Was the Vaccine the End Game All Along?

Much ado has been made about the Covid virus. Where did it come from? How? What is “gain of function” research and what part did it play? Who funded the research? What part did Anthony Fauci play? Most on my mind… why is the jab still being pushed?

This last led me to explore something more insidious… was the vaccine the point all along? (pun not intended) It makes the most sense of anything when the whole picture is seen from a few steps back.

Fauci funded the gain of function research with US taxpayer money. The purpose was likely to develop a bioweapon… or was it? If the China Flu was a bioweapon it was a lousy one. Untreated, the mortality rate is a laugh, if not merely a yawn. Sure it was virulent but early on we all know it was treatable. The problem was, the treatments were being shoved aside in the push for a vaccine. A few months ago, I dared pose the question: why don’t we have a real vaccine? You know, one like scientists produce every year to combat new strains of the flu. It turns out that the China Flu is very similar to the common cold, something scientists have so far failed to find a vaccine for. As such, developing a vaccine for this virus seems inherently problematic. Could this be part of the design? Thus the “need” for a new technology, the mRNA jab. But wait a minute! Some things still don’t fit.

First of all, we now know – KNOW – the vaccine was available before the first outbreak. Evidence exists referencing the jab as early as December 2019. All of this points to a plan, but what was the plan? (For those of you jumping up yelling “conspiracy theorist!”, sit down and shut up. Call it what you will, I’m examining evidence here.) Well, so far we were only at the very start of this world-wide panic-emic and already we have a cure, then a disease, both funded by US taxpayer dollars. The very same person who oversaw the funding (of the virus development at least) is the person who is shutting the lid on treatment, calling hydroxychloroquine, a drug used for over 40 years, dangerous and ineffective. Today, entering the term on a well-known search engine still produces a claim that it simply doesn’t work for the China Flu. A search for Ivermectin produces a similar response. The fact is several safe, effective and inexpensive treatments for the China Flu have been identified, yet Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Medicine, and our own taxpayer-funded government all tout a vaccine while downplaying treatment. It gets worse.

Florida is a prime example. Governor DeSantis has lead the fight in that state against the China Flu and against all those who spew the party line concerning the approach to combat this virus. The results seen in Florida are staggering. They defy all the naysayers with fewer hospitalizations, fewer deaths and far more recoveries than every single entity spouting vaccinations over early treatment. Florida is freer and safer despite sporting an older than average population – ranked #2 in the nation. Doesn’t this seem strange considering the China Flu is considered most deadly for the elderly? And yet, rather than championing the state with the greatest success against this virus, instead of emulating their methods, Governor DeSantis is consistently derided. Why?

Every day, more and more evidence piles up against the most highly touted “defense” against the China Flu – the jab. Every day reports surface from researchers, scientists and doctors warning of heath dangers directly related to the “vaccine”. (The term is in quotes because the definition of a vaccine had to be changed to call the mRNA jab a vaccine. Prior to the change, the jab, by definition could NOT be called a vaccine.) These dangers include heart issues, including but not limited to myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), testicular swelling in men, menstrual issues in women, and a sharp rise in miscarriages and stillbirths. The latest “official” response to Omicron, the newest variant is “get vaccinated” even though even Pfizer admits their “vaccine” has no effect on the variant. Setting aside the health issues for a moment, one might ask, “what is the logic for jab mandates?”. Good question.

By now, countless US citizens alone have been fired for refusing to take the jab. This includes health care workers. Health care workers? Yes, those very individuals who worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic long before there was any protection other than the standard “universal precautions” long practiced in health care facilities. If anyone should have an inside track on the advantages or contraindications of taking the jab, it would be these fine folk. They chose to lose their job rather than take a jab. They are not alone but they are among the most knowledgeable. Again, why the mandates?

Logically speaking, the jab is intended to protect the person taking it from the virus. Big Pharma goes so far as to admit the highest hope to be achieved from the jab is to lesson the severity or prevent death. From that standpoint then, vaccinations should be a matter of personal choice. One argument brought forth is one should take the jab to prevent the spread of the virus. However the data refutes this argument. The jab does NOT prevent the spread. In fact, the data tells us multiple jabs actually weakens one’s immune system, possibly against more than just this one virus. Nor do the mandates exempt anyone who has gained natural immunity. In short, logic, as well as science actually presents a stronger case against the jab in most cases.

If one were to follow the science and come to a logical conclusion, then we would be encouraged to live a healthy lifestyle because the biggest risk of dying from the China Flu is from having four or more comorbidities. Add to this, early treatment, including prophylactic treatment for those who are in high-risk circumstances or suspect exposure. These factors alone, in real-life clinical application have resulted in a scant number of hospitalizations and zero deaths among those patients whose doctors have approached the virus thus. In other words, clinical results have already proven this logic to be sound.

With a flood of evidence to support this logical approach, why then, is the “official” stance not only to encourage vaccinations but to mandate them at every opportunity? Why are we seeing a proliferation of “vaccine passport” requirements demanding proof of vaccination to enter public spaces? Returning to logic, I can only conclude one thing: the “vaccine” was the end game all along.

To believe this is to not only believe in evil but it is to believe evil people in positions of power are flexing their muscles to rain death and illness on the citizens of the world. This is a hard pill to swallow. What else is there?

One could suggest or even insist that the virus was, in itself, an experimental biological weapon gone awry. From there one could say that it was either released by accident or on purpose. Either choice brings us to the same place – a world where a virus would sweep the planet. Fine. Then the global reaction to this virus must be considered. In all but a few bubbles of sanity, lockdowns and draconian measures were implemented. The effectiveness of nearly all of these countermeasures has now been entirely refuted. Were these countermeasures the result of worldwide panic? Maybe. If such was the case then why ignore the results of those who didn’t panic? Why dismiss any thought of treatment despite encouraging early successes? If our planet was desperately grasping at anything in an effort simply to survive, why ignore possible treatments? This is not only illogical, it defies logic.

Again, there were many opportunities for cooler heads to prevail. Mostly these cooler heads only gained ground when they could isolate themselves from the herd. It has been suggested, many of those in positions of authority simply saw opportunities to seize more power and did just than. Okay, let’s just say for tickles and grins this is true. Does that make their actions acceptable? No. Not for a second. What this assumption fails to explain is why these power-hungry mongrels are still hanging on to their usurped “authority”. Nor does it make a case for them not being evil. Next point. How can the authoritarians continue to justify the push for 100% vaccinations? To do so they ignore the data, they ignore the health issues, they ignore all common sense. Anybody contending the authoritarians are that ignorant are either complicit or stupid. Take your pick.

