Three Insights from GOD via Lance Wallnau RAV Sunday March 2, 2025

This first insight from GOD should GLARE at you as you read – He will utilize almost ANY resource to tell you what He wants you to know (even me). On Sunday, He showed me two other tidbits as He reminded me of this with an object lesson.

Second insight: He often gives the same message to multiple people – believers and non-believers. Few, if any, are granted “an exclusive”. God simply does not work that way.

Third insight: As God restores the United States of America to empower U.S. Christians to implement His plans, He is preparing the body of Christ for an outpouring if His spirit in order to reap a massive harvest before His only begotten son Christ Jesus returns.

What should also be evident is while this nation has been extraordinarily blessed by God Almighty, these blessings are spreading world-wide, as will the outpouring of holy spirit, as will the great harvest. Just as Jesus’s ministry began in Israel, this great harvest had to start somewhere. Just as God had begun preparing Bethlehem long before Jesus was born, He has prepared our nation for this moment.

The greater lesson here is God is now calling YOU. Will you answer?

Has Trump Changed How We Politic?

After just over 5 weeks in office, Hurricane Trump has taken DC and the world by storm. Many are still reeling from the fully automatic fire from the Trump Administration. Congress is shaken. World leaders are shaken. The Mainstream Media? Devastated. What about us, We the People?

The words “shock and awe” come to mind. Bluntly put, I don’t think we’ve been able to take it all in much less fully process what is happening. Nor have we had time to come to terms with this new landscape. What’s more, if the early signs are any indication, this is just the beginning. Yet is not too early to step back and reflect on what we are seeing so far.

The most startling thing is how President Donald J. Trump is changing our expectations, not only of the United States Presidency, but of the politics and politicians in general.

This really hit me in the face this morning as a high school classmate announced he is running for the county legislature. While we’d gone to school together since 5th grade or so, we never really knew each other. Over the past couple of years I’ve come across his posts on FB. They are consistently Christian and conservative. His announcement was more or less “cut and paste” from the standard political playbook – too much taxes, etc. Sorry fella but, ho-hum. We’ve heard all that before again and again. Normally I’d give him a “thumbs up” and wish him well. I don’t live there any more so it’s not like I can vote for him anyway. Even so I realized my attitude towards him and the political process has changed dramatically.

Anyone reading most any of my posts will soon realize I despise politics. If you don’t I’m quick to tell you. I always have. However in the past I’ve fallen for the same tropes spewed out by just about anyone running for office. Not anymore. To this end I challenged this new hopeful. You hate taxes – great. What is your plan to fix the problem. And that, my friends, is at the heart of what Trump as accomplished.

It is not longer good enough to define the problem – real or imagined. (The democRats are particularly adept at imagining problems.) Now we need solutions. We need the fix and the fix had better not be “more government”. In fact, for the time being, the best strategy might well be to jump on the Trump bandwagon and start pointing out ways to get government out of our lives. New York State, where my former classmate lives, offers a target rich environment.

Moreover the “Trump Effect” is changing how we view our representative government. The old view was when we were offered two choices, we chose the “lessor of two evils” and either rejoiced or cringes come election day. Either way, we could forget about it until the next cycle. This is the essence of “set it and forget it” politics. Trump has changed all this.

By his example, President Trump, is raising our expectations. How? For once, our government is being held accountable. Amazingly, he is not just holding the federal government accountable but state governments as well, not to mention the massive ocean of NGOs. He’s also holding foreign governments and international organizations accountable. His reach is immense. He wields power like no leader before him. How does he do this? By acknowledging and utilizing our overwhelming economic might. He knows we hold all the cards and he is not afraid to play them.

Those clinging to the status quo are hanging on for dear life. They are all in a panic, grasping at any rhetoric they can, like a drowning man flailing at handfuls of water trying to stay afloat. Their cries are mostly ignored. Many of those that hear them are beginning to question their so-called logic. Many more are seeing behind their masks for the first time and are revulsed. As desperation sets in, they’ve become more and more outlandish in their statements. Those who stood by them, parroting their diatribe are starting to reconsider it all, especially as those things they’ve insisted were facts are shown for the lies they are. For them, it gets worse.

President Trump, via Elon Musk heading DOGE, has pulled back the curtain to reveal the ugly truth: those “ideals and principles” so highly touted were nothing more than smokescreens obscuring massive embezzlement schemes. Charges abound as more and more taxpayer dollars are traced to the bank accounts of those we were expected to trust implicitly. Sure, many of us have been screaming fraud and theft for years – questioning how lifelong “public servants” can amass multi-million dollar fortunes. Nobody wanted to demand answers as to how such obvious “financial geniuses” couldn’t seem to turn their talents to balance our public budgets. Now the evidence is out for everyone to see. Now competent individuals are positioned to investigate and prosecute bad actors.

The genius of President Trump’s strategy is he has gone after the money first. No longer can his – OUR – enemies tap taxpayer dollars to fund battles against our own nation. As the public trough dries up, so does the resistance. Brilliant. And it’s working. We are winning.

Probably the most stunning revelation of all is the fact that had Trump been awarded the win in 2020, none of this would have happened. In fact, Obama’s moles would have remained in strategic places in government and continued to thwart President Trump’s efforts. Consequently, all the savage attacks on Trump virtually guaranteed a new outlook in 2025. In other words, the globalists’ grand plans backfired on them… bigly.

Now it’s our turn. WE need to take a hard look at how we politic. We can no longer “assume” those we elect to office will, more or less, do the right thing. Instead, EVERY representative needs to be closely monitored, not only to ensure they are making good on their promises but that they are doing good for us constituents. President Trump is pointing us in the right direction but this is not “HIS” nation, it is OUR nation. OUR nation is a nation by the People, of the People, and for the People. From here on out, WE need to hold our government to this principle.

Update – Trump, The Nation, and The Body of Christ

For those of you who stop back from time to time only to see I haven’t posted in a while – thank you for your diligence. Between last week’s power outage (2 days), storms, and other distractions, I have an excuse not to post.

Meanwhile, President Trump (WHEW! What a joy it is just to use that phrase!) is going gangbusters. One might term this his “Whirlwind Presidency” as it seems to leaving all of us breathless and his (our) enemies in the dust. You GO Pres!

DOGE is making daily headlines as Elon and Co. pulls back the curtain on the despicable, abominable, dastardly, and shameful what our “representatives” and their minions have stolen and wasted our wealth. As for myself, I expect to see a popcorn shortage before long.

