A Word of Warning

The more I read about the tempest forming here in Virginia the more I determined I am to turn to my Heavenly Father. He is with me always and not only me… He is with each of us who claim His Son Jesus the Messiah as Lord and Savior and possibly with some who do not yet lay any claim.

In nearly everything I write these days, I urge my brethren in Christ to seek out our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus first and foremost. There is indeed war being waged in our nation today. It is a spiritual battle. We cannot prevail without supernatural aid. Ultimately, the controllers cannot and will not prevail, however they can gain ground. They have gained ground. We, as citizens and especially as believers in Christ can stop them but we dare not make the same glaring error the controllers make – failing to seek out our Holy God and His Son Jesus. With this I have a word of warning to those of you who think yourselves “rulers”.

You are not rulers. You are not kings. You are stewards – representatives of us citizens. You are in a position of trust. Almighty God says this of kings.

Proverbs 16:12 It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness.

Our nation is not a monarchy, but consider this: if it is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness, do you think, for one moment, your wickedness will be granted a pass?

Neither does our nation have a throne. Even so our constitutional republic was likewise established by righteousness. The law of this land – our constitution is a righteous document, forged by godly men. It stands as a unique beacon of liberty for all who desire freedom from tyranny.

You have corrupted it. You have stained it. You have trampled it underfoot. This will stop. Repent now. Turn away from your wickedness. Our God is a forgiving God, but woe unto you to do not fear His wrath!

Jeremiah 10:10 But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation.

Again I remind you of the story in Daniel:

Daniel 5:22 And thou his son, O Belshazzar, hast not humbled thine heart, though thou knewest all this;

23 But hast lifted up thyself against the Lord of heaven; and they have brought the vessels of his house before thee, and thou, and thy lords, thy wives, and thy concubines, have drunk wine in them; and thou hast praised the gods of silver, and gold, of brass, iron, wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor know: and the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified:

24 Then was the part of the hand sent from him; and this writing was written.

25 And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.

26 This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it.

27 TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.

28 PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.

The Holy vessel you have debased is our constitution. The unholy gods you worship are the gods of communism – the state, as well as other, ancient and secret gods you worship in your dark places. Do not think these false gods will protect you. Your weapons of war will not protect you. Your unholy decrees will not protect you. You may well bring darkness to this land but your unholy reign will be short-lived and strive with trouble.

You have been warned.

To my brethren in Christ: fear not! God is with us. He will succor us if we only turn to Him and his Holy Son Jesus. While these evil men will fall, chaos need not overcome us. Should we only ask our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus the Messiah, they return our nation back into our hands. We need only to claim what is rightfully ours in the name of God.

God bless,


Similarities Between Civil War I and Civil War II

There is a book I’ve been reading… I’ve mentioned it before.

Yes I am still reading it. For me this is not a book to gloss over. I read some and contemplate what Dr. Pace writes and how it relates to what we face to day in our nation. Do not let the title “Dr.” fool you.

While Dr. Pace is an excellent historian in my view, he is only an amateur historian. His training is as a medical doctor, an ophthalmologist to be exact. I bring this up not to disparage him but to point out his work is not one of professional necessity but of passion. He sought out the truth and now reveals it via his books. History is a fickle mistress. While I find his work to be excellent, I am sure there are hoards of “professional” historians aching to bring his perspective down.

I’ve already pointed out at least one lesson I learned from this book. While slavery was an issue – it was an issue trotted out by the Whig turned Republican Abraham Lincoln to win a presidential nomination and then the presidency itself. One of today’s parallels is gun control.

Dr. Pace points out most of the North didn’t much care about slavery.  As most owned no slaves they did not really understand that world. Today, most of our nation do not understand firearms. As they do not own them, they do not understand our world.  This became clear to me early on in this book, but there is another, more insidious lesson learned just last night.

This lesson has bee brewing for a bit but it all became clear as Dr. Pace describes the events leading to and just after the incident at Fort Sumter. Not only does Pace detail how Lincoln manipulated events leading up this but also his reaction when he first heard the news. Lincoln was exuberant. This was where all his plans came together.