So what kind of scenario supports my theory? Here it is:

Pre-December 2019 – NIH funds viral gain of function research to develop fast-spreading, seriously dangerous virus to unleash as a biological weapon. Either at this time or shortly thereafter, they also funded mRNA research.

Also Pre-December 2019 – at some point, it was determined that while the mRNA product had a modest effect as an antiviral agent, it was potentially more deadly than the virus it was supposed to prevent. It was, in effect, a better biological weapon than the virus itself but without the potential to spread independently. Someone birthed the idea to release the virus and then promote the vaccine as the cure.

December 2019 – The vaccine was ready as was the virus itself.

January 2020 – release the virus! Convince President Trump a vaccine was indeed possible and could be ready within a few months, possibly before the election.

March 2020 –  From March to November 2020, the federal government awarded contracts and agreements to six vaccine companies to accelerate the development of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines while balancing
the risk to the government in doing so.

March 2020 – President Trump indicates hydroxychloroquine may be effective against the virus. The medical establishment quickly dismisses this as “unproven”. In fact, the NIH seems far more interested in studying President Trump’s statements than they are in finding early treatments.

May 2020 – Operation Warp Speed announced by President Trump. [I believe Trump may have been a patsy here. While it is certainly possible he was complicit, he consistently demonstrated a talent for trusting the wrong people while in office. I have to admit, I was taken in by Fauci myself in the beginning.]

May 2020 Remdesivir is approved for use for virus patients. The problem is, at least one doctor who actually treated patients, found this treatment not only ineffective but deadly. In fact Science.org published an article stating, at best, Remdesivir is ineffective in treating Covid. In addition, some physicians strongly oppose the use of ventilators while treating Covid patients. The consensus was by the time a ventilator was needed, it was often too late for the patient. Early treatment was preferred.

January 2021 – Initial doses of the vaccines become available. Many on the left sneered at the vaccines from the time Operation Warp Speed was first announced. They didn’t trust it. They weren’t going to take it, and on and on. Once Joe Biden took office, he did all but plagiarize the jab as his own baby, but, he said, of course it would wrong to make it mandatory.

Today – Mandates have forced many from their jobs, including those in the military, health care, first responder positions, and more. The left has gone from total contempt to fully embracing the jab, even to the point of advocating incarceration of those who refuse it. The media has endorsed and cajoled the public to the point where multiple jabs are displayed as badges of honor. In short, the world has gone full nuthouse.

Step by step, we’ve seen progression from a rumors warning of a “leak” of a virus to panic to full-fledged fear, pumped up by every propaganda source available, complete with graphs and graphics depicting up to the minute death rolls. Once the vaccines rolled out each new viral wave heralded calls to “get vaccinated!” then “get your booster!”. It seems enough people do not die from the first jab so more and more are needed to boost the death toll. Despite an avalanche of evidence and real-life results proving early treatment is key to conquering this virus, only the jab carries the blessing of the authoritarians. Thus, I can only conclude the jab is the brass key the globalists wanted to shove down our throats from the start. The jab IS the end game.

If the jab is the end game, what next? All over the world, the people are waking up and pushing back against those who would stick us until we die. The jig is up or so it seems. Have we won? Not yet, we haven’t. It looks good for our team for round one. We took it in the hip but we fought our way out. But the globalists are no fools, nor are they likely to simply give up. They’ve been at this a long time. They have patience and tenacity. They also now have proof of concept. They’ll be back.

Repost – The Enemy of Democracy

Saw this post on Knuckledraggin’


Fair warning. I didn’t ready the article linked to in the post. I didn’t have to.  That’s the point. The headline tells me all I need to know, but that’s not enough. Read the comments. The vast majority of those commenting didn’t need to read this guy’s drivel either. They know. They understand. Now all we gotta do is get the word out to those who don’t.


American Gulag – January 6 Political Prisoners

Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit has stayed hot on the heels of the miscreants who have illegally and unconstitutionally jailed and held without bail those who dared protest the 2020 election in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021.

Now he has launched a site AMERICAN GULAG to further publicize the plight of those American Citizens held in inhumane conditions with little, if any, regard to their well-being, much less their rights as citizens. In support of his efforts, I’ve taken the liberty of converting his sidebar announcing the site into a banner displayed to your right.

In addition, I am posting Jim’s plea on The Gateway Pundit to send Christmas Cards to some of those prisoners. While it is too late, of course to send Christmas Cards, it is not too late to write! Any mail these prisoners get is sure to be a welcome treasure. Imagine how a simple letter can offer hope and comfort at a time of deep despair! Also note these letters will be read by their captors. The very fact citizens are aware and concerned should garner some attention. Keep in mind, we humans tend to pay more attention to “overheard” conversations than to someone speaking directly to us, especially if what is being said is something the eavesdropper doesn’t want to hear.

Actually, I might as well post these prisoners addresses right here:

Prisoner 1:

1901 D ST. SE

Or Prisoner 2:

1901 D ST. SE

Or Prisoner 3:

1901 D ST. SE

At this time I cannot comment on what I think of these men and women because they have yet to be charged with anything!

It does  not matter whether you think they are guilty of some crime or another. NO ONE in this nation should be held without charge or bail for an extended length of time. I believe the standard in this country is 48 hours at most.

Even worse is the conditions these prisoners are held under. They are being abused mentally and physically. Even those convicted of the most heinous crimes deserve better treatment.

This is not our America!

Please do what you can. Write them. Contact your representatives. Hound the DOJ. Fax the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader. (Emails are too easy to ignore.) Let’s make some noise!


NO, The Constitutional Republic has NOT Ended… Reply to a Comment

A recent blog post (not here) declared our Constitutional Republic has ended. I am reposting my slightly edited response to this comment here. 

As hard as the commies have tried, they have not been able to rid themselves of our Constitution. What they have succeeded at is ignoring it and convincing us citizens it is no longer valid. They are wrong.

Our Constitution, at the base level is a piece of paper. Mere words. But those words have meaning. They are relevant. Those words are relevant because they recognize We the People as self-governing citizens. Those clowns sitting in our nation’s capital and the minions they’ve appointed are NOT the government. WE are. WE have the authority. WE have the true power. They know this and they tremble at the thought of us flexing our muscle.

