Bob Good – John McGuire Virginia 5th Congressional District Primary – June 18th 2024: The Decision


Recently I posted concerning Donald J. Trump’s endorsement of John McGuire over Bob Good for Virginia’s 5th Congressional District. This is my district. As of now Bob Good is my congressman, so I’m taking this seriously – VERY seriously.

That said, I’m sticking with Bob Good. He has my vote for this primary. I won’t go far as to call this an “endorsement” – not because I hesitate to do so but my opinion is that of another mere citizen. As such it should hold no more weight than this. Besides this, I doubt if any endorsement from me would do Bob Good any, well, good.

As I stated before, I have a couple of issues with Mr. Good. After contacting his office via his website and official “contact” form, I received no response. None. This is bad. Not just for me but for any constituent. Secondly, he needs to get on the ball concerning the J6 political prisoners. All they can do is suffer unimaginable horrors while most us go about our daily lives without giving them a thought.

As for Trump’s issues with Bob Good, well, sure I understand his problem but he’s also forgiven others for much worse than endorsing his rival. I saw the video MTG posted and Bob made sense. At some point I was giving DeSantis some consideration myself. I stopped short of any idea of voting for him but I was warming to the idea of him in the VP slot. Paul Ryan’s endorsement stopped that idea cold.

All in all, Bob Good is a solid conservative as far as I can see but I wanted another opinion. Then I realized I could try to reach out to someone I’ve come to respect. Nick Freitas.

If the name doesn’t ring a bell, he is a member of Virginia’s House of Delegates. In fact he represents the district where I once lived – Culpeper ,VA. I’ve written about him before. He stood tall while speaking against gun control in the House. He stood for citizens during the 2A Sanctuary movement. In fact he is the ONLY Virginia representative who joined citizens as they swarmed county board meetings in support of 2A Sanctuary resolutions in my memory. Beyond that, he famously won a write-in campaign for his Delegate seat when a paperwork snafu bumped him from the official ballot.

So I reached out on a Twitter dm and he replied. Note, I warned him in advance that I might post his response on this blog with his permission. After he responded, I asked for and was granted said permission. Here is what Nick Freitas had to say…

Hello Andrew.

I have endorsed Bob Good. I think Bob is a very genuine conservative and he stands by his word, which goes a long way with me. In Congress I am looking for people who are willing to risk everything to stand up for what they believe in, even if it means standing against your own leadership at times.

I have known John McGuire for some time. John ran against me in a primary once. He accused me of being a “California liberal” and a “swamp creature,” despite the fact that I have always had a better voting record than him. He also likes to claim that he had the convention “stolen” from him despite the fact that I won all 3 rounds. I know that sounds personal, but the bottom line is, I have a problem with a guy who tells you he is going to run a clean race, because we’re friends, and then as soon as it becomes obvious that he is behind in the polls, he starts lying about you because he wants to win.

While it was all good, what really stood out was John McGuire’s accusations. Nick Freitas is anything but a “California liberal” and certainly not a “swamp creature” as far as I can tell. In fact those very accusations mirror exactly the globalist tactic of accusing one’s opponents of those things they are doing themselves. This as much confirmed what I previously learned about McGuire being hand-picked by Keven McCarthy.

By the way, didn’t Trump also endorse and stand firmly behind Kevin McCarthy?

We all know The Donald is not perfect. Who amongst us is? Why, then, do we expect perfection from Bob Good? I don’t. That said, I do support his bid for re-election to the House of Representatives and, should he be successful, I will then earnestly take him to task about those issues I brought up.

However, should you win, Mr. McGuire, take notice, your own words and actions have dropped your trust level a few notches on my scale. Thus you will be subject to even greater scrutiny from me. No matter who wins this nomination, I expect you to fully represent this district – not your political cronies.

The Trump Conviction – Is This The Last Straw?