With this and other evidence Dr. Pace makes a startling conclusion: Abraham Lincoln not only manipulated events to start the war he was indifferent to the bloodletting that followed. Think about that.

Now consider what is going on today. What I find it difficult to face is there are people in this world who actually want to kill and destroy their fellow countrymen. I understand there are those who point this out on a regular basis but I’ve had a hard time wrapping my head around the idea. That said, I am convinced time will prove this out. This time is more near than any of us think. It could be years. It could be months. Or it could  be days. I do not know but the danger seems imminent.

On April 4, 1861, history declares the first Civil War began. There were signs leading up to this event. Some even predicted what would happen should South Carolina defend themselves against Lincoln’s warships. Nobody saw the ugly,bloody war to follow.  Are we at a similar juncture in history today? I cannot say for sure. I can only pray for another way.

Meanwhile Lincoln, a man who is today honored and revered, is put forth by Dr. Pace as a man who cared for nothing but power. When he got it, he abused it and our citizens in a way no one has seen before or since. The memorial to the man can be viewed as a King sitting upon his throne. How fitting.

He stripped the states of their sovereignty by denying secession. He destroyed the South in every way possible. He ushered in today’s era of a rogue unlimited government that refuses to answer to the citizens it is supposed to serve.

God help us.


Note: The link above is a NOW an affiliate link. It is still an excellent read. With so many books out there, I cannot imagine why anyone would recommend a crappy one.



The Last Straw – Our Final Line of Defense

All Eyes are on Virginia – first Richmond, then Virginia’s flyover country. Euphorically it resembles a tennis match. I’ve described the battle we face here and in our nation as a spiritual battle, ultimately between the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Messiah and the god of this world. Indeed it is. Things look different here on ground level. Putting the spiritual aside… this is what I see.

Unless you are blind or purposely averting your eyes, it should be obvious this nation’s governments have morphed into power-hungry tyrants. In other words 1984 has arrived with a vengeance. On both state and federal level, and often on local levels, they rule with iron fists – stealing our liberty for any purpose whatsoever. Adding insult to injury they force us to pay for the “privilege”. This alone should be enough for us but it is not for the controllers.

Next they add regulatory agencies, allowing them to further strip us of our liberties with little oversight and no constitutional authority. Stories abound about rogue agents making up “rules” on a whim and then changing them in the next round – sometimes just days later. If said rules actually exist, they are subject to the interpretation of whoever claims “authority”. Even this is not the end of the power lust.

Bring on the enforcers. These take on many forms from uniformed police to men in black. Don’t get me wrong, I have mixed feelings about law enforcement. Many do indeed “protect and serve” and do so honorably. However examples abound on every level how police power is abused. Citizens are harassed, even jailed and/or subjected to secret courts. Homes are raided, dogs and citizens shot, property seized or outright stolen. Protest if you will, these incidents are neither isolated nor rare. Of course there is always the justice system… right?

Not so fast… justice? For the most part, justice belongs to those who can afford it. Even then much depends on who you are. Ask Roger Stone or Martha Stewart. Considering the bigger picture there is a reason judges are often described as black-robed thugs. Time and time again they rule against the people. Many courts will go so far as to threaten anyone who speaks of jury nullification with imprisonment. On an empirical level it is easy to see our “justice system” consistently expands government rather than enforce constitutional limitations.

What about elections? I mean, we voted these cretins in, we can vote them out… right? Can we? Recently, Judicial Watch, a strong citizens advocate, charged several states, including Virginia with allowing millions – yes millions – of votes by ineligible “voters”. We’ve all known for decades one of the Democrats’ most notorious constituencies is deceased “voters”. Add to this the fact that citizens have little, if any, say in who runs for office – such things are determined by political bosses, and we must face the reality: we citizens actually have little, if any, control over who “represents” us. How many times have you tried to decide between the lessor of two evils?

The only conclusion I can reach when considering all of these factors is tyranny has won… or at least they have us citizens on the ropes. The only thing left is to strip us of our means of physical self defense. While the controllers have made significant gains in many states, NY, NJ and CA among them, Virginia is seen as a pivotal point. Our commonwealth may very well be the last line of defense – not for our Second Amendment guarantees but for our very status as citizens rather than subjects.