Okay, okay, so you know all that. Y’all ought to know by now, if I’m expert at anything, it is stating the obvious. By pointing all this out, I’m contending the nation is finally in good hands. So does this mean we can all sit back and munch? Not as far as I’m concerned.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I continue to pray for this nation. I’m also including some exhortations for those who continue to resist God’s Will.

Psalms 9:1 I will give thanks to Yahweh with my whole heart. I will tell of all your marvelous works.

2 I will be glad and rejoice in you. I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.

3 When my enemies turn back, They stumble and perish in your presence.

4 For you have maintained my just cause. You sit on the throne judging righteously.

5 You have rebuked the nations. You have destroyed the wicked. You have blotted out their name forever and ever.

6 The enemy is overtaken by endless ruin. The very memory of the cities which you have overthrown has perished.(WEB)

Moreover I’m praying for those wicked ones who have plundered our nation and oppressed – literally oppressed – us citizens will resign in disgrace before being brought to justice.

This covers my own, personal, daily prayers. Meanwhile, I am continuing to prepare my new book “Your Manifest Purpose” for publication. It is the right message for these times. I expect God’s timing for it to be perfect.

Open your eyes to see. We are at the beginning of what may be the most exciting time in history since Jesus the Messiah began his ministry. Already those things happening in our nation is shaking… and shaping the world. Do not be fooled. This is only the beginning.

President Trump sees this as our “Golden Age”. I have no reason to doubt this. However, we will experience this Golden Age for a reason. That reason is so God’s People – the Body of Christ – can be empowered to publish the gospel among all nations. (Mark 13:10) The key word here is “empowered” as this term encompasses every sense of the word. We will be endowed with the financial means, as well as the technological and political means to accomplish this, but that is not all. God will also unleash His Spirit upon the Body of Christ so the world will experience an outpouring of God’s Spirit as it has never seen before. Signs, miracles, and wonders will pervade in order to bring more people to Christ than ever before in history.

All of this must happen before Jesus returns for the final chapters. We don’t just have ringside seats. We are being called to be active participants. After all – WE ARE the Body of Christ!

My book is a small part of this. It reveals how mankind has been inundated with psyop after psyop since the days of Adam. It shows the myriad ways you and I have been duped. It also shows you how to shake off the lies and the falsehoods so you can renew your mind to God’s Truth. Even better, it shows how you can access the awesome spiritual power God has gifted each born-again believer.

God is calling you – make no mistake. This book may have the answers you need – or some of them, at least. Or maybe God is calling you to take some other path. It doesn’t matter – not to me. All I ask is for you to go to God yourself and ask Him what He wants you to do.

Either way, please sign up below to gain updates on the spiritual awakening as I see it happening. While my own task for now is to publish “Your Manifest Purpose”, God shows me insights daily. From time to time I’ll share the those things I feel lead to share. Coming up, I’m working on a special study on The New Man (Ephesians 4:24; Colossians 3:10) and walking in the spirit (Romans 8:1,4; Galatians 5:16, 25) that I will release first to my subscribers – at no cost to them. Subscribers should also expect to pre-order “Your Manifest Purpose” at an exclusive, discounted price.

So please, sign up today to reap the benefits and see what God has in store for you.

God bless,


Yeah, It Has Been A While Since My Last Post

And, no, they haven’t come to take me away HA HA! I’ve been working on my new book “Your Manifest Purpose” to the exclusion of almost all other writing.

This morning, while taking a moment to see what’s new on  FnB, I came across a post listing several non-Grrrgle search engines. Most of these are academic. As a writer I’m always interested in alternative resources, so here’s the list:

Here is a list of search sites you likely never heard of… – Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines. – a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need. – access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols. is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries. – volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science. is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed. is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free


About my new book “Your Manifest Purpose” – if you have accepted Christ, you won’t want to miss this release later this year. I cannot say exactly when – the timing is up to God, not me (isn’t it always, really?). Between now and then I expect to post some enlightening topics as well as a pre-release special study on the New Man and the Gift of holy spirit. This free study will be offered first to my subscribers.

Plus subscribers will be eligible for a special discount when “Your Manifest Purpose” becomes available. Don’t wait – sign up below now.

How much should I post here in the coming weeks?

Tough question for me. I’m working on publishing my new book “Your Manifest Purpose”. As such I plan on posting more on my blog. Do I cross-post here?

Much of what I post on this blog deals with a mix of political/spiritual aspects. However it is becoming clear to me God is moving towards a massive outpouring of His holy spirit upon the Body of Christ. While this will indeed have significant impact on the political aspects of this nation, it is evident to me that the spiritual will overtake the political. As we become more godly, our nation will become more godly.

To this end, I don’t see myself focusing much on  the political realm in the near future. I’m going all in on the spiritual. Why?

My book has a lot to do with it.

How can I say this without seeming to cast all humility aside?

Well, it’s not me – it’s gotta be GOD! Why? Granted the style – the writing and the wording is all mine and mine alone but it all comes together in a way that boggles my mind.

Plus as I wrote this, God has shown me things – stunning things.

In any case I expect to be posting a lot more on and a lot less here. I’ll try to cross post but unless I can get that #%$#%$ Snap autoposter widget working, don’t count on it.

Meanwhile – please do subscribe to my list below.  That way you can ride along with me on this groundbreaking, world shattering, wild ride as God’s spirit manifests like never before!

The Drones – Fearmongering or Something Else?

For those of you who are not deathly sick of everyone droning on about drones here are three items I ran across this morning:


Zero Hedge


Zero Hedge had another article on the topic but I felt it wasn’t all that informative so I only gave it a quick glance.

And one from yesterday…

Zero Hedge

Before heading to the office I mentioned these to my wife. She offered some of her usual laser zapping insight…

“What about the sightings in Europe?”  was her first questions.

Then her killer question:

What if these articles are being released to dispel the real reason for the drones?

As usual, she has great insight, once again proving beyond any doubt how much smarter I am than she is. After all, I married her.

Joking aside, all I can advise is:


By all means keep this situation in prayer. Keep your eyes on God Almighty who can and will deliver us. Keep our nation in prayer as well. We need all we can get.


Reawakening, Reformation, and Restoration – Where We Stand

Today, God revealed a bigger picture to what is happening around us. I must credit God for this because my own mind is too small to see this big. I expect many of you to instantly see how these three things – reawakening, reformation, and restoration have or will play out. For the rest of us…

Reawakening – this is not “woke” but rather the opening of our eyes to what is going on around us. This is directly contrary to normalcy bias. I like to think of “normalcy bias” as a “head in the sand” response to circumstances. We ain’t “woke”. What we are is aware. A quick unabashed plug here, my soon-to-be-released book shreds the curtain of deception to not only reveal the plethora of psyops we’ve all been subject to but also the true source of all of these con jobs. (Hint: the source is spiritual in nature.)

