See? I TOLD You So!

This via 90 Miles from Tyranny:

Report: Google to Ban Independent Media From Search Results

It’s not that I hate to say it but rather, I hate how right I was. Trust on this, I’d be happy to be wrong. When I started The Liberty Coalition, the idea was to build a website that could end around 8,000 lb Grrrillas like Grrrgle. My goal was not to become “THE” conservative website on the internet but one hub of a web of sites all connected by the precepts of Liberty. Well, that didn’t happen.

Sure, you can still see some remnants of my efforts here, those parts I’ve just been too lazy to update or simply take down but that idea is mostly gone. This shouldn’t surprise me because my own nature is much like those of my ideological fellows – I tend to be independent. Add to that the fact that I absolutely suck at the whole entrepreneur thing and, well, you can see the results.

My vision was reduced to a blog and a rather obscure blog at that. Okay, fine. The silver lining is this cloud is I answer to no one except God Almighty Himself. Him I cannot escape if I wanted to. I don’t have sponsors breathing down my neck, nor donors. Heck, I don’t even get grief from either one of my regular readers. The downside is I sometimes wonder if anybody is reading this. I’ve come to terms with this also.

The bottom line is, I’m beyond caring about myself or my musings. Take it or leave it. I’m at the point where I write what I want, when I want, and if you don’t like it, there’s the door.

Back to Grrgle’s ban – like I said, I saw it coming long ago. You know the saying…

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Well, there it is. Can we push back? Sure we can. It is possible we might – at some point – at something – some day. I’m not holding my breath.

The same goes for our republic. Just a day or so ago, my wife and I were discussing what someone said about our Constitution being replaced by an administrative hierarchy (close enough, I don’t remember the exact phrase). My wife – MY WIFE – insists this is a done deal. My contention is unless and until, someone stands up declaring our Constitutional Republic is no more and this “whatever” is replacing it AND is not contested, our republic stands. WE the People still retain the legal right to govern ourselves. The question is do we have the will to do so?

And, finally, the same goes for our nation’s relationship to God. Our very republic is a gift from Almighty God. I have no doubt He would restore it if we only asked. That said, I doubt if we will do that much. So many no longer believe in a Holy God, much less one who can and will deliver us from this present evil. Of course, we would also have to repent of those sins rife within our society. While you may correctly picture murals of decadence, at the heart of it all is our refusal to simply accept the responsibilities that come with governing ourselves. Instead we relegate our duties to political parties. Do tell how that’s worked for us.

This is why I’ve been spending more time on scriptures and chess. It seems far more urgent to me for readers to seek out God than anything else. As for the chess? Well, beyond the benefit of keeping my mind sharp, I’ve always had a passion for the game despite my struggle to be even a mediocre player.