists’ playbook.

Revisiting Tucker Carlson and…

Okay, so Tucker does a show with an old colleague Clayton Morris. Here is the headline from The Gateway Pundit:

“Ray Epps CLEARLY Was Working for Somebody…The Core Claims About Jan 6 Were a Lie” – Tucker Carlson Discusses the Truth About the Jan 6 Files with Clayton Morris at Redacted (VIDEO)

These are the same folks where I got the story about Tucker pulling punches on his show on Fox. What gives? I don’t know. It wouldn’t surprise me to see Ray Epps offered as a sacrificial lamb IF they could find a way to do so without pulling back the curtain on themselves. Who are “they”. They are whoever hired Ray Epps to do what he did on January 6. It is not apparent he was working for somebody. Ultimately I see the hand of the globalists in this but I suspect there are far too many layers between them and those boots on the ground to implicate them.

Much closer to the inner circle is none other than Joe Bobo. It looks like the dogs of justice are nipping at his heels.

BOOM! Oversight Chair James Comer: “IT’S AS BAD AS WE THOUGHT – We Have In Hand Documents That Show Biden Family Was Getting Money from Chinese Communist Party”

Frankly I’m surprised at that statement. I expected it to be far worse than anyone could think and I, for one, am having some very dark thoughts about the pResident.

There’s the SVB fiasco. All weekend it’s been touted as an isolated nothing burger kind of California happening baby. Today’s headlines may be a warning of bigger things to come.

Biden to Speak on Banking Crisis Early Monday Morning at 8 A.M. EDT

I’m thinking it’s got to be serious if Bobo is getting up this early on a Monday morning.  And if that’s not bad enough…

Trump Curse? Signature Bank Fails Two Years After Bank Closed President Trump’s Accounts Over January 6 Riot

Wait a minute, this headline doesn’t look all that ominous. Isn’t the big news about Trump? I don’t think so. It looks more like a second domino to me. Maybe these two bank failures are totally unrelated. Maybe it’s just some sort of coincidence. Yeah. Right.

This could be 2008 2.0 or worse. I’m guessing worse because we don’t have billions to throw at the banking system again. Fact is, we didn’t have it in 2008 either. It seems to me what we are really seeing is scam after scam piling up to drain as much cash from the American people before it all comes crashing down. If I was a betting man, I’d be putting my money on the nose of the globalists who are packing up and heading for their favorite sanctuaries.

Now I’m not posting all this to monger fear. It’s all just speculation based on headlines and articles from a single source. Think of it as more of a heads up. Look around you. Signs of our nation crumbling are all around us. Can it be saved? I don’t know. What I do know is whether or not our nation is restored, WE need to turn to God. And no I’m not saying “save yourself, it’s every man for himself.” Not at all. Once you get right with God, you will be free and indeed expected to help others see the light.

Remember taking the beam out of your own eye before taking the speck out of your brothers?

Luke 6:42  Or how can you tell your brother, ‘Brother, let me remove the speck of chaff that is in your eye,’ when you yourself don’t see the beam that is in your own eye? You hypocrite! First remove the beam from your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck of chaff that is in your brother’s eye.

Get right with God first, then hold out a hand for others.

The New and Improved Trump Follies – Indicting a Former President

UPDATE: As of this morning (Monday, March 20, 2023) it appears the planned arrest of former President Trump has at least been delayed.
Per The Gateway Pundit: BREAKING: IS THIS ALL A SCAM? Now It Looks Like President Trump Will Not Be Arrested Tuesday

The headlines are filled with the anticipation of the arrest of Donald J. Trump. Some eagerly look forward to see him lead down the walk of shame in handcuffs. Some are calling for him to be held without bail… presumably indefinitely. You know… like those J6 political prisoners who have to see their day in court. Do note my commentary here is presented as a citizen. While will absolutely comment on my perception of the legal issues involved, it should be noted I do not claim to be a lawyer nor admitted to any bar association and are not in any way legal advice. My comments offered from a layman’s perspective.

For the record, I do not know specifically what former President Trump is expected to be charged with in this debacle. I understand the charge or charges are classified as a misdemeanor. Thus is far less serious than a felony. Don’t get me wrong, misdemeanors are still crimes – or at least ostensibly so. Why am I hedging on this?