Joe Rogan said it best when he said the American People have been the victims of the greatest pysop in history during this last election. Rest assured, it was not just the media. The good news is, by the grace of God Almighty, we rose above the unified snow job of the globalists’ efforts. This, despite the fact they spent billions on this latest con. The Harris campaign alone burned through over $1.5 Billion. They spent over $100 Million just in Texas to unseat Ted Cruz. We may never know how much “dark money” was spread around to finance all sorts of efforts. I posted articles detailing their plans – and those only the ones they openly bragged about. I expect they had at least a few operations even they dared not reveal.

In the end we saw, we spoke, and we acted. We voted Trump in. We handed him a mandate, as well as a majority in the House and Senate. While the action we took was decisive, it was by no means final. RINOs still rampage in both houses and elsewhere. The battle will still be uphill. WE the People need to keep the pressure on – keep reminding these politicians, and yes I am spewing the term out as I would a filthy word, they now work for us. They are now OUR representatives. We cannot allow them to forget nor disregard this poignant fact of life.

Now we are moving into the reformation stage. To “reform” is to reshape – this is the essence of what comes next. Part of this reshaping is as described above – as in making it clear to our representatives who their new boss really is. It is us – WE the People. I cannot reiterate this enough. Our governments also need reforming. Here in Virginia, the Republican party also needs to be reformed – reshaped into the image of the constituency. These past few months, a rogue leadership has demonstrated their incompetence – not only with the fact that we failed reclaim the seat in the U. S. Senate – again, we failed to gain a majority for the commonwealth in the House of Representatives. There there’s their mishandling of the primary fiasco in Lynchburg, as well as their total disregard for our own “party plan”, the rules by which the party is expected to operate, forcing certain dissenting members out. In a just world, they would simply resign.

The reformation does not begin or end there. Let me back up because, likewise, the reawakening did not begin and end in the political arena. As with all things both began with God and His people. In 2023 the Asbury Revival made national news. This was not at all the whole of godly revival or reawakening in this nation. It was part inspiration, part seeding, and part wake-up call to prayer – to seek God. During the 2024 election, many of us advocated prayer. We exhorted our brothers and sisters in Christ to ask God to deliver our nation. And He did.

He also delivered Donald J. Trump from certain death in front of a world audience. Sure, I could ask if “anybody” can doubt God’s intervention in this assassination attempt. You know some will still express doubts despite the incredible, miraculous turn causing that bullet to miss by a fraction of an inch. So be it. I’ll give God the credit with my dying breath. And I will also credit God Almighty for mightily moving the people of this nation – whether it was by dropping the scales from the eyes of so many or simply gently steering masses to vote for Trump and sanity in November. We all dodged a bullet here.

As for reformation, I see this coming in the Body of Christ as well. I’m seeing it happening everywhere already. Many of my brethren in Christ are having their eyes opened to the many false teachings they’ve been receiving – starting with the “Christians should avoid politics” shtick. I expect many to begin to open their bibles, seeking out the scriptures to see whether what their preachers and teachers say are so. It is time for those charged with leading the Body of Christ to be held accountable as well.

Finally, I expect to see restoration in both the secular and the spiritual realms. Restoration entails more than what might first come to mind. At least when I think of the word, I envision restoring something back to what it was when it was pristine. This is not God’s way. Not at all. When our Heavenly Father restores a thing, He makes it better than it was before. Always better – never “just the same” or “as good as”- better. So we cannot just expect a return to American values and our previous prosperity – rather we can expect our prosperity and our values to be enhanced. Ephesians 3:20-21 comes to mind:

Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,

21 to him be the glory in the assembly and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.[WEB]

Our governments – federal, state, and local need to be scaled back to better reflect the constitutional limitations designed to hold them in check. As massive as we’ve allowed these institutions to become, I doubt if we will soon make the progress, or more accurately regress, we really need to make. Nor will any of this be as simple or as easy as it should be. So much government spending is ingrained in us. Many will be horrified to think of this agency being dismantled or that program ending. The rule of law needs to be restored. These days there is much talk about vengeance. Such talk should not come from patriots. Justice should once again don the blindfold. Our laws should apply to all without prejudice. Take note of that word “prejudice” – it means to pre-judge, thus the principle of “innocent until proven guilty” should again be our standard. That said, our nation is inundated with far too many laws. This, too, needs to be rectified. God handed down ten commandments. Jesus told us:

Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

While an orderly society may need more than this, I contend the many thousands (hundreds of thousands?) of laws on our books are due for an overhaul.

Spiritually, I see the greatest inroads in the coming months, possibly years. I see God moving among us has this world has never seen before. The coming reformation – reshaping will be nothing short of a CGI Morphing from a 400 lb weak and out of shape Body of Christ to a lean, powerful New Man in Christ demonstrating God’s power with signs, miracles, and wonders.

During the past couple of years especially, I’ve seen many observe the world around us declaring we are in the last days. This may well be. However should we indeed be witnessing the last days as prophesied in scripture, I also believe we will not only witness but be an integral part of an outpouring of God’s holy spirit as this earth has never seen before. Jesus said before the end came, the gospel must be first be published among all nations. (Mark 13:10) How did Jesus draw throngs of people during his ministry on earth?

Luke 7:22 Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached.

What else did Jesus say? (Okay, let me narrow that down just a bit.)

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

As born again believers, we have Christ in us. We are born again of God’s spirit and thus have the ability to operate the manifestations of the spirit. These are nine in total – speaking in tongues interpretation of tongues, prophesy, word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discerning of spirits, faith, miracles, and gifts of healing. Utilizing these manifestations properly the Church, the Body of Christ and will make a huge impact on the world. I see this as a “last days outpouring”. These things and more are detailed in my upcoming book. I believe God has blessed me to help usher in this astounding period when His mighty power will be demonstrated. However I am not the only one God will tap for this. No doubt others will rise – many far above me. None of that matters. What matters is what God has is store for all of us.

