Did You Miss This? Biden Advocates Universal Minimum Tax

Maybe I’ve been living under a rock after all. The other day I listened to some of Joe Bobo’s ramblings. All of a sudden my ears perked up when he mumbled something about a Universal Minimum Tax. What the hell is that? My first thought was “This isn’t Bobo’s idea – his last best idea was to copy somebody else’s work and call it his own.” At least I was right on one thing… Joe Biden remains the world champion of unoriginal thoughts. Now about that Universal Minimum Tax.

First this from our own propaganda machine – VOANews.com – aka “The Voice of America”.

US Failure to Implement Global Minimum Tax Could Be Costly

135-country agreement

The global minimum tax is part of a larger international taxation framework developed under the auspices of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the G-20 group of large economies

Okay, back up… what is this Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (or OECD)? As much as I hate to do this, I’ll use this from Wikipedia.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is an intergovernmental organisation with 38 member countries, founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade.

Like I was saying, I guess I’ve been living under a rock. This organization has been in existence for almost my entire life but this is the first I’ve heard of it. And now they want a 15% cut from all the corporations on the planet? Uhhhh, no. I have lots and lots of problems with this entire idea.

First and foremost… who died and made them the boss of me? More succinctly – by what authority do these bozos think they have any claim to anybody’s money? I don’t give a hoot about what “countries” agreed to this crap, it is far and above any Constitution authority in these United States so bug off buds.

But… you say, they only want to tax corporations. Big deal! Yes. It is a big deal. Let me count the ways.

Number one: corporations DO NOT pay taxes! Corporate taxes are taken from revenues. Revenues generated by sales to customers. Corporations do not pay taxes – their customers pay those taxes. That means you and I pay those taxes. It is a sneaky roundabout way of extracting more money from citizens’ pockets but that is what is is.

Number two (and this is a BIGGIE!): Guess how the IRS slithered their way into our pockets? Yep. Income tax was passed to ostensibly ONLY take a portion of profits from business ventures. At the time the politicians swore (on their sainted mothers’ graves if push came to shove, I’m sure) up and down the government would never, every take one thin time directly from citizens. How’s that working out for us?

It should be obvious to anyone with more than three functioning brain cells that this entire scheme is yet another way for the globalists to redistribute wealth. Of course they do all this in the name of “equality” and “compassion” but it will end up lining the pockets of politicians and their friends and handlers. At least, at first. Later on things will get worse, much worse. How? They will utilize the tried and true “carrot and stick” approach to get others to do anything the globalists desire. Here’s how it works.

Here in the US, they used this quite successfully to raise the legal drinking age nationally to 21. It was easy peasy. First the feds got the states hooked on federal highway funds. You should note that our Constitution in no way authorizes the federal government to extract money from citizens and redistribute this money to the states for any purpose. Of course, this has never stopped them before or since. So when some Grand Poobahs decided it was a good idea for all citizens of legal age but under age 21 to be prevented from drinking alcohol (yet another entirely unconstitutional precept) they made it known that unless states bowed to their decree, they would not get federal highway funds. So now a citizen who otherwise enjoys every other right imbued to citizens who have reached majority age, cannot legally obtain alcoholic beverages in any state in the union.

It is easy to see a grand plan here. Take money from citizens from around the world by stealth, using corporate profits as a shield, and use that cash to gain the cooperation of any nation they choose. While it doesn’t sound like much on the surface, this con game will amount to trillions of dollars and the OECD would fast become more powerful that the United Nations. Of course the potential for abuse is equally enormous.

The authority to tax has always been a function of government entities. This has long been acknowledged as the basic right of a government. It is an aberration really, for any government to concede such a right to a non-government entity. What are the implications? As I said above, the first implication is such an entity can use their redistribution abilities to bend nations to their will. How far can they take this? As with the drinking age example, up to and including demanding legislation, even if the proposed laws flies in the face of the law of the land. In short, I see this as a pathway to a one world government. Even more startling, it could be established with absolutely no official formulative documentation other than those similar to the obscure paperwork already in place.

It does not have to be the OECD or the UN or any entity currently in place. The camel’s nose is already under the tent. One could say that first camel has been joined by a herd of camels and they are all eyeing the tent. How far these schemes have advanced is not the issue. What we, as citizens of whatever nation we are, need to nix this idea. For my fellow US citizens, this is crucial. More than any other nation, we have the innate authority to veto this entire concept and veto it we must.

FEDS Gone WILD – The Bank Caper

I know, I know, I’ve been pretty hard on  our government employees lately, particularly the FIB’s. It’s only because every day more evidence comes out indicating they are corrupt as hell. Granted, one could make a case they’ve never been the squeaky clean upstanding shining-lights-on-the-hilltop examples of what a federal law enforcement employee should be, but more and more I’m convinced they are rotten to the core.

Never mind stories about ol HH being a cross-dressing homosexual. Never mind the tales of agents collecting dirt on anybody they could and then blackmailing them to give them a free ride anytime, anywhere. Never mind the more recent revelations about “Operation Crossfire”, top officials lying to Congress and even FISA judges. Never mind the vindication of General Mike Flynn who was destroyed. Actually, DO mind it, ALL of it. Now how about the latest bit?

No, I’m not talking about the raid on Mark Houck’s  residence again – even though the link points to another article reveling Houck had already agreed to come in voluntarily. Not to mention the allegations were already dismissed in court. Double jeopardy anyone? No, this latest involves what I can only call a bank heist. (Okay, I stole that idea.)

Here’s the story as told in The Federalist:

FBI Seized $86 Million In Raid On Innocent Americans’ Safe Boxes After Duping Judge For Warrant

For those of you with short attention spans (WHY you read my articles I’ll NEVER understand 🙂 or short on time, they actually raided a private vault company. The owners pled guilty to a conspiracy to launder drug money. However the contents of a reported 1400 safe deposit boxes were seized totaling, well the headline says it: $86 Million. Now get this:

The “reasoning” the Feds gave went something like this: “Well, if they’ve got a lot of cash they are probably doing something illegal.” I don’t know about you but this sort of “justification” sends chills down my spine. Let’s face it, this is an an assumption of guilt rather than the legal standard, the LAW of the LAND, the presumption of innocence.

This is exactly why I object unequivocally to ALL “asset forfeiture” schemes.  In EVERY CASE guilt is assumed. Change my mind. The very “argument” for this con game goes like this: “these drug lords (it all started with the ‘war on drugs’ can get off scott free because they have all this illegally gotten drug money and can afford the best lawyers”, etc. and so on.

How many ways is this wrong? First, when it comes to some criminals, I get it. Everybody just knows they are guilty. The problem is, it’s not what anyone knows but what can be proven in a court of law. Yeah, it’s a bitch but that is the price for living in a free country. Now for my second, and possibly more serious objection:

They are rich so they can buy an acquittal, or the equivalent. This  damns our entire justice system. It is an outright admission that justice is NOT blind. Basically the rule of thumb is, you get the justice you can afford. This is not always true but ideally, it should never be true. We are so far from this ideal that I can safely say it is mostly true.

This needs to end. All of it. Lopsided justice is doomed to be with us for a while. It is not something that can be fixed easily. On the other hand, our rogue employees on the government tit can be dealt with. They just need to stop. The rules are plain enough. A search warrant needs probable cause. The standards and parameters are clearly defined. There is no need for any government employee to descend on most American homes with such overwhelming force as they have on so many, including former President Trump’s residence. If any agency truly believes they must, they had better  have some damn good evidence to support them and their actions need to be under heavy scrutiny. No more will an “oops!” justify outrageous actions. ALL federal employees and elected representatives need to be held accountable for their actions. Any so-called “exemptions” or other kinds of free passes need to be declared null and void. You’ve had your fun at our expense. The bill has come due.

Civil War II – Because We Can’t Vote Our Way Out of This – Oh REALLY? PART 1

If you landed here without first viewing part one, you can find it here. There  I confront the current discourse gaining steam in our nation, i.e. “we must have a civil war because we have no other choice.” Bunk. In part two below, I make my case on how we can peacefully exert our rights and duty as citizens to reclaim our nation.

Civil War II – Because We Can’t Vote Our Way Out of This – Oh REALLY? PART 2

The Myth of America

We all grew up being fed a pack of lies, as did our parents and their parents before them. When did all this deception start? At this point, I’m not convinced anyone can say for sure. Nor do I think it really matters. Let me ask you, if we could sniff out a trail leading to one individual who started us all on this false path to our nation’s ills, what then? Go find his grave and stomp on it? Dig up his bones and burn them? Don’t get upset ladies, almost assuredly the lies began with a man. In today’s world the “what” and the “how” is far more important than the “who” or the “when” so I’ll get to those right off.

