Independence Day and Beyond and a new substack article

Okay, okay, first things first – I posted an article “Happy Independence Day” on substack July 4th in lieu of Tuesday’s regular article. What I didn’t do (obviously) is post a link here, as well as elsewhere. While it is still relevant, it is not exactly timely. So gripe if you want to.

Next up – Prepare for yet another attack on our G0d-given rights.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s well past time for some common sense politician control. Seriously (apparently Kameltoe’s word of the day), who died and made these politicians God anyhow? Of course, I refer to the knee-jerk, fully-automatic, military-style rhetoric spewing from the mouth of every socialist authoritarian politician concerning the now infamous shooting at Highland Park, Illinois.

No, I will not go into the well-word details on the number of dead (God rest their souls and be with their families), the kook behind the trigger, the media madness or any of the rest of the circus spontaneously combusting from this tragic event. Instead I’ll laser focus on the aftermath.

As with Las Vegas, Buffalo, Uvade, or any number of like tragedies, do not expect to see a forensic evaluation of what exactly happened from me or anyone else, including, or especially law enforcement. You might see a great deal of speculation about the involvement of nefarious organizations, including some tax-payer funded entities. It has already been reported the FIBs knew about this kook. I’ll leave it at that.

Back to the aftermath, we all know what’s coming. Already, the announcements are inundating the airwaves and cyberspace. It won’t be long before a slew of bills are introduced or dusted off. I already posted on the substact article Here We Are… Again (kinda eerily prophetic, ain’t it?) about HR127. That bill is Sheila Jackson Lee’s legislative gun control vibrator, sure to bring the entire left to new orgasmic heights should it ever pass.  Believe it or don’t there are other, even more sensual bills waiting in the wings.

To date, Virginias Nick Freitas said it best before the Virginia Assembly back in 2018 (okay it only seems prophetic but really it only seems that way because the authoritarians have nothing new at all to add to their playbook.)

He first came to my attention when he gave another speech, one I feel was even more powerful because he stated unequivocally that the controllers only want one thing… more control.

Mark Robinson – now NC’s Lt. Governor – spoke for the majority, i.e. law abiding citizens here:

The authoritarians, the gun controllers have nothing new, but that doesn’t stop them. Nothing will stop them until  WE stop them cold and tell them NO! Our rights are God-given and you cannot have them.

They have no authority to take them.

Our rights – ALL of our rights – are not only God-given but we hold them in trust. It is OUR duty to preserve them.

The controllers only want control, control they have no right to. They are usurpers. They are thieves and liars. They are evil and we cannot stand for it.

It is time for common sense politician control. We the People need to take back the reins from these sycophants who lay at the feet of their masters, those money-men who bought them.

We need to put people on office who will represent us. They are rarely to be found in any political party. I’d say men such as Nicolas Freitas and Mark Robinson are the exception rather than the rule. We need more willing to stand up and be heard as they have.

J6 “Protester” Rachel Powell

You’ve heard of Ray Epps, right? No one can say for sure but many, including myself, suspect Mr. Epps was working for somebody trying to stir up trouble. From what I’ve seen of the videos of Mr. Epps, I have no problem seeing him brought up on charges.  Yet he remains free. Why? I’ll come right out and say it, if he wasn’t working for the FBI directly, he was working for whoever was really directing the madness on J6. They were NOT on the side of us deplorables! Does anyone think he worked alone?

Well, meet Rachel Powell.

Dear Rachel is under house arrest. She has not suffered like so many J6 protesters. Strange that considering the videos included in the above article. Unlike so many who merely walked into the capital and looked around or, horror!, put his feet on Princess Nancy’s hallowed desk, the video shows a woman, said to be Ms. Powell, armed with an “ice axe” (someone identified this tool as a Gearwrench Extendable Indexible Pry Bar“), drops the weapon she apparently brought with her to smash a window with a handy battering ram that just happened to be laying around. I’m sure it simply dropped out of someone’s back pocket.

The article reveals much more startling information about this actor. Nobody knows who she is really or whom she was working for, if anyone. However, unlike so many others suffering in inhumane and unconstitutional conditions, she remains in the comfort of her Pennsylvania home, ostensibly under “house arrest.” Wink, wink.

Meanwhile, back at the Capital, the show must go on.

Substack articles links – Is It Too Late for Our Nation? / White Supremacy, Insurrection, and Gun Violence

Substack articles this past week

I am attempting to post consistently on Tuesdays and Thursdays

June 9:

Is It Too Late for Our Nation?

Are we headed for total collapse or worse?

June 7

White Supremacy, Insurrection, and Gun Violence

and the true weapons of war

Posting Articles to Substack

On Saturday I began posting articles on Substack. My goal is to build a larger audience. What does this mean for TLC? I don’t know. I doubt if I can keep up both as writing posts/articles is very time consuming for me. It’s been hard enough trying to be consistent with this blog. I’m starting out with the aim to post twice a week to Substack. At this point, there is no paid version but this may change. If anyone bothered to look, my “donation meter” hasn’t budged in like forever. Whatever my posts have been valued at, monetarily they are apparently worthless. So be it.

For what this is worth, the first article is below

No Joe Biden, you CANNOT control our guns
My reply to Biden’s pronouncement


The second article posted this morning.

White Supremacy, Insurrection, and Gun Violence
and the true weapons of war


Supreme Court Protests, War – So Much to Keep Up With!

My apologies to anyone stopping by during the past few days expecting to see something new. On a personal note, I’ve been writing articles to promote my book and disputing with an online publisher about it. I ended up pulling my articles from their site with the intention of publishing them on my own site At least there I have complete and total control (evil laugh). The downside is traffic is not nearly as substantial. The reasoning that won out, other than the principle that I was absolutely in line with their TOS and still they whined, was if I that extra traffic cannot be at least introduced to my book, what good does it do me? That and I’m a pigheaded jerk, to keep things clean.

In other news, I’m working on my garden. This is not a new thing but I am determined to expand on the success I had last year – my best year yet. The timing of things doesn’t hurt either. While I’ve been attempting to green up my thumb for years, the fearmongering as of late is certainly an added incentive.

Finally, the progeny is descending on the homestead this week and thus preparations are being made. This will be the first time in a couple of years so other things must take a back seat.

All that said, I feel compelled to at least agree with Tucker Carlson on one point – these recent protests and attacks on the Supreme Court justices as well as those on churches and pro-life organizations is indeed an attack on Christianity. It is as if Christ is once again being displayed by Pilate and the crowd is screaming “crucify him!”. Strangely enough, I wrote something just yesterday (yet unpublished) about the word “crucify”. Metaphorically, some say the word means to utterly destroy something. This rings true to me. Also yesterday, I concluded Carlson does not claim Christ. It is an observation rather than an accusation, as I noticed he always refers to Christians as “them” instead of “us”. It is a shame. Hopefully he will see the light.

