2A Update from The Raconteur Report

This is dated but I like the graphic. At the bottom it reads “BFYTW”. My sentiments exactly. It is time to take the gloves off. BTW – The Raconteur Report credits Free North Carolina for this post. I did not follow the link. So kill me, I was lazy. I also liked what Aesop had to say here. We are not always in agreement but in this case, pretty much. At least I can see his reasoning.



Controllers Control – The FBI and YOUR Credit Data

This from Matt Slavo and the SHTFplan.com

The FBI wants your credit information. Of course they only want it for our “safety” to “prevent terrorism”. If you believe that I’ve got a jar of moon atmosphere I can send you for a fraction of what it’s worth.

First of all, transactions between you and anyone else are private. They are nobody’s business unless criminal activity – REAL criminal activity is involved. For example if you are buying or selling stolen goods. With credit  card purchases, nearly everything is potentially tracked. What you bought, where, what time you  purchased it and so forth. Law enforcement can “track” YOU simply by following your credit card purchases. But why stop there? They can also track you via your car (GPS, SIRIUS radio, etc.), your cell phone, your computer, your tablet, your fitbit, your watch in some cases. Some say they can track you via that US currency in your wallet. Maybe, maybe not, but it has been thought of and I have not doubt someone is working on just that if such technology is not in place already.

For the record, I object to all of it. Without due process, a LEGAL warrant with a valid reasonable articulable suspicion plainly stated, I object to any access to my personal information. If I grant access to a certain agency for a particular purpose, said information is ONLY to be used for said purpose by THAT agency. Any other use without due process stated above is illegal and a subversion of my constitutional rights. Any government employee involved in such actions should be immediately dismissed and forever banned from government work. Any pensions should be revoked.

Do I make myself clear? I find such abuse absolutely intolerable. We are citizens, NOT subjects, and therefore we should be treated as such. When the Apostle Paul was bound by a Centurion after the ruckus in Jerusalem, he was struck with fear after discovering he bound a Roman citizen. The Centurion was not only a very high official but a citizen himself. At that time, “binding” was the equivalent of handcuffing a suspect. Think about that. Today, in our “enlightened society”, law enforcement regularly arrests, books and imprisons citizens for months and years. In one instance, a family was devastated, after being arrested for growing tomatoes. Yes, tomatoes. They were observed buying gardening supplies and subsequently had their house raided, etc. all because some “law enforcement” goon suspected – SUSPECTED – a drug growing operation. This is not the only case. Imagine what they could do if they were able to track your purchases electronically.

It goes without saying the FBI’s efforts are anti-liberty. There is NO liberty when common citizens are constantly survived – especially to ensure compliance with the ever-growing plethora of legislation and regulations restricting our freedoms and binding our liberty.

It needs to stop. ALL https://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/secret-deep-state-demands-the-fbi-wants-consumers-credit-data_12162019of it. We need to return the the principles of limited government.

Here’s Matt:





If The Controllers Think Eliminating Guns Will Make Them Safe…

Think again. It is not us citizens that should make you tremble. You are not just defying us – you defy Almighty God.


Almighty God defeated Goliath with a simple stone and his servant David.

The mighty Egyptian army was annihilated by mere water.

The Amorites were defeated before Joshua by Almighty God with great stones falling from heaven.

These are just three examples of what Almighty God can and will do for His faithful. Firearms were not yet invented. Do you controllers really believe you can defy God? Think again.

You will fall. Already your empire crumbles. You will fall because you deceived us, the citizens of this nation. You will fall because you rob us of our wealth. You will fall because you destroy our liberty. Most of all you will fall because you defy Almighty God.

Will it be enough if I and I alone stand in your face to hold you accountable? No. It will not. However I am not alone. If nothing else I know Almighty God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the God and Father of my Lord and Savior Jesus the Messiah is with me. While I count on no other, I am certain at least some of my brethren in Christ will stand with me. The fact is God alone is enough to defeat you. I am only a messenger.

It is only appropriate to say, as in Belshazzar, the King of Babylon’s time, the handwriting is on the wall.

Daniel told the king the meaning of the words:

  • “MENE: God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it;
  • “TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting;
  • “PERES: Your kingdom has been divided, and given to the Medes and Persians” (verses 26-28)



To you controllers: continuing as you are, as you always have will not save you. Your only hope is to join those of us who embrace liberty and return to us what is rightfully ours.

God bless


John Whitehead on Taxes

We’ve all heard “nothing is certain but death and taxes”. We all take it for granted. Strangely enough, this quote is attributed to none other than Benjamin Franklin concerning our new constitution. That said, those who we’ve entrusted with the purse strings of our governments have taken taxation to new heights – both figuratively and literally.

Here’s John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute.


