Three Insights from GOD via Lance Wallnau RAV Sunday March 2, 2025

This first insight from GOD should GLARE at you as you read – He will utilize almost ANY resource to tell you what He wants you to know (even me). On Sunday, He showed me two other tidbits as He reminded me of this with an object lesson.

Second insight: He often gives the same message to multiple people – believers and non-believers. Few, if any, are granted “an exclusive”. God simply does not work that way.

Third insight: As God restores the United States of America to empower U.S. Christians to implement His plans, He is preparing the body of Christ for an outpouring if His spirit in order to reap a massive harvest before His only begotten son Christ Jesus returns.

What should also be evident is while this nation has been extraordinarily blessed by God Almighty, these blessings are spreading world-wide, as will the outpouring of holy spirit, as will the great harvest. Just as Jesus’s ministry began in Israel, this great harvest had to start somewhere. Just as God had begun preparing Bethlehem long before Jesus was born, He has prepared our nation for this moment.

The greater lesson here is God is now calling YOU. Will you answer?

Update – Trump, The Nation, and The Body of Christ

For those of you who stop back from time to time only to see I haven’t posted in a while – thank you for your diligence. Between last week’s power outage (2 days), storms, and other distractions, I have an excuse not to post.

Meanwhile, President Trump (WHEW! What a joy it is just to use that phrase!) is going gangbusters. One might term this his “Whirlwind Presidency” as it seems to leaving all of us breathless and his (our) enemies in the dust. You GO Pres!

DOGE is making daily headlines as Elon and Co. pulls back the curtain on the despicable, abominable, dastardly, and shameful what our “representatives” and their minions have stolen and wasted our wealth. As for myself, I expect to see a popcorn shortage before long.

Okay, okay, so you know all that. Y’all ought to know by now, if I’m expert at anything, it is stating the obvious. By pointing all this out, I’m contending the nation is finally in good hands. So does this mean we can all sit back and munch? Not as far as I’m concerned.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I continue to pray for this nation. I’m also including some exhortations for those who continue to resist God’s Will.

Psalms 9:1 I will give thanks to Yahweh with my whole heart. I will tell of all your marvelous works.

2 I will be glad and rejoice in you. I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.

3 When my enemies turn back, They stumble and perish in your presence.

4 For you have maintained my just cause. You sit on the throne judging righteously.

5 You have rebuked the nations. You have destroyed the wicked. You have blotted out their name forever and ever.

6 The enemy is overtaken by endless ruin. The very memory of the cities which you have overthrown has perished.(WEB)

Moreover I’m praying for those wicked ones who have plundered our nation and oppressed – literally oppressed – us citizens will resign in disgrace before being brought to justice.

This covers my own, personal, daily prayers. Meanwhile, I am continuing to prepare my new book “Your Manifest Purpose” for publication. It is the right message for these times. I expect God’s timing for it to be perfect.

Open your eyes to see. We are at the beginning of what may be the most exciting time in history since Jesus the Messiah began his ministry. Already those things happening in our nation is shaking… and shaping the world. Do not be fooled. This is only the beginning.

President Trump sees this as our “Golden Age”. I have no reason to doubt this. However, we will experience this Golden Age for a reason. That reason is so God’s People – the Body of Christ – can be empowered to publish the gospel among all nations. (Mark 13:10) The key word here is “empowered” as this term encompasses every sense of the word. We will be endowed with the financial means, as well as the technological and political means to accomplish this, but that is not all. God will also unleash His Spirit upon the Body of Christ so the world will experience an outpouring of God’s Spirit as it has never seen before. Signs, miracles, and wonders will pervade in order to bring more people to Christ than ever before in history.

All of this must happen before Jesus returns for the final chapters. We don’t just have ringside seats. We are being called to be active participants. After all – WE ARE the Body of Christ!

My book is a small part of this. It reveals how mankind has been inundated with psyop after psyop since the days of Adam. It shows the myriad ways you and I have been duped. It also shows you how to shake off the lies and the falsehoods so you can renew your mind to God’s Truth. Even better, it shows how you can access the awesome spiritual power God has gifted each born-again believer.

God is calling you – make no mistake. This book may have the answers you need – or some of them, at least. Or maybe God is calling you to take some other path. It doesn’t matter – not to me. All I ask is for you to go to God yourself and ask Him what He wants you to do.

Either way, please sign up below to gain updates on the spiritual awakening as I see it happening. While my own task for now is to publish “Your Manifest Purpose”, God shows me insights daily. From time to time I’ll share the those things I feel lead to share. Coming up, I’m working on a special study on The New Man (Ephesians 4:24; Colossians 3:10) and walking in the spirit (Romans 8:1,4; Galatians 5:16, 25) that I will release first to my subscribers – at no cost to them. Subscribers should also expect to pre-order “Your Manifest Purpose” at an exclusive, discounted price.

So please, sign up today to reap the benefits and see what God has in store for you.

God bless,


The Drones – Fearmongering or Something Else?

For those of you who are not deathly sick of everyone droning on about drones here are three items I ran across this morning:


Zero Hedge


Zero Hedge had another article on the topic but I felt it wasn’t all that informative so I only gave it a quick glance.

And one from yesterday…

Zero Hedge

Before heading to the office I mentioned these to my wife. She offered some of her usual laser zapping insight…

“What about the sightings in Europe?”  was her first questions.

Then her killer question:

What if these articles are being released to dispel the real reason for the drones?

As usual, she has great insight, once again proving beyond any doubt how much smarter I am than she is. After all, I married her.

Joking aside, all I can advise is:


By all means keep this situation in prayer. Keep your eyes on God Almighty who can and will deliver us. Keep our nation in prayer as well. We need all we can get.


Major Battle Won – The War is Not Over – Not By a Long Shot

Current events aside, please don’t read anything into the subject line. As I write this, Biden seems to be promulgating WWIII by authorizing attacking Russian territory with long range missiles and Putin’s obvious response. This is not that but by all means keep an eye on this powderkeg.

