Substack article for Tuesday July 17: There Will Be War

Posted on GOD and the Republic – my latest substack article:

There Will Be War

It is coming one way or another because the globalists lust for it

This is the exact opposite of what I want to happen but we are edging closer to it every day. It’s like watching a kid light match after match, tossing each one at a can of gasoline. You can’t go near him and you can’t stop  him. All you can do is take cover.

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Independence Day and Beyond and a new substack article

Okay, okay, first things first – I posted an article “Happy Independence Day” on substack July 4th in lieu of Tuesday’s regular article. What I didn’t do (obviously) is post a link here, as well as elsewhere. While it is still relevant, it is not exactly timely. So gripe if you want to.

Next up – Prepare for yet another attack on our G0d-given rights.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s well past time for some common sense politician control. Seriously (apparently Kameltoe’s word of the day), who died and made these politicians God anyhow? Of course, I refer to the knee-jerk, fully-automatic, military-style rhetoric spewing from the mouth of every socialist authoritarian politician concerning the now infamous shooting at Highland Park, Illinois.

No, I will not go into the well-word details on the number of dead (God rest their souls and be with their families), the kook behind the trigger, the media madness or any of the rest of the circus spontaneously combusting from this tragic event. Instead I’ll laser focus on the aftermath.

As with Las Vegas, Buffalo, Uvade, or any number of like tragedies, do not expect to see a forensic evaluation of what exactly happened from me or anyone else, including, or especially law enforcement. You might see a great deal of speculation about the involvement of nefarious organizations, including some tax-payer funded entities. It has already been reported the FIBs knew about this kook. I’ll leave it at that.

Back to the aftermath, we all know what’s coming. Already, the announcements are inundating the airwaves and cyberspace. It won’t be long before a slew of bills are introduced or dusted off. I already posted on the substact article Here We Are… Again (kinda eerily prophetic, ain’t it?) about HR127. That bill is Sheila Jackson Lee’s legislative gun control vibrator, sure to bring the entire left to new orgasmic heights should it ever pass.  Believe it or don’t there are other, even more sensual bills waiting in the wings.

To date, Virginias Nick Freitas said it best before the Virginia Assembly back in 2018 (okay it only seems prophetic but really it only seems that way because the authoritarians have nothing new at all to add to their playbook.)

He first came to my attention when he gave another speech, one I feel was even more powerful because he stated unequivocally that the controllers only want one thing… more control.

Mark Robinson – now NC’s Lt. Governor – spoke for the majority, i.e. law abiding citizens here:

The authoritarians, the gun controllers have nothing new, but that doesn’t stop them. Nothing will stop them until  WE stop them cold and tell them NO! Our rights are God-given and you cannot have them.

They have no authority to take them.

Our rights – ALL of our rights – are not only God-given but we hold them in trust. It is OUR duty to preserve them.

The controllers only want control, control they have no right to. They are usurpers. They are thieves and liars. They are evil and we cannot stand for it.

It is time for common sense politician control. We the People need to take back the reins from these sycophants who lay at the feet of their masters, those money-men who bought them.

We need to put people on office who will represent us. They are rarely to be found in any political party. I’d say men such as Nicolas Freitas and Mark Robinson are the exception rather than the rule. We need more willing to stand up and be heard as they have.

J6 “Protester” Rachel Powell

You’ve heard of Ray Epps, right? No one can say for sure but many, including myself, suspect Mr. Epps was working for somebody trying to stir up trouble. From what I’ve seen of the videos of Mr. Epps, I have no problem seeing him brought up on charges.  Yet he remains free. Why? I’ll come right out and say it, if he wasn’t working for the FBI directly, he was working for whoever was really directing the madness on J6. They were NOT on the side of us deplorables! Does anyone think he worked alone?

Well, meet Rachel Powell.

Dear Rachel is under house arrest. She has not suffered like so many J6 protesters. Strange that considering the videos included in the above article. Unlike so many who merely walked into the capital and looked around or, horror!, put his feet on Princess Nancy’s hallowed desk, the video shows a woman, said to be Ms. Powell, armed with an “ice axe” (someone identified this tool as a Gearwrench Extendable Indexible Pry Bar“), drops the weapon she apparently brought with her to smash a window with a handy battering ram that just happened to be laying around. I’m sure it simply dropped out of someone’s back pocket.