By now you either heard the news or are still lounging under some rock. Donald J. Trump was convicted on all 36 counts in his NY trail. I cannot say I was just a little shocked by this. A small part of me held out some smidgenof hope that, being New Yorkers, they would reject the BS and find him NOT guilty. That they all overwhelmingly voted to convict is more than a little disconcerting. Had they returned with some sort of mixed verdict, I would not been at all surprised. With my personal reaction out of the way, on retrospect, I’m thinking this is the second best outcome Trump could have hoped for.

A not guilty verdict on all counts would have been stellar, if maybe a few steps into fantasyland. So why is an all-in guilty of every damn thing almost as good or possibly better?

This verdict reeks of bias. Certainly the whole monkey trial wallowed in it but the climax – this guilty of everything verdict – clearly demonstrates just how warped the system is. There are enough real lawyers covering this case – Levin, Turley, Terrell, and a host of others to detail the legal specifics. None of my opinions can be said to carry weight as anything other than a lay citizen. What I can and will say is the abuses of the law and the legal system is plain enough for any common citizen to see and it’s hung out in the open like some old lady’s bloomers. One can only miss it by refusing to look that way. As such this travesty of justice is undeniable by anyone who is honest with themselves enough to refuse to be blinded by the mountain of facts and evidence.

Yes three are those who refuse to shed their ignorance or even glance at truths glaring at them. They fall into the “casting pearls at swine” category. While I’ll pray for God to be gracious and open their eyes, I suspect most first rejected even Him. As Stephen said as he was being stoned “Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

For the rest of us, how can anyone see the truth of what happened here and not be incensed? Or scared beyond measure? Here is a man who, just three short years ago was the most powerful human being on the planet. He is popular with a massive segment of our nation. He is wealthy almost beyond measure and has such has access to resources greater than most any citizen. And yet he was convicted in a sham trial on bogus charges and rendered more or less helpless. Even his own defense lawyer was subdued according to one legal expert. In light of this, how can any of us common citizens stand against such forces? The fact is, we could not, can not. Ask any J6 political prisoner… if you can.

Is this America? Is this OUR America? I should hope not, but if not, where are we as Americans? How can we stand for this? Or rather how can wesit on our duffs and simply watch it all happen. It is akin to watching our nation burn to the ground before our eyes while ignoring the buckets of water at our sides.

Now you know as well as I, should either of us take up that bucket and throw it on the burning heap, the flames will instantly vaporize it. True that, BUT if many of us take up buckets and use them to douse the flames we would then stand a chance of beating back the conflagration. Should enough of us do the same we can put this fire out.

This, my friends, is the principle behind standing up and making our votes count come November. My vote will not put out this fire. Neither will yours, but our votes, combined with enough of our fellow citizens can not only beat back the flames but, given a large enough contingent, we can smother this fire entirely. Then we can begin to repair the damage and rebuild our nation. We can restore the rule of law while removing all sources of flammable materials.

Haven’t you had enough? Haven’t you seen enough? Stop asking what anyone can possibly do. Look. The answer is staring you in the face. Stop complaining about “the government”. WE ARE “the government”. WE are a self-governing, constitutional republic. WE have the power. WE have the authority. All we need do now is invoke what is already ours.

Our power and authority is invoked through our vote. Do not discount this. Do not despise it. Such is yet another deception of our enemies. As the Apostle Paul stated, “we have this treasure in earthen vessels so the power is of God, not of men.”

Your vote holds exactly as much power and authority as mine. OUR power combined is greater than any other singe vote. The more citizens who use their authority in agreement, the more powerful our votes become. God never intended for any one individual to wield great power over any other in our nation. Such power was never intended to be corralled by any single group… or by any “two-party system” where said power is tag-teamed by separate groups intent on one thing – the accumulation of more power.

We do not need any political party to dictate what is in our hearts. We already know. For now we can nullify these political parties simply by monumentally overwhelming the polls in November. We DO need MASSIVE numbers to shake the very foundations of these parties. Once we’ve got their attention, we can show them WE are THEIR bosses. How can we do this? Will we have to join together, form committees or other groups and beat the bushes for voters?