The “how and what” is pretty simply really. The roots of this deception, this con game are our esteemed political parties. In particular, we can lay blame directly on our “two-party system” itself. Take a step back and look. Power in our nation, i.e. the authority to make laws and extract money from citizens has bounced from one party to another for over a century. While one party has dominated for decades, it really doesn’t matter whether they prevailed or the other party rose to the top. In order to consolidate and maintain power, either party has one and only one tool available – legislation. There is rarely little, if any, power to be gained by repealing laws. Thus to survive, to thrive, any and I do mean ANY political party must expand government authority. It follows that government authority can only be expanded at the expense of us citizens. For government to receive they must take our liberty and/or our wealth. Usually they take both.

The first deception is our system of government is based on a two-party system and thus making for a stable republic. As with most con games, this is partly true. For the most part our republic is somewhat (or has been) stable. This is due to the fact that both parties have the same agenda, to grow government. Thus it never matters which party is currently in power. They all want the same thing – more government.

The second deception occurs when they promote the idea that we citizens choose who represents us. Not only are our choices severely limited but most of those in office don’t represent their constituents at all! Early on in our history, savvy operators figured out they could put people in office to vote for what was then called “internal improvements”. Today they are more often called “government programs”. The scam works like this: some “problem” is identified and brought to public attention. Eventually a “solution” is proposed to “fix” the problem. Legislation is passed. Money, citizens’ money, is extracted to pay for the “solution”. Progress is made. What happens to the money? Well, here’s the thing. It always just so happens that those savvy operators are in a position to provide whatever is needed to implement the “solution”. They get the money and, of course, support those politicians who support the “solutions”. Money changes hands. Always. And it is always our money. Have you ever wondered how a lowly politician can retire a millionaire after a career dedicated to “public service”? Huh.

The third deception is the biggest deception of all. The politicians prime the money pumps by tossing pennies to us citizens. Just think of all those tax refunds people anxiously await every year. Refunds. As is giving back what was ours to begin with. Now, the political con artists have take this a step further. They play Robin Hood in a manner of speaking. They take from the middle class and give to the poor. Genius, really. Consider, those among the poorest, often the least educated in our nation who actually vote, well whom do you think they’ll cast their ballot for? That nasty fellow who never does anything for anyone or that nice gal who cares so much for the poor? The bottom line is the political grifters first gain a foothold, then solidify their power base by using our own money against us. To add insult to injury they inundate us with pleas to “contribute” to their reelection campaigns so they can continue to do the “good work” that they do.

It’s Time to End the Deceptions

Our Constitutional Republic is a gift from God Almighty. The two-party system is the man-made syringe used to inject the poison of politics – the very politics killing our nation today. Nowhere in our Constitution is the concept of political parties mentioned. Today, it is easy to see why. There is no point in blaming one party over another. Had the other party become dominant we would now face a different version of the corrupt government now standing before us.

This deception did not happen by accident. Just as the serpent deceived Eve in the garden, he has deceived us and in the process he’s absconded with much. I’ll stop far short of saying he has stolen our liberties, our God-given rights. The serpent, the devil, God’s adversary, cannot do that. Rather he’s obscured them, hid them, in an effort to make us believe they no longer exist. Of course this is nonsense.

This serpent did not stop at corrupting our Republic. He has infiltrated every aspect of our society and culture. Why else would the very existence of God be denied in every corner? Why else would even our spiritual leaders deny the truth of God’s Word, even to the point of denying the veracity of scripture itself? The attacks are brutal and on every front. What can we do? We can take a page from General Anthony McAuliffe:

“Men, we are surrounded by the enemy. We have the greatest opportunity ever presented an army. We can attack in any direction.”

We need not feel overwhelmed. Our enemy may have us surrounded but Almighty God not only stands between us and them but He also surrounds them! We only need to look to God for deliverance.

You’ve seen the horror movies where someone creates a monster they cannot control. We’ve done as much with our nation. The good news is, the framework for our nation remains mostly intact. God has not abandoned us. We have abandoned God. Therefore our first duty is to turn to God asking Him to deliver us.

Our enemy is evil, not stupid. Thus he has worked very hard to separate us from God and keep us separated. These attacks are intensifying. One only has to look around us to see this. God’s truth is first questioned. “Did He really say that?”. Then His truth is denied. “That can’t be true.” Finally, His very existence is renounced. “Nobody believes in those fables anymore!”.

Romans 1:25 who exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever.

Today, man puts his faith in “science”, at least when it is convenient. They seem to forget God created all natural laws and thus true science cannot deny God.

Genesis 1:27 God created man in his own image. In God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.

28 God blessed them. God said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Genesis 2:24 Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother, and will join with his wife, and they will be one flesh.

Today we are swamped with countless “genders”. Transgenderism is all the rage. For all the huffing and puffing, they cannot change the science because the science is undeniable. Science can “transform” a man into a being that resembles a woman or a woman that resembles a man but such is as far as science can go. What of the other 157 (and counting) genders? Well, science seems to have its hands full just trying to negotiate the two defined in God’s Word.

Our nation will not, can not stand without God. Nor can we continue to exclude God Almighty from our lives. Rather, we need to recognize God’s gift of our Constitutional Republic and diligently seek out how God intended this gift be used to glorify Him. As with all of God’s gifts, He does not make this task difficult. God is everywhere and available at anytime. The first step in all of this is to simply go to God, not once or twice but continuously. Turning to God is not a one time thing. It’s not a “Sunday thing”, it is a constant thing.

Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.

18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Ephesians 5:14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,

16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

Yes, we can take our nation back and we certainly can vote our way out of this mess but we cannot succeed without God. The globalists know this. It is exactly why they go all out to banish God from our society. They’ve even infiltrated our churches and diluted His message in an effort to render God and His people ineffective. To top it all off, they’ve used our own freedoms against us and now they’ve done an about face trying to scam us again into believing nothing short of a Civil War will make things right. Who wants a Civil War? The globalists want it. It is their shortest path to total control either by weakening our Constitutional Republic or by assuming total control with a victory.

Deny them their triumph. Go to God. Speak the truth. Do your duty as a citizen by uniting to reclaim your local boards and sheriff’s office. Take your turn as a representative. Hold those who represent us accountable and be accountable yourself. We can do this.



I just opened this from the VDCL (Virginia Citizens Defense League). They are the premier gun rights group here in Virginia. I’ll post the entire message below.

I received this from member John G. These instructions are for a Republican. Similar instructions would be for a Democrat:

You can sign up to be an elections officer at https:apps.elections.virginia.gov/OnlineForms/OfficerofElection

To be considered for this election you must apply by 9/30.

You can go ahead and sign up now for future elections. Once accepted you can serve for 2 years. You can be an Election Officer only in the county where you vote. Virginia law says Republicans are entitled to parity. Currently Republicans only have 385 officers compared to 1,100 trained and ready Democrats. A total of 1,100 is all the registrar requires for the election. We should try to get 550 to a 550 ratio.

Training is required by the county you serve in. You get paid $150 for the day of election. It is a long – day 5:00 a.m. until after the polls close at 7:00 P.M.

If you want to poll watch, sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4bacf28a2fbc16-early.

You have to have a letter of authorization from your local Republican committee. When you arrive to poll watch you will have to give them a copy of your authorization letter so make several copies. Some training is required for poll watching check with your local Republican committee.

For questions, call the GOP hotline at 804-600-4809 or email them at help@va.protectthevote.com.

The highlighting is my doing. Note that for election officers Democrats outnumber Republicans nearly 3 to 1. This is appalling. Also note that here in Virginia the only officially recognized parties are Democrat and Republican. I do not know how this works. There are other parties active in the Commonwealth but only those two are “official”, whatever that means.

The bottom line here is we cannot continue to piss and moan about fair and honest elections while refusing to step up and participate. For the record, I’ve already signed up to become an election official in my county. The link to be a poll watcher doesn’t work so I contacted the GOP hotline above via email.

Even better, I noted the email address – “va.protectthevote.com” and followed it. (I highlight right click and select the “Goto” option in the drop down menu. YOU only need to click on the link above if you are a Virginia resident or the link below if  you are from any other state to get to the national web page.

protectthevote.com  I didn’t figure out how to get to any other state specific site but there is a “volunteer” link at the top. Geez, don’t expect me to lead you by the nose guys.

If we REALLY want to make a difference in November and  crush the globalists, we need to come out in force and overwhelm them at the polls. Simply adding another “I Voted” sticker to your collection ain’t gonna do it. We need to show up en masse. We need to diligently watch the polls and take responsibility to ensure this election is honest and fair. Cheaters are like cockroaches – they will scatter when the lights are turned on. It’s time to shine!

This is OUR country. WE are the government. WE need to start acting like it.

