Don’t bother with your stock answer – dig deep, In your case I’ll settle for the layer just under you skin.
Seriously. What exactly have you done about Joe Biden’s obvious inability to piece together a simple, coherent thought? I know, I know – those who live in glass houses – BUT as the Junior U. S. Senator representing the Commonwealth of Virginia – you OWE it to us to step up and speak up. Don’t bother doing now you are begging for votes. Too little, too late.

Let me ask you this: IF Biden were impeached… are you solidly behind him? I thought so. While you supposedly graduated from law school and I have never even visited one, I have read the Constitution, you know, the founding document laying out the basic law of our land? It says impeachment is the accusation. The trial is held in the Senate to determine guilt. I was always taught a man is innocent until proven guilty. I suspect YOU on the other hand, would never be bothered by facts or evidence. You would vote for acquittal no matter what. Articulate how I ‘m mistaken. Onward…
What have you done about the MILLIONS of Illegal Aliens flooding this nation? Forget about action. I have yet to hear a single word from you on this. Nothing. To whom do you owe your duty?
What have you done about the J6 political prisoners? Last I brought this up to you, you spouted nothing but nonsense. My letter to you said NOTHING about ANYBODY’S guilt or innocence. Rather, my concern was about their treatment as detainees – citizens who have been arrested, charged, and denied their human right to humane treatment, much less their constitutional rights to a speedy trial, etc.
Instead you wrote about how certain Senators ought to be investigated and how terrible “insurrection” is. I guess nobody informed you how NOT ONE of these J6 political prisoners has EVER been charged with insurrection. While I think I remember some prosecutor pulling “conspiracy” out of his magic hat concerning one or more Oath Keepers, I doubt very much if even that garbage would hold up in any unbiased court of law.
All this is just on the surface. I’m sure if I were to dig down, I’d find where time and time again, you’ve sided with your handlers – your party bosses or their bosses – and the democrat party line rather than with the citizens you are supposed to be representing.
Go ahead Odie – say it – I don’t like you – I never have. True that. Lemme tell you a story…
Several years ago, we lived on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. With our home we inherited an aging pool so we looked up a fellow who could tell us whether it could be reasonably restored. Interesting guy. Says he knew Joe Biden from way back. Now this guy was not a democrat but he says Joe took a liking to him. In fact, my guy told me, Joe was one of those guys you could enjoy a beer with.
Now I don’t think much of Joe Biden either, but, as with you, it’s not personal. If I were to run across you in a bar, we might well enjoy a beer together. Just like my pool guy, that doesn’t count for an excuse for your donkey doo. It’s not personal. As far as liberty goes, you are and likely always be a statist. We are not the same – not even close.
It’s not personal Timmy – not at all. You’ve bought the statist line of BS hook, line, and sinker. You will always choose the State over the People you were elected to represent. For that reason, you must go.