Long before I started this site, I sought answers to the questions perplexing me.
What is wrong with our nation?
Have we all been living a lie?
Is our freedom a lie?
Is liberty a lie?
If the ideas of liberty, freedom and the pursuit of happiness is true then why does our nation sink deeper and deeper into the muck and mire?
Where is GOD in all of this?
The answers to my questions and prayers came. They still come. GOD ALMIGHTY – YHWH – has NOT abandoned us! HE has been with us all along. WE have ABANDONED HIM! We have gone our own way – sought our own path – while ignoring the truth!
This very day I saw the answer to our nation’s strife clearly. We are not done yet!
YHWH – ALMIGHTY GOD WILL restore our nation! HOW?
We must turn to Him! Confess His only begotten Son Jesus – the Messiah as Lord and believe in our hearts GOD raised him from the dead! (Romans 10:9)
Call our brothers and sisters in Christ to return to GOD – confess our sins and repent of our wicked ways.
Pray daily and ask our Heavenly Father to restore our nation. HE is faithful!
More to come…
May GOD ALMIGHTY, our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus the Messiah bless you and keep you!
There is a war against free speech and Big Tech is the one waging it. Congress has looked into this, with Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas leading the charge, not allowing Facebook and other Big Tech companies to weasel out of answering hard questions that the public has about censorship on the Internet.
It’s less true to say that Facebook, Google and other Big Tech platforms “lean left” than it is to say that they push a globalist, neoliberal, corporatist line that eschews any sort of values or ethics other than growth. Edward Abbey has said that the philosophy of growth for the sake of growth is also the philosophy of the cancer cell.
The Big Tech war against free speech is nothing new and there have been canaries in the coal mine for years. Everyone remembers MILO being shown the door on Twitter for a dubious accusation that he led a mob against actress Leslie Jones. But the real test case was not him, it was hacker and troll Andrew Auernheimer, commonly known by his handle “weev.”
weev (always lowercase) is difficult to defend because he has unpopular viewpoints. To wit, he has a large swastika tattooed on his chest. However, proponents of the First Amendment and free speech shouldn’t be concerned with what weev thinks or says, because what he thinks or says is irrelevant to whether or not he has the right to think it and say it. But Twitter and other Big Tech platforms were smart in choosing such an ideological pariah to test the waters.
There is a direct line to be drawn from the deplatforming of weev on Twitter to the unpersoning of Alex Jones to the shadow banning and outright deplatforming of conservative voices all across the web. Mainstream, establishment conservatives have done themselves a disservice by attempting to defend themselves against deplatforming on the basis that “I’m not a Nazi” for two reasons.
First, it doesn’t matter if you’re a Nazi or not. All legal speech should be allowed on social media, or else Big Tech is an editorial content curator, which makes it liable for anything that is posted on there. This means that your ex-spouse lying about how you missed Little Timmy’s baseball game on Facebook can be construed as defamation, for which Facebook is liable because they didn’t remove the status update. Facebook’s pretense that it is a content-neutral platform, a claim that is patently false, is what protects it from being sued every time someone lies about someone else on the platform or from being hauled into court every time that ISIS uses WhatsApp to coordinate an attack.
But the other reason is that for many on the left, there is not a tangible difference between weev, MILO, Alex Jones, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Wayne LaPierre, Ted Cruz, Ben Sharpiro or the President of the United States. Anyone to the right of John McCain is seen as either a literal fascist, a fascist apologist, or a gatekeeper who opens the door to fascist ideology.
Big Tech will not stop at deplatforming actual, self-avowed fascists, nor will it stop at conspiracy theorists, edgy conservatives, or even “respectable” centrist types like Dave Rubin. To throw the far right under the bus in the hopes of satisfying Big Tech’s blood lust is a strategic mistake – it legitimizes the entire process of deplatforming, which will eventually swallow up anyone who believes in the Constitution and the rule of law. Big Tech and the left either see no difference between you and a Nazi, or pretend not to because it’s politically expedient.
This is doubly important because of how many Big Tech companies are actively spying on their users. The EFF maintains an annual detailed list of who is telling the government about its users and their data, who informs users that the government is sniffing around about them, and who even bothers to disclose their data retention policies.
What this means is that if and when the federal government begins compiling a list of “potential right-wing terrorists” or “right-wing extremists” (to the extent that they do not already maintain such lists), they will have a ready-made mine of data from Big Tech, who have shown themselves to be more than willing to cooperate with the federal government, with minimal or no arm-twisting on the part of the feds. Take, for example, the Philadelphia synagogue shooter. Self-proclaimed “free speech” platform Gab was more than willing to hand over all the data they had about his account to the feds without even being asked.