For one thing, just the title of this book by real-life lawer Henry A. Silvergate should give pause for thought. Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent. Do note I have not read this book nor will I profit should you buy it. The link is supplied simply for informational purposes. The premise of this book is any average citizen commits as many as three federal felonies every day simply by living one’s life. I’m citing this as an example of how rampant our legal system has become. Don’t be fooled. While this is in the federal level, do not think for a minute the states are lacking in legislative insanity, especially New York. As I grew up in that state, I can speak from experience.

For example: Citizens may not greet each other by “putting one’s thumb to the nose and wiggling the fingers”. Warning! The preceding link is to a pdf document entitled Strange State Laws. It was compiled by Forest Grove Elementary students in Pacific Grove CA. I found it both hilarious and somewhat scary. The things people we put in authority will do with their power. Yikes!

The bottom line here is, it is conceivable for Donald Trump, or any citizen to be charged with any number of violations. Another example from the document above is, if he jaywalked in New York, he couldn’t be charged with a crime unless he jaywalked diagonally. Would this be a simple appearance ticket or would he be held without bail.

Keep in mind, we are talking about a city that releases alleged armed robbers.

Fresh proof that New York’s “no bail” reforms aren’t about justice at all: A serial bank robber was released without bail on attempted robbery charges — only to go right back out and hit up two more banks.

This is from the same Manhattan District Attorney’s office that plans on arresting the former President of the United States. Let that sink in.

While I have yet to find documentation of the actual proposed charge, I did find this: It is believed that the Manhattan DA’s office is looking into charging the 45th president with falsifying business records to hide his reimbursement of Cohen for the Daniels payment. So, if I get this right, the charge is “falsifying business records”. In other words, he allegedly listed the payment but called it something other than “reimbursement for hush payments”. Huh. My favorite tax consultant tells me that a) it is highly unlikely Donald J. Trump personally “falsified” anything, and b) labeling any business expense one thing or another for tax purposes isn’t a big deal as long as the expense itself is legitimate. Drawing on my own accounting education, I seem to remember my instructor saying accounting wasn’t as much math as it is …. Then something entirely different comes to mind. Yes, I am a bit warped but what this says to me is “selective enforcement of the law”.

First of all, I’m not so sure that mislabeling a business expense is akin to breaking the law. Even if it is, does this mean the Manhattan DA intends to scrutinize the records of every business within his jurisdiction put a stop to this white collar crime wave entirely? I doubt it, AND, if he only goes after Donald J. Trump then he is selectively enforcing the law and that is a no no, as deemed by the Supreme Court of the United States.

The U.S. Supreme Court has held that selective prosecution occurs where the law enforcement officials or prosecutors have in pursuing a criminal case “directed so exclusively against a particular class of persons … with a mind so unequal and oppressive” that equal protection of the law has been negated by their efforts. (United States v. Armstrong, 517 U.S. 456, 116 S. Ct. 1480, 134 L. Ed. 2d 687 [1996], quoting Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 6 S. Ct. 1064, 30 L. Ed. 220 [1886])

Ouch. Now the question is, if I, a poorly educated citizen can figure this out, why can a high powered district attorney in one of our nation’s premier cities understand it? All I have is a computer and an internet connection, whereas Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, has that plus a degree in jurisprudence, a half billion-dollar budget, and an untold number of staff members – all with advanced degrees, computers, and internet connections – to dedicate to this issue. Could it be that at least one of these individuals may have come across this same principle in their studies and/or work experience and chooses to ignore it for political gain? NAH! Why, that would be outrageous. It would be like all of the anti-Trumpers calling for the Donald’s head while trying the hide the fact that they themselves are guilty of the same thing or something even worse. Speaking of worse crimes…

How come between Hunter Biden’s laptop and Anthony Weiner’s Laptop alone we’ve never heard a hint of an investigation even after many well-founded allegations of child pornography and worse on both? Not to mention classified documents. Or why does no one seem to be investigating those on Jeffery Epstein’s list of passengers on the so-called “Lolita Express”? Hear tell at least one of the young girls, now women, has come forward with potential testimony. Seems like lots of folks are hell bent on “getting” Donald Trump no matter what while gladly looking the other way from substantial evidence pointing to real crimes by others.

