SuperMike “Daddy” Bloomberg Swoops in to Save the Democrats AND the Nation!

It’s like the best of both classic tv shows now starring Mikey “Daddy” Bloomberg as he transforms hisself into both Superman AND Daddy (Knows Best).Holy WOW POW! Batman ain’t got nothing on him!

SuperMike "Daddy" Bloomberg
SuperMike “Daddy” Bloomberg Swoops in to save the day! Where’s Mickey Mouse?

How does he do it? Money! He’s got money to burn and boy he’s setting the cash on fire with a blowtorch! This is nothing new to Daddy as he’s already blown up big bucks ’cause us little folk (HE things WE are little HA!) is too stoopid to have soda pops, firearms and probly pointy thingys even though he hasn’t got around to those yet. If you are like me – someone who rebels against Daddy and doesn’t wanna behave like Daddy says I should – don’t worry – it ain’t ’cause Daddy don’t like us. He’s kinda like Mikey – he hates everybody. Hey! Maybe Daddy IS Mikey! Uh, NAH!. THAT Mikey was a cute kid. Daddy is a lotta things  – maybe everythings but he weren’t never cute. I’m sure all his lady friends – and give him credit for that – he seems to have had a LOT of lady friends – will agree. His cash is cute, ’cause he’s got piles of it but Big Daddy Mikey? Not so much.

SuperMike "Daddy" Bloomberg

He also hates republicans – even though he once claimed to be one, women, babies and, oh yeah, farmers – let’s not forget farmers!

Why worry? Anybody can farm! Just let them try to find REAL work.

I don’t think he actually “hates” anyone. I think it’s more he just doesn’t respect anyone who is stoopider and poorer than he is, which, as it turns out is pretty much anyone who isn’t Mikey “Daddy” Boomberg. Huh.

Did I mention he likes guns? No really! He does! He just wants them all for himself that’s all. it’s like – THAT’S for ME! You can’t have any! Well, that and, like I said, he thinks thingys that go boom are too scary for us common folk. Why, if we all had guns we’d go around shooting everthin up and killin everone… right?

Shhhhh! I’m hunting wascally guns. heheheheheh.


Fact is the Democrats, theys fightin back. They ain’t got his money but they’ve got spunk.

Super Mikey Daddy Bloomberg gets sucker swatted by a mysterious foe

Anywhoo, if you came here looking for something serious, you won’t likely find it because I cannot be serious about this turd. Granted. I never thought The Donald was a serious contender and I am happy HE proved me wrong but Mikey “Daddy” Bloomberg is not in Trump’s league at all. Oh he’s got the money. Yeah, there’s that and he can tout hisself as a “bidnessman” like Trump but seriously – I’ve seen lots and lots of people in business who made lots and lots of money and they are still total idiots. I’ve often scratched my head about that. Go figure ’cause I never could.

All that said and done let’s get to the real reason for this post – the memes!

There are just sooooo many of them – and they are sooooo funny I just couldn’t resist dedicating a post to Mikey “Daddy” Bloomberg Memes.


Forgiving Student Loans = $200 Billion College Bailout

The new crop of politicians are all about forgiving student loans in an attempt to garner college-age votes.

What all of this amounts to is making taxpayers foot the bill for college communist indoctrination. Isn’t that cozy? Communist politicians using our money to brainwash our children.

It is not enough to throw BILLIONS of dollars for “research” at colleges or for any of the other myriad… and sneaky ways the politicians dole out our hard-earned cash to promote their communist programs. They crush our kids under mountains of debt and then swoop in as their “saviors” before they are flattened by the weight. All the time saying “See how wonderful government is? WE care for you.” Before skipping out and leaving us with the bill!

I do feel for the kids. I do. That said, the colleges themselves should be held accountable for selling these young men and women a bill of goods and worthless degrees. I say the colleges can either pay off these debts themselves or allow the students to return to their respective alma maters for a truly marketable degree – free of charge. By this I mean the college can provide the classes, the food and housing for those students saddled with a useless sheepskin.