On Twitter, I’ve had some revelations and some thoughts.

They released their earnings a week or so ago. They are bleeding money. So far it is a relatively small wound but they are not making a profit nonetheless.

As I purchased too late, I did not qualify for a dividend, had they actually turned a profit. Should I hold on to my stock AND they actually make a profit AND declare a dividend, I would then qualify. Then again, I’m didn’t buy the stock for the dividends. Even so, I DO expect them to be profitable as they are in business and not charity.

In the proxy info, I also learned I do not yet have a vote in the upcoming annual stockholder’s meeting. Again, I bought too late.

In addition I found out I have far less say than I thought I might. For instance one must own 1% of the company to recommend a board member. From what I was able to ascertain, it was a cursory glance so I need to verify this, I can band together with other stockholders so together, we can put up someone for the board, even if none of us has that magical 1%. Let’s run some numbers for the fun of it.  First…

Musk owns 73,486,938 shares of Twitter, which represents a 9.2% passive stake in the company, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission 13G filing released Monday. The stake is worth $2.89 billion, based Twitter’s closing price Friday April 4, 2022

source: cnbc (I know… right?)

Okay so the price fluctuates meaning any calculations depend on settling on a stable price. Thus let’s fudge a bit. There are about 764 million Twitter shares outstanding. So 1% would be  7,640,000 million shares. I have ten shares. so I’m about 7,639,990 shares short of 1%. Put another way, from the figures in the cnbc story, 10% was worth about oh, let’s say, $3 billion give or take. Ten percent of $3 billion is $300 million. Either way you look at it, I’m a few dollars short.

Now if Twitter stock dropped to a penny per share, it would still cost me $80,000 to buy my 1%. It would take some doing. I may or may not make that but why in the world would I sink that kind of money into Twitter at that point?

Long story short, ain’t no way I’m owning enough Twitter to have a real voice. I haven’t looked into other aspects yet but I’m pretty sure I could still be a thorn in the corporate side. Once again, my idea of a shareholder group looms large. My voice might still be tiny but at least I’d have a chance to be heard, as would anyone else. But there’s another rub.

I’d also have to own the stock for three years. Yup. Can they do that? I’d say they can. Granted, this could be challenged in court but chances are, only the lawyers would win that one. In a way, this obstacle actually makes some sense. Considering my lowly stock holdings would have to work to be a drop in the capital bucket, imagine thousands of us stockholders all making countless demands and such. Stretch that imagination to include the idea that anyone could buy a single share and immediately start making demands. Such may be the ruin of any business. So, I can see the point of it and I don’t necessarily disagree.

Considering all of the above, I’d say the larger lesson is such adventures require much planning and some serious scouting. Now I did not have to prove I was a stockholder to gain access to the above information. I’m reasonably certain this would be true in most, if not all cases concerning public corporations. Additionally, the sheer scale of any corporation raising money should be taken into context.

While I am not ready to abandon the ideas of influencing corporate policies from the shareholder perspective, the stark reality of such an attempt tends to be a bit daunting. To be sure, such a reality exists for our constitutional aspects as well.

WE the People are the massive obstacle the authoritarians must face in order to have their way. To an extent, their outlook is far darker as WE CITZENS are limited to a single vote each. Thus it becomes obvious why the controllers are so intent on stuffing our ranks with illegals and then giving them voting “rights”. They cannot tip the scales in their favor otherwise.

The point we should all take on this is none of us can do this by ourselves. We need each other. We need to stick together as citizens, sovereign or corporate, and stand strong in the face of those who would grind us down.



Was January 6 Deja Vu?

Yesterday I watched a film that made my jaw drop. It was based on a historical event that happened right here in the US of A. All I could think as I watched this movie was – January 6. Yet the events of this story occurred more than a century ago. There were some similarities in the circumstances of both events but for the most part they were very different. Only the reaction was, in some ways, a carbon copy of how our government is handling what occurred on that day.

The movie is The Conspirator. It is by no whiff of the imagination a “right wing propaganda piece”. In fact, in some other light, just the opposite is more likely to be inferred.

It is the story of Mary Surratt. She was a southern woman, a Confederate supporter who ran a boarding house in Washington D. C. when Lincoln was shot. She was implicated in the plot to assassinate the President, Vice-President Johnson and  Secretary of State Seward because her son, a friend of John Wilkes Booth and, allegedly a co-conspirator met at her boarding house to further their plans.  Here are some of the similarities I saw.

(spoiler alert!)






Mary Surratt was charged because of her proximity to some of the bad actors.

Little or no evidence was forthcoming.

The evidence that was presented was thin, at best, and possibly false.

She was held without bail until trial in a dank cell. Though I imagine it may be better accommodations than those of some J6 prisoners and she was likely treated better.

The prosecution stacked the deck against her. A civilian, she was tried by a military court rather than a jury of her peers in a civilian court.

She was going to be tried to appease those who abhorred the assassination.

While she was found guilty, her original sentence was life rather than hanging.

The powers that be demanded and got the death penalty for her.

A writ of habeas corpus was obtained, granting her a civilian trial. The writ was overruled by President Johnson, who had zero authority to do so.

Of course, this dark chapter in our history envelopes the worst moment of our nation. In fact, one could say, and yes, I do say it, if our constitution was followed, this nation as it stands today would not exist at all.

The Confederates were not “rebels”. These sovereign southern states did not attempt to “overthrow” the Union, they seceded – they opted out.  It was their absolute right. Now I am not going to debate their intentions or the merits or demerits of their contentions. What I will say is they had every right to act as they did, even if they were wrong.

The Union had already trashed the Constitution many times over. Thus the monkey trial of Mary Surratt pales by comparison. Yet the total disregard for her rights as a citizen and as a human being should glare as a festering sore on this nation’s history.

It is not the first, the only nor the last time the powers that illegitimately be, have trampled on the rights of us citizens – individually and as a group. Every instance is an affront to our sovereignty as citizens.

Someone once put forth an analogy concerning illicit sex that works here. He said illicit sex was like duct tape. Used once the very strong adhesive binds two together so it is very difficult to separate them. However once the tape is removed and applied to another and the bond becomes weaker. When repeated over and over again, eventually there is not enough adhesive to bond at all.

The same thing can be said for our rights as enumerated in the Constitution. Each time an amendment is “temporarily” lifted from our founding document it needs to be bound back in but each time the bond is weaker. At some point, a point we are dangerously close to, the bond will be too weak to stick at all.