Nor is this post specifically geared toward spiritual warfare per se. Yes I am working on a new book concerning spiritual warfare. Yes, both the book and spiritual warfare does pertain to all of this – big time, but this is not that either. As my new book will reveal – spiritual warfare – spiritual battles rage all around all of us all of the time so we cannot really avoid any of that. We don’t even “need” to be aware of any of it. Really. We don’t. Unfortunately our ignorance does not insulate us from the effects of these spiritual battles, as the state of our nation, particularly during the past four years, has demonstrated. We’ve been under constant attack and such attacks will not cease. It will take the return of the Lord Jesus Christ before the final, decisive victory can be declared. Until then, battles will rage.

So if this post is not about all that, what is it about? I thought you’d never ask. While I cannot ignore the spiritual aspects, the war I speak of is the political war for our nation. Yeah. Ugh. Politics. The very thought makes me want to hurl. The good news is we’ve made some major inroads. We are in a good, if precarious, place right now but we cannot let up. We need to push forward and push hard.

Matt Gaetz stepping down from consideration as the United States Attorney General should be a red flag to all of us. His and all of Trump’s nominations should breeze through our “republican” Senate. Why? Because we did it. We spoke.

We re-elected Donald J. Trump, by the massive margin we needed to make our choice as a nation clear. We have the globalists no wiggle room. It was and is a mandate. We bolstered that mandate by electing a majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate – the trifecta. It is all good – as far as it goes. Anyone reading my blog, or the musings of like-minded patriots should understand the depth of the problem we face. In a phrase it is termed the “Deep State” or “The Swamp”. Let us not be hampered by semantics – our governments – Federal, State, and local are rife with self-serving “public” servants. Taken together they gorge themselves on huge bites of taxpayer dollars while producing little or nothing. Much of what they do accomplish is transferring our wealth to others. By far the worst (or most adept) is embedded in the halls of Federal Government.

WE the People now have a shot – and it may be our only shot – at making this right. This shot was made possible by demolishing the first target – the 2024 election. That cleared the way for our next target – the Senate of the United States of America.

As things stand now the “republican” Senate majority is tentative at best. Oh we have the numbers, the problem is those “numbers” are so much smoke and mirrors because of the RINO contingent. These comprise the bulkhead WE the People must eradicate – or at least conquer. They are dug in. They have strong fortified positions. Part of these are built-in – the six year term. As one pundit pointed out these lengthy terms tend to insulate them from pressure to act upon the “whims” of the electorate. The result is they’ve come to depend on the tendency of the people to have short memories. Once again, “politics” rears its ugly head. Whatever happened to serving those whom they were elected to represent? We need to overcome this. How?

Over this next two years, “we” have to keep the pressure on. In 2026 – 33 US Senate seats will be up for election. This means 33 of the 50 states can directly influence the Senate over the next two years by demanding these Senators get with Trump’s program. Realistically speaking, I expect our “demands” may or may not have any effect. Here in Virginia, we are looking at Mark Warner – a democrat. Our commonwealth just re-elected one of the worst Senators ever to sully the halls of the Senate. I am somewhat surprised and dismayed Senator Tim “Odie” Kaine isn’t required to have someone follow after him with a pooper scooper and disinfectant. Thus I expect it will take a concerted effort to even get Mark Warner’s attention. To his credit he at least appears to want to consider stepping off the democrat party line, unlike his colleague. Time will tell.

Other states may face similar issues. RINO Mitch McConnell is a democrat stalwart despite the (R) after his name. I do think he is convinced the “R” means RINO. His actions certainly don’t contradict my contention. Furthermore I’m thinking there is a good chance he will not seek re-election, thus becoming a lame duck who cares even less about serving his constituents – if that is even possible.

The good news is two-fold. First, we only need a handful of Senators to see the light – or more accurately – the benefit of serving our nation rather than themselves. Additionally, the 2026 election carries a bit of a stick as well – these Senators can be replaced. Again, here in Virginia, I will continue to implore fellow citizens to converge in an effort to wrest the commonwealth from the globalist faction. Already the VCDL – Virginia Citizens Defense League – has recognized 2025 as the year we can finally reclaim our state. We will elect a new Governor as Virginia imposes a one term limit on this office and a swath of State Senators.

Back to the US Senate – should WE the People be less than effective in convincing current Senators to vote for Trump’s agenda – they can be replaced. We did as much in 2024. Looking ahead in 2026 we can strengthen our position by chasing out some of the Swamp Rats holed up in DC. Don’t count Virginia out yet. If we can win the VA legislature, we can then set our sights on Mark Warner’s seat. His only salvation may be to jump ship and join the republican party.

Once again, I’ll remind you that in my own mind, these steps are intermediate. If I had my wish, our public servants would live up to the name – they would serve the public. To me this means they would have no “party” to answer to, just their constituents. As a republic, we are a far cry from this – so far, I do not expect to see it happen in my lifetime.

My encouragement to you, dear Patriot, is to put the pressure on. Make your wishes known to your representatives no matter where you live or how blue they are. Please do keep things simple – most politicians are far from “rocket scientist intelligence”. I suggest we advocate they consistently side with liberty – fewer laws, fewer regulations, less government. Let us push principles over politics.

National Constitutional Carry Legislation Unconstitutional?

Wait! What?

This is my gut reaction to this Ammoland article:

Anyone who thinks they know me might wonder about the subject line of today’s post. After all, I’ve been consistently against gun control laws, so what’s with my opposition to this “non-gun control law”?

The term “consistent” is the key here. Coupled with the fact that the proposed legislation is essentially a thinly veiled gun control law and you may immediately see my point. If must needs, do take a hard look at the wording of the legislation itself. For the record, I have NOT done so myself. I don’t really need to at this juncture. I’m standing on principle – that principle being the wording of the Second Amendment itself.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

This is plain enough and as such the 2A defines constitutional carry all by itself. ANY detraction from this is, in a word, infringement. What really bothers me about this proposal is it opens a door for further acceptance of Federal regulation of firearms – in this case the carry of firearms. More succinctly, it’s a back door to federal infringement of the right to keep and bear arms.

