The Plan of Afghanistan

First things first: raise your hand if you REALLY think Slo Mo Joe is actually running the country. YOU! In the back! You are excused.

Second thing: Who amongst us really believe TPTB had no clue this would happen? Excused.(Note: Lara Logan speaks quite succinctly and authoritatively on this. My jaw dropped when she essentially confirmed my own assessment because while I was shooting from the hip – she’s displayed some very detailed knowledge on the topic.)

Pair these two ideas together and what are we left with? Joe’s time is shorter than we know. I expected them to try to hang on to this ruse until they could assure cameltoe 10 years – one day in office. Something’s happened to move the schedule up.

One comment I heard last night chilled me to the bone. The exact phrasing escapes me but he as he listed the devastation Joe has already wreaked on the nation, it dawned on me how this Afghanistan debacle could literally tear our nation and the sitting government apart. To what end? To the end of installing a new government unbridled by a constitution.

I understand this seems farfetched, bluntly put, I hope I am absolutely wrong on this. However, I feel strongly enough about it to bring it up as a warning. What could we possibly do should things go this way? Not much really, especially those who have spent years preparing for when TSHTF.

Everything that has happened since the pResident’s coronation suggests an intent to destroy our nation, from the opening of our Southern border to a flood of illegal aliens, to the unprecedented out-of-control spending, to the piece by piece dismantling of our constitutional republic, the clear goal of TPTB is to bring our nation to its knees and lop off the head.

Could this be the final foray? Time will tell.