Don’t take my word for it, watch The Conspirator for yourself. Compare that story with the plight of the J6 political prisoners. The details are different for sure but the substance – the stark obliteration of these citizens’ rights to appease a handful of political cockroaches, if not to deflect attention and shelter them from their own treasonous actions, is glaring.

Misinformation My ASS!

In my last post, I kinda got a bit heated concerning Mayorkas and his partners in obscurification. For this I do NOT apologize. Ever. if anything I did not go far enough. That said, I kinda wanted to shed some light on this whole “misinformation”, “disinformation” kick the left is bound to hound these days. First, let’s take another look at those definitions I found in Grrrgle.

Both of these definitions point to “false information”. Let’s drop the kid gloves, shall we? These are lies, plain and simple. Now that these terms are revealed for what they truly are, we all know what group is most proficient in propagating lies. For those of you in Egypt visiting denial, that would be politicians. Of course, they’ve built themselves tremendous support systems, supported and paid for by us taxpayers. Their corporate masters tell them what to say, often word for word, and they spew it forth like the good little sycophants they are.

On a side note, the above should give some indication just how stupid the political class is. They’ve worked for decades to enrich the moneyed elite while they only get a comparable pittance for themselves. Compare billions to millions and this becomes obvious. Granted, the politicians cannot be to brazen in their corruption or some of us sleeping citizens may come out of our slumber.

Coming back to my main point here, the crux of all of this is plain, old fashioned truth vs lies.

The worst part of all of this is I’m hearing so much wailing about all of this. People are whining about how this will “destroy democracy” and what a lousy choice this wacko chic – Nina Jankowicz is to head this debacle. Well, their not wrong but they are missing the real point.
Some have said it. Tucker Carlson started out in this vein. Chris Salcedo went straight for the jugular. The federal government has no authority to do this. None whatsoever. Period.
Enough said.

Mayorkas Smyorkas – You Know Where You Can Stuff Your “Misinformation Board”

By now we’ve all heard it.

“During a House Appropriations Subcommittee hearing on DHS’s budget Wed. afternoon,  Mayorkas said, “Our Undersecretary for Policy, Rob Silvers is co-chair with our Principal Deputy General Counsel, Jennifer Gaskell, in leading a just recently constituted misinformation disinformation governance board.”

source: American Greatness

Most are calling the board the “Ministry of Truth” citing Orwell’s classic 1984. Many, myself included are beginning to view Orwell’s book as more prophecy than fiction. Scripturally speaking, for a biblical prophet to be considered a true prophet, he had to be 100% accurate. Anything less was false. Talk about your rigid standards. It makes me wonder what the standard for “information” might be.

As Tucker Carlson pointed out last night (Thursday), Mayorkas did not deign to define how “misinformation or disinformation” is defined and who might be charged with defining it.

As for myself, I question by what authority Mr. Mayorkas or his purported boss, Joey Biden this board was “constituted”. I see the entire concept completely devoid of any reason, real or imagined, to exist. That said, let’s explore the idea for a bit.

As Carlson mentioned, defining “misinformation” or “disinformation is a bit of a challenge. Actually defining such is so much of an issue as much as who will determine what falls into the category. For the moment, lets take a look at some definitions.

source: These images are snapshots of a Grrrgle search result.

Interesting. Note they both state the terms refer to false information intended to deceive or mislead. The word “disinformation” specifically cites government propaganda. Hmmm.  Now THAT’S enlightening.  What government organization (s) have Mayorkas and company set their sights on? Are federal, state or local governments the target? Who else do they want to look at. HEY! Alejandro! Yeah YOU! Dude. I can help you here.

Why don’t you start with politicians Al? Now I know your instinct is to head straight for anyone with an (R) after their name and title but really, why not start with the big mess? Come on Al, don’t pretend you don’t know who I mean. I’m talking about the (D)s. Want me to name them? Tell you what, I’ll toss out a last name only and you come up with the first name… okay? Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Merrick, Mayorkas. Yeah. YOU! Can you remember way, way, waaaay back to Wednesday? When you testified, TESTIFIED UNDER OATH

“We inherited a broken and dismantled system that is already under strain. It is not built to manage the current levels and types of migratory flows. Only Congress can fix this,” Mayorkas said at the Appropriations subcommittee hearing.

“Yet, we have effectively managed an unprecedented number of noncitizens seeking to enter the United States and interdicted more drugs and disrupted more smuggling operations than ever before.”

Source: CNN

Really? Do you sincerely want to go there? Shall we compare your numbers with those of  your predecessor? You know the truth but you dare not speak it. So tell me… how do you propose to penalize disseminators of “disinformation”? Huh?

Don’t ask for my opinion because I’ll tell you, in detail, what a disgrace you and your cohorts are. You should be forcibly removed from office, banned from ever stepping into any position of  public trust and stripped of any and all benefits, but only after due process has been served.

Have you or your cohorts even given a thought to due process concerning the political prisoners from January 6? I would not stoop to your level by denying what you have denied these citizens, but the damage to our nation, as evidenced by the results of your mismanagement, either by design or by incompetence is far greater than any of the damage done on January 6 – and I include those whom I suspect were acting on behalf of one three-letter agency or another, if not Nancy Pelosi and company herself.

Like I said, pal, you do NOT want to go there. My advice is you should quietly drop this idea. Just let it go. Even better, simply resign. It would be the one single best thing you could likely manage to do as I doubt you  have the cojones to admit your wrongs.

Now get out of my face.

Move Over Elon Musk, I’m Buying Twitter

All right, all right! I’m no threat to Elon’s bid. I’m only buying ten shares but I AM buying Twitter! Per my last post, this is to support Elon’s efforts but also to make a point. WE the People should NOT be looking for another savior. (Jesus the  Messiah is my Lord and Savior, I need no other.)

Now, while I would love to see others follow suit and buy a few shares of Twitter – you only need to buy one share to become a shareholder – this probably won’t happen. Why? I hate to be this blunt but because most of my fellow  citizens are far too used to sitting in front of their monitors/cell phones whatever and whining. I have no doubt most anyone capable of reading this is also able to cough up the $50 more or less to buy a share of stock. As a matter of fact I’ll show you how you can do it without paying a nickel in commissions. (There are other fees and such that may apply, I don’t know, this is murky territory and it appears our beloved government has their sticky fingers all over our pockets – again.) It’s not hard. You can do it on a smart phone and, if you play your cards right, you might even end up a few dollars ahead, even after the greedmongers devour their “share”.

