Update on the Virginia Republican Party BS – No News is No News

After some tweaking and discussion with some  local guys, I sent the

Open Letter to the Virginia Republican Party Leadership

to  the Virginia powers that be on  Friday the 4th of October. Crickets. There was supposed to be a meeting on Saturday to decide whether to bounce the “offending members” from the party. I have heard nothing about this.

On Monday, Oct 7, I did get one reply from a “Dennis Free” He replied

“The ask is within the party plan and motivated by the participation of those party officials in a Republican Primary. Party officials are prohibited from such action. This resolution was approved by the state central committee.

Dennis free (sic)”

That is all the response I got. I replied to Mr. “Free” asking for specific details on exactly what the alleged violation was. I have heard nothing back to date.

As I stated in my open letter, it appears as if the “state central committee” (Yes, I am talking about the Virginia Republican Party, NOT the Soviet Politburo) made up whatever rules as they went along, or rather, twisted existing rules to allow them to appear as if they were acting within said rules. Again, if I am wrong, so be it. I will apologize. Then I will advocate for a rule change. Why? As I said before, I see no reason why any member, party official or not, should not be allowed to express an opinion or  advocate for another member.

Now there has been some discussion about certain tangential issues per party leadership and advocacy. Within our small group, leadership has refrained from seeming to endorse one prospective candidate or another. Whether this is per party rules or personal preference, I don’t know. The reasoning is they don’t want to exert undue influence one way or another. To this I say BUNK!

Dudes. We are all adults here and we are not stupid. Certainly we are each capable of making up our own minds. In fact the idea that just because a majority in any one group voted to put you in a position of leadership that you now have some sort of mystical power to control our wills is ludicrous. We need to move away from these ideas.

The end result of all this seems to do the exact opposite of stated intentions. We now seem to have a “central committee” the rules with an iron fist. They do whatever the hell they want and screw the rank and file if they don’t go along. I say nay. I’m not doing that.

In this respect my “card-carrying membership” in Virginia’s Republican Party may well be short lived. That’s okay. I really don’t give a rat’s ass. As I’ve stated before here and elsewhere, I’d just as soon be rid of all political parties as they are an invasive cancer poised to kill our nation. If you don’t believe me, my next post should make at least one aspect of this very, VERY clear.

The Elitists Hold on Low-Income Voters

This morning I read a story in The Gateway Pundit about how the democrats plan to cheat. One of their “go to” resources is low income voters.

Thinking back to last night I happened to catch Jesse Watters’ “Johnny On the Street” as he talked to some Kamala delegates at the DNC. I cannot find a clip on that segment so I’ll have to go by rote. God help us all.

Johnny talked to three women, all black, and of course, all democrats. They were at the convention after all. One actually said she loved her laugh. I cringed.

Asked what they liked about her “platform” they said, “reproductive rights”, “green energy”, and “climate”. Um, okay…

A moment here, the subject line points to “low income voters”. I doubt very much if these three women qualify. Convention delegates pay their own way. Some pay “delegate dues” and there may be other costs. (maybe all, having never been either a democrat nor a delegate in any state, I don’t know. I’m drawing this from the California guidelines I drew up. I also know here in Virginia, republican delegates also pay their own way. I don’t know of any delegate dues required for the ‘privilege’.)

Could it be these delegates are subsidized by one group or another? Yeah, it’s possible, but I very much doubt if these ladies spend their days just scraping by. No evidence either way, just a feeling.

So who are these low income voters? Why do they vote democrat? What’s the real deal here?

One of the first thoughts that come to mind is the democrats simply buy these votes. Most likely they are purchased at bargain-basement prices. This is an age-old custom. I remember of stories of party operatives rounding up drunks, homeless, whoever and driving them to the polls on election day, then stuffing their pockets with a few dollars.

