Reply to a FnBook user

Below is a thread in FnBook of comments to a VCDL  (Virginia Citizens Defense League) posting. We’ve had a decent exchange with maybe a couple of misfires on both sides. My last response was so lengthy (regular readers – go figure) so I’m reposting it all here, beginning with the comment I first responded to.
His comments are shown in italics and indented to make it easy to see who is saying what.
we voted the laws into place, directly or indirectly. Its our own doing.
I disagree. Here’s one reason why: currently Virginia requires Universal Background Checks on every firearm transferred in the commonwealth. I did not vote for this. Nobody asked me. This law was passed virtually minutes after the leftists seized a majority in both houses with a governor who was amenable to it. I have and will consistently vote for those who uphold my constitutional right to keep and bear arms. I will NEVER vote for any person willing to deny such rights. Look at it another way – if the legislature and governor decide they want your home and they all vote to seize it – then did you vote for it? What if you voted for the representatives who voted to take your home? Did you vote for it? And if you believe you did vote for it, does that fact make it acceptable for them to take your home? Sorry but “voting for laws in place, directly or indirectly” does not automatically make them constitutional or ethical for that matter. We we are all guilty of to some extent is a near total failure to hold our representatives accountable and a further failure to insist that any legislation passed adhere our constitutions (state and federal) and in no way deny our inalienable, God-given rights.
Andy the law – stupid and impossible to enforce as it was – was passed by representatives the people of virginia voted into office. That means we (the voters) collectively and indirectly voted for that law and others like it to be passed. That’s how republican democracy works.
You’re right that it doesn’t make the law constitutional or ethical, but the voters put those people into power, so its our collective doing.
Kavin said we don’t have the backbone to do anything about it. My point is in many cases, this is what (ignorant & civically illiterate)voters wanted in the wake of shootings in VB. The masses didn’t want to do anything about it.
(To answer your question – if you vote for someone and they decide to take your house, I would argue that you probably should have seen that coming.)
I am aware of the circumstances surrounding the passing of the law. My point is I did not vote for it nor did I vote for any representative who voted for it. Nor do I need schooling on how a constitutional republic works. ALL of these problems are a direct result of a lack of participation by us citizens. Instead we delegate our self-governance to others and then fail to hold them accountable. You make some good points but none of it has anything to do with unconstitutional legislation. My question was rhetorical and intended to demonstrate one of the principles of a constitutional republic – citizens are protected by our constitution from laws that defy the those things enumerated therein. Unfortunately, as many here have pointed out, the bloated legal system that has overtaken the commonwealth and our nation has made it virtually impossible for common citizens to challenge this idiocy.
Andy and I didn’t vote for the speed limit to be 65 mph on the highway, but that doesn’t make it an unconstitutional law. I know there’s nothing in the BoR about cars or speed limits, but you see my point – “self governance” doesn’t mean we get to dictate laws to ourselves. (I say this as a person who thinks it should be legal to have an M1 Abrams tank at home without any special permits.)
What do you (or Kavin) suggest we should be doing, beyond voting out the problem legislators and voting in better people? Kav’s comment “Americans don’t have the backbone to do anything about it” seems to imply that violent action should be taken, which is just a little crazy, but it’s possible I’m reading into it too much.


First, I’d like to address your comment about implications about violent actions even though it was not directed at me. Too many seem to get a gleam in their eye when talk turns to things like “revolution” or “the blood of patriots” and some such. I abhor the very thought. My stance on this was and always will be we have no need to do any such thing. In fact I feel simple protests should be beneath us as citizens. This does not mean we can or should never make our opinions known. In fact we must be outspoken whenever we feel the need, but “protests”? No. Later on when I discuss the 2A Sanctuary Movement, you’ll see what I mean more clearly. (I hope.)

There seems to be a disconnect on how our constitution lays down the foundation for citizens to govern ourselves. This foundation outlines the manner in which we self-governing citizens select from among ourselves those who represent us and how these representatives are divided according to population (House) and geography (Senate). House representation is further delineated geographically via districts to provide somewhat even representation among the populace.

Our government was intended to be limited in scope and authority. Among those limitations were certain protections of individual citizens’ rights as originally enumerated in collection of amendments known as the Bill of Rights, and later expanded. Our Virginia Constitution boasts a similar concept and construction with some specific differences not discussed here.

Nowhere in either constitution does the word “democracy” appear. The term democracy refers to rule by majority vote. While we do have certain democratic votes in our land, we are not a democracy as our constitution protects us from being ruled by a majority.

Nor does either constitution require 100% vote to pass legislation. This would be unworkable as we all know. Thus there will always be some legislation passed – most legislation in fact – that does not enjoy 100% agreement. In other words – nearly every law, resolution, or other proclamation passed by any authoritative body in this nation will have some dissent. Thus, simply because “I didn’t vote for it” doesn’t make any legislation unconstitutional. Such a concept is ludicrous at best.

Unfortunately we have laws passed that exceed constitutional limitations or attempt to overrule enumerated rights and are inherently unconstitutional. However such laws are not automatically deemed as such. I believe the Supreme Court has ruled legislation passed carries an “assumption of constitutionality” (my wording) or some such. On the face, this makes certain sense, otherwise simply rejecting any law on the basis that “it is unconstitutional” would again be unworkable. However we have no safeguards in place to challenge bad legislation or bad actions by those acting on bad legislation. The first test of the NFA is testimony to this. This law was deemed unconstitutional by a lower court. The ruling was challenged in the Supreme Court. However the defendants had no money to pay for legal representation. The defense lawyers could not or would not travel across more than half the country to D.C. to defend the case and thus only the government’s side was presented. They prevailed as there was no counterargument presented. Nor was any other constitutional issues surrounding this terrible, terrible legislation introduced in court For similar and other reasons, we are saddled with many SCOTUS rulings that are just plain wrong. One of these was recently famously overturned – Roe vs Wade – when our highest court finally ruled the federal government has no constitutional authority here.

Hence, we citizens are saddled with the prospect of living with bad laws, often unconstitutional to boot. As those poor saps who were wrongfully charged with such as well as others who simply do not have the financial means or the will to challenge them in court, or citizens like ourselves who may have a will but lack the means, we are somewhat stuck until somebody comes along who does have the means and the fortitude to endure the long process of challenging such actions.

What can we do? We can first take some time to educate ourselves make a commitment to work together to force some changes. Remember the Second Amendment Sanctuary moment? Here in Virginia the power of us citizens shone through. County after county was more or less forced to pass a resolution declaring that entity a Second Amendment Sanctuary. (It was more than just counties but close enough) This is was in direct response to the actions of the gun control freaks in Richmond who were rabid with their new power. Sure they laughed at our response but it was a very nervous laugh, much like someone whistling their way through a graveyard. Had Covid fever (not the virus but the panic) swept through our nation, we may have seen a far more significant groundswell.