Now, let me be up front about this – the link I provide will be a referral link, meaning I stand to get a few shares of some unknown stocks by sending you to this broker. How many or what it is all worth, I don’t know. What I do know is you can do the same – grab a referral link after you sign up and send some folks to the broker too.

The broker is Webull and here is their current offer.

LIMITED TIME OFFER: Get 5 FREE stocks valued up to $9,600 by opening & funding a #Webull brokerage account! Get started >

It only took a few  minutes to set things up. It’s a lot like opening an online bank account so you’ll need all the standard information you’d need for that. You don’t need to fund the account to get your first two shares of stock but for the other three you do. But since you are buying Twitter stock, you’ll need to fund it anyway. Now, if you already deal with a major bank, your account will likely be verified immediately. I deal with a small local back so it took a day longer for them to deposit a few nickels into my account (more FREE money – YEAH!) and for me to tell them the amounts.

Long story short – for $100 out of pocket you can buy TWO shares of Twitter and be a bona-fide stockholder. Big deal… right? Actually, it is a bigger deal than you might think.

First, consider the poison pill scenario. The honchos at Twitter are considering invoking a strategy to stop Elon from buying the company. They’ve even said they’d rather crash the company then let him buy it. Whoa there Nelly! Wait just a gol darn minute. Just because YOU don’t like the idea, crashing the company, MY company (or my piece of it anyway) is an abdication of your fiduciary responsibility. In other words, they are legally, ethically and morally required to act in the best interests of us shareholders and guess what? Anybody with an IQ bigger than their shoe size can understand crashing the company is NOT in the best interest in the shareholders. We are talking legal action here. But that’s not all.

What if Elon simply walks away? What if he says the heck with the whole idea and dumps his shares? Well, first of all, you can expect the stock to drop like a rock. Us shareholders will lose some money.  Okay. Fine. I understand this, but there is something else, a very, very serious issue that, so far, has not been addressed. This glaring issue predates this whole Elon Musk thing by far. What is it?

Twitter is breaking the law. Yep. That’s right. (Now take this with a grain of salt – I am not a lawyer and this is not to be considered legal advice – it is an observation based on what I’ve garnered as a citizen.) You see, as a social media platform, by federal law, they are insulated from being sued for libel, defamation, etc. as they are supposedly providing a platform for free speech. But they are not. Not at all. In fact, they are quashing free speech. In effect they’ve turned the company from a social medial platform to a publisher. As such they’ve potentially opened the company up for potential legal action.  As I said, I’m no lawyer but I’m sure there are some savvy legal minds out there who could make some hay with all this. As shareholders, we can sue on this issue too.

Guess what? These same principles apply to other social media platforms as well. The best part is we, as shareholders, need not depend on any government official to take action. Shareholders have rights. Among those rights is the right to hold the company we are part owners of accountable.

Note here. I hate it when someone posts something and the deletes it without explanation so I won’t do that here. Without direct knowledge the above was posted concerning, I think, Section 230 of the Federal Code. Others and stated and I took them at their word, this law allows for free speech by insulating the platform from legal action. Well, my layman’s reading of the code confirms the platforms are insulated from legal action but it essentially gives them carte blanche to “edit out” free speech and protects them from legal action for that. Leave it to the politicians to muck things up.

While this ill-constructed legislation does NOT protect citizens AT ALL (by my calculations) this doesn’t mean shareholders have no pull. It just means we will need to find another way. Meanwhile, we’ll need to work on getting this fixed. It is not the platforms per se that need protection – at least not THIS protection. The end all should be to protect free speech. Period.

Okay, so depending on how things play out, my next move is uncertain. I may decided to go ahead with my purchase of FnBook. I will probably only buy a single share but a shareholder is a shareholder, with all the rights and privileges that come with that class of share. (Different classes, such as common and preferred, have different rights. Usually, common shareholders have voting rights, for instance.) As a shareholder, I will keep an eye on things from a different perspective. While I do not plan on personally suing anyone, I may well join a suit should one be filed. I may find it necessary to start asking questions and requesting information I am entitled to as a shareholder. I may band together with other shareholders – with or without a common interest. By this I mean, I  content ALL shareholders should have a say – for you Twitter honchos, this is one of the principles of free speech. People can say things whether I, or anyone else for that matter, agree with them or not.  I may send Elon my proxy votes. I may not.

Here’s an interesting thing. Twitter headquarters is in San Francisco. If they have a vote, I have a right to participate. Now, I’ll have to check this with my tax expert but I’m pretty sure I could go to San Francisco to vote and write off the entire expense as a tax deduction. My further understanding comes with a couple of caveats. First, one must have enough write-offs (total) to make it worthwhile. These days the “standard deduction” is pretty high so it likely wouldn’t be worth it for  me.  Next, is I’m not sure if there is a  limit to how much anyone could actually write off. Take gambling, for example. My understanding is gambling losses can only be written off against gambling winnings. Thus, if you spend $20,000 to win $500, well you can only write off the $500. You’ll eat the other $19,500. The bottom line is basically the same as always – never underestimate the greed of a politician (or in this case, the politicians’ minions).  Like I said, ask your tax professional but under certain circumstances, some folks could offset at least part of the cost of a trip to say, San Francisco.

The Bottom Line

What have you got to lose? If you bought ten shares of Twitter like me, then maybe $500 +/-. Chances are you wouldn’t lose ALL of that because even Twitter is worth something even if they crash and burn. Heck if they run the stock price down to $0.02 per share I’ll spend another $500 and buy another 25,000 shares.

The upside is you took action. You did something. Sure, maybe we won’t change the world but how do you know you won’t? Or at least you are not a part of it. Look, back in February I posted about buying Fnbook. It was somewhat tongue in cheek but not entirely. Did my post have any impact Elon Musk? It is highly doubtful, but what if it did? What if someone read my post (Hey! It happens! Really!) and through a series of wild convolutions, some germ of the idea somehow reached Elon Musk? I doubt anyone will ever know for sure. All I can say is I write what I write, I do what I do and maybe, just maybe, some good will come of it. What about you?

At the very least check out Webull.  Again their offer is below.

LIMITED TIME OFFER: Get 5 FREE stocks valued up to $9,600 by opening & funding a #Webull brokerage account! Get started >

And again, this is a referral link so yes, I do stand to profit. (Yet another government agency, the FTC, I think, or maybe the FCC,  requires me to disclose such things.)

Here We Go Again… New for 2022!

When the media hypsters grow tired of The Russo-Ukrainian War, they turn to the upcoming 2022 elections. Some can be seen wringing their hands at the prospect of a Republican bloodbath. Others are busy trumpeting the triumphant return to all that is good with the world. Yeah. Right.

