The Society For the Elimination of Thanksgiving

In case you are wondering there is no official “society”… yet. It just feels that way to some of us. Okay, it feels that way to me. Years ago I read where Halloween was the second biggest retail season of the year. It was only outpaced by Christmas. It wouldn’t surprise me if Halloween was now number one. Certainly more people seem to broadcast their love for Halloween far more often and vocally than anyone does for Christmas. Many even fear saying “Merry Christmas”. Instead they substitute the benign “Happy Holidays” or some such tripe… with voices dripping with weak apologies no less.

As for myself, I have always hated Halloween, this even before I came to Christ. The revelry always gave me the creeps. It still does. If you ever want to open your eyes to the truth about this “holiday” I urge you to check out Carol Kornacki. She is a former witch who accepted Christ. My favorite line of hers is “if you are watching the parade, you are part of the parade”. Of course everyone in my family, save my wife, always berated us for refusing to allow our children to participate in the “festivities”. We were just no fun. We were depriving them of their childhood and so on and so forth. I wish my childhood had been as deprived. Seriously, they are all grown now and I don’t really think they were damaged by our decision. About all that “fun” they missed – think about it.

What is the central theme of Halloween? What word do you think of when you hear Halloween? Scary? Close enough. Another word for “scared” is fear. What are those fears based on? Death. Sure, some kids want to be Superman or a firefighter and such but lets face facts. Most of the glory centers around the gory. The movie ain’t about a tea party. Nor are the sequels. They are scary. They are about death. I’ll grant you, Halloween isn’t all about death. It is mostly a celebration of evil. Cry and whine all you want, take out those things that celebrate evil and death and what are you left with? Uh-huh. Without those things are society would abandon Halloween in a heartbeat. What does that say about us?

Skipping on Christmas, why not take a blunt look at this season as well. Personally, I’ve never been a fan of Christmas either. I tend to root for the Grinch. I know it is supposed to be a time when we celebrate the birth of Christ, at least ostensibly. But do we really? Any serious or even semi-serious biblical student (semi-serious so I can count myself in) should have to admit Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th. Just on the basis of angels announcing Jesus birth to the shepherds, one can ascertain he must have been born in the fall or spring. Winter is too cold to be pasturing sheep. There’s more evidence available for anyone willing to look. It’s nearly as easy to debunk as Kwanzaa. Look, if our society truly embraced Jesus during the “Christmas season”, I’d be far more supportive of it but even this holiday was heavily commercialized from the time it was first popularized. I remember reading somewhere that Dickens was encouraged to write “A Christmas Carol” for the express purpose of popularizing the holiday. If it were truly a sacred time then it would be about as exciting as, well, Thanksgiving.

The best the hawkers can do is promote “Black Friday” – the day after Thanksgiving. These days, they’ve polluted that day in order to try to leverage a buck. Now, rather than launching the Christmas season, the “Black Friday season” begins 30 seconds after the Halloween decorations are put up. Of course I’m exaggerating. They no longer wait for Halloween to be over anymore. It’s all about the money. That’s way they hate Thanksgiving. There’s no real money in it. And that’s exactly why I love it.

Now Thanksgiving is under attack. Just the other day I read where protesters (you can guess who) are decrying Thanksgiving. They say it’s an “imperialist” holiday, whatever that means. Oh, I’m sure they’ll tell us. Let me beat them to the punch – by “imperialist” they mean it is NOT communist. For the record, I maintain communism is a poor cousin to globalism. As the Highlander would say, “There can be only one.” and that “one” will be a globalist. Bet on that. Now the curtain has been pulled back, you can see the real reason Thanksgiving will soon become a point of great contention. Thanksgiving by its very name centers around God. To add insult to injury, we celebrate this by bringing families together. There is nothing the globalists hate worse than God and family.

It won’t be long before someone forms an organization resembling “The Society for the Elimination of Thanksgiving”. Wait for it. In past years, globalists have done their best by polluting the waters. Most recently, they urge their minions to insist on discussing volcanic topics at the dinner table. Why think of those things we have to be thankful for when we can talk trash about Trump? This year my money is on “gun violence”. It may be the top menu item from the left as I write for all I know. Yesterday’s Walmart shooting is still fresh off the presses. “Never let a crisis go to waste”, as they say. I’m sure it won’t be “vehicular violence” or “knife violence” or “pushing people into trains violence”. I guarantee no one from the left will want to bring “hammer violence” to the table. Nor will they want to discuss just plain “violence” or “crime” in general. Both are losers. Truth be known, the whole “gun violence” idea is a loser, ask anyone in the nether parts of Chicago.

Word is now out that Biden’s handlers have released a “cheat sheet” to arm his minions with propaganda to spew out for the holidays. Ironically they called it some “talking points when that uncle comes at you”. Interesting. I’d say they stole this from me but I hadn’t posted anything at the time. Unless they are lurking on my computer…

Meanwhile they emphasize “working with Republicans” while downplaying any and all real family issues. The only “republicans” they work with are RINOs and only when they can be taught to perform cheap globalist tricks – like impeaching Donald Trump or holding trials disguised as congressional committee hearings that would make Stalin proud.

May I propose we set aside darkness and talk about godly things instead? Note, I said “godly things” not necessarily God. Sure we can talk about God too or even entirely. I’m all for that. You and I both know how that sort of things go in most families. There’s always Uncle Crank. Why can’t we talk about love? What’s wrong with happiness? There’s a whole world of good things out there to talk about, is it so impossible to focus on them? Many family gatherings will harbor at least one “Uncle Crank” who seems determined to sour the mood if not incite a nuclear incident. Sometimes conflict is unavoidable but more often than not a peacemaker can emerge and save the day. Why not commit yourself to being that peacemaker? Pray about it now and be ready to enlist God’s help to diffuse any situation.

Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

It’s a start. Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you.