Philistines Surround Us. Goliath Looms.

This morning I thought about King David. Before he was king, he was a shepherd boy tasked with taking supplies to his older brothers. He found his people surrounded by the Philistines. Outnumbered, outgunned – so to speak and challenged by one of the mightiest men of war the world had ever known: Goliath.

David did not look at Goliath or the hoard backing him and tremble in fear. He asked aloud “ who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?” He said he would face Goliath. Was he drunken with his youth? No. He was faithful. David eschewed Saul’s armor and sword, instead taking up five round stones for his sling. He only “needed” one stone.

In David’s words:

1 Samuel 17:37 David said moreover, The LORD* that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD* be with thee.

*Note: This word “LORD” in scripture is translated as the word “Jehova” – in the Hebrew this word is JHWH (pronounced yä′wĕ) it is the Hebrew Tetragrammaton representing the name of God. The scholarly work of Rev. Ken Burns, M.A., Pastor and my own studies indicate this is truly the proper name of our Heavenly Father and the God and Father of our Lord Jesus the Messiah.

Today I am sure many will scoff at this as a fairy tale. Some will admit is is plausible. How many will see the parallel? We are surrounded by the Philistines. Goliath Looms. Goliath, of course, is our own government. Can anyone deny our government controls the mightiest war machine this world has seen? The war machine itself is only part of our Goliath. The Philistines? We are surrounded by the hoards of the globalists, the controllers, the left. They claim false gods and threaten more and more each day to destroy us.

This is the analogy of what I see in front of all of us today.

Today’s Philistines do indeed surround us. Their champion, Goliath, deploys fearsome weapons – ungodly laws and regulations, enforcers endowed with physical might and open jail cells. Meanwhile both work together to destroy us. They use their media to turn public opinion against us. They use their economic might to limit our options. Search engines avoid our messages. Banks void our purchasing power. Even devices we buy are turned against us to spy on us – from automobiles to cell phones to television sets. While they operate in secret behind closed doors the loudly demand to know what we’ve got to hide that we do not open up every nick and cranny of our lives for their inspection.

Their goal is to disarm us, silence us, subdue us. They don’t just want our guns, they lust for our very souls. Already they’ve enslaved us by stealing our labor and then forcing us to pay to spend the pittance we are left with. To add insult to injury, they demand we spend much of our earnings on goods and services of their choosing, leaving us with even less “discretionary” funds.

We are indeed surrounded but all is not lost! As David did we need to stand up and ask “Who are these heathen to defy the armies of the Living God?” Forget about carnal conflict. Nobody wins when the weapons of man clash. Our battle is spiritual. Our weapon of choice should be the Word of Truth. This is the ultimate weapon – the one weapon that makes the controllers shake in their boots because they cannot defeat it. They cannot take it away from us. Indeed if God be for us, who can be against us! (Romans 8:31b)

Consider the context of this verse:

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth.

34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.

37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Again: our nation, our constitutional republic, is a gift to us citizens from Almighty God. The rights outlined and defined in the constitution also come from God and cannot be rightfully denied by mere men. Who is this Goliath? Who are these controllers, these ungodly Philistines to defy our Holy God?

David, before he was king, killed the mighty Goliath with a single stone thrown from a length of leather. Without armor, without proper weapons of war, a teenage boy not only defeated the Philistine champion but turned the tide on the Philistines themselves. David succeeded not because he was a fierce warrior but because he trusted Almighty god.

Who are these Philistines that surround us? They are mere men. I contend they will crumble if only we will stand up and claim our God-given birthright in the name of Almighty God!

God bless,


The Case Against Donald J Trump

As I write the Democratic House of Representatives is pursing hearings to impeach President Trump. Whether you believe the witnesses presented or even if you’ve totally tuned everything out you should pay attention. I’ve brought this topic up before and I will again.

The very real, very troubling facts here should be plain to anyone: certain government lackeys – for lack of a more accurate term – have now spent years digging up anything they can to rid themselves of a sitting president. To Trump’s credit, they have failed miserably. Not only have they failed but they’ve managed to shine bright lights on the dark recesses of the deep state. Ladies and Gentlemen, our nation is totally infested with deadly vermin. This should alarm all of us.