What this movement demonstrated to me was how effective we citizens can be in influencing our elected representatives. While citizens filled legislative chambers during those days, the optics are deceiving as the actual percentage of citizens participating was actually quite small. My point here is, it wouldn’t take massive turnouts to affect change. (I think John McGuire ousted Bob Good by less than 50 primary votes.)

Most legislative sessions are nearly devoid of citizen participation. Only a small percentage of gun owners ever vote. The selection process of those who represent us is abysmal. Ask most anyone “in the know” how to run for a major seat in congress or a state election. They will tell you to run for local office first – school board, town board, etc. and then move up. In other words, the only real qualification to run for a major office is a proven record of getting elected to office.

Currently I am embroiled in issues with Virginia’s Republican Party. It is a ridiculous situation, one I should not have to be involved in. (I involved myself by choice per my sense conscience and duty.) I have been an official “member” of the Republican Party of Virginia for just a few short months. Note here, the local members are good and decent people, it is the upper leadership where I have issues. They, the upper echelons of leadership, have blatantly overstepped their authority while failing to address glaring issues within the party. Along with this, I’ve become aware of what I feel is some gross misdirection. Bluntly put: our local unit is more or less entirely focused on nominating and electing representatives. There is nothing inherently wrong with this but nobody here is holding any of our elected officials accountable to any extent. Even our state delegate who attends every meeting is rarely questioned on what is happening in Richmond.

We need to do better here, and I’m not talking about a “democrat vs republican” thing. I’m talking about citizens taking an interest in the workings of our government with an eye to holding them accountable for their actions and decisions. I’m talking about communication. We need to be aware of what is going on and also be on the lookout for strong citizens who might be willing to serve a term or two in an office rather than nurturing career politicians who inevitably become insulated from those they supposedly represent.

As a solution, for starters, we could begin to get together in small groups. It might be possible to form a subgroup among one or more larger groups already meeting – such as within a church body or a civic group such as a VFW club. Here’s an idea – local group meetings among VCDL members with an eye fomenting our interests. I know VCDL leadership is adamant about focusing on our 2A rights but, personally, I feel losing sight of the larger scope has hurt us in the 2A arena. Better, I’d say to expand to the concept of a simple divide – liberty vs tyranny. In other words EVERY law that limits liberty should be seen as a threat to our 2A rights.

Those things I feel we need to communicate about include budgets (always follow the money), agendas – those things brought before any body, actions of said bodies, how the representative of said group voted or plans to vote and why, upcoming seats and prospects for filling them.

Per this last item, I’ll note that our county will vote on some school board members next year at the very least. Our party has not so much as mentioned this, much less discussed what, if anything, we should be considering. I also know we had a report from a county board supervisor who informed us that most of the county budget is earmarked for the schools. And I know for a fact that MY representative is hell bent to increase the school budget by as much as possible. IMO, it would be better to focus on getting better results from what we are currently spending. I’ve never felt throwing money at a problem constituted an effective solution.

In conclusion I appreciate the opportunity to discuss these things with you. Please understand, I am a nobody. I am simply a common citizen with no greater authority than any other. I do not and can not pretend to be otherwise.

Kamala – The 1 $Billion Dollar Woman

Last Night (Saturday for those of you inside the Beltway) Mark Levin had Ted Cruz on as a guest. Now I only watched a few minutes of that segment, but what I heard sickened me. The Senator from Texas is once again in the race of his life. His campaign is out of money. His opponent is outspending him by leaps and bounds. He’s already purported to have spent $100 million and is expected to drop another $50 million in the next three weeks. Ted is pleading – begging for money.

Meanwhile Levin points out Kamala Harris has raised a ONE BILLION DOLLAR warchest. Wait! What? Get real! My response to this is – no, she has not.

Let’s face it, Kamala Harris is not that popular. She never will be. The best strategy to win against her in any political contest is simple – just let her speak. Remember that old saying? “It is better to say nothing and have people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and confirm their suspicions.”? Well, there you go. Trust me on this, Kamala is NOT the one keeping her mouth shut.

Back to Ted Cruz – Chuckie Schumer is determined to unseat him. He’s throwing tons of cash to help defeat Cruz. Levin said AOC (NY Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) has said if the Democrats can win Texas, the state will be forever blue. I doubt if anyone who has heard that woman speak would accuse her of being politically adept so I have to wonder who put that bug in her ear. The scary thing is, she might be right, er, correct.

Meanwhile, that aged swamp creature and perpetual RINO Mitch McConnell, you know, the SENATE MINORITY LEADER, refuses to help Ted Cruz. Why? Petty freaking politics is the stated reason. I have a different angle – McConnell simply wants the Democrats to remain in power. That way he can continue to build his personal bank accounts behind the scenes without all that messy business of having to actually lead the Senate. As a bonus, he can remain in the shadows so nobody can see his true colors.

Now lets talk about that BILLION DOLLAR BABY – Kamala Harris. How on earth did she manage to raise that kind of money? The answer is staring us all in the face. Worse, it is the same answer as to how she was installed as the Democratic hopeful for the most power political seat in the world – it is all smoke and mirrors. We’re talking Wizard of Oz here. Like I said, Kamala Harris did NOT raise $1 billion – all that money came from the sneaky bastards pulling the strings behind the scenes.

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve seen the same accounts I’ve seen. Most of Kamala Harris’ “donations” is the result of a massive money laundering operation. You see, men like George Soros cannot just hand buckets of cash to people like Kamala – that is against Federal Election Law and could actually come back to bite them. So what do they do? They steal donors. Laugh if you will, I know it has happened because I’ve talked to people – people I know and trust – who have had this happen to. Their names are listed as “donors”, yet they have not, would not, and in fact, would rather be shot by a firing squad, rather than give her a plug nickel. Her warchest is a scam.

Once it hits you that the bulk of these “donations” come from Big Money, the next question should that naturally comes to mind is WHY? (okay I’m using quotes to indicate they are actually such – before some detractor gets his panties in a knot – this money is technically donated – the trouble is they would be better termed “illicit donations”, okay?)

I’ll tell you why – the reality is they aren’t “donations” at all, this money would be better termed as investments – a down payment on the purchase of the politician. Ask Mitch McConnell. I’m sure if you lubricated his tongue enough he could tell you all sorts of stories about such things from personal experience. Actually you could ask just about any politician who has been in the game for a while, I’m sure. Maybe instead of elections, we should institute a system where we could buy and sell our politicians on an open market rather than having to sneak around in dark alleys and smoky back rooms.

The real question we should be asking, rhetorical as it may be, is why is the highest office in our land worth $1 billion dollars and why one seat in the U. S. Senate worth $150 million dollars? We know why. Like I said, the question is rhetorical. So what can we do?

Well, first of all, repeal the 17th amendment. The Senate was never intended to be elected by popular vote and now we know why. The Senate was meant to represent the states, with each sovereign state having an equal say. The terms are six years apart, in part I’d say, to avoid being dominated by any one group (read party).