For those reasons I’m 100% against it. Better to focus on the real issue – repealing all Federal gun control laws.


Trump Wins! But The Battle for Our Nation Is Far From Over

Praise God!

My how things have changed from Monday, November 4, 2024 to Wednesday November 6, 2024! In 48 hours, more or less, God has rescued our nation – pulling us from the brink of destruction and setting us on a path to restoration. Let’s talk about all that.

For newcomers to this blog or those with short memories, I’ll say it again: Donald J. Trump cannot and will not save our nation. He does not have that kind of power or authority. That is not how our nation rolls.

Some may whine and moan about my stating that it was GOD who saved our nation. Did God cast a single vote? No. Of course He didn’t. However His hand has been over our nation and surrounding us. All the efforts the globalists put forth to cheat and steal their way to dominating our nation came up short. Do not think for a moment they did not try – that they failed to deploy every trick in their book because they did just that. They were thwarted. It was God who mobilized the masses to move the needle enough to give Trump a landslide – an unquestionable victory too big to rig. It was God who opened the eyes of so many to see past the rhetoric and the outright lies of the demon hoard. Don’t get me wrong – not everybody who voted for Kamala Harris is evil – far from it. In fact most who voted for her are truly good and decent Americans. They are good people but they have been deceived – lured by the very goodness of their hearts to embrace those globalist fallacies that only bestow power upon a select few. Don’t hate them. Pray for them instead. It is here where our work must begin. More on this in a bit.

First let me explain what I meant by saying the battle for our nation is far from over. We only need to look back eight years to 2016 to see where I’m coming from . I remember the elation, the vindication, yea the very joy of that moment when it became clear Trump had actually defeated Hillary Clinton. We can look back on what Trump accomplished during his first term in office. Those accomplishments were significant and many. Never forget he had to fight for every win and fight hard. If the vicious poison spewing from the mouths of the democrats wasn’t enough – he had to fight many in his own party – the “Never Trumpers” and those silent swamp rats who slunk around beneath the surface of the DC Swamp. Guess what? Many of them are still slinking around.

Things should be different this time around. WE the People sent a strong message to the “ruling elite” – a mandate if you will. They are NOT about to lie down or scurry away! They fully believe they are our betters. They fully believe they can and should make our decisions for us, that we are not capable of choosing our own path. They are the climate change radicals, the gun control freaks, the green brigade – they will not back down voluntarily. The fact is they are not the enemy. As is most of those who voted for Harris, the rank and file, the everyday majority have been conned into believing the answer to their concerns is rooted in placing our trust in a selected few – selected not by them but by the elites who pull the strings. Who IS the enemy?

The enemy – our common enemy – are those elusive few who feed the swamp creatures. They feed them with the crumbs that fall off the table. The table buckles under the weight of the Federal Budget where they pile up our tax dollars along with the debt they’ve saddled us with. They’ve made us their slaves – requiring their pound of flesh out of every dollar our labor earns, every dollar we spend from those earnings, every dollar we save, and every dollar we invest. They reap the lion’s share of our sweat and tears while throwing us the bones. The crumbs are the reward to those who dwell in the swamp. Don not be fooled by the term “crumbs” for they are many and the creatures who feed on them relatively few so while they may reek from the stink of their oppression of us citizens, they grow fat from their booty.

How do we root out this enemy? Follow the money and cut off their food supply. Their greed is their Achilles heel. They are addicted to the money they leech and from the power they’ve usurped. Thus they are exposed – too fat from their gluttony to run far or fast. This does not mean they will be easy to be rid of they are fast and they have vast resources – entire arms of our own government to fight back with. Their tentacles wrap around the very centers of power in our nation’s capitol – extending into our own Senate and House of Representatives. This is how they’ve embedded themselves do deeply into the very bowels of our nation’s business and why they will not be so easily eradicated.

This is also why WE the People cannot let up – why we must stay diligent and force the hand of Congress. We’ve sent them a message – a strong one – enough is enough. Now we need to see it through by make our wishes very clear – by forcing their hand. It does not matter who they’ve been working for. They work for us now. They answer to us. It is our job to hold their feet to the fire – to hold them accountable to US.

This congress has two years to show whom they answer to. Those who choose to bow to the Washington power brokers will face stark reality and the wrath of their constituents. Those who actually represent those whom they were elected to serve will be rewarded. It’s that simple. But it is up to US – WE the PEOPLE to make this happen.

Donald J. Trump will lead the way. He has demonstrated a great deal of empathy and care for our nation but he cannot do this alone. He needs US.If you like your republlic you can keep it - Ben Franklin He needs our backing as well as our direction and our support. By the grace of ALMIGHTY GOD, we’ve been granted another chance – another opportunity to govern ourselves via our constitutional republic. Now it is time to take the next step – to take up the reins of power – our birthright to steer our nation into a new era of peace and prosperity.

These things directly apply to every citizen of our nation. Beyond this I’ll take a moment to address my Christian siblings.

Our nation nearly crumbled under the weight of sin and decadence. If you claim Christ, you cannot dodge nor hide from your complicity. Trust me on this – these words apply every bit to myself as well as you. I have repented myself and I continue to seek how I can turn from my own wicked ways and turn back to God.

While God Almighty did indeed establish this nation – granting us citizens by birth or naturalization the right to govern ourselves – we have been remiss in accepting our duty and responsibility to do exactly that – be self-governing citizens. All of us, regardless of our beliefs – Christian or not – are guilty of this. As Christians we have strayed far beyond this because our own duties – our own commitment when we accepted Christ as Lord and Savior is greater.

Within our own ranks we have sinned greatly. In this last election much “todo” has been made about the question of abortion. How many of my brethren in Christ see past this misdirection? Yes. Misdirection. Ask yourself – what is the underlying problem of abortion? WHY are so many women becoming pregnant with unwanted babies to begin with? Why isn’t divorce among Christians almost unheard of? Why are we not outraged when some churches allow drag queens to strut down the aisles of a house of God during a “worship service”? Whom do they worship?

