The Inspiration of Bexit

For those who may not remember – it was June in 2016 when the people of England voted to leave the European Union. Now known as Brexit for “British Exit” the battle raged on until January 31, 2020. Some wars experienced shorter durations.

Most of the problems associated with Brexit were political. The politicians in control did not want to leave control of the EU. The Brits endured all sorts of threats and predictions of dire consequences. They persevered and eventually won their freedom. In the end the solution was also political. The people voted out the politicians who were dragging their feet. The doors no sooner hit their collective asses when the Brexit finally happened.

In other words, things went at a snails pace and then BOOM! They’re out. In a word… inspiring. Unlike the United States in 1861, the Brits were able to leave the European Union peacefully. Nobody needed to take up arms. It is a good thing too because it may present a problem to come up with a single working firearm and two rounds of ammunition between all the citizens of that nation. Sad and not quite true but more accurate than makes one comfortable. The good news is no one needed to fire any shots. There was no civil war, no armed conflict. For that we all can take note with a sigh of relief.

So it’s all good right? Well, no, probably not. I doubt very much if the EU will refrain from attempts to punish the Brits. This does, after all, set a bad example. For goodness sakes what IF Britain thrives? It could be the beginning of the end for the EU! There will be other problems as well, I am sure.

Even with a successful Brexit there are plenty of issues to deal with. Not the least of which is the nation is very much a “nanny state” that has all but put the lid on liberty. Yes, the people have spoken and yes they were heard, but they are still enslaved by their own government.

We say a lot about our loss of liberty in this nation. Surely I am quite vocal about it myself, though not nearly as vocal as I’d like to be. That said, we are still in far better shape than Great Britain. Even so, we only need to look across the pond to see where our nation is headed. At this point I’d say the greater lesson to be learned is what can be accomplished with a determined population i.e. Brexit.

With all the shackles hindering them, they were still able to accomplish what we here in the South failed at – leaving a union. Yes, things are different. Times are different but even so, they did it! Bravo!

As for our nation, I cannot see such a thing happening with comparative ease. Indeed there would be a great deal of resistance. I do not see it coming to open warfare again but it wouldn’t be pretty. And if you think the British and EU politicians can drag ass, there are plenty here who would say “Hold my beer.” If US politicians are expert at anything it is doing nothing – unless, of course, “something” involves spending our money.

The lesson we patriots should take from Brexit is we can accomplish anything we want if we focus our efforts, stick together and push the issue. We are at a turning point now. We can either accept the dominance of the controllers or claim our birthright.

God bless,


Proof Politics Is Evil

This is a tough one. It was tough in the last presidential election cycle and it is tough now. Once again, it is about Bernie Sanders.

For those of you who slept through the last election and maybe still sleeping… “The Burn” as his fans call him is so far left – as in communist to the extreme – even the Democrats hold his at arm’s length. From my perspective, this is not because they disagree with Bernie but because they don’t want their public to think they agree with him.

I’m not at all sure I get this, but I’m no political analyst. I just watch and think. The I extrapolate. My greatest epiphanies seem to come when I pray. In any case, I’m trying to logic this one out.

We all know the Burn is so far left he’ll almost touch the right side if he reaches out. Stalin would look conservative next to him. Well, okay, maybe not but it is a tough call for me. Either way if Bernie Sanders isn’t the Poster Child for the Communist, ur, Socialist cause who is? Okay, I’ll give you the Cortez factor but, really, she is just learning the basics of the dialectic. The Burn has this stuff down pat. Not that the refrain is all that hard to learn. After all – “more government” is the communist answer to everything. This is exactly why I think Burnie Baby should be the darling of the Democratic party. More government is exactly their answer to everything. But he is not their darling. Why?

One consideration may be the Dems do not want to make the Virginia faux pas – they dumped all us Pepes into that boiling pot and got themselves surrounded by frogs.

Side note: apparently someone has actually tested the “boiling frog theory”. The result? They found even a frog has enough sense to get the heck out when things gets too hot!

I think deep down the controllers know they can only go so far at once. There is another idea – this one is actually proven to work on capturing live feral hogs. In case you don’t know – hogs are very smart animals and not easy to fool. The trick use is to feed them while gradually building a pen around their food source. The hogs learn to ignore the gradual entrapment as they focus on easy eats. Then they find themselves penned with no way out. It works on the hogs and this same principle is working on us, but the controllers surely know they can’t rush things. If they didn’t we Virginians may have given them some pause for thought.

Do not get me wrong – it is not over here in Virginia. The controllers seem determined to move ahead with their plans to turn the commonwealth into a model for control. We will all have to wait to see whether they ease back on the throttle or push it to full speed ahead. They’ve been warned – the latter will not bode well. For us, this may well be the trumpet call we need to finally take a stand.