Sunday night Mark Levin had one of Trump’s attorneys one – the man defending Trump from these very allegations. One of the points he made was this prosecutor intended to use some new legal ideas in order to charge the former President. He further explained this was because this same avenue of prosecution was previously reviewed by the U.S. Attorney for the New York area. They declined to pursue legal action. In essence this Manhattan DA is apparently trying to invent a crime that does not exist. Huh. Seems very similar to what I just said – IF Trump had personally reimbursed repayment of Cohen’s outlays and personally called it “legal costs” rather than “hush money” or whatever, such would not be illegal. Call me on this if you can but I don’t think anyone has ever been arrested and convicted for paying someone to keep silent. If such a thing is accomplished withing the legal system it is called a “non-disclosure agreement”.

It’s said “the devil is in the details”. This story could not be more true to the phrase and that is what it is important to keep watch and speak out. This is not about Donald J. Trump. It never was. Nor were any of the Trump witch hunts performed by previous Congressional committees, the media, and other anti-Trump forces. While they all carried the “NO-TRUMP” banner, all of these acts were attacks on our nation, us citizens, and, ultimately, God Himself.

This latest one is a blatant attempt to sidestep our Constitution, in particular, where it states we all have equal protection under the law. Not to mention where our laws are to be enacted by representatives in legislative bodies and signed into law by the head of the administrative body instead of pulled out of thin air by some rogue law enforcement employee. Our nation is not a “make up the laws as we go along” country, but that is exactly what Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg seems to be doing by advancing new “legal theories”. One of these seems to be a variation on “he has to be guilty of something”. This is a direct contradiction of the preeminent basis for law in our nation: “Innocent until proven guilty”.

While this edict is ingrained in our national fabric, the threads of this principle runs much further.

As the preeminent English jurist William Blackstone wrote,”[B]etter that ten guilty persons escape, than that one innocent suffer.”74 This principle can also be found in religious texts and in the writings of the American Founders.75 Benjamin Franklin went further arguing “it is better a hundred guilty persons should escape than one innocent person should suffer.”76

This is known as Blackstone’s ratio but he was not alone in his thoughts, nor likely even the first to offer this. The echo of this principle rings in our ears today. None of this is to say Donald J. Trump is guilty of anything but rather, many have assumed his guilt time and time again only to come up empty trying to prove it. As his lawyer said, in essence, on Life, Liberty, and Levin last night, his detractors are determined to go to any lengths to find the man guilty of something.

Protests are planned for Tuesday. Anyone who has read this blog for any length of time knows I disdain protests. As self-governing citizens of our Constitutional Republic, protests are beneath us in most circumstances. Better to go above the heads of the usurpers and keep our nation in prayer.

J6 “Insurrection” I TOLD YOU SO!

This morning I came across an article detailing what I’ve said all along – the J6 “insurrection” was a covert op all along. Okay, I never used the term “covert op” but I did point out exactly what the article below lays out in detail.

What am I talking about? Just this: the timing of all of this is the key. The joint session of Congress was about to take the next step in the Constitutionally required procedure to debate the validity of the electoral votes in question. AT THAT VERY MOMENT – the “insurrection” was on. The citizens outside the capital building had no idea what was happening. If they did, not one true patriot would have set foot inside. However, somebody knew the score and intertidally fomented the violence for the express purpose of disrupting the constitutional procedure taking place. It was in the nation’s best interest and in the interest of every  patriot for these electoral votes to be scrutinized. Pelosi and company knew this and that is exactly why I don’t trust her or or globalist cohorts.

See the details below.

EXPLOSIVE: The 2020 Election Steal Required an “Emergency” on Jan 6 to Complete the Coup

What I never knew is how devastating this interruption was to the process. Now we all know. The proof is in the pudding.

What will come of these new revelations? Probably nothing. Do not let this deter you. My aim is to show you unequivocally just how evil the globalists and their master the devil himself is. This war is bigger than all of us. It is a spiritual war and the devil more and more works in the open.

Again, do not let this deter you. Do not act in anger. Act in God’s love. Turn to God Almighty. Immerse yourself in His truth. Speak the truth. God will protect his own. Make sure you and those around you are among them.

Is This New “Bank Crisis” Yet ANOTHER Engineered Government Takeover?

Once again, looking at Tucker Carlson via The Gateway Pundit:

Tucker Carlson Goes There: “If People Don’t Start Making a Lot of Noise – It Will Mean Digital Currency… If You Want to Make a Run on the Banks This Is How You Talk”

Tucker doesn’t come right out and say this but it looks to me as though this whole “crisis” might just be an attempt to push our nation into a federal digital currency. After all… didn’t Joe Bobo just recently sign an executive order concerning digital currency? I admit, I paid little attention to it at the time but now that the other shoe has dropped… maybe it is worth a second look.