You may have noticed my regularly sporadic posting has become even scarcer as of late. I have my reasons.

First, I am focusing a great deal of my writing efforts on projects that stand a chance of actually paying a few bills, including those necessary for keeping this site afloat.

Second, I am once again becoming cynical about the prospects of us citizens reclaiming our Constitutional Republic. Ever. If it does happen, rest assured it will happen whether or not I publish my golden words on these pages. Of this I am quite certain.

Back to the future… i.e. the 2022 elections, will the Republicans take back Congress or not? Maybe a better question is… what if they do? Big F-N Deal. For those of you with memories stretching way, way back to 2017, you might recall, Republicans held the White House, the House of Representatives AND the Senate. Now you tell me… what, exactly were they able to accomplish during those two years?

I’ve stated this so many times I keep wondering if it is tattooed on my forehead – Donald J. Trump will NOT save this nation! Subsequently, the Republican party will NOT save this nation. If you forget anything, forget that notion. It is not going to happen. You know why. Politics. Politics is poison. It is the Kool-Aid of the masses. Drink up and watch our nation die.

Many contend we can not vote ourselves out of this mess. They are wrong. And they are right. They are absolutely correct if by “voting”, one means going to the polls every election and pulling the lever for your candidate. (Okay, so I’m old school.) That certainly ain’t gonna cut it. It never  has and it never will.  Why? Because politics, that’s why. This is also where they get it all wrong.

Voting isn’t the problem – politics is the problem. Our n”two-party system” is the evil that pervades. It guarantees everything will continue on per the status quo. Elections are held, choices are made and slots are filled. Then it is business as usual. What business? The business of robbing taxpayers of our hard-earned money and our liberty. We’ve all heard of the “military-industrial complex”.

What one must realize is the “military-industrial complex” is just the tip of the iceburg! The politicians have their hands in our pockets in so many ways, we would all stagger should that curtain drop. It all works the same way so unveiling their corruption would be relatively easy. Stopping it would be a breeze. (Well, in principle, anyway.) All one needs to do is follow the money. All the trails start from Washington D.C.. Stopping the flow should be as simple as defunding the myriad of programs sucking the life blood of our nation from us citizens.

This is not going to happen unless we citizens eradicate the real problem – politics. The only way to eradicate politics is to rid ourselves of political  parties once and for all. Destroy the power base of the politicians and we will make much headway to righting our republic. How do we do this? We use the write-in vote. We build our own local power-bases county by county. We citizens become engaged locally and build out from there. The main principle of our Constitutional Republic we must invoke is the principle of decentralization.

That said, I do not see this happening. What I DO see happening is the controllers, the authoritarians, the usurpers will tighten their  control to squeeze every possible ounce of life out of us before our nation crumbles, clearing the path for global control. At that point some will fight back but it will be too late. It won’t matter who “wins” as we will all lose. What, if anything, might rise from the shambles is anyone’s guess but it will not be the powerhouse once known as the United States of America.

So… Here We Go Again. Just like the wild-eyed gambling addict letting it all ride on his “lucky” number – we are once again about to roll the dice on yet another election. Even the best results we could possibly hope for will be temporary. Real change must come from within.

Two Ways for This to End

My morning began with a conversation with my wife. As I am in the habit of regaling her with a selection of the latest memes, current events was the topic.  It doesn’t matter the topic, her response is always the same: “There’s nothing we can do about any of this.” I see the despair in her eyes as they meet with my own. Maybe “despair” is too strong a term. Hopeless resignation is more accurate, I think. I am hard-pressed to disagree with her entirely. I can see a different path. It is not an easy one. It is not a likely path but it is a path nonetheless. More about that in a bit. It seems more expedient to consider the most likely path, the one we all seem to be on. The road to hell.

Per my last post, pResident Slo Mo Biden is obviously hellbent on driving us down this road. Well, not him actually, on his best day he didn’t have the cajones, much less the brains to find his own way there. Forget about taking the wheel. So, more accurately, his handlers, who are likely employed by a globalist cabal, are chauffeuring all of us. We all know the issues facing us. If you see any news at all, everything is repeated ad infinitum.

As a nation we are on the brink of a “hot war” with the one nation possessing nuclear armaments rivaling our own both in quantity and in destructive force. The man with the “finger on the button” has a sterling reputation for consistently making awful decisions. This isn’t just some right-wing nut case talking…

“I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” former Defense Secretary Robert Gates says of Vice President Joe Biden in his new book coming out later this month. Gates’ assessment of Biden’s boss is only slightly better, depicting an Obama administration with very murky lines of communication on military issues.

Source: The Atlantic

You can’t get much farther left than this. The problem is, the premise of a hot war with Russia is just the beginning. Meanwhile, some genius in the Biden misAministration decided to let Russia, yes Russia, work a deal with Iran to revamp Nobama’s nuclear deal. Today I learned the grownups (Russia and Iran) have shut the kids (the US) out of the room while they negotiate. Hey! I write fiction but even I can’t stretch MY imagination that far!

Let’s not forget the Biden’s long ties with Ukraine. While I admire Zelenskyy’s grit, it could very well be an act. There are also indications Ukraine is not the “democracy” we are all led to believe. Add to that, recent revelations that Ukraine has been working on bioweapons at the behest of our own US government and, well, the whole story is getting stinky.

Then there’s China. They’ve been caught playing footsies with Russia. So now we have a massive economic power (China) teaming up with an aggressor nation with vast resources and they are both bedding down with Iran. Oh, and let’s not forget India. They have ties to both Russia and China.

Put it all together and they have the manpower and resources to crush every Western nation if we all banded together. On a good day, the United States of America would have a tough time facing such a foe. Thanks to Slo Mo Joe, our nation is waning. Worse it is rotting from the inside out and it is all intentional.

Let’s start with oil. When President Trump left office we were a  net exporter of oil and the price of gasoline was about $2.50 per gallon on average. Today we import much of our oil and the price of gasoline has hit an all-time high. What has changed? The occupant in the White House.

While speculation abounds about why Russia decided to invade Ukraine at this point in time, I find it hard to dismiss the availably of cheap energy as one of the prime factors. Certainly everything Joe Biden has done during his short occupation of the Oval Office has contributed but oil floats to the top of my list.