Back to the national scene and The Burn – the latest news suggests the Democratic party bosses will once again try to deprive Sanders of the nomination by whatever means necessary – just as they did in 2016. Back then I saw numerous polls that predicted B S would win even against the Donald. And yet the bosses were determined to plug HRC. As far as I’m concerned they failed to plug the right spot, but they wanted her in office for whatever reason.

Now they are at it again. Do they not see they do not have a truly viable prospect right now? Are they that blind? Yes, the opposition against Trump is vile and vocal but are they enough to stop him? For whatever reason they do not want Sanders and this is the point of this essay.

It does not matter what the voters want. All that matters is what the controllers want. For all I know they want Trump to win in 2020. I do not care. It is all politics and politics is an inherently evil lust for power. Power is the ONLY thing politicians care about. One could say they care about position, wealth and notoriety but power, pure political power encompasses all of this. They can have all of the other things but without power they are just another also-ran. If you don’t believe me, look at Hillary Clinton.

She was the First Lady and then rose to Secretary of State – position. She has more money than she can ever spend. Few people do not recognize her name. What is missing? The power of the Presidency of the United States – control of the Empire. Even now the fact she missed this brass ring eats at her. She almost had the power. She did everything, stopped at nothing to get it… and was denied.

You will never convince me she or any other of her power-hungry cohorts only want to serve the citizens of this nation. We all know those of us she considers “deplorable” are beneath her and well should be. What could well shock her admirers is the revelation she cares no more for them than for us. Personally I take her disdain with honor. I would cringe at her favor. My tendency would be to run from her presence… screaming. In my heart and mind, this woman embodies the evil of politics.

Bernie is no better. He may well be worse. None of this matters. The entire world of politics is a seething cesspool of corruption. This latest story is just another example. All of this has been going on for a very long time. If you don’t believe me, pick up the movie “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”. It was released in 1939. What you will see there appears almost innocent compared to today. I’ll say this again…

Politics is the problem – NOT the answer. The answer is within us, the citizens, The answer IS us! WE need to come together and rid ourselves of the controllers – all of them. They need to be replaced by men and women who will represent us citizens and who can and will be held accountable.

God bless,


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Casting Crowns – Praise You In This Storm (Live from YouTube Space New York)

Some songs need to grow on you . I just heard this song and I took an immediate liking to it.


Politicians? We Don’t Need No Sinkin’ Politicians!

Politics is dirty business. We all know this yet we all seem to just shrug our shoulders and accept it as, well inevitable. Why? Yeah, sure politics are a fact of life but does it have to be this way? If you listen to the politicians, they are all sure to say… “WELL HELL YES!”. Why wouldn’t they? This is their livelihood – their identity. If they didn’t politic they’d have to go find honest work.

Mind you, I am not talking about those who actually represent citizens. The problem is these people are few and far between. Even they are thrust into political circles – thrown to the wolves – so to speak. There they often must adapt or die… politically speaking that is. No, I’m talking about politics.

Are you a Republican, a Democrat, a Libertarian or something else? For anyone old enough to remember the 70’s – the question may invoke another one… “What’s your sign?” Nobody cares about this anymore. My hope is we can make political parties just as irrelevant.

Why is politics so dirty? Politics begins and ends with lust – lust for power. It matters what party one belongs to once someone is elected to office. The higher the office the more insignificant the stated goals of the party become. Once in office – once someone is “somebody” in a party the focus shifts to gaining power within the party itself. Thus the goal of any politician is to gain recondition, influence and, ultimately, power. There remains a massive problem with this:

It is not just “Democrats” that are the problem either. As a matter of fact if you study the history political parties in the United States you will find some startling concepts. Republicans like to point out Ol’ Abe Lincoln – was a Republican. The problem with this is, Lincoln is possibly the very worst president in US history. He was a power-hungry jerk who sacrificed hundreds of thousands of lives – over a million if you count the civilian toll – and physically destroyed much of the South… for power. Slavery was not the problem, it was a political football and he ran with it.

If you study the beginnings of the Republican party you’ll learn they were the original “Big Government” proponents. They were the tax and spend guys. Their goal was “internal improvements” – government programs that enriched themselves at the expense of taxpayers. Sound familiar? It should. Non other than Karl Marx congratulated Lincoln on his reelection. Ask yourself… why was Karl Marx a fanboy of Abraham Lincoln? Before the war, it was mostly the Democrats advocating limited government. That said, they weren’t so innocent either.

The bottom line is none of this matters in politics because they all want the same thing. More power. The only way to get more power is to expand the reach of government. The only way to expand the reach of government is to expand government itself. Poltics is was and always will be a power struggle. No matter which side wins – we, the citizens – lose.

This is why we must take back our power. You see, once you strip away the internal party politics – the struggle for power within one’s own party – all that is left is taking power away from citizens. How do they do this? Internal improvements. That is the old term. Today it is “programs”. A program is just another way to spend our money. And spending our money is their main source of power, influence… and wealth. Show me a poor politician and I’ll show you a basically honest one.