In one of the books in in his “Prey” series, author John Sandford sets the scene during a political season in Minnesota. If you are familiar with this series, the protagonist Lucas Davenport is Minneapolis cop in the early books who later moves up and out of the city and the state, profession-wise. John Sanford is a pen name for a journalist turned author. While I’ve never been able to pin down exactly how he stands politically (the mark of a true journalist) he tends to be fairly objective concerning both sides. In the book neither party exactly shines. In this respect I’d say his portrayal is reasonable accurate.

Back to the low income, other than outright buying votes, the democrats especially love to prance around as the “working man’s party”. Plus they love to show how generous they can be with taxpayer money. Of course they never call it “taxpayer money”. Instead they tout “free health care”, “free day care”, “free money”. They never once tell anyone the truth: the true cost of “free” is your soul.

The real wisdom these delegates offered is the message Harris & Co. that is hitting home both with themselves and those low income voters.

Reproductive rights

Green energy

Climate change

All of these catch phrases elicit emotional responses to deep-seated beliefs. Let’s consider each one.

Reproductive rights – like every other elitist catch phrase, “reproductive rights” is an empty shell with a colorful candy coating. This candy coating is flavored with uninhibited sexual freedom with zero consequences. Think about it. What do they really mean by “reproductive rights”? They certainly aren’t talking about reproduction. What they are talking about is unlimited abortions, paid for by somebody else. Why do they need unlimited abortions? They need them to rid themselves of unwanted pregnancies. Nobody is stopping them from having as many abortions as they want in most states. In fact, most states will even pay for them. Alternatively, birth control is affordable and can even be had at no cost in most states. It is a non-issue.

Green energy is a boondoggle. There is nothing at all wrong with the concept, however the idea has yet to come of age. Yes, progress has been made. And yes, it is possible for some to live “off the grid”. I’m all for it. What I am not “all for” is paying for other people to enjoy green energy with our tax dollars. Nobody pays for my home, my food, my clothes, my automobile – why should they? Why should I pay for someone else’s green energy?

Climate change. If green energy is a boondoggle, climate change is outright fraud. Look, historically and by this I mean over the span of the earth’s existence, different regions of our planet have experienced dramatic changes in climate. What are now deserts were once oceans. etc. Considering the age of the earth compared to man’s existence here, it is obvious changes in climate will happen no matter what we humans do or do not do. There is no “cause and effect” here. Or if there is any at all, it is insignificant to the planet. We need to get over ourselves.

Despite the obvious non-starter  status of these so-called “issues”, the democrats have turned them into war cries. Unlike the democrats abuse of the English language, the term “war cry” used here is exceptionally accurate. It refers to something almost as old as mankind. From grunts to trumpets to modern phrases, every culture has used this rallying technique and uses them today – “Remember the Alamo!”, the Rebel Yell, “Never Forget”.  They stir emotions deep within us. This is what the democrats evoke when they use these catch phrases and they do it well.

Every salesman knows emotions trump logic. It is not just salesmen but anyone who endeavors to persuade others understands this principle. The democrats are masters in this respect.

This is how they reach those “low income voters” – at least those they don’t simply buy or bribe.

We know this. We may not admit it. We certainly don’t address it nor counter it but we know this. How many reading this has experienced the frustration of “trying to talk some sense” into a liberal? It rarely produces fruit because we aren’t reaching them on their level.

Most people never move past what they feel. Some try but it is hard to let go. It is hard to admit their basic premises are simply wrong. Add to this the understanding that deep, down, their hearts in their right place. They don’t want to see others suffer any more than we do. So how can we reach them?

How about this? Commiserate with them. Understand their pain. Then gently lead them to a better solution. Nobody wants to see another child shot in Chicago nor anyplace else. It’s heartbreaking, but banning guns doesn’t solve the problem. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? The liberals point to guns. It’s not the gun, it is the person who pulled the trigger. Why did they shoot? Taking the gun from the shooter’s hand will not remove the problem. The problem is hate and greed. We need to get visceral.

To be blunt, I don’t know the answers – at least not the practical answers. What I do know is one reason the liberals are rabid about banning guns is deep down they want to eradicate problems by remote control. They don’t want to leave their comfortable jobs, their homes, their neighborhoods, to venture where the “gun violence” lives, roll up their sleeves and be part of the solution. I’m not sure I do either.