True, the usurpers have weakened us. They have deluded us. They have outright conned us, but we are not defeated.

Interestingly enough, it was one response to Bill DeBlasio’s latest mad-date that shed brilliant light on the solution. A lawyer was asked if this was legal. She replied that while the courts typically put the kabash on federal mandates, they tended to grant local authorities wide latitude. Think about that. Couple that thought with the words of the tenth amendment. The real power is very much local. the usurpers want us to forget this.

We the People need to reclaim our birthright, our power from the bottom up. Some citizens have already begun this process by targeting school boards, etc.. Once we reclaim our counties, we can force important issues to light with our state and local representatives. Instead of going to them, they need to come to US. They work for US. One important aspect of all of this is we also need to control or even break the party system. The politicians derive much of their influence via their party, or rather the party bosses grant influence as they see fit. This needs to stop.

In order for the Constitutional Republic to end, something has to replace it. The usurpers can do their best to work around it but until they traitorously deny it, it remains THE law of the land.

Proof Revealed! There Really WAS an Insurrection on January 6!

There is no longer any doubt, January 6, 2020 should forever go down in history as Insurrection Day. Today I will cite actual proof of this terrible truth and worse – the insurrectionists succeeded! Note here, I cannot and will not take any credit at all for uncovering the facts leading to this awful revelation. This was done by true patriots doggedly seeking to uncover what really happened. Despite efforts of those involved to hide behind “righteous” facades and absolute denial of the facts, not to mention outright lights, those who refused to accept the lies and instead pursued truth are winning out. While the insurrectionists indeed won on January 6, their victory will be short-lived. The curtain of deception they’ve installed is soon to be torn down, revealing all.

Insurrection (definition): a violent uprising against an authority or government. We all witnessed the violence. Video of the events of that sorrowful day are everywhere. More and more video evidence is revealed daily. Since then, the intent of this violence has become clear – those promulgating this violence fully intend to overthrow our government. They are not done yet, but they are doomed to be thwarted. We, the people, will not let this happen. The culprits and their cohorts are making every effort to obscure the truth and cover their tracks, but a contingent of true patriots snap at their heels. They will soon scatter for the dark recesses like the cockroaches they are.

Who are these insurrectionists? They are not the political prisoners captured and incarcerated by our government. Rather the true insurrectionists sit in the highest places in our government. They occupy the most coveted seats in the legislature and in the administration. They misdirect the truth by pointing fingers at innocents, stirring up clouds of misdirection to confuse and confound this nation. They stand in plain sight, claiming sole possession of the high road while all the time it is they who stand profoundly on the bloodied bodies of the patriots they themselves trampled to save their own sorry skins. Observe.

Begin with the murder of Ashley Babbitt. The can be no other word for what happened to her. In any other circumstance, the nation would be demanding the shooter be put on trial. Instead, this Capital Police Lieutenant was quickly and quietly exonerated, but only after months of authorities refusing to even name the man behind the fatal gun. They were hiding from the beginning. Why? Because they all knew this murder caught on video for the world to see was inexcusable from the start.

Recently more video has surfaced revealing more murderous behavior by Capital Police. This time in the Capitol Tunnel. The absolute brutality seen in these videos should outrage every American regardless of their political views. Once again, rather than condemnation of these heinous acts, the culprits, their bosses and their cohorts remain silent. One can envision them hiding in some dark corner praying to their gods of government to protect them and absolve them of their complicity.

Now there is more. For months now, the name Ray Epps has circulated around the internet. This mystery man is seen and heard in video encouraging citizens to storm the Capital, as early as the night before the actual events of January 6. Several present called him out as a Fed. Such accusations apparently did not phase him. Now a story in Revolver News goes even further. They’ve found strong and disturbing evidence of Epps and others coordinating to breech the Capital. This article and other reports strongly suggest there were at least two teams, one led by Epps and other led by a man Revolver has dubbed the “ScaffoldCommander”. This ScaffoldCommander may actually be the top guy leading the entire operation. All indications are these teams were government agents. Furthermore these were decidedly moving against Trump and his supporters. Here’s why:

First consider the complete lack of interest by the alphabet agencies, the Democratic-controlled Congress, the DOJ and the Biden administration. They are determinedly oblivious to these men. Meanwhile Federal SWAT teams descend in force on common citizens, many yet to be charged while being held for months. For a group so publicly intent on uncovering the “truth” of January 6, they yawn at real evidence of the very things they claim to be looking for, if they even bother to acknowledge the existence. Second, there are numerous documented cases of Federal involvement and instigation of similar events, including the alleged kidnapping plot of Michigan’s Governor Whitmer. No one can honestly say the federal government is beyond suspicion in this. Third, this isn’t the first time agents of the federal government have moved against Donald Trump. In fact there have been several, often congruent actions against President Trump. These treasonous individuals have not only NOT been removed and held for trial but they’ve often been rewarded and/or promoted.

Now consider Peter Navarro, a former Trump advisor. He recently disclosed the Trump administration plan for Jan 6, saying the advance on the Capital thwarted the efforts of Trump’s team. VP Mike Pence was supposed to challenge certification in states where the results were questionable, allowing for further investigation. Instead, chaos ensued, ending in a quick certification with almost no debate on the validity of some electoral votes. In other words, the attack on the Capital worked in favor of the insurrectionists.

Since January 6, the insurrectionists have dominated the narrative surrounding the attack on the Capital. Anyone questioning the election or the talking points of the democrats is instantly labeled a “terrorist” or worse. They’ve worked overtime to stop the mouths of any dissenters from their version of events. Debate is all but outlawed. Why? As the truth emerges, the reasons become evident. The true insurrectionists are scrambling to hold on to the power they’ve usurped. Why else would they withhold thousands of hours of video evidence? Why else would they maintain an iron grip over most all of the evidence in their hands? Why else would they jail hundreds of citizens without bail or charge for months when these same people demand the instantaneous release of hardened criminals all across our land?

The truth is clear. The insurrectionists were indeed victorious on January 6, 2021. They successfully executed a plot to seize power in our nation’s Capital and have held it ever since. They did so with premeditated violence. They’ve shredded our constitution before our eyes. They point the way to falsehoods while attempting to obscure the truth. It’s not working. We know, at least in part. We will know the truth. Wait for it.

