Another Good Speech in Fairfax Virginia Supporting 2A

This one is a bit different as the speaker delves more into the mood in Virginia. Mind you his world is Northern Virginia. Those of on the Southside consider them damn near Yankees by comparison. In other words – they tend to be a whole lot more liberal.

I don’t get out much so I cannot gauge what the general mood is around here but it doesn’t take much to figure out there ain’t much support for the controllers ’round here.

I cannot see anyone taking kindly to the so-called “laws” being proposed in Richmond these days.


Yvette Bronx Says It Well

I came across this video via The Feral Irishman who got it from Phil at Busted Knuckles, both are among my favorite bloggers. I am reposting it here to help spread our growing network of patriots who will not be silenced by the controllers – whether they are big tech, big government or big tech owned by big government!

Also this lady is saying almost exactly the same things I’ve been saying. Validation is always sweet.


Virgina’s AG Part II – The View From Law Enforcement Today

Another article to add to yesterday’s piece. This one from Law Enforcement Today. You’ll find a lot of the same stuff, however one quote I find interesting:

Delegate Jay Jones (shockingly, democratic) wrote this:

“The bills passed by the General Assembly and signed into law by the Governor are binding for our entire Commonwealth and its citizens.

The legal precedent we would set by allowing communities to selectively ignore those laws at will is alarming and indicative of the same mindset that nearly one hundred and fifty years ago led this country to dissolve into a civil war.”

Law Enforcement Today (LET) point out:

I’m not even going to get into the absurdity of his statements; I’ll just focus on the fact that Virginia Democrats clearly recognize this very real threat of another civil war, right in their state, and yet they press on with trying to take away the rights of law-abiding citizens.

My own take? There was no Civil War. There was no “rebellion”. What really happened was certain states finally decided – after decades of abuse – they’d had enough tyranny and voted to secede. After a long and bloody conflict, said states were forced back into this unholy union literally by gunpoint.

Once again, many of us citizens are fed up with the tyranny of the controllers. Enough is enough.

Also note Mr. Jennings contention concerning how “wrong” we subjects are for objecting to laws he and his comrades pass. Ask yourself… are THEY not ignoring the law of the land passed by our forefathers? What of that? Hypocrites all.

God bless,


Virginia AG – “2A Sanctuary Counties Not Legally Binding” Daisy Luther Organic Prepper

Daisy Luther of Organic Prepper posted a story about Virginia’s Attorney General’s
“opinion” on the 2A Sanctuary movement.

Well, yeah, what else would anyone expect a controller to say? “Gee, um, when it comes right down to it, we have to obey the constitution.” Sure, he’d gonna say that all day long… NOT!

Let’s cut to the chase… shall we? All across Virginia counties are saying we are not going to enforce unconstitutional laws. Of course this administration’s position is anything they decide is law is constitutional unless and until some robed thug says otherwise. Well… no. Just like these asshats like to tout “You can’t yell ‘FIRE’ in a crowded theater”, guess what you cannot pass a law saying it’s okay for the government to force citizens to house soldiers. Why? Because such is expressly forbidden by the law of the land! Just because “a law was passed” does NOT make it suddenly legal.

Now lets talk about the words “shall not be infringed”… these words are clear as day. There is NO WIGGLE ROOM folks. In short, Markie and Raphie and all you treasonous controlling jerks – bite me.



Ralphie Northam: ” ‘I’ Am The Leader Of This Party”

Caught a story in the Richmond Times Dispatch today. It is mostly drivel – a fluff piece as far as I’m concerned. It was the headline that got me, where Ralphie seems to feel the need to assert his “leadership” of the party. Typical. Politicians love to view themselves in leadership roles. Their nature is to control and control is what they live for.

Of course, he also postulates Virginians have all but mandated his gun control agenda – despite the glaring elephant in the room – the 2A sanctuary movement that has swept the commonwealth.