You DO know Harry Truman was a Democrat… right? Are you beginning to see how insignificant pne’s political party really is? I’m going to throw you another curve ball…

Hippies. Yes, hippies. Growing up I liked to call myself a “second-generation hippie”. I grew up in the 60’s but I came of age in the 70’s. That said, I was never a progressive. Never. Fiscally I was always conservative to the extreme. I hated Social Security even before I had my own SS number. It was exactly because I despised big government that I identified with hippies. I ignored their socialist ideas but when it came to the concept of freedom vs government control – this is where we connected.

As far as the Vietnam War was concerned, I supported it. In hindsight, I would have still supported the soldiers. Never, EVER would I spit or otherwise demean them as I would not, could not today. Our men and women in the military deserve the highest respect and admiration. For all that, I am not so sure I would have supported the war itself. This same tendency for reservation extends to military actions today. Certainly we need the ability to defend our nation, but need we police the planet? Who said it is our place to strong arm other nations or even lead them? If we must lead, would it not be better to lead by example?

So hippies, yeah, and others who believe in freedom. The line I draw is at the steps of our “friendly neighborhood government agency” – no matter where they set up shop. If we focus on limiting government instead of expanding it – we can gain ground. Who doesn’t want more freedom? The short answer is anyone who wants more government. There is no place for both. It is absolutely necessary to

As far as political parties are concerned, I doubt very much of them if we can rid ourselves of them entirely. At best they’ll call themselves something else and try to weasel their way back into power by some back door. Thus I am in no way proposing dismantling them any more than I would propose dismantling our monstrous government. Instead I think we’d be better off pruning rather than clear cutting. Where would we begin? I say we begin at home. Start right where we are in our own villages, towns and counties. Here in Virginia, we made our wishes know concerning our Second Amendment guarantees. The counties listened. They acted. This alone is a marvel. What else can we do?

As far as I am concerned, there is nothing we cannot do if we work together. We don’t need no stinkin’ politicians telling us how it is going to be. We need citizens – patriots – dedicated to the principles of restoring our birthright – our nation with the goal of once again limiting government – paring it down where it once again fits the original framework of our constitution.

God bless,


Is It Too Late to Reclaim Our Birthright?

IS it Too Late to Reclaim Our Birthright? Can all liberty-loving citizens become involved like we saw in the 2A sanctuary movement? Short answer? Nobody knows for sure. Things to consider…

Nearly all of the 2A sanctuary movement is a reaction to a severe and direct threat to a motivated set of citizens. The “boiling frog” analogy is often used to describe the way the controllers constantly eat away at our liberties. It is said if you dump a frog into boiling water it will quickly jump out – scalded maybe, but it could live. However if you place a frog in room temperature water and slowly heat it, you will eventually boil the frog without the frog ever knowing the difference. While I know of no one who has actually tested this idea – it paints a vivid picture.

Here in Virginia, a bunch of controllers, drunk with seeing their long lust for power come to fruition dumped the frogs (us citizens) into a boiling pot. We jumped out. Then we fought back. We are still fighting. Unlike groups such as those calling themselves “Antifa”, we’ve been non-violent. The entirely peaceful 2A rally in Richmond, with thousands of armed citizens participating proved this. Unlike the stories painted by the main stream media, it is the controllers who have repeatedly threatened violence, not us. They threaten to turn us into felons via legislation. They threaten to kick down our doors to search for “illegal” property… weapons now. When they’ve disarmed us will they come for our bibles or will they simply herd us into cattle cars destined for “reeducation camps”?

Yes, there are individuals and factions on both sides spoiling for blood and glory – these kinds are always with us. The massive majority of those I’ll call patriot citizens simply want to be left alone to live our lives. The problem is controllers must control.

The boiling frog analogy applies to far more than our God-given right to keep and bear arms. The controllers are determined to micromanage every aspect of our lives. Everything. They lust to own us from cradle to grave… and they very nearly do. When I was a young teen, anxious to join the work force, I found I had to apply for a Social Security number. I had to have this to apply for any “legitimate” employment. Today, our babies are assigned Social Security numbers almost at the moment of birth. Why? Do infants now need to start paying for Social Security and Medicare? (Oh! Sorry, now they like to hide these as “FICA”.) Of course not, it is merely a mechanism for the controllers to track their property. Why else does one need an SS number to see a pediatrician or enroll in school? How long before they insist on what could be described as “The Mark of the Beast”? You tell me.

President Trump has promised he will never now allow our nation to become socialist. My first thought when I heard this was… “You are too late. That bus left the station before we were born!” Our nation began that journey even before Lincoln replaced our constitutional republic with an Empire. FDR ushered in the new age of socialism with a plethora of programs, the shining star being… yep, Social Security. This monstrosity is now entrenched in our very beings.