This story is dated September 18, 2022 but I seem to remember something much more recent, as it a couple of weeks ago.

Biden Regime Moves Forward with US Central Bank Digital Currency So They Can Ban, Censor and Shut Down Accounts of Boisterous Conservatives and Starve Them Out

I can’t find it, but then again, I didn’t look too hard because it really doesn’t  matter in the grand scheme of things. Bobo signed the executive order below in March 0f 2022.

FACT SHEET: President Biden to Sign Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets

In financial circles especially there has been speculation and debate about this and all sorts of other things. As far as the spiritual aspect, a digital currency is likely to be the engine behind the mark of the beast referred to in Revelation. Bundle up all the fears and such in all the articles warning about the evils of a government-controlled digital currency and wrap them around a chip or even a simple tattoo required on the hand or forehead and there ya go.

Meanwhile, the NYSE has stopped trading in over 30 banks due to the latest financial bugaboo.  I heard our local “Big Bank” was also in trouble. I do not know if this is mere rumor or if there is something to it. While even I am not old enough to live through the depression era, I do believe a lot of bank runs were the result of such rumors. The bottom line here is the very worst that can happen is you lose all your money. So won’t everyone else. (Except, of course, the globalists at the top of the heap.) All I can say is, if your trust is in God rather than riches, then you can more easily shrug it off.

Once again, fear not, God is in control. This whole “crisis” may or may not be engineered by government actors. Even is this is true, do you really think they are acting against the will of Almighty God? Please.

Expectations – J6 Video Released – When Will the J6 POLITICAL PRISONERS be Released?

First this from The Gateway Pundit:

J6 Political Prisoners at DC Gulag Leak Heart-Breaking Video from Inside Jail Praying and Singing National Anthem – VIDEO

Unless you’ve been living under a rock or the equivalent i.e. getting your “news” from the Main Stream Media, you know the new Congress is intent on releasing Capitol Police video from J6.

Tucker Carlson has been granted access and I expect to see some exculpatory evidence exonerating those patriots who have already suffered enough abuse and have continually been denied their constitutional rights, not to mention simple human compassion. Even the most vile murderer would be freed by now simply on the basis being denied a speedy trial.

Meanwhile California is expected to recommend reparations for former slaves. Seeing as how California was never a slave state and therefore had no part in that dark era of history, they have no dog in this fight. And yet… reparations.

If anyone in this nation deserves reparations, it is these J6 Political Prisoners. They have been denied life, liberty, and happiness with no regard to their rights under our Constitution, in full knowledge and view of our entire nation. Enough is enough. Broadcast the video, show the world, and release these citizens.

Bluntly, I Am Shocked – Died Suddenly – Must See Video Report

WARNING! Some of the images in the video below are disturbing. It is NOT for children nor for the feint of heart.

The video below was forwarded to me by a friend. It takes a lot to shock me these days, particularly when it comes to medical issues. I have a medical background (x-ray). I’ve been in operating rooms. I witnessed someone die before my eyes.

The video below is a bit over an hour long. It’s worth watching all the way through. The evil unveiled is indisputable. Not long ago, I posted about the Spiritual War we are all engulfed in.  Keep that in mind as you see how several disparate entities work together; medical, media, government, and others, to further the globalists’ agenda.





Eyes on Brazil

Recently, I saw a report from Brazil suggesting the military might step in under Constitutional authority to audit the recent election. My understanding is this may be even more volatile than it sounds.

If you’ve been following events in Brazil at all, you probably know President-elect Lula De Silva, the communist convicted felon was certified the winner and sworn into office under dubious circumstances. The Brazilian courts, packed with enough communist sycophants to sway things to the left, have blessed this election despite massive protests from the citizens. And by “massive” I do mean MASSIVE protests. Citizens have been filling the streets nationwide for over a month now to decry what they believe to be a fraudulent election.

As of late, indigenous leaders, who are typically left-wing, have been jailed for joining these protests and being outspoken about the corruption. Not only is the government’s actions considered blatantly unconstitutional but they are causing further uproar among the people. The most casual observer would wonder why left-leaning citizens would be sounding such alarms seeing as how they tend to mostly agree with the agenda of the winning party. This alone should send up red flags everywhere. As Steven Bannon noted, the international media who usually champions these indigenous citizens, remains silent.

