Note: this is my reply to commenters on another blog who essentially dismissed our constitution and therefore our nation.
I, for one, am tired of this defeatism seemingly pervading even the conservatives posting online. Some seem to expect arm conflict. Some appear to lust for it. Yes, our constitution has been abused, trampled, even shredded. Yes we’ve seen our rights wiped out with the stroke of a pen time and time again. Wiped out… or so they think. I contend our rights are inalienable. By definition this means something that “can’t be transferred to someone else, taken away, or denied.” In practical terms, I have a right to breathe. One can indeed deny said right and even cut off my oxygen supply and thus deprive me of my life. Usurping my right to breath and cutting off my oxygen does not wipe out my right. In other words, my right still exists. In same sense, even a SCOTUS opinion denying one of my inalienable rights does not wipe it out. Thus even our vaunted Supreme Court must bow to God Almighty who gave us these rights.
Now, for those of you who pooh pooh our constitution, I have a question. Have you surrendered then? In other words, will you simply forfeit your God given rights as enumerated in the founding document of this nation and therefore are you ready to bow to your betters who ARE your betters by their own mere proclamation?
What then? What do you propose? War or armed conflict by some other name? Or maybe you plan to vote your way out of this. Oh. Yeah. Voting is something done in some recognized form of government.
Allow me to suggest that unless and until a formal declaration of the abandonment of our constitution is made and a new form of government is officially installed, by whatever method, our Constitution is still the law of the land.
As such we are still self-governing citizens. The mess our nation is now in is NOT entirely the fault of those who usurped power and authority by fraud or device – fraud being feigning to “represent” a group of citizens while actually representing their handlers. It is NOT the fault of those “deep state” players installed in powers of so-called authority by the usurpers. Whose fault is it then?
If we can blame anyone we should first look inward to ourselves as citizens. WE have allowed this to happen by consistently giving to the nod, time and time again, to those who openly and brazenly abuse their fiduciary duties. Granted we have all been snowed, misled into believing lies such as “Our nation is a democracy”. Democracy, simply stated means mob rule. We are NOT ruled by a mob. Our founding document established a limited government granting limited authority by citizens who elect representatives to administer and preserve our republic. Few, if any, of us was taught this. However not being taught does not excuse us from our duty to learn and understand our responsibilities as citizens. I know I was not taught this. I did not pursue this knowledge until very late in life. I am as guilty as anyone of shirking my responsibilities as a citizen. Now that I’ve come to a better understanding myself, I feel duty-bound to help others understand these things.
Know this: those who have usurped power and authority fear us and rightly so. Otherwise they would have formally declared their absolute rule over us. Instead they inch towards such a declaration, gaining ground each day. Our power is NOT in our arms. Our power is in our voice – not the voice of one but the voice of the nation, comprised of free citizens in a constitutional republic. I am just one voice. Some may say “loudmouth”. So be it. No matter how loud I can be. If I can shout so every ear in the nation can hear me, I am only one voice. I am only one citizen. This is the difference between how our nation was designed and what it has become. The usurpers centralize their power. Their desire is to emanate authority from one place, our nation’s capitol. Our nation was designed to distribute power equally amongst all citizens. Thus I do not have any more power or authority than anyone. WE THE PEOPLE have power and even that power is limited by constitutional constraints. Once we realize our power and understand how to wield it, the usurpers have nothing.
For those of you who laugh and scorn our constitution, I say you are either defeated already or an active minion of the usurpers. For those who feel defeated, all is not lost. Not yet. For you minions… if your masters do indeed succeed, their victory will be a short and empty one. God Almighty will prevail.