The article reveals much more startling information about this actor. Nobody knows who she is really or whom she was working for, if anyone. However, unlike so many others suffering in inhumane and unconstitutional conditions, she remains in the comfort of her Pennsylvania home, ostensibly under “house arrest.” Wink, wink.

Meanwhile, back at the Capital, the show must go on.

Posted Thursday on GOD and the Republic (my Substack Newsletter) : Politicians Legislate Crime

On Thursday I posted a new substack article  for GOD and the Republic

Politicians Legislate Crime

In retrospect, I think the title sucks.  I’m not so sure the alternative title below properly says it:

“The Politicians Make Criminals of Us All”

and they double down daily!

On  that same day, the Senate announced passing of a new Red Flag bill (the media calls it “gun safety legislation”).  My concern with this bill is that it will manufacture more criminals by changing a few words. Indeed, my cursory reading of the bill confirms this in at least one instance.

20 Section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code, is
21 amended—
22 (1) in paragraph (21)(C), by striking ‘‘with the
23 principal objective of livelihood and profit’’ and in

24 serting ‘‘to predominantly earn a profit’’;

So, should this become law, anyone who sells a firearm, apparently any firearm for profit (ok, “predominantly earn a profit”, yeah, that makes me feel better.) is “engaged in business”. While I’m no lawyer, I suspect such an act would then make a felon of any such person who does so without an FFL. (Federal Firearms License) Sweet.

Much of the rest of this bill deals with things Congress has no business sticking their nose in, such as “grants” i.e. spending OUR tax dollars for “mental health programs” for schools. While the amounts now seem like a “feel good” pittance, I’m sure they’ll be happy to expand this to billions given the chance. By the way, did this bill originate in the Senate? As it is essentially an appropriations bill, then it is blatantly unconstitutional. Appropriations bills MUST, AS EXPRESSLY STATED IN THE CONSTITUTION, originate in the House.

The bill is 80 pages of mumbo jumbo – it is a mishmash of tweaks and changes to other bills along with some “original” content. Taken as a whole it should be unceremoniously scrapped. Taken in parts? Junk the parts too.

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So much to do – so little time

Okay, so I’m not the only one who feels like this. We all do from time to time. What’s in my craw these days?

Of course I’d like to “keep” posting regularly to this blog. What’s keeping me from doing it? Too many things. The substack articles for one thing. I post the links here because the things I post there are very relevant to the issues of liberty. Maybe more relevant than one might think.

Also my other writing projects are squeezing me for time. My writer’s site needs to be kept up. Who knows?  I might write something worth reading someday. Well that and I am working on a couple of other projects.

One of these pertains to Joy and my scriptural research into this and related topics. The problem here is, when it comes to God’s Word, everything is relevant. Relevant to other topics. Relevant to life itself. God’s Word is certainly relevant to issues of liberty and our Constitutional Republic. Only this morning I saw a blatant analogy between the Body of Christ and our Republic. It’s mind boggling. I have no research on this other than decades of reading and studying scripture but for reference sake, read Ephesians chapter 2 and compare what it says to a body of self-governing citizens forming a nation.

Then there’s my fiction works. I  have one book for a potentially “final” edit before sending it off to a line editor and the publishing. In addition to that I have several other projects I could be working on.

All of these, including both fiction and non-fiction projects could be published at one point and that brings me to a major decision point. What do I want to promote?

There are a couple of real-time considerations involved. This blog has yet to gather much steam at all. Is this because I’ve been lousy at promoting it or more that so few care about the topic? This latter reason is why I’m leaving off promoting Life Insurance “Dirty Little Secrets” for Consumers Revealed!.  I might as well promote a book entitled “Pulling Your Own Teeth Just for the Fun of It.”. Yeah.

I’m not all that certain the Substack newsletter GOD and the Republic will fare any better. Time will tell… IF I can keep up the pace.

Then there’s the fiction works. The book I have in the works “No More Mr. Nice Guy.” is, if I may say so myself, pretty good. It is one of two novels I’ve completed. The other one, my first attempt, is unlikely to ever see publication. While the story and the novel itself will always be dear to my heart, I don’t think it would be received too well in this day and age, even (or especially) in Christian circles. (It is a Christian novel.)

Then there’s my newest project. I am only at the beginnings of  this one so I won’t say much except I am very excited about it. It was “born” of an epiphany I  had the other morning. Now that I think about it, the idea has been brewing for quite some time but on that day, it all jelled. The epiphany was similar to those I experienced with the first two novels so that is encouraging. Better yet, unlike my two previous efforts, I can see this idea as a continuing series with a wide appeal. It won’t appeal to everybody, but the concept could easily pique the interests of a wide range of people. What that boils down to is it may stand a good chance of being a commercial success and something I would feel comfortable promoting. What do I mean by that?