The question now is are we so enamored with our nice warm bath that we will refuse to get out? Are we so lulled into our drowsy dreamworlds we’d all rather just doze off and sink into the pot. Doesn’t anyone think things are getting a little too warm? From what I’m seeing, the answer is a resounding YES! More and more citizens are realizing not only how terribly wrong things are but the need for us to step up and take charge. While I think this second aspect is more in infancy, I can see the embers starting to glow.

As far as I am concerned it is NOT too late to reclaim our birthright. In fact the best time is the present time. Never before have we had access to the technology possible stay united as a nation while decentralizing the power – returning the reigns where they belong – into the hands of the citizens. This very concept entirely embraces the principles of a republic. Where we’ve failed is we have neglected to hold our representatives accountable. We have closed our eyes while the controllers seized power, trying to rule from the top down. No more! We need not march on our state capitols. We need not march to our nation’s capitol. We only need gather in sufficient numbers at our county seats – a place readily accessible to most of our citizens – and entirely accessible if we all pitch in to help our neighbor who may not be able to make it alone.

A great opportunity is within our reach. I believe God Himself has laid this before us. We were chosen before the foundations of the world..

Ephesians 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

When the time was right, Almighty God founded this nation. Yes, He allowed Lincoln to seize control and he has allowed the controllers to nearly totally dominate this nation… or has He? Might it not be more accurate to say He allowed US to neglect our responsibilities to keep watch over those we select to represent us? Nobody wants to be blamed but we can no longer shirk our duty only to shake our fists the politicians and their faceless puppet masters. Indeed politicians are considered by some to be among the lowest lifeforms on earth. As a group one could say they are despicable, but in reality are they not just human? How many of us could land in high political circles, be wined and dined, given VIP treatment everywhere we went and not succumb to those and greater temptations?

We can still reclaim our birthright. It is not too late but our window of opportunity is shrinking. How long before the controllers succeed in squashing all opposition? Already they are instituting unconstitutional “Red Flag” laws so they can squire away anyone they deem “dangerous”. This very morning Elizabeth Warren – you know Pocahontas herself – proposed laws to stamp out disinformation. She says “disinformation” erodes our democracy. I quickly commented on her tweet to point out she herself is spreading disinformation – our nation is a constitutional republic NOT a “democracy”. Do yourself a favor… when anyone touts “democracy” think “mob rule”. We cannot allow such people to continue to think they rule us! If we do they will and SHAME on us!

In future articles I will delve into some ideas on how to accomplish this and other thoughts on the subject of reclaiming our birthright, our nation, our freedoms! Stay tuned or better yet get involved!

God bless,


Recall Governor Ralphie Northam – The Reality of it All

Just after the 2A Rally in Richmond, I was discussing the line for the petition to recall Gov Raphie with a friend. He forwarded an online version to me. I dutifully and almost gleefully filled it out. I sent the link to a few choice people. Then something nagged at me. I decided to check my facts. Yes, I do this occasionally – it’s not like I can consistently ignore them like I was some sort of Main Stream Media person or some other globalist bastion.

It didn’t take too long to find a very good article by Cam Edwards about the subject. Strangely enough, I do not know Cam, even though he works not far from where I work and, of course, lives here in Southside Virginia. Even so, from this article alone, one can tell he is a clear thinking individual who researched the topic far better than I did.

That said, the reality is, we are likely stuck with Gov. Ralphie. All the more reason to stand up and reclaim our birthright. People like Ralphie are not going to simply go away by themselves. They’ll cling to their power like a tick on a dog.

Anyway, here is the article I found.

Virologist Who Visited Wuhan Says Coronavirus is “Out of Control”


A word of advice: as the Coronavirus IS a virus, I highly recommend loading up on zinc and a cold remedy such as Zycam or Cold Ease. Both of these are zinc based medicines. Neither claim to cure colds or flu, but I’ve found zinc highly effective for warding off virus bugs. I start taking zinc either when someone in the house displays or complains of symptoms or when I start feeling something coming on. These measures do not prevent anything, but it seems to help one’s body fight a virus more effectively.

Will this be effective against the Coronavirus? Who knows? What I do know is this thing is spreading fast. I expect it will not be long before it hits our shores. As there is nothing else known to help, why not give this a shot? It will not hurt – unless you take the zinc on an empty stomach. Zinc tends to tear up digestive systems so eat first.


Virologist Who Visited Wuhan Says Coronavirus is “Out of Control”

Reclaiming Our Birthright as Citizens of the United States for America

Much has and is being said about where our nation is headed. Some insist the Empire has won and will eventually round any dissenters up and herd us to some form of gulag. Some say there will be war. Others hold we are already at war. Yet still others raise their voice insisting “there is no voting our way out of this”. Who is right? Who is wrong? Where ARE we all headed?