These dark  streets where violence lives need God most of all. I know this in my bones and yet I’m not anxious to bring the Word of God to them. If God called me to do so, no doubt I would resist that calling. God forgive me.

This is where the liberals shine. They are masters at finding ways to delegate solutions. Their most effective method of delegation? The Program. Any program will do. Just throw money at it and it will go away. We know this is not true. We can prove it, but we don’t need to. They know it it too. They don’t care. Throwing money, somebody else’s money, at problems allows them to dismiss any issue. There. Done. Now let me live my life free of guilt.

I’m “thinking aloud” here but it seems the only way out is to find a way to scratch that itch – solve whatever issue – or divert attention to something larger and more pressing.

The “good” news is, we may not have to. Our nation has turned the corner on spending and debt. All we need do is continue on this present path – continue to do nothing and those issues that concern US will soon dissolve before our eyes. Unfortunately, so won’t our nation. At the very least, our economy will collapse and we will all face much larger, more crucial problems – like survival.

Can this be averted? I believe it can but only if we act and act quickly.

First and foremost we need to go before God and pray for His hand of protection over our nation and His deliverance from the evil forces ruling our nation. We need godly people to rise up to replace the ungodly.

Second, we need to retake our nation by the force of a massive voter turnout. Real voters. If the citizens of our nation continue to allow others to make choices for them, those choices will come back to bite all of us. If you have read this far, you are now faced with a choice. Walk away or take action. Pray. Speak to others. Persuade someone to vote.

Winning the White House alone will not do it. We need to win both houses in Congress. We need to win as many seats in state and local elections as possible. We need to send a message, a strong message, a mandate.

That is our starting place. From there we need to weed out the RINOs, rid ourselves of tyrannical globalists, put liberty-loving patriots in their seats, and hold them all accountable.

Our war cry? LIBERTY!


Strange Bedfellows? Trump and RFK Jr.

Note here – I am currently involved in writing an extended piece (a book maybe) on spiritual warfare. Your prayers for me and for this project are appreciated.

Not too long ago, my wife told me RFK Jr’s presidential bid was siphoning off votes from Trump. I scoffed a bit about this. Seriously? I fully expected his run to split the democrat vote. I’m still having a hard time understanding how this could be. Some are taking this very, very seriously.

This morning I saw an article on a propaganda organization formerly known as FOX. I didn’t read it because now, rather than actually publishing the news, they want my email address so they can relentlessly bother me with offers and other schemes to enhance their revenue. The good news is… competition! This time from Zerohedge.

The article? A stunning report revealing RFK Jr’s running mate Nicole Shanahan appeared on a podcast yesterday and stated team RFK was considering dropping their bid and throwing in with Trump!

Wow! Such was my first reaction. My next thought was “game changer”. Look, I’ve seen a couple of Kennedy’s appearances. At first he seemed like a viable choice. He was a hard on the whole COVID scamdemic. He was hard on a lot of liberal issues. In the end, he failed on the subject of liberty. At heart, he’s a globalist.

Could this be a ploy to strong-arm the Harris campaign into playing nice? While this is possible I think that play is long gone. The democrats have repeatedly disrespected and abused Kennedy. I don’t think it helps that the Harris campaign has now been dubbed Kamalot. While when Camelot was linked to the Kennedy’s , the reference always made my stomach turn. We don’t need no stinkin’ royalty in ‘Merica. For RFK Jr.  I’m sure it adds insult to injury.

Bottom line? He’d have a BIG bitter pill to swallow to sidle up the Harris & Co. now. While I don’t much like his politics, I think he is a better man than that.

Should they follow through with this, and with Shanahan’s public pronouncement, it looks like it could well happen. I’d like to see it as it would be the best of all possible worlds for Trump… and for America. Besides, who knows? There might be hope to bring Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to the light yet! Wouldn’t that be something?

Democrats are US

At first glance, no doubt at least some of you may think I’ve gone off my rocker. No comment. What I will say is “hold on while I explain”.