The short supply of US oil along with massive spending has fueled inflation to all-time highs. While “all-time highs” is not official, once you account for changes in how inflation is calculated, you’ll be hard-pressed to prove me wrong on this. Congress is complicit in all of this. Just today I saw this from Marjorie Taylor-Green

Yep, the House is vying for yet another spending spree. Just the other day Biden stood up before his fellow Democrats saying the idea that spending is the prime cause of inflation is “just not true”.  I won’t waste my time in the mental midget but for anyone who needs to grasp it, the principle is simply supply and demand. As the supply of money increases, the value decreases and prices increase. The demand side is a bit more obscure but our government, via the Federal Reserve, prints money and then loans it via treasury notes to investors. As the glut in fiat bucks grows, it becomes harder to find investors. Short and sweet, as more money is printed the less value it has.

As if inflation wasn’t enough, the short supply of natural gas, another energy product, affects everything in our nation. Fertilizer is a primary concern as the production of nitrogen, one of the main components of fertilizer. Fertilizer prices have risen to the point were many farmers have decided not to use any this year – at least those who are still planting. Then consider the cost of harvesting. From planting to harvesting, machinery is crucial to American agriculture. Our machinery runs on fossil fuels. As those costs go up one of two things can be  expected to happen. Either the farmer will decline to produce a crop as it becomes unprofitable to do so or the price of his goods will increase and we will pay dearly for them. Actually, both are likely to happen. Farmers are on the low end of the profit scale when it comes to food production. If anyone were to get rich from higher prices, it ain’t them.

Of course, none of the above takes into account the invasion. Not Ukraine. America. While the media and the rest of the circus clowns are wringing their hands over 190,000 Russian troops invading Ukraine, and rightly so to a point, our Southern border is flooded with over 2 MILLION illegal aliens, drugs and who knows what else? That’s TEN TIMES the number if insurgents overrunning Ukraine’s borders folks. The media? Crickets.

By the by, the US Census puts the total immigrant population (both legal and illegal) in the US at 46+ Million. In my cursory glance I didn’t see any breakdown of this figure. It would be nice to know what the folks charged with counting heads says the number of illegal aliens is now.

In addition to illegal aliens, our borders are also open to anybody who wants to stroll across, including criminals and terrorists. Story after story emerges documenting known illegal alien criminals assaulting, robbing and even killing innocent US citizens. Even so, they are not leading the crime wave sweeping our nation.

All across the US, crime is surging. From flash robberies of upscale boutiques and high-end jewelers to murders in the streets, crime is rampant and the criminals? Well, in many cases they are simply let go without bail. Prosecutors across the nation are refusing to hold and sometimes even charge those arrested for criminal activity. Instead they free them, allowing them back on the streets to commit even more crimes.

The current crime wave is endorsed and backed by useful idiot liberals who lobby to defund the police while supporting no-cash bail laws. Lately many leftist politicians who worked hard to put these measures in place are now publicly backing off. Have they really had a change of heart or simply changing their positions to avoid the political wind? You be the judge.

I’m just scratching the surface but you get the picture. At every turn something comes up to eat at the very foundation of our nation. The rule of law no longer exists. Ghislaine Maxwell sits in jail, convicted of child trafficking while her long list of politically-connected clients remain at large and uncharged. One must wonder why. Mounting evidence of Hillary Clinton’s role in the now-debunked Russian Collusion Hoax has failed to result in any charges filed against her. While numerous, validated questions about Hunter Biden’s illegal activities arise, he remains untouched. Though federal authorities executed a full-swat raid on Project Veritas head James O’Keefe in search of Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley Biden’s diary. Never mind the fact that no federal crime was committed. Unless of course you want to explore the utilization of federal assets for personal reasons. Joe?

Again and again, my wife and I discuss these stories. Again and again she shrugs her shoulders saying, “it’s not like anyone can do anything about it.”. Well, if this is the attitude of the citizens of our nation then she’s correct. Nothing will happen. Nobody is going to save us. How does this all end then?

Here’s scenario number one:

Nobody does anything. The politicians and their minions continue to rape, pillage and destroy our nation until we reach a breaking point. [Note, the money men are counting profits all along. They like to stay behind the scenes and run things from afar. ] At some point something will give. It has to. Whether it is our economic system, race riots, war or some other, unforeseen event or series of events, it will all come to a  head.

When that happens, all bets are off. Someone might declare a “national emergency” and seize power on the spot.  Maybe they will, maybe they won’t. The deciding factor, as always, will be how much they believe we citizens will tolerate. We’ve already proven quite docile. They could simply engage the troops. Of course, first we’ll see law enforcement deployed in all their glory. Then the National Guard will be called in. Last but not least, we’ll see the military put boots on the ground.  Once this happens, it is only a matter of time before a “provisional government” assumes power. At some point they will defer to some “global leadership”.  The globalists will finally be able to establish their world government because our nation no longer stands in their way.

It will all start with a crisis of some sort. Some time after that, citizens may or may not rise in protest at the draconian measures imposed on us. Covid was just a precursor, you ain’t seen nothin yet. Then the hammer comes down, on us. Stick a fork in us, we will be done.

Granted there are many ways this sort of thing can play out. God knows the authoritarians (notice how this word has become more popular since I first started using it?) are tossing everything they can to get this fire blazing. They are not going to stop. If they could have figured out what it would take to push us over the edge, they’d have done it already. We’ve been maddingly resilient but even we can only take so much. As I’ve said so many times before, I’m no  prophet. All I do is extrapolate from the present.  So the what may blindside me, but the end result will be the same.

Scenario number two

We, the People stand up. We take back our nation. In my little mind, I envision a county by county effort. Yes, I’ve advocated this before. What I would really love to see is for citizens to gather at our respective county seats on a single day to send a message to the politicians and their money-men.

“Your Reign of Terror is OVER!”

We are in charge now. This would be just a start. Continuing on, we would initiate a series of resolutions designed to take back our nation and regain control. These resolutions would direct our elected representatives concerning our wishes for our states and our nation. The first ones would need to be sweeping and big – such as directing our federal government to produce a budget AND prohibit them from borrowing another dime.  And so forth.

This concept is similar to Virginia’s Second Amendment Sanctuary movement. Just before Covid hit, citizens all over our commonwealth convinced our county boards to declare our respective counties to be Second Amendment Sanctuaries. The movement was a response to the State’s recent attack on our 2A rights.

To date, the politicians largely ignored our efforts. Most of them scoff at us. We ain’t done yet. They can ignore us at their own political peril. We have a glimmer of hope. Virginia citizens spoke loudly again last November. This time the overwhelming reason was our kids. What point an be taken away from all this?

Yes, we CAN vote our way out of this… so to speak. Many, especially my brothers on the right, disdain the idea. I understand why. For decades we citizens vote and vote and vote. Sometimes we see some light at the end of the tunnel but it is always extinguished far too soon. The problem is our vote is only part of the answer. As was demonstrated in November 2020, what also matters is who counts the votes. We’ve been far too lax on that matter. Even then we are not out of the woods.