Words on Paper – Patriot Nurse

I’ve been following this lady for a while now – NO! Not like THAT! She instructs patriots on emergency medical and other issues. I’ve been wanting to take her classes for some time now as I have a background in x-ray. My thought is I’d much rather train to save a life than take one. I pray I am never in a position where I have to do either but it never hurts to be prepared. You never know these days if you might be at your local box store and have to deal with an active shooter or a victim of one, or a car accident or even a natural disaster. That said, in this short video, the Patriot Nurse has something to say about the current situation right here in Virginia. I have to admit, she has some points worth considering.


Cupleper’s Sheriff Jenkins Turns Up The Heat

Sheriff Scott Jenkins in Culpeper County turns up the heat in the state by saying he will deputize thousands of citizens to protect their 2nd Amendment rights. BRAVO!

Here is the complete story (h/t Ken and Ruric at Knuckledraggin)

You’ll find my comment there as well as below.

Virginia Sheriff: ‘I Will Deputize Thousands of Citizens To Protect Their Gun Rights’

I love Culpeper. It was where we first lived when we moved to Virginia. We’ve regretted moving from there ever since. Even so I never realized how liberty-minded the area is. Note, since we moved from there over 15 years ago, it has grow by leaps and bounds. This usually also means the area turns more towards liberalism.

As for some perspective on today’s post, consider this: in the last election Virginia State Delegate Nick Freitas was to run for congress. The election board would not let him on the ballot because they say the party filed late. He ran for his delegate seat as a write-in won handily.

Nick is an exceptionally strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment. He first came to my attention with this speech on the floor of the VA Assembly:

Here he is speaking to those attending the 2A hearing in nearby Orange county.


As far as Jenkins screening deputies – this only makes sense, not only to state it but in practice. Think about it. What else should he do? Mass deputize a group? What if some known criminals sneaked in? The left would have a field day just speculating about this and condemn it immediately. Not that they won’t anyway but why give them a toe in? Screening, be done and done properly. Yes, it should not be used as a political tool but it is the citizen’s responsibility to watch out for such shenanigans.

Dec 12th Lunenburg BOS 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Resolution Vote

Lunenburg Board of Supervisors Meeting

When: December 12, 2019 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Lunenburg Courthouse
160 Courthouse Square
Lunenburg VA 23952

Proposed Draft Resolution to Declare Lunenburg County as a Second Amendment Sanctuary

The Lunenburg County Board of Supervisors, at their November 14th meeting, declared that the draft resolution for Second Amendment Sanctuary would be placed online the week before the December 12, 2019 Board meeting.  Please see link below for the draft document:

Lunenburg 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Resolution

Open Letter Supporting Lunenburg’s Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution

To whom it may concern,

I, Andrew Havens, citizen of these United States for America and of the Commonwealth of Virginia, resident of Lunenburg County, Virginia, do hereby declare my full support for a resolution declaring Lunenburg County a Second Amendment Sanctuary County.

While such action should not be necessary, I contend it is absolutely necessary for the following reasons:

A majority of politicians either currently in public office or slated to be sworn into public office on 8 January 2020 have made it known they fully intend to propose and pass unlawful legislation further restricting the rights of citizens of the commonwealth.

Said rights are God-given, guaranteed by both the Constitution for the United States of America and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia. These rights belong to the citizens by birth.

At no time has anyone elected, appointed or otherwise employed by the citizens of this commonwealth or this nation been granted authority to restrict or amend any of our God-given rights.

Such actions constitute usurpation of authority and are therefore treasonous. Treasonous actions such as these are subject to immediate disqualification and removal from any public office and criminal charges filed.

Our constitutions – federal and state – were meant as limiting documents. The intent then and now is to limit what those selected are empowered to do in service to us citizens. In no way shape or manner were they ever intended to grant unlimited power and authority to any group or individual.

The resolution before the Lunenburg Board of Supervisors merely acknowledges our rights as citizens to stand up and claim what is rightfully ours – our birthrights.

I commend the Lunenburg Board of Supervisors for their brave stand against tyrannical politicians determined to run roughshod over our rights as citizens.

We citizens must also stand with the Board and other citizens in Virginia as well as our nation and demand not only such actions stop but the restoration of our birthright in the liberties intended by Almighty God and guaranteed by the founding documents of our nation and states.

Respectfully submitted,

Andrew M. Havens

Democrats AND Republicans Behind Closed Doors

Or… when the sideshow takes center stage, just try taking a peek at what on the other side of the closed curtain.

As John Whitehead at The Rutherford Institute details… you’ll see some horrifying hypocrisy as well as both “sides” of today’s parties not only in bed together but immersed in an orgy. Their lust is not for sex , well, not THIS time anyway. No, this time their lust is for unconstitutional power over the citizens in this nation. My question is: do they laugh hysterically every time they say “The Patriot Act”?

As Whitehead explains:

while Americans have been fixated on the carefully orchestrated impeachment drama that continues to monopolize headlines, Congress passed and President Trump signed into law legislation extending three key provisions of the USA Patriot Act, which had been set to expire on December 15, 2019.

