Kamala – The 1 $Billion Dollar Woman

Last Night (Saturday for those of you inside the Beltway) Mark Levin had Ted Cruz on as a guest. Now I only watched a few minutes of that segment, but what I heard sickened me. The Senator from Texas is once again in the race of his life. His campaign is out of money. His opponent is outspending him by leaps and bounds. He’s already purported to have spent $100 million and is expected to drop another $50 million in the next three weeks. Ted is pleading – begging for money.

Meanwhile Levin points out Kamala Harris has raised a ONE BILLION DOLLAR warchest. Wait! What? Get real! My response to this is – no, she has not.

Let’s face it, Kamala Harris is not that popular. She never will be. The best strategy to win against her in any political contest is simple – just let her speak. Remember that old saying? “It is better to say nothing and have people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and confirm their suspicions.”? Well, there you go. Trust me on this, Kamala is NOT the one keeping her mouth shut.

Back to Ted Cruz – Chuckie Schumer is determined to unseat him. He’s throwing tons of cash to help defeat Cruz. Levin said AOC (NY Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) has said if the Democrats can win Texas, the state will be forever blue. I doubt if anyone who has heard that woman speak would accuse her of being politically adept so I have to wonder who put that bug in her ear. The scary thing is, she might be right, er, correct.

Meanwhile, that aged swamp creature and perpetual RINO Mitch McConnell, you know, the SENATE MINORITY LEADER, refuses to help Ted Cruz. Why? Petty freaking politics is the stated reason. I have a different angle – McConnell simply wants the Democrats to remain in power. That way he can continue to build his personal bank accounts behind the scenes without all that messy business of having to actually lead the Senate. As a bonus, he can remain in the shadows so nobody can see his true colors.

Now lets talk about that BILLION DOLLAR BABY – Kamala Harris. How on earth did she manage to raise that kind of money? The answer is staring us all in the face. Worse, it is the same answer as to how she was installed as the Democratic hopeful for the most power political seat in the world – it is all smoke and mirrors. We’re talking Wizard of Oz here. Like I said, Kamala Harris did NOT raise $1 billion – all that money came from the sneaky bastards pulling the strings behind the scenes.

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve seen the same accounts I’ve seen. Most of Kamala Harris’ “donations” is the result of a massive money laundering operation. You see, men like George Soros cannot just hand buckets of cash to people like Kamala – that is against Federal Election Law and could actually come back to bite them. So what do they do? They steal donors. Laugh if you will, I know it has happened because I’ve talked to people – people I know and trust – who have had this happen to. Their names are listed as “donors”, yet they have not, would not, and in fact, would rather be shot by a firing squad, rather than give her a plug nickel. Her warchest is a scam.

Once it hits you that the bulk of these “donations” come from Big Money, the next question should that naturally comes to mind is WHY? (okay I’m using quotes to indicate they are actually such – before some detractor gets his panties in a knot – this money is technically donated – the trouble is they would be better termed “illicit donations”, okay?)

I’ll tell you why – the reality is they aren’t “donations” at all, this money would be better termed as investments – a down payment on the purchase of the politician. Ask Mitch McConnell. I’m sure if you lubricated his tongue enough he could tell you all sorts of stories about such things from personal experience. Actually you could ask just about any politician who has been in the game for a while, I’m sure. Maybe instead of elections, we should institute a system where we could buy and sell our politicians on an open market rather than having to sneak around in dark alleys and smoky back rooms.

The real question we should be asking, rhetorical as it may be, is why is the highest office in our land worth $1 billion dollars and why one seat in the U. S. Senate worth $150 million dollars? We know why. Like I said, the question is rhetorical. So what can we do?

Well, first of all, repeal the 17th amendment. The Senate was never intended to be elected by popular vote and now we know why. The Senate was meant to represent the states, with each sovereign state having an equal say. The terms are six years apart, in part I’d say, to avoid being dominated by any one group (read party).

Second, we should take a hard look at how Presidential campaigns are funded. How is this money being spent? That is my first question. Is it all on media buys? Would capping the amount of time and space a campaign can purchase be contrary to the First Amendment? I’m not so sure it would. How about capping the amount of money campaigns can raise? I’m open to suggestions but I am adamant about the idea that we need to do something to stop the madness.

All this speculation may be for naught. If Kamala wins the White House and/or Cruz loses his Senate seat, we may not have to worry about elections any more. We’ll all have bigger problems to deal with. If you live in Texas, please, Please, PLEASE do whatever you can to keep Ted Cruz in office. Of course, vote for him, vote early if you can so his people can focus on getting more out to vote. Talk to other Texans, help get out the vote, donate, whatever you can do – just do it! Even if it is only posting on social media – every little bit helps. Seriously. I’ll tell you a little secret.

From time to time I make light of my own posts here, referring to both my readers and such. While I cannot tell you how many patriots read my posts or who they might be what I can tell you is from time to time I see ideas expressed here repeated an much larger formats. Now I cannot take credit for all or even any of those things. It might just be that God Almighty is moving others to say or write much the same things as I am moved to. To be fair, that idea seems far more likely to me. However there is always a chance, just a sliver, that something I write here could have far more impact than I could ever hope for. Either way, I write what I write here because I feel I must. In the long run it doesn’t matter to me who, if anybody, ever reads it. I just gotta say it. What about you? When push comes to shove will you feel better if you say what you think you should or if you just clam up? I’ve done the latter and it is those times that haunt me the most. Just sayin’.