Second, we should take a hard look at how Presidential campaigns are funded. How is this money being spent? That is my first question. Is it all on media buys? Would capping the amount of time and space a campaign can purchase be contrary to the First Amendment? I’m not so sure it would. How about capping the amount of money campaigns can raise? I’m open to suggestions but I am adamant about the idea that we need to do something to stop the madness.

All this speculation may be for naught. If Kamala wins the White House and/or Cruz loses his Senate seat, we may not have to worry about elections any more. We’ll all have bigger problems to deal with. If you live in Texas, please, Please, PLEASE do whatever you can to keep Ted Cruz in office. Of course, vote for him, vote early if you can so his people can focus on getting more out to vote. Talk to other Texans, help get out the vote, donate, whatever you can do – just do it! Even if it is only posting on social media – every little bit helps. Seriously. I’ll tell you a little secret.

From time to time I make light of my own posts here, referring to both my readers and such. While I cannot tell you how many patriots read my posts or who they might be what I can tell you is from time to time I see ideas expressed here repeated an much larger formats. Now I cannot take credit for all or even any of those things. It might just be that God Almighty is moving others to say or write much the same things as I am moved to. To be fair, that idea seems far more likely to me. However there is always a chance, just a sliver, that something I write here could have far more impact than I could ever hope for. Either way, I write what I write here because I feel I must. In the long run it doesn’t matter to me who, if anybody, ever reads it. I just gotta say it. What about you? When push comes to shove will you feel better if you say what you think you should or if you just clam up? I’ve done the latter and it is those times that haunt me the most. Just sayin’.

Zerohedge: Early Voting Insights

According to ZeroHedge – nearly 3 million Americans have voted already.

No, we don’t know who they are voting for. What we do know is who is voting early. Short and sweet – Over 50% of early voters are Democrats. Republicans and Independents split the rest nearly in half.

This indicates nothing. IF the Democrats vote along party lines as they seem to do a lot – then we can ascertain Harris/Walz have 1.5 million votes already. Why is this important?

According to my inside sources – traditionally non-election day votes tend to be overwhelmingly democrat. We need to change this if we are to have any hope of victory come November.

Please vote early. Let’s turn this tide.


Update on Harris/Biden’s Declaration of War on Americans

A couple days ago, I posted some ideas concerning certain acts of the current and hopeful administration and whether they have virtually declared war upon our nation.

One event included in the article – the helicopter that seemed to attack a NC distribution location with their rotor wash has been explained. The helicopter is now said to be a NC National Guard bird. The pilots state they were trying to deliver a generator and left after realizing they were causing more issues. The pilots have since been grounded.

While I see no reason to dispute this claim at it’s face, I have to wonder. Over my lifetime, I’ve met a few pilots. They are typically exceptionally intelligent – so much so I have a hard time believing these guys didn’t know what their rotors were capable of. While “pilot error” is not without precedent, this seems to be a stretch. However with no further evidence, I’ll give this story a pass.

Of course, excluding the helicopter incident from my extensive analysis does little to alter my speculation. Okay, so this administration has not rolled out any armed forces overtly. They have not lifted a finger to step the tide of illegal aliens flooding this country. They continue to issue edict after edict attempting to strip us citizens of our constitutional rights while forcing their globalist agenda upon us at every turn.

The helicopter rotor wash story is a wash but they continue to march on.

Has Biden/Harris Declared War on America? Literally?

Okay, first things first, a “literal” declaration of war would be for someone to say “I declare war”. Nobody has done that so literally? No. But… wait for it:

ANYBODY reading this post already knows about the illegal alien invasion. A case for war could be made from this alone. Not to mention the overt registering illegal non-citizens to vote, forbidding by law any requirement for proof of citizenship to vote (California), refusing to vet, remove, or even constrain known illegal alien criminals from rampaging within our borders, actively trafficking illegal aliens, funding illegal aliens, allowing for or being directly involved in child trafficking, while defending all these actions with an air of elitist superiority.

Yeah, you could call all that war crimes. But I’m not talking about that. What I am talking about is Hurricane Helena and the aftermath. So far I’ve seen lots of speculation about weather manipulation, etc. by our own government being a part of this. For the time being I’ll categorize this as “wild and crazy speculation” and yet, sad to say, I firmly believe they would do exactly that IF THEY WERE ABLE. Moving on:

I’ll begin with a X post I bookmarked a couple of days ago as I “didn’t have time” to watch it right then. It is six minutes long and now I wish I’d made the time to watch.

Something very sinister is going on…

This morning my regular web travel to 90 Miles from Tyranny rewarded me several times over. Including a video in a story I’ll post below. Here are a couple of  memes from today:

So far it is hard to see any real evidence of war – declared or not. Bear with me. Now lets take a look at a disturbing article in todays Gateway Pundit:

DISTURBING: Helicopter With Pilots Wearing ‘Military Headgear’ Sabotages Hurricane Helene Recovery Supplies at NC Distribution Site – Cajun Navy Confirms (VIDEO)

Again, you’ll find the video itself on 90 miles but I think this offers a more complete aspect.

Some have identified the helicopter as one of our “Black Hawks”. It has no markings and thus cannot legally operate in U.S. territory and certainly not in a designated “no fly” zone. Note the cost of one of these helicopters ranges from a “low” $5.6 million to $10.2 million. No doubt there are options available to add to the base cost. The question is… who, exactly has that kind of money?

Stories about FEMA confiscating donations, blocking citizens’ efforts to provide relief, and otherwise doing everything in their power to increase the suffering of affected citizens abound. Again while these things cannot be called willful acts of war, these agents of our federal government are openly working against the American people and specifically against the very disaster victims they are charged with helping.

But WHY?

It’s no secret Kamala Harris and Joe Biden despise America and the American People. They all but openly proclaim their hatred for us. Some point to the overall politics of the affect reasons citing their goal is to further impede any votes against their regime. This view is hard to argue against, but others suggest there is more to all this than what is readily apparent.

If you watched the video above, you may have guessed what’s coming:

Is it cliché to say “follow the money”? Maybe but we all know Joe “10% for the Big Guy” Biden, as well as most of Congress, is all about the money. Many have suggested the billions in aid sent to Ukraine is little more than a massive money laundering scheme.  I’ll add to that the idea that every government program amounts to  a money laundering scheme – taxpayer funded, of course.

But don’t blame Joe Biden. Really, I mean that. I don’t like the man. I’m sure I’d be hard-pressed to refrain from sandblasting my hand and counting my fingers should we ever shake hands, but Joe is the cut-out. At this stage of the game he almost totally resembles an elementary school example of an actual cardboard cutout with rudimentary moving jaw hooked to a speaker designed to emulate a real person. Sad to say, the cardboard version might well outthink the flesh and blood man at this point. No, you can’t really blame Joe because he’s clueless. Give him a dollar for ice cream and he’d likely pocket the dollar then demand his ice cream.

The real blame goes to whoever is behind the curtain – the man or men calling the shots. (Sorry ladies, this glass ceiling is bulletproof.) Him (or they) operate in the shadows. As I’ve alluded before, I think there is one man who makes all the final decisions surrounded by a ring of cohorts who may or may not understand their true places as subordinates.

