Ran across this article in my daily wanderings:
Growing evidence of a massive pattern of fraud in the USA
I first posted my initial response here:
The entire deep state is built on a fraudulent foundation. Look back, waaaaaay back, long before Lincoln back, but let’s start with the election of Lincoln. The newly forming Republican party’s primary goal was
‘internal improvements’. Today’s colloquially is infrastructure. The party was composed of money men. Here’s how it worked. The money men put politicians in office who would vote to spend public money on projects i.e. ‘internal improvements for the public good’. Once passed the money men would then be hired to carry out the ‘internal improvements’. Now one might say, whether such could ever be proven, everyone involved profited except the poor saps who paid for it all. That would be us. Granted, we do all benefit from roads, bridges, etc. however I daresay not nearly as much as a politician who enters the field relatively impoverished and ends their ‘public service’ career a multi-millionaire.
On another note concerning fraud, I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me how Slo Mo Joe was declared the winner in Virginia with only 3% of the vote counted. Shady stuff has been documented in other elections as well. This year for Governor our ‘choice’ is between party faithful Youngkin (R) and a repeat command performance by Terry McAwful (D). My guess is until one of the (D)s dies or does something really really really stupid (such as standing up to a party boss)they will now tag team the Governor’s office.
What I didn’t say is what I’ve been saying forever: politics is poison. This is nothing new. It has always been poison.
Also, once again, the only way our nation will be restored is via the intervention of God Almighty. The only way God Almighty is likely to do this is if we, the Christian citizens of this nation, confess and repent of our wicked ways and ask Him to restore our nation. All other “options” will destroy our republic.