Sure, no one wants to be in the position of defending a synagogue shooter. But the point is that these platforms, even the ones who allegedly have your back, have shown themselves willing to roll on their users provided enough of a fever is whipped up in the press.
Even the Declaration of Independence has been removed from Facebook as “hate speech” due to their “filtering program.” Yes, really. Nor is it only conservative groups who have been targeted. Moderates and leftists who don’t toe the party line – like Andy Ngo, Tim Pool and Michael Tracey – have likewise been targeted by deplatforming and shadowbanning.
Deplatforming is not limited to social media. Chase Bank has been accused of depriving conservative voices of banking services. This returns us to the Mark of the Beast notion: What good is free speech if banks – banks – can keep you from receiving payments. And how far off are we from seeing conservative voices deprived of their ability to pay?
One of the provisions in the new massive “Covid-19 Relief” bill is to increase the minimum wage to $15.00. Recent indications are this may not make the final version but the controllers are bent on pushing this atrocity through one way or another. They will not stop until they’ve reached this latest benchmark. They know it will further cripple, if not destroy small business in this nation. Not only do they not care – this is their ultimate goal.
As a long-time opponent of the minimum wage, I must say up front I am biased. That said, ask yourself this: how will forcing small businesses – shut down in whole and and in part for the past year – to substantially increase their labor costs going to help anyone? While you are considering this, allow me to suggest this exercise:
Instead of raising the minimum wage to $15.00 – why stop there? Isn’t the goal for everybody to live a better life? Why not stop fooling around? If we are going to do this, let’s do it once and for all. What the heck am I talking about?
Instead of raising the minimum wage to $15.00 – let’s REALLY make it worthwhile. Raise the minimum wage to a cool $1,000,000 per year for everyone. Why not? We can ALL be millionaires! Even the government will be flush with new income taxes! Wouldn’t that be just wonderful? What?
What do you mean – how much will a gallon of milk would cost? Who cares! You’d be a millionaire! Now come on! Don’t give me that crap about the price “everything” going up. We would all be rich, rich, RICH! Even those kids at the drive though window would be living the high life! NOW we’re talking!
Uh, yeah, THAT’S what I’m talking about. Once the concept of minimum wages scales up to the sky, my point is easy to see. Minimum wages help no one. Most of you reading this already know this from experience. Inflate wages at the lowest level and you inflate everything. Why? Because all costs and prices are relative. If the labor cost of a burger is 50% of the price of a burger then it if costs $1 in labor to make a burger then the cost of the burger will be $2. If the cost of labor for that burger is $100 then the cost of the burger has to be $200. This is exactly why all minimum wages are insane – the concept is based on flawed logic. What is the alternative?
Kill the minimum wage. Get rid of it entirely. Dump that bitch. Oh my! THEN what?
Of course the first horror stories you will hear will be employers hiring workers for next to nothing. Could that happen? Absolutely it could and it probably would, but then a strange thing will happen. At some point, people willing to work for peanuts will dry up. For employers to get workers, any workers, they will have to pay more. If they want the most qualified workers, they will have to pay even more. The principle involved is simple, well-known and proven. It is called “supply and demand”. As demand increases, the supply costs more. It’s that easy. Prove it?
The fact is, I don’t have to. The fast-food industry already has proven this. In many, many markets, fast food establishments offer above minimum wage, often well above, in order to attract workers. Growing up, fast food was a job for teens and young employees. Years passed finding more and more older workers employed there – why? The reason is simple, the workers were often more readily available then the younger generation.
So my proposal is simple: eliminate the minimum wage. Before long wages will soar as will employment. Everybody benefits – except, of course the controllers who have no business sticking their noses in business matters in the first place. I can’t speak for you, but I care less about them then they care about me. Is this possible or just a pipe dream? Bluntly put, I do not ever expect this to happen because we citizens of this nation are simply too cowed to step up and assume our responsibilities as self-governing individuals. Too bad.
Note: I was set to publish this short post when the power went out. It was not restored until February 19 at about 6 PM.
Once again, an old testament Psalm rings as true today as it was when it was first written:
Psalms 140:1 Deliver me, O LORD, from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man;
2 Which imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war.
3 They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders’ poison is under their lips. Selah.
4 Keep me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked; preserve me from the violent man; who have purposed to overthrow my goings.