His message as I see it is he intends to ignore the citizens of Virginia who have vocally and physically opposed his proposals and shove it all down our throats. It is not like he hasn’t been warned. Of course, it is possible this is just his way of saving face, well blackface anyway. Yeah, I couldn’t help that. For some odd reason the whole blackface incident was brought up again in the article. While I have no qualms with joking about it or even throwing it in his face, I think the whole thing was a relative non-issue. Stupid? Yes, especially when you consider his current propaganda package, but I have a lot more really serious issues with this fool. The whole blackface thing pales by comparison.

‘nough said… Here’s the article

God bless,


New York and 2A

You may not know this but I am a transplant to Virginia from Western New York – Allegany County to be specific. For many reasons this may play a big part in my stand today. It is certainly part of who I am.

Who or what I am not is a “Yankee”. In my heart and soul I am a Southerner. While I must admit, culturally speaking, I am more North than South but the more I learn about the plight of the South, especially the decades before the secession, I would have stood with my Southern Brethren in mind, if not bodily.

I cannot say what I would have done during the War to Prevent Southern Independence. If I knew then what I now know, I’d have fled South and joined the Confederacy. I cannot say what I would have known so let’s leave it at that.

Back in New York, growing up, I despised big government from an early age. I’ve always resented the intrusion of the controllers on my liberty. I was fortunate enough to be present when Allegany County stood toe to toe, face to face with Mario Cuomo – Andy Cuomo’s Daddy – and denied that controller the radioactive waste dump he was determined to saddle our county with. I was present and active in my own way. I was on the air at the local radio station and I spent about 10 minutes a day reading headlines and offering my opinion on such. While I know some people heard me, I have no idea how effective I really was. Though I will say I learned years later, I was let go as a direct result of those actions. This I discovered first-hand from the man who actually made the decision – the late Jack Murphy.

In any case, I find a great deal of inspiration from that conflict. We were a tiny county – poor and rural. We stood against a powerful governor who apparently hated us, hated liberty and seemed determined to stuff a nuclear waste dump down our throats. He lost.

Today, things are vastly different. While Northam and company represent a powerful contingent – they do not face one small determined county (two, actually as Cortland county was also a target and also beat the state goons back) – they face most of rural Virginia. While I cannot say how large the opposition is to the controllers – it is much, much larger than what Mario Cuomo faced. We are every bit as determined. While I realize my voice is tiny, I know Mario heard it from much farther away so I’ll say this to Ralph Northam – you are poking a hornet’s nest, bud. If you know what is good for you – you best back off now.


Reports are coming across the nation about Virginia’s stand inspiring other states to join the movement. I am glad for that but looking at the maps detailing the spread of 2a enthusiasm I noticed my former home state of New York is barely represented. Mario’s pride and joy, Andy, has been rabid in his destruction of gun rights in New York. Other than some rather vocal opposition, the state has seen nothing like our sanctuary movement. What is the deal?

To that end, I posted the following on my FB page, where I am still in contact with many from my youth. While few of us were very involved politically, many of us shared a love for liberty. If any of you are reading this, let me reiterate – it is time to step up and take your stand. Time is running out.


The rapid spread of Virginia’s 2A Sanctuary movement has inspired others across the country. What the HELL is happening in New York? Looks like a lot of nothing to me.
My NY friends – especially those in Allegany County should know the stand YOU took against Mario Cuomo and his Radioactive Waste Dump plans inspire to me to this day. My own part in those efforts were minuscule. I mouthed off on WLSV in the wee hours and wrote a couple of columns for the Cuba Patriot. Even so I am proud to be able to say WE beat that bastard down.
It’s time to step up again folks. Here in Virginia, I’m active on site plus I submitted an open letter to local papers and The letter was published in both places. I am not stopping there.
I’ve set my sites on restoring ALL of our Liberties – 2A is just the hot spot right now. Nor am I content to write from my “lofty tower”. I plan on taking advantage of every available opportunity to promote the cause of Liberty and all of our God-given rights, including those guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
What are you doing?
God bless,

National Guardsman: “We will not comply” if ordered by Virginia governor to arrest police, confiscate guns

This from a new addition to our links pages – Law Enforcement Today. The article offers an extensive, if dated overview of the 2A Sanctuary movement. It includes some information I have not found anywhere else while covering a lot of ground.

