The Dems Are NOT Going to Stop – What Can WE Do?

From The Gateway Pundit:

BREAKING: Arizona GOP Files BOMBSHELL Lawsuit Against Corrupt Secretary of State After Discovering from 500,000 to 1.3 Million ILLEGAL Voters on State’s Voter Rolls

Does anyone thing they will stop there? I don’t, for sure. Count on it. The Dems will keep hammering away right up until November 5th and beyond. What can we do?

Well, gee, we can wait and see what happens.

Then we can take them to court to get all those illegal votes thrown out.

THIS TIME it will work.

Oh. REALLY? There’s a better way.

We can start fighting back NOW. How?

By registering more voters – REAL voters. The numbers are in our favor. Let’s take Arizona since they are in the news already. Here’s the 2020 tally:

State Called Dem votes Rep votes Other votes Citizens

who did not vote

Arizona D 1,672,143 1,661,686 53,497 3,387,326

That’s right – nearly 3.5 million did not vote. How many were registered? I don’t know. What I can draw from this is there are enough “non-voters” in AZ to give us a fighting chance to take back Arizona in the very face of their cheating ways.

Forget about depending on the “Republican Party”.

Forget about praying “justice will be done”

Forget about sitting on our asses and waiting for “somebody” to do “something”.

Now YOU can “do something”

Select one or more “Take America Back!” items – From T-shirts to drinkware to posters


Each one is imprinted with a QR code linking to Arizona’s official online voter registration page  where qualified citizens can register to vote. (In most states registered voters can also check their status!)

Wear or display them to attract and register new voters.

You do NOT need to “join” any group. (If you want to fine, these materials will help any bona-fide voter registration drive.)

NO NEED to burn yourself out!

Do what you can when it is convenient for YOU..

How many politicians with with you time and time again for donations?

If you’ve ever given one a dime you know what happens next – you are inundated for weeks, months, years even for more and more money.

Wouldn’t it be better to spend a few dollars to register a new voter or  two?

What would be more effective? If just 1 in 10 Trump supporters supporters registered ONE new voter – that would mean over 166,000 new voters – not just for Trump but for every candidate on the ticket!

You decide.

Short on cash? Why not download and post the Voter Action Meme below?

Get One for YOUR State

It costs you nothing but a bit of time. Download it to your phone so anyone you might be talking to can scan and register.

Post it on your social media pages, your blog, your website – anywhere you can.

The fact is – we CAN “do something” and more.

We don’t need the blessing of any party or politician. We don’t need permission from any state or federal authority to simply share a link to an official government page. We  can do this on our own, on our terms. And yes, you can even “do your own think” without any help from me!

All I’m doing is providing an easy, off-the-shelf solution for a real problem – WE the People need to gather our numbers to make our voices heard.

That’s it. Now it’s up to you. Are you going to sit on your can and watch our nation burn or are you going to take action?

Take action today!