5 The proud have hid a snare for me, and cords; they have spread a net by the wayside; they have set gins for me. Selah.
6 I said unto the LORD, Thou art my God: hear the voice of my supplications, O LORD.
7 O GOD the Lord, the strength of my salvation, thou hast covered my head in the day of battle.
8 ¶Grant not, O LORD, the desires of the wicked: further not his wicked device; lest they exalt themselves. Selah.
9 As for the head of those that compass me about, let the mischief of their own lips cover them.
10 Let burning coals fall upon them: let them be cast into the fire; into deep pits, that they rise not up again.
11 Let not an evil speaker be established in the earth: evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him.
12 I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and the right of the poor.
13 Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence.
Violent men spew forth poison. They seek to entrap the righteous. The seek to destroy us. Note this phrase in verse 11:
“evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him.”
This indicates to me they will be swallowed up of those things they worship.
Today Faux, er Fox News (they still actually get SOME things right!), posted this article… if you can still read it.
In yet another attempt to exert control over former President Donald J. Trump, Chuckie Schumer want to evoke the 14th Amendment to permanently keep Trump from any office.
Here is an excerpt from the article:
The 14th Amendment to the Constitution says that Congress can bar people who “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the U.S. from holding office. It was originally meant to prevent former Confederates from serving in the government after the Civil War.
“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof,” the amendment says.
Yesterday, I pointed out who the real insurrectionists are and, gee whiz, I hate to say this Chuckie, but YOU are at the front of the line! YOU are leading the charge to try former President Trump for the impeachment charges brought by the House. BOTH actions are EXPLICITLY unconstitutional and thus they are acts of rebellion and/or insurrection.
If that is not clear enough Chuckie, allow me to spell it out for you: Defying our constitution, abusing said law of the land for your own political gain is, in itself, an act of TREASON.
You and your comrades SHOULD be hung for all to see. I will gladly settle for the immediate resignation of all involved. I would much rather do so than have my fellow citizens and myself suffer through a host of arrests and trials. Oh yeah, trials. As a citizen of this constitutional republic, I absolutely believe in DUE PROCESS. Maybe you could dust off one of your old law school books or borrow one, if need be, and look the term up.
An insurgent definition via Grrrgle: “1 : a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government especially : a rebel not recognized as a belligerent. 2 : one who acts contrary to the policies and decisions of one’s own political party.”
Key word here “revolts” as in revolution as in revolutionary. This defines those who desire to transform our nation into a democracy or a socialist/communist state. Our nation is none of these things. Our nation is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. Pardon me for raising my voice but this term seems to be overlooked again and again.
What is a constitutional republic? It is a nation founded by a document called a constitution. Said document expressly limits what our government can and cannot do. Ours also expressly defines in ten amendments certain God-given rights to ensure they are protected. This document provides a framework for us, as citizens to govern ourselves. WE are the “government” so to speak because WE are endued with the authority to govern ourselves via elected representatives.
Thus, as citizens we cannot, by definition, simply be labeled “insurgents”. I was going to say “unless we act forcefully against our own government” however, after a second thought this does not fall within logical parameters. Consider this: those charged with enforcing the law of the land are allowed a certain amount of leeway when it comes to using force. Our nation as even resorted to violence countless times against individuals and even other nations. Even in our own history The Battle of Athens, TN (AKA the McMinn County War)force was used when corruption was rampant. These citizens were not “insurgents”. They had no intention of overturning or overthrowing their government but rather restoring it. My contention here is the use of force alone does not define insurgency. Force must be justifiable, ultimately in a court of law in necessary, but it cannot be the standard for defining an insurgency. Neither does an act or acts by one or more citizens justify the use of force. Certainly, even some of those trying to forcefully transform our nation into something we are not are, by definition, insurgents.
In short, there must be another way. First we, as citizens of this nation must recognize a true definition of “insurgency”, whether said definition follows my ideas or not. Second, we citizens must accept the responsibilities endued upon us be birth or naturalization. We need to step up, claim our right to govern ourselves and throw the true insurgents out. We need not do this violently. We have the force of the law of the land – our constitution. As for those who are truly insurgent, there is a simple standard we can apply to our representatives: have they voted or supported laws or actions contrary to constitutional constraints. At this point we need only ONE metric – this last impeachment and trial of Donald J. Trump.
It does not take a legal scholar to understand the wording or intent of an impeachment. It is to remove a sitting government official. Donald J. Trump is not. That is all. End of story. Thus those voting to impeach this private citizen or continue with this blatant abuse of their granted authority are themselves unfit to continue in office. We need to stand up and insist they not only stop this instant, but immediately resign from office. Once we rid ourselves of these political hacks, we can continue to purge our respective governments of those who would corrupt the foundational document of our nation. Note, by “purge”, I in no way mean anything violent but simply demanding they step down.
