NOW Ukraine Applies to Join NATO – How Worried Should We Be?

Ukraine has now officially applied for NATO membership. What does it all mean?

Last week, I saw this headline scrolling across the bottom of one newsy site or another. That’s it. Nothing else. Last night Tucker Carlson did a segment on this topic. He brought up some valid  points in his usual over-the-top style. Look. I like Tucker. I really do, but between his fake laugh and his typical drama-queen presentation, he gets tiresome. Today I dug down to get some real dirt on the situation. Here’s what I found from the AP of all sources:

9 NATO members urge support for Ukraine after annexation

Well that’s the headline. I almost passed it up. I admit, I’m somewhat ignorant when it comes to NATO. I mean I know it was formed to ward off the Soviets after WWII so they didn’t start acquiring new territories by invasion. I know they become active from time to time in different conflicts. Mostly, I surmise, to enable member nations to participate in international affairs without committing their own militaries. And I know the President Trump once (at least) chided NATO nations for not chipping in their fair share and allowing the US to cover the brunt of the costs. What else is new? Other than that, I don’t know a lot. Now I know more.

NATO membership needs approval from all 30 members and Ukraine is unlikely to join anytime soon. Being a country already at war complicates the request.

Now that’s some intelligence I can sink my teeth into. Even before Tucker started ranting on what would  happen if Ukraine joined NATO now, I shared the same thoughts. Such an act would be equivalent to declaring war on Russia. The vary premise of NATO is an attack on a NATO country is considered an attack on ALL NATO countries. Thus, per the agreement, NATO would be bound to providing military assistance.

So, yeah, Tucker is right to be concerned about Ukraine joining NATO. Where I see the drama queen factor is in the details. ALL 30 NATO Countries would have to vote to let Ukraine join. Let’s face it, this means all 30 NATO nations would essentially be voting to go to war with Russia. I don’t see that happening. Not now.

So let’s move on to the meat of the AP headline:

The nine NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe fearful that Russia could target them next if it isn’t stopped in Ukraine urged a response to the annexation.

So here we have nine countries already in NATO who want to approve Ukraine’s application because they are worried Russia could invade them next? Now that is idiotic. Again if Russia invades a NATO country, it is as if they are invading ALL 30 NATO countries. In other words, it was be akin to Russia declaring war on NATO.

Let’s see the reasoning here… we are going to bring Ukraine under the NATO umbrella so we can enter into battle with Russia because we are afraid Russia is going to invade and thus enter into battle with us.

Hel-LO? Anybody in there? That’s just stupid. Not ignorant as in lacking knowledge but plain ol’ stupid.

Should all 30 NATO nations decide this insanity is the way to get we all will deserve what we get and reap what we sow. I don’t see this  coming to pass. It’s a no-win preposition and surely at least one NATO country will understand this. Even Joe Bobo’s handlers are shying away from this idea:

Asked Friday about Zelenskyy’s application for accelerated NATO membership, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said the application process in Brussels “should be taken up at a different time.”

Of course the other major topic of discussion surrounding the Ukraine-Russia theater is the increasing mention of using nukes. Should this be a greater concern? Personally, I don’t think so.

Sure, it could happen but using nuclear weapons opens a whole new can of worms and I really don’t think anyone want’s go to there. You can’t unring that bell. The only time nuclear weapons have been used was in a desperate attempt to end a war. The consequences were horrible. While those with their fingers on nuclear buttons can rest assured they are likely safe from such horrors, nobody knows for sure. Now only could such a action unleash untold destruction on the targeted area but it would also open up the potential for  normalization of nuclear weaponry in conflicts. No sane person desires this.

Then there’s the potential of MAD – Mutual Assured Destruction. This policy is not talked about any more but it is still officially in place between Russia and the United States. While the idea of limited nuclear use restricted to certain areas may be “acceptable” to some of those in elite circles, I doubt if even they really want to see how life is in their bomb-proof bunkers. For goodness sakes what if their caviar went bad?

As with so much going on in the world, we are seeing a flurry fear-mongering on every level. It’s not coming from the right, the left, or the top, it is coming from everywhere. One could make a case for much of this being propaganda by nefarious sources trying to stir up FUD – fear, uncertainty and doubt. Bluntly put, I’m sure much of what we see from all media sources is just that, but mixed in with these are simply those who may have the best of intentions but for some reason or another, never take in enough facts to see a bigger picture. In this respect, I am likely guilty of this myself.

Many of these issues are mere distractions and it is easy to get caught up in them. What I am taking from all of this is we need to refocus our efforts closer to home – the closer the better. I can’t do anything about Ukraine. What I can do is speak the truth both here and locally. I can work to secure my county – to work towards making sure our county board, school board and sheriff  are working for us citizens rather than some shadowy figure. I use my voice to urge the local party to work for us and to make our voice and desires heard within the state and nation, as well as to convince my fellow citizens to abandon party politics in favor of a non-political approach to our issues.  This may be a small pond and even here I may always be a small fish but even so, I can make more waves here than in any ocean. What about you?