FIB’ers Infiltrating Christian Churches – Yawn.

This was a big headline on The Gateway Pundit:

“They’ve Already Infiltrated the Church and Wanted to Go Even Futher. I Wonder If This Is Just the Beginning” – FBN Host Sean Duffy Admits to Attending Latin Mass, Slams Chris Wray for His Criminal Assault on Christians

I’m sorry but so what? PLEASE don’t tell me you are really surprised by this Sean? Sorry, but WAY back when I was just a young man, I went to this annual camping event sponsored by a Christian ministry. It was attended by thousands of believers. I remember the head of the ministry, standing on state, berating the feds for snooping. He said something like “I know the FBI is here looking for guns and stuff. You won’t find any.” I don’t know what else he said but it wasn’t much. Of course we were shocked – this was over 40 years ago. I doubt if it was anything out of the ordinary even then for feds. Hoover, among others, sported a long history of trashing our Constitution.

So, no, I’m not shocked nor am I surprised. The fact is most Christian services are open to the public so there’s no need to sneak in. Expect to be welcomed in. No doubt someone might even take you aside and tell you about our “secret” plans to take over the world. We even have a name for it. We call it evangelism. We want to win the world to Christ one person at a time.

On the darker side of this picture is FIB director Chris Wray’s memo to agents warning of “dangerous ‘radical traditionalist Catholic ideology’”. Now look, I don’t agree with a significant amount of “Catholic ideology”. I just don’t. Depending on how you look at it, it may even be “dangerous”, but what is that “danger” anyway? Well… some of it could turn someone off from wanting to accept Christ. (I hear Catholics view communion as literally eating Christ’s body and drinking his blood – if this is true I find it a bit creepy myself, if not downright pagan.) Fact is, some of the most vehement anti-Christians I’ve met were raised Catholic. Then again, I’ve met plenty of others who have turned away from the Christian faith from other demoninations, a good number of them were the children of preachers.

Obviously there are other places to look for the real dangers to society rather than Christian churches and I’m not referring to school board meetings either. In fact, considering what I’ve gathered from January 6, et al, the FIBs are a greater danger to our nation than just about any other organization, at least those organizations they are “investigating”. The question is are they really investigating or are they recruiting? Either option is not likely to bear much fruit.

As Christians, we’ve got much bigger fish to fry and not just on Fridays. We need to hold fast to God’s matchless word and hold it forth. We need to bring “every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5 WEB)

We need to turn to God, confess and repent our sins, and ask Him to restore our nation. We really don’t have time to wring our hands wondering what the government is doing. Instead, let us pray that the time they spend among us bears good fruit and brings them to Christ.

May our Heavenly Father bless you and keep you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.