How does all this play out in real time? It is not good. Much of what we witness is orchestrated.

The Trump-Biden debate was historically early in the campaign season

Kamala Harris was going to be the candidate all along.

I happened across this from 2021

Everybody, and I do mean EVERYBODY, knew back then – Kamala Harris is, was, and will forever be a twit. Surely whoever installed her as the the Democratic nominee for POTUS knew it. He ain’t stoopid.

Tim “Tampon” Walz was hand-picked as her running mate. He is arguably the one person in this nation who cannot hold a candle to Kamala’s brilliance.  Again, whoever is the conductor of this mess ain’t stoopid.

The mass importation of illegal aliens is part of a plan.

Funding terrorists is part of a plan.

Promulgating the Ukraine/Russia conflict is either part of a plan or an opportunity seized.

Speaking of seizing opportunities – these days it is hard to sort out what events are planned out ahead of time in detail or are simply crises not gone unwasted.  It doesn’t matter to them. Anything fomenting chaos and confusion with an eye to the destruction of our nation is music to their ears.

The key here is the destruction of our nation. This is the end game, the ultimate goal. This is war.

Update on the Virginia Republican Party BS – No News is No News

After some tweaking and discussion with some  local guys, I sent the

Open Letter to the Virginia Republican Party Leadership

to  the Virginia powers that be on  Friday the 4th of October. Crickets. There was supposed to be a meeting on Saturday to decide whether to bounce the “offending members” from the party. I have heard nothing about this.

On Monday, Oct 7, I did get one reply from a “Dennis Free” He replied

“The ask is within the party plan and motivated by the participation of those party officials in a Republican Primary. Party officials are prohibited from such action. This resolution was approved by the state central committee.

Dennis free (sic)”

That is all the response I got. I replied to Mr. “Free” asking for specific details on exactly what the alleged violation was. I have heard nothing back to date.

As I stated in my open letter, it appears as if the “state central committee” (Yes, I am talking about the Virginia Republican Party, NOT the Soviet Politburo) made up whatever rules as they went along, or rather, twisted existing rules to allow them to appear as if they were acting within said rules. Again, if I am wrong, so be it. I will apologize. Then I will advocate for a rule change. Why? As I said before, I see no reason why any member, party official or not, should not be allowed to express an opinion or  advocate for another member.

Now there has been some discussion about certain tangential issues per party leadership and advocacy. Within our small group, leadership has refrained from seeming to endorse one prospective candidate or another. Whether this is per party rules or personal preference, I don’t know. The reasoning is they don’t want to exert undue influence one way or another. To this I say BUNK!

Dudes. We are all adults here and we are not stupid. Certainly we are each capable of making up our own minds. In fact the idea that just because a majority in any one group voted to put you in a position of leadership that you now have some sort of mystical power to control our wills is ludicrous. We need to move away from these ideas.

The end result of all this seems to do the exact opposite of stated intentions. We now seem to have a “central committee” the rules with an iron fist. They do whatever the hell they want and screw the rank and file if they don’t go along. I say nay. I’m not doing that.

In this respect my “card-carrying membership” in Virginia’s Republican Party may well be short lived. That’s okay. I really don’t give a rat’s ass. As I’ve stated before here and elsewhere, I’d just as soon be rid of all political parties as they are an invasive cancer poised to kill our nation. If you don’t believe me, my next post should make at least one aspect of this very, VERY clear.

An Open Letter to the Virginia Republican Party Leadership

October 3, 2024

An Open Letter to the Virginia Republican Party Leadership

It has come to my attention certain officials in Virginia’s Republican Party have demanded an “Oath of Loyalty” from certain other members. As I understand it, these demands are in response to a letter forwarded to Donald J. Trump requesting he void his endorsement of John McGuire for Virginia’s 5th Congressional District seat and endorse sitting Congressman Bob Good instead.

Now a meeting is being held to decide the fate of those Republican Party members who have declined to sign this oath. My understanding is they have been presented an ultimatum: sign the oath or be banned from the party.

Please excuse my own ignorance as I am a newly minted member of this party, as I am not naturally a “joiner”. I have always registered as a Republican. I wholeheartedly agree with every word in Virginia’s Republican Creed. However I am not well-versed in the rules and bylaws of the party.

That said, the actions of certain individuals in this party appalls me. As far as I can ascertain, the individuals signing this letter did so entirely within those rules and bylaws. The only section one could remotely apply concerns supporting a non-party hopeful. Such is not the case here. Both individuals are Republicans. Not only that but they were seeking support for a duly elected Congressman, Bob Good. All this was prior to the primary challenging Mr. Good.

As a member of this party, I assert my right and the right of every member to write, speak, and vote in favor of any other member of the party who seeks an office until said member is officially endorsed by the party or such endorsement is declined. The very basis of our right to free speech is the ability to share and hold forth our ideas and preferences.

What I find most disturbing is the gall of those supposed “leaders” in the party to subvert the rules agreed to, either by vote or by implied consent, in order to forward some agenda of their own. This is how it appears. Whether or not this is true, said appearance lays directly at the feet of leadership who have utterly failed to communicate to those they serve. In case you need to be reminded – leadership serves the rank and file, not vice-versa.

I’ll remind you here, I am not at all addressing Mr. McGuire’s challenge of Mr. Good. What I am bringing to question is the actions of those who seem to seek to punish members for voicing a dissenting opinion. Nothing more.

If this demand of signing an “Oath of Loyalty” is indeed a result of the letter sent to President Trump, then you, the leadership, have blatantly usurped authority you have not been granted. To that end I make a demand of my own: resign immediately. You have no business representing the membership of this party in any capacity. Your actions demonstrate your total lack of respect for the rules of this party and for us as members. If this was the only issue that has come to my attention, then I might hesitate to make such a demand, but it is not.

Let’s talk about this years 5th District of Virginia’s Congressional Primary itself. Of course I am referring to events in Lynchburg. Imagine my surprise to learn of certain irregularities in the voting process and this from fellow Republicans. As an election official, I was outraged. I expressed my concerns to certain officials. I was not alone. Other citizens also found these charges disturbing. What have I heard from Virginia’s Republican Party officials? Crickets. This should not be.

What is the status of those members involved in this incident? Has every one implicated been cleared of any wrongdoing? If not, then have they been dealt with according to the rules of this organization? If not, why not? Why have party members of this 5th District not been kept apprised of this situation? This is OUR District. This is central to OUR representation in the United States Congress.

Why have you, as so-called leaders of our party, not so much as expressed concern?

On the one hand you want to hang members who do not agree with your political agenda, whatever that may be. On the other hand, you seem to gloss over serious charges of election shenanigans, if not outright fraud.

One belief, one standard that seems to be lacking in politics today is integrity. So many tout the “rule of law” as a banner while merely paying lip service to it. No wonder our nation is crumbling before our eyes. I, for one, cannot tolerate this. Neither should anyone in this party, especially those of you entrusted with the responsibility of serving us rank and file members in a leadership position.