We can do these things. Certainly some of us will. In fact some are already doing them. However my own vision is that of individuals. By nature, I am not a “joiner” myself so I understand. Those times when I have joined one organization or another I found to be somewhat consuming. We all lead busy lives. I get that. To that end I came up with a different approach – “Vote Like a Boss” featuring T-shirts and accessories designed to grab attention, encourage conversations, and evoke on-the-spot action to register new voters. I added groups for each of the 43 states now offering online voter registration. Every product sports a QR code linking to the state-specific online voter registration page. But there’s more..

After this, I designed “Citizen Action Memes” – again one for each of those 43 states. These meme’s are meant to be posted online to encourage citizens to register (and of course vote). While they are best suited for social media pages visited mostly by citizens in certain locations, these can be posted anywhere such memes are accepted. These can also be stored on your cell phone, allowing anyone with a cell phone and internet access to scan and register to vote – assuming they are legally qualified. All Citizen Action Memes are offered free of charge.

The bottom line is you can do a little or do a lot – the choice is yours. If you don’t care for my ideas, feel free to join the group of your choosing or start your own. What matters most is becoming motivated to take action.

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

If you are not yet convinced, please tell me, what is it gonna take? Surely you can smell the smoke. You can see the flames. Are you really willing to let our nation burn to the ground? Do you have a better plan? I’m all ears. Meanwhile, please, PLEASE consider making an effort to win one, JUST ONE new voter. Each one win one. We can do this.

What’s In a Name? Citizen Action Memes

This post is more of admin notice than anything else. Since I designed and added the QR Code graphics like the one below last weekend, I’ve been struggling with what to call them. I decided to call them “memes” though they probably are such in the truest sense of the word. Anyway… what sort of meme? Well since it urges others to vote – I thought “Voter Action Meme” but that never sat right because they are designed to encourage citizens to register to vote. Voting comes later.  I like the “action” part because these are all about action –

Scan Register Vote 

Yeah. Then it came to me: “Citizen Action Meme”. Much better. Citizens can take action in two ways here.

First,  those citizens who are not registered can do it and do it now. All they need is their cell phone and whatever documentation their state requires.

Then any citizen can use these to encourage others to register as well.

This is the key. One man one vote and then each one win one.

We need each other because one voice, one vote alone often goes unheard. If we join with like minded citizens then, in concert, we can make some real noise.

This is what we need. Let’s make some noise!

Take our country back Arizona! Displays QR code linking directly to Arizona's official online voter registration page.
Download this and post anywhere to promote online voter registration for Arizona citizens or click on the meme and visit the page where similar memes are displayed for all 43 states allowing online voter registration.

For more aids to promote voter registration in your state, visit

Vote Like a Boss Delaware Now Online!

The Delaware – Vote Like a Boss!  collection is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Delaware “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Delaware’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Wisconsin Now Online!

The Wisconsin – Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Wisconsin “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Wisconsin’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Oregon Now Online!

The Oregon- Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Oregon “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Oregon’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Oklahoma Now Online!

The Oklahoma- Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Oklahoma “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Oklahoma’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Ohio Now Online!

The Ohio – Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Ohio “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Ohio’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss West Virginia Now Online!

The West Virginia- Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with West Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to West Virginia’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Washington Now Online!

The Washington – Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Washington “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Washington’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Vermont Now Online!

The Vermont – Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Vermont “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Vermont’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Utah Now Online!

The Utah- Vote Like a Boss!  collection  is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

This is the only pic with the model wearing the sleeve QR code. This T-shirt is available for all state “Vote Like a Boss” groups.

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Utah “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Utah’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Vote Like a Boss Texas Now Online!

The Texas – Vote Like a Boss!  collection is now available.

Tired of hearing “we” can’t do anything about how things are going in our country?

NOW you can “DO something” about our nation. Help get out the vote this November with Texas “Vote Like a Boss” gear and encourage others to do likewise. Vote Like a Boss makes it easy to grab their attention, start the conversation and help them take action!