What got me to thinking about this is a couple of intersecting trains of thought. First, there is an ongoing discussion on X about the upcoming election and how, as conservative citizens, can bring those who hold opposing views to our table.

Then I got to thinking about the past few primary and election days. You see, I spend those days – more than 12 hours each time, with a mix of republican, democrat, and “independent” citizens – my fellow election officials. Despite the fact that we signed on to different political parties, we have become fast friends. One of those closest to me is a black woman who, surprisingly enough, is a democrat.

You should know that none of us are, ahem, fanatical, about our party affiliations. If anyone does any ranting at all, it would be me. Nothing ever actually gets heated. We’ve experienced no “shouting matches”. We’ve had no serious disagreements. Quite the opposite, and this is why I’m writing this now.

Do note, our polling place is in a very rural area so voters trickle in throughout the day. Thus we are left with long stretches with no one else within earshot. We have lots of time to talk and talk we do.

What I’ve found is at some very basic level, we are all very much in agreement. This doesn’t mean we’ve all declared we are voting for Trump. In fact, nobody has openly stated who we have or will vote for. It is understood that our privacy is paramount and so this is one thing we don’t talk about.

This doesn’t mean we, meaning mostly I, do not talk about principles. It surprise you or not to learn on principle, we all more or less agree on a lot. We think government interferes with our lives too much. We certainly think we pay too much in taxes. To a citizen, we love freedom. As we discuss much and I’m doing all this from the memory of an old man who never developed the habit of committing conversations to memory, I’m sure I missed a lot, but you get the idea, I’m sure.

While we never got into this aspect, no doubt if the discussion turned to it, I suspect we would all offer greatly different approaches to solving the issues we agree on. For now, it is not the finish line I am focused on but the starting point. We will never get anywhere unless a far larger percentage of citizens make the decision to finally participate in our nation’s business.

So… Democrats are US??

For the most part democrats and republicans want the same basic things – we want to be free to live our lives, speak our minds, and worship or not as we see fit. We want to be able to choose where we live, what we spend our money on, and whom we associate with. Hence the premise for this article.

If you know anything about me, you likely know how much I despise politics – more accurately the two-party debacle we call a “system”. This true “social construct” divides us and pits us against each other. But there is one more, far more sinister purpose for the two-party system. That purpose? To deftly transfer our inherent power and authority to others who control the political parties. Who are these “others”? They are individuals who control great wealth. They use this wealth to control anything and everything they can wrap their fingers around.

These “others” have split us citizens into two “camps” – democrat and republican. As someone who has identified for most of his life as a “republican” I can tell you this so-called “identity” carries no satisfaction. As far as most of the stated principles, I do agree. Heck I agree with some of the stated principles on the democrat platform.

Who doesn’t want to “heal the soul of America”? Who doesn’t want to build a stronger, fairer economy? Who doesn’t want to renew American leadership?

I want all of those things. The devil is in the details – in both cases. When it comes to the republican party, I have deeper issues. My issues stem from the fact that the leadership in this party is confidently content to pay lip service to the party’s stated principles.

If we are to reclaim our nation, we need to reconnect with fellow citizens. We cannot allow political parties to control and limit our debates. We cannot allow these controllers, these usurpers to dictate the terms of our discourse. We need to find common ground and work from there.

Common Ground

What common ground do we need to find? I wish there was some sort of ultimate answer, some list of “talking points” we can all ascribe to and depend on. It ain’t gonna happen. I don’t think it would be all that useful in the long run. Why?

There are simply too many issues swirling around us. One Xer recently pointed out “most citizens are one issue voters”. I found that observation profound. He is right. To that end, we should endeavor to find what issue each person we face resonates with, then present a liberty-focused solution. We need to understand the foundation all globalism is based upon. It’s no mystery. They exert control through fear. Consider this. Climate change, gun violence, open borders, all of it is fear-based. I get it. Living independently, taking responsibility for one’s own self is scary, but God tells us time and time again to fear not.

