Vote Like a Boss Colorado Now Online!

The Colorado – Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Colorado “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Colorado – Vote Like a Boss!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Colorado’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss California Now Online!

The California – Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with California “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to California’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Arizona Now Online!

The Arizona – Vote Like a Boss!  collection is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Arizona “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Arizona’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Alaska Now Online!

The Alaska – Vote Like a Boss!  is collection now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Alaska “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Alaska’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Alabama Now Online!

The Alabama – Vote Like a Boss!   collection is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Alabama “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Three friends watching the game. Obviously NOT Crimson Tide vs Tigers

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Alabama’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss New York Now Online!

The New York – Vote Like a Boss!  collection is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with New York “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to New York’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Virginia Now Online!

Virginia – Vote Like a Boss!  is the first collection available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Virginia’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (all they need is their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like A Boss – The Ground Floor of a November Groundswell

As you might have gathered I’m deeply interested in making an effort to get out the vote. I am not alone in thinking this November is crucial to our nation – even to our very existence and sovereignty.
My focus is not so much in a local effort. I’m more interested in making an impact state and nationwide.
To that end, I’ve developed the concept – “Vote Like a Boss”, inspired in part by a lady who has a podcast “Stacey on the Right“.
The concept itself is simple: offer wearable and portable products embedded with QR codes anyone can purchase and take anywhere. Each QR code links to the online voter registration page for the owner’s particular state. The graphic is designed to attract attention and urge immediate action – scan the code, visit the page, register to vote.
The true beauty of this is there is nothing to join, no commitment required. Anyone who decides just do a little bit – like buy a sticker or a coffee mug, doesn’t have to do another damn thing. Go another step and someone might just take up the challenge and register and (hopefully) vote.
Then again if every one who takes the plunge encourages another citizen to vote – we could be looking at a groundswell of new, bona-fide voters come November.
My first effort was a line of T-shirts then Mugs (white and black background), Stickers – various sizes, notebook, Sports bottle, a tote and posters of various sizes. The poster shown is with a white background but I also have one with black as it makes the colors really pop.
Most everything at this moment is focused in Virginia with a few from New York where I grew up and still have people. Leave a comment or end me an email if you want your state moved to the front of the line.
Vote Like a Boss Virginia T-shirt and tote. Note the T-shirt now offered features a QR code on the sleeve as well. Both QR codes link to that state’s online voter registration page.
I’m preparing to sell on Shopify and Etsy as well but I need to add products for each state that offers online voter registration. T-shirts first, then the other sundries.
I’m looking to promote this any way I can. I started by posting a bit on FB and X but those efforts are minimal at this point. I need to finish building out the product lines for the other states before I roll out any major promotional efforts.
My hope of hopes is this will all go viral. It could just as easily crash and burn. Either way, I cannot NOT give this a shot.

Stacey on the Right and The Western Journal’s Floyd Brown

Yesterday I caught Lance Wallnau on his Real America’s Voice program Firewall. This program mirrored last weeks in he featured speakers from his “Courage Tour“.

This week, a couple of speakers hit home. One was a lady named Stacy Washington who  has a radio show – Stacy on the Right. I’m liking directly to her page because of the impact she had on me, though in my case, she was certainly preaching to the choir. You can sample what I mean from the segment broadcast on Firewall.

Stacy states it a bit differently than I do but her message echoes my own in ways. What I loved is when she urged us to rethink our relationship with our elected officials – they are our employees. You get the idea. Forget about me, give her a listen.

Second up was Floyd Brown, CEO of The Western Journal, his segment was also enlightening but what I found most valuable was when he related his experience during the Reagan Administration. It’s not what you would expect – at all. He has to be about my age or maybe a bit younger so he was very young when he landed the job – early to mid-twenties, I think. In any case what stuck out was when he relates on how the CIA told him he had to promote Socialism. That’s right. No, this wasn’t from The Gipper himself. It was the CIA.

It didn’t surprise me, it just confirmed two things. One the Deep State has a very, VERY long history and two, they are absolutely evil and working diligently to destroy our nation.