Here is the zero hedge article that got me going.


Trump Cannot Save Us!

This is a hard pill to swallow but deep down you know I am correct. The very first time I was able to vote for a President, I proudly cast my vote for Ronald Reagan. While he was far from a perfect president, he was the best that ever held office. Some may say Trump is better, but this is not about some pissing contest. Either way, just as Ronald Reagan could not save our nation, Donald Trump cannot save us either.

The truth is only Almighty God can save us. He has already offered us salvation through His Son Jesus the Messiah. That said, I am not talking about salvation from the wrath to come at this point. I am talking about deliverance – deliverance from the e

vil that has descended upon our nation. Darkness has enveloped our nation. Like a black poisonous fog it has seeped into nearly every aspect of our lives. It is choking us all – destroying our nation – destroying our people. Unless God delivers our nation from this plague – our nation will fall to the adversary.

None of this is news to our Heavenly Father. You must know this. You also know He knows how this turns out. We do not. Will you throw up your hands and say “I can do nothing about this!” and give up? If this is the path you choose, I can do nothing about it. What I can do is lay out a path. This is the path I will follow until and unless I feel led to turn another way. While I cannot say if this path leads to deliverance, I am convinced if I walk it alone it will likely lead nowhere. If some walk with me, this path may lead us out of the darkness. As more walk with me, the more certain the path will lead us all to a better place. How many? I do not know. God would have spared Sodom and Gomorrah if Abraham could find just ten righteous men there.

With all of that I am convinced if we turn to our Heavenly Father and ask for deliverance – He WILL deliver us from this darkness. What makes me so certain? These answers have been in front of us all along. Scripture says so.

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Anyone who has been around for a while has seen this. Yes, it was written to and for the Hebrews but this does not at all mean it is no longer relevant. I absolutely believe our Heavenly Father will certainly do for us, His children as He promised to do for His chosen people. We, too, are chosen!

There is more to all of this than meets the eye. Recently, I came to the realization our very nation – our constitutional republic – is a gift from Almighty God. This is our birthright. No other nation has been granted the opportunity for self-government as we have. Who else has the God-given freedoms and liberties enumerated in our Bill of Rights documented as ours are? There is no nation such as ours – gifted from birth the right to a limited government of the people, by the people and for the people. We have squandered these gifts. We have taken them for granted. We have allowed evil persons to usurp and seize what rightfully belongs for us.

We can point fingers all day long but the truth is we are culpable. We are complicit. We allowed this to happen and have done little, if anything, to stop it. Now we face the consequences of our sins. Sins? Really? Are we not good people? Do we not go to church? Do we not vote? Are our sins not covered by that precious blood of Jesus the Messiah?

As I stated in the beginning, we are saved from the wrath that is to come, but this does not mean we will never see the consequences of our actions… or our inaction. Those consequences are all around us. Our liberty, our freedoms are taken from us every day by those who are supposed to be representing us, working for us. We PAY them to steal our freedom! This is the height of bad stewardship. Before we can hold government responsible for the wrongs thrust upon us – we must accept responsibility for our own sins.

As citizens of this nation, we have failed miserably. WE have dropped the ball. We have dropped so many balls we are up to our necks in dropped balls – such that they are about to smother us as we sit idly and whine about why we can no longer move from here to there due to the plethora of balls impeding our way. How so? You may ask.

First and foremost we have allowed the continual expansion of government. On every level, government has grown far beyond limits set by their respective constitutions. We sat and watched as our “representatives” promulgate more and more regulations – imposing on every aspect of our lives. While some throw up hands in frustration, that is often the limit of any response. When government oversteps even those laws that should apply to them – we allow those in government to “police” themselves, more often than not allowing them to grant blanket passes even for blatant and overt crimes against the people of this nation.