Response to “What Constitution?” Comment

Ken Lane over at Knuckledraggin My Life Away added this comment to a post he made:

Our Constitution isn’t anything more than a museum piece to 90% of our politicians and at least 50% of our citizens.

Ken, you are so right. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that we’ve all been duped. Many decry the brainwashing of our children by public “educators” today. The sad fact is, we’ve all been brainwashed to a certain extent. Public education brainwashing began decades before any of us were born. John Dewey (1859-1952) is largely credited with championing the farce we now call “education”.

After the Rittenhouse verdict, “protesters” in Chicago called for communism to be implemented. Recently pResident Joe Biden all but proclaimed “democracy” a failure and autocracy as the solution. The left yearns for “revolution” while the right anticipates Civil War II. All of these attempt to reject our Constitution in favor of who knows what?

Consider the statement by Joe Biden. He starts out by asking “can Democracy function”? No matter what anyone says about what he says afterword, his premise is totally wrong! Why? Because our nation is NOT a “democracy”. It is a Constitutional Republic!

Time and time again, I have stated this important distinction. Why? Because the first attack on our Constitution is denying it even exists! Calling our system a “democracy” denies the truth. Our system is a representative republic deriving authority from our Constitution.

As citizens, we further this fraud every time we bemoan “the government”. Why? Because WE are the government! We are self-governing citizens who elect representatives to “take care of business” in our stead. They, in turn, hire employees to manage day to day tasks. All if this is paid for by us taxpayers. IF our representatives and/or our employees are not doing their jobs to our satisfaction, it is OUR responsibility to hold them accountable.

Why, then, do people protest in the streets? They do so because they are ignorant. They neither understand nor comprehend our system of government. Likewise, we citizens are ignorant because we have consistently allowed those we choose to represent us to ignore us.

We have allowed the “two party” system to battle for control of our nation. Both parties have the same goal. That goal is to expand the control and influence of their party. By allowing them to fight things out according to their “philosophical” differences, we have ceded control to the party bosses and those who own them. We’ve traded our constitutional republic, a “bottom up” system where self-governing citizens maintain control by holding our representatives accountable to a “top down” system where control lays in the hands of those who can afford to buy the politicians.

Our Constitution is far more than the document. It is not a mere tattered piece of paper languishing in the National Archives. It is us. It is WE the People. The Constitution is the law of the land because We the People declare it so. The Constitution acknowledges our God-given authority to govern ourselves.

We don’t need no stinking civil war. We don’t need no stinking “revolution”. We only need to stand up and claim our birthright – our right to rule and to hold those we’ve chosen accountable to represent our interests and to act accordingly.

Omicron COVID variant – Time to Panic? Or Rejoice?

The first reports of the new Covid variant dubbed Omicron warned this is the most contagious variant to date. Joe Biden takes fast action, for him, and slams the door on South African countries. Meanwhile Tony Fauci is saying the latest version is probably already in America, in essence, the horse was out long before the barn door was shut. He did not say he was instrumental in walking it over the the States himself and he likely never will. Time to panic? Well, already the power mongers are gearing up to again assert massive control, in particular pushing for 100% vaccinations globally.

But wait!

According to the Botswana Presidential Covid-19 Task Force, “The preliminary report revealed all four [patients] had been previously vaccinated for COVID-19”. So this begs the question… whats the point? The jab is obviously ineffective in preventing infection from the new variant. Meanwhile, our Pfavorite Pfarmicutical manupfacturer, Pfiezer, says they’ll have this issue fixed in 100 days. 100 days? Seems to me this rampant new Covid.3.0 will have had its run through the planet by then. Then again, lack of utility or need has never stopped the power mongers from dictating the jab before. Now here’s a thought, what if, rather than fearfully panicking, we rejoice and embrace this new variant? What? Have I gone nuts? Well, that’s another issue. Let’s talk Omicron, shall we?

Here is the latest from South Africa:

The South African Medical Association debunked the hysteria over the Omicron COVID variant on Saturday.

Angelique Coetzee, the chairwoman of the South African Medical Association who first raised the alarm of the new COVID variant, gave an interesting update and now says the new variant known as the ‘Omicron’ causes “unusual but mild symptoms.”

Hmmm, “unusual but mild symptoms.”, interesting enough, but it gets better.

“It presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tiredness for a day or two not feeling well. So far, we have detected that those infected do not suffer the loss of taste or smell. They might have a slight cough. There are no prominent symptoms. Of those infected some are currently being treated at home,” said Dr. Coetzee to Sputnik.

So far, mass hospitalizations are not part of the picture. Some patients contracting the virus have been hospitalized. Reportedly these patients are under 40 years of age. Is this reason for concern? Certainly. My question is what are they being hospitalized for? Additionally, how early is this being detected and treated? Let’s face it, sore muscles and being tired with a slight cough won’t get many people to a doctor unless the symptoms persist far more than a day or two. It took me over a week to seek medical help and I had strep as well as Covid.

A couple of days ago, Pierre Kory, M.D., M.P.A.. Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist; President, Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC Alliance), whom I consider a leading authority on Covid-19 treatment, stated he expected, at best this new variant could be effectively treated with such medications as Ivermectin. While he admitted, it was too early to tell, he noted the Delta variant was treatable, but required a higher dosage. Dr. Kory first came to my attention when he testified before a Senate committee about Ivermectin in December of 2020. He advocated its use citing actual research in the field. When a family member contracted Covid in October 2021, I had a heated discussion with a medical professional who absolutely refused to consider treatment with Ivermectin under any circumstances. She claimed Ivermectin damaged the liver. I refrained from pointing out that acetaminophen (aka Tylenol) is also known to damage the liver when abused. Subsequent research suggested she was correct about her assertion – (massive doses of) Ivermectin can indeed damage one’s liver. Just like anything that is abused. Under normal use, this contraindication is minimal.

Her attitude is strangely mirrored throughout the medical field. Only now are efforts to treat this virus taken at all seriously. Even then they take a back seat to the almost holy grail of vaccination – to the point of nearly totally ignoring the medical issues, such as myocarditis, reports of weakened immune systems and even an alarming increase in still births. Are these real concerns? It is hard to tell as there seems to be serious documented efforts to suppress any scientific data or studies to provide answers. Instead, sources that should be trusted, such as the CDC steadfastly deny almost any suggestion that these vaccines are at all unsafe. These same institutions fought tooth and nail against any early treatments.