For those of you who prayed for our nation – for Donald J. Trump, for J D Vance, for our nation, for deliverance, stay vigilant and diligent in your prayers. These are needed more than ever. For those of you who did not pray I urge you, begin now. Lift your voice up to God Almighty. Pray for the nation. Pray for those in positions of power and authority – yes even, or especially those who work against the cause of God and liberty. We should be praying more for these individuals, praying for godly brethren to speak truth to them or, if they continue to stop their ears – to be replaced by someone who will hear the truth.

We are living in significantly historical times. Praise God and pass the prayer book.

Major Battle Won – The War is Not Over – Not By a Long Shot

Current events aside, please don’t read anything into the subject line. As I write this, Biden seems to be promulgating WWIII by authorizing attacking Russian territory with long range missiles and Putin’s obvious response. This is not that but by all means keep an eye on this powderkeg.

Nor is this post specifically geared toward spiritual warfare per se. Yes I am working on a new book concerning spiritual warfare. Yes, both the book and spiritual warfare does pertain to all of this – big time, but this is not that either. As my new book will reveal – spiritual warfare – spiritual battles rage all around all of us all of the time so we cannot really avoid any of that. We don’t even “need” to be aware of any of it. Really. We don’t. Unfortunately our ignorance does not insulate us from the effects of these spiritual battles, as the state of our nation, particularly during the past four years, has demonstrated. We’ve been under constant attack and such attacks will not cease. It will take the return of the Lord Jesus Christ before the final, decisive victory can be declared. Until then, battles will rage.

So if this post is not about all that, what is it about? I thought you’d never ask. While I cannot ignore the spiritual aspects, the war I speak of is the political war for our nation. Yeah. Ugh. Politics. The very thought makes me want to hurl. The good news is we’ve made some major inroads. We are in a good, if precarious, place right now but we cannot let up. We need to push forward and push hard.

Matt Gaetz stepping down from consideration as the United States Attorney General should be a red flag to all of us. His and all of Trump’s nominations should breeze through our “republican” Senate. Why? Because we did it. We spoke.

We re-elected Donald J. Trump, by the massive margin we needed to make our choice as a nation clear. We have the globalists no wiggle room. It was and is a mandate. We bolstered that mandate by electing a majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate – the trifecta. It is all good – as far as it goes. Anyone reading my blog, or the musings of like-minded patriots should understand the depth of the problem we face. In a phrase it is termed the “Deep State” or “The Swamp”. Let us not be hampered by semantics – our governments – Federal, State, and local are rife with self-serving “public” servants. Taken together they gorge themselves on huge bites of taxpayer dollars while producing little or nothing. Much of what they do accomplish is transferring our wealth to others. By far the worst (or most adept) is embedded in the halls of Federal Government.

WE the People now have a shot – and it may be our only shot – at making this right. This shot was made possible by demolishing the first target – the 2024 election. That cleared the way for our next target – the Senate of the United States of America.

As things stand now the “republican” Senate majority is tentative at best. Oh we have the numbers, the problem is those “numbers” are so much smoke and mirrors because of the RINO contingent. These comprise the bulkhead WE the People must eradicate – or at least conquer. They are dug in. They have strong fortified positions. Part of these are built-in – the six year term. As one pundit pointed out these lengthy terms tend to insulate them from pressure to act upon the “whims” of the electorate. The result is they’ve come to depend on the tendency of the people to have short memories. Once again, “politics” rears its ugly head. Whatever happened to serving those whom they were elected to represent? We need to overcome this. How?

Over this next two years, “we” have to keep the pressure on. In 2026 – 33 US Senate seats will be up for election. This means 33 of the 50 states can directly influence the Senate over the next two years by demanding these Senators get with Trump’s program. Realistically speaking, I expect our “demands” may or may not have any effect. Here in Virginia, we are looking at Mark Warner – a democrat. Our commonwealth just re-elected one of the worst Senators ever to sully the halls of the Senate. I am somewhat surprised and dismayed Senator Tim “Odie” Kaine isn’t required to have someone follow after him with a pooper scooper and disinfectant. Thus I expect it will take a concerted effort to even get Mark Warner’s attention. To his credit he at least appears to want to consider stepping off the democrat party line, unlike his colleague. Time will tell.

Other states may face similar issues. RINO Mitch McConnell is a democrat stalwart despite the (R) after his name. I do think he is convinced the “R” means RINO. His actions certainly don’t contradict my contention. Furthermore I’m thinking there is a good chance he will not seek re-election, thus becoming a lame duck who cares even less about serving his constituents – if that is even possible.

The good news is two-fold. First, we only need a handful of Senators to see the light – or more accurately – the benefit of serving our nation rather than themselves. Additionally, the 2026 election carries a bit of a stick as well – these Senators can be replaced. Again, here in Virginia, I will continue to implore fellow citizens to converge in an effort to wrest the commonwealth from the globalist faction. Already the VCDL – Virginia Citizens Defense League – has recognized 2025 as the year we can finally reclaim our state. We will elect a new Governor as Virginia imposes a one term limit on this office and a swath of State Senators.

Back to the US Senate – should WE the People be less than effective in convincing current Senators to vote for Trump’s agenda – they can be replaced. We did as much in 2024. Looking ahead in 2026 we can strengthen our position by chasing out some of the Swamp Rats holed up in DC. Don’t count Virginia out yet. If we can win the VA legislature, we can then set our sights on Mark Warner’s seat. His only salvation may be to jump ship and join the republican party.

Once again, I’ll remind you that in my own mind, these steps are intermediate. If I had my wish, our public servants would live up to the name – they would serve the public. To me this means they would have no “party” to answer to, just their constituents. As a republic, we are a far cry from this – so far, I do not expect to see it happen in my lifetime.

My encouragement to you, dear Patriot, is to put the pressure on. Make your wishes known to your representatives no matter where you live or how blue they are. Please do keep things simple – most politicians are far from “rocket scientist intelligence”. I suggest we advocate they consistently side with liberty – fewer laws, fewer regulations, less government. Let us push principles over politics.

National Constitutional Carry Legislation Unconstitutional?

Wait! What?

This is my gut reaction to this Ammoland article:

Anyone who thinks they know me might wonder about the subject line of today’s post. After all, I’ve been consistently against gun control laws, so what’s with my opposition to this “non-gun control law”?

The term “consistent” is the key here. Coupled with the fact that the proposed legislation is essentially a thinly veiled gun control law and you may immediately see my point. If must needs, do take a hard look at the wording of the legislation itself. For the record, I have NOT done so myself. I don’t really need to at this juncture. I’m standing on principle – that principle being the wording of the Second Amendment itself.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

This is plain enough and as such the 2A defines constitutional carry all by itself. ANY detraction from this is, in a word, infringement. What really bothers me about this proposal is it opens a door for further acceptance of Federal regulation of firearms – in this case the carry of firearms. More succinctly, it’s a back door to federal infringement of the right to keep and bear arms.