One insight was an anonymous email they say they received from someone purporting to be a congresscritter. Granted the author of the email certainly demonstrated enough ignorance to be an elected politician but such was the only evidence supporting the claim. Besides who ever heard of a politician who didn’t want his/her name out there?

Like anything else you read on the internet, use your discretion. After all even “I” may have made at least on error at some point. 🙂


An excerpt from the site’s Editor:

In the increased advancement of the infringing on our 2nd Amendment rights, a member of the Virginia National Guard is putting his/her state legislators on notice.

He’s submitted a powerful response to an article we ran recently about lawmakers in that state threatening to call in the Guard to confiscate guns and arrest the cops that refuse to violate then Constitution.

For obvious reasons, the name of this writer has been kept anonymous.

Read the whole thing here

Got a Smart Phone? They Know EXACTLY Where You Are!

This is science, not some “conspiracy theory”. Follow the article below and take a gander at the pictures. See all those green dots? Each one represents a person with a smart phone. Check out the locations – The New York Stock Exchange, The Pentagon, The White House. No one is hidden. What does this mean?

Consider the recent attacks on the sitting President of the United States. No, not physical attacks. Not so much the political attacks by Democrats in Congress. Consider the surveillance attacks – the effort to find something, anything to accuse the man. Again, I do not care about your politics. I do not give a whit about what you think of the man – he IS the President of the most powerful nation on earth and he is NOT PROTECTED FROM DEEP STATE ATTACKS! Are you getting this? He is surrounded by armed guards and the best security measures our money can buy and yet he can be located by a device you hold in your hand daily. But wait! There’s more!

Not only can you be found, you can be tracked. Your communications are not secure. Just recently a seriously technical article was published announcing the cracking one of the most sophisticated cryptographic algorithms in record time. Not too long ago I heard bragging that it would take all the computing power of the NSA years to crack a certain code. Not so much. My point is, your data is not safe. What you say is not safe. YOU are not safe! In other words nothing exists to protect anyone against a determined enemy… except, of course, God Himself.

Scoff if you will but this is the one truth you can rely on. This does not mean you cannot die – ask the only begotten Son of God – Jesus the Messiah. Nor does it mean you cannot end up in prison – ask Paul of Tarsus. Whether your personal life or freedom will be spared is not for me to say. Eternally speaking, all of those to accept salvation via Jesus the Messiah will live. Here on earth? Not so much. That said, God Almighty has indeed gifted those of us born in these United States with a constitutional republic. We are born citizens with certain absolute guarantees of our God-given rights and liberties. We have also been gifted self-rule by a limited government. What have we done with these gifts?

We have pissed them away. We have failed to hold those we chose to represent us accountable and they have run wild. They have gone rogue where now they’ve accumulated the tools to turn the tables. They have revolted and taken over our nation in a bloodless coup.

Some say the attacks on President Trump amount to an attempted coup. I disagree. The coup happened long ago. When Trump was elected, it was essentially an effort by the citizens of this nation to return power to us. We did this in ignorance. We failed to face the gravity, much less the reality of what is really going on in our nation’s capitol. Now it should be clear to all. There is a power struggle in our nation. The struggle is not between politicians – Democrats and Republicans – they are more or less united in their desire to rule. The struggle is not between the politicians and President Trump. Even so, the President is one of the few unveiling the truth of this matter. Whether this was intention or not, it is so. The struggle, dear citizens, is between those rogues who have for decades – DECADES – stolen our tax dollars, our dignity and even our very liberty from us. It is time to pull the plug.

The Deep State actors will do all in their power to stop us. They watch us, they make every effort to control us at every turn. If need be they will fabricate whatever they need to in order to move forward in their efforts to rule us. Don’t believe me? Look closely at this sham the politicians call an “Impeachment”.

Don’t forget to check out Tyler’s take on this smart phone article.

Tyler Durden @ reports on a NYT article.

From ZeroHedge – American Freedoms Threatened

This to the the tune of 92% according to Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge. Reading the article, I’m not sure how this 92% figure was arrived at but, sadly, it does not seem out of line to me. This is not only sad but alarming. We are supposed to be a nation with a government of the people, by the people and for the people. So… what? We don’t trust ourselves? Of course this isn’t true. What is true is the people have no say in our government. The “of the people, by the people and for the people” line is a myth and has been for a very long time.