In short: repent or resign. Admit your mistake in seeking signed “Loyalty Oaths” from members simply because they sought a change of heart from another Republican. Apologize to them openly and publicly. Or resign. If the facts of this incident indicate you have indeed exceeded your authority and you refuse to own up to it, then I will advocate your removal from office and the Republican Party.

Your only other recourse at this point is to demonstrate where you have indeed acted in accordance with the established rules and bylaws of the Republican Party of Virginia. Should this be the case, it is I who will offer an apology.

Do the right thing. Stand as an example of how a true Republican should act.


Andrew M. Havens

RIP Pete Rose – MLB’s Unforgivable Sin

RIP Pete Rose 1941-2024

Baseball and I go back nearly 60 years. I remember sunning in the lawn with my Mom as we listened to the Yankees on the radio. Back then I was a Yankees fan and continued to be so for several years. I’m not sure when I switched loyalties to the National League and the Mets but no doubt George Steinbrenner had something to do with it.

As far as Pete Rose goes, as a Mets fan I all but swore a blood oath the hate him until the day I died. First I hated him as a player because it seemed he was always in the midst of every lost to the Cardinals. Then I hated him as a manager – mostly because he managed the Cards, of course.

When Pete Rose was banned from baseball for gambling  on baseball, I had no sympathy for him. None at all. Shame on him for shaming baseball. I was never a gambler. Hell, I hated taking risks for the most part. Still do, but I’m working on getting over that ,but gambling? No, thank you. Seems like every bet is a sucker’s bet.

Then one day I read an article about “Charlie Hustle”. From that day on, I saw Pete Rose in a different light. What changed my mind? Pete did. His attitude, his work ethic, his humility. Now don’t get me wrong, I have no doubt if I’d met Pete Rose at the height of his career, say when he became the all-time MLB hit leader, he might not have been so humble. Fact is, I’ll never know now will I? What I do know is what the article said about his amazing feat that stands to this day.

They said Pete Rose himself said he was no great talent. He said he was an average player at best. So how did he manage so many hits? Hard work. He practiced his craft relentlessly. I found this inspiring. I think any boy who aspires to a career in professional sports or any endeavor for that matter should take a page from Pete Rose’s book . Don’t fret about the other guy’s “natural abilility” – his gift. Don’t whine about God granting some advantage to another. Do the best with what God gave you.

What Pete “Charley Hustle” Rose believed about God, I cannot say, but his example says plenty. So… should he be considered a “role model” despite his apparent gambling habit? I say yes, without a doubt.

The trouble with role models and “heroes” is we tend to put  them on pedestals. We want to worship them, think they can do no wrong. That is always a mistake. Pete Rose, just like any other “hero” is a mere human. Every human is capable of making mistakes. Most of us do – in fact every single one of us has, save one, Jesus Christ. None of us are Jesus so live with it. You are going to muck up.

As for MLB – your sin borders on the unforgivable. You denied Pete Rose a place in the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame. Shame on YOU. In case you forgot, Jesus told the pious church leaders “whoever is with out sin, cast the first stone” at the woman caught in adultery. They were wise enough, barely, to realize their error and walk away. You? Not so much.

Now Pete Rose, all-time hit leader (4,256), games played (3,562), at-bats (14,053), singles (3,215) and outs (10,328). and yet he died without ever being officially recognized for his tremendous achievements. If his sins were so onerous, why stop there? Why not hand over those three World Series wins to the opposing teams? After all, you seem to want to pretend he was never a part of baseball or at least his efforts did not count.  You know why you’d never do that. It would be a slap in the face of baseball fans and players everywhere. So is your refusal to recognize the man while he lived. Again, SHAME ON YOU!

It is time to repent. You didn’t honor him in live, at least honor him in memory. Induct Pete Rose into the Hall of Fame. Let those wounds heal. Give his family peace. Give Pete Rose peace.

RIP Pete Rose 1941-2024

Reagan – The Movie Reviewed

My wife wanted to go see Reagan. Me? I could wait until it came out whenever. Now I’m glad we went. Why? Timeliness. More on that in a bit. First I’ll point out I did not take notes. I did not “fact check” anything for historical accuracy. As with any dramatic portrayal, I expect there were some literary licenses taken, some facts shaded, overlooked, or ignored. Yeah, okay, I get that. For instance Jane Wyatt was portrayed as a bit of a bitch before her and Reagan’s divorce. Maybe she was and maybe she wasn’t. At the end they did display several pictures with captions. One was with her stating she voted for Reagan twice for President. I remember she refused to comment on Reagan’s presidency at all until after his passing. Divorces can be a bitch. Maybe she was as well. Emotions run high. I don’t know the woman nor the circumstances but I feel they were a bit hard on her. As for this review, I’ll aim more for the “sense” of the movie – the overall feeling.

Let me tell you that “sense” is a mixed bag. Overall the movie was positive yet unafraid to show some of the negative side. Ron Reagan’s father Jack, for instance. He was a drunk and not a great influence. This may be to my own difficulty I have decoding audio – it is kind of like audio dyslexia – but I couldn’t’ tell if Ron called his father “dad” or “Jack”. It seems he always called him “Jack”. At times in the movie he surely did. Odd.

I have to admit my eyes welled up several times. Mostly I’m reminded of how much I miss President Reagan. No one, not even Donald J. Trump can compare to the Gipper. He was never once called this in the movie, by the way. Several times he was called “Dutch”. Either way, the quality, the genuineness of the man shone through.

Dennis Quaid did a masterful job in his portrayal. No, he didn’t look all that much like Ron Reagan most of the time. It wasn’t a pure mimic, but he had Reagan’s cadence down well and it was easy to see the man the film was about.

Penelope Ann Miller did well as Nancy Reagan. Her part was harder to compare as I didn’t know Nancy all that well. Penelope has always been a favorite of mine so I’m biased about her. The writer’s showed Nancy as decent and strong, and I expect that to be accurate. My wife commented that she actually liked Nancy Reagan where she’d never cared for her before. I thought the producers demonstrated the love and devotion the Reagan’s had for each other admirably and, I think, believably.

The other notable character for me was Tip O’Neil. Personally, I never could stand the man. Maybe I’m taking this the wrong way and the movie unveiled O’Neil for the phony he was. I never felt at ease with the way they made him likable. Maybe he was up close and personal but I’d still check my pockets and count my fingers after having a beer with him.

Why Watch Reagan NOW?

If the local movie house was any indication, you won’t be standing in line to see this flick. There were five others watching besides my wife and I by my count. This is a shame because given the current political environment, now is exactly the time to watch this.

The film opens with the attempted assassination of President Reagan. This is chilling considering the two attempts on Trump already. How or why the movie came to open with this is unnerving. It also fits even though Reagan’s story begins toward the end rather than at the beginning. Throughout the film the timeline shifts. Unlike many other films that try this, it works here.