Civil War II – Because We Can’t Vote Our Way Out of This – Oh REALLY? PART 1

Well, I got carried away again… or did I? In part one, I confront the current discourse gaining steam in our nation, i.e. “we must have a civil war because we have no other choice.” Bunk. In part two, I make my case on how we can peacefully exert our rights and duty as citizens to reclaim our nation.

Civil War II – Because We Can’t Vote Our Way Out of This – Oh REALLY? PART 1

Time and time again, I’ve heard this. “We can’t vote our way out of this.” Most often this alludes to some sort of violent solution. The most common solution is often referred to as Civil War II. Now wait just a gol darn minute.

First off, I contend that the first “Civil War” was not a civil war at all. The South did not “rise up” in order to overthrow any government. They opted out of the Union and formed their own government. It was an act entirely within their rights. If the first “Civil War” was indeed misrepresented then a Civil War II cannot rightfully be called such. However there is a much simpler reason for negating the idea of a “Civil War” in our Constitutional Republic. We are a nation of sovereign citizens, the idea that we can somehow “overthrow” ourselves is ludicrous. Now if a group of armed individuals descend on our nation’s capital and forcefully take command of our nation, well, that would be an actual insurrection. There is no constitutional provision for such an act and therefore the act itself would naturally be unconstitutional and therefore null and void.

At this point I can see some globalists and their leftist minions gleefully rubbing their hands (or their wrists if you are in Nancy Pelosi’s camp), jumping up and down, and pointing to the events of January 6, 2020. Calm yourselves, little ones. Nothing of the sort happened that day. Get over it. The fact is, your overzealousness in jailing hundreds of citizens for their alleged participation in those events has tainted the tree of justice. Since so many of those citizens have been outright denied due process, among other of their civil rights, it is now evident that none of them can rightfully be held and they should all be set free. I still advocate for reparations granted to them for ruining their lives. This does not mean that the actual perpetrators of the J6 chaos should not be brought to justice. To my knowledge none of the true villains have been charged, much less tried so true justice awaits. Now back to our regularly scheduled essay.

It is sad to say that even among us so-called “conservatives” there are those who can only see a violent ending to the strife we are experiencing today. For the record and lack of a better term, I refer to myself as a “constitutionalist”. Our constitution is the law of our land and thus the foundation of our nation. To date we’ve built erratically upon this foundation and the entire structure is in danger of falling into itself. The good news is, even if this should happen, we still have a sound foundation. It upon this foundation where we citizens must restructure our nation. Many haphazard constructs need to be torn down. If Rube Goldberg ever built a house, it would resemble our nation today. This is the very source of our problems today.

Consider, for a moment, what a “Civil War” would do. It would wreak havoc and destruction. It would bring death. It would destroy the fabric of our nation and could well mark the end of it entirely. Such a war would necessarily and ironically be fought between two camps, both claiming the desire to “save the nation”. One camp would consist of the usurpers, the globalists – those holding power and so-called “authority”. These same elitists have deceived many of our citizens claiming their seats by legitimate and legal means. The other camp would be populated by the dissenters. Those who realize the truth of who the usurpers really are. These citizens have been conned into believing the usurpers hold all the cards save one… violence. Stuck between the two camps are the masses. Most are innocent and confused as to whom to believe. The lies sold to them vary widely as they are custom-fitted to slip easily into their chosen lifestyle.

In the end, the globalists are likely to win no matter what. If they can muster the firepower to overwhelm the patriots then their victory would be outright. More likely there would be an extended conflict much like what the world witnessed in Afghanistan. It would take years. Meanwhile the countryside would be decimated. Should the patriots emerge victorious, either in the short or long term, what then? First note the physical damage to the nation’s infrastructure would likely be extensive. The leaders who would rise up from the ashes would be those who were the most effective battle commanders. Certainly there could be one or a handful of political-type leaders who could step up to take the helm. Great. What would happen next? Would our current constitution be re-established? Elections held? Would we the people demand a new constitution? Or would certain among the victors demand such and expect everyone else to go along? And then maybe we could have more elections? And here we go again. How long before we’d be right back where we started?

We Voted Our Way Into This Mess

Now let me ask you. Why CAN’T we vote our way out of this mess? Isn’t voting how we got into this pickle to begin with? Were not ALL our elected officials voted into office? (Okay, I’ll give you Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and maybe a few others should we really dig into the issue of election frauds.) WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO INSTEAD OF VOTING? Other than elections, we have kings and dictators and anarchy. Right up front, I will say there are those who make a pretty decent case for anarchy or the idea of having no government at all. While this might be attractive in theory, I believe anarchy has inherent flaws just as communism has inherent flaws. In the case of communism, the major flaw lies within the very premise. If everyone enjoys an equal result regardless of any efforts made, most will only put for minimum effort. In short, why work if I can not work and still eat? As for anarchy the major flaw again stems from human nature. There are those among us who naturally tend to assume control. These will rise until they control far more than their own homes. Thus I see some sort of government as necessary to assure the rights of all citizens are equally protected. I have yet to see a more efficient and viable concept than a constitutional republic. The problem with our own, as I see it, is we citizens failed to step up and do our duty to hold those we elect accountable. In short, we fell asleep at the wheel and now the bus is hurtling off a cliff.

If you don’t get anything else out of this essay, get this. We voted our way into this mess. Think about it. The question I’d think would be most on our minds is “HOW”? How did we manage to vote ourselves into this mess. While it is true we citizens have been asleep at the wheel and are indeed ultimately responsible, we had help. Lots and lots of help. Short and sweet – we’ve all been conned. Big time. In our own defense, this con game has been played on us all long before we were born.


Fear Not

Too often these days I find myself shaking my head at one news story or another, wondering how crazy can the world get? Then things get even more nuts.

New York Congressman Lee Zeldin is now running for Governor of that state. The current Governor Kathy Hocul is looking to be elected for the first time. She became Governor when Andrew Cuomo stepped down. From what I’ve seen, I wouldn’t trust her to run a cash register, much less the State of New York. Exhibit number one: Lee Zeldin’s political ad. It consists of several video clips of actual crimes. The airwaves are rampant with such clips. Violent crime is rampant. What do the globalists focus on? “Gun violence”. Never mind that the so-called “gun violence” they decry is already 100% illegal and nearly 100% committed by those who cannot legally own a gun, their “solution” is always the same: render law-abiding citizens defenseless.

Meanwhile the globalists have more than doubled the IRS and are arming a substantial number of them to intimidate and yes, even, use deadly force against citizens accused of “not paying their fair share”. Don’t take my word for it. See for yourself. Here is a screenshot of an IRS recruiting ad.

Whether the IRS has a current ad stating this or not is irrelevant. They posted this and no doubt they are indeed actively searching for individuals “willing to use deadly force”. Meanwhile the FIBs, the DoinJ, and other three-letter apparatchiks continue to seek, harass and arrest those who dare disagree with The Regime. Reports range from “visits” from the feds for daring to speak at a school board meeting to having one’s personal property confiscated (Mike Lindell comes to mind), to outright arrests, and more.

A couple days ago, I posted a story about a man shot dead while attending his father’s funeral. His “crime” was not made clear at the time, however even if he was as dangerous as one heading a major drug cartel, I’d find it hard to believe everyone attending the funeral deserved to be put in the line of fire. Not to mention, that while my knowledge of law and legal procedures are quite limited, I cannot shake the idea that arresting someone should not included an instant death sentence. Something seems to be missing from my concept of “due process”.

Meanwhile, the so-called President of the United States (Joe Biden and yes, I still question the legitimacy of his election.) spoke in Philadelphia a short time ago. Against an ominous blood red background he denounced “MAGA Republicans”.

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,”

Indeed, there seems to be a concerted effort to isolate, condemn and exterminate anyone who does not toe the approved line.

SHOULD we be afraid? No. Not at all.

Psalms 56:4 In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.

5 Every day they wrest my words: all their thoughts are against me for evil.

6 They gather themselves together, they hide themselves, they mark my steps, when they wait for my soul.

Consider Daniel. He opposed his government. He did not protest. He did not bear arms against those who plotted against and oppressed him. Daniel prayed. At that time, the simple act of praying to the One True God was punishable by death. Yet Daniel openly and unashamedly did just that. What did it get him? He was thrown into a den of lions. We all know what happened. His God, the God of Abraham, the God of Issac and the God and Father of the yet unborn Jesus, the Messiah saved Daniel. Daniel emerged from the lion’s den untouched and unscathed.

But, you say, I am not Daniel! What if I don’t have the faith Daniel had? Okay, so tell me… what is the worst anyone can do to you?

Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

I do not fear men. In fact, I refuse to live in fear. This does not mean I go about asking for trouble but neither will I shrink from those who try to intimidate me, either from a distance via lame speeches or with a knock (or a breech with a flash bang) on my door at 2 AM. Nor will I fear moving about in public as I conduct my day to day activities. Lindell was accosted while at a Hardees. While I’m no fan, his choice of eating establishment is not yet a crime. Roger Stone was taken away from Reagan National Airport in handcuffs. And as mentioned above Jason Arnie Owens was unceremoniously shot dead at his father’s funeral.