Consider Hillary Clinton, Lois Lerner, Andrew McCabe – the list is nearly endless. Notice how just these three span over seven years. These are just the tip of the iceberg! How many have seen one day in court for the charges levied against them? Where is the outrage? Where is the accountability? Are you aware of the congressional slush fund used to pay off sexual harassment charges in D.C.? Yes, politicians – OUR REPRESENTATIVES – use OUR MONEY to pay for their personal indiscretions – quietly, of course, so as not to disrupt their political careers. If you were not aware of this… WHY not? It is our responsibility as stewards to hold those trusted with our nation’s business accountable.

These are just two examples where our own laziness and lackadaisical attitude has allowed our nation to become the mess it is. WE have to stand up and say “NO MORE!” We have to take back the reigns from those who have held them for far too long – whether we handed them off or they took them by deception – it does not matter. What matters is WE need to step up and take charge. How can we do this? Can we vote our way out out of this mess?

You will not like the answer because it is yes… and no. First, there are no “easy answers”. We got ourselves into this mess by taking the easy way out. We can no longer afford this. Many will scoff at this but voting is an inherent part of the process but it is only part. Waiting for election days will get us nowhere. Neither will simply participating in the election process. The fact is, no matter how slimey and distasteful they are, politicians will always be among us. They are like a fungus with no known retardant. It just keeps coming back and growing on any available surface.

The real answer rests in true decentralization of government and active participation by us citizens. Without these two elements, our nation is lost forever. The “great experiment” will prove to be a bust. This is also how we can regain the power we’ve lost. It is not difficult but it will take commitment and persistence. Much can happen quickly but nothing will happen overnight. You can forget about instant gratification for the most part. Here’s what we need to do:

Follow the example of the 2A sanctuary movement here in Virginia. Descend upon our local county seats. First and foremost – just show up! This alone will make national headlines. Our very presence in huge numbers will shake the politicians to their bones. It will send a message: “We are determined to take back our nation.” This will not only affect those on the county level – it will ripple through to the state and federal level. The earth will tremble beneath their feet. Then what?

Then we start talking. I will tell you right now, most county board members will not welcome us. They will insist we are not “on the agenda”. They will whine about those who want to speak and limit how many can talk and how long. How do I know this? I’ve seen it before. These board members are used to having things their way. They get a “packet” before each meeting telling them exactly what to expect. They’ll show up, have their meeting, maybe trade a few words or jokes with other members and go home. Typically, their goal is to get in, get done and go home. The last thing they want is to drag stuff out and ruin their plans. This is on the local level. Imagine how the people’s business must impose upon the lives of the important politicians at the state and federal level. That’s right – THEY are important because, you know, they hold an office – don’tchaknow?

More than talking to the politicians, we need to talk to each other at these meetings. Find some common ground, set some common goals. If the locals won’t allow “non-agenda” items, find out how to add things to the agenda. Remember they work for US – not the other way around.

After a few meetings, yes this thing cannot be a “one and done” thing, as a matter of fact it needs to be an ongoing thing, it will become clear what the business at hand should be. For example, right after President Trump was found “not guilty” at his impeachment trial, I heard rumblings about another impeachment. I do not know about you but I’ve had enough of this. I do not care whether you think he has done anything worthy of removal from office – it should be clear to us all it will not happen! Stop wasting taxpayer time and money on this nonsense and move on! I should think if a large number of counties in this nation passed resolutions saying just that – even the House of Representatives might just listen. The fact is every day our state and federal governments are pursuing some idiocy they have no business sticking their noses in. For a while it may seem like we are playing whack a mole but eventually, things will calm down.

The point here is if we do nothing we will be lost. If we all just get up and vote, we will be lost. If we get busy and participate in the election process and vote – we will STILL be lost. At the very least we need to activate on the county level AND do all of the above. This will start us on the right path. Is this a path you should take? I cannot tell you. I am only one man. My suggestion is you take your questions to God Himself. He is always there and He will guide you if you ask. While you’re there, if you don’t mind, put in a word for me.

America – Chris Tomlin

Yes! The Lord is Coming to America in a big way. He IS already here, but you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!



