An Open Letter to the Virginia Republican Party Leadership

October 3, 2024

An Open Letter to the Virginia Republican Party Leadership

It has come to my attention certain officials in Virginia’s Republican Party have demanded an “Oath of Loyalty” from certain other members. As I understand it, these demands are in response to a letter forwarded to Donald J. Trump requesting he void his endorsement of John McGuire for Virginia’s 5th Congressional District seat and endorse sitting Congressman Bob Good instead.

Now a meeting is being held to decide the fate of those Republican Party members who have declined to sign this oath. My understanding is they have been presented an ultimatum: sign the oath or be banned from the party.

Please excuse my own ignorance as I am a newly minted member of this party, as I am not naturally a “joiner”. I have always registered as a Republican. I wholeheartedly agree with every word in Virginia’s Republican Creed. However I am not well-versed in the rules and bylaws of the party.

That said, the actions of certain individuals in this party appalls me. As far as I can ascertain, the individuals signing this letter did so entirely within those rules and bylaws. The only section one could remotely apply concerns supporting a non-party hopeful. Such is not the case here. Both individuals are Republicans. Not only that but they were seeking support for a duly elected Congressman, Bob Good. All this was prior to the primary challenging Mr. Good.

As a member of this party, I assert my right and the right of every member to write, speak, and vote in favor of any other member of the party who seeks an office until said member is officially endorsed by the party or such endorsement is declined. The very basis of our right to free speech is the ability to share and hold forth our ideas and preferences.

What I find most disturbing is the gall of those supposed “leaders” in the party to subvert the rules agreed to, either by vote or by implied consent, in order to forward some agenda of their own. This is how it appears. Whether or not this is true, said appearance lays directly at the feet of leadership who have utterly failed to communicate to those they serve. In case you need to be reminded – leadership serves the rank and file, not vice-versa.

I’ll remind you here, I am not at all addressing Mr. McGuire’s challenge of Mr. Good. What I am bringing to question is the actions of those who seem to seek to punish members for voicing a dissenting opinion. Nothing more.

If this demand of signing an “Oath of Loyalty” is indeed a result of the letter sent to President Trump, then you, the leadership, have blatantly usurped authority you have not been granted. To that end I make a demand of my own: resign immediately. You have no business representing the membership of this party in any capacity. Your actions demonstrate your total lack of respect for the rules of this party and for us as members. If this was the only issue that has come to my attention, then I might hesitate to make such a demand, but it is not.

Let’s talk about this years 5th District of Virginia’s Congressional Primary itself. Of course I am referring to events in Lynchburg. Imagine my surprise to learn of certain irregularities in the voting process and this from fellow Republicans. As an election official, I was outraged. I expressed my concerns to certain officials. I was not alone. Other citizens also found these charges disturbing. What have I heard from Virginia’s Republican Party officials? Crickets. This should not be.

What is the status of those members involved in this incident? Has every one implicated been cleared of any wrongdoing? If not, then have they been dealt with according to the rules of this organization? If not, why not? Why have party members of this 5th District not been kept apprised of this situation? This is OUR District. This is central to OUR representation in the United States Congress.

Why have you, as so-called leaders of our party, not so much as expressed concern?

On the one hand you want to hang members who do not agree with your political agenda, whatever that may be. On the other hand, you seem to gloss over serious charges of election shenanigans, if not outright fraud.

One belief, one standard that seems to be lacking in politics today is integrity. So many tout the “rule of law” as a banner while merely paying lip service to it. No wonder our nation is crumbling before our eyes. I, for one, cannot tolerate this. Neither should anyone in this party, especially those of you entrusted with the responsibility of serving us rank and file members in a leadership position.

In short: repent or resign. Admit your mistake in seeking signed “Loyalty Oaths” from members simply because they sought a change of heart from another Republican. Apologize to them openly and publicly. Or resign. If the facts of this incident indicate you have indeed exceeded your authority and you refuse to own up to it, then I will advocate your removal from office and the Republican Party.

Your only other recourse at this point is to demonstrate where you have indeed acted in accordance with the established rules and bylaws of the Republican Party of Virginia. Should this be the case, it is I who will offer an apology.

Do the right thing. Stand as an example of how a true Republican should act.


Andrew M. Havens