Instead, stand up and declare the truth of God’s Word. Live your life in the face of fearful circumstances. I am not at all advocating taking unnecessary chances. Today, I read an account of a woman who got caught up in a firefight between rival gang members while picking up her child at a public park. She was later told she was smack dab in the middle of a known gang area. One saying comes to mind, “if you are going someplace where you think you’ll need a gun, don’t go there.” Good advice. DO keep an eye on your surroundings anywhere you go. While it is still not illegal to defend yourself – at least in theory in most places – best practices suggest avoiding those circumstances where you have no choice when possible.

It is often noted that, as Christians, our actions carry more weight than our words. Thus it is at least as important to live our faith rather than simply proclaim it. In order to do this we must be confident in what we believe. Confidence comes from knowledge and knowledge from study and experience.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

In the verse above, the word “faith” means “believing”. Once again, I urge you to read scripture often, at least daily. You need not memorize, just read it. While I’ve been reading my bible for decades, I can only quote a handful of passages. While those that can are impressive, I don’t believe it is required in order to hold forth the truth. Keep in mind the apostles and others in the early church did not have our “New Testament” to refer to. Instead they spoke the truth as they understood it.

Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?

17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Fear not. While it may appear the world is coming apart at the seams, I can assure you, when the end does come, there will be no doubt. Some of us look for the Rapture to occur before this end. While I also believe Jesus will come for his saints before he comes with his saints, it does not matter to me whether I understand these passages correctly or not. For all I know my Lord Jesus will tarry yet another 50 years or more, making my understanding moot. Tomorrow will take care of itself. My best course is to live each day as best I can. What about you?

The Plans and Plots of the Regime

Isolate and Exterminate
Commentary: The Regime’s ‘Operation MAGA Fascist’ Gains Ground

The gist of this article unveils the Regime’s continuing efforts to single out and neutralize if not outright destroy any opposition.

Julie Kelly is THE ace journalist covering the J6 Political Prisoners. She also covers other important stories. She is well worth following. Near the end of the above article she states:

“Either way, the goal is to stoke a political uprising in much the same way these interests accomplished what they wanted on January 6, 2021. It follows a familiar pattern of name-calling, false accusations, and blatant cover-ups in the reckless pursuit of power.”

Keep in mind the ultimate goal of the globalists is a one-world government. This cannot happen as long as the United States of America remains sovereign.

Threatening Violence

Last night I saw a segment about CBS’ Face the Nation where they cite “research” suggesting some 13 million Trump supporters “could” support a move to use violence to reinstate Mr. Trump as President.

Today, there are 13 million individuals, the equivalent, I should say, of 13 million individuals who support the use of force to restore Donald Trump to the presidency.

This is total and utter nonsense. Again, it is part of their agenda to do everything possible to discredit, isolate and ultimately eliminate anyone who dares embrace our Constitutional values.

Certainly there are those on both sides who lust for violence. What are the real numbers? I don’t know. What I do know is a great majority of us are law abiding – so much so that those of us on the side of supporting Trump endure far more than we should. And by “enduring” I mean that rather than rallying in protest (something I firmly believe is both ineffective and unnecessary because we citizens ARE the bosses.) or otherwise acting out like so many on the left, we patiently wait and look for the law of the land to work.  Those who are violent or otherwise break laws, we expect them to be brought to justice according to due process – even those who claim to be on our side.

Amnesty from the AFT?

ATF Requests Funding for Pistol Brace Amnesty & Registration Program

I don’t know what is worse, the idea that the ATF somewhere, somehow as acquired some mystical powers to “grant amnesty” to any poor slob who purchased an entirely legal (even under their usurped “authoritative” scrutiny) pistol brace, or this legal idiot’s apparent attempts to pave the way for law abiding citizens to avoid the trap laid out by this boondoggle.

No. Just no. The very legislation the ATF relies upon to expand their purview is, in itself, blatantly unconstitutional. Where in the Second Amendment does it say “shall not be infringed except… when Congress decides otherwise”?

While I never bought into the whole “pistol brace” fad or any of the other “cool stuff” like bump stocks, etc. that evokes those mystical ATF powers, it is only a matter of time before something I own will suddenly become disfavored, unless, of course, I do my duty as a citizen, confess my sins and pay pound of flesh to the ATF.  No matter what you own, be it a firearm or a slingshot, the authoritarians want to know. It’s for your safety, don’t you know.

Hey Joe Bobo and y’all here’s a clue: WE are the government. You work for US. Bite me.

Shocking Revelation on Fox News

On September 16, 2022, Pete Hegseth, sitting in for Jesse Waters, boldly proclaimed the base cause of our nation’s ills and what we must do to get back on track. In short, we have turned our back on God. If we are to reclaim our nation we must first seek out God Almighty. I was amazed to see this pronounced on one of the most popular shows on cable television. I still have my differences with Fox News but I am grateful for this message.

For anyone who has visited this blog before, there’s a good chance you’ve seen firsthand how much I am in agreement with Mr. Hegseth. Of course, my very premise that our very nation, our Constitutional Republic itself is a gift from God Almighty is where I prefer to begin any dialogue.

Among Christians, we like to say “God is in control”. Indeed He is but we often stop short of this admission particularly when circumstances are going against us. While we might thank God for Donald Trump, do we also thank Him for Joe Biden? Believe me when I tell you, this last is not at all easy for me either. Think hard on this… is God only in control when things are good? Of course not. God doesn’t suddenly “lose control”. Even if Joe Biden ultimately succeeds in utterly destroying this nation, giving away our sovereignty to the United Nations or China, God will still be in control. Where does that leave us?

Consider the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah in the time of the prophet Jeremiah. At this time, God’s chosen people were split into two separate kingdoms. Both were ruled by evil kings. God was in control. Jeremiah and other prophets of his time warned God’s people to repent of their sins and turn back to God or their kingdoms would fall to Babylon. Neither kingdom heeded his words. Instead Jeremiah was imprisoned for his message. Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple built by Solomon, As prophesied, he took both kingdoms captive. What was their sin?

Mostly, they turned their back on God. Certainly they were guilty of a wide range of trespasses but the one straw that broke the camel’s back was they worshiped other gods. He likened it to someone divorced his wife and she went and married another:

Jeremiah 3:1 They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man’s, shall he return unto her again? shall not that land be greatly polluted? but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers; yet return again to me, saith the LORD.

Still, God said, even though His people did worse than that, He would still forgive them. Time and time again, God pleaded with His people to return to Him. All would be forgiven. Time and time again, they rejected him. Compare this with the parable Jesus related, often referred to as the prodigal son (though it may be better referred to as the forgiving father.):

Luke 15:11 He said, “A certain man had two sons.

12 The younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of your property.’ He divided his livelihood between them.

Read the record for yourself if need be but the story goes that the son returned intending to beg to be granted the humble place of a servant. His father would not hear of that but instead slew the fatted calf and threw a party to welcome him home.

If Israel and Judah had returned to God, He would have welcomed them also. He said as much. Nebuchadnezzar would not have invaded and conquered these kingdoms. All would have turned out far differently. How so? We cannot know. Only God would know what could have been. Similarly, if Israel had not rejected Jesus, if they had taken the Messiah to heart and welcomed him instead of calling for him to be crucified, this world would be very different today. Speaking of today, let us fast forward to our present condition.

As Pete Hegseth stated in his segment, our nation was formed by godly men who clearly believed this nation would prosper as long as we followed God. He showed a chart where just one generation, a bit more than twenty years ago, over 90% claimed to be Christians. Today, this number has dropped to 67%. Hegseth cites a Pew Research study. While I personally doubt very much that 90% of our nation claimed Christ in my lifetime, I’ll go with this as the actual numbers are not all that relevant. More important is the fact that so many of our nation has turned from God and from His Christ. I’ve talked with more than one Christian who admits they don’t believe in God’s Word, the Bible. How can this be? Have they not read what God says about his own Word?

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Psalms 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

It is simple, either one believes the above verses or they don’t. If the verses above are true then God’s Word is true. After that, the only problem we face is discerning between God’s Word as He originally gave it and that which was corrupted by man. While this is no easy task, well more than enough of God’s Word remains clear so we can accept Jesus as Lord and live a decent life.

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Pete Hegseth called for a revival. I agree. If our nation is to be saved, WE must be saved from the wrath to come. WE must turn to God Almighty. WE must become the prodigal sons and daughters. For those of us who have accepted Jesus as Lord and believe God has raised him from the dead, we must speak out. We must boldly proclaim the truth so others may hear and believe.

