New Category: Treasures from Web Travels.

I thought I’d try a new thing and post a few articles I find from different places I visit.

Yeah, I know, I thought of that brilliant idea all by my self. But it is new to me, okay? I’ll comment from time to time on some of these, and I’ll try to work up some more interesting headlines as well. Enjoy!

Family wants answers after pallbearer killed by officers

A WV man is gunned down by federal agents at his father’s funeral while his 18 year old son watches.


Really guys? Have you been watching too many episodes of Justified? NOT a class act. Okay, it is a class act. Is this how our federal agents are trained to “apprehend” suspects? Let’s start from the beginning. First, there’s this thing called due process. That means you arrest those suspected of committing crimes, then they are tried and then sentenced. It is YOUR job to to the arresting part. Leave the death sentences to someone else. Got it?

Martha’s Vineyard Liberals Scream ‘Not in my Backyard!

Two From Straight Line Logic

The Justice Department Was Dangerous Before Trump. It’s Out of Control Now, Part One, by Matt Taibbi
The Justice Department Was Dangerous Before Trump. It’s Out of Control Now, Part Two, by Matt Taibbi