So why not take a different path and embrace the new variant? No, I don’t mean anyone should go seeking to get sick, but if this Omicron is so virulent then it is reasonably safe to assume a lot of people will get it. Maybe that is a good thing. Maybe it is God’s or nature’s way of protecting mankind from this virus. It is possible those of us who have had Covid previously have antibodies already to help us fight the new variant. If so the new variant could also help those who have yet to be infected to build antibodies against Covid infections. In other words, a natural vaccine in a sense.

So with available treatments and what now appears to be a rather mild, if highly noninfectious variant, why not embrace it? Instead of pounding that panic button again, lets consider a different approach. Shrug our shoulders, do what we do everyday and if we start feeling under the weather, achy and develop a cough, well, we can seek treatment. Those at a higher risk such as co morbidity issues should of course take whatever precautions they deem necessary. As the current jab looks like it will have no effect on Omicron, I see no relevance to rush out to get jabbed against it. Nor do I see the logic of waiting 100 days or more for a jab upgrade. The virus won’t wait, why should you?

Once and For All: Kyle Rittenhouse Is No Hero

I’ve seen this claim on both the left and the right. It is wrong. Kyle Rittenhouse is no hero. Not at all. He did nothing heroic. Not. One. Thing. At least on that fateful night when he shot three people. One might rightfully grant him kudos for his testimony in court and his subsequent statements after the trial. However, it certainly appears to me that so many are determined to label his actions on the night for which he was tried and acquitted for as heroic. I strongly disagree.

Kyle Rittenhouse defended his life. End of story. Whatever else one might say about him and his actions it all boils down to that. It was self preservation, plain and simple. There is nothing wrong with that. Self defense is our God-given, constitutionally protected right. It was his right. He acted accordingly and rightfully so. This is the crux – the very point Kyle Rittenhouse correctly defended his actions when he was wrongfully charged and tried. This is the spearhead we need to thrust into the false balloon of the left.

One may debate about Kyle Rittenhouse’s actions before and/or after the shootings. Debate all you want, if Rittenhouse did anything the prosecution could have charged him with – they would have done so without hesitation. The only conclusion left to make is while those actions may have been ill-advised they were not illegal. Let him without sin cast the first stone.

During closing arguments, the prosecution tried to paint those who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse as heroes. They tried to contrast Rittenhouse by anticipating, likely incorrectly, that the defense would say Kyle Rittenhouse was a hero. Both sides knew this would be a mistake. The stand the defense took from the beginning was Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. Nothing more. Nothing less. It was the correct and accurate defense. The men who were shot were shot because they threatened the life on Kyle Rittenhouse. The question put to the jury was essentially “was Kyle Rittenhouse reasonably in fear for his life each time he pulled the trigger?”. The jury replied in each case, “yes”.

Waukesha and Darrell Brooks: Let’s Not Be the Left

No question, what happened in Waukesha is terrible beyond belief. Nor do I doubt from what I’ve seen that Darrell Brooks is far from most citizens’ idea of an upstanding citizen. With these two things in mind, let us not forget the principle of the presumption of innocence.

So far, I’ve not only seen dozens of comments concerning Brooks in multiple social media and other formats but I’ve seen news-focused organizations, from websites to blogs to television broadcasts do exactly what we indignantly screamed about concerning Rittenhouse. They’ve tried and convicted Brooks already. This is not America. This is NOT how we do things.

If Mr. Brooks ends up convicted in a fair trial then many of those who now call him “murderer” or some other foul and possibly appropriate names,  may then breathe a sigh of relief. Their words will be verified and they won’t likely get sued. But what if he is found not guilty? Well, gee, guys, I guess you’d better lawyer up. Fact is, you’d deserve it, even if he was prosecuted by the likes of Binger and company. I wouldn’t shed a tear. What concerns me is what kind of people are we on the right to become? Are we going to follow the example of those we despise? Try and hang Mr. Brooks right here, right now? Pronounce sentence and carry out a death penalty? The term is “lynch mob”? Is this who we want to be? I certainly do not.

May I suggest we take one step back? I have no problem publishing facts about the Waukesha tragedy. Nor do I have any issues with anyone who wishes to publish facts about Darrell Brooks. Let’s be sure they are indeed facts. Guilty or innocent of the crimes he is now accused of, Mr. Brooks has had some extensive issues with the law, all documented. Guilty or innocent of the crimes he is now accused of, someone needs to answer for what appears to be repeated leniency towards a habitual offender. From the looks of things, I’d say we need to seek answer from a lot of someones. Any thorough investigation is sure to reveal many more individuals with similar records.

In short, tragic as Waukesha is, what sort of horrors lie beneath the surface? Rather than this one incident would you feel better if only one person died times 100? 1000? I know I wouldn’t. Yet this is exactly what our broken legal system is likely to indicate once the curtain is pulled back. I said “broken” but I cannot say for sure this is accurate. While I do not believe our system was originally designed this way, certain “tweaks”, such as the “no bail” movement have certainly corrupted it.

Some have said our justice system is the best the world has every seen. This may be true. I’m no expert, but even if this is true, it is far from perfect. With this in mind, I am not advocating as some are, tearing down the system and building anew. We have, I think, a solid base from which we’ve built a rickety house of cards. Let’s take what is good and make it better.

One of the best things about our justice system as it stands today is an accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We cannot lose this. Let us not discard it. Let us not become the left.

The Real Reason Rittenhouse Trial Is Important

Adding on to the growing mountain of opinions of why the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse is significant. I’ll add my bit to the pile because so many seem to miss what could be the most important aspect. Many contend, based on the evidence, no charges should have been filed in the first place. I agree. This, in itself, is significant. Not only did the prosecution totally fail to produce an iota of evidence during their presentation to support their case, they actually presented a solid case for the defense. In their panic in the end, they scrambled to include a single shred, the last-minute video left on their doorstep by the “evidence fairy”. It was a badly executed Hail Mary play to salvage what was obviously a losing effort. To anyone who dared to view the case based on the evidence, Kyle Rittenhouse clearly acted in self defense.