If you do not believe God’s Word is true, I suggest you start reading and studying it for yourself. For those who find the King James English too intimidating, I suggest trying the World English Bible (WEB). Not only is it easier to read but it is known to be quite accurate as to how God’s Word is rendered. My own preference for the KJV stems from my own longtime use of this version and the fact that the Strong’s numbering system makes for far easier study of individual words. All my study materials are linked to the KJV. That said, I very much like the WEB version and I often refer to it when I want to see a passage rendered a bit differently.

Siblings in Christ, I urge you to actively seek out our Heavenly Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus the Messiah. Study God’s Word. Fellowship with other believers. Forsake your sins. Ask God for guidance and forgiveness regularly. Speak the truth with all boldness.

One other note on Pete Hegseth’s segment. Pete made a point to say he asked for forgiveness every day. He admitted that, though he has accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior and he is saved from the coming wrath, he is far from perfect. This confession raised my assessment of the man to new heights. Plainly speaking, I found myself nodding my head in agreement. It is a struggle we all have as Christians. Those on the outside looking in seem to expect us to be above reproach in all matters. This is rarely if ever true, certainly not in my own case. I too need to come before God several times daily to ask for forgiveness though I accepted Christ more than four decades ago. One might think someone like myself has this whole “Christianity thing” down by now. They are wrong. I’m still learning, still growing, still fighting my sinful nature. I will likely continue my own struggles until the day I die. Do not let your sins stand before you and our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus. Jesus died for our sins and God raised him for our justification. He made us righteous so we may stand before Him without any sense of sin, guilt, or condemnation. I still find this hard to wrap my head around but I know this is true because God says so. More than that He said:

Ephesians 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

8 Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;

God IS in control. HE “chose us before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love”. Accept that. Believe it. Stand on it. Then go forth and tell the world.

That’s How They Nailed Capone

That’s How They Nailed Capone

Will they be coming for you next?

Ever since the “Inflation Reduction Act” was pushed through Congress, one of the most startling details provided for in this heinous crapola of legislative fraud is for adding some 87,000 new IRS agents. It gets worse. Soon after the IRS posted this to fill the new job openings.

While they quickly removed the above ad, the horse was out of the barn. We know. Many of us are still reeling from the idea. Why arm agents? Why insist they be willing to use deadly force? What the muck is going on here? But wait! It gets worse.

Kentucky US Representative Thomas Massie posted this video.

Don’t laugh. As comical as this group is (such as what qualifies as a “level of fitness necessary to effectively respond to life-threatening situations on the job.), at the very end you hear the words “you are under arrest for conspiracy”. Conspiracy? Really? Whom are they conspiring with? Most people either do their own taxes or hire a tax preparer. Surely some employ other professionals such as possibly a CPA or a bookkeeper. With the exception of a bookkeeper whose background can range from a neighbor who is good with figures to a certified public accountant, most of these are licensed with extensive professional education and training. So, IRS Commissioner Charles P. Reddig, please tell me… just who do YOU think is conspiring to evade paying “their fair share” of taxes? In case anyone forgot the distinction, “tax avoidance” is the perfectly legal and acceptable practice of paying as little tax as possible under the United States Tax Code, while “tax evasion” is illegally hiding taxable income and as such, is punishable by law. I might add that even “tax evasion” is considered a “white collar crime” and as such, non-violent. Thus it begs the question: why would armed enforcement be necessary?

Now let’s back up just a bit. Not too long ago there was a whirlwind of discussion about the IRS accessing bank accounts with more than $600. The message was clear – nobody is to escape the watchful eye of the IRS. Then the whole thing kind of blew over. Crickets. What happened?

It seems the IRS quietly implemented a modified form of this proposal. It’s referred to as the $600 rule. For the time being, it only applies to payments from vendors where citizens collect money. Think eBay. That’s right. Now if you sell your great grandmother’s cameo on eBay for $600 or more – or for that matter, your old school lunchbox, that extra wrench set and your prized Poke-e-Mon game over 11 months for a total of $600 or more, the IRS gets notified and that “income” may be taxable. (I am not a tax professional and I am not, in any way shape or form, offering tax advice.) And if you don’t report it? Who knows? You might find the IRS “revenue enforcement team” knocking down your door. (Note. I made the term “revenue enforcement team” up.)

Revisiting the ad posting above, the IRS has been scrambling to soften the impact of this ad. After it was hastily removed. Now the ad is back. They are explaining it by saying the ad was for a small “Criminal Investigation” unit and indeed they are required to carry weapons and use deadly force “if necessary”. The question remains, when, exactly might it be necessary to use deadly force, even when apprehending a tax “criminal”? Let’s consider a scenario or two.

Someone is suspected of cheating on their taxes. Maybe they’ve accumulated hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in gold coins from nefarious sources in order to hide this income from the tax collectors. Should it really be necessary to bear down on this sap with loaded weaponry? Or maybe an agent stumbles upon a rabid anti-government tax protester who is actually armed to the teeth and bunkered down. Really. Tell me. Whatchagonnado? Get real. Your going to call in a heavily armed and armored SWAT-type team to take this ruffian down. Either way, there ain’t no need to Ramboize any IRS agents. In fact, I’m leaning heavily towards the idea of disarming ALL feds. Every. Single. One. If they need to use lethal force, they can call the local Constitutional Sheriff. They should be calling the sheriff anyway so let them handle the rough stuff. Chances are one of the sheriff’s deputies had coffee a couple of stools down from this guy just the other day.

Even the AP news service got into the act. Of course, I wonder if they’re propagandizing the party line at the behest of the IRS or if they’re spinning this on their own dime. Either way, they seem to be going waaaay out of their way to put this fire out. Consider the screenshot below:

Unless and until they move it, you can find the article here. Notice that in order to justify their assessment as “false” they state the claim is “ALL” new employees will have to meet the stated job requirements. I, for one, never saw a single post claiming such. The focus was entirely on the details of the job posting itself. I doubt if anyone would buy the idea that all of these tax jockeys would be armed. Surely there were some who love to sensationalize such stuff but again, get real. Spinning this stuff does nothing to alleviate the actual creepiness of what our government employees are up to.

As with everything else said employees do, they often show their hands early, back off, and then quietly put their plans into play. Why do it this way? Figure this: when anyone hears about these things six months or so from now, they’ll remember this blip in the news (and that is all this will be), and think, “yeah, I remember hearing about that – old news.). Huh. How can I say this with such certainty? The proof is in the pudding. Or have you already forgotten the $600 rule?

Of course, today, it’s just digital payments and such. No big deal… right? What about cash transactions? What about that gal with the “perpetual yard sale” in front of her house? How much profit is she making? Is she paying her “fair share”? And the rule expands to include cash deposits – not just “cash deposits of $600 or more” oh no, that would be too easy to circumvent. Better make it any account with cash deposits totaling $600 or more in a calendar year.

No need to worry. Trust the IRS. They’ll make sure everybody pays their fair share… or else.

Tuesday’s Skirmishes – After Action Report

You win some, you lose some…

My apologies for not posting yesterday. Things have been a bit off for me lately. I plan on getting back to regularly posting on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s ASAP. Your patience is appreciated.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022 was primary day in Alaska and Wyoming. This election season primaries are big news and yesterday’s action was no exception. Many anticipated what may be one of the most profound statements by voters yet – Liz Cheney’s re-election bid.


If you’ve any interest at all then you already know the results – “Lizzie Lost Big Time” would be my headline. The vote was so lopsided one could say Lizzie Cheney not only lost, she got spanked – hard. Not to worry about her political future yet, she’s already considering a run for president. She did not indicate whether she would see the democrat, republican or communist party nomination.

The overall consensus about her loss is Wyoming voters have had enough of her January 6 rhetoric and/or her rabid anti-Trump stance. For my money there are lots of reasons to kick her can as far away from any political aspirations as possible, or at least, insist she run with the crowd she identifies with the most. I’m still saying she’s somewhat left of Stalin.

Wedged between news reports swarming around Lizzie’s bid, was the revelation of just how she did in her short Congressional career. She took office in 2017 with a reported net worth of $7 million. According to Breitbart, this figure has ballooned to “possibly more than $44 million in 2020”. Of course I’m wondering why she couldn’t use her purported financial savvy to steer our country from red to black ink. She’s not answering my calls.

Have you ever wondered a) why we citizens keep voting for millionaires? and b) just now those in “public service” seem to grow their wealth exponentially while on the government payroll. From what I’ve seen, such isn’t limited to our “representatives”. Much has been said about our “ruling class”. This term grates against my very being. This is America and as such no “ruling class” should exist, but reality begs to differ. We’ve allowed those who have risen to positions of wealth to also accumulate power. Donald Trump is no exception. Let’s face it, if someone with little or no means desires to run for office, it might be easier to climb Mount Everest. It would certainly be more affordable in most cases.