Bluntly put, all of this is enough to make anyone’s head spin, especially when one realizes there are valid points to all of the above. My own view differs from all of them while encompassing many points made by others. I’ll say it again: our nation is a gift from a Holy God. Our constitutional republic is our birthright, as are the guarantees of our freedoms and liberties. So… what does that mean?

To me it means we were born with a “title deed” to our liberty. Compare this idea with a passage in Hebrews:

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

I do not often do this but here is the Amplified Bible rendering of this verse:

Hebrews 11:1 Amplified Bible (AMP)

Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].

Hebrews explains the concept of “faith” – the Greek word for faith is “pistis” and means belief or believing. We believe what God says we have. Where do we find out what God says we have? I do hope I need not tell you. While there are some similarities with this scriptural principle, there is one glaring difference: we have more than hope – our divine guarantee is written on the parchment containing our Constitution.

Our Constitution specifically lays out not only many of our liberties in the Bill of Rights but also the limitations upon government. Over time, we have allowed those in government to usurp not only authority never granted to them, but to seize authority expressly forbidden to them. The words “shall not be infringed” comes to mind. Now we find our nation, ourselves as citizens, in a pickle.

Those we’ve trusted with the nuts and bolts of government have gone rogue. They have surrounded themselves – insulated themselves – from us citizens whom they are supposed to represent. They are supposed to work for us but in reality they work for their handlers – the “party bosses”. The handlers work for the money men. The money men are the lobbyists and THEIR bosses – the elite in the military-industrial complex. Yes, the very same military-industrial complex President Ike Eisenhower warned our nation against. The sad thing is, when Ike issued his warning, things had already gone too far to turn back painlessly.

Here is what he told us

Eisenhower made this speech just before he left the Office of the Presidency. I was still in diapers. It was than long ago. The only thing that has changed since then is the military-industrial complex has grown stronger – much, much stronger.

John F. Kennedy was to step into the office Ike vacated. It is widely speculated Kennedy’s term was terminated by those in the “deep state”. Is this true or is it not? I do not know. The fact that such speculation even exists is chilling enough. Today we see a preponderance of evidence of wrongdoing by those in the deep state, including efforts to unseat President Trump. However even this is the tip of the iceburg. We’ve seen deep state employees giving guns to Mexican drug lords, an entire IRS department harassing dissenters, secret dealings, pay to play schemes – corruption that is not only widespread and ignored by those charged with enforcing our laws but publicly accepted, if not condoned.

Is it any wonder some say only something as grievous as a civil war will set things right? Does it shock or surprise you to hear someone say this nation cannot continue without bloodshed? As abhorrent as I find these things, I understand how people can arrive at such conclusions. At times, it all does seem this hopeless. I myself have to admit I’ve lived a lie for most of my years. My nation, my country, is NOT the nation I was taught it was. Even before I was born the military-industrial complex was a mighty force. The political machines were well-oiled and running smoothly. The deep state was already entrenched in the bowels of our governments. I was not born a “free citizen” in a “free country”. I was born a “tax slave” in an “empire”. Granted, I enjoyed far more liberties growing up than I do now. Granted, things were much better then, but the reality was, the monster raging in our nation now was alive and well… and growing even then.

With all this said, none of it can deny my birthright – our birthright. Even though the nation I was truly born in had become an empire – a mutant monstrosity never intended by the founding fathers or Almighty God himself – the title deed still exists. In our case, this title-deed is real and tangible. It is the Constitution for the United States North Continent. Note: it took a bit but this is how the original document was actually titled. The history revisers seem to have a problem with the word “for”. No matter what, until the controllers of the empire flat out state our Constitution is no longer in effect, it remains our birthright as do the liberties guaranteed by this document.

This leaves the controllers in a pickle of their own. They cannot deny the Constitution without denying their assumed authority to control. Nor have they the authority to declare this document null and void. This is not to say they have not essentially done as much, but an outright statement would prove disastrous. Thus they must continue their “workarounds” – the nipping and pecking they’ve done over the decades that nibble away the substance of the document while leaving the illusion it is still the law of the land. I’ve got news for you guys – our Constitution is still the law of the land. This embodies the hope keeping me hanging on. Recent events have parted the clouds overhanging our Constitution, allowing the light of truth to shine upon us. Yes! We do have not only the hope, but the power!

The events I refer to are the Second Amendment Resolutions passed county by county in Virginia and other states. We Virginians were inspired by similar stances taken in other states. This inspiration was ironically spurred on by those in our state capitol who lust for power and wish to strip us citizens of our ability to defend ourselves. Considering the legislation they bandied about and Governor Ralphie Northam’s declaration of a State of Emergency, their true desire is to disallow citizens of any means of defense short of a handy rock. Ask Goliath how that worked out for him.