Can you see the bigger problem here? This nation has not succumbed to our influence, we Christians have been overrun by theirs. Such should not be so. Are these Christians – our brothers and sisters in Christ demonstrating the love of God or are they putting stumblingblocks in the way?

For myself, I cannot tell you how many times someone has said to me anyone who voted for Harris cannot rightfully call themselves a Christian. I disagree. As an example I’ll invoke the “beer test”.

Years ago someone asked a man of God whether someone could drink alcohol and still be a Christian. He said, I don’t know let’s find out. I’m a Christian. Let me take a sip of beer. Hmmm. Okay, Well, I’m still a Christian so yes, one can drink a beer and still be a Christian.

The point is taking a sip of beer or pulling the “wrong” lever in an election does not negate the price Christ paid for our sins. Nor is our salvation conditional on such things. It is just not. As I pointed out about these individuals, these Christians, and yes, even those who applauded the drag queens, are not inherently evil. I contend they are unlearned and in error. We are all guilty of this to differing degrees. “For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God;” Romans 3:23

If we really want to turn our nation around – to truly become the powerhouse God meant us to be, we must first look to ourselves. We must examine our relationship with God and with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We need to be able to discern the difference between justice and vengeance. We need to discern between God’s love and indulgence. We need to discern between forgiveness and accountability. We need to discern between right and wrong.

Those who voted for Harris and her ilk need to be shown there are other ways, better ways to care for those in need. In many instances we both want the same things. We differ on how we approach the solutions. It is not wrong to care for those who are less fortunate. What is wrong is to take from others against their will, often without their knowledge and consent to pay for that care. It is wrong to stand in the way of those who step up to care for the unfortunate simply because they stepped over some bureaucracy to do so.

Our forefathers, guided by Almighty God, established a limited government. Since that time, we have allowed government to wander far beyond those limitations. The intention was often good however misdirected. We need to step back and reevaluate our approach. We also need to reconsider and reconstruct many of the machinations put in place over the decades. Today our nation resembles a mechanical leviathan to give Rube Goldberg a massive migraine. Much of this needs to be dismantled and stored away forever, if not recycled into something useful and far from the reach of government authority.

It is time to once again become one nation under God.

More on the “Declaration of War on Americans” by Harris/Biden

In reference to my previous posts:

Has Biden/Harris Declared War on America? Literally?

Update on Harris/Biden’s Declaration of War on Americans

The video below suggests I was to cautious in my assessment.

The current administration has authorized the use of lethal force by the United States military on American citizens on  American soil.

While I’ve not heard of this fellow before, this video is straightforward.

Most of the time, I chalk stuff like this up to fearmongering and I won’t have it. In this case, if anyone is mongering fear  – it is the “Biden” Administration.

Kamala – The 1 $Billion Dollar Woman

Last Night (Saturday for those of you inside the Beltway) Mark Levin had Ted Cruz on as a guest. Now I only watched a few minutes of that segment, but what I heard sickened me. The Senator from Texas is once again in the race of his life. His campaign is out of money. His opponent is outspending him by leaps and bounds. He’s already purported to have spent $100 million and is expected to drop another $50 million in the next three weeks. Ted is pleading – begging for money.

Meanwhile Levin points out Kamala Harris has raised a ONE BILLION DOLLAR warchest. Wait! What? Get real! My response to this is – no, she has not.

Let’s face it, Kamala Harris is not that popular. She never will be. The best strategy to win against her in any political contest is simple – just let her speak. Remember that old saying? “It is better to say nothing and have people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and confirm their suspicions.”? Well, there you go. Trust me on this, Kamala is NOT the one keeping her mouth shut.

Back to Ted Cruz – Chuckie Schumer is determined to unseat him. He’s throwing tons of cash to help defeat Cruz. Levin said AOC (NY Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) has said if the Democrats can win Texas, the state will be forever blue. I doubt if anyone who has heard that woman speak would accuse her of being politically adept so I have to wonder who put that bug in her ear. The scary thing is, she might be right, er, correct.

Meanwhile, that aged swamp creature and perpetual RINO Mitch McConnell, you know, the SENATE MINORITY LEADER, refuses to help Ted Cruz. Why? Petty freaking politics is the stated reason. I have a different angle – McConnell simply wants the Democrats to remain in power. That way he can continue to build his personal bank accounts behind the scenes without all that messy business of having to actually lead the Senate. As a bonus, he can remain in the shadows so nobody can see his true colors.

Now lets talk about that BILLION DOLLAR BABY – Kamala Harris. How on earth did she manage to raise that kind of money? The answer is staring us all in the face. Worse, it is the same answer as to how she was installed as the Democratic hopeful for the most power political seat in the world – it is all smoke and mirrors. We’re talking Wizard of Oz here. Like I said, Kamala Harris did NOT raise $1 billion – all that money came from the sneaky bastards pulling the strings behind the scenes.

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve seen the same accounts I’ve seen. Most of Kamala Harris’ “donations” is the result of a massive money laundering operation. You see, men like George Soros cannot just hand buckets of cash to people like Kamala – that is against Federal Election Law and could actually come back to bite them. So what do they do? They steal donors. Laugh if you will, I know it has happened because I’ve talked to people – people I know and trust – who have had this happen to. Their names are listed as “donors”, yet they have not, would not, and in fact, would rather be shot by a firing squad, rather than give her a plug nickel. Her warchest is a scam.

Once it hits you that the bulk of these “donations” come from Big Money, the next question should that naturally comes to mind is WHY? (okay I’m using quotes to indicate they are actually such – before some detractor gets his panties in a knot – this money is technically donated – the trouble is they would be better termed “illicit donations”, okay?)

I’ll tell you why – the reality is they aren’t “donations” at all, this money would be better termed as investments – a down payment on the purchase of the politician. Ask Mitch McConnell. I’m sure if you lubricated his tongue enough he could tell you all sorts of stories about such things from personal experience. Actually you could ask just about any politician who has been in the game for a while, I’m sure. Maybe instead of elections, we should institute a system where we could buy and sell our politicians on an open market rather than having to sneak around in dark alleys and smoky back rooms.