Consider this once again: deep state actors – people who draw their paychecks and will likely draw lifetime pensions from us taxpaying citizens – are spending our time and money to unseat a duly elected president of our nation. Ask yourself – what if Donald Trump was just some guy who worked down the street?

Maybe your first response would be “Well, that guy is not important enough for anyone to go after.” Really? Who says? It doesn’t have to be someone from a lofty Washington D.C. Office. It could be he PO’d some lowly local guy with just enough juice. Or maybe the lowly local guy just knows someone with just enough juice. You know what? In a way I was “that guy” once and trust me, I am as “nobody” as one can get.

Years ago I worked for a tiny AM radio station broadcasting in the predawn hours. Our county was embroiled in a battle with the state over a proposal to bring a “low level” radioactive waste dump to us. For my part, I spent about ten minutes a day – at a whopping 100 watts of power, reading the latest news on the subject and injecting commentary. It eventually cost me my job. There was no fanfare. I never even knew at the time this was the real reason I was part of the downsize. As a matter of fact I went back to work for the station not once but twice. The man who fired me was also the man who hired me back. He was the one who eventually told me “I had to go.” because of my broadcasts. He claimed a personal relationship with the then governor of the state. He indicated it was the governor himself who wanted me gone. Over the years I’d come to know this man. He was a very accomplished liar. However I never knew him to make up stories like this one. From all I knew about him, I believe him. This time he was telling the truth.

My story is not at all a “deep state” story per se. However it does illustrate how a nobody could possibly be punished for simply stating his opinion. That is exactly what I did. I made it clear on every broadcast my opinion was my own. Furthermore, I doubt if I outright accused anyone of anything. One time I read a mostly unrelated article about the sale of a state-owned property to a private company for pennies on the dollar. I wondered allowed why they would do such a thing and questioned whether someone should look for improprieties. I do not remember exactly what I said but my style has changed little from those days. Even today I ask questions that suggest or imply wrongdoing rather than accuse anyone formally.

Back to the situation at hand, we’ve already seen how “justice” is done in our nation’s capitol. Take your pick from any number of well-documented stories: Solyndra, Lois Lerner, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Hillary Clinton – the list goes on and on and on. On the other hand, we’ve seen other people, little people dragged thought legal hell holes for the tiniest infractions. We know the truth – why don’t we just throw up our hands and insist truth in advertising? At least make them change the name to the Just Us system.

Even with everything we’ve seen, the current Case Against Donald J. Trump should shake everyone one of us to our bones. Not only are they targeting a sitting president. Not only are they relentless. They have manufactured most if not all of the “evidence” against him. They’ve trotted out false witnesses and secret witnesses. They’ve used secret courts and secret hearings. Should they succeed we should all be asking… “Who’s next?”.


God bless,


Yes, I Voted But NOT for THAT!

One train of thought turned up by the recent election that turned Virginia blue and conversations at the Richmond Gun Show immediately following concerns voting.

No, not election fraud. If some of the seats gained by Democrats in this election were indeed stolen, it would not surprise me at all. The sad fact is, even if incontrovertible proof was produced, nothing would come of it. Why do I say this? Strong evidence of election fraud was brought forth in previous elections and deftly swept under the rug. I am certain there is plenty of room left under that rug.

So my thoughts on this lean more toward attitudes and how they will influence legislation in the coming months. Dire thoughts. These attitudes are not new at all. In fact they pervade throughout politics and even into the courts. The worst part is, we’ve allowed this. It is time to put a stop to it. What the heck am I talking about?

The core of I am talking about here is silly idea that just because someone is elected into some office, they have carte blanche to pass any law they want. No. They do not. The very essence of a limited government is the limitations imposed by our constitution. We know this. We ALL know this but we’ve allowed those in office to ignore it or talk their way around it. Now we are all paying for this and paying dearly. Things are going to get worse – especially here in Virginia. Don’t get me wrong, things are no better anywhere these days, but what is happening here real and raw to me.

Over the past couple of years, I’ve gained a strong sense if Virginia Governor Northam. As you may know already, he is medical doctor by training – a pediatric neurologist. Doctors have long been deemed to have a “god-complex”. As far as I can tell, Northam not only perpetuates this stereotype but defines it. Becoming governor has not humbled the man one bit. Why bring this up?