We must be vigilant. We need to take back our nation or lose it. While we’re at it, we need to make a concerted effort to throw the Deep State Bums out.

Gun Control – It Is Time To End It ALL.

If you don’t know by now, I’ll say plain: ALL gun control violates the Second Amendment of our Constitution. Every. Single. Law. I’ve said this from the start and I stand by it now.

The wording of the Second Amendment is clear: it says our right to keep and bear arms “cannot be infringed”. Forget the nonsensical straw-man arguments about “militias”. Forget the idiots spouting about “sporting” or “hunting” purposes. In fact, forget about any purpose at all.

Our founding fathers used guns to free our emerging not-quite a nation from the oppressive rule of the British. Compared to what we citizens endure today under our “free” nation, King George was a pussycat. And yet they fought – and died – and eventually emerged victorious. Then came the actual founding, the documentation – our Constitution for the United States of America and those pesky amendments.

They knew the score. Our founding fathers themselves were intended victims of gun control. Instead of bending their knees, literally, to the King, they took up forbidden arms. No doubt the horrors of the battles they fought, the abuse they endured under their British rulers, was forefront in their minds. Never again. No matter what. Many of them, our first president George Washington included, openly stated a distrust for any, and I do mean ANY, government body exercising too much power. With all this in mind they made on thing clear – our right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed!

Some may call this a moment of weakness, others a moment of strength. I say it was a moment of divine clarity. This document, this constitution, became the law of our land by the direct influence and gifting of God Almighty. It was not they who “granted” these rights to all citizens it was God Himself. Our founding fathers, the authors of the Constitution were more scribe than author. As they previously proved with the blood of their compatriots, these rights belonged to us all along.

Subsequent events weakened us. In the aftermath of the “Civil War” or the “War of Northern Aggression”, call it what you will, laws were passed against gun ownership in several states. Most of these were to prevent blacks from arming themselves. Surely there were others passed for other reasons. This is not a history lesson, merely an opinion on personal observations and understanding. As our nation grew, many events led to the eventual passing of the National Firearms Act of 1934 – the landmark legislation that opened the floodgates for nationwide gun legislation.

Even then, the lawmakers knew they could not get away with infringing upon our God-given Second Amendment rights with any direct infringement. So what did they do? They acted like any spineless, slimy politician – they gaslighted the American public by calling it a “tax law”. Elbow, elbow, wink, wink and all that rot. This final piece of putrid deception was built upon fear. Fears of wild gangsters spewing lead in the streets – raining devastation upon innocent citizens. Of course they failed to mention these gangsters derived most of their power and wealth from trading in alcohol. It was the politicians’ own Prohibition act that fomented this black market. So, ironically, the class of criminals this legislation was aimed at was the one group who could well afford a $200 tax on a submachine gun.

From the first Supreme Court challenge to the present day, all branches of our government have ducked and weaved around the basic issue – they have no authority at all to restrict the rights of us law-abiding citizens from owning, carrying, and/or using arms – firearms, and yes, even “military grade” firearms. Zero. Zip. I have yet to see a single paragraph of legislation on any level that passes the “shall not be infringed” litmus test when applied to any honest, law-abiding citizen. And yet, here we are, wading through a myriad of legal mines, as our nation has become exactly that: a minefield. It needs to end.

Another irony – while so much of the angst of today’s gun control freaks is focused on scary black rifles, or any firearm capable of accepting “large capacity” magazines – often called “assault weapons” or “weapons of war” in an effort to compare them to military-grade firearms – they turn a blind eye to the original, and still often held dictum that suitability for military use is one of the standards deemed critical to our Second Amendment right. Even more strange is this very fact should be grounds to automatically reject the National Firearms Act of 1934 as inherently unconstitutional on this very basis.

Compounding this irony is a recent ruling by a Federal judge no less, that illegal aliens have the right to keep and bear arms under our Second Amendment. What?! While I do not necessarily disagree with the ruling, it comes with loads of baggage. First and foremost is depicted in the meme below.