The real question we should be asking, rhetorical as it may be, is why is the highest office in our land worth $1 billion dollars and why one seat in the U. S. Senate worth $150 million dollars? We know why. Like I said, the question is rhetorical. So what can we do?

Well, first of all, repeal the 17th amendment. The Senate was never intended to be elected by popular vote and now we know why. The Senate was meant to represent the states, with each sovereign state having an equal say. The terms are six years apart, in part I’d say, to avoid being dominated by any one group (read party).

Second, we should take a hard look at how Presidential campaigns are funded. How is this money being spent? That is my first question. Is it all on media buys? Would capping the amount of time and space a campaign can purchase be contrary to the First Amendment? I’m not so sure it would. How about capping the amount of money campaigns can raise? I’m open to suggestions but I am adamant about the idea that we need to do something to stop the madness.

All this speculation may be for naught. If Kamala wins the White House and/or Cruz loses his Senate seat, we may not have to worry about elections any more. We’ll all have bigger problems to deal with. If you live in Texas, please, Please, PLEASE do whatever you can to keep Ted Cruz in office. Of course, vote for him, vote early if you can so his people can focus on getting more out to vote. Talk to other Texans, help get out the vote, donate, whatever you can do – just do it! Even if it is only posting on social media – every little bit helps. Seriously. I’ll tell you a little secret.

From time to time I make light of my own posts here, referring to both my readers and such. While I cannot tell you how many patriots read my posts or who they might be what I can tell you is from time to time I see ideas expressed here repeated an much larger formats. Now I cannot take credit for all or even any of those things. It might just be that God Almighty is moving others to say or write much the same things as I am moved to. To be fair, that idea seems far more likely to me. However there is always a chance, just a sliver, that something I write here could have far more impact than I could ever hope for. Either way, I write what I write here because I feel I must. In the long run it doesn’t matter to me who, if anybody, ever reads it. I just gotta say it. What about you? When push comes to shove will you feel better if you say what you think you should or if you just clam up? I’ve done the latter and it is those times that haunt me the most. Just sayin’.

Update on the Virginia Republican Party BS – No News is No News

After some tweaking and discussion with some  local guys, I sent the

Open Letter to the Virginia Republican Party Leadership

to  the Virginia powers that be on  Friday the 4th of October. Crickets. There was supposed to be a meeting on Saturday to decide whether to bounce the “offending members” from the party. I have heard nothing about this.

On Monday, Oct 7, I did get one reply from a “Dennis Free” He replied

“The ask is within the party plan and motivated by the participation of those party officials in a Republican Primary. Party officials are prohibited from such action. This resolution was approved by the state central committee.

Dennis free (sic)”

That is all the response I got. I replied to Mr. “Free” asking for specific details on exactly what the alleged violation was. I have heard nothing back to date.

As I stated in my open letter, it appears as if the “state central committee” (Yes, I am talking about the Virginia Republican Party, NOT the Soviet Politburo) made up whatever rules as they went along, or rather, twisted existing rules to allow them to appear as if they were acting within said rules. Again, if I am wrong, so be it. I will apologize. Then I will advocate for a rule change. Why? As I said before, I see no reason why any member, party official or not, should not be allowed to express an opinion or  advocate for another member.

Now there has been some discussion about certain tangential issues per party leadership and advocacy. Within our small group, leadership has refrained from seeming to endorse one prospective candidate or another. Whether this is per party rules or personal preference, I don’t know. The reasoning is they don’t want to exert undue influence one way or another. To this I say BUNK!

Dudes. We are all adults here and we are not stupid. Certainly we are each capable of making up our own minds. In fact the idea that just because a majority in any one group voted to put you in a position of leadership that you now have some sort of mystical power to control our wills is ludicrous. We need to move away from these ideas.

The end result of all this seems to do the exact opposite of stated intentions. We now seem to have a “central committee” the rules with an iron fist. They do whatever the hell they want and screw the rank and file if they don’t go along. I say nay. I’m not doing that.

In this respect my “card-carrying membership” in Virginia’s Republican Party may well be short lived. That’s okay. I really don’t give a rat’s ass. As I’ve stated before here and elsewhere, I’d just as soon be rid of all political parties as they are an invasive cancer poised to kill our nation. If you don’t believe me, my next post should make at least one aspect of this very, VERY clear.

An Open Letter to the Virginia Republican Party Leadership

October 3, 2024

An Open Letter to the Virginia Republican Party Leadership

It has come to my attention certain officials in Virginia’s Republican Party have demanded an “Oath of Loyalty” from certain other members. As I understand it, these demands are in response to a letter forwarded to Donald J. Trump requesting he void his endorsement of John McGuire for Virginia’s 5th Congressional District seat and endorse sitting Congressman Bob Good instead.

Now a meeting is being held to decide the fate of those Republican Party members who have declined to sign this oath. My understanding is they have been presented an ultimatum: sign the oath or be banned from the party.

Please excuse my own ignorance as I am a newly minted member of this party, as I am not naturally a “joiner”. I have always registered as a Republican. I wholeheartedly agree with every word in Virginia’s Republican Creed. However I am not well-versed in the rules and bylaws of the party.

That said, the actions of certain individuals in this party appalls me. As far as I can ascertain, the individuals signing this letter did so entirely within those rules and bylaws. The only section one could remotely apply concerns supporting a non-party hopeful. Such is not the case here. Both individuals are Republicans. Not only that but they were seeking support for a duly elected Congressman, Bob Good. All this was prior to the primary challenging Mr. Good.

As a member of this party, I assert my right and the right of every member to write, speak, and vote in favor of any other member of the party who seeks an office until said member is officially endorsed by the party or such endorsement is declined. The very basis of our right to free speech is the ability to share and hold forth our ideas and preferences.