These resolutions opened my eyes not to just “a” solution but possibly “the” and maybe “the only” solution to this pickle we all face. It should be obvious to all no solution will ever come out of Washington D. C. – they ARE the problem. Similarly, we can expect no solution from Richmond or other state capitols – not yet anyway. Again, they are generally as entrenched in the status quo as our nation’s capitol. The fact is and has always been, those in the capitols are too far removed from those they are supposed to represent. Granted, our local state representatives are far more accessible than their federal counterparts – or so I’m told. That said, left to themselves, as they seemingly always are, their nature is to exert more control rather than allow such to revert back to where it belongs – in the hands of us citizens. The solution is exactly where it has always been – firmly in the hands of we, the people. We need to stop shirking our own responsibilities, stop pointing fingers elsewhere and take back the reigns of our nation.

How can we accomplish this? We need not march on our state capitols. As the 2A rally in Richmond proved quite effectively – the politicians ignore these efforts. The same principle rules any dreams of a “march on Washington”. We’ve seen these things before and we’ve seen the fizzling results. No, if, and I do say IF, we are to regain our nation, we need to do so on a county by county level. It cannot be just a one off event. We need to show those at the county, state and federal level, we mean business. If we determine to take back our counties, we can take back our states, county by county. Once we, the people, have firm control of our states, we can then decide how to deal with the national structure.

We do not need war. We do not need bloodshed. Neither will accomplish anything. Indeed these things will irrevocably damage, if not destroy our nation. While both sides have proponents who predict a win for their contingent, the truth is, nobody wins such a conflict.

The alternative path I present is not an easy one. As citizens, we must face up to our own failings. We have not done our part. We have failed to stay informed. We have failed to hold those who are supposed to represent us accountable for their representation. We have failed to adhere to the principles of a limited government while allowing the expansion of the same. We have failed to demand corrupt officials be held accountable and tried for alleged crimes brought to light. We can no longer tolerate any of these things. If we want to return to an nation of laws of the people, by the people and for the people, we must absolutely claim our birthright. Our birthright is limited government based upon a constitutional republic that guarantees our God-given rights.


God bless,


Tina Freitas Speaks Out – Nick, You Did Good With This Lady!

This is the first I’ve heard of Tina Freitas – she is Republican Delegate Nick Freitas better half. I like her. Don’t worry Nick, I like you too – a lot. Apparently she posted her opinion of FB. The link was not available – SURPRISE! Or should I say SHAZAAM!? In any case I’m reposting the article from Big League Politics here.

An open statement to Tina and Nick Freitas – you can post anything here, anytime. I would be honored to publish your words.

Virginia Democrats Push Legislation to Make Criticism of Government Officials a Criminal Offense

King and Kennedy Killed for the Same Reason? Who’s Next?

This article is from The Future of Freedom Foundation. Here’s the spoiler – the author suggests both men were killed for advocating a return to a limited government – a constitutional republic. This revelation sends shivers down my spine. Don’t get me wrong – I do not believe I have any reason for paranoia. While I previously noted my big mouth has caught the attention and, yes, “wrath” so to speak, of men in power, I am not worried at this point. I am nobody. Even if one of the three people who read this are minions of some controller, lets face it – I am a minnow in the pond. The size of the pond doesn’t matter – as a matter of fact the bigger the pond the more insignificant I become.

With all that, I am not alone in my pursuit. Every day I come across more and more like-minded  people. Nearly all of them are more recognizable than I am. Should my views suddenly find themselves thrust into the forefront, then I may find out if there is any truth to this. In the meantime, I’ll just keep pecking away at the controllers via my keyboard.

Here’s the article.

They Killed King for the Same Reason They Killed Kennedy

Virginia 2A Rally Day – What Happened?

Well, short and sweet, an estimated 25,000 people showed up – mostly in support of our God-given, constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms – and a total of (1) person was arrested. All in all it was a successfully peaceful day. The one person who was arrested was because she apparently refused to remove her mask – (or maybe because she eventually complied – I don’ t know). From what pictures I’ve seen, there was more than one person wearing masks so my first question is why is a single arrest not selective enforcement of the law?

So what didn’t happen? None of the dire predictions from either side – someone starting trouble whether as a “white supremacist terrorist” or as a plant from some insidious covert operation came true. And there were a lot of them. Were they all fear mongering? I don’t think so. There was certainly a lot of tension in the air – at least before it all happened. Virginia State Republican Senator Amanda Chase issued a strong statement saying we 2A supporters were being set up. Of course the gov – Ralphie “Blackface” Northam, in what only can be described as in a total panic, declared a “State of Emergency” that is still in effect as I write this o the day after – unless he rescinded it. I doubt if he would want to wipe that egg off his face.

