American politics has always been dominated by two parties. Until I was about thirteen when I showed my Mom the “error of her ways”, she always sided with the democrats. She contended the republicans catered to the rich whereas democrats looked out for the poor. This was in 1971. Even though I despised Richard Nixon – I thought his economic policies were crap and I loathed the idea of opening relations with China – I still felt the republican party was far more inclined to rein in spending than the tax and spend democrat party. It took me a long time to realize how utterly wrong I was and even longer to comprehend the joke our two-party system is on us citizens.
Today, right before our eyes, the vaunted American two-party system is dead – or nearly so. The most surprising aspect of this is who is killing it. What remains to be seen is what will take it’s place. In this two-part series I’ll lay it all on the line as I see it. Who is killing the system and why. More to the point – what they are determined to replace it with. Finally, I’ll offer up an alternative – a real choice that is not only possible but actually within our grasp.
Folks, politics isn’t simply dead. We’ve gotten so used to the smell of the rotting corpse of American politics, we are blind and desensitized to the decay and corruption left behind. Meanwhile, the politicians, laughing at us all the way to the bank, live in wonderlands of their own design in our federal and state capitols. They live lives of honor and privilege while their henchmen, government employees whose salaries are paid for with our own sweat and blood, extract every loose nickel from our pockets while prying free much of the remaining change we are desperately holding on to. They’ve brought to life Robin Hood’s Sheriff of Nottingham in the guise of federal bureaucrats. Meanwhile, they dine in the finest restaurants, live in the grandest houses, take junkets to exotic locations, all courtesy of grunts like you and me. Nancy Pelosi, during her last stint as Speaker of the House of Representatives, insisted her taxpayer provided plane be upgraded to a 747 so she could be ferried back to her San Francisco home district without stopping in flyover country to refuel. Oh, yeah, and, this daughter of a Baltimore politician, is somehow worth tens of millions of dollars. Go figure. And for the record, she’s never been charged with any wrongdoing, irrespective of the allegations of insider trading in the stock market, among others.
Let’s not forget Mitch McConnell who is also a multi-millionaire. Yet another politician with deep, profitable ties with China. Nor Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Obamas, or any of the rest of them. These days much is alleged about the Bidens and I absolutely believe a fair and thorough investigation would result in charges and jail time for all of the above. Do any of them look worried? The closest I’ve heard is when Hillary is said to have stated that if Trump won, “they” would all end up in jail. I don’t know whom the “they” she supposedly spoke of was exactly but I’ve no doubt the potential list is mind-boggling.
So how can I say “politics is dead” when everything appears to embrace the phrase “business as usual”? Remember that rotting corpse I spoke of? The game changed long ago. The more you look back with open eyes the more you will realize our “two-party system” is nothing but an illusion of smoke and mirrors. These days the reality is obvious if you care to see it. The gloves have come off and even the “politicians” are tired of the ruse. While they still wear the same “work clothes” every day, they no longer hide their true agenda. At least this is true of many democrats. The republicans continue to claw at the falsehood they are fighting for us because they have nothing else to offer. True, there are some politicians on both sides intent on shoring up the facade but more and more have “come out” for what they really want. Consider what the democrats advocate:
Green policies
Universal income
Universal health care
Cash Bail Reform
Disarming citizens
Open borders
All of these ideas are linked by a common thread. Each one moves us closer to shifting to a one-world government. Really? How can that be? Let’s look at these one by one with open eyes.
Green policies. Bad enough is the idea of forcing electric cars, stoves, and heating upon us all. To “reduce our carbon footprint”, proposals are now on the table to reduce farm production, power generation from all but solar and wind, and even reduce the world’s population. You heard right, they want to kill us off. You don’t really think any of those folks advocating “population reduction” are volunteering to go first… do you? Some have stated a desired reduction as much as 80%. You don’t get those numbers by attrition. Why? A smaller population is easier to control, silly. How much sense does it make to control such a reduced population via multiple governments? The globalists see themselves as an elite class destined to rule over their lessors and face it, the very term “globalists” is indicative of central control from a single entity. In other words, a one-world government. This “green movement” is a lightly veiled effort to cause economic hardship, even famine, among our citizens. Look back on the first Great Depression and what FDR was able to accomplish for the globalist agenda then.
Universal income is another devious plan to herd the poorest and least productive citizens into financial prisons where they can be controlled with ease. As a recent enrollee into Social Security, I already see the potential hook coming… get vaccinated or lose your benefits. I’ve got news for the bastards. Universal income has yet another hidden feature shared by all “government gimmies”, the more of our money the globalists spend the more they can stress our resources until they break.
This is also one of the main goals behind universal health care. Not only can they control a massive segment of our economy they can also begin systematic reduction of the population by picking and choosing who gets what health care. After all… we can only afford so much – right? This joke on us displays raw evidence whenever a globalist becomes ill. No expense is ever spared to save one of their own – as long as they are useful and in good standing.
On to the elimination of cash bail. Surely this is obvious. The goal is to keep criminals on the streets as much as possible. Granted our “criminal justice system” leaves much to be desired but installing revolving doors at police stations is not the solution. As crime rises, citizens demand protection in the form of, you guessed it, more government and more regulations. What, exactly, is the the most touted solution to violent crime?
Disarming citizens! Hello. Of course they can never call it that. Instead they want to “reduce gun violence” (because knife, and fist, and baseball bat violence are much more desirable ways to suffer and die) and “get guns off the street”. As with every other dialectic, they ignore the real issues while promoting so-called “solutions” that only exacerbate the problems. With every mass shooting, I’ve begun to call for bigger “No Guns Allowed” signs. That should stop ’em.
Then there’s the open borders agenda. They can’t hide this one. Nothing says “One World” better than the eradication of a national borders. This agenda item alone should speak volumes. While the term “open borders” speaks for itself, don’t forget ancillary issues such as “amnesty for so-called immigrants” (illegal aliens), “pathways for citizenship”, along with all the other means of either openly ignoring immigration and naturalization laws or simply ignoring the influx of illegal people and goods flooding our nation. It all adds to the strain of our resources as well as directly contributing to the death and destruction of our citizens and our nation.
The globalists have come out of the closet. They openly and proudly proclaim not only their hate of America but their intent to destroy our nation. They have routed our representatives and elected officials on every level, replacing them with their own sycophants. They’ve seized control of our electoral processes while laying siege to our legal system. Those they failed to control they are hobbling, if not eliminating via lawfare. They own the media. They own law enforcement. They own the courts. There are exceptions. Some voices still cry. Some law enforcement agencies resist. Some judges, including a majority in SCOTUS, still abide by our constitution to some extent. That said, the gloves are off. Politics is dead. The true battle is globalism vs our nation – our constitutional republic. It is the last bastion we citizens need to defend. Is it hopeless? Not at all. But as the globalists have shifted their attacks, we must shift our defenses. They’ve made a strategic error. Now if only we can capitalize on their blunder. To be continued…