What I find most disturbing is the gall of those supposed “leaders” in the party to subvert the rules agreed to, either by vote or by implied consent, in order to forward some agenda of their own. This is how it appears. Whether or not this is true, said appearance lays directly at the feet of leadership who have utterly failed to communicate to those they serve. In case you need to be reminded – leadership serves the rank and file, not vice-versa.

I’ll remind you here, I am not at all addressing Mr. McGuire’s challenge of Mr. Good. What I am bringing to question is the actions of those who seem to seek to punish members for voicing a dissenting opinion. Nothing more.

If this demand of signing an “Oath of Loyalty” is indeed a result of the letter sent to President Trump, then you, the leadership, have blatantly usurped authority you have not been granted. To that end I make a demand of my own: resign immediately. You have no business representing the membership of this party in any capacity. Your actions demonstrate your total lack of respect for the rules of this party and for us as members. If this was the only issue that has come to my attention, then I might hesitate to make such a demand, but it is not.

Let’s talk about this years 5th District of Virginia’s Congressional Primary itself. Of course I am referring to events in Lynchburg. Imagine my surprise to learn of certain irregularities in the voting process and this from fellow Republicans. As an election official, I was outraged. I expressed my concerns to certain officials. I was not alone. Other citizens also found these charges disturbing. What have I heard from Virginia’s Republican Party officials? Crickets. This should not be.

What is the status of those members involved in this incident? Has every one implicated been cleared of any wrongdoing? If not, then have they been dealt with according to the rules of this organization? If not, why not? Why have party members of this 5th District not been kept apprised of this situation? This is OUR District. This is central to OUR representation in the United States Congress.

Why have you, as so-called leaders of our party, not so much as expressed concern?

On the one hand you want to hang members who do not agree with your political agenda, whatever that may be. On the other hand, you seem to gloss over serious charges of election shenanigans, if not outright fraud.

One belief, one standard that seems to be lacking in politics today is integrity. So many tout the “rule of law” as a banner while merely paying lip service to it. No wonder our nation is crumbling before our eyes. I, for one, cannot tolerate this. Neither should anyone in this party, especially those of you entrusted with the responsibility of serving us rank and file members in a leadership position.

In short: repent or resign. Admit your mistake in seeking signed “Loyalty Oaths” from members simply because they sought a change of heart from another Republican. Apologize to them openly and publicly. Or resign. If the facts of this incident indicate you have indeed exceeded your authority and you refuse to own up to it, then I will advocate your removal from office and the Republican Party.

Your only other recourse at this point is to demonstrate where you have indeed acted in accordance with the established rules and bylaws of the Republican Party of Virginia. Should this be the case, it is I who will offer an apology.

Do the right thing. Stand as an example of how a true Republican should act.


Andrew M. Havens

Reagan – The Movie Reviewed

My wife wanted to go see Reagan. Me? I could wait until it came out whenever. Now I’m glad we went. Why? Timeliness. More on that in a bit. First I’ll point out I did not take notes. I did not “fact check” anything for historical accuracy. As with any dramatic portrayal, I expect there were some literary licenses taken, some facts shaded, overlooked, or ignored. Yeah, okay, I get that. For instance Jane Wyatt was portrayed as a bit of a bitch before her and Reagan’s divorce. Maybe she was and maybe she wasn’t. At the end they did display several pictures with captions. One was with her stating she voted for Reagan twice for President. I remember she refused to comment on Reagan’s presidency at all until after his passing. Divorces can be a bitch. Maybe she was as well. Emotions run high. I don’t know the woman nor the circumstances but I feel they were a bit hard on her. As for this review, I’ll aim more for the “sense” of the movie – the overall feeling.

Let me tell you that “sense” is a mixed bag. Overall the movie was positive yet unafraid to show some of the negative side. Ron Reagan’s father Jack, for instance. He was a drunk and not a great influence. This may be to my own difficulty I have decoding audio – it is kind of like audio dyslexia – but I couldn’t’ tell if Ron called his father “dad” or “Jack”. It seems he always called him “Jack”. At times in the movie he surely did. Odd.

I have to admit my eyes welled up several times. Mostly I’m reminded of how much I miss President Reagan. No one, not even Donald J. Trump can compare to the Gipper. He was never once called this in the movie, by the way. Several times he was called “Dutch”. Either way, the quality, the genuineness of the man shone through.

Dennis Quaid did a masterful job in his portrayal. No, he didn’t look all that much like Ron Reagan most of the time. It wasn’t a pure mimic, but he had Reagan’s cadence down well and it was easy to see the man the film was about.

Penelope Ann Miller did well as Nancy Reagan. Her part was harder to compare as I didn’t know Nancy all that well. Penelope has always been a favorite of mine so I’m biased about her. The writer’s showed Nancy as decent and strong, and I expect that to be accurate. My wife commented that she actually liked Nancy Reagan where she’d never cared for her before. I thought the producers demonstrated the love and devotion the Reagan’s had for each other admirably and, I think, believably.

The other notable character for me was Tip O’Neil. Personally, I never could stand the man. Maybe I’m taking this the wrong way and the movie unveiled O’Neil for the phony he was. I never felt at ease with the way they made him likable. Maybe he was up close and personal but I’d still check my pockets and count my fingers after having a beer with him.

Why Watch Reagan NOW?

If the local movie house was any indication, you won’t be standing in line to see this flick. There were five others watching besides my wife and I by my count. This is a shame because given the current political environment, now is exactly the time to watch this.

The film opens with the attempted assassination of President Reagan. This is chilling considering the two attempts on Trump already. How or why the movie came to open with this is unnerving. It also fits even though Reagan’s story begins toward the end rather than at the beginning. Throughout the film the timeline shifts. Unlike many other films that try this, it works here.

As you watch, you’ll see other parallels and themes directly relating to up to the moment events. If you pay attention, you’ll also see misses – not so much by the producers but misses by Reagan and those around him. He nailed the tax cut and presented one of the best simple explanation of why tax cuts are effective I’ve ever heard. Some of what Reagan said in the movie are absolutely relevant today.