Let’s face it, many elites admit they think they are better than us. We’ve been called deplorable, ignorant, stupid – even evil. Even Monty Python Icon and renowned social-political analyst John Cleese cites the ignorance of Trump supporters as they only watch Fox News.

Obviously if we were as intelligent as he is, we’d glue our eyes to MSNBC while snacking on Tide Pods.

All that aside, the controllers, from those passing laws to those enforcing them to those adjudicating them all agree – they are the last word when it comes to the rules we live by. Every one of them seems to have forgotten one little point: they ALL work for us! Or, at least, they are supposed. Every dime they put their overstuffed pockets comes from we the people. It only seems logical to me that we should have some say in such matters, but that’s not all.

Any authority the controllers can legally claim stems from the Constitution for the United States of America and the respective constitutions of each individual state. These documents were never intended to grant rights – they were written to limit the authority of government. While this is well known, these limitations have been explained away by any sniveling excuses the controllers can imagine – no matter how thinly disguised. Indeed they’ve usurped the intent of the commerce clause alone so they now define any activity of any citizen or entity as a form of “commerce” and therefore subject to federal “authority”. And we, the people, have allowed it. Shame on us! However the fact is we’ve paid dearly for our error. It is time to shut that sideshow down.

To the controllers: you are restrained… sirs (and madams). You do NOT have the authority to pass any law or do anything you wish just because you were voted into office. You represent us – you do not rule us. Step carefully. You not only answer to the citizens you represent but to Almighty God whom you will ultimately face.

God bless,


Does America Need a War on Waste?

Well… yes and no. I agree the spending abuses in the article below are terrible, but they are among the worst of the worst. The fact is MOST government spending can be categorized as “taxpayer abuse” because the controllers are not authorized to spend any of it. This is the crux of a limited government.The bottom line is:

Government’s gone rogue. They are totally out of control and laughing at us citizens about the whole thing. It needs to stop.

In a future post “Follow the Money” I will outline my premise and offer a simple three point plan to get us all back on track.

God bless,



Article h/t

America Needs a War on Waste

100 Examples of Federal Taxpayer Abuse


I’ve Had Enough of “State Secrets”!

Ever notice how the controllers like to say “This shouldn’t be a problem if you have nothing to hide” while they relentlessly probe your entire life? Yet, who is the first to cry “National Security!” when they are hiding stuff? Uh-huh.

The latest iteration of this is the secret impeachment hearings of President Trump. Let me see… if I remember right, when Bill Clinton was impeached everything was trotted out for all to see. The fact is so much of what our government does these days is behind closed doors and/or redacted so much one can barely find three words per page on “official” documents. That is IF they deign to release any information at all.

Recent FISA court proceedings have shown government officials lie not only to the American people but to the very courts that rubber-stamp their dirty dealings. But that’s not all. “Oh NO!” they say, “The Steele Dossier was just part of the evidence used to indict Carter Page.” Umm… no, it wasn’t. The Steele Dossier was all they had as is now revealed.

The long and the short of it is, I for one, am tired of all the nonsense. The government of these United States has no right to privacy. We American citizens have every right to privacy. Somehow this has gotten turned around. It is time to reverse this wrong and put things right.

As far as I am concerned we can do away entirely with the National Security Agency, the CIA, the FBI and every other useless “intelligence” and “federal law enforcement” employee we pay for. Wait!? The FBI? Yes, even them. Recent revelations reveal even the FBI’s touted forensic science isn’t all it is cracked up to be. If fact much of the “science” is now in doubt. Why pay for bad science? If enough of us insist on federal law enforcement than fine, we can have one – just one. That is enough. We do not need to pay citizens, or non-citizens for that matter, to spy on us. We do not need them to pour over our phone records, examine our purchases, watch our every move and movement. That’s what marketers are for.

God bless,


Powerful new video: You are the slave property of a corporation called the United States of America

Anyone who is paying attention has likely heard much of this before, but please allow me to add this perspective:

Last week President Trump announced he was moving his primary residence from New York to Florida. So what was New York Governor Cuomo’s response?

“It’s not like @realDonaldTrump paid taxes here anyway…

He’s all yours, Florida.”

Let that sink in, regardless of what you think of Donald Trump. The only measure of value placed on a citizen – one who rose to the highest public office of our nation – to say the least – is the dollars he can shovel to the state. What taxes he pays.