As you watch, you’ll see other parallels and themes directly relating to up to the moment events. If you pay attention, you’ll also see misses – not so much by the producers but misses by Reagan and those around him. He nailed the tax cut and presented one of the best simple explanation of why tax cuts are effective I’ve ever heard. Some of what Reagan said in the movie are absolutely relevant today.

One notable thing Reagan missed – what we all missed and continue to overlook is the globalist agenda. Reagan was hell on communism. In the movie he stood fast against efforts to aggregate all of our nation’s unions into a single entity and led the Screen Actor’s Guild to vote to keep their independence. He also outlined his strategy of breaking the Soviets financially to Nancy before he became Governor of California. It seems the globalists are deploying this same strategy against our nation to this day. Even so, Reagan missed the bigger picture. Many contend Socialism leads to Communism and it does. What he and most fail to recognize is Socialism and Communism lead to globalization. A one-world government is the ultimate prize – one we are speeding towards.

The movie is well worth watching. It will move you, possibly inspire you. It could even help you make sense of what is happening to us in this nation today.

P.S. A couple of notes here.

The movie was loosely based on The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism, a 2006 book written by Paul Kengor. Kengor himself said the script was “faithful” to both his book and history.

In the film, one book Ron Reagan read early in his life, the book that inspired him to accept Christ and “left an abiding belief in the triumph of good over evil” was That Printer of Udell’s is a 1902 work of fiction by Harold Bell Wright. I linked this title to the free version(s) from Project Gutenburg.

Noah’s Ark FOUND! (The WHEN Will Shock You) The Bigger Surprise Is What It ALL Means to YOU!

This news is stunning – really stunning. It was revealed on yesterday’s Lance Wallnau’s “Firewall” on Real America’s Voice yesterday.

I found it broadcast on Rumble so I’m  linking to that because I can post one link instead of four.

Before you check the video out (about 43 minutes), I’ll offer a bit of a preview:

You won’t believe the WHEN Noah’s Ark was discovered. (Hint: if you’ve ever watched a broadcast about Noah’s Ark, you’ll wonder why NONE of them revealed what you see here.)

The HOW God Almighty supernaturally uncovered the ark and the divine timing of this revelation will chill you.

WHAT it means to you today will shock you.

But that’s not all…

The biblical scholar, Rick Renner, has not only studied and documented these revelations about Noah’s Ark, he has done so while living in Russia for the past 32 years. What he has to say about Russia, America, and the reality of what is happening in both nations will shake you to your bones.

You owe it to yourself to watch the whole thing.


My New Project – Spiritual Warfare

Just a note here, I am working on a book about spiritual warfare. I hope to complete and release it soon. The sooner the better as I see a great need for our nation.

Ephesians 6:10  Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13  Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14  Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15  And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16  Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18  Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

The topic is spiritual warfare. The title of this work is yet to be finalized. I may just leave it at “Spiritual Warfare” but God may reveal something else.

Please do keep me in prayer as well.

Why Thomas Massie’s National Constitutional Carry Act Is ALL WRONG

This from Ammoland:
The National Constitutional Carry Act (HR 9534) would remove permitting requirements for Americans to carry firearms nationwide.

A few days ago I commented on Twitter about this. It’s ALL WRONG. Yes, I am still a strong advocate for our right to keep and bear arms and that is exactly why a bill such as this pains me. Fact is, nobody – NOBODY – should have to file such a bill. The Second Amendment is clear as day.

“the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Exactly what part of “shall not be infringed” needs further explanation?

I’ll take this one step further:

To infringe upon the God-given, Constitutionally guaranteed right of every law-abiding citizen to keep and bear arms inherently declares said right depends not on the actions of our citizens but on the conduct of the guilty and lawless.

In other words – the gun grabbers keep insisting on infringing upon our rights because of criminal conduct.

No. Just no.

In the same batch of articles from Ammoland, another judge refused to recognize the right of yet another citizen to own two firearms banned by the NFA – National Firearms Act. Among his “reasoning” is these weapons are not in common use. So what? First of all they cannot be in “common use” because most citizens refuse to jump through government hoops to avoid landing in a federal court as Christopher Chan did. Here’s a cute challenge – repeal the NFA, wait a few months then tell me automatic weapons, short-barreled rifles and shotguns, and noise suppressors are “not in common use”. I dare you.

Fact is the use of noise suppressors is becoming more and more common despite the feds overbearing efforts to squelch our rights to these tools. Yes they helped matters tremendously by clearing their backlog of applications so it now only takes weeks instead of months to be approved. How droll.

For once I’m not going to present a long-winded argument stating my case for trashing not only the NFA but every stinking piece of gun legislation that infringes upon the rights of law-abiding citizens. You’re welcome. The argument is simple. As citizens, we have every right to keep and bear arms. Period. End of discussion.

Trump/Harris – Half a Debate – All The Commentary

Call it literary license or whatever, if the “fact checkers” could they’d nail me on this one. I didn’t make it through even half the debate. It was just too painful on both sides. That said, I just gotta say stuff about what I did see.

No Word Salad – Kamala did not deliver what I wanted most – one of her famous word salads. She was often incoherent enough for even her staunchest fans but alas she seemed to keep it together. Maybe she denigrated later in the debate. No matter. Point for her.

Lies, Lies, Lies – Kamala again. I swear the woman needs to be bitch slapped with the truth. While even that is not likely to sink in, at least some of us could gain some measure of satisfaction.

Trump was classic Trump but it did not serve him well. Now maybe you see Trump in another light but what I saw was someone who came across as one who was straining to hold it together even though he was pissed off. He was off message much of the time. Oh he made good points but his timing sucked.

The Mods – I have to ask, are there no rules for them? First of all they failed to abide by the rules as stated. This was especially evident when both mics were turned on at the same time. Then I gotta ask – who died and made them fact checkers? More on that real soon.

Neither debater did well answering questions. Harris packaged her non-answers with more glitter and ribbon but that’s about it. She did seem to have mastered the fine art of deflection.

So let’s dig into some meat – shall we? Vegans – feel free to abstain or just sit and chew your cud.

The economy. What a freaking disaster. Okay Kamala, first you attack Trump. Now your first talking point wasn’t exactly a lie – unemployment was high when Trump left office. Your nose should have grown a foot when you blamed Trump for it. We all know the reason for the high unemployment and the most fingers should be pointing directly at the bluest states where they came down hardest with all the lockdown BS.

Then you talked about all these wonderful “tax credits” and how you are going to help poor families buy homes with them and start businesses. Not only is your “economic quotient” at retard level but you have zero understanding of the tax system. For a moment, let’s just go with your “plan”.