One notable thing Reagan missed – what we all missed and continue to overlook is the globalist agenda. Reagan was hell on communism. In the movie he stood fast against efforts to aggregate all of our nation’s unions into a single entity and led the Screen Actor’s Guild to vote to keep their independence. He also outlined his strategy of breaking the Soviets financially to Nancy before he became Governor of California. It seems the globalists are deploying this same strategy against our nation to this day. Even so, Reagan missed the bigger picture. Many contend Socialism leads to Communism and it does. What he and most fail to recognize is Socialism and Communism lead to globalization. A one-world government is the ultimate prize – one we are speeding towards.

The movie is well worth watching. It will move you, possibly inspire you. It could even help you make sense of what is happening to us in this nation today.

P.S. A couple of notes here.

The movie was loosely based on The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism, a 2006 book written by Paul Kengor. Kengor himself said the script was “faithful” to both his book and history.

In the film, one book Ron Reagan read early in his life, the book that inspired him to accept Christ and “left an abiding belief in the triumph of good over evil” was That Printer of Udell’s is a 1902 work of fiction by Harold Bell Wright. I linked this title to the free version(s) from Project Gutenburg.

My New Project – Spiritual Warfare

Just a note here, I am working on a book about spiritual warfare. I hope to complete and release it soon. The sooner the better as I see a great need for our nation.

Ephesians 6:10  Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13  Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14  Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15  And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16  Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18  Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

The topic is spiritual warfare. The title of this work is yet to be finalized. I may just leave it at “Spiritual Warfare” but God may reveal something else.

Please do keep me in prayer as well.

Why Thomas Massie’s National Constitutional Carry Act Is ALL WRONG

This from Ammoland:
The National Constitutional Carry Act (HR 9534) would remove permitting requirements for Americans to carry firearms nationwide.

A few days ago I commented on Twitter about this. It’s ALL WRONG. Yes, I am still a strong advocate for our right to keep and bear arms and that is exactly why a bill such as this pains me. Fact is, nobody – NOBODY – should have to file such a bill. The Second Amendment is clear as day.

“the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Exactly what part of “shall not be infringed” needs further explanation?

I’ll take this one step further:

To infringe upon the God-given, Constitutionally guaranteed right of every law-abiding citizen to keep and bear arms inherently declares said right depends not on the actions of our citizens but on the conduct of the guilty and lawless.

In other words – the gun grabbers keep insisting on infringing upon our rights because of criminal conduct.

No. Just no.

In the same batch of articles from Ammoland, another judge refused to recognize the right of yet another citizen to own two firearms banned by the NFA – National Firearms Act. Among his “reasoning” is these weapons are not in common use. So what? First of all they cannot be in “common use” because most citizens refuse to jump through government hoops to avoid landing in a federal court as Christopher Chan did. Here’s a cute challenge – repeal the NFA, wait a few months then tell me automatic weapons, short-barreled rifles and shotguns, and noise suppressors are “not in common use”. I dare you.

Fact is the use of noise suppressors is becoming more and more common despite the feds overbearing efforts to squelch our rights to these tools. Yes they helped matters tremendously by clearing their backlog of applications so it now only takes weeks instead of months to be approved. How droll.

For once I’m not going to present a long-winded argument stating my case for trashing not only the NFA but every stinking piece of gun legislation that infringes upon the rights of law-abiding citizens. You’re welcome. The argument is simple. As citizens, we have every right to keep and bear arms. Period. End of discussion.

Trump/Harris – Half a Debate – All The Commentary

Call it literary license or whatever, if the “fact checkers” could they’d nail me on this one. I didn’t make it through even half the debate. It was just too painful on both sides. That said, I just gotta say stuff about what I did see.

No Word Salad – Kamala did not deliver what I wanted most – one of her famous word salads. She was often incoherent enough for even her staunchest fans but alas she seemed to keep it together. Maybe she denigrated later in the debate. No matter. Point for her.

Lies, Lies, Lies – Kamala again. I swear the woman needs to be bitch slapped with the truth. While even that is not likely to sink in, at least some of us could gain some measure of satisfaction.

Trump was classic Trump but it did not serve him well. Now maybe you see Trump in another light but what I saw was someone who came across as one who was straining to hold it together even though he was pissed off. He was off message much of the time. Oh he made good points but his timing sucked.

The Mods – I have to ask, are there no rules for them? First of all they failed to abide by the rules as stated. This was especially evident when both mics were turned on at the same time. Then I gotta ask – who died and made them fact checkers? More on that real soon.

Neither debater did well answering questions. Harris packaged her non-answers with more glitter and ribbon but that’s about it. She did seem to have mastered the fine art of deflection.

So let’s dig into some meat – shall we? Vegans – feel free to abstain or just sit and chew your cud.

The economy. What a freaking disaster. Okay Kamala, first you attack Trump. Now your first talking point wasn’t exactly a lie – unemployment was high when Trump left office. Your nose should have grown a foot when you blamed Trump for it. We all know the reason for the high unemployment and the most fingers should be pointing directly at the bluest states where they came down hardest with all the lockdown BS.

Then you talked about all these wonderful “tax credits” and how you are going to help poor families buy homes with them and start businesses. Not only is your “economic quotient” at retard level but you have zero understanding of the tax system. For a moment, let’s just go with your “plan”.

So on your first day in office you convince Congress – both houses to pass your tax credits. Wonderful. How much money does this put in the pockets of those poor families you wear on your sleeve? Zero. That’s right – nothing. Nada. They will have to wait a year before they can even file for your tax credit. Same goes for the business tax credit. Worse, unless it is a “refundable” tax credit – it only applies against income you earn. If they aren’t making any money, most tax credits won’t do them any good. So that family you want to give money to so they can buy a child car seat are plum out of luck if they need one in 2025. What does happen is should they get that pretty “refundable tax credit” – a nice fat check that redistributes wealth from those that have to those than don’t – how are they likely to spend it? They ain’t buying a car seat – they will buy the car, or a boat, or a vacation. Those checks are windfalls – money that burns holes in their pockets.