Granted this was an ill-advised, politically motivated statement by a man one could easily see as a rabid money-hungry idiot but it appears totally inline with his elitist globalist gang.

If he put any thought at all into it, he would have recognized, any income tax Trump paid over the years is paled by the property and other taxes generated by his efforts – not to mention those he employed. Given Cuomo’s mindset, I think it is safe to say economics is not his strong suit.

So if Trump’s only value to New York is his income tax “contribution”, what value do you think the other millions of citizens of that state is? Tax slaves indeed.

That said, here is the story


h/t ZeroHedge

CBD – The FDA and… Liberty!


A year or so ago, I became involved with a farmer friend of mine. He is a long-time tobacco farmer whose market is quickly drying up – much to the thanks of government efforts. We were talking about hemp farming and he was interested. He attended some seminars and other meetings to find out more. I went with him on several occasions and helped in other ways but he did a lot on his own. At the time the only legally-grown hemp in Virginia had to be tied to a educational research project. This year all that changed.

My friend applied for and was approved to grow two acres of hemp this year. I helped him a bit with the application. He had to supply the exact GPS coordinates where he was growing the hemp. I do not know what other hoops he had to go through but I remember one meeting we were at. The North Carolina hemp grower said one of his fields tested a bit more than the allowed 0.3% THC content. That’s three tenths of one percent folks. He had to stand there and watch someone burn his field.

Long story short, I had a conversation with him last night. Apparently the FDA has decided to step in. They want to determine whether CBD should be classified as a “drug” rather than a nutritional supplement. Whats the difference? A lot. For one thing you can no longer buy it off the shelf – you will need a prescription. I wasn’t there but I am sure the FDA is “concerned” about “safety”. NUTS to that!

Already, my farmer friend, is facing NO MARKET for his crop. Sure it’s a small crop but he’s not the only farmer growing hemp. He told me his buyer said sales dropped to ZERO. The buyer has no market, the farmers have no market all because of some last-minute arbitrary nonsense from a government agency that shouldn’t even exist! There is no valid constitutional grounds to justify the FDA.

My guess is drug companies producing prescription pharmaceuticals such as Oxycontin are determined to shut CBD down. Why? For one thing, many believe non-prescription CBD is far more effective than opiates for pain management without the addiction problems. Whoops! There goes big, BIG profits! Well I’m offering a solution:


Extreme? No. Not at all. The FDA has again and again they are not only ineffective but a parasite on our nation. Their efforts are horrendously costly to Americans with little if any positive results. Shall we review?

Consider Viagra. I stumbled across this quite by accident. To put it bluntly, I have never taken it so I cannot say from personal experience. That said, Viagra is apparently a big-money item. For a while, at my place of employment, we would get inundated with calls from companies wanting to it to us cheap. Why? I assume it is expensive, but here’s the thing… I recently came across an article where the author says this same drug, and others like it, can be had for pennies on the dollar. WHAT? Yep. Other countries, Canada for one, pay far, far less for this and other “approved” drugs. Why? Well, I cannot say for sure except they do not have the FDA on their backs.

What about Oxy? What about it? America as an admitted prescription drug problem. How much help is the FDA? Well they DID approve these drugs. Other than that… you tell me.

Shall we explore the world of psychotropics? What are they? These are known as Anti-depressants. This group, along with a couple of similar FDA APPROVED prescription drugs (such as Chantix®) are allowed – no APPROVED – even though they have chilling side effects. Like what? Like suicidal and “aggressive” behavior. How do I know this? I pay attention the the disclaimers in the drug companies own advertising. Yes, they are “required” to vaguely admit there “some” may suffer side effects, but that seems to be about it. Many writers have already made the connection between psychotropics and mass shooters. Is the FDA investigating? I doubt it. Either way, don’t hold your breath.

The fact is the FDA is not only ineffective but they have no right to regulate anything. One might argue “But they have a charter authorized by Congress!” First of all, Congress has no business here. The only thin thread they can hang on to is their much overused “commerce” clause. I contend, as citizens, WE put our feet down NOW on this. No part of our constitution is abused more than this one. It needs to end. We can start by demanding Congress dissolve the FDA.


May God Bless You and Keep You,