Because the real problem facing us citizens is politics, in particular, party politics. As long as the baton is passed from Democrat to Republican and back again, all we will see is two sides of the same rotten egg. Inside it is black and putrid. This needs to change. We need to divorce ourselves form party politics.

The good news is modern technology can overcome this. In most places in this nation citizens can write in our votes. Forget the old whine about who might win if we go “third party”. If all we can do is choose between two evils we then are forced to choose evil. But we are not forced. Not really.

Thus I am convinced it is possible to rebuild our nation. In order to do so, we citizens, must reclaim our birthright to self-government. We need to shove the politicians to the side of the road and drive away, never looking back. We need to decentralize, to make our county seats the centers of our political lives. From there we rule our own patches of American soil. From there we direct our representatives and hold them accountable.

As much as I see how this dream is possible, I have to agree with my wife. It won’t happen. Why? Simply because the citizens of our nation will not make it happen. Instead we all shrug our shoulders saying “Well, somebody’s gotta do something.”. And along comes another politician promising everything under the sun and a chicken in every pot. Good luck with that.





Joe Biden – THE Most Successful United States President EVER!?

If you are a regular or even occasional reader of this blog, you know I’m right – or you soon will. Unless of course you only stop by to scream at your screen. It’s all a matter of perspective. Ask yourself… what constitutes success as a US President? If you want to cling to those old notions of a vital nation offering opportunity and security for all citizens with equal justice under the law, then you likely deem #46 an utter failure. And you should. But IF one’s goal is to utterly destroy our nation, to bring this country to its knees, well then Slo Mo Joe’s your guy.

Too many these days are lamenting the incompetence of this pResident. Personally, I’d say he first has to be cognizant to be competent. Biden is neither. The evidence is overwhelming. As the meme above says, the destruction is intentional. But WHY? Again, if you’ve been visiting this blog for length of time, you already know my train of thought on this topic. For the uninitiated, I’ll be blunt.

The goal of the globalists is a global government. The United States of America stands in the way. Our nation may be the ONLY obstacle keeping the globalists from world domination. That they lust for total power is not some “conspiracy theory”. It is fact as stated by the globalists themselves.

Those who consider themselves the “elite” believe they and only they are qualified to govern. Us proles need to be ruled. Certainly we are not capable of governing ourselves. Consider anything you’ve ever read from the globalists. Has any of them proposed anything remotely resembling our Constitution? Of course not. Don’t be silly.

While one may dispute whether the efforts to install a global government is coordinated, thus confirming the idea of some conspiracy, it becomes harder every day to deny the direction we are headed. Meanwhile either coordination or cooperation to achieve a common goal becomes more evident every day.

Simply browsing current events churns up mounds of suspicious crap. Putin and Xi are all but sleeping together. Both have been in bed with Biden and his controllers. While Zelenskyy puts on a great show, it is quite possible he’s just playing his part. Then there’s Iran. Can anybody tell me with a straight face how Biden swears enmity against Putin from one side of his mouth while begging him to negotiate a deal with Iran on behalf of the United States with the other? I swear the man would sell snake oil if someone loaded the script on his teleprompter. Oh! Wait a minute! Have you had your booster today?

This morning, this meme gave me pause for thought:

I’m sure y’all recognize the reference to the book of Revelation. Even I’ve questioned whether we are fast approaching the end times. My understanding is we have a ways to go before we actually get to the prophesied four horsemen but the kickoff (the rapture) could happen at any moment. Seriously.

Granted, for over 2,000 years we Christians have been encouraged to live like Christ is coming at any moment. I get that, but every day as I see more and more incredulous stuff, I can’t help thinking – we’ve gotta be right on the edge! At least I’m at the nail-biting point these days.

Biden's Success Meter
Biden’s Success Meter – According to Biden

Back to Biden’s success meter.

According to Biden’s meter he is a huge success. And, like I said before ,if his goal is to destroy our nation, I’d have to agree. Not even Nobama was able to deconstruct our nation so completely in so short a period of time.

Where is it all going? Stay tuned. My next post will discuss two possible scenarios – each one far different than the other.

J6 Letter to VA Senator Tim Kaine and His Reply

Last December I contacted all of my federal representatives concerning the J6 POWs. Below is the letter I sent to Tim Kaine – His “reply” follows. To his credit, he is the only one I heard back from, including Congressman Goode, a freshman Republican who reportedly actually visited the DC gulag.

The Honorable Tim Kaine
231 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4024
Fax: (202) 228-6363

December 27, 2021

RE: January 6 Political Prisoners

Dear Senator Kaine,

While you may not agree with my ascertain the American citizens held without bail due to the events of January 6, 2021 are political prisoners, I ask you to set the nomenclature aside for the moment.

Please note I consider what is happening with these prisoners to be a watershed moment in our nation’s history.

In Washington DC, our nation’s capital, as well as elsewhere in our nation, American Citizens are being held without being charged and without bail. A federal judge, Royce Lambert, held the DC jailers in contempt for the treatment of these prisoners. House Representatives have documented the deplorable conditions they are being housed in. Conditions any American would be horrified to learn if the worst convicted felons in our nation’s history were subject to. Yet these are not felons. They are not convicts. They are citizens of the United States of America. I am sure you would be outraged if you learned illegal immigrants were treated like this. How can you stand by and allow this to happen to anyone, much less a fellow citizen? Are you so far removed from the people of this nation?

These individuals, these citizens, are being held within a ten minute drive from your office. TWO miles from where you sit right now, American citizens suffer from poor food, miserable living conditions, insufficient medical care, beatings and more. Has the principle of “innocent until proven guilty” somehow been suspended? Have we become so callous?

What I find appalling is the total lack of due process, the absolute shredding of the constitutional rights of these citizens and the ALMOST TOTAL SILENCE of nearly everyone involved. None of these things should be. This is not the America I was thought I’d grown up in.

I urge you to do more. Contact those responsible. Make noise. Do not let up. ALL Americans should be ashamed of the treatment of these individuals. Whether they are guilty or innocent is not at issue at this point as they have not been charged! Enough is enough. Please take action.

Andrew Havens

Here is Kaine’s reply.

February 22, 2022

Mr. Andrew Havens
My street
My town, VA  xxxx-xxxx

Dear Mr. Havens:

Thank you for contacting me about the attack on the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. I appreciate hearing from you.