Let’s move on to your $50K “business tax credit”. Again if it is non-refundable, any business will have to spend money to make money. That is not bad business but where will they get the money? They need capitol. There was a pool of COVID money that offered business “loans” to help businesses. They were forgivable. “You borrow the money but you won’t need to pay it back.” Trouble is those business had to already be in business for two years to apply. So what if you redistributed more wealth to help aspiring business owners start new business? Bad idea. Really REALLY bad idea. Overwhelmingly, most businesses fail. One of the biggest culprits is over funding. It’s that fat check syndrome all over again.

What’s wrong with your economic ideas? Can you say Marxism? Trump called you a Marxist to your face and he was spot on. We all know the basic tenant of your ideology is redistribution of wealth. There ya go.

Then you whined about Trumps tariffs – calling them a “sales tax”. That analogy was so brilliant I had to wonder who put those words in your mouth. Face it Kamala – original ideas are not your forté. Once again your economic ignorance is showing.

In this case both you and Donald J. Trump earn a major fail. Donald, you are on the right track with tariffs if you could only express the principle better. Here’s the scoop.

For those who don’t know – a tariff is a tax on imported goods. Thus the actual genius of Kamala’s assertion that it amounts to a national “sales tax”. It kinda really is. Funny thing, many democrats and RINOs alike champ at the bit at the very thought of picking more out of taxpayer pockets with a national sales tax. The idea is not new. That said, while tariffs indeed add to the price of imported goods, the main reason we need tariffs is not to generate revenue (are you hearing me Donald?) but to protect American workers. (Kamala?) Hear me out.

Probably my favorite modern expert here is non other the Kevin O’Leary, aka “Mr. Wonderful” of Shark Tank fame. Lately he’s been quote vocal about national economics and business and he’s usually quite right. (I’ll take the pun.) For the purposes of my example here, I’ll rather look to Kevin’s often stated strategy when talking deals in the Tank. You see what he loves to do is take a great product overseas so he can mass produce it at rock bottom cost to make big profits selling it in the States.

His approach strips away the mystery of tariffs. What is the major cost of producing most products? Labor. So what Mr. Wonderful likes to do is find the absolute rock bottom labor to produce goods – slave labor is fine as long as it is not called such. What does this do for American workers? Nothing. In fact outsourcing manufacturing to take advantage of cheap labor kills American jobs. Tariffs level the playing field providing an incentive to produce more goods employing American workers. And THAT Donald, makes a far better case for tariffs than “it brings in so much money”.

Immigration – rather illegal immigration came up early in the debate. Trump correctly tagged it as an important economic factor but he alluded to the idea that criminals were coming to this country to take American jobs. Uh, no, they are not. Nor are the mentally ill so much. Sure the message got mixed up in the heat of the debate. I’m not sure I would do much better. Chances are I’d sound like a blubbering idiot so no judgment here, just a bit of armchair quarterbacking. Okay, I prefer to think of this as an after action report from an observer – impartial I am not.

While I did cringe a bit when Donald bought up Haitians eating pets, it was because FOX (so kill me) brought it up just before the debate began saying the reports may not be accurate. But Trump is Trum and he said what he said. Furthermore, I cannot remember a time when Trump made some outrageous statement that later proved to be untrue. Several times I’ve seen him vindicated. This last assertion is no different. ZeroHedge this morning reported where a 27 year-old woman was charged with killing and eating a cat. That was fast. The mods were quick to point out a Springfield “city official” stated there was no evidence of such happenings. Oops. I forget how Trump replied but I think another tactic would have served him better. First, if he had said something like, “City official? You mean a politician? You do know how to tell if a politician is lying don’t you?” Then I would look directly at Kamala. Continuing, I would remind all how it was also a “city official” who literally videoed a segment at the wrong complex to “prove” (air quotes here) the reports of Venezuelan Gangs rampaging apartment complexes were false. I might also note how two gang members were arrested then released on $1000 bail.

So, Kamala’s immigration defense centered around a “bi-partisan bill” that Trump supposedly squelched. I know nothing about this particular bill but no doubt is was crap legislation. Most likely it provided a “path to citizenship” for illegal aliens, among other things. Trump should have pointed out the wall that the Biden-Harris administration stopped, as well as the “Stay in Mexico” and other policies that ended with Biden despite their huge success.

The the debacle turned to abortion. I could only groan. It is a stupid argument. It is settled. SCOTUS has rightfully ruled abortion is a state and not a federal issue. Hello. Why – WHY ask the candidates if they would sign a “national abortion bill”? IT IS NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE! It doesn’t matter. As for Kamala’s whining and lying about all those poor working women who can’t afford to go out of state to abort their pregnancies, I’ll chalk up a point for her. I did not know some states have outlawed abortion entirely, or nearly so. Possibly a better response from Trump might have been – Kamala, you have a point, but it is no longer a federal issue. We should have an open discussion on how to approach these contingencies.

That is about as far as I got. I left soon after the “debate” turned into a shouting match with both mics left on. The “moderators” were terrible at their jobs. They didn’t moderate so much as advocate and it was clear what side they were on. Shame on you both.

Word on FOX (don’t go there, my wife told me) is Kamala came out better than Trump. From what I saw, I have to agree. Sadly my assessment is more about the optics than the substance. Kamala Harris did not impress me at all with her presentation. What she did do was appear to at least not be the word salad queen she has become famous for. On Trump’s side, he failed to nail her on many major points. She left the door open many times and he insisted on ramming his head on the door jam. Bad Donald – BAD!

Overall I am not at all enthused about this election. My earlier hopes this opportunity – this ONE shot we have at finally taking the White House AND Congress by storm has dwindled to a thin hope that maybe we can keep that Globalist puppet out of the White House. Of course, in 2016 I had all but conceded to Killary’s inevitable rise to the throne of power. I was wrong then and while I will not give in to despair until the last vote is counted this time around, I do not expect to be surprised no matter how the final tally comes out.

IF we make it to election day. (to be continued…)