It is important to note this prosecution team may go down is history as being among slimiest, most underhanded and yes, possibly unlawful actors in the history of the United States legal system. Ask yourself… how hard can it be to make lawyers look bad? For them, it seemed effortless. If I were a member of the legal profession, I’d be demanding they brought up on charges. Even the most vile ambulance chaser should be screaming for their heads. Then again, maybe not. When I think about it, Binger and Kraus have actually elevated my opinion of ambulance chasers.

In the first place, one must question why charges were ever filed, especially just 48 hours after the shootings. The only evidence that so much as promised to cause any doubt at all, was that last minute video, included after the prosecution rested. At best, this so-called evidence was awful, but that wasn’t enough for the prosecution. They fudged on the copy they were required by law to give to the defense, substituting a low resolution copy for the high resolution copy that should have been give to them. They also argued to include a greatly manipulated still shot from the video, generated from software that openly states is not to be sued for forensic purposes. But that’s not all…

Twice, during the trial, the judge openly reproofed the prosecutors for brazen “misconduct”. (My word for it, I do not know what the proper terminology should be.) Some legal experts stated their actions were grounds for a mistrial with prejudice. Indeed motions for a mistrial were entered by the defense. A motion was also filed concerning the “Hail Mary evidence”. Was this bad enough? Not at all.

More than once in the closing arguments, the prosecution misstated the law and/or facts to create their fairy tale version of the events of that night. What they ignored was their own failure to prove what they promised in their opening argument. In his closing argument, Mr. Binger went so far as to state “You lose the right to self defense when you’re the one who at (sic) the gun”. Really? Since when? According to FBI statistics 692 people were killed in 2017 by “unarmed” individuals. This is less than the number of those killed by all rifles (403). How many of those victims would have died had they the means to defend themselves? The prosecution also made implied several times Rittenhouse had no cause to fear for this life because two of the three men shot were not “armed”. Again, Huber twice struck Rittenhouse with his skateboard, something the prosecution ridiculed the idea that such a thing could be lethal.

Mr. Binger went so far as to label those who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse as “heroes”. He inaccurately tried to brand Rittenhouse as an “active shooter” whom his attackers were bravely attempting to disarm. Adding to his folly, he claimed the defense would try to call Kyle Rittenhouse a hero. If there were any heroes in the room, it would be the jurors. As citizens who watched their hometown burn a year ago, facing the threat of it happening again as a direct result of their decision and possibly facing danger to themselves and their loved ones, they stuck to the facts of the case, returning a verdict of “not guilty” on all counts. How much easier would life be for them if they sent Kyle Rittenhouse to jail for the rest of his life or simply returned no verdict at all?

How many times did the prosecution bewail those who lives were lost that night? Time after time, Mr. Binger, drove home the idea that Kyle Rittenhouse as “someone who has no remorse, no regard for life only cares of about himself”. He states “All life is sacred.” Seriously, Mr. Binger? What about the life of the eighteen year-old young man whom you callously brought the trial? Whom you scrambled and apparently cheated to convict when very the evidence you presented vindicated him? When your own partner face palmed himself after your star witness blew your case? How much remorse would you have had about the defendant’s life if you had succeed in essentially taking it? For the record, I have no issues convicting a defendant proven guilty by actual factual evidence and true testimony. You had neither of these from the beginning.

The prosecution had no case. This was evident from the start. Enter the mainstream media. Almost for the moment of the first report, they screamed murder, white supremacy, vigilantism. They demanded justice for the poor “victims”. I have yet to hear one MSM source reporting on the criminal records of those who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse. If one were to try Mr. Rittenhouse via the media, he would never see the light of day. Social media stamped the “misinformation” label on nearly anything or anyone who dared suggest Rittenhouse’s innocence. Similarly, attempts to use social media to raise funds for his defense were thwarted. One Virginia police officer was fired for donating a mere $25 for his defense. None questioned how these actions defy the long-standing principle of presumed innocence.

Now that the jury in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial has returned their verdict of not guilty on all counts, the MSM and those who have condemned him are froth with anger. Several claiming allegiance to Black Lives Matter and similar organizations threatened violence should the “wrong” verdict be returned. Now many of those same individuals, along with others are proclaiming how unjust all of this is.

Here is a smattering of what some had to say (via Yahoo News and UK Independent):

Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., said in a tweet that the outcome of the trial was itself an indictment of the U.S. judicial system.

NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson:

The verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case is a travesty and fails to deliver justice on behalf of those who lost their lives as they peacefully assembled to protest against police brutality and violence.

Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY said in a tweet, “What we are witnessing is a system functioning as designed and protecting those it was designed for.”

Vice President Kamala Harris told reporters after the trial that the verdict “really speaks for itself”.

She added: “As many of you know, I’ve spent a majority of my career working to make the criminal justice system more equitable. And clearly, there’s a lot more work to do.”

These comments along others form the crux of my contention. All of these commentators appear ready to not only disregard the facts of the case, ignore the presumption of innocence, reject the verdict of a jury that decided this case in favor of the defendant despite enormous pressure against this. Why? Why are they so intent that Kyle Rittenhouse be declared guilty?

Kyle Rittenhouse is a pawn here. He is expendable. As with Mr. Binger, they care not at all for him. What they do care about is the destruction of our nation, including our system of justice. Rather than a jury of one’s peers deciding on the facts of a case, they appear to want public opinion to prevail as judge and jury. If they all agree someone is guilty then so be it. This is how this same group treats anyone who dares challenge their doctrines. Today, canceling those who stray from accepted dogma has become a national pastime, as that Virginia policeman was severely punished for the audacity of wanting to help a young man defend himself discovered.

There exist several loud, vocal and well-funded groups who are determined to dismantle our constitutional republic so it can be replaced by something else. They don’t care about facts. They don’t care about our Constitution. They don’t care about anything most of the citizens of this nation hold dear. They’ve demonstrated a single-minded hatred for our nation. They are determined to end it and us by any means necessary.

The attack on Kyle Rittenhouse, both on the night of August 25, 2020 and the subsequent attacks on him in both the court in Kenosha, Wisconsin and in the court of public opinion is an attack on all of us and our way of life. It is an attack on our right defend ourselves, on our right to free speech, on our right to be presumed innocent, on our right to a trial by jury, among others. This is the real threat and it threatens every citizen.