Take Life Insurance “Dirty Little Secrets” for Consumers Revealed! for instance. I’m glad I wrote that book. I’m glad it was the first book I published. All else aside, it is well worth reading for the intended audience. It is best suited for young couples with or planning on families or for individuals who already have life insurance. For all that, I can tell you from a great deal of personal experience the very people who need this information most have near zero interest in reading about it. Many of them may even want to get life insurance but, gee, do they have to learn a bunch of insurance stuff? The answer would be a resounding NO if life insurance was sold properly but it is not. So, anyway, that is the problem there. I can see where promoting the book would be almost as discouraging as trying to convince people to consider their life insurance needs. They may need it and know they need it but they don’t want to hear it.

As for as the Christian novel is concerned, well, it revolves around some concepts that are not favorable these days. In addition to that, the story deviates enough from certain doctrines as to make it somewhat controversial. And I have no ideas, much less plans, for a sequel. For that matter, at this point I have no ideas for any other Christian novel.

Then there’s No More Mr. Nice Guy. It may or may not sell well.  I think the story is engaging enough to be enjoyable. Again, I have no where to go as far as another book is concerned. As with the Christian title, I’ve no ideas for anything in that genre.

So with these three examples, can you see where I’m going here? Why promote what may well be “one hit wonders”, IF they have any appeal at all? While I do have other projects I work on from time to time that do have potential to become series, this last one is something I feel has all the elements.

The next thing I had to ask myself is “is commercial success all that important?” The answer is no, at least not financially. Don’t get any ideas. It’s not that I am well off but rather my financial needs are few. Sure, if my bank account swelled up to dizzying levels, I’d make some changes, but if my income relative to my current standard of living remains level, I’ll do just fine. Nor do I  have any great desire for fame. In fact, I’d likely hate it. While I doubt I’d have any problems appearing on an interview (hey, I don’t have to look at me!), I rather like going places and doing things as just another person.  What commercial success does mean to me is validation. If I perpetuate any stereotype at all it is the “insecure writer”. Maybe I’ve earned it. (See?) It would just be nice to know that thing I’ve done all my life, that thing that is so much a part of me – writing – is worth reading to someone other than myself.

Add to that the fact that I have no “credentials” when it comes to writing on scriptural  topics. I’m just an average believer in Christ. What do I know about godly things? When it comes right down to brass tacks, I have nothing and know nothing more than what’s available to any of my siblings in Christ. The only thing I can really call uniquely my own is my perspective.

I don’t need credentials to write fiction. All I need is a good story and the ability to tell it well. So what does all this mean?

If you’ve stayed with me this far, you can probably guess my biggest challenge. It’s me. Yeah, I’m longwinded all right. Worse, I write slow. With so many things on my  plate through nobody’s fault but my own, I need to make some choices. I don’t want to discourage anyone stopping by here but I’ve been where you are myself. I stop by a blog from time to time only to find out there’s nothing new posted. So let me as a favor…

Anyone reading this, if you would like me to continue posting here, please leave a comment or drop my a line at the email address at the top right of this screen. I do answer emails.

God bless,


Substack articles links – Is It Too Late for Our Nation? / White Supremacy, Insurrection, and Gun Violence

Substack articles this past week

I am attempting to post consistently on Tuesdays and Thursdays

June 9:

Is It Too Late for Our Nation?

Are we headed for total collapse or worse?

June 7

White Supremacy, Insurrection, and Gun Violence

and the true weapons of war

Posting Articles to Substack

On Saturday I began posting articles on Substack. My goal is to build a larger audience. What does this mean for TLC? I don’t know. I doubt if I can keep up both as writing posts/articles is very time consuming for me. It’s been hard enough trying to be consistent with this blog. I’m starting out with the aim to post twice a week to Substack. At this point, there is no paid version but this may change. If anyone bothered to look, my “donation meter” hasn’t budged in like forever. Whatever my posts have been valued at, monetarily they are apparently worthless. So be it.

For what this is worth, the first article is below

No Joe Biden, you CANNOT control our guns
My reply to Biden’s pronouncement


The second article posted this morning.