One video of note documented the appearance of two LEO’s on the doorstep of a Virginia citizen. One LEO was from the Capital Police and the other is reported to be a homicide detective from the Virginia State Police. As far as I know there was no homicide to detect so I have no idea why the commonwealth would waste such a resource. The citizen was apparently observed checking out the location around the rally in advance. A lot can be said about all of this but I just wonder how many state resources were spent doing such things. The other thing I wonder is exactly how this man was identified to the extent to have law enforcement show up on his doorstep 100 miles away? He stated such an act was proof we all live in a police state. I am hard-pressed to disagree.

Strangely enough, the FBI “just happened” to arrest three “White Supremacists” before rally day – actually within hours of gov Ralphie’s SoE declaration. Hmmm, how convenient is that? I never did quite discover exactly what they were charged with – planning to attend a public rally? Rumor has it they DID have ammunition after all. Scary stuff, huh boys?

Speaking of “white supremacist terrorists”, I remember one media-type person stating everyone there were “white supremacist terrorists” or some such nonsense. Really? Darling you must have been joking… right? I did not not who it was, though I’m am fairly certain this media-type person likely identified as a “female” – or at least this is how s/he/it came across. Please excuse the pronoun confusion, I just don’t know how to describe genderlike thingys these days.

I must admit, gov Ralphie’s SoE declaration kind of puzzled me. I almost posted something on it at the time but I let it be. Now I will reveal my thoughts, even though they may seem silly in hindsight, but I wanted to suggest to Ralphie that since he was using previous events in Charlottesville as a guide, he might want to reconsider his SoE. He may have been better off banning automobiles and obese women in ill health. After all, it seems to me, considering actual cause of the tragic death there, he would be more sensitive to the real dangers faced by the crowd.

As it stands there were a LOT of legally armed citizens present in Richmond yesterday and, as far as I can determine, not a single shot was fired. Anyone reviewing photos of the event should easily see lots and lots of super scary “assault” rifles. None of them broke loose from their humans to begin spraying the crowd with bullets. It is almost like law-abiding citizens can actually be trusted to abide by laws – even those one happens to either disagree with or believes unconstitutional. Isn’t that something?

God bless,


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God bless,


The Fall of America – The God Factor

While I didn’t think of the song at the time, “I saw the light” is fitting for the understanding I gained this morning. Was this from God Almighty? You tell me. It was during my bible reading and prayer time. My Old Testament readings are in Proverbs at this time. As you may guess, I’ve read these words countless times over the years. This morning resulted in a moment of astounding clarity.

None of this is groundbreaking. Nothing is new. As a matter of fact, even non-Christians understand this to some degree. Some call it “Karma”, others call it by some other name. In common usage the concept is oft stated in the phrase “what goes around comes around”. While this is the basis of what I understood today, I suddenly realized how shallow my understanding really was. Likely, it is still shallow. This is how deep this principle runs.

The chapter I was reading was Proverbs 21. It is rife with examples of the principle I am about to relate. This is because this principle is far reaching. It is essential to understanding our very lives in relation to our Heavenly Father. In fact, one can gain understanding even if s/he does not believe in any God, because just as the law of gravity works even if you don’t believe in it, such are God’s laws. If you cannot see this, you will remain blind.

The Theory of Everything

Yes, this is borrowed from the world of science, yet my theory has nothing to do with science – at least not directly. Nor is it actually “theory”. A better way of putting is may be it is my understanding of a Godly principle. As such is its likely crude and probably either oversimplified or unnecessarily complicated. The middle ground may be the most challenging for me. In any case here is what I’ve come to understand.

The results we see in our lives are directly related to our actions.

Did I not tell you this was no “great revelation”? How many times have we seen this principle? How many ways has it been stated? Three times in three different ways right here already. So what? So this:

For the most part, God does not interfere. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen, heard, watched Christians and others whine about God punishing them for this or that. How many people see God as this angry dude in the sky just waiting to beat someone down for disobeying him. Really? Do you not see all the totally ungodly stuff going on in the world?

In other words, we don’t need God’s help to turn our lives into crap. It is the one thing we are perfectly capable of doing for ourselves. The principle works just like gravity works. Consider some examples from Proverbs 21…

Proverbs 21:5 The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want.

In short you get what you work for.

Proverbs 21:25 The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour.

This says essentially the same thing. There is no need for God to intervene.

Proverbs 21:23 Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.

Take it from an expert here, my big mouth gets me into more trouble than I care to think about. What made me realize the importance of this verse was one of the few times when I actually held my tongue and was greatly blessed by my Heavenly Father. He essentially pulled me out of a blazing fire.

The principle of “you reap what you sow” is less obvious when these principles are applied to the larger fields of politics and economics but they still apply. Our nation today is constructed not on the firm foundation of our godly constitution but upon a shaky mishmash of man’s laws, regulations and decrees. The politicians have built a house of cards that cannot stand. Said rules have no constitutional basis and steal our freedom and liberty, enriching the political elite in the meantime.