This could be the rebirth of our constitutional republic, however it will not happen on its own. It can only be the result of citizens stepping up to our rightful place.
Ken caught my attention when someone called T. L. Davis a troll and he stated he knows Mr. Davis and he is no troll. Until Ken stated that I did not know Mr. Davis authored this piece.
Here is what I posted:
T.L. Davis is an exceptional patriot and man. I, too, have been privileged to have some contact with him so I can say this from personal experience. He is no troll. What surprises me is his last paragraph:
“One method is to start at the county level and establish your rights there. Then, build out from that one county at a time, if necessary. The first order of business must be to deny federal troops or agents access to the county in any form for any reason. They are the enemy or the messengers of the enemy, they told us so.”
Reclaiming our nation county by county is something I’ve been advocating myself for some time now. My own inspiration is primarily from Virginia’s 2A sanctuary movement. While the results were arguably vague at best, the sheer demonstration of the will of WE the PEOPLE was stunning. Note, the scamdemic arrived just in time to short circuit this movement and stop it from spreading nationwide. No, I am not offering up yet another “conspiracy theory”. I am simply noting the correlation. No one knows what would have happened sans the wuhan flu. The movement might have fizzled on its own or never morphed into something more powerful. There is nothing stopping us from picking up and moving forward.
On another note – I was likewise surprised to see the Oathkeepers advance this idea.
“Muster NOW in their county seat. Meet face to face and sort out grid down comms and who will be “Home Guard” and part of a “Family Safe” program to stay back and protect families, while also determining who can project out to protect and assist others. Do it now before comms go down.”
While one must consider the context and other things advocated by them, I am encouraged by their acknowledgment of our county seats being the center of our concentrated power as citizens.
I am encouraged every time I see the prospect of local citizens gathering in our respective counties to make our desires known. I contend this is the only way our republic can be restored and move forward. Once this principle takes hold, there will be no stopping us.
Again, here are the quotes I took from Twelveround and Oathkeepers. There is no direct link to Oathkeepers as I doubt if you’ll find the post on the same page. At the time I read this, they were being attacked with denial of service either from the outside or the inside, I do not know for sure.
One method is to start at the county level and establish your rights there. Then, build out from that one county at a time, if necessary. The first order of business must be to deny federal troops or agents access to the county in any form for any reason. They are the enemy or the messengers of the enemy, they told us so.
“Muster NOW in their county seat. Meet face to face and sort out grid down comms and who will be “Home Guard” and part of a “Family Safe” program to stay back and protect families, while also determining who can project out to protect and assist others. Do it now before comms go down.”
For those of who would scowl and dismiss this idea… what else are you gonna do? Whine some more? Vote harder next time? Wait for that knock on your door? Please. Tell me. What, exactly is you idea? Or have you already thrown up your hands in surrender?
I came across this article entitled “The Consent of the Governed” recently and I am reposting it here as it offers one of the best analogies I’ve ever seen explaining the concept of God-given rights vs constitutional rights vs democracy i.e. mob rule.
Every family has secrets. Some come out. Some stay hidden forever. No matter what the secret, chances are Mom knew. She may not know what. She may not have any details but she knew something was wrong. She might ignore it. She might deny it, but she knows something is amiss. Fast forward to the 2020 election.
We are all “Moms”. We know this election stinks – no matter what side of the political spectrum you side with. Maybe you want to hide your head in the sand. It won’t work. The stink pervades everything. Start with the very basis of the voting. First the decree that “everyone” has the right to vote. This is dishonest. No, “everyone” does NOT have a say in our nation’s business. The right to vote is conferred with citizenship. Period. This is the very basis of our constitutional republic. In almost every other instance I will defend the right of someone to refuse to present “papers”. When it comes to voting – it is essential ONLY citizens are voting and thus must present proof of citizenship in the form of a valid voter id.
As for the claim require a voter id somehow discriminates against the poor in our nation – get real. The poorest in our nation qualify for financial help from our governments – local, state and federal. While I personally feel this, in itself, is entirely beyond the framework of our constitution, the simple fact is, our governments take from those who produce and gives to others. In the process, they must identify themselves. In other words – the poorest in our nation are by no means without the means to produce a valid government id. Sorry but that “argument” holds no water.
Of course the radicals on the left go even further by claiming everyone has a right to vote regardless of citizenship. This is absurd. They may as well claim the oceans are really made of soda pop. Of course one must not drink the ocean with a straw but otherwise… My point, for those who need the word “cat” spelled out is, anyone can claim anything but claims do not make anything so.
The bottom line is: not only did the cheaters cheat and cheat big – but they open defy even any sense of the rule of law. This is to the point where they even deny any wrongdoing at all. All of a sudden they are acting like there is no possible way there could be any funny stuff about this election. This after nearly four years of “investigating Russian collusion”. Why the sudden turn about? We all know why – because their man came out on top, that’s why. So what do we do about it?
At the time of this writing the state of California has certified their election, giving Joe Biden enough electoral votes to win the presidency. Is that it then? From my understanding, no, as legal challenges concerning the validity of certain electoral votes remain. I expect the Supreme Court will eventually weigh in. That said, as of now, it appears Biden and Harris could be inaugurated in January 2021. What then?
There’s been talk of war on both sides. The left has been waging guerrilla warfare for years now, lately in the form of attacks on police, riots and other violence upon our nation’s citizens. Their propaganda war has been in full force for an even longer period of time – decades, actually. For the most part, those of us on the right have taken to open and legal means to elicit changes – voting, truly peaceful protests and court challenges, among other things. While one could point to a handful of instances attributed to
right-wing actors, those are not only far and few between but also quickly denounced by nearly everyone on both sides of the issue. You cannot say the same for violence perpetrated on the left. Is this what our nation will resort to? At least one observer believes we are already involved in a civil war. His points are well taken. The problem with this is nobody will win such a conflict. Either the left will destroy our nation to erect an new openly communist state or the right will devastate the land in an effort to save it. It is a no-win situation. Is there an alternative? I believe there is only one way.
We Christians must repent and turn to God Almighty and His Son, our Lord Jesus the Messiah, for the salvation of our nation. It is the only way. Scoff if you will, but in doing so, you will be denying the Lord that bought you with his precious blood. Our nation is in this current sorry state because we turned to the world and subsequently turned our backs to God.
Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
We see these things happening before our very eyes! I say to you, you can either renounce this evil or you will be counted with those who do such things – whether or not you join them. Isaiah was not finished:
Isaiah 5:22 Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:
23 Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!
24 Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
25 Therefore is the anger of the LORD kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath smitten them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcases were torn in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.
Do not forget this was prophesy specifically unto Israel and not onto those of us in this Grace Administration. Even so, can you be so confident and believe you are immune? Seriously? Look around you!
Verse 24 Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust
Is this not happening before our eyes? Do you not see our nation crumbling? LOOK around you! God Almighty will not protect this nation simply because some of us who claim Christ as Savior remain here! Look at China, Russia, Venezuela, Taiwan, Iran – the list goes on and on. If we want our nation saved – if we want to reclaim the blessings He bestowed upon us – we MUST ASK!
James 4:2 …ye have not, because ye ask not.
Simply asking is not enough – consider the context of the above verse:
James 4:2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.
3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
There is more to this than these two verses. I urge you to read James in its entirety. Here are a couple more highlights.
James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
James 5:17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.
Ask yourself… what will war bring us other than a broken and destroyed nation? Would you rather our land be restored? Those who promulgate evil yearn for our destruction. This is not speculation – they have said as much over and over again. Their minions have literally burned large parts of our nation’s cities. This is the path they would lead us on. We must resist but our resistance must be Godly if it is to succeed.
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
As Christians, in this nation and all over the world, we’ve turned away from God Almighty and turned to our own lusts. Many no longer believe God can or will step in. We’ve walked so far away from God, many no longer believe God has the power to change the course of their own lives, much less the entire nation. Many do not believe God parted the Red Sea, brought down the walls of Jericho or raised the dead. If God Almighty cannot raise the dead then did He then not raise Jesus from the dead?
1 Corinthians 15:12 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead?
13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen:
14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.
15 Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.
16 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:
17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.
18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.
19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.
I know there are many among us who believe. It is you whom I now call upon to turn to God in prayer. Pray for His deliverance. Pray for Almighty God to step in to save our nation. Repent of whatever secret sins you’ve been hanging on to and ask for forgiveness. You know He will forgive you. Our nation can be restored but it will not happen by taking arms.
One more admonition – do not think just because I quote the “Old Testament” so frequently, these words have no application today. As I have shown, the state of our nation and the world speaks loudly. However there remains other indications of my words. Below are just two songs written by modern artists. One of these – Rick Pino – proceeds his song with what is described as a word of prophesy. The Old Testament proof of a prophet was whether his words came true – 100%.
Right to Bear Arms – Will It Survive Current US Atmosphere
By Jay Chambers
Publishers note: Please join me in welcoming Jay Chambers from Minutemanreveiw.com as a new contributor to The Liberty Coalition Blog. This is his first article. Please note, as with any contributor, Jay is entitled to his own opinions and is neither required nor expected to reflect mine or anyone else’s
As gun owners, we always feel on the defensive when it comes to our second amendment rights. We are used to the barrage of attacks that come our way, and we are used to standing up to them. So far, our rights mostly remain intact. However, it is still hard to refrain from imagining what the future may bring.
There has been a consistent feeling among many on the left that the US is behind the times when it comes to gun control. They look at other countries in Europe with lower homicide rates and attribute that to their more restrictive gun policies. Many gun owners will be aware that the breakdown of gun deaths reveals a different story. Roughly 60% of gun deaths in the US come from suicide. In this case, it is not guns that are the issue. The issue is people who are suffering enough to consider suicide. When it comes to murder, gun deaths are split between everything from police shootings to gang violence. On these issues, gun control rarely offers a solution, and the “scary black rifles” the media tends to go after do not make up much of the weapons used in shooting deaths.
However, unless people are willing to look into these numbers, the argument is convincing. People have empathy, and they want to see violence end. Simply banning firearms sounds like an easy way to curb gun deaths to many. A cursory glance at the platforms of many politicians, including the Democratic nominee Joe Biden, shows that banning certain types of firearms and limiting gun rights in other ways is near the top of their platforms.
Beyond the federal level, there is always the possibility of individual states going the way of California on firearms. As unconstitutional as it may be, restricting gun rights is always a bill and an executive signing away.
Not All Doom and Gloom
For a start, there are still millions of Americans who care deeply about their gun rights
However, the politicization of gun rights restricts its value. All Americans have the rights to defend themselves. No group of people does not deserve to be protected. There has been evidence lately that many left -leaning Americans have been changing their minds on gun control. Data collected over the past year shows a large percentage of gun buyers have been first-time gun buyers.
This seems to largely be a response to the many crises of 2020. The coronavirus pandemic started the year off with a bang. Toilet paper flew of the shelves. Meat became hard to find. Shelves in stores were no longer guaranteed to have fresh vegetables. This scared people, and not without reason. People were faced with a situation in which food and other basic necessities were not guaranteed. Throw in the uncertainty of how the pandemic would play out, and people were drawn to gun stores. Some were worried about potential rioting over food. Some were interested in being able to hunt for themselves. Many Asians felt that they needed to be able to defend themselves with the bigotry they had directed towards them over the virus’ place of origin. Then, the tragic death of George Floyd sparked protests and riots across the country. Many business owners and other people felt the need to gain a way to protect themselves. At the same time, the slogan “armed minorities are harder to oppress” rang true for many.
Through all the tragedy of 2020, many found a new appreciation for the Second Amendment. According to a study by the NSSF, roughly 67% of gun buyers this year were purchasing a gun for the first time. In most years, this number hovers around 25%. Along with that, around 40% of them were women, and around 58% of the first-time gun buyers were African American. Many of them bought modern sporting rifles, like AR-15s, and many bought shotguns and handguns built for home defense to keep them and those they love protected. These are groups which, demographically, tend to lean left and tend to be underrepresented among gun owners. This signals a shift that may be larger than is currently seen among these groups. For a start, anytime the right to bear arms is expressed by more Americans, the country is helped. On the political side, the gun rights side may be growing its numbers.
Will It Survive?
It is impossible to predict the future. Will another mass shooting spur a reactionary movement to ban firearms? Will the influx of new gun owners change the way the Democratic votership views firearms? Will things simply remain stable for the foreseeable future? These all seem possible, but the US has a rich history of enfranchising people with rights. The optimistic side suggests that the outlook for the Second Amendment may be positive in the coming years.
Jay is a pro free speech business owner based in Austin, Texas. Having lived through several natural disasters and more than a few man-made ones (hello 2008), he believes that resilience and self-sufficiency are essential in this increasingly unpredictable world. That’s why he started a business! Jay writes over at Minuteman Review.
A bit later today, Jay Chambers will make his debut on The Liberty Coalition blog. He contacted me a few days ago asking if he could submit an article, after surviving some tough scrutiny and a thorough vetting, taking all of five seconds, I said “of course!”.
Keeping with the ideals of this site, contributors are generally welcome. So, Jay, thank you for your contribution and by all means, keep ’em coming.
Here is Jay’s bio:
Jay is a pro free speech business owner based in Austin, Texas. Having lived through several natural disasters and more than a few man-made ones (hello 2008), he believes that resilience and self-sufficiency are essential in this increasingly unpredictable world. That’s why he started a business! Jay writes over at Minuteman Review.
What I cannot tell you is whether I’ve finally realized how much I agree with what John Whitehead has been saying all along or if we both think along the same lines. No doubt he says it better. Funny thing about this is he quotes late comedian George Carlin whose succinct words mirrors both of ours. This article sums it up. The bottom line? We are owned.
This is what I keep asking myself. Yesterday my wife asked me if we should get “our mail-in ballots”. While my response was I will vote in person if at all possible, it led to a discussion about whether we will be “allowed” to vote at the polls. My thought was if mail-in was made mandatory then mail-in ballots would need to be sent automatically to all registered voters. She thinks we will have to initiate the mail-in process. Who’s correct? My bigger question is: Will it even matter? Think about this.
Two Scenarios
The first scenario has Trump winning and another four years of controller sponsored chaos. Already the controllers and their sycophants, such as Hillary Clinton, are pushing the idea of not accepting a Trump win… again. (yes, Hillary, face it, you are nothing more than a useful idiot and your usefulness is now relegated to whatever name recognition you can muster.) Remember four years ago when Hillary raised this question about whether Trump would accept the results? This was when she had the presidency in the bag… lady.
Now it is quite reasonable to assume Trump will win a fair election so the controllers are preparing to once again reject the will of the people. Last time they ignored the electoral college and pointed to the “popular vote”. What they accomplished in my mind at least was demonstrating the true value of the electoral college. Even further, I believe we citizens should reject the “winner take all” doctrine of some states and insist the electors be free to vote their conscience. Period. Instead the controllers are pushing in the opposite direction towards “democracy” i.e. mob rule, and away from our democratic republic. Already much massive voter fraud at the polls has been uncovered in the last election. I suspect this is how the controllers finally seized Virginia. Mail-in voting could well skew the election towards the controllers. More on that in a moment.
Back to a Trump “win”. If he does indeed win, the controllers are prepared to ramp up the chaos. We can expect more riots and more resistance by both those controllers in office and in the streets led by professional agitators. Yes. More. We’ve seen this already. They are not going to stop. Unless WE citizens put a stop to this, they will continue to do all they can to demolish our society. They have nothing to lose so they will continue until we stop them or surrender. The way things are going this could well mean a win for the controllers.
Scenario Two: A Biden Victory
We can all decry the terrible things Biden’s puppet masters would do under his nose. Do not be alarmed at this as he would likely approve if he had the metal capacity to do so. What I suspect is the controllers anticipate something other than a peaceful return of the reins of government to their grimy hands. They want war. How did I conclude this?
First we have every indication of the controllers intention to brazenly steal this election. We all know it. Few of us can fathom anyone giving a single thought to their vote pulling the lever for this clown. The only intelligible words he has spoken have been gaffs. “I am J… uh, I… uh, can I get a glass of ice cream?” (Yes, I made that up but…) The only conclusion we can come to is IF Biden wins, it will be because of a massive effort of the controllers to steal the election. For all I know they may even start bragging about it.
We, as citizens will have two choices – accept or reject the results. Again, either choice is a win for the controllers.
In the unlikely event that we reject a Biden victory, we will then be forced to take to the streets in protest. Unlike our counterparts, our protests will be peaceful. At least until the controllers roll out the troops and start shooting us where we stand. They may allow their current crews of agitators to “counter protest”, raining violence in citizens until they are “forced” to step in and stop “our” violent rioting. They will continue until we are either eliminated or subdued.
And if we accept a Biden “win”? They will keep pushing. They will do all they can to further strip the republic and solidify their control. Again, their intention is to eliminate or subdue anyone who resists bowing to their authority. Never mind said authority was stolen. Never mind their total disregard for the founding document of our nation – our constitution. Control is all that matters.
The bottom line is the controllers are making every effort to back the citizens of this nation into a corner so we are forced to either submit to their stolen authority or die. It matters not what corner we end up in so long as they can force check and mate. What choice do we have? Does this mean we cannot win? Have the controllers won already? No. They have not.
There is an alternative. It is right in front of us – right under our own noses. Even better, this alternative is peaceful and entirely legal. As a matter of fact this alternative embraces the very law of our land. What is this alternative?
It is reclaiming our constitutional republic. This entails more than mere “voting”. The controllers have zero authority not granted by us citizens – WE THE PEOPLE. What they have done so successfully is replace our republican form of government with their political “two-party” system so that no matter what party wins, the controllers remain in control. It is sad to realize this but the controllers corrupted our republic from the very beginning. I do not believe this was the intent at first. When our nation was in infancy, even in the womb – so to speak, it was necessary for strong men to lead the way. Thus nobody was taught the principles of republican government in the early days or since. At least if anyone was taught these things, said teachings were lost. It is now time to understand and deploy a true republic.