Yep, you got it, publicly these clowns fight tooth and nail but when it comes to shredding our privacy, there’s no drama, no contention. They are all – “all in”. It doesn’t stop there either. Few if any of these cretins have a shred of remorse when it comes to extracting money from taxpayers, spending every cent and borrowing more so they can continue to spend. Why are they so intent on spending our wealth? Follow the money and you will soon see. Ask yourself how so many “public servants” retire as millionaires. That thread alone promises to lead to some unsettling answers. Ask the Clintons or the Bidons or the Pelosis or the Obamas. Shall I keep going?

Yes, I got off track. How can I not? The cancer rampages everywhere in our nation. It affects everything. As you read Whiteheads article, ask yourself… why? Why do our nations representatives – our EMPLOYEES – insist on “legally” spying on us? Why indeed. My own speculation is to enable them to maintain power over anyone they choose so they may stay in power. The purpose is simple with such an assumption: they are protecting their fiefdoms.

Here’s John Whitehead (h/t zerohedge)

Betraying the Constitution: Who Will Protect Us from an Unpatriotic Patriot Act?

God bless,


Excellent Article on Liberty!

It’s not my fault if the author says almost everything I’ve been saying! Seriously, I agree with so much of what Mr. Jacob G. Hornberger has to say on liberty here – both past and present with one serious exception. His timeline pegs the beginning of the decline of our liberty at 1913 when the IRS and Federal Reserve were created. My current inclination is to move the timeline back further to the “War to Prevent Southern Independence” a term coined by Dr. Charles Pace in the book linked above – aka “The Civil War”.

One could move the timeline even further back but it wasn’t until Lincoln waged a massively bloody war against the so-called “sovereign” states that decided they’d been abused enough.

Both the book above and the article below (h/t zerohedge) are good reads.

A couple of side notes about Dr. Pace’s book.

First the link is NOT an affiliate link. I could put one in but for the moment I’d rather just recommend the book.

Second, I’ve found a number of parallels applicable to events happening today. For instance Dr. Pace notes while “slavery” was a issue pushed by Lincoln’s crowd, many in the North did not care one way or another. Once they were properly propagandized to the point where they properly hated slavery, many nodded ascent to the idea. However since they neither owned slaves themselves nor knew nothing of those who did, they were duped into the false belief that the South was entirely evil in this practice. This tracks with the push to eliminate guns today. In addition Dr. Pace paints a radically different picture of slavery in the South – one that may give you pause for thought on the entire issue.

The Destruction of American Liberty

God bless,


P.S. The entire title to Dr. Pace’s book is below. He does not insist on being called “doctor” but he is a medical doctor, an ophthalmologist by trade so I feel he has well-earned this due respect.

Southern Independence: Why War?: The War to Prevent Southern Independence

Further thoughts on Virginia Senate Bill NO. 64

I first saw a posting concerning the proposed Virginia Senate Bill – SB64 on The Captain’s Journal. As I noticed this is a revision and re-enactment of current code so I tried to look up the code. Long story short I was tired and lazy so all I got was a long list of places where this news is turning up.

From what I can see, some of this is already law in VA. Here is the code as it stands today.

I’m posting the context as well. From what I understand of law as a layman, NOT a lawyer so this is NOT legal advice, the devil is in the details and the details are usually the definitions. Of course such is never enough for lawyers so the definitions depend on how they are interpreted. The phrase “It depends on what the definition of the word ‘is’ is.” The bottom line as far as I’m concerned is unless we, en masse, tell the controllers – our employees differently, they will do what they want just like they’ve been doing for decades.

They reject their own written law when said laws become inconvenient. They reject the state constitution, as well as the Constitution for the United States when either poses a problem. They will even reject their own vaunted black-robed opinions if it does not suit their needs.

Thus there MUST be some absolute standard. A standard the controllers MUST recognize or pay the price for ignoring. This is why I contend WE MUST turn to the source of our liberty – Almighty God if we are to preserve our liberty.

Man’s pattern occurs again and again, starting in the Garden of Eden. Adam was given ONE rule. There is no indication of any other restrictions. Moses was given TEN Commandments. The rest of the law was added later. Granted, these were not directly added by men but certainly because of men. Now we have the mess we find ourselves in today.

We have a constitution limiting government while recognizing and defining many of our liberties. Men have turned these things upside down so the constitution is the basis for an ever-expanding government and ever-shrinking nearly all of our liberty.

Talk about intent! Once again the controllers ignore “intent” when such goes against their controlling nature. As with all laws these days “That’s for them (citizens) and not for us (controllers).” As such our nations is turned upside-down, inside-out and backwards.

It has to end. We need to turn to Almighty God and ask Him to return our nation to us citizens. The controllers need to be held accountable by us citizens. They are employees, NOT rulers. If they cannot work within the guidelines set before them i.e. the state and federal constitutions, we need to tell the controllers – they are FIRED!

May God bless you and keep you,

Andy Havens

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