Some have said we need a divorce – the citizens of this nation from our government. It is one way of putting it. The connotation is our government somehow survives. This is unacceptable to me. Allowing this monstrosity to continue on is only asking for trouble. To eradicate a cancer it should be completely removed and destroyed.

Slavery 3.0 The Next Generation

There’s a lot of talk about slavery reparations these days. Seems like a lot of people are bent on making whites, none of whom have ever owned a slave pay blacks, none of whom have ever been a slave for deeds done over century ago. The concept gets even more ridiculous when one considers most whites are not even related to anyone who ever owned slaves and there are many blacks whose ancestors were never slaves in this country. That said, this essay is not about any of this. For the record, I’ll call this Slavery 1.0 Why Slavery 1.0?

If you think about it, this nation is now embroiled in Slavery 2.0. Wait a minute! Slavery in the United States of America? Here? Now!? Indeed. Think about it. Or better yet, test it out. Refuse to pay your income taxes. Refuse to pay FICA. Do not pay your car tax – “registration” in most states. Return your property tax bill back to the sender with “REFUSED” written on it. Do you really have to sit and wait to see what happens? Okay so maybe you can justify paying to earn a living and paying to spending while owning “renting” your house, your car and most everything else. What about your permission slips?

You know, you need to get permission – a building permit, to do just about anything on “your” property. In at least one county here in Virginia, a property “owner” must obtain stamped permission to CAMP on their own property. You remember way back? When your Dad and Mom set up a tent for you kids to “camp out”… right? Well, you better make sure your controllers approve of such nonsense before setting up that tent buddy!

Want to cut hair for a living? You need a license – permission. Sell houses? Write a contract for someone? Paint fingernails for dollars? Go fishing? Hunting? Drive a car? You need written permission. Oh, yeah, and you need to pay for your permission slips too.

Face it. Nearly everything we “citizens” do these days is regulated in one way or another – at least. I don’t know about you, but I do not call this liberty. I have another word for it… slavery. Slavery 2.0 to be exact.

The controllers have gone rogue. The “limited” government we grew up believing in is a sham. In reality we are no longer citizens but subjects or rather… slaves. We can either accept the hand we are dealt with or shrug off the chains we’ve allowed the controllers to burden us with. What is the alternative? I call it Slavery 3.0.

Slavery 3.0

This is the next step – the end game the controllers are vying for now. It is so close now they can almost taste victory. What does it look like? Total ownership with all pretense washed away. Already they are positioned to watch our every move. Current technology makes “1984” look like a Kindergarten primer. The push now is to strip citizens of our First and Second Amendment rights, allowing them to place us under total subjection. Already they stifle our words right down to the pronouns they dictate we use. Once our ability to defend ourselves is stripped, it will be game over.

Here in Virginia, the move is on. Virginians are not taking this lying down. As of right now, a massive majority of counties and cities passed resolutions declaring ourselves 2nd Amendment Sanctuaries. Citizens are sending a message to those threatening to pass unconstitutional legislation. That message is a simple NO! We will not stand for it. While citizens gather at hearings and meetings, the controllers are watching, wringing their hands and planning their moves. Whether they will come to their senses and realize the error of their ways remains to be seen. The ball is in their court. Should they choose to run with it, it will not bode well.

Note the controllers here in Virginia are not the only ones with eyes on the commonwealth. Surely controllers all over the nation and the world are watching, as are citizens in other states and, yes, even other nations. For one, citizens of the Republic of China – Taiwan are engaged in their own battle with controllers. They fly US flags and wish for a constitution with a bill of rights such as ours. I am certain many over there wonder just how our constitutional guarantees will come into play. Will we simply surrender them in the end? Will our conflict turn bloody? Or will the controllers here back off and capitulate? Only time will tell.

