The Plans and Plots of the Regime

Isolate and Exterminate
Commentary: The Regime’s ‘Operation MAGA Fascist’ Gains Ground

The gist of this article unveils the Regime’s continuing efforts to single out and neutralize if not outright destroy any opposition.

Julie Kelly is THE ace journalist covering the J6 Political Prisoners. She also covers other important stories. She is well worth following. Near the end of the above article she states:

“Either way, the goal is to stoke a political uprising in much the same way these interests accomplished what they wanted on January 6, 2021. It follows a familiar pattern of name-calling, false accusations, and blatant cover-ups in the reckless pursuit of power.”

Keep in mind the ultimate goal of the globalists is a one-world government. This cannot happen as long as the United States of America remains sovereign.

Threatening Violence

Last night I saw a segment about CBS’ Face the Nation where they cite “research” suggesting some 13 million Trump supporters “could” support a move to use violence to reinstate Mr. Trump as President.

Today, there are 13 million individuals, the equivalent, I should say, of 13 million individuals who support the use of force to restore Donald Trump to the presidency.

This is total and utter nonsense. Again, it is part of their agenda to do everything possible to discredit, isolate and ultimately eliminate anyone who dares embrace our Constitutional values.

Certainly there are those on both sides who lust for violence. What are the real numbers? I don’t know. What I do know is a great majority of us are law abiding – so much so that those of us on the side of supporting Trump endure far more than we should. And by “enduring” I mean that rather than rallying in protest (something I firmly believe is both ineffective and unnecessary because we citizens ARE the bosses.) or otherwise acting out like so many on the left, we patiently wait and look for the law of the land to work.  Those who are violent or otherwise break laws, we expect them to be brought to justice according to due process – even those who claim to be on our side.

Amnesty from the AFT?

ATF Requests Funding for Pistol Brace Amnesty & Registration Program

I don’t know what is worse, the idea that the ATF somewhere, somehow as acquired some mystical powers to “grant amnesty” to any poor slob who purchased an entirely legal (even under their usurped “authoritative” scrutiny) pistol brace, or this legal idiot’s apparent attempts to pave the way for law abiding citizens to avoid the trap laid out by this boondoggle.

No. Just no. The very legislation the ATF relies upon to expand their purview is, in itself, blatantly unconstitutional. Where in the Second Amendment does it say “shall not be infringed except… when Congress decides otherwise”?

While I never bought into the whole “pistol brace” fad or any of the other “cool stuff” like bump stocks, etc. that evokes those mystical ATF powers, it is only a matter of time before something I own will suddenly become disfavored, unless, of course, I do my duty as a citizen, confess my sins and pay pound of flesh to the ATF.  No matter what you own, be it a firearm or a slingshot, the authoritarians want to know. It’s for your safety, don’t you know.

Hey Joe Bobo and y’all here’s a clue: WE are the government. You work for US. Bite me.