For those reasons I’m 100% against it. Better to focus on the real issue – repealing all Federal gun control laws.


Trump Wins! But The Battle for Our Nation Is Far From Over

Praise God!

My how things have changed from Monday, November 4, 2024 to Wednesday November 6, 2024! In 48 hours, more or less, God has rescued our nation – pulling us from the brink of destruction and setting us on a path to restoration. Let’s talk about all that.

For newcomers to this blog or those with short memories, I’ll say it again: Donald J. Trump cannot and will not save our nation. He does not have that kind of power or authority. That is not how our nation rolls.

Some may whine and moan about my stating that it was GOD who saved our nation. Did God cast a single vote? No. Of course He didn’t. However His hand has been over our nation and surrounding us. All the efforts the globalists put forth to cheat and steal their way to dominating our nation came up short. Do not think for a moment they did not try – that they failed to deploy every trick in their book because they did just that. They were thwarted. It was God who mobilized the masses to move the needle enough to give Trump a landslide – an unquestionable victory too big to rig. It was God who opened the eyes of so many to see past the rhetoric and the outright lies of the demon hoard. Don’t get me wrong – not everybody who voted for Kamala Harris is evil – far from it. In fact most who voted for her are truly good and decent Americans. They are good people but they have been deceived – lured by the very goodness of their hearts to embrace those globalist fallacies that only bestow power upon a select few. Don’t hate them. Pray for them instead. It is here where our work must begin. More on this in a bit.

First let me explain what I meant by saying the battle for our nation is far from over. We only need to look back eight years to 2016 to see where I’m coming from . I remember the elation, the vindication, yea the very joy of that moment when it became clear Trump had actually defeated Hillary Clinton. We can look back on what Trump accomplished during his first term in office. Those accomplishments were significant and many. Never forget he had to fight for every win and fight hard. If the vicious poison spewing from the mouths of the democrats wasn’t enough – he had to fight many in his own party – the “Never Trumpers” and those silent swamp rats who slunk around beneath the surface of the DC Swamp. Guess what? Many of them are still slinking around.

Things should be different this time around. WE the People sent a strong message to the “ruling elite” – a mandate if you will. They are NOT about to lie down or scurry away! They fully believe they are our betters. They fully believe they can and should make our decisions for us, that we are not capable of choosing our own path. They are the climate change radicals, the gun control freaks, the green brigade – they will not back down voluntarily. The fact is they are not the enemy. As is most of those who voted for Harris, the rank and file, the everyday majority have been conned into believing the answer to their concerns is rooted in placing our trust in a selected few – selected not by them but by the elites who pull the strings. Who IS the enemy?

The enemy – our common enemy – are those elusive few who feed the swamp creatures. They feed them with the crumbs that fall off the table. The table buckles under the weight of the Federal Budget where they pile up our tax dollars along with the debt they’ve saddled us with. They’ve made us their slaves – requiring their pound of flesh out of every dollar our labor earns, every dollar we spend from those earnings, every dollar we save, and every dollar we invest. They reap the lion’s share of our sweat and tears while throwing us the bones. The crumbs are the reward to those who dwell in the swamp. Don not be fooled by the term “crumbs” for they are many and the creatures who feed on them relatively few so while they may reek from the stink of their oppression of us citizens, they grow fat from their booty.

How do we root out this enemy? Follow the money and cut off their food supply. Their greed is their Achilles heel. They are addicted to the money they leech and from the power they’ve usurped. Thus they are exposed – too fat from their gluttony to run far or fast. This does not mean they will be easy to be rid of they are fast and they have vast resources – entire arms of our own government to fight back with. Their tentacles wrap around the very centers of power in our nation’s capitol – extending into our own Senate and House of Representatives. This is how they’ve embedded themselves do deeply into the very bowels of our nation’s business and why they will not be so easily eradicated.

This is also why WE the People cannot let up – why we must stay diligent and force the hand of Congress. We’ve sent them a message – a strong one – enough is enough. Now we need to see it through by make our wishes very clear – by forcing their hand. It does not matter who they’ve been working for. They work for us now. They answer to us. It is our job to hold their feet to the fire – to hold them accountable to US.

This congress has two years to show whom they answer to. Those who choose to bow to the Washington power brokers will face stark reality and the wrath of their constituents. Those who actually represent those whom they were elected to serve will be rewarded. It’s that simple. But it is up to US – WE the PEOPLE to make this happen.

Donald J. Trump will lead the way. He has demonstrated a great deal of empathy and care for our nation but he cannot do this alone. He needs US.If you like your republlic you can keep it - Ben Franklin He needs our backing as well as our direction and our support. By the grace of ALMIGHTY GOD, we’ve been granted another chance – another opportunity to govern ourselves via our constitutional republic. Now it is time to take the next step – to take up the reins of power – our birthright to steer our nation into a new era of peace and prosperity.

These things directly apply to every citizen of our nation. Beyond this I’ll take a moment to address my Christian siblings.

Our nation nearly crumbled under the weight of sin and decadence. If you claim Christ, you cannot dodge nor hide from your complicity. Trust me on this – these words apply every bit to myself as well as you. I have repented myself and I continue to seek how I can turn from my own wicked ways and turn back to God.

While God Almighty did indeed establish this nation – granting us citizens by birth or naturalization the right to govern ourselves – we have been remiss in accepting our duty and responsibility to do exactly that – be self-governing citizens. All of us, regardless of our beliefs – Christian or not – are guilty of this. As Christians we have strayed far beyond this because our own duties – our own commitment when we accepted Christ as Lord and Savior is greater.

Within our own ranks we have sinned greatly. In this last election much “todo” has been made about the question of abortion. How many of my brethren in Christ see past this misdirection? Yes. Misdirection. Ask yourself – what is the underlying problem of abortion? WHY are so many women becoming pregnant with unwanted babies to begin with? Why isn’t divorce among Christians almost unheard of? Why are we not outraged when some churches allow drag queens to strut down the aisles of a house of God during a “worship service”? Whom do they worship?

Can you see the bigger problem here? This nation has not succumbed to our influence, we Christians have been overrun by theirs. Such should not be so. Are these Christians – our brothers and sisters in Christ demonstrating the love of God or are they putting stumblingblocks in the way?