Economically, things are at least as bleak. Rather than sound monetary policy, the politicians turned over the very coining of money to the bankers. They’ve allowed them to control our financing and buried our nation in an ocean of debt. They’ve spent our wealth and borrowed on our future earnings to spend even more. Recently, a news story revealed Speaker of the House Nancy Pelolsi signed the ridiculous articles on impeachment against President Trump with “pens that look like bullets”. My initial thought was… “Yeah? So?” Then I found out she spent over $1500 on those pens. Where did this money come from? I do not need wait for the Congressional Accounting Office to provide an answer. This story came after another recent one detailing on how Speaker Pelosi ordered a new private jet that seats 200. The reason? Because the jet previously provided for her with citizen dollars could not make the trip home without stopping to refuel. No doubt she was worried she’d have to stop somewhere in “flyover country” where she could be exposed to seeing some commoner. If memory serves correct, the fuel cost alone for one trip is much more than I’ve ever earned in a single year.

Meanwhile the politicians have abandoned solid constitutional principles to strengthen their hold on us subjects, er citizens. The fact is we are no longer citizens in their eyes. Only those who agree with their elitist views have the slightest chance of reaching their ears, and then it is likely pleasant elevator music to them. They hum along but they don’t really listen. Such is reserved for their own kind – other elites. The rest, the dross, the proles – even those in upper and middle management are only their to serve their needs. We are all expendable.

Remember how this essay started? Karma? What goes around comes around? You reap what you sow?

Let us consider another passage from this chapter…

Proverbs 21:3 To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.

4 An high look, and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked, is sin.

5 The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want.

6 The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death.

Two sides are represented here, those who do justice and judgement – the diligent and the wicked – those with lying tongues.

Proverbs 21:10 The soul of the wicked desireth evil: his neighbour findeth no favour in his eyes.

11 When the scorner is punished, the simple is made wise: and when the wise is instructed, he receiveth knowledge.

12 The righteous man wisely considereth the house of the wicked: but God overthroweth the wicked for their wickedness.

Note here, “the simple is made wise: and when the wise is instructed, he receiveth knowledge.” Interesting, is it not?

And finally…

Proverbs 21:22 A wise man scaleth the city of the mighty, and casteth down the strength of the confidence thereof.

Is this meant literally or is it a figure of speech? Often scripture can be taken either or both ways, depending on the context and the situation. In today’s world cities are not surrounded by walls so the idea of literally scaling one is moot.

All of this, along with a great sea of scriptures points to this one principle repeated over and over again. The evil ones will get their due. It is not for us – those who fear God Almighty – to decide the place or the time. This is God’s purview alone.

That said, we can take comfort in the fact that they will not, can not get away with their evil deeds. We must remain faithful. We must turn to our Holy God and His Son, Jesus, and keep our eyes on things above.

Will America fall? Yes. It will. This is prophesied – not by me – but by the very ancient and holy scriptures. The question is not so much “if” as it is “how” and “when”. This I cannot say. I do believe our nation must fall before the end times take place. While my belief does not make it so, I can assure you I do not believe things without foundation. Should more information come to light, I am certainly not above adjusting my beliefs to conform to God’s Truth.

At this point, I believe the fall of our nation will transform it in one of two ways. In one scenario, the controllers could seize total control over us citizens and crush any and all resistance. We are screaming down this path as I write. The other scenario turns the tables on the controllers. We citizens stand up and reclaim our birthright – our constitutional republic. We demand our liberties be restored. We insist upon a return to limited government.

Mind you, this second path sounds dreamy and wonderful. I warn you now, it is not an easy path. We will be required to once again take responsibilty for how our government works. The monstrous central government would dismantling. The faster such happens the more chaos we can expect.

Consider some figures:

Federal, state and local governments employ 22.2 million workers nationwide, equaling 16.7 percent of the U.S. workforce of 132.7 million. (Source)

Cutting this number in half would mean over 11 million instant jobless – adding over 8% to unemployment figures. This does not include those who make their living indirectly from taxpayer dollars. Should our government crumble or simply run out of paper to print more fiat cash… the result would pale many natural disasters.

Granted, I am convinced returning our nation to a truly free economy would yield economic growth beyond imagination. It would literally remove the shackles from us citizens, freeing us to innovate, build and produce, but it would not happen overnight.

No matter what happens, I urge all who read this to turn to our Holy God. Ask for His blessing upon ourselves and our nation. Ask Him to restore our nation, our constitutional republic – our birthright. Look to our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus the Messiah for wisdom, guidance and healing for our nation. Let us ask for strong, godly leaders to guide us.

This is another principle detailed in scripture… “Ask and you shall receive. Seek and ye shall find.”

God bless,