Moving north to Alaska, the state’s new “ranked choice” voting system is being rolled out to decide who will represent Alaska citizens in Washington. While the link above takes you to the Alaska Election Commission’s page on their ranked choice scheme, it was easier for me to understand their approach when I viewed their “rack card”.

Sarah Palin who is vying for Don Young’s House seat, seems to hate it. Lisa Murkowski, up for re-election to the Senate has already declared victory. She edged out her Republican challenger by less than one percent. Thanks to the new scheme, her challenger, Kelly Tshibaka, is far from out of the running. Near as I can make out, the top four will advance to the general election and duke it out there. From the vote tallies I’m seeing, the race will be between the the RINO Murkowski and the Republican Tshibaka. The top Democrat was only able to glue together about 5600 votes total, compared to Murkowski and Tshibaka collecting over 38,000 – each. Surprisingly enough, Palin’s democratic competitor was the largest vote getter in the House race, garnering over 40,000 votes to Palin’s 35,000+. This may well be a case where a Republican split vote would put a Democrat in office.

A note here, Al Gross, an independent who topped Democrat Mary Peltola with over 20,000 votes to Peltola’s 16,000, dropped out. It appears most of his votes went to her in this round.

As I am no fan of political parties, I see Alaska’s ranked voting system as a potential boon for the citizens of that state and possibly a model for other states. What I don’t know is what it takes to get on a ballot but from the plethora of choices in Alaska, I’m thinking it is pretty easy. At this point those candidates with strong party affiliations seem to have the upper hand but this could change on a dime. Meanwhile, Alaska’s election could be one of the most interesting for this Mid-term. Maybe it’s time those wanting to represent citizens were evaluated on what they stand on instead of what their party decides is politically expedient.


Contrary to Common Belief – Our Government LOVES Firearms

What they hate is firearms in the hands of citizens.

Just yesterday, KrisAnne Hall posted this video detailing efforts to beef up the IRS by more than doubling their numbers. She also explored a screenshot she received of an apparent ad for new IRS agents.

According to Ms. Hall, this ad has since been removed. However the horse has already escaped. Many people ask why? Why do IRS agents need to be armed? Why does the IRS need an additional 80,000 plus new agents?

After talking to my resident tax expert, I’m reminded the IRS apparently does not have sufficient personnel to answer phones in a timely manner. What is certain is they do NOT answer phones in a timely manner, not now, certainly not during “tax season”. This point aside, the other question remains to be answered – why arm IRS agents and why insist they be willing to use deadly force?

Again I’ll refer to my tax expert. Her clients are average citizens. An overwhelming majority (greater than the majority of Washington D C voters who voted for Biden) only see my tax expert during tax filing system. They bring their income and expense paperwork and she sorts it all out and files it. All any of them want to do is pay what the government says they owe. That’s it. For those few with mistakes on their return, they are quick to try to resolve them. None of them want to muck with the IRS. Not one even considers an agent might be armed and willing to use deadly force. They simply don’t want any trouble.

So let me restate the question: WHY arm IRS agents? I can think of one reason and one reason only: someone wants to intimidate the living hell out of taxpaying citizens. There are no hoards of tax “criminals” defying the IRS, daring them to “come and take it”. Surely one might be able to identify a handful of such people, but from my experience and observation, even those most adamantly opposed to income tax – the “tax is theft” crowd – pose no threat worthy of armed intervention. They just don’t.

Contrast this to those “representatives” bent on stripping American citizens of our right to keep and bear arms. These are the same crazed fanatics who have no problem at all arming just about anyone carrying a government employee ID. Thus my contention – these gun control nuts don’t hate guns. Not at all. They happily arm the IRS, the United States Postal Service, and the Library of Congress to name a few. For a more complete list try here. Not to mention those who have their own private security teams, all armed to the teeth. Not only that but there are few, if any, restrictions barring Federal law enforcement personnel from carrying fully automatic weapons. That’s right. The very same weapons a citizens must apply and pay for a special permit to own are readily available to certain Feds. No permit required.

What’s more is all those restrictions the average citizen must face about where one can and cannot carry a firearm typically does not apply to those carrying with a government ID as part of their job. Flash the right badge and get a free pass just about anywhere.

One can only conclude these gun control fanatics are exactly as advertised. They don’t want to ban guns at all. What they do want is to control who can and who cannot have a firearm. And that means you and me. Unless, of course, we are able to secure “proper” government employment. Granted, at this point, such courtesy to wield firearms (and just about anyplace at that) also extends to local law enforcement. As I said, at this point. I fully expect that should the gun control fanatics ever get their way, they will then begin to eat away at local law enforcement privileges until only those blessed by the federal elites will carry the Platinum Pass. In the Bond movies it was called the “license to kill”. I’m not so sure how far off that description really is.

In light of all this, let us consider just one federal agency and their actions of late – the FBI. The news is still packed with details on the FBI raid on former President Trump’s home Mar-a-Lago. While the actual number of agents participating in the raid varies, the figure I heard most was 30 agents, so let’s go with that. Think about that, thirty armed federal employees descending on the private home of the former President of the United States ostensibly to collect 15 boxes of papers. They must have been some massive boxes if it takes two FBI agents to tote one box out. Maybe one would carry the box while the other carried two fully automatic firearms? I can only guess. Also note that per my information, those boxes were carried to Mar-a-Lago by GSA employees, likely the few federal employees not authorized to carry firearms… yet. But wait! That’s not all!

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas faced federal firearms as the FBI searched his apartment looking for Ashley Biden’s diary. Roger Stone was led out of his home in the wee hours in the morning, in handcuffs by fully armed FBI agents. Rudy Giuliani was also subjected to an armed FBI raid. These are just the individuals I can name off the top of my head. What do they all have in common? None of those targeted were known to be violent. The ostensible reasons for the raids themselves were relatively mild. Mostly they were after papers and/or electronically stored files. The only danger anyone faced was from the armed law enforcement personnel themselves.

Back to the raid on Trump’s home, indeed if Trump had actually been present, there may well have been armed individuals to consider in the form of our own Secret Service, the federal agency charged with protecting former Presidents. So the question is… did the FBI expect to be fired upon by Secret Service agents? Was the FBI prepared to shoot those protecting Trump? Is one government agency at war with one or more other government agencies? So why show up with lethal force?

On Second Thought, Maybe Gun Control Is a Good Idea

I am being totally serious here. It’s time to rethink gun control. Some of you are not going to like it. Not one bit. However there is simply too much at stake here. I’m talking about the lives of citizens here, both us private citizens and those employed by the federal government. I also think we should seriously consider gun control on the state and maybe even the local level. There are simple too many guns out there and they need to be scaled back.

To that end, I propose we simply ban guns from most federal agencies. Instead, I’m suggesting we consolidate most of the duties requiring guns to a single agency. Now, granted, I do see some specific areas were firearms would be necessary such as border patrol agents and within the fish and wildlife service. For the rest, they should depend on a single agency should they need to execute a warrant. This same agency could provide armed security for those agencies who need it. Other agencies, particularly those that are mostly regulatory, need not be armed at all. Arrests would be the duty of the armed agency and they should be required to work in conjunction with the local sheriff. The FBI should be forever banned from ever raiding another citizen at their home or business or anywhere else for that matter. I see their role as one of support rather then enforcement. Let them do what they are best known for, collecting and analyzing evidence.

Granted, this is a bold, new concept so it may take some getting used to but why not? Instead of a mishmash of federally employees running around armed potentially shooting at anything that moves, we can replace them with a single well-trained agency charged with protecting agents and citizens alike. They need not worry about being distracted by investigating crimes and collecting evidence. They would only be called upon when circumstances are deemed dangerous. As such, woe to the agent who calls in “The Calvary” to take down a 90 year-old grandmother with one too many pot plants in her garden.

Gone would be the wild-eyed agent who draws at the slightest hint of resistance. More to the point, gone would be the federal office that shows up armed to the teeth to apprehend a meek septuagenarian whose only “crime” is defying one or more politicians. No, this agency would be far to professional for that, the stakes too high. What agent would want to be booted from such service? To add teeth to such a threat, any agent dismissed from this agency would be barred from federal service. This may seem harsh but I see it as an incentive to keep one’s nose squeaky clean.

Put this way, I can almost see the fanatics’ love for gun control. It’s invigorating. How refreshing it would it be to face a federal employee knowing full well s/he cannot gun me down should I say or do something unpleasing to the agent? How comforting is the thought of walking into any government office without taking one’s life in one’s hands? Why… it would almost be like government really is there to help.