Already the controllers usurped control over nearly every facet of our lives. As I and others repeatedly point out – there is no such thing as a limited government in our nation today. All of our constitutional guarantees of our God-given rights and freedoms have been soundly trashed for decades now. The phrase “it’s a free country isn’t it?” is a total joke. We are subjects, if not slaves in every sense of the word with the exception of no one person holds title to our personage. Even much of our property is subject to periodic payments for the privilege of “owning” it.

If the controllers exert this much power over us when we are armed to the teeth, how bold will they be once they can burst into our homes with no fear of anyone shooting back? Who or what will stop them then? Many suggest the end result will be the act of herding undesirables into cattle cars. Is this really unthinkable? Is mass murder of deplorables beyond comprehension? It has already been proposed. The only thing stopping some is our ability to defend ourselves.

While I can see the importance of current events, I contend we must look beyond this. We must first realize it is unlikely the controllers will back down now. Their dream is within their grasp. While they may put on the skids enough to slow down their ambitions, no concessions will satisfy their lusts. I am just as sure some see the current situation in Richmond as a window of opportunity. It could and should be gone by the next election cycle. What would you do in a case like this?

Either way, we must face certain facts. Second Amendment issues are only part of the picture. As stated in the title it is the final line of defense – the last straw. We need to unload the camel. It is not enough to win on our God-given right to keep and bear arms. Beating back the controlling hoards is a temporary solution at best. We need to stand up as citizens and reclaim the commonwealth and our nation – all of it. We need to insist in a return to a constitutionally limited government. This will not be easy. Just as one cannot lose weight gained over years in a week, we cannot trim government down to constitutional levels overnight, but the longer we wait, the harder the task will be.

God bless,


1984… On Steroids – You Are Being Watched

First my apologies for not posting more often lately. I’ve been working on an exciting project I hope to bring out soon. Actually, one project turned into two but the latter will take more time. Meanwhile, I’ve had little time to write.

Below is a short article on “surveillance capitalism”. The secondary title is even more interesting… “exploiting behavioral data”. I don’t know about you but I more and more personally experience this sort of thing. I search on something, click on something or buy something and I am followed for days and weeks with matching advertising. Some say they’ve had similar experiences in meat space with no online correlation until they’ve purchased something. In other words, you happen to be at a store, buy a candy bar and you are later inundated with candy ads even though it is the only sweet treat you’ve bought in years. Note, this example is not one I’ve ever seen specifically but you get the idea. It gets worse…

By now, if you do not know, our “benevolent betters”, those who work in government – especially those who are paid by us via tax dollars to spy on us, collect massive amounts of data of every kind on us. Personally, I expect any transaction I’ve made in the past several years, every web search, every phone call, email, text or any other message or exchange to be sitting in one or more data files somewhere. Maybe these are cataloged and maybe not. Am I paranoid? I don’t think so. If I am wrong, I am wrong and that would be a good thing. Nor do I spend much time thinking about it. Other than writing a few words now and then, there is really nothing I can do about it at this point so why wring my hands with worry?

That said, there is no reason to file this piece of speculation in my own personal database for future reference. The reason I bring this up is to shine a light in this dark corner for all to see.

Once again, we all need to hold our rogue employees accountable. Given the opportunity, I will do just that. It may not get me anywhere yet but it all adds up to making my own case to return our nation to a limited government that better serves those of us who pay dearly for it.

And now… the article:


What to Expect in Virginia – Sam Culper

In the previous post, I linked to Sam’s Article in The Forward Observer. His insight is solid enough to give his article a post of its own. Please note, any, ANY speculation of future events is likely to be wrong – at least in detail. This doesn’t mean one cannot extrapolate trends to see where they might lead but only a true Godly prophet can prophesy and their standard is 100% accuracy.

So here it is:


Eyes on Virginia 2020 – Here’s what to expect

The UN Hiring Gun Confiscation Specialists?

The UN is Hiring! Specifically the posting is for a “DISARMAMENT, DEMOBