John and the Coming Conviction of Former President Trump

John who?  John as in the gospel of John – Chapter 12 verses 42,43 specifically.

John 12:42  Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue:
43  For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.

What does this have to do with the impeachment and upcoming trial of former President Trump? Think about it.

Right now, several Republicans have declared this trial to be “dead in the water” and yet it continues. I remember the smirk sported by Bill Clinton during his trial. If finally dawned on me: he was smirking because he knew the fix was in. This should have been no surprise because the opposition party did not have enough of their people in the Senate to convict – just as things are today. However the Democrats are nothing if not devoted to their party. Most will not budge from the party line. The Republicans? Not so much.

because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue:

For a politician, their synagogue, or one of them, is the Senate.

There are other parallels between today’s events and the crucifixion of Christ. This trial is as illegal as it gets. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court refuses to preside as constitutionally required. Donald J. Trump is now a private citizen, not a sitting official. The so-called “facts” of this case as revealed to us totally refute the supposition for the case. Furthermore, how can there be any additional “facts” not on record for a charge of publicly inciting a riot? The very idea is an oxymoron.

Do not get me wrong, I am in no way equating Donald J. Trump with our Lord and Savior. However, when you consider the events, then and now, one cannot help to see some similarities in principle.

These days I see a lot of similarities between events recorded in scripture and those unfolding before our eyes. Circumstances may change but the heart of man remains the same. We never seem to learn.

As for the consequences, I believe convicting Trump will be a dire mistake. It will mark the complete and total devastation of our constitution by publicly and unlawfully using our founding document to totally annihilate a private citizen. What is left?

Consider Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s words:

The final word here… “profit” makes me wonder. What does he mean… “profit”?  In public service, profit is unacceptable. While we all know the reality works differently, a “public servant” is not allowed to profit. So could he mean “profit” as a private citizen? Again, there is no precedent  or rule of law or constitution to carry out such a threat.

Either way… what do we have left as citizens of a constitutional republic?

SCORE For Team Biden!

From an unnamed source…

In what can only be described as a brilliant political move as the 2020 Presidential Race heats up… Team Biden announced welcoming the illustrious Jane Fonda to their fold. Ms. Fonda, affectionately known as “Hanoi Jane” by her beloved military admirers – is best known by them for stepping out of her safe acting career to encourage peace and harmony among the combatants in Vietnam. Fonda bravely crossed the line into North Vietnam at the height of the conflict to demonstrate how the communists are truly loved – especially by those in the entertainment industry.

Fonda set an example for all as her smiling face was photographed atop an artillery gun used to blast U.S. Troops to pieces. Her unselfish act showed the world how she truly felt about America and those who fought for her right to openly demonstrate her beliefs.

After Vietnam, she married Tom “those laws are for them, not for us” Hayden – a strong supporter of reasonable gun legislation designed to gut that pesky Second Amendment. He will always be remembered for his herculean efforts to strip law-biding citizens of their unfounded beliefs of their right to keep and bear arms.

Team Biden – a strong critic of President Trump’s disdain for anything military has stepped up to show how much they care about our men and women in service while embracing the ideals of Fonda and her untiring stance against those disgusting fools who call themselves “patriots”. “Few people come so close to matching the foundations of our platform as Jane Fonda – her iconic photograph sitting on that artillery epitomizes the very core of our campaign.” stated an unnamed source.

While some may see this as a risky gambit, savvy politicos find themselves either nodding their heads in agreement or shaking them in wonder. The only words this unbiased author can muster is “unparalleled political genius”. It is now obvious that despite rumors about “Slo Mo Joe” showing signs of senility or serious brain malfunction, Joe Biden, in one fell swoop, has proven he is in firm control of his faculties and this campaign.


Politicians – The Bottom Line is… The Bottom Line

Good article reveals the underlying truth on who gets chosen to run for office and why. Spoiler: It’s the money, honey.

And here ya’ll thought those guys and gals cared about – what’s the word? – oh yeah “issues”. HA! Take special notice of the term the author uses to describe party controllers – he calls them “party professionals” and this is what they are. They are the “deep state” of the political parties. Their job is to please their masters. Who are their masters? Those folks with cash in hand. Like I said, for politicians the bottom line is  the bottom line.

Read it here:

Joe Biden in 2020 Duplicates Hillary Clinton in 2016

More Mini Mike – I Just Can’t Stop!

Okay so Mini Mike “Big Daddy” Bloomberg is gone for the this election season. I get that. He is not going to buy himself the presidency. The thing is, I doubt very much if Mikey is going to stick his tail between his legs and go hide under a rock. He’ll be back and he’ll be coming for our guns… and our sodas… and anything else “Big Daddy” thinks we shouldn’t have. Or he’ll back someone who will because he doesn’t have the guts to do any dirty deeds himself.

Anyway, it is just too much fun tweaking the twerp so here goes!

No More “Life Size Mini Mike” on TV!

Hey! Mikey Won One!

Maybe Two!?

I heard a rumor Hillary is O.U.T.



My personal favorite… this one ALMOST made me wanna vote for him just to see it happen!   NAH!

Okay, okay, Mini Mike “Bid Daddy” Bloomberg is gone goodbye!

Now it’s a showdown between the new improved Sunshine Boys…

Gropin Joe

And Bern, Baby… BERN!

May the best geriatric win!


Goodbye Mini Mike “Big Daddy” Bloomberg

Yes, it is confirmed Mini Mike “Big Daddy” Bloomberg dropped out of the Presidential race.

Well, I really hate to say this but I’m kinda gonna miss “Big Daddy”. Sure there was no love lost between us but, HEY!, the guy is fun to pick on… okay? If he wasn’t so filthy rich, I’d kinda feel sorry for him but, snarky as I am, I’m no bully and he apparently has a cauldron of armed security around him at all times. Too bad they can’t protect him from jibes like mine.

In any case, farewell Mini Mike! I’ve got a bunch of memes that will now never see the light of day on this blog. Never fear, dear readers. I cannot resist letting loose with a couple more. They are just too good to let slide!


Finally… so many of you glued to the TV will no longer feel the need to tear your eyes off the tube every 5 minutes.

SuperMike “Daddy” Bloomberg Swoops in to Save the Democrats AND the Nation!

It’s like the best of both classic tv shows now starring Mikey “Daddy” Bloomberg as he transforms hisself into both Superman AND Daddy (Knows Best).Holy WOW POW! Batman ain’t got nothing on him!

SuperMike "Daddy" Bloomberg
SuperMike “Daddy” Bloomberg Swoops in to save the day! Where’s Mickey Mouse?

How does he do it? Money! He’s got money to burn and boy he’s setting the cash on fire with a blowtorch! This is nothing new to Daddy as he’s already blown up big bucks ’cause us little folk (HE things WE are little HA!) is too stoopid to have soda pops, firearms and probly pointy thingys even though he hasn’t got around to those yet. If you are like me – someone who rebels against Daddy and doesn’t wanna behave like Daddy says I should – don’t worry – it ain’t ’cause Daddy don’t like us. He’s kinda like Mikey – he hates everybody. Hey! Maybe Daddy IS Mikey! Uh, NAH!. THAT Mikey was a cute kid. Daddy is a lotta things  – maybe everythings but he weren’t never cute. I’m sure all his lady friends – and give him credit for that – he seems to have had a LOT of lady friends – will agree. His cash is cute, ’cause he’s got piles of it but Big Daddy Mikey? Not so much.

SuperMike "Daddy" Bloomberg

He also hates republicans – even though he once claimed to be one, women, babies and, oh yeah, farmers – let’s not forget farmers!

Why worry? Anybody can farm! Just let them try to find REAL work.

I don’t think he actually “hates” anyone. I think it’s more he just doesn’t respect anyone who is stoopider and poorer than he is, which, as it turns out is pretty much anyone who isn’t Mikey “Daddy” Boomberg. Huh.

Did I mention he likes guns? No really! He does! He just wants them all for himself that’s all. it’s like – THAT’S for ME! You can’t have any! Well, that and, like I said, he thinks thingys that go boom are too scary for us common folk. Why, if we all had guns we’d go around shooting everthin up and killin everone… right?

Shhhhh! I’m hunting wascally guns. heheheheheh.


Fact is the Democrats, theys fightin back. They ain’t got his money but they’ve got spunk.

Super Mikey Daddy Bloomberg gets sucker swatted by a mysterious foe

Anywhoo, if you came here looking for something serious, you won’t likely find it because I cannot be serious about this turd. Granted. I never thought The Donald was a serious contender and I am happy HE proved me wrong but Mikey “Daddy” Bloomberg is not in Trump’s league at all. Oh he’s got the money. Yeah, there’s that and he can tout hisself as a “bidnessman” like Trump but seriously – I’ve seen lots and lots of people in business who made lots and lots of money and they are still total idiots. I’ve often scratched my head about that. Go figure ’cause I never could.

All that said and done let’s get to the real reason for this post – the memes!

There are just sooooo many of them – and they are sooooo funny I just couldn’t resist dedicating a post to Mikey “Daddy” Bloomberg Memes.


Mises Institute: What’s Next for the Virginia Sanctuary Movement?

For my money, this is a must read article from the venerable Mises Institute. Here is the “Executive Summary”: If we want to effect real change we need to look to decentralization.

It should be no secret I wholeheartedly agree. Decentralization is the only way we can reclaim our birthright as citizens. More on this in a future essay.

For now, consider Mr. Jose Nino’s perspective:

What’s Next for the Virginia Sanctuary Movement?


Proof Politics Is Evil

This is a tough one. It was tough in the last presidential election cycle and it is tough now. Once again, it is about Bernie Sanders.

For those of you who slept through the last election and maybe still sleeping… “The Burn” as his fans call him is so far left – as in communist to the extreme – even the Democrats hold his at arm’s length. From my perspective, this is not because they disagree with Bernie but because they don’t want their public to think they agree with him.

I’m not at all sure I get this, but I’m no political analyst. I just watch and think. The I extrapolate. My greatest epiphanies seem to come when I pray. In any case, I’m trying to logic this one out.

We all know the Burn is so far left he’ll almost touch the right side if he reaches out. Stalin would look conservative next to him. Well, okay, maybe not but it is a tough call for me. Either way if Bernie Sanders isn’t the Poster Child for the Communist, ur, Socialist cause who is? Okay, I’ll give you the Cortez factor but, really, she is just learning the basics of the dialectic. The Burn has this stuff down pat. Not that the refrain is all that hard to learn. After all – “more government” is the communist answer to everything. This is exactly why I think Burnie Baby should be the darling of the Democratic party. More government is exactly their answer to everything. But he is not their darling. Why?

One consideration may be the Dems do not want to make the Virginia faux pas – they dumped all us Pepes into that boiling pot and got themselves surrounded by frogs.

Side note: apparently someone has actually tested the “boiling frog theory”. The result? They found even a frog has enough sense to get the heck out when things gets too hot!

I think deep down the controllers know they can only go so far at once. There is another idea – this one is actually proven to work on capturing live feral hogs. In case you don’t know – hogs are very smart animals and not easy to fool. The trick use is to feed them while gradually building a pen around their food source. The hogs learn to ignore the gradual entrapment as they focus on easy eats. Then they find themselves penned with no way out. It works on the hogs and this same principle is working on us, but the controllers surely know they can’t rush things. If they didn’t we Virginians may have given them some pause for thought.

Do not get me wrong – it is not over here in Virginia. The controllers seem determined to move ahead with their plans to turn the commonwealth into a model for control. We will all have to wait to see whether they ease back on the throttle or push it to full speed ahead. They’ve been warned – the latter will not bode well. For us, this may well be the trumpet call we need to finally take a stand.

Back to the national scene and The Burn – the latest news suggests the Democratic party bosses will once again try to deprive Sanders of the nomination by whatever means necessary – just as they did in 2016. Back then I saw numerous polls that predicted B S would win even against the Donald. And yet the bosses were determined to plug HRC. As far as I’m concerned they failed to plug the right spot, but they wanted her in office for whatever reason.

Now they are at it again. Do they not see they do not have a truly viable prospect right now? Are they that blind? Yes, the opposition against Trump is vile and vocal but are they enough to stop him? For whatever reason they do not want Sanders and this is the point of this essay.

It does not matter what the voters want. All that matters is what the controllers want. For all I know they want Trump to win in 2020. I do not care. It is all politics and politics is an inherently evil lust for power. Power is the ONLY thing politicians care about. One could say they care about position, wealth and notoriety but power, pure political power encompasses all of this. They can have all of the other things but without power they are just another also-ran. If you don’t believe me, look at Hillary Clinton.

She was the First Lady and then rose to Secretary of State – position. She has more money than she can ever spend. Few people do not recognize her name. What is missing? The power of the Presidency of the United States – control of the Empire. Even now the fact she missed this brass ring eats at her. She almost had the power. She did everything, stopped at nothing to get it… and was denied.

You will never convince me she or any other of her power-hungry cohorts only want to serve the citizens of this nation. We all know those of us she considers “deplorable” are beneath her and well should be. What could well shock her admirers is the revelation she cares no more for them than for us. Personally I take her disdain with honor. I would cringe at her favor. My tendency would be to run from her presence… screaming. In my heart and mind, this woman embodies the evil of politics.

Bernie is no better. He may well be worse. None of this matters. The entire world of politics is a seething cesspool of corruption. This latest story is just another example. All of this has been going on for a very long time. If you don’t believe me, pick up the movie “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”. It was released in 1939. What you will see there appears almost innocent compared to today. I’ll say this again…

Politics is the problem – NOT the answer. The answer is within us, the citizens, The answer IS us! WE need to come together and rid ourselves of the controllers – all of them. They need to be replaced by men and women who will represent us citizens and who can and will be held accountable.

God bless,