Most telling are those who blame “the system”. They blame “white supremacy”. They blame guns. They blame our right to self defense. They say they want “justice”. They do not. They want blood. They want revolution. They want communism. They said as much in a protest in nearby Chicago. (via The Daily Caller)

Footage captured a crowd of people marching the streets with a sign that called Rittenhouse a “white supremacist” and demanded to end the “fascist USA.” The crowd chanted in support of a communist revolution.

“The only solution is communist revolution,” the crowd is heard chanting.

“That’s right, we need communism. That’s what we need. We need that! We need that, sister, we need that very much,” a female demonstrator said.

This is the true significance of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. There are two types who are protesting this verdict: those who are ignorant of the facts and those who ignore them. I can understand those who are ignorant, who lack knowledge, can mistakenly protest something because they think they know the facts. They are moving forward in bad information. It is those who ignore the facts I find dangerous. They know better but because the facts do not fit their agenda, they plunge ahead anyway. To them, it is the agenda that is important, no matter what. Most dangerous of all are those whose agenda is a communist revolution.

1/6 Political Prisoners Update

I came across a couple of articles today. One referenced “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Hoping it might be a short story, I learned it is a novel. My search also turned up the video below. How long before we see Soviet style gulags on American soil? Or is this what is happening before our eyes in our nation’s capital? Even if it is not, these citizens are not being treated as well as prisoners of war per the Geneva Convention, much less as citizens under our Constitution.

Defense Attorney Compares Treatment of Jan. 6 Defendants to Soviet Russia: “Never Seen Such a Blatant Disregard for Inmates’ Rights”








A New Day Dawns Upon Our Republic

By the grace of God Almighty, I have been lifted from the despair of watching our nation crumble before our eyes as He grants us a reprieve.

This almost plays out like a Saturday matinee melodrama. The nation is tied to a log heading for the razor-sharp blade of a buzz saw. The whine of the saw fills our ears as we draw ever so close while the villain’s evil laugh rises above the drone. At the last second, our hero snatches the helpless waif from certain death and, once again, foils the villain’s evil plan. And just like in this exciting episode, the villain escapes so he may once again return with yet another dastardly plan.

Just like in the movies, the democrats have slunk off into a slimy hole where they are licking their wounds and planning their next attack. They aren’t going away boys and girls. The question is: where do we go from here?

Let’s start with an overview, shall we? Beginning with what actually happened on November 2, the citizens of Virginia spoke. I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the fact that our voice was not the only one but it was the loudest. The pundits will wrangle around this event in an attempt to figure out exactly what we said. They will miss the point. It is not what we said. It is what we did that is most noteworthy.

We came out en mass to reclaim our birthright – our representative, constitutional republic. As one commentator, Sean Hannity pointed out, it is only one step towards the redemption of our nation. But it was a very important step. I entirely agree with what Hannity had to say about what the Republicans need to focus on moving forward:

Liberty, freedom, capitalism, a constitutionally limited government should be in the forefront of our message. He had more to say on this. I believe the message should be simplified even more. Every message should pass this litmus test: does it promote liberty?

For me, liberty and freedom are interchangeable. If someone could clearly distinguish between the two, I’d be happy to listen. As for capitalism, I like to think more in terms of free markets – as it promoting the freedom to produce, buy, sell and trade our goods, including our own labor, as we see fit. Above all, I dream of a truly limited government. In fact, I would support constitutional amendments to better close some “loopholes” that have allowed the dreadful expansion of government.

These loopholes include the language in the “general welfare” clause. To date the term general welfare seems to have taken on the meaning of “congress can doing any damn thing they want”. Whether or not this clause was intended to allow the federal government to transfer wealth at will, among other things, it needs to stop. It has transfigured the concept of a limited government to a policy of unlimited government power. The other loophole that concerns me most is the “treaty clause”. As written it has been suggested the President, along with two-thirds of the Senate may enter into a treaty with a foreign nation overruling our constitution. No. Simply no. Again, I care not if this was the actual intent of the founders or an oversight but this is unacceptable. Our constitution is THE law of the land and shall not be superseded by any entity other than God Almighty Himself. There are procedures in place to make changes in our constitution. Any modification can be accomplished with those.

How can we go about this? We have already begun. Now we need to take what we’ve learned in recent years and apply these principles diligently. For the most part, I am pointing to the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement and the “Mama Bear” movement. This last refers to what I feel may be the most significant factor in the 2021 Victory in Virginia. The most prominent battle in this election focused on vocal parents at local school boards. Loudoun County in Virginia was the center of this scrap. It galvanized the Commonwealth by drawing attention to the push to included Critical Race Theory in Virginia curriculums. A lessor related topic was the inclusion of pornographic materials, aimed at our children in our school libraries. As things heated up the National School Board Association worked with the Biden Administration and Merrick Garland’s DOJ to essentially declare parents who voiced disagreement domestic terrorists. Bad idea.

In an effort to desensationalize the domestic terrorist debacle, Garland insists his memo to the FBI focused on “threats of violence” or some such nonsense. Why nonsense? First thing, as I’ve stated before in another post, any “violent” acts ensuing from these school board meetings are a local, rather than federal matter. The DOJ and the FBI have no jurisdiction. Period. If they want to cry “terrorism”, fine. We can fix that by severely limiting how they can legally define terrorism. Better yet, we can require a special act of Congress in order to involve any federal agency in a suspected terrorist situation. Whatever the “intentions” of Garland’s DOJ memo, the effect was clear and the blowback was intense.

Both the 2A Sanctuary movement and the Mama Bear movement clearly demonstrate we citizens still have muscle to flex. WE the PEOPLE DO have the power. Our authority as self-governing citizens forming a representative government was confirmed. This is OUR nation. WE have the final say in how we are governed. What we need to do now is keep pushing. Indeed, we need to push harder. We need to step up and declare our will to our representatives and our employees in government. WE pay the bills. They are in their respective positions to serve US.

My vision for how to move forward is to gather together county by county, both in person and online. From there we can associate with other like-minded counties in our respective states and nationally. Like the 2A movement we can support and encourage each other and share ideas. We can band together to influence our state and federal representatives.

I am encouraged already. One week ago I thought I was seeing the end of our nation. Today I face a ray of hope, a ray so strong I cannot look straight at it for fear of going blind. It is a wonderful, warm ray. Let us thank God Almighty for this reprieve. We can demonstrate our thankfulness by seizing this moment and reclaiming our birthright – our representative constitutional republic.