To this end, I propose we identify and list as many democrat platform planks and talking points, then come up with liberty-focused alternatives. The goal should be to present principles with wide appeal with an eye towards developing solutions we can all live with. The solutions should be secondary. Again, we first need to find common ground. Fortunately, the democrats have taken such a hard left, they no longer tolerate any dissenting ideas. On many issues they are as short-sighted and rigidly resistant to modifying any of their assertions, they nearly mirror what they despise most on the right. We should see this as an opportunity. They have created barriers blocking off many of their own rank and file who used to simply “vote blue”.

In other areas, we need to dissect the “democrat solutions” i.e. government programs and legislation so we can clearly demonstrate where they have failed.

For me LBJ’s “Great Society” is particularly vulnerable right now. For 60 years we’ve thrown mountains of taxpayer money to fufill Johnson’s pipe dream. It is time to end it.

Here is a response to a search on “LBJ’s Great Society”

The Great Society was Lyndon Johnson’s vision for America which demanded an end to poverty, racial injustice, and an opportunity for every child.

Wait! What!?? “end to poverty, racial injustice, and an opportunity for every child”. Isn’t this exactly what the democrats are proposing today? What have we been doing for the past 60 years? It simply is not working.

This is just a start. Take gun violence for another example. Forget about the 2A for a moment, let’s talk gun violence. What about it? Where gun violence most problematic? Would the violence vanish if the guns were removed? What about “hand and foot violence”? What about “blunt object” violence? Does it make you feel better to learn someone was beaten to death rather than shot? Violence is violence. Let’s deal with the base issue and set the topic of guns aside.

I’m sure you get the idea. I’m open to exploring any topic to find those areas of common ground and discussing ideas on how to bring citizens together on them.

Whether or not you are open to such, I urge you to at least start thinking on how you can change the course of whatever discussions you find yourself involved in. If we are going to make any sort of impact on the future of this nation, we need to find that common ground, expand on it and bring our fellow citizens to it. If the democrats were at all liberty-minded, I’d be happy to join them but they are not, and never have been. Thus our only logical choice is to throw in on the republican side, armed with the understanding that we cannot stop once we’ve voted. We need to do more, demand more. We need to set our sights on freeing ourselves of party politics but do accomplish this we must first overwhelm them by our sheer numbers. There is strength in numbers and WE the People have them in abundance. The real job is to mobilize these numbers and assert ourselves as a force to be reckoned with.

Revisiting Virginia’s 2A Sanctuary Movement

In 2019, just before Covid hit the Commonwealth of Virginia experienced a remarkable phenomena – 91 out of 95 counties became Second Amendment Sanctuaries.

This movement was a direct result of democrats taking control of both legislative houses in Virginia with Ralph Northam, also a democrat residing as governor. Finally, the liberal left had the power to smack down the right of citizens to arm and defend themselves. It is only by a small miracle our rights were not even further infringed.

What Happened Then?

The democrats pounced on an opportunity, passing a smorgasbord of gun control laws – enough to send many of them into orgasmic eustasy. Shocked by their audacity, citizens in the commonwealth fought back as best we could. We descended on our county legislatures and demanded second amendment sanctuary resolutions be passed. All but a handful did just that. Some boards later tried to rescind the resolutions, openly admitting the fear they felt had they voted against the measure with the room packed with supporters.

Such is the power of the people when unleashed. It is awe inspiring.

The Aftermath

By December of 2019 the wave  had crested. Nearly every local legislature passed a second amendment sanctuary resolution. Then Covid came and the ensuing pandemic more or less stopped the momentum cold. Citizens could no longer mingle, much less gather to voice our support for our rights. It added a wet blanket to the 2020 election. Then the presidency was stolen, to say the least. Nobody can say for sure what effect all this had on the balance of power in Virginia but to date, the democrats continue to enjoy a slim majority in both houses. Meanwhile they are free to mock citizens rights, including our right to defend ourselves with the weapons of our choosing – in spite of the constitution guaranteeing our right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

So Much for Awe Inspiring Power, Huh?

This is not the end of the discussion. The liberal left – the globalists, if you will, want us to think they have the last word. They do not. WE the People still hold all the cards. This is OUR nation. WE are the government. And you jerks have NOT heard the last from us.

Let’s take stock though, shall we?

In the past, right here in Virginia, elections have been called minutes after the polls closed. To me, this suggests not political savvy but shenanigans. It says “the fix is in, sucker”. Granted, the democrats have iron strongholds in Virginia’s population centers giving them a hard edge in statewide elections and a strong advantage in other races. Even so there are more eligible citizens in Virginia who did not vote than cast votes for either party. Put another way, if every citizen who did not vote in the 2020 election voted for, say, a third candidate, that third candidate would have one hands down!

My point here is not that we citizens should rally around a “none of the above” candidate but rather there are enough untapped voters to sway the entire state to the cause of liberty. And quite bluntly, I say given a choice between liberty and tyranny – liberty wins out every time – no matter what party you claim.

This is What Take America Back! is All About

It’s not enough to protest. If you ask me, protesting should be beneath us – WE are the authority in this nation. It’s not enough to vote. I’ve voted in nearly every election and definitely every major election since I was of age to do so. My vote is usually lost in a sea of others, but this is the way things are supposed to work! It’s not my vote or your vote that matters as much as OUR VOTES. Beyond that is accountability, but we cannot effectively hold our representatives accountable if we refuse to hold the “scepter” of power – our vote – and wield it when necessary.

Furthermore, even representatives already in office will bend to the will of the people when they come face to face with us en masse. Sure, those citizens who showed up to support the second amendment sanctuary resolutions were just a tiny fraction of the voting citizen body but those office holder knew deep down what most of us never consider: that tiny fraction taking action is usually just the tip of a very large iceburg. In other words, for every citizen who takes the time to show up, there are many more who simply didn’t make the trek.

The globalist’s have taken advantage of this for decades. They rally rather small numbers to protest or support one cause or another while counting on on having little or no opposition. Thus they’ve been able to sway many a vote in their favor by simply showing up! No more.

We need to outnumber them at every turn. We need to strip the layers of talking points off the issues to get to the core of the each question. Often we can do this by asking simply – do you want liberty or tyranny? Most issues boil down to those two options. Try it and see for yourself.

It’s NOT Enough!

As the Virginia legislature has proven, it is not enough to just vote. It is not even enough to show up to voice our wishes on this issue or that. What we need is control and for this we need enough citizens opting for liberty to vote for candidates who support liberty.

Intimidation By the Numbers

It sounds scary and it needs to scare the bejeebers out of those who want to represent us. Our “threat” is not harmful to anything other than a representative’s privilege to serve, but that threat needs to be real. Each representative needs to be put on notice to support liberty or find another job. Coming from me or any one of you, such talk can, and often is, laughed off – as it should be.

When we can agree on certain principles and act in concert, our power is limited only by the law of the land, our constitution, and even that is subject to modification if we can garner enough support.

Moving Forward

If we want, really want, to take back our nation. If we want liberty instead of tyranny then our path is clear – we need to vote and bring as many voters with us as we can. We need to amass enough citizens, not only to win but to claim a devastating, decisive victory. We must hand our representatives a clear mandate. We want liberty.

What about you? Do YOU choose liberty? Or are you willing to kneel down to serve tyrants? The choice is yours but you need to choose now. Make no mistake: to abstain is to opt for tyranny because you are allowing the tyrants to choose for  you.

Take action. Choose your weapon.

Printed voter registration forms from your local registrar

Download and print forms from your state’s election board’s website

Save and share links to your state’s online voter registration page

Choose one or more items from WriteThinkingWear.com with embedded QR codes  linked to your state’s online voter registration page .

Or generate your own QR codes to distribute as you choose.

You also free to act individually or band together with like-minded citizens and participate in formal voter registration drives.

How much or how little you do is up to you but please, I urge you do SOMETHING!  The worst that can happen is we will lose but if we sit idly by we will lose anyway.