So on your first day in office you convince Congress – both houses to pass your tax credits. Wonderful. How much money does this put in the pockets of those poor families you wear on your sleeve? Zero. That’s right – nothing. Nada. They will have to wait a year before they can even file for your tax credit. Same goes for the business tax credit. Worse, unless it is a “refundable” tax credit – it only applies against income you earn. If they aren’t making any money, most tax credits won’t do them any good. So that family you want to give money to so they can buy a child car seat are plum out of luck if they need one in 2025. What does happen is should they get that pretty “refundable tax credit” – a nice fat check that redistributes wealth from those that have to those than don’t – how are they likely to spend it? They ain’t buying a car seat – they will buy the car, or a boat, or a vacation. Those checks are windfalls – money that burns holes in their pockets.

Let’s move on to your $50K “business tax credit”. Again if it is non-refundable, any business will have to spend money to make money. That is not bad business but where will they get the money? They need capitol. There was a pool of COVID money that offered business “loans” to help businesses. They were forgivable. “You borrow the money but you won’t need to pay it back.” Trouble is those business had to already be in business for two years to apply. So what if you redistributed more wealth to help aspiring business owners start new business? Bad idea. Really REALLY bad idea. Overwhelmingly, most businesses fail. One of the biggest culprits is over funding. It’s that fat check syndrome all over again.

What’s wrong with your economic ideas? Can you say Marxism? Trump called you a Marxist to your face and he was spot on. We all know the basic tenant of your ideology is redistribution of wealth. There ya go.

Then you whined about Trumps tariffs – calling them a “sales tax”. That analogy was so brilliant I had to wonder who put those words in your mouth. Face it Kamala – original ideas are not your forté. Once again your economic ignorance is showing.

In this case both you and Donald J. Trump earn a major fail. Donald, you are on the right track with tariffs if you could only express the principle better. Here’s the scoop.

For those who don’t know – a tariff is a tax on imported goods. Thus the actual genius of Kamala’s assertion that it amounts to a national “sales tax”. It kinda really is. Funny thing, many democrats and RINOs alike champ at the bit at the very thought of picking more out of taxpayer pockets with a national sales tax. The idea is not new. That said, while tariffs indeed add to the price of imported goods, the main reason we need tariffs is not to generate revenue (are you hearing me Donald?) but to protect American workers. (Kamala?) Hear me out.

Probably my favorite modern expert here is non other the Kevin O’Leary, aka “Mr. Wonderful” of Shark Tank fame. Lately he’s been quote vocal about national economics and business and he’s usually quite right. (I’ll take the pun.) For the purposes of my example here, I’ll rather look to Kevin’s often stated strategy when talking deals in the Tank. You see what he loves to do is take a great product overseas so he can mass produce it at rock bottom cost to make big profits selling it in the States.

His approach strips away the mystery of tariffs. What is the major cost of producing most products? Labor. So what Mr. Wonderful likes to do is find the absolute rock bottom labor to produce goods – slave labor is fine as long as it is not called such. What does this do for American workers? Nothing. In fact outsourcing manufacturing to take advantage of cheap labor kills American jobs. Tariffs level the playing field providing an incentive to produce more goods employing American workers. And THAT Donald, makes a far better case for tariffs than “it brings in so much money”.

Immigration – rather illegal immigration came up early in the debate. Trump correctly tagged it as an important economic factor but he alluded to the idea that criminals were coming to this country to take American jobs. Uh, no, they are not. Nor are the mentally ill so much. Sure the message got mixed up in the heat of the debate. I’m not sure I would do much better. Chances are I’d sound like a blubbering idiot so no judgment here, just a bit of armchair quarterbacking. Okay, I prefer to think of this as an after action report from an observer – impartial I am not.

While I did cringe a bit when Donald bought up Haitians eating pets, it was because FOX (so kill me) brought it up just before the debate began saying the reports may not be accurate. But Trump is Trum and he said what he said. Furthermore, I cannot remember a time when Trump made some outrageous statement that later proved to be untrue. Several times I’ve seen him vindicated. This last assertion is no different. ZeroHedge this morning reported where a 27 year-old woman was charged with killing and eating a cat. That was fast. The mods were quick to point out a Springfield “city official” stated there was no evidence of such happenings. Oops. I forget how Trump replied but I think another tactic would have served him better. First, if he had said something like, “City official? You mean a politician? You do know how to tell if a politician is lying don’t you?” Then I would look directly at Kamala. Continuing, I would remind all how it was also a “city official” who literally videoed a segment at the wrong complex to “prove” (air quotes here) the reports of Venezuelan Gangs rampaging apartment complexes were false. I might also note how two gang members were arrested then released on $1000 bail.

So, Kamala’s immigration defense centered around a “bi-partisan bill” that Trump supposedly squelched. I know nothing about this particular bill but no doubt is was crap legislation. Most likely it provided a “path to citizenship” for illegal aliens, among other things. Trump should have pointed out the wall that the Biden-Harris administration stopped, as well as the “Stay in Mexico” and other policies that ended with Biden despite their huge success.

The the debacle turned to abortion. I could only groan. It is a stupid argument. It is settled. SCOTUS has rightfully ruled abortion is a state and not a federal issue. Hello. Why – WHY ask the candidates if they would sign a “national abortion bill”? IT IS NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE! It doesn’t matter. As for Kamala’s whining and lying about all those poor working women who can’t afford to go out of state to abort their pregnancies, I’ll chalk up a point for her. I did not know some states have outlawed abortion entirely, or nearly so. Possibly a better response from Trump might have been – Kamala, you have a point, but it is no longer a federal issue. We should have an open discussion on how to approach these contingencies.

That is about as far as I got. I left soon after the “debate” turned into a shouting match with both mics left on. The “moderators” were terrible at their jobs. They didn’t moderate so much as advocate and it was clear what side they were on. Shame on you both.

Word on FOX (don’t go there, my wife told me) is Kamala came out better than Trump. From what I saw, I have to agree. Sadly my assessment is more about the optics than the substance. Kamala Harris did not impress me at all with her presentation. What she did do was appear to at least not be the word salad queen she has become famous for. On Trump’s side, he failed to nail her on many major points. She left the door open many times and he insisted on ramming his head on the door jam. Bad Donald – BAD!

Overall I am not at all enthused about this election. My earlier hopes this opportunity – this ONE shot we have at finally taking the White House AND Congress by storm has dwindled to a thin hope that maybe we can keep that Globalist puppet out of the White House. Of course, in 2016 I had all but conceded to Killary’s inevitable rise to the throne of power. I was wrong then and while I will not give in to despair until the last vote is counted this time around, I do not expect to be surprised no matter how the final tally comes out.

IF we make it to election day. (to be continued…)

The Elitists Hold on Low-Income Voters

This morning I read a story in The Gateway Pundit about how the democrats plan to cheat. One of their “go to” resources is low income voters.

Thinking back to last night I happened to catch Jesse Watters’ “Johnny On the Street” as he talked to some Kamala delegates at the DNC. I cannot find a clip on that segment so I’ll have to go by rote. God help us all.

Johnny talked to three women, all black, and of course, all democrats. They were at the convention after all. One actually said she loved her laugh. I cringed.