The strength of the controllers is centralization. Controllers rule from the top down and a central seat of power is necessary to accomplish this. They gain wealth and power via their ability to extract wealth from citizens and rule us through laws and regulations. Is it any wonder why their response to any situation is always more government?
As citizens of a constitutional republic WE have absolute authority to govern ourselves. It is the law of the land. We do this by electing representatives. In doing so we delegate to them some of our authority. What authority? The authority to enact and enforce laws. This authority is limited – first by the law of the land, the constitution itself. As citizens, WE also have the authority to overrule our representatives at ANY TIME. Our only restraint is the law of the land… the constitution. We do have the authority to amend, change the constitution itself, but this is necessarily a difficult and arduous process. This is intentional because it would be foolish to make such changes without sound deliberation. Even so, certain changes have been made, such as the 17th Amendment, allowing Senators to be elected by popular vote – i.e. mob rule, rather than elected by the State Legislatures. The original concept was a safeguard to preserve state’s rights and allow ALL the people of a state to have a voice.
A constitutional republic is the basis for a decentralized government. WE retain the power. We retain OUR authority by voicing and voting our will locally. The controllers have usurped our authority by consolidating and centralizing power and authority. While the political “two-party” system is one of their primary tools, their control now reaches far beyond this. They have entrenched themselves in the very government itself – the deep state – and within the military-industrial complex. As is obvious to anyone truly aware – the controllers almost entirely own the media propaganda machine as well as social media. That said, the power the controllers wield and the authority they have assumed is a smokescreen. They can only hold on to it as long as WE LET THEM!
What can I do? I’m only one little guy?
After all if you can’t fight city hall, how can you take on the United States Government? This is the beauty of our constitutional republic! As individuals we are essentially powerless. Yes, one man or woman could gather together a militia unit or even a group resembling a small army. They could gather weapons, legitimately or not (bear with me here), they could train and become an effective fighting force. And they could easily be squashed like a bug. Sure, one could tout the Afgan resistance or even the IRA but what, really would any of this truly accomplish? My point is while arms are indeed a valid and necessary component – such can only be a last resort because invoking such tactics basically destroys the very thing we wish to preserve – our nation. This is NOT how to restore our nation!
So… What?
If you want to see a real-life example of how a republic should work – consider the VCDL – the Virginia Citizens Defense League. This small group focuses only on Second Amendment Issues. They led the 2A Sanctuary movement in Virginia in late 2019 and early 2020. EVERY county and city government was forced to vote on whether or not to declare themselves a 2A Sanctuary and an overwhelming majority – over 95% did just that! The real power in this movement was the turnout by citizens in support of 2A Sanctuaries. Such action would not have been necessary if not for the illegal and treasonous actions by the Governor and State Legislature. Virginians are not done yet either. This is just the beginning. However the actions of the citizens in Virginia demonstrate how a republic should operate.
Citizens did NOT protest in the streets. We did NOT just flood representatives with emails letters and faxes. We did NOT simply write letters to editors. WE SHOWED UP at our county board meetings in force and demanded action! While the message sent to our state AND federal representatives was largely ignored – the message was clear. Now… we can NOT let up!
While this is just a fleeting thought – it does seem strange our nation was hit by a pandemic just after citizens in Virginia flexed our authoritative muscles. Coincidence? Possibly, even probably BUT – this pandemic surely put the skids on citizen action in our own communities! Yet somehow “peaceful protests” – riots are perfectly acceptable. Think about that.
The bottom line is WE CITIZENS wield true authority and power in this nation. It IS the LAW OF THE LAND. Those sitting in plush accommodations paid for by US consider themselves the “ruling class”. Such is an abomination. ANY “representative” or party “official” or anyone else for that matter who ascribes themselves to this “ruling class” should be immediately be forced to resign in shame.
Enough is enough. It is time for the citizens of this nation to reclaim our rightful place in this nation as self-governing individuals who directly elect representatives to serve our interests. My own interest is a return to a limited government by scaling back government intrusion into our lives.
Have the controllers won already? Yes and no. If WE THE PEOPLE, the citizens of this nation do nothing, we might as well bow down to our rulers now. This is something I am not willing to do. If I and I alone standing against these forces of evil am swept away, so be it. To paraphrase Emiliano Zapata… “I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees”. How about you? Will you stand up for what is rightfully yours or kneel to tyranny?