White Supremacy, Insurrection, and Gun Violence
and the true weapons of war


Uvalde Massacre – THIS… is Evil Incarnate

First and foremost, let us lift those struck by this tragic shooting in prayer.

Heavenly Father, please be with the parents, teachers, students and others directly and indirectly affected by this evil act. Grant them comfort. Grant them peace. Let your truth shine through to lift them up. Shower them with your love. Give them the strength to move forward. In the name of your only begotten Son and our Lord and Savior Jesus the Messiah, Amen.

As we pick ourselves up from the stunning blow of this massacre of students and teachers at the Robb Elementary School in in Ulvalde Texas, many of us have one question in mind… WHY? Other questions follow. How could this happen? Could it be prevented? How could a Holy God who loves us allow such a thing to happen? All of these questions deserve an answer. All of the answers point to a single cause and a single solution. The cause is evil. The solution is God.

God?!!! God couldn’t stop this! Some may say. If God wanted to prevent this, He could have – IF He really is “all powerful”! Both responses cannot be true. Choose.

“God couldn’t stop this.” Oh really? Let’s suppose those who say this are correct. If this is true then God is NOT all powerful or all knowing. Such a god is weak and ineffective. Such is not a god I would care to worship nor trust.

What about “IF God is “all powerful and all knowing” and He loves us… WHY did He allow this to happen”? In a word… evil. Get this straight, GOD is NOT evil. GOD is good. Always. Evil exists in this world at this present time to allow US to choose and many of us choose evil over a holy and loving God time and time again.

At this juncture, someone is sure to claim I am saying the sins of the parents of these murdered children are to be blamed for this awful act. No. I do not. Neither do I blame the children themselves. They were innocent. Every. Single. One. Evil knows no bounds. Evil follows no rules. It is not beyond evil to slaughter children, to spill innocent blood. This is the essence of evil.

This nation, our Constitutional Republic established and blessed by God Almighty, has rejected this same God and embraced evil. Consider the Hebrews. They turned away from the very God who rescued them from Egypt and sent them bread from heaven. Instead they chose to worship a false deity. Likewise we reject God Almighty to worship evil.

Look around you. Evil is everywhere. Christians, my brethren in Christ, commit adultery and divorce on an equal scale with non-believers. Many who claim Christ embrace illicit sex, abortion, perversion, theft, lying, slavery, human trafficking and more. Our glorious Super Bowl, the crown jewel of US sports, is purported to be the heyday for human trafficking. We Christians are not alone.

Ghislaine Maxwell, recently convicted of trafficking children for sexual predators now resides in prison. Not one of those who received a child from her for sexual exploitation has been charged. Not. A. Single. One. Where are the tears for these children? Where is the outrage? Where is the demand for justice? Are we a godly people? Are we even a decent people? You tell me.

No doubt, those children who died at Uvalde will be received into heaven. I expect most, if not all, of those who were trafficked by Maxwell continue to live with the horrors they faced to this day. Which group received mercy?

This is no time to blame but rather a time to search our own souls. What have I done to thwart evil? How have I turned from a living, loving God to embrace that which He abhors?

Who scoffs at God? You have your answers. Evil abounds. Look around you. If you can see no evil, look in the mirror. The eyes do not lie. We mourn for those lost at Uvalde and so we should. Who mourns for the other children lost on May 25? Or the day before, or the day before that, or today? I cannot tell you their names, but their loved ones are grieving too. Evil pervades.

Who mourns for those who are abused, sexually, mentally, physically, emotionally? Who mourns for those ill-treated in our nursing homes or our prisons? Who mourns for those ripped from mother’s wombs or for the mothers themselves? Surely some do, but how many celebrate these same things? How many turn a blind eye? Out of sight, out of mind.

Evil abounds. Politicians are openly and brazenly corrupt. No one questions the Speaker of our House of Representatives when she is accused of insider trading. No one charges politicians or their minions when evidence of crimes surface. No one holds our vaunted media accountable for their own lies as they turn from a bastion of light to a political propaganda machine.

As a nation, we citizens are at least as corrupt as those we chose to represent us. Consider those words. We choose them to REPRESENT us. Not just one time but again and again. It has been pointed out that when one chooses the lessor of two evils, one still chooses evil. We choose evil. We embrace it. We celebrate it. If those who represent us are evil what does this say about us?

If you truly want evil to stop, you must turn from it and turn back to our Holy God. You must reject evil at every point, on every level. You cannot serve God and mammon.