Meanwhile, the newly minted Brazilian administration is openly declaring they will replace the current military leadership with their own people. From here, all this looks like kids playing with fire at a gunpowder factory. Wait for it.

The way I see it, the most peaceful path to settling this is for the current military to step in and audit the election. Considering the angst of the citizens, I suspect the audit will uncover massive fraud and overturn the results. If military personnel are able to maintain a strong presence this wrong could be righted without bloodshed. Even this scenario could turn sour depending on how the president-elect responds. I doubt very much if he is acting alone so the question is who is backing him and what resources can they bring to bear?

Should this election stand, I fear a bloodbath, maybe more than one. It doesn’t appear the citizens protesting are likely to simply accept confirmation of this election. Something stinks about it and they all know it. At least until the indigenous leaders were jailed, things were peaceful. It seems jailing these leaders has already wrought some violence. Should the protests continue past verification of the election, I’ve no doubt more citizens will be jailed. Such actions could well incite more violence rather than quell the unrest. One way or another, this scenario seems ripe for escalation.

What does all this have to do with the United States of America? Lots.

For starters, Biden and Co. can be expected to fully support the communists – exactly as they supported Trudeau regime during the Canadian Trucker protest. Biden’s people never met an authoritarian they didn’t like. I suspect they would openly worship Putin if they thought they could do so. If the truth came out, it would surprise me not at all to learn Team Biden actually helped DeSilva steal the election. Do note the leftist articles I perused while researching this post all hail the “victory of Democracy” evidenced in DeSilva’s win. This alone gives me pause. Oh, yeah, and they all never fail to mention how “efficient and secure” Brazil’s electoral system is. Granted, as the fifth most populous nation on earth, that the election was tallied on election day should cause our own election officials to hang their heads in shame, but without more details, I question how secure the Brazilian system really is. A bigger question is, if it IS so “secure” why are so many citizens taking to the streets?

About those protests… right or wrong, the Brazilian citizens deserve our admiration for taking a stand. Unlike us, they are standing strong, even to the extent of ignoring soccer’s World Cup competition. This would be like Americans foregoing the Super Bowl to protest the Biden regime. The Brazilians are at least as passionate about soccer as we are about football, possibly more so. In addition, they’ve continued on for over a month now. How much resolve have we shown? Do you see Arizonans taking to the streets in Phoenix and Tucson? Despite massive issues, including a lot of very sketchy stuff involving election day shenanigans, not to mention mysterious late ballots showing up and counted, and previously rejected ballots added to the count pile. All this while declaring a paper-thin 17,000 vote win for Hobbs. The Arizona election reeks so bad one is inclined to hold one’s nose while watching news stories concerning it.

Back to Brazil, what happens there could well set the stage for elections all across the world. Should this election be overturned, and life return to normal for that nation, it could well encourage those of us who are tired of seeing election after election decided by hinky means. Should violence erupt, the side that comes out on top may well set the tone for other world events. Let’s explore this thought.

Suppose the globalists muster enough forces to shut down the protesters. Violence or no violence the implications are far ranging. The communists would have established a solid foothold on South America – enough to rule the region. Now Valenzuela has already failed due to gross mismanagement but that doesn’t mean Brazil will follow suit. Add in violence and they would set the example for any communist/globalist takeover of a major nation. Worse yet, Team Biden cannot be expected to just protest this move but more likely, they would applaud it. Not good.

On the other hand, if the citizens of Brazil were to prevail, it would be a setback for the globalists. It could be enough to send them reeling because the last thing they expect or want is any push back from the proletariat. The one inherent weakness all globalists have is numbers. Sure they can fool enough of the population to vote for their agenda but once enough citizens understand their true intent and balk, our numbers are overwhelming. You see, when the rubber hits the road, humans actually prefer freedom over tyranny.

Beyond this, our Brazilian brethren would also set an example for the world to see. Add their example to the British, the French, the Chinese, the Danes, the Sri Lankans, the Canadians and the Italians and you can see a trend building. World-wide citizens of several nations are breaking the chains of oppressive governments. Brazil is one of the latest but what is most interesting about happenings there is the protests span their nation. The real question that comes to my mind is when will us citizens of these United States face the reality of our corrupt government. Strangely enough, while we kid ourselves into believing we are a shining example of freedom and democracy, the globalists have very nearly completely gained a stranglehold on every facet of our nation.