For myself, I cannot tell you how many times someone has said to me anyone who voted for Harris cannot rightfully call themselves a Christian. I disagree. As an example I’ll invoke the “beer test”.

Years ago someone asked a man of God whether someone could drink alcohol and still be a Christian. He said, I don’t know let’s find out. I’m a Christian. Let me take a sip of beer. Hmmm. Okay, Well, I’m still a Christian so yes, one can drink a beer and still be a Christian.

The point is taking a sip of beer or pulling the “wrong” lever in an election does not negate the price Christ paid for our sins. Nor is our salvation conditional on such things. It is just not. As I pointed out about these individuals, these Christians, and yes, even those who applauded the drag queens, are not inherently evil. I contend they are unlearned and in error. We are all guilty of this to differing degrees. “For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God;” Romans 3:23

If we really want to turn our nation around – to truly become the powerhouse God meant us to be, we must first look to ourselves. We must examine our relationship with God and with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We need to be able to discern the difference between justice and vengeance. We need to discern between God’s love and indulgence. We need to discern between forgiveness and accountability. We need to discern between right and wrong.

Those who voted for Harris and her ilk need to be shown there are other ways, better ways to care for those in need. In many instances we both want the same things. We differ on how we approach the solutions. It is not wrong to care for those who are less fortunate. What is wrong is to take from others against their will, often without their knowledge and consent to pay for that care. It is wrong to stand in the way of those who step up to care for the unfortunate simply because they stepped over some bureaucracy to do so.

Our forefathers, guided by Almighty God, established a limited government. Since that time, we have allowed government to wander far beyond those limitations. The intention was often good however misdirected. We need to step back and reevaluate our approach. We also need to reconsider and reconstruct many of the machinations put in place over the decades. Today our nation resembles a mechanical leviathan to give Rube Goldberg a massive migraine. Much of this needs to be dismantled and stored away forever, if not recycled into something useful and far from the reach of government authority.

It is time to once again become one nation under God.

The Significance of Insignificance

To be cross-posted on my blog

Update on my new book – Spiritual Warfare (working/descriptive title). For me this is a blockbuster work, encompassing a lifetime of learning and study. I truly believe this is a work inspired by God Almighty. As the first draft is nearly complete, much has happened to convince me this book truly is something God Himself wants me to accomplish.

Lest you start thinking I’m getting full of myself, I’ll remind you of the subject of this post. What humbles me, and though it is easy for me at present, I pray I can keep a deep sense of humility even IF God greatly blesses this work so it blesses many many people, is my past accomplishments. Or should I say my past failures? The latter far exceeds the former.

In fact, I cannot say I have any credentials to speak of to write this book. In a way I envision myself in the place of the fictional Elmer Gantry when he stood before the Christian Elite who demanded he justify his existence ministry to their satisfaction. In the movie by the same name, Elmer Gantry, a struggling part salesman, part flim flam man turned preacher, was never ordained. He had no official education or even a background to justify him. In fact, the movie itself left his true motives up in the air for the audience to wonder.

Further note on the Elmer Gantry reference: I saw this movie many decades ago. The above is how I remember it. Per my habit, I looked it up to check my facts. The first scene from the movie I remember is where Gantry is on the road as a salesman. Turns out in the book he was a former law student who then attended seminary. (I don’t know about the movie) Later (again in the book) he becomes a Methodist minister. Now I’m not sure sure about the whole “credential scene” – at least how accurate my memory about it is.

Side fun fact: This movie, or my memory of it, is also my inspiration for my first, yet unpublished novel – “The Visionary”. The story came to me in a flash as I reflected on the scene of Gantry standing before some group of religious leaders. While the storyline in “The Visionary” vastly differs from the Gantry movie, the scene I envisioned might come close in a general sense – one man standing in front of respected leaders who demand he justify himself.

To be fair to myself, I do have a lifetime of life and study under my belt – closing in on five decades, actually. While some might point out my early “dubious” association with what some call a cult – The Way Ministry – others can say, and rightfully so, I have never been a member of any church, never had any formal training to speak of, or never held any position of responsibility in any Christian organization. While those things are not entirely accurate technically speaking, they are mostly so. Thus I would not argue those points.

So I will publish this book, God willing, intending to let the words speak for themselves, come what may. When the floods come, we shall see of the house still stands. It will have to stand on it’s own without the benefit of my qualifications, or despite the lack of them, to produce it.

All of the above supposes the book will make some sort of impact – that it will get noticed. If it does to any extent, there will surely be detractors. Why? Because I dare challenge some of today’s pillars of Christian beliefs. Sacrilege. Well, maybe to some. Keep in mind, many of Jesus’ teachings were sacrilege to the Jewish leadership of the time – so much so they crucified him. Get this straight – I’m no Jesus. Not even close.

But what if it doesn’t? What if, instead of a Big Splash, my book nary causes a ripple? What if I sell a handful of copies and then… nothing. Again. So be it. Here is where the significance of insignificance comes into play.

Most of us can name a few great individuals. Some could name many. No doubt anyone reading this can name at least one. Go ahead, speak the name of that great person that came to your mind. Now let me ask you this – who influenced that great individual? What was their name? In most cases the name of the person who influenced your great stalwart of history is forgotten, if anyone knows the name at all. If not, then ask yourself – who influenced that person? In most cases it won’t take long before you come to a dead end – some person whose name buried in the annals of history if not entirely forgotten by all. No doubt some were buried in an unmarked grave, the whereabouts of such nobody remembers. One might say such a person was insignificant. Or was he (or she)?

Now spread your wings a bit. Consider the life of that person you had in mind. (I’ll assume a male but only for the sake of convenience.) Are the accomplishments of any one of us a direct result of the influence of just one person? Of course not. It may well be so that a single word from one person at one moment of time caused a ripple that changed our entire world as we know it. If you think about it, no doubt you’ll agree history is chock full of such instances. Each one, standing alone, could be deemed insignificant, while the opposite is true.

Back to my book, it could well never take off, never be well-read, never make the impact I would love it to have. I just don’t know, nor will I unless and until it is published and then… ??? Whatever. The one thing it has going for it is it is loaded with scripture. God says His Word never returns void. As such, I expect the book to profit someone somewhere at some point no matter what else happens. For me that is enough, even if I am never privy to the influence it has on another person.

For this reason alone, I am determined to keep at it, to complete the work, and to publish it. I still have a long road ahead. Please keep me in prayer.