The boy, I’ll not call him a man, who instigated the massacre at Ulverde, Texas, was evil incarnate – evil in the flesh. He was the manifestation of the evil pervading our nation. He lived among us for eighteen years. He attended our schools, shopped in our stores and walked on our streets. He did not simply decide on May 24, 2022 to shoot his grandmother before opening fire at Robb Elementary School. This took time, a lifetime. His lifetime. His final actions were the sum total of everything that happened to him, everything he experienced in his life. They were the culmination of a life lived in an evil land. Our land. It need not be this way.

Let this event, this massacre, be a turning point for us. Let is turn from evil and turn to a Holy, Almighty God.

Elon’s Latest Move Losing Me Money

So Elon Musk is hedging on his bid to buy Twitter saying he’s got to look at the number of reported fake accounts vs the reality of it all. Is it a ploy or is he serious? How does this affect my purchase?

When  I first read about this, my heart sank. I have no doubt Twitter’s fake accounts are above 5%. Could this kill the deal? Of course the price of the stock has sank well below my purchase price. I’m losing money. But do I care?

Not really. I bought Twitter on principle. I advocated buying stock in order to have some modicum of influence. By now you know my “influence” here amounts to pissing on the dumpster outside corporate headquarters. Well, okay, not that much because at least that could get be arrested. Like I said… principle.

Add to the principle, I’ve said all along I would rather we ALL bought Twitter rather than expecting Elon to carry the entire load. I wasn’t all that hyped about selling my shares for a few dollars profit. I wanted to be on the “inside”, even if he took the company private. Of course the reality was I’d be more like a fly on the wall there, you know, the one that got swatted. So much for that.

In no way did I consider Twitter’s profitability or should I say their inability to turn a profit. At this point, Twitter’s losses give me more leverage to hold them accountable. It is likely the only real leverage someone like myself is likely to have, as long as I am a lone wolf or the pack is small. However, that was the one bright spot I saw in the event Elon took it over. At least he seems to have a head for business.

So is all lost? Was this an exercise in foolishness? Maybe. Acting on principle can often be a lost cause. Unlike the movies there is a very real chance I could lose a substantial portion of the money I’ve in this. I knew this going in and let’s face it, we’re talking about less than $500 here. I’m not going to starve for that. Besides, it was never about the money. So let’s talk principle.

Twitter has turned themselves from platform to a publisher. A platform offers a place for people to speak freely. Obviously those running this shitshow don’t want that. Federal law is no help. Section 208 gives these platforms a huge loophole so they can censor to their heart’s desire and still be protected from any lawsuits. If you ask me, any politician who voted yea on this legislation should be immediately dismissed for being either too stupid, lazy or compromised to properly vet the bill.

As I delayed posting this, news has surfaced. It appears Elon Musk wants to renegotiate the deal as it now seems as much as 20% of the accounts are fake and/or bot accounts. Is anyone surprised?

I can’t say as I blame him. He correctly points out how this directly relates to advertising revenue as pricing is and should be directly related to reach. Bots don’t buy shit. And advertisers don’t want to pay to reach them. Having been there myself, I can tell you from experience that cost is a huge factor in online advertising. The most important factor is arguably the conversion ratio – how many times the ad is displayed vs how many times someone clicks on the link. In the best of times this metric is extremely low, meaning it has to be displayed lots of times to get enough eyes on whatever is being advertised to make it profitable. Now skew those numbers by 20%. Ouch.

So, yeah, the fake to real account issue is a major factor. No doubt by now, those advertisers now spending money on Twitter are reevaluating their efforts, if not pulling back or pulling out altogether. However, this may not be as critical as one might think. Any serious advertiser ultimately considers the bottom line – the ROI or return in investment. If their advertising is making money for them then these recent revelations should actually be good news. Why? Because they should expect and demand a reduction in cost to reflect the true metrics, thus making their advertising even more profitable. Good for the ad buyers, not so much for Twitter as they could likely see up to a 20% reduction in ad revenue right off the bat.

Then again, once one accounts for a 20% bot account rate, it should make the ROI on advertising look much better. Either way I don’t think this is a game-changer unless one was counting in Elon’s offer to make a killing on Twitter stock. In such cases, well, speculation can be a bitch.

As far as I’m concerned, I’m happy with my sliver of Twitter for the moment. Sure I would be happier if I’d bought at $35 or less than at $46 but it’s not the end of the world either.