Chose from:







Sports Bottle

All feature a QR code linked directly to Texas’s online voter registration page.

Each item is a conversation starter AND a call to action any citizen can take on the spot* (usually their valid driver’s license or other acceptable ID and a cell phone.)

In short – each Vote Like a Boss item is designed to help encourage and facilitate voter registration for the specified state and is not meant discourage voter registration by any other legal means.

*Note – each item is state specific so only citizen residents of that state can register to vote – so, a resident of Virginia MUST to vote from the QR code from the Virginia “Vote Like a Boss” collection (or other Virginia-specific means).

Bob Good vs John McGuire in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District

This is my district. Until today., I’ve been a Bob Good holdout. I’m not particularly keen on him, however, I have met him and I like him personally. Now I’m not sure.

I was posting the Iowa Vote Like a Boss announcement on Truth Social when I came face to face with Trump’s endorsement of McGuire. He starts out by saying “Bob Good is bad for Virginia”.

Now I take all this with a grain of salt, at least. After all, didn’t Trump pick Mike Pence for his running mate in 2020? We won’t get into John Bolton or others. All I’m saying is having Trump on your side is no indication of your real bona-fides. And the last I heard, McGuire was hand-picked by none other than Kevin McCarthy. Hooboy.

So let’s talk Bob Good. As I said, I like him personally. He is approachable, at least – isn’t it a good thing when our employees talk us? That said I have yet to see ANY action on the J6 political prisoner front from him. This is important to me. VERY important. Why?

Citizens of this nation are being held prisoner with NO regard for their constitutional rights. None. Even the most heinous murderer who streamed his gruesome crimes as he committed them would be immediately released if his constitutional rights had been overlooked, much less blatantly ignored. My point is this issue has moved far beyond any alleged – that is ALLEGED – wrong doing (much less “insurrection”) and has entered the arena of “are we a nation of law or not?”.

Again, Bob Good has done nothing here. Add to that, my attempts to contact him via his online method have gone unanswered. Heck even, Tim “Odie” Kaine sent me a slobbery response. Then I started digging.

Trump was right, at least partly so. Good endorsed DeSantis early on. I saw a video posted by MTG of him “privately” explaining why. Good had a couple of valid points – Trump has endorsed red flag laws, something I find abhorrent. He also pointed out Trump said abortion is a no-win issue. Sorry Bob, he’s right there and admitting such does not at all indicate anything. In fact, Bob, per SCOTUS, abortion is no longer a national issue. Didn’t you get that memo? Stop beating a dead horse. The constitution won.

(And PLEASE do NOT try to debate me on abortion. My personal feelings and the legal issues are entirely separate. Besides that, had abortion been legal when I was conceived, it’s possible I might not be here so, you know?)

Finally, one thing I am forever opposed to is career politicians. Unfortunately, we apparently have two vying for this seat on the republican side. I’m ready to flip a coin. (No, I will not do that!)

Other than the standard “credentials” any politician churns out and those things I stated above, I Know little about John McGuire. I suppose I’ll need to do some more digging on him.

Meanwhile, there’s one more thing. As far as I’m concerned it does not matter who wins this, or any seat in Congress this time around. Well, not entirely. IF we citizens can turn out en mass this November and absolutely FLOOD the polls, we can make inroads.

What I’m after is setting us citizens up to give the marching orders – hence VOTE LIKE A BOSS. This is what I’m after. Nothing less.

IF we can accomplish this, even the RINOS while have to take notice. We need to start somewhere and we need to act fast as every day we dwadle the closer we get to the point of no return. November 5, 2024 may be that point.

Again, I urge you, do SOMETHING! Our nation has millions of unregistered citizens legally eligible to vote. Many of them are Christians. More on that in another post.

I am NOT saying anyone has to buy a T-shirt or a sticker or anything else. I’m not saying anyone even has to download and display one of my “Take America Back” memes – even though these are 100% free.

Just do SOMETHING. Anything to help get out the vote. Even if you convince just one citizen to take action we all win.

Let’s make this happen.