Colt Ford – Answer to No One ft. JJ Lawhorn

Fair Warning this falls into the “Country Rap” category. I freaking don’t like rap. That said, the words say enough to overlook the rap part.

I will say this much. I knew a young Christian man years ago. He did rap. He performed for our church and I must say, he was excellent. Again, I’m not a fan of the venue but I can tolerate the standouts.

Here is…

Colt Ford – Answer to No One ft. JJ Lawhorn


Reclaiming Our Birthright – Liberty Will Be Messy

Thinking about the “how” of reclaiming our birthright – our constitutional republic and limited government is something I find rather daunting. Why? In a word… liberty.

Don’t be like this idiot – messy liberty is better than “neat” communism any day.

To be true to liberty one must accept the idea that your concept of liberty does not necessarily agree with mine. I am good with this but things get really messy as the numbers of citizens expand. You’ve been in a large room full of people all talking at once. This is your snapshot of what liberty would sound like if it could talk. Yeah. That’s it. Messy.

So how do we reconcile all of this? How do we make a coherent whole from an incoherent cacophony of voices? First and foremost we have to agree on one thing: our constitution rules. It is the law of the land. If we forget this again, we will lose – lose our nation and lose ourselves. Second, we need to embrace the idea of our republic. As a republic we elect representatives who are then charged with consolidating the will of all those represented. We must realize we will not always agree with the individual decisions made by our representative. This is where accountability comes in. We must keep tabs on our representatives and make them account for their actions on a regular basis. Finally we need to stay diligent about limiting government. Pandora must stay in her box. We need to throw that key away. We cannot, must not ever allow government to again expand beyond the constitutional framework. We’ve seen the disastrous results of this. As of now we are on the verge of losing our nation to a cabal of controllers. We cannot be fooled again.

If you are one of those neatniks, you are not going to like this at all. We need to decentralize. Home rule should be our new buzzword, er, phrase. This means we can no longer accept “mandates” from state or federal governments. It is not the place of the state or federal government to dictate to us. Again, the constitution is the law of the land. The term “Federal Law” should never again be held up as the “be all and end all” or the last word on anything. Home rule should override everything but the constitution. Hence our state constitutions cannot conflict with the federal. Should such a case come up, the state in question would have two choices – either conform to the federal constitution or leave the union. Yes. Leave the Union. No more should the “Union” be considered mandatory. This is the root of the problems we see today.

Of course things are already a mess. Our nation is a train wreck. Our representatives has spent us into oblivion – leaving us in a ocean of debt. We are buried under mountains of liberty-stealing laws and regulations. Rogue agents are everywhere, literally stealing from citizens under the guise of “asset forfeiture” and other means, spying on us, hauling us off to who knows where and likewise disrupting our peaceful lives. Meanwhile criminals run rampant in urban areas. Thousands of homeless gather in tent cities – or just make do with whatever in the streets. Often, efforts to help any of these homeless results in charges against the good Samaritans. Other good people are hauled into courts and/or off to jail for “crimes” as insignificant as using the wrong pronoun or refusing to submit to the demands of “customer”. Need I go on? Have we had enough of state and federal meddling yet?

Eventually things will calm down but for now, getting a handle on this mess is likely to look more like chaos. We all want different things and have different ideas on how to reach what goals we can agree on. The important thing is getting started. A body at rest tends to stay at rest. A body in motion tends to stay in motion. We need to move, to act. As citizens we have rested far too long.

Here in Virginia, we are off to a good start. The attack on our 2A rights galvanized us into action, but things are just getting started here. The controllers seem bent on moving forward with their plans to strip us of our liberty. All signals from the ground level indicate we will not back down. My own hope is we citizens not only force a retreat but use our momentum to further restore long longs liberties. Why stop at our Second Amendment rights? The controllers certainly drew no such line. They want it all. Well guess what? So don’t we. The difference is our liberty belongs to us. It is ours to claim.

Yes, reclaiming our liberty and our birthright will be messy. It is not likely to be worse than what we see now. Either way, we own it so we might as well take possession.