Homeland Security Comes To Visit

I kid you not. This happened at the pre-election mass meeting of our county’s election officials. He was the first to speak. Judging on how quickly he left afterwards I expect he had better places to be. Okay so down to the nitty-gritty.

First off, he seemed like a decent enough guy. He would be a good choice to play “good cop”. He wasn’t threatening at all. There were a bunch of high-quality printouts on different security-related matters such as recognizing potential trouble, de-escalation procedures, awareness, and so forth. It wasn’t bad, really. Necessary? Not so much, at least not for our area… I think.

Look, I live in a very rural county. We don’t get much of that kind of trouble around here. Many of us have little tolerance for it. Besides that, we are so small we’re not worth the effort. Really. I mean, take the whole election fraud thing. If the globalists could somehow figure out to get away with stealing every vote in the county, it wouldn’t amount to a drop in the bucket. It might turn the tide in the Congressional race, but I doubt it.

So, he came, he spoke, he left. Meh. Okay. One thing he did touch upon I found quite interesting was a scenario where a voter walked in with a gun on his hip. Mind you, Virginia is an open carry state – no government permission required. That said there is a law (at least one) on our books prohibiting carrying firearms, open or concealed, in the polling place. I’ll leave the constitutionality debate for another time. As a practical matter, this HS fellow suggested we just move the person along, let him vote and move out. His perspective is the less s/he is agitated the better off we all are. I tend to agree.

The mostly type of person I see doing this is a strong 2A advocate who wants to challenge the law. Angry? Uhhhhh, well, yeah, I’d say angry – or at least perturbed. Not that I can blame them. Infringement ticks me off a bit too. Someone like this is either simply making a statement or spoiling for a fight – an argument, that is, not a gunfight. As such I think it is best to disappoint the hell out of him and just move him along. Done and done.

The real threat is the one nobody wants to talk about. I brought this one up during our last election officer training meeting when new posters were trotted out “laying out the law” concerning guns in the polling place. I only asked a simple question.

“So if someone comes in with guns blazing, are we supposed to point to the poster and tell them that is a no-no?”

Of course they blathered all around the obvious point. They tried to make light of it. What they could not, would not do is admit all the signs in the world ain’t gonna stop a determined evil doer. Remember the Democratic National Convention just held? They suddenly became very concerned about violent threats and requested additional security. Someone said we ought to send them a batch of “Gun Free Zone” signs and leave it at that.

Oh, one other thing about that Homeland Security guy. Like I said, most of what he was talking about doesn’t seem all that relevant to our county. However he did say other areas have seen some significant disruption in the past, including individuals who did their best to get a reaction out of poll worker (any poll worker but some are easier marks than others). He said when the agitator got a rise out of one, they’d send a bunch more that way to heat things up. He talked about other scenarios as well. He never said as much but at some points he seemed to be alluding to patriots doing this sort of thing. It would be interesting to hear what such folks would have to say in a decidedly blue district. Personally I would be abhorred if I found out someone posing as a patriot was involved in such shenanigans. We need to be above all that crap. That is not us – not who we are. If I am wrong about this than I stand alone because I will not be associated with such individuals, much less groups. What about you?

More on the “Declaration of War on Americans” by Harris/Biden

In reference to my previous posts:

Has Biden/Harris Declared War on America? Literally?

Update on Harris/Biden’s Declaration of War on Americans

The video below suggests I was to cautious in my assessment.

The current administration has authorized the use of lethal force by the United States military on American citizens on  American soil.

While I’ve not heard of this fellow before, this video is straightforward.

Most of the time, I chalk stuff like this up to fearmongering and I won’t have it. In this case, if anyone is mongering fear  – it is the “Biden” Administration.

Another Update Per My Open Letter to The Virginia Republican Party

Here is the original post:

So what has happened since?

I won’t hold you in suspense nor will I bore you with the gory details.

What I heard yesterday from a trusted source is two of the “offending members” were tossed from the party for refusing to sign the “Oath of Loyalty” or whatever they call it.

I also heard the Politburo, sorry, VA Republican Party leadership was to hold a meeting to dissolve the 5th District – that is MY district, home of soon to be ousted Congressman Bob Good. Also on the chopping block is the Lynchburg unit.

I suppose this last is due to the stink that arouse during the primary where some “hanky panky” was alleged concerning ballot collection and handling. I personally called for a real and transparent investigation, as well as severe treatment of any wrongdoing here. We cannot have ANY question about the integrity of our election officials.

Meanwhile, I’ve had an ongoing email exchange between myself and one “Dennis Free”.  He never divulged his part of any of this nor what his stance is within the party. I finally looked him up to discover he is the Chairman of the 2nd District. I also noted where he has served, I’ll assume honorably as I have not information to the contrary, both in the military and in law enforcement where he apparently rose to the rank of Captain. Personal note to Captain Free – thank you for your service.

Free’s service does not excuse him from what I feel is his stonewalling and insulting behavior per our emails. I will not go into specifics here, unless Dennis Free presses the issue himself. At that point I will publish our exchange in its entirety and allow you, the reader, to decide for yourself whether my assessment is accurate. Rather I’ll summarize the exchange. First, I’ll say I was no angel. I spoke my mind but I did my best to refrain from personal attacks. For the most part I was successful. At worst I did refer to part of his response as whining .  About that.

I kept asking if he would provide some specifics, as in, what part of the “party plan”, specifically, did these members violate? And what were the specific charges against them. He repeatedly insisted I read the “party plan”. I repeatedly maintained it would do no good unless I had some idea of what I was looking for.

To me it was a simple question. Now that I know of his career in law enforcement, the stark stonewalling is even more apparent. Any savvy member of LE knows one must actually state the charges against the person arrested. And yet rather than simply state: they did this and here is where it is wrong, he did not. Why?

In my opinion he didn’t state any specific wrongdoing because there was none. He knows it. I know it and now you know it. They did nothing wrong save for piss off certain members who have usurped authority they did not have.

In his last email to me, sent yesterday and read this morning, essentially dismissed me, while more or less saying it was too bad I was not capable of understanding the issues involved.

Upon further reflection, I wish I’d responded with a better answer.

As a writer (good, bad, or indifferent) I’ve come to realize that if a reader fails to understand what I’m saying the onus is on me, rather than the reader. This same principle applies to the Virginia Republican Party and their “party plan”.

Sorry guys, but I am still reasonably intelligent enough to comprehend simple concepts plainly stated. What if this was not so? What if I struggled to “get it” when it comes to the rules under which the party operates? Should the party require members to be endowed with a certain standard level of intelligence? What level might that be? 80? 100? (Average) or more? Should potential members be rejected if they cannot understand the rules? OR should the rules be stated plainly enough for a majority of members (at least) to easily comprehend?

