Adam Schiffty and His Laughably Liberal Whining About SCOTUS

So this post was scheduled for August 5 and somehow never made it to “print”. Late but not forgotten….

So here’s the headline and the article on The Gateway Pundit:

Adam Schiff Renews Call for Democrats to Pack U.S. Supreme Court With Liberal Justices

I do hope you didn’t expect this idiot to have an original idea or something. Why bring it up at all? Bear with me, especially if you are as tired as I am hearing about “packing the Supreme Court”. Ask yourself… what is the real reason behind this ridiculous concept?

Chances are you know the answer already, but look below the surface. Of course it is blatantly obvious they don’t like recent SCOTUS decisions and they want to turn the tide to favor their agenda. We all know they’ve never had a problem when decisions went their way. We all know they are the sorest of sore losers. If ever a politician threw a temper tantrum to make a three-year-old watch in awe, it is a liberal when something, anything, doesn’t go according to their wishes. And when they can’t win… they cheat.

Again, this is all well-documented. They lie and cheat at every turn. How many examples do you need?They cheat on legal matters. You only need to look at the record to verify this. Heck, they even cheat when it comes to Supreme Court rulings. Note the number of times Nobama, as well as Biden, simply decided to ignore decisions against them. They cheat at elections. The 2020 Presidential election is only the last example. Fact is, I am convinced they only lost the 2016 election because they were caught with their pants down (figuratively, thank GOD!) and underestimated the will of the PEOPLE to move away from politics as usual. The list goes on, and on, and on. Now that Trump has shored up the Supreme Court of the United States with justices who actually have some respect for our Constitution, they are collectively (how else?) whining and throwing fits about how unfair the rule of law is. And, of course, they want to change it by… packing the court! But… this is only the dirt on the surface. What lies beneath?

Before I dig into that, let me first say, I am not a huge fan of the Supreme Court myself. This doesn’t mean I feel our third branch of government should be done away with. Not at all. It is necessary. We need the Supreme Court. It is not so much the court itself I have a problem with. My problem is with attitude – OUR attitude when it comes to Supreme Court decisions. I liken it to when the Catholics choose a new Pope. The faithful hover around with an eye to the chimney, waiting for the puff of smoke indicating the church leaders have come to a decision. Then breathe a sigh of relief when the smoke emerges, wiping hand and saying “well, that’s that, all is well.” As citizens we do the same thing except certain segments are always unhappy with the ruling. Well, DUH! The whole reason any court case gets traction at all is because there are two opposing sides. So what’s the deal?

The “deal”, as I see it, is SCOTUS often gets things wrong. Let’s take, for example, one of the more recent decisions causing so much angst – Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. In this case, and I entirely agree as I understand it, the Court ruled that the federal government had no business telling anyone whether they could have an abortion or not. Now I’m sure it goes deeper than this but that is the gist. They overturned Roe vs Wade, likely one of the worst SUPREME COURT DECISIONS ever handed down. Most of the time, I tend to disagree when a court rules in favor of expanding constitutional limits on government and the courts tend to expand governments purview far more often than putting on the skids. Of course the liberals and usurpers always want more government because it means more control for their side.

All of the above is easy to see. We’ve come to accept it as “that’s the way things are”. These days the liberals have a problem with “the way things are” much as I’ve had for most of my life. What’s the difference? Like I said, they tend to cheat. In this case as in “packing the court”. Isn’t there another way? I’m glad you asked. Of course there is.

Like I said before, our tendency as a nation is to simply accept any SCOTUS ruling as the final word and move on. The problem with this is, SCOTUS does NOT have the final word! WE the PEOPLE do! The Constitution is not theirs to manipulate any way they so desire – the Constitution is OURS. It is our law of the land. Sure, as citizens, the Constitution belongs to Supreme Court justices also – but, as CITIZENS they have no more right or say than we do. In other words, it is the right of us citizens of this nation to OVERTURN SCOTUS.

Now, I’ll tell you up front, the politicians know this. Often, the court will rule on a singular point rather than a principle and the politicians have been known to rework certain legislation so it falls in line with a ruling. What the politicians are terrified to admit is, WE are in charge when it comes to the law of the land.

Let’s take Dobbs vs Jackson for our example. Once you see this, it will all be crystal clear as to why the usurpers want to pack the court. Like I said, SCOTUS said, our Constitution does not provide for federal meddling concerning abortions. Now, if the majority of us citizens disagree with this, WE the PEOPLE are fully within our rights to change this. How? By modifying our Constitution via an amendment. I hear you shaking your heads (and my wife claims I am hard of hearing), but the process is not easy for good reason. The last thing we need is what the liberals like to call “a living document”. (Thus suggesting the only other choice is to declare our Constitution dead.) It would be a nightmare if our nation’s decisions were all made by popular vote. This is the very reason we are a constitutional republic and NOT a “democracy”.

For this very reason, the globalist usurpers would rather “pack the court” because they know, they KNOW, the citizens of this nation are not likely to hand over control of their reproductive organs to the feds. So they want to cheat. This is their way because the only way they can win is by deception. Consider their own protests concerning Dobbs vs Jackson. Why, if you listen to them and believe their crap, then you’d be convinced any woman, ANY WOMAN, will soon be forced into illegal back alley clinics where unwanted pregnancies are terminated with coat hangers. Get real. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Research indicates most Americans are quite reasonable when it comes to the abortion issue. Many of us don’t approve of this as a method of birth control but few are opposed to those with limited choices or special circumstances. Personally, I do not feel a limited government has any say at all in such matters until such life becomes viable independently of the mother. Even then I think it is wise to tread carefully. That said, I do strongly object to the idea that abortions should be financed with tax dollars. In other words, if you want an abortion, that’s one thing but do not expect me to foot the bill, directly or indirectly.

So there you have it. Adam Shiffty and friends don’t like limiting government so their solution is to Shifft the odds in their favor by packing the court. It’s no surprise. Far be it for him and his like to accept the decision or vow to work hard to win the hearts of the PEOPLE to make changes.

Now, before I leave you, consider yet another potential SCOTUS ruling that could nuke our government’s stranglehold on our nation. Loper Bright Enterprises vs. Raimondo. (Red State Article)

Once again, this review contests an earlier SCOTUS ruling – the infamous Chevron Doctrine.

The way Red State puts it, this ruling was key allowing federal agencies to run rogue by devising regulations not authorized by Congress. You know, like the ATF suddenly deciding what gun parts can be bought and sold without their express permission? Below is the link to keep you updated.

SCOTUS Blog Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo

Again, my own desire would be to have the National Firearms Act and the Gun Control Act of 1968 specifically overturned, along with the rest of the ridiculous anti-2A laws, and for SCOTUS to make perfectly clear how the words “shall not be infringed” should be understood (to my satisfaction, of course). I’m sure this is too much to hope for but, barring a solid stand by us citizens, I can only dream.