Shots Fired at Mar-a-Lago

Raids have consequences

By now if you have not heard of the FBI raid at President Trump’s Florida Mar-a-Lago residence, I can only assume you live under a rock. Ostensibly the FIBs executed a search warrant to seize several boxes of “classified” materials that President Trump allegedly removed from the White House. I’ll attempt to list some of what I remember from last night. Be forewarned, there is a good chance the story has changed since then and will change again in the future. Rather than try to nail down the “facts” I’ll detail my current perception. While my perception is likely to change as new information comes in, it is far easier to get down than to try to hit that moving target the feds call “facts”. Here goes:

The FIBs were looking for 15 boxes of classified information Trump was supposed to have removed from the White House upon his departure.

Opinion: this entire scenario is suspect. WHAT “classified” information? As in WHAT does this so-called information pertain to?

President Trump did not pack and carry 15 boxes of anything. GSA employees did the packing and toting.

Via Alan Dershowitz: Since Trump was in NEW YORK and NOT at Mar-a-Lago, executing a search warrant was improper procedure. A subpoena should have been issued instead to demand the materials.

Via Miranda Divine: There has been an ongoing conversion about the materials in question.

As President, Trump had the authority to declassify any materials – how does anyone know whether these materials are classified or not?

WHY then? Why send a raiding team? Opinion: The globalists care only about optics. They know exactly how this looks. To me this says they don’t give a hoot about our Constitution. Too bad for them.

WHAT prevents the FIBs or anyone else in this corrupt administration from planting any classified documents needed to crucify Trump?

Putting It All Together

Let’s start with the optics, how this all looks. As I mentioned above, the globalists are not only aware of the optics, they are masters at manipulating them. So… what can we make of this? Simply put, they want to demonstrate their power. They want to show the world they can do what they want, where they want, to anyone they want. They fear nothing and nobody. Now, what are the implications of this?

Many have said too many times to count, if they can do this to President Trump, who is safe? I’ve said as much myself. Indeed, who can escape the evil clutches of the globalists? One can only conclude is this is exactly what they want us to think. Again, their sole purpose is to strike fear into the hearts of anyone who dares oppose them. We cannot escape. But wait! There’s more!

Consider just some of the blatant corruption we’ve witnessed over the past few years. They called Ronald Reagan the “Teflon President”. He had nothing on the Clintons, the Obamas, or the Bidens. The Bushes are often overlooked. While the Bushes were indeed comparatively low-keyed, they are just as culpable as the others. Let’s just focus on the Biden’s for now.

Of course, there’s the “big guy”, Joe Biden himself. His own son, Hunter, called him that. While never specifically naming Daddy as “the big guy”, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the reference. Not to mention Joe Bobo’s own bragging in front of video cameras he knew were rolling. His own corruption extends beyond his own political career once you include the times he was caught plagiarizing the works of others as far back as his college days. Then there is his wife Jill. The most startling revelation is the photo of her sitting on Bobo’s lap, apparently when he was wed to another and she was the Biden’s teenage babysitter. At the very least it is suggestive. Pages allegedly taken from daughter Ashley’s diary detail showers she and Daddy Joe took together, not to mention writing she was molested. Hunter himself is a mess. He refers to Daddy Joe as “Pedo Peter”, he’s known for abusing drugs, sexcapades, and, apparently has some issues with pedophilia himself. Then there’s his “business dealings” with ten percent going to “the big guy”. Worse yet, I’m just scratching the surface here.

With all of the above said and done, has law enforcement raided any of the Biden clan? Hell no! In fact, the FIB’s DID raid the apartment of James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas, in search of Ashley’s diary (supposedly). This after O’Keefe declined to publish it as he could not verify its authenticity and subsequently turned it over to law enforcement, more than a year before the raid!

Numerous among the globalist elite enjoy the same sort of protection. Hillary Clinton’s residence was never raided though she absolutely possessed classified materials she should not have had. How do we know this? They were eventually turned over. Why wasn’t President Trump offered the same courtesy if he indeed ever was in possession of classified materials was he should not have? It was also widely reported she had set up a home server that only stored classified information but was vulnerable to hackers. In addition, it was reported she destroyed evidence and otherwise dodged efforts to hide her own illegal activities. Was her residence ever raided? No.

Nor has any investigation been alluded to concerning her husband, former President Clinton and his involvement with Jeffery Epstein and Epstein’s “Lolita Express”. In fact neither Clinton nor a single Epstein client has been charged with anything connected with the “Lolita Express” despite testimony of several minors during Ghislaine Maxwell’s child sex trafficking trail, as well as other revelations most would consider worthy of official scrutiny. For those of you still under that rock, the very term “Lolita” refers to underage girls. Epstein was convicted for molesting and prostituting underage children. According Newsweek, Epstein and Clinton were “like brothers”. While this claim has been disputed, it is widely known they were friends. Could this be due to shared interests?

Once one begins to take it all in, only one conclusion glares back: they don’t care how it looks. Or rather they are taunting us – daring us to say something – do something. No doubt the globalist elite spend hours in their posh private residences laughing at us all. They can do anything they want, anything and nobody can stop them. They are invincible. Aren’t they?

The Globalists Are Terrified of Trump!

This statement is made over and over again in many different ways. The elites want to ban Trump from running in 2024. He scares them. He intimidates them. They hate him. What they fail to understand is Trump is the least of their worries.

WE put Trump in office! Donald J. Trump is nothing without US! He wasn’t elected President because he was so great but because he began to state and promise those things WE wanted to hear! To his credit, he listened to us and acted on those things that mattered to US. Trump isn’t “magic”. The words “Make America Great Again” are not an incantation. They simply strike a chord that resonates with those of us who love our nation.

This land is OUR land! The Constitution of the United States is the LAW of our land. WE the PEOPLE are self-governing citizens. WE are in charge! The globalists need not fear Trump, they need to fear US because WE hold the true power. WE have the authority. WE are unstoppable.

Right now the globalists have the upper hand. Why? It’s all smoke and mirrors. Never in our history have the words “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” ever been more relevant. The globalists have usurped power with slight of hand. They cannot hold on to it because their grip is precarious. Once WE the PEOPLE tear that curtain down, revealing the elites for the miserable shells they really are, their party is over.

Indeed the globalists fired shots at Mar-a-Lago, virtual as they might be, they were still a challenge. They are brazenly daring us to stop them. It’s time we stood up to meet that challenge.

Action Plan for Restoring Our Constitutional Republic

An Action Plan for Restoring Our Constitutional Republic

Where do we go from here?

Today’s post was inspired by a conversation I had recently with a fellow on Twitter. He asked some questions and I tried to answer. To put it bluntly, at times I wondered if he was a troll. His questions and input was often obtuse. In fact, the whole thing started with a comment he made and I replied asking for clarification. In the end, I’d say he was sincerely looking for answers. Those I supplied there and offer here are by no means to be considered authoritative. They are simply my thoughts, wishes, and opinions… among other things.

It all began with a discussion of elections. Maybe you are better than I when it comes to following a Twitter thread. It’s a low bar, trust me. To that end, I won’t attempt to reconstruct the thread nor post it. Instead I’ll touch on some of main points.If you like your republlic you can keep it - Ben Franklin

First off, I’d say it is foolish to think any one or truncated series of elections can fix the mess we find ourselves in today. It has been over a century in the making. Restoring our Constitutional Republic will take time and effort. It is the effort part where I fear we will fall short.

To gain a better idea of my perspective, let’s consider a working Constitutional Republic with other forms of government. For brevity’s sake, I’ll simplify my examples. A kingdom is reasonably straightforward. The King (or Queen) rules. He may have a council. Some administration may be delegated but in the end, what the King says, goes. Subjects, those under him are expected to obey and as such, really don’t have all that much say in “government”. A dictatorship is a similar setup. Those in charge say what’s what and that is it. A communistic society – a so-called “People’s Republic” is essentially a government run by committee. As such it features all the benefits of any iron-fisted rule with the problems associated with too many cooks. Once again, common citizens need not concern themselves with issues of government.

Now a Constitutional Republic starkly differs from the above formats in that citizens are not subjects but are rather self-governing. The authority and responsibility of government falls on the citizens themselves. To ease that burden, other citizens are given the responsibility of representing groups within the nation. These representatives meet and handle the business of government while day to day operations are delegated to permanent employees.

All of the problems we face today stem from the notion we can “set it and forget” it by trusting those we choose to represent us and, by proxy, those they choose to take care of the day to day stuff. The end result is, our “representatives” were bought by opportunists who saw a bigger picture. These are the “money men”. In the early days, certain individuals influenced representatives to spend our tax dollars on projects where they would profit. More often than not, I’d say, those representatives were rewarded handsomely for their loyalty – not to their constituents, but to the money men. At some point, or maybe from the very beginning, these same money men came to understand that to continue to enjoy such profits they needed to ensure the “right” people were elected to office. Thus they gained control of the parties that nominated candidates for office. How? Why by being very generous of course.