Asked what they liked about her “platform” they said, “reproductive rights”, “green energy”, and “climate”. Um, okay…

A moment here, the subject line points to “low income voters”. I doubt very much if these three women qualify. Convention delegates pay their own way. Some pay “delegate dues” and there may be other costs. (maybe all, having never been either a democrat nor a delegate in any state, I don’t know. I’m drawing this from the California guidelines I drew up. I also know here in Virginia, republican delegates also pay their own way. I don’t know of any delegate dues required for the ‘privilege’.)

Could it be these delegates are subsidized by one group or another? Yeah, it’s possible, but I very much doubt if these ladies spend their days just scraping by. No evidence either way, just a feeling.

So who are these low income voters? Why do they vote democrat? What’s the real deal here?

One of the first thoughts that come to mind is the democrats simply buy these votes. Most likely they are purchased at bargain-basement prices. This is an age-old custom. I remember of stories of party operatives rounding up drunks, homeless, whoever and driving them to the polls on election day, then stuffing their pockets with a few dollars.

In one of the books in in his “Prey” series, author John Sandford sets the scene during a political season in Minnesota. If you are familiar with this series, the protagonist Lucas Davenport is Minneapolis cop in the early books who later moves up and out of the city and the state, profession-wise. John Sanford is a pen name for a journalist turned author. While I’ve never been able to pin down exactly how he stands politically (the mark of a true journalist) he tends to be fairly objective concerning both sides. In the book neither party exactly shines. In this respect I’d say his portrayal is reasonable accurate.

Back to the low income, other than outright buying votes, the democrats especially love to prance around as the “working man’s party”. Plus they love to show how generous they can be with taxpayer money. Of course they never call it “taxpayer money”. Instead they tout “free health care”, “free day care”, “free money”. They never once tell anyone the truth: the true cost of “free” is your soul.

The real wisdom these delegates offered is the message Harris & Co. that is hitting home both with themselves and those low income voters.

Reproductive rights

Green energy

Climate change

All of these catch phrases elicit emotional responses to deep-seated beliefs. Let’s consider each one.

Reproductive rights – like every other elitist catch phrase, “reproductive rights” is an empty shell with a colorful candy coating. This candy coating is flavored with uninhibited sexual freedom with zero consequences. Think about it. What do they really mean by “reproductive rights”? They certainly aren’t talking about reproduction. What they are talking about is unlimited abortions, paid for by somebody else. Why do they need unlimited abortions? They need them to rid themselves of unwanted pregnancies. Nobody is stopping them from having as many abortions as they want in most states. In fact, most states will even pay for them. Alternatively, birth control is affordable and can even be had at no cost in most states. It is a non-issue.

Green energy is a boondoggle. There is nothing at all wrong with the concept, however the idea has yet to come of age. Yes, progress has been made. And yes, it is possible for some to live “off the grid”. I’m all for it. What I am not “all for” is paying for other people to enjoy green energy with our tax dollars. Nobody pays for my home, my food, my clothes, my automobile – why should they? Why should I pay for someone else’s green energy?

Climate change. If green energy is a boondoggle, climate change is outright fraud. Look, historically and by this I mean over the span of the earth’s existence, different regions of our planet have experienced dramatic changes in climate. What are now deserts were once oceans. etc. Considering the age of the earth compared to man’s existence here, it is obvious changes in climate will happen no matter what we humans do or do not do. There is no “cause and effect” here. Or if there is any at all, it is insignificant to the planet. We need to get over ourselves.

Despite the obvious non-starter  status of these so-called “issues”, the democrats have turned them into war cries. Unlike the democrats abuse of the English language, the term “war cry” used here is exceptionally accurate. It refers to something almost as old as mankind. From grunts to trumpets to modern phrases, every culture has used this rallying technique and uses them today – “Remember the Alamo!”, the Rebel Yell, “Never Forget”.  They stir emotions deep within us. This is what the democrats evoke when they use these catch phrases and they do it well.

Every salesman knows emotions trump logic. It is not just salesmen but anyone who endeavors to persuade others understands this principle. The democrats are masters in this respect.

This is how they reach those “low income voters” – at least those they don’t simply buy or bribe.

We know this. We may not admit it. We certainly don’t address it nor counter it but we know this. How many reading this has experienced the frustration of “trying to talk some sense” into a liberal? It rarely produces fruit because we aren’t reaching them on their level.

Most people never move past what they feel. Some try but it is hard to let go. It is hard to admit their basic premises are simply wrong. Add to this the understanding that deep, down, their hearts in their right place. They don’t want to see others suffer any more than we do. So how can we reach them?

How about this? Commiserate with them. Understand their pain. Then gently lead them to a better solution. Nobody wants to see another child shot in Chicago nor anyplace else. It’s heartbreaking, but banning guns doesn’t solve the problem. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? The liberals point to guns. It’s not the gun, it is the person who pulled the trigger. Why did they shoot? Taking the gun from the shooter’s hand will not remove the problem. The problem is hate and greed. We need to get visceral.

To be blunt, I don’t know the answers – at least not the practical answers. What I do know is one reason the liberals are rabid about banning guns is deep down they want to eradicate problems by remote control. They don’t want to leave their comfortable jobs, their homes, their neighborhoods, to venture where the “gun violence” lives, roll up their sleeves and be part of the solution. I’m not sure I do either.

These dark  streets where violence lives need God most of all. I know this in my bones and yet I’m not anxious to bring the Word of God to them. If God called me to do so, no doubt I would resist that calling. God forgive me.

This is where the liberals shine. They are masters at finding ways to delegate solutions. Their most effective method of delegation? The Program. Any program will do. Just throw money at it and it will go away. We know this is not true. We can prove it, but we don’t need to. They know it it too. They don’t care. Throwing money, somebody else’s money, at problems allows them to dismiss any issue. There. Done. Now let me live my life free of guilt.

I’m “thinking aloud” here but it seems the only way out is to find a way to scratch that itch – solve whatever issue – or divert attention to something larger and more pressing.

The “good” news is, we may not have to. Our nation has turned the corner on spending and debt. All we need do is continue on this present path – continue to do nothing and those issues that concern US will soon dissolve before our eyes. Unfortunately, so won’t our nation. At the very least, our economy will collapse and we will all face much larger, more crucial problems – like survival.

Can this be averted? I believe it can but only if we act and act quickly.

First and foremost we need to go before God and pray for His hand of protection over our nation and His deliverance from the evil forces ruling our nation. We need godly people to rise up to replace the ungodly.

Second, we need to retake our nation by the force of a massive voter turnout. Real voters. If the citizens of our nation continue to allow others to make choices for them, those choices will come back to bite all of us. If you have read this far, you are now faced with a choice. Walk away or take action. Pray. Speak to others. Persuade someone to vote.

Winning the White House alone will not do it. We need to win both houses in Congress. We need to win as many seats in state and local elections as possible. We need to send a message, a strong message, a mandate.

That is our starting place. From there we need to weed out the RINOs, rid ourselves of tyrannical globalists, put liberty-loving patriots in their seats, and hold them all accountable.

Our war cry? LIBERTY!