It is madness. Nothing more, nothing less and it needs to stop. As citizens – honest, hard-working, law-abiding citizens, we need to put our foot down. We need to demand an end to the rabid, illegal, raping of our God-given rights under our Constitution. No more. If they don’t like it, well, too bad. As citizens, they have just as much right as anyone to propose our Constitution be amended. Unless and until that happens, our right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

NOT Forgotten! Two J6 Political Prisoners Highlighted

Today I found two separate and very different stories about two J6 political prisoners. While their experiences are different, what they have in common is they both have lost their liberty and their lives are forever changed.

Once again I will point out – my grievance is not about their guilt or innocence but about the total disregard for their rights as citizens under our Constitution.

Patrick Byrne Answers Trump’s Call To Support J6 Political Prisoner Ryan Samsel When All Organizations Refused

A Day in the Life

It matters not whether you agree with what they did or are accused of doing.

It matters not whether they broke the law or not.

No one deserves this treatment.  As Americans we have protested and marched against the inhumane treatment  hapless souls in other countries. We have railed against poor treatment of animals. And yet we look away, or worse, cheer, how these J6 political prisoners are being treated day in, day out for years now. For what? For some misguided “sense” of patriotism? Since when do we suspend proper treatment of the accused?  For SHAME!

This shame is doubled for those of you schooled in law and DOUBLE THAT SHAME for any politician schooled in law. And for you in our judiciary? If all you can do is look the other way or worse, throw up your hands declaring, you cannot do anything – you should resign immediately. You are a disgrace to our justice system.


The Death of Our Constitution – NOT!

In my previous post I took great exception Mark Levin’s declaration that our nation is “post constitutional” and law of the land is no more. While I absolutely believe Lance Wallnau’s unintended rebuttal was absolutely brilliant, as well as far better than I can do, I still have an itch to scratch.

For anyone who accepts the truth of God’s sovereignty, Lance’s position is easy to see. But what about everyone else? As I stated before, even my own wife, whom I know is a godly woman, is not clearly seeing this. She is being blinded by circumstance.

To this end, I’ll offer a more secular argument.

Suppose a man committed a murder. There were witnesses. There was a smoking gun. It was, unequivocally, unarguably, and unquestionably murder. However the police declined to arrest or charge him.

The people cried out. They insisted the district attorney investigate. The DA also declined to prosecute.

Again an uproar ensued. One brave soul presented the case to a Grand Jury. The Grand Jury declined to indict.

Finally, the people appealed directly to the courts. Surely a court of law would review the start evidence and insist on justice! But, no, the court tossed the case out.

Ignore the details and the reasons for this case. They are not relevant. Instead focus on the facts as presented. All of our systems for justice in this case failed, despite everyone outside the systems agreeing to the guilt of the murderer. Let me ask you…

Does the fact that all these systems failed mean that murder is now legal? Are the laws against murder now null and void? Then how can anyone say the same about our constitution?

This the reality. It is said “ignorance of the law is no excuse”. That axiom certainly applies here. Nor does ignoring the law – in particular the law of our land, our constitution – an excuse to disregard it.

Our constitution stands strong. The real question is – will YOU stand up for our constitution?

Two Conservatives – One Jew – One Christian – Two Opposing Views

Yesterday (Sunday) was a watershed. Actually I could count 2 Christians and 2 Jews if I wanted to complicate things but let’s do keep them simple.

In one corner, we have Mark Levin. In the other corner – Lance Wallnau. It would be hard to imagine two more diametrically opposed viewpoints. I’ll begin with Levin, whom I saw last and work up to Wallnau.

While I’m guessing you can find a replay on Levin’s broadcast on Fox – or one of the products, I’ve nothing to link to.

Levin was joined Lawyer David Schoen. Together they declared and bemoaned the End of Our Constitutional Republic. I was shocked. Then I was livid. Mark, how DARE you! Your pronouncement makes me wonder just how deeply the claws of the statists are embedded in your soul. Have you been turned? Are you a schill for the globalists?