While still in office, former President Donald J. Trump falsely claimed that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” because he lost. On January 6, 2021, he encouraged his supporters to “show strength,” and a mob responded by violently storming the U.S. Capitol to disrupt the certification of Joe Biden’s electoral victory. Four people died on the day of the attack. U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who was beaten by the mob, died the next day. More than 100 police officers were injured. Four additional police officers who defended the Capitol on January 6 subsequently committed suicide as a result of the physical and mental trauma that they suffered on that day.

I am deeply troubled by reports implicating members of Congress for their possible involvement in the attack. For example, on October 24, 2021, Rolling Stone revealed that several House Members and their staff were involved in planning rallies that set the scene for the insurrection. While Congress does not have law enforcement authority, it can penalize violations of House and Senate rules and conduct. On January 11, 2021, Representative Cori Bush introduced H.Res.25, which would direct the House Ethics Committee to investigate and issue a report on whether any actions taken by Members of Congress who sought to overturn the 2020 Presidential election violated the Rules of the House of Representatives or their oaths of office to uphold the Constitution.

In the Senate, I joined Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and five other colleagues in urging the Senate Ethics Committee to investigate Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley for the role that they may have played in the January 6 attack. On January 13th, the House of Representatives passed an article of impeachment against Donald Trump for inciting the insurrection at the Capitol. Last year, I voted to convict President Trump, because an acquittal would lead to worse behavior. On February 13, 2021, the Senate acquitted President Trump for the second time by a vote of 57 to 43, short of the required 67 votes for conviction.

I remain concerned that turning a blind eye to the insurrection will set a dangerous precedent that could embolden more bad actors in the future. Please be assured that I will continue to do everything in my power to safeguard our democracy. Again, thank you for contacting me.



Tim Kaine

Generally I categorize this kind of response as the “Why My Grandmother’s Dog Has Fleas” sort. In other words the reply in no way resembles what it is supposed to be in reply to. The only similarity is “January 6”.

Other than that and the body count, Kaine fills his page with absolute lies.

Per The New Yuck York Times, four people are alleged to have died on January 6.

WASHINGTON — As a pro-Trump protest turned into a violent attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6 last year, four people in the crowd died.

      • Ashli Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was fatally shot by a Capitol Police officer as rioters tried to breach the House chamber.

      • Kevin D. Greeson died of a heart attack, collapsing on the sidewalk west of the Capitol on Jan. 6.

      • Rosanne Boyland appeared to have been crushed in a stampede of fellow rioters as they surged against the police.

      • Benjamin Philips, the founder of a pro-Trump website called Trumparoo, died of a stroke.

Rosanne Boyland. The video evidence I saw strongly indicates she was beaten to death by a Capital Police officer.

Officer Sicknick was NOT “beaten by the mob”.

There was no “insurrection”, at least not one by those protesting the election fraud and, yes, MOUNTAINS of evidence is piling up supporting more than enough fraud to illegally put Biden in office. And while the “authorities” at the Capital have jailed hundreds of political prisoners on minor charges, without bail, while denying their rights to a fair, impartial and speedy trial, not to mention the gross, inhumane treatment of these political pawns, they seem to be suppressing exculpatory evidence AND possibly obscuring their own efforts to overthrow  a duly elected President.

The GLARING OMISSION from Kanin’s “response” of course, is he said




They Say WE Are “Conspiracy Theorists?!”

Get real huh? Three from the Gateway Pundit today.

First up Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes is charged with “plotting a seditious conspiracy”

Consider this is an actual charge, I’m asking who are the conspiracy theorists now? Also in the article Rhodes says he’s considering suing Revolver News for alleging Oath Keepers is an FBI front. I read about that myself and it caused me concern because of the mystery surrounding Ray Epps. Epps is purported to be former leader in Oath Keepers. How about this for a twist? Despite a good deal of video showing Epps certainly had involvement in activities surrounding the events of Jan 6 in D.C. and on the day before, despite the fact that Epps was on the FBI’s list of persons of interest and his sudden mysterious removal, among other things, Politicfact, of all places makes every effort to debunk the idea Epps is somehow involved on the federal side of those events. And they are not alone., Snopes, and the WP all seem to want to defend Ray Epps. Strangely enough, there are a lot of of J6 POWs rotting in the DC gulag. I  have yet to see any of these organizations come their defense. They claim, the mystery surrounding Epps is a mere “conspiracy theory”. Well, get that’s all fine and good but I’ve seen far less evidence suggesting Rhodes or anyone else “conspired” to “overthrow” our government. So my question stands: WHO is the conspiracy theorist?

Next up… J6 POW Matthew Perna committed suicide.

I cannot imagine the pain and despair he endured. Some might say he did so because he was guilty. I don’t by it. If guilt were the issue then he would have done himself in long before. No, the Matt’s blood is on the hands of the REAL J6 insurrectionists – those responsible for  his being in jail for over a year on minor charges. On a side note here…

Part of the story linked above says Matt pleaded guilty to felony “obstruction of Congress” and three misdemeanor charges. Then prosecutors sent word they were going to further charge him. Agreeing to any guilty plea in these cases is a mistake in my layman’s opinion. Let the government prove whatever case they think they can build  While I cannot imagine the intense pressure and who knows what else these POWs must feel, they are all backed into a corner with no way out. Standing firm on their innocence is the only real choice. Even then the cards are stacked against them.

And then there’s Sean McHugh  a J6 POW for nine months in the DC gulag. Here is part of his story:

After reporting what had happened, I was moved to “the hole”, a place where you go for disciplinary segregation. They take your commissary away in “the hole” and handcuff you and lock you in the shower when it’s time to wash. They lock you up in solitary confinement which by this point I was becoming accustomed to. This jail claims there was a court order for such housing, however, my lawyer had explicitly explained to me beforehand after speaking to the jail that I was to be moved to the patriot pod C2B. That was my first experience being punished for speaking out here in the DC Gulag. I felt absolutely hopeless at that moment. I felt betrayed yet again by the very people I was told I could trust, and that were there to protect me from such degradation. 

Among other things, its said He has inadequate legal counsel and, like other inmates, is being pressured to accept “sick” plea deals. I do not know if it is true of any or all of the public defenders but my understanding is most of them are liberals who hate Trump and anyone who supports him. I ask you, what sort of defense do you think they will provide?

Here is Sean’s American Gulag link.

Tomorrow I’ll try to post the results of my correspondence with one of my “representatives” in the Senate – Tim Kaine.  The reason for the delay Kaine replied to me via my email address but I could not reply to him that way.

While he was Clinton’s lapdog running mate, I deemed him “Odie” because he reminds me of that mindless pup in the Garfield comic. Now that I think about it, I realize I really need to apologize for that.

Sorry, Odie, no offense intended.