Nathan DeGrave – 1/6 Political Prisoner or POW?

Below is a letter from Nathan DeGrave. He is just ONE of the political prisoners from the January 6 Protest. Note THIS IS NOVEMBER. Much of my commentary here is based on Mr. DeGrave’s letter. However his is not the only report from prisoners. They all describe the same conditions. I urge you to read it for yourself.

Also note, the government has no case. Period. Anyone who cares to dispute this is welcome to explain to me exactly why these citizens have yet to come to trial.

During the past couple of days I’ve kept an eye on Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial. He is accused of murder during a “peaceful protest” in Kenosha, WI on  August 25, 2020. As an accused murderer, he was arraigned, bail was set and he has been free since his trial. While I am confident a fair trial will return a verdict of not guilty as his actions were clearly in self-defense, it seems to me how he was treated compared to those in “DC’s Gitmo” is beyond any reasonable explanation. For the record, Rittenhouse was treated how a citizen should be treated.

The treatment in DC is beyond horrible. They are beaten, starved, denied medical treatment, harassed, forced to live in squalor, forced to wear masks, stripped of proper legal counsel, and refused visitations. I am sure I’ve missed some things, but isn’t this enough? Mr. DeGrave states in his letter that even publication of this letter will likely result in more punishment from his jailers. He bravely asked for it to be published far and wide.

Even one judge overseeing at least some of these cases has demanded better treatment. As quoted from the letter:

Federal judge Royce Lamberth got to the point where on October 12th, he filed contempt of court charges against the warden of the DC DOC, claiming that Worrell’s civil rights have been violated, and demanding the U.S attorney general inquire further about his and other possible violations.

This statement is verified here. This article also confirms Nathan DeGraves’ claims with Judge Lamberth himself saying the conditions at this facility are deplorable.

My question is: WHO is really in charge here? Is it AG Merrick Garland? Is it Speaker Nancy Pelosi? Is it pResident Joe Biden?

Personally, I hold USAG Merrick Garland personally responsible. While I do not know who is running him, I believe it is the Department of “Justice” who is responsible to charge these prisoners and allow them to have their day in court. The evil may run deeper, but Garland is certainly in the midst of this.

No matter what – this has to stop. This is not us. This is not our way. Pray for these prisoners. Pray for the Jailers. Pray for those who are behind this despicable page in our history.

Meanwhile, rattle some cages. We need to let anyone who will listen, we cannot stand for this.

An Alarming Letter From January 6 Protester Nathan DeGrave, From His Jail Cell in Washington DC


Christ IS Coming – Are You Ready?

What if Jesus Christ Returned Today?

If you have received Christ as your Lord and Savior then this would be a joyous occasion. For those of you you who scoff at the very idea, let me assure you, you would be confused, even terrified. Some of you would understand what  happened. Most of you would search for answers, possibly even until the end of your life. You will not have to wait long. By the best of calculations, the end will come in a little over seven years.

For you scoffers, consider this; over 2000 years ago the Book of Revelation predicted a world government. Can you sincerely deny this is more possible today than ever before? Another prophecy in this book told of the “mark of the beast”, saying anyone who refuses this mark will not be allowed to buy or sell. Today’s technology turns this concept into mere child’s play. Prominent in the Book of Revelation is the appearance of two witnesses who become a thorn in the side of the powers that be. If fact, it tells how  when they are killed…

Revelation 11:9  And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.
10  And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.

Indicating the entire world will rejoice. Is this not more possible now than at any time in history?

Each day the world draws closer to the prophesied end times. Today, everything in the Book of Revelation is technologically possible. Today, only the existence of the United States of America, a nation not found in any scriptural account, stands as an obstacle to a one-world government. And yet, this nation is crumbling before our eyes.

Will my nation be restored? It is possible. Each day I find it more improbable. I still pray for Divine intervention. I still pray my brethren in Christ and fellow citizens will rise  up to claim our birthright, our constitutional republic. Yes, it can happen, but I see the light growing dimmer rather than brighter. Which brings me here.

There is only one certainty. That is Jesus, the Messiah, the only begotten Son of God, is coming back. This I know. I do not know when. It may be today, it may be long after I’ve taken my last breath. The question I’ve asked myself is… what should I do? What can I do?

What if I knew the exact date of Jesus return? What would I do then? Others have thought they knew. Most make it a point to sit and wait. What a waste. Far better is to speak louder and as much as possible. Surly no one would believe me, but it is not up to me to “save” anyone. That is God’s purview, not mine.

Well, I do not know. If I understand the pertinent scriptures correctly, I will never know. I have no problem with this, none at all. All I am asked of my Heavenly Father is to live as  best I can and speak the truth. So here I am, “speaking” the truth as my limited understanding will allow.

This is what I know. Jesus is coming. Scoff if you will. His return is not dependent upon your belief no more than gravity depends on whether you believe in it or not.

All I ask is you consider how something written over 2000 years ago could possibly so accurately predict today’s technology. This is not all I needed to convince me of the truth but I’m not asking you to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior based solely on that. Surely others have talked to you before this. If you have questions, if you are truly seeking, feel free to ask. Post a comment below. Send me an email to my address posted on the sidebar. Seek out that person you know who has been trying to talk to you forever. Whatever it takes, but I urge you, do it quickly. Nobody can tell you just how much time you have left.

For those of you who have heard enough, no matter how or where, you just know you need to accept Christ NOW, just look at the scripture before. Many will tell you how you need to take this step or that to accept Christ and yet, in the verses below, the Apostle Paul laid it out very simply.

Jesus, you are my Lord and Savior. I believe in my heart God raised you from the dead.

Notice even I felt the need to add to the scripture. If you are not ready to do this just yet, then I urge you to seek answers to your questions and rid yourself of all doubt.

Jesus shed his innocent blood to pay for our sins. This had to be done because there is no other human who ever lived since Adam sinned who was “good enough” to be acceptable to God Almighty – YHWH. During this age of Grace, all we need do is accept God’s great gift to us.

God knows who you are.

Ephesians 1:4  According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
5  Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
6  To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

He chose you before the foundation of the world.

1 Thessalonians 1:4  Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.
5  For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.
6  ¶And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost:
7  So that ye were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia.
8  For from you sounded out the word of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak any thing.
9  For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God;
10  And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.

It is time. Welcome to the family of God.

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