Many times I have said, our republic is not over until someone stands up and announces the end of our republic. I did not expect it to come from “our” side. Surely many have worried that bone, mostly from the conservative end but hearing it from someone hailed to be a stalwart of right thinking – it’s disgusting.

Worse, my wife agreed with him. Earlier this week her co-worker said as much. The general consensus, the hopeless defeatism is what I’ve been battling for far too long. The not-so-subtle shrug of the shoulders, the raising of the hands, and the words passing the lips – “what can we do?”. I disagree. Entirely.

Enter Lance Wallnau. His last show on RAV was a video of an appearance in a Minneapolis church. He was on fire. Even better he was inspiring. For some reason Real America’s Voice breaks up the replay into four segments. All four are below – about an hour total. I doubt if you can watch just one.

Lance began by retelling the story of former Georgia Senator Mike Crotts being raised from the dead because his assignment on this earth was not finished. Indeed, at the time it had literally just started! It was prophesied that Crotts was to leave his business career and go into politics and he was campaigning for his first office when he dropped dead – for 29 minutes no less – of a heart attack. He was literally raised from the dead and promptly lost his first election. Eventually, he did become a State Senator but the message he received was his “assignment was not finished”.

In hindsight, I now see Lance Wallnau’s program as a further prophetic message for our nation. In short, the United States of America is not dead yet! We have an assignment and it is not finished. Wallnau clearly stated this during his message but I “just happened” to see it before watching Mark Levin declare the death of our nation. Wow. Take a look. I’ll be back.





What is the difference between these two perspectives? One, Mark Levin, is looking at the human side – the secular, while Lance Wallnau is looking to God Almighty. What a difference!

Reaching back to my wife and others (her co-worker is not the only culprit here) they, too, are looking at our circumstances. All they can see is how powerful the opposition has grown and how they seem to have everything under control. What they fail to see is God. Nothing is happening today that God does not allow. Nothing. Just as David refused to allow himself to be intimidated by Goliath who dared to defy Almighty God, we Christians, we, the very children of the One True God, need to turn to our Heavenly Father and place our trust, our very lives, in His hands. But that’s not all…

As Lance pointed out – as long as we have breath on this earth, we are here for a reason also. We all have assignments. For myself, I can tell you outright, sometimes posting to this blog seems entirely inadequate. I cannot help feeling I am to do more but I do not know what. What is your assignment? I cannot tell you as I do not know. All I can do is urge you to seek out God for yourself and ask Him to reveal what He has in store for you.

While I may not always be confident I am doing God’s Will to the best of my ability, what I AM confident in is God Himself. I am only human. I am entirely capable of screwing up a one-car funeral but God is, well GOD, and HE does not, can not screw up. My trust is in Him.

If you haven’t already, watch the videos above. Seek out God’s Will for you. We are not finished yet!

Oddly Enough – I Saw This First on MSN News

Seriously, my wife upgraded all her computers to Win11 (YUCK!) for her biz. As I help out during her busy season I find myself starting at the screen of one from time to time. Win11 has a “feature” that pops out a bunch of crap I don’t wanna see, including MSN headlines. (No, I haven’t taken the time to put a stop to that. Call me lazy.) Anyway, yesterday I saw this headline:

Republican’s Constitutional Amendment Would Change How Americans Eat

from a story in Newsweek.  This headline could be taken in several ways but I clicked to see how Rep Thomas Massie, one of the more outspoken conservative voices in the House introduced this legislation. I immediately figured it was a hit piece on Massey. Not so fast.

This morning I was reminded of this story in a meme from 90 Miles From Tyranny:

Okay. Fine. I get the gist but I gotta ask WHY? Why is a constitutional amendment necessary? The way I see things, what the Feds are doing are already unconstitutional. They are already limited to goods that cross state lines. Granted this limitation is ignored as is nearly every other limit in our founding document. The problem is not a failure of our Constitution but our failure to properly enforce it.

Besides this, the chances of such an amendment surviving the grueling process of ratification are slim to none. Nice try Thomas but your effort will only land you another 15 minutes in the spotlight.

Why not introduce some legislation to scale back those laws that are currently raping our liberties. Do you need a list?