Any regular readers of this site are sure to know my own take on this. For those who do not, I maintain our rights are God-given. Any attempt to strip us citizens of them defies God Himself. As Christians are first duty is to appeal to our Heavenly Father. Ask Him for protection and guidance. Invoke the power of Almighty God in this conflict. Our trust should first and foremost be in Him. We have been endowed with a God-given right to self-defense for a reason. While we are not aggressors here, we are duty-bound to defend ourselves, our families and our communities. This was historically the reason for militias when our nation was in infancy. This reason still remains. Those in the military and law enforcement all take an oath, as to those taking public office.

The Code of Virginia states:

§ 49-1. Form of general oath required of officers.

Every person before entering upon the discharge of any function as an officer of this Commonwealth shall take and subscribe the following oath: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge all the duties incumbent upon me as ____________________ according to the best of my ability, (so help me God).”

Any person reappointed to any office filled by gubernatorial appointment for a subsequent term to begin immediately upon expiration of an existing term shall not be required to renew the oath set out in this section; however, the original oath taken shall continue in effect with respect to the subsequent term.

Const., § 34; Code 1919, § 269; 1936, p. 49; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 16; 1980, c. 320; 1988, c. 255.

Additionally those who serve in the military also swear:

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

Yes there is more, however as the above is first and foremost, it is the foundation for the rest. It should be clear: every public officer, law enforcement officer as well as anyone in military service is sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States above all else. I further maintain none of these men and women are required to wade through mountains of case law and legal opinion to decide what is constitutional and what is not. The words are simple enough. Armies of lawyers are not needed to take the words “shall not be infringed” at face value.

As for myself, having never served in public office or in the military, nor in law enforcement, I’ve never taken such an oath. Even so I take the words seriously. I take the constitution seriously. It is my birthright and I hold it as such in high regard. In closing, I will hold to the words of Joshua:

Joshua 24:15 …but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

May God bless you and keep you,

Andy Havens

2A Sanctuary Update Gun Rights Watch

From Gun Rights Watch: Virginia 2A Sanctuary Update.

This is the most complete update thus far on 2A happenings in Virginia



2A Sanctuary Update – Washington Free Beacon

The Washington Free Beacon is a great place to find news in Virginia. Do not expect this paper to show up in the major search engines – at least not in the first 100 pages!

This is why The Liberty Coalition exists – to bring you resources ignored by the “Big Boys”!


Warning! 2A Sanctuary Secret Ops!

Yesterday the normally reliable 90 Miles From Tyranny blog published this:

Sorry but this is very likely total and unadulterated BULLSHIT.

First, let me remind you:

A good article on this was posted on Bearing Arms. Apparently Bearing Arms is now run by Cam Edwards of Cam & Company fame. From what I know of him, he is a good guy. He is also a neighbor of sorts as he is based near Farmville. I hope to meet him one day.

Getting back on track: beware of alarmist nonsense. Just reading the first meme with a cool head should set off alarm bells. Virginia is likely to be well over 90% pro-2A by land mass. Trying to shut things down as indicated above is idiotic – even for this governor.

My take is there are those working secret ops for the other side. Their goal is to fuel violence by tossing lit matches on powder kegs. They want us to start something. It wouldn’t be the first time. In fact a case can be made for our own governments – state and federal (mostly federal) are the major agent provocateurs working behind the scenes. Do not be fooled. Those in the deep state are ruthless. ALL they care about is power and control – they care not how they get it. Observe the current sideshow act playing out in DC right now. Not convinced? How about Fast and Furious? The IRS scandal? Hillary’s “Smashing Cell Phones” act? ALL of these are documented. ALL of these made major news headlines. So many more were last page mentions… if that.

The trigger they are trying to pull is us. We need to stay calm and weather this storm. The fact is the controllers are running scared. They have to be to try this crap. We are winning. We will win because we are more determined than they are.

God bless,


2A Update from The Raconteur Report

This is dated but I like the graphic. At the bottom it reads “BFYTW”. My sentiments exactly. It is time to take the gloves off. BTW – The Raconteur Report credits Free North Carolina for this post. I did not follow the link. So kill me, I was lazy. I also liked what Aesop had to say here. We are not always in agreement but in this case, pretty much. At least I can see his reasoning.