In addition to influencing the party process, money men often prefer todirectly control certain representatives. While the price of a politician can often be steep, the well of funds is only limited by how much public funds can be diverted to the coffers of the money men. At some point, they found an additional stream of income – political elections. You see, by owning media outlets, the politicians can spend mountains of money for re-election generating even more profits for the money men. As these money men tighten their control of the election process, I’m sure they enjoy many a laugh at the irony of it all – they collect money from those they intend to steal it from to pay for putting their own lackeys in place to steal even more money from the citizens who voted to put the thieves in positions of responsibility!

These days the money men own just about everything. According to their own missives, they won’t stop until they own everything. I, myself, wonder about the wisdom in this. They already own us, or our labor, at least, via income tax. Through various other taxes they own most everything else as well. We can buy nothing, rent nothing, sell nothing without paying tribute to the masters. Irony again rears it’s ugly side. Technically speaking, WE are the government. In reality, we’ve handed our very souls to those who we intended to represent us and those caretakers charged with day to day operations.

Now we come to the current pickle. Being human, and, despite how difficult this is to admit, those in office and government offices are indeed human, these individuals – or rather their controllers, the money men, are never satisfied. They want more. They want it all. To that end, they’ve taken off their masks to show their true reptilian nature. Many of us are stunned. The screws are now becoming tight enough, painful enough, to jar us awake. Now we see them for what they are and we don’t like it. More and more agree: we need to take back what is ours. But how?

As I indicated before we’re in deep do do. The above was to illustrate to some extent just how up to our noses we have sunk. This coming election is not going to “save” us. A new duly-elected president is not going to save us. A civil war is not going to save us. (Sorry dudes, it’s just not.) What then can save us?

Remember a few paragraphs ago, where I described the “set it and forget it” mentality? That has got to go. WE the People need to roll up OUR sleeves and do what we’ve always needed to do, and avoided at all costs. We need to involve ourselves in our governing. By involvement, I mean more than simply “voting”, much more.

The restored Republic as I see it revolves around our individual county seats and incorporates town and village boards as well. In other words, local rule. The current systems, from the political parties to government has been systematically built to “rule” from the top down. That is not a republic. A republic is ruled from the bottom up. We’ve been turned on our heads and we need to right this. So… local rule. A modern, New England style system of “town halls” comes to mind. Already there are some advances towards such things. My own county has a “Facebook group”. I cringe on that idea. There is no way I want the current Facebook operation to have any hand at all in my local government. Now if Facebook was owned by us citizens, really owned, then I might reconsider, but I digress. What I’m getting at is our local “town halls” can easily be partly, even wholly virtual. (Personally, I’d prefer the option of showing up to meet face to face, at least on occasion.) The counties then meet with state and federal representatives to discuss our approach to current issues. Elections are no longer party affairs but individuals announce their intentions locally, then regionally as the situation calls for. They set up their own web pages/site and do their own stumping. I would entertain the idea of forbidding political advertising altogether. Let’s put some meat between those buns. Those standing for elected offices can be written in at first, at least until we can open up the process to better accommodate citizen candidates.

How do we get there? Since the above is only my idea, maybe a better question is how do we extract ourselves from this current muck? As many likely already see, the first step is to stop the bleeding. What I’m specifically referring to is the need to secure our election process so we can trust it again. To this end we start now. None of us can accomplish this by ourselves so we need to circle our wagons and bring our allies and potential allies in. Voting is still important. To gain purchase we need to ensure we are putting people into elected offices who answer to us citizens. We need to get out the vote. In addition to this we also need to monitor the coming election in force. By this I mean not just one poll watcher but several at each poll, with backups ready to descend should there be an issue that those in charge wish to ignore. All I am advocating here is making a concerted effort to ensure those facilitating and counting our votes are doing so by the laws of the land.

In addition to the above, we must regain control of our political parties and throw out those who pull the strings. My personal ultimate preference is to eliminate political parties entirely. Instead, those who stand for office should make their own inclinations known to all and be elected or rejected based on what they have to offer rather than hiding behind some “party platform”. Keep in mind, party politics is always about control. In our “two-party” system, each party struggles to control the narrative. How do they do so? By growing government in their own image. Constitutional limitations be damned.

None of this can be resolved without a great deal of time, effort, and diligence. Not only must we deal with the leviathan that our government as become but we must rethink our own role in government, step up and do our part. Our backs are against the wall. Either we rise to the occasion and take back our nation our we will lose it. Are you up to the task?

The Undeclared War in America

Liberty is under attack. I, for one, will defend it.

Note: from here on out my posts for GOD and the Republic will be published on my blog at “TheLibertyCoalition.org”. I will continue to posts links to anyone subscribing to this newsletter. Please subscribe below if you would like notifications of new articles vis substack.

For anyone reading the last post, I owe you an apology. Thus I hereby apologize for indicating our nation is lost and we should abandon the idea of restoring it. While the darkness encompassing our land seems to continue to deepen all is not lost. Light dispels darkness. Our forefathers put everything on the line, their wealth, their lives, their families to found this nation. Should any of us be willing to forfeit any less? Are we so enslaved by our possessions, our way of life, deteriorating as it is, to hang on at all costs? Granted, the “fear of loss” is hard-wired into the human brain, however we can utilize this wiring to our advantage. How? By re-framing how and what is at stake, by reassessing what we value. For example:

The house I live in is paid for. It is no palace but, other than property theft taxes, it is ours. I suppose that if I kept my mouth shut and stayed my keyboard, I could live out my life without much risk to losing our home. Now considering how the destruction of our liberties have ramped up by the usurping globalists, I can see where I could be labeled a terrorist simply for opposing the current regime. What is to stop them from seizing our house, indeed, all of our property as they would if we were say, dealing drugs? Farfetched? No. Not any more. Already federal law provides for asset forfeiture for “terrorist activities”. While I’ve always maintained such forfeitures are unconstitutional as well as unconscionable, my objections to this practice, as well as the objections of countless others, have not ended these draconian measures. The bottom line is, like it or not, agree with it or not, everything is on the table.

The real question is, will I allow this “fear of loss” stop me from speaking out? Similarly, am I willing to put my family at risk also? The only real answer that comes to mind is: keeping silent will not save them. My silence would more likely condemn them to an even greater hell, such as living in the society we are fast becoming. To put it another way: I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees. Likewise, I’d rather my loved ones were condemned to death than forced to live as slaves. Of course, I’m sure they could all “save themselves” by denouncing me. If offered this option, they are free to choose as far as I’m concerned.

So what brought me back around? While it wasn’t just one thing however, KrisAnne Hall’s movie Noncompliant was a major factor. Ms. Hall has this annoying ability to inspire and reenergize my belief in our Constitutional Republic. Much of what she says reinforces much of what I’ve ascertained myself. The difference is she is a constitutional lawyer and teacher, whereas I’m just some duffer off the street. Of course, I’ve also learned a ton from her teaching. While I might grasp the overall concept from my self-studies, she goes into details, citing historical documents and events, as well as legal arguments that I’d otherwise be ignorant of.

One of the latest articles on her site is guest post from R. Altomare,

Founder of BreathEasy, “Buckle Up, Buttercup”. He correctly states “We are at war”. While this concept is nothing new, the details of this modern version are quite well laid out. The crux of Altomare’s missive is to encourage the reader to fight on. Point well taken.

These are not the only encouragements to fly in my face. The final push came from within, if not directly from God Almighty. No, no bush was burned nor did any blinding light shine from heaven. It was during my morning prayer time, towards the end when I tend to quiet my own mouth and mind and just reflect and listen. What came to me was the question, “What of God’s gifts am I prepared to walk away from?”. Take nothing from the wording. Even if a direct quote would be “are you” rather than “am I”, I could not say for sure what the source of question was. Far more important is the realization that our Constitution and the Republic established by this venerable document remains a Gift from Almighty God. As such it is not something to be taken or disposed of lightly.

How does this change things? How does it affect my own plans and/or approach? For the most part, this changes little. I will continue to speak and post the truth as I understand it. One aspect I do expect to further explore is my role in local self-governance. For quite some time now, I’ve advocated reclaiming our nation on a county by county level. My advocacy mostly consists of articles and posts. I think it is time to turn further inward and, once again, put my money where my mouth, er keyboard, is. I keep saying we need to take back our town, county and school boards – as well as gather locally to make our wills known to those who represent us – to the end of holding them accountable and ensuring they truly do represent us rather than any power brokers holding purse strings.

For those of you reading this, please pray for guidance and inspiration for me as I move forward. It is my hope to post some real life progress that will enlighten and inspire others. KrisAnne Hall has stated more than once her belief it only takes three percent to effect change. This figure brings to mind the concept of the “three percenters”, popular a few years ago. This faction grew from the legend that just three percent of the colonists fought in the American Revolution. I have no idea if this is related at all to what Ms. Hall speaks of, however I find the reference somewhat intriguing and will surely post more on it as I learn more.