I contend the latter is more reasonable. No one should have to exhibit a generous or even average IQ to participate in self-governance. Such is not necessary to vote, why should the average, or even the below average citizen struggle to understand h0w things work.

As it is, I actually do understand this document. Strangely enough, while discussing this with my source, he indicated this party plan provides leadership with a wide latitude to do whatever the  hell they want. I disagree.

In fact, the exact opposite is true.

Article One – basically says anyone can ask to join.

SECTION A. Qualifications
1. All legal and qualified voters under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, regardless of race, religion, national
origin or sex, who are in accord with the principles of the Republican Party, and who, if requested, express in open
meeting either orally or in writing as may be required their intent to support all of its nominees for public office in the
ensuing election may participate as members of the Republican Party of Virginia in its mass meetings, party canvasses,
conventions, or primaries encompassing their respective election districts.

This is a continuation of Article One – ostensibly granting the party “powers that be” the authority to demand fealty, er, loyalty. The highlighted portions is where I gleaned the pertinent language from.

2. A voter who, subsequent to making a statement of intent, publicly supports a candidate in opposition to a
Republican nominee shall not be qualified for participation in party actions as defined in Article I for a period of four (4)
3. Paragraphs 4 and 5 shall cease having any effect at such time as the Election Laws of the Commonwealth of
Virginia shall provide for party registration, at which time only those registered as Republicans may be deemed to be in
accord with the principles of the Republican Party, unless otherwise stipulated by the appropriate Official Committee.
4. In addition to the foregoing, to be in accord with the principles of the Republican Party, unless otherwise stipulated
by the appropriate Official Committee, a person otherwise qualified hereunder shall not have participated in Virginia in
the nomination process of a party other than the Republican Party with in the last five years.
5. A single exception to Paragraph 4 shall be approved for a voter that renounces affiliation with any other party in
writing, and who expresses in writing that he/she is in accord with the principles of the Republican Party and intends, at
the time of the writing, to support the nominees of the Republican Party in the future. Any voter that utilizes the
foregoing exception, and thereafter participates in the nomination process of a party other than the Republican Party, shall
not have the benefit of the exception identified in this paragraph thereafter. Within 30 days of receipt, the Official
Committee shall provide a copy of this signed renunciation statement to the Republican Party of Virginia, to be
maintained for a period of 5 years.

Note in part 2 above “supports a candidate in opposition to a
Republican nominee“. As Bob Good was being challenged in a Republican Primary, there was no Republican nominee.

Also note the words in part 5 above “any other party”. Both Bob Good and John McGuire are Republicans as far as anyone knows.

SECTION I. Endorsement of Candidates
An Official committee shall not endorse, nor contribute to from its funds, any candidate who is running for a Republican
nomination for public office unless that candidate is unopposed for that nomination. Nothing in this Section shall be
construed to prevent an Official Committee from endorsing a candidate running for public office where there will be no
Republican nominee, nor to prevent a member or officer of an Official Committee, as an individual, from endorsing a
candidate in a contested nomination.

SECTION C. Removal
Any Chairman, except the State Chairman, or any other member of an Official Committee may be removed from office by
the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the other members of the Committee, after being furnished with notice that such removal
will be sought, with the charges, in writing, signed by not less than one-third (1/3) of the members of the Committee; and
allowing him thirty (30) days within which to appear and defend himself. A copy of the original signatures or evidence of
the electronic signatures may be furnished in lieu of the original signatures. The State Chairman may be removed by a
two-thirds (2/3) vote of a State Convention or by the three-fourths (3/4) vote of the State Central Committee, the action of
said Convention or Committee being subject to the foregoing as to notice and opportunity for defense.
A member of an Official Committee is held to a higher standard of support for nominees of the Republican Party than an
individual who merely participates in a mass meeting, party canvass, convention or primary. Therefore, a member of an
Official Committee is deemed to have resigned his Committee position if he (a) makes a reportable contribution to and/or
(b) knowingly allows his name to be publicly used by and/or (c) makes a written or other public statement supporting the
election of a candidate in opposition to a Republican nominee in a Virginia General or Special Election, and/or (d)
becomes a member or an officer of or makes a reportable contribution to any other political party. A majority of the
elected officers of an official committee are charged with recognizing when this provision is in effect. For members of
multiple official committees, such recognition by a given official committee applies to all subordinate official committees.
Such member may be re-instated by a majority vote of the other members of the Committee.

Nothing in this section pertains to the question at hand, i.e. the members who signed a letter asking Donald Trump to revoke his endorsement of John McGuire and endorsing sitting Congressman Bob Good instead.

The irony of all this is, this entire episode would have gone unnoticed by 99.99% of most Virginians had it never been addressed.

In an earlier response to Dennis Free, I compared this party plan document to one of Kamala Harris’ “word salads” upon retrospect I retract that statement. While it is indeed rather unwieldy and could well use some simplification, Harris is still the unchallenged champion of the word salad world.

My own conclusion is the central committee acted without authority and entirely against the principles of the Republican party, and against the best interests of all of our members. They should resign immediately

SECTION J. Ethical Conduct
1. Voting members of official committees shall exercise their best efforts to conduct the business of the Party
in good faith, with reasonable care, skill, and diligence. They shall hold as confidential all party
information, documents, and communications clearly designated as confidential of for limited dissemination
or use by adopted policy of the committee. They shall refrain from participating in unethical activity,
diminishing the dignity and credibility of the the Party.

Their conduct here is anything but ethical. Under certain circumstances this party plan calls for offending party officials to resign :

SECTION C. Removal (second paragraph)

A member of an Official Committee is held to a higher standard of support for nominees of the Republican Party than an
individual who merely participates in a mass meeting, party canvass, convention or primary. Therefore, a member of an
Official Committee is deemed to have resigned his Committee position if he (a) makes a reportable contribution to and/or
(b) knowingly allows his name to be publicly used by and/or (c) makes a written or other public statement supporting the
election of a candidate in opposition to a Republican nominee in a Virginia General or Special Election, and/or (d)
becomes a member or an officer of or makes a reportable contribution to any other political party

The above is good enough for an official who commits a “public offence”, i.e. endorsing someone running against a Republican candidate. Why shouldn’t it be good enough for senior party officials who knowingly abuse the party rules for their own intents and purposes?

Again, I say… resign.