While some might jump for joy at the news – me? Meh. Like the headline says – who will China replace him with.
Let’s not forget his position as Minority Leader and Majority Leader before that is an elected one. ALL the “republican” Senators voted for him – or enough to put give him the nod. Shouldn’t that tell you something?
What?! Do you think all those Senators who voted for him were unaware of his ties to China? Were they clueless about his RINO record? Of course not. They knew. They voted him in anyway. Why? Money and power – that’s why.
Once again, I’ll remind you what the game is in Washington (not to mention nearly every elected office in this nation) – it’s stay in office or move to a better office. Like McCarthy in the House, McConnell held massive purse strings to “help” his comrades get elected again and again. Beyond this, I have no idea what other juice these guys carry in their squirt guns but it is enough to allow them to kneel to their masters – and WE the People ain’t them.
One thing I can guarANtee you – whoever takes McConnell’s place will be a died-in-the-wool statist – most likely someone who needs to constantly brush off the lint from China’s pocket.
Just one more reason why WE the People need to step up and throw these bastards out. It ain’t gonna happen overnight. Let’s start with November 2024 with some massive action to put “republicans” in all those offices up for bid. After that, we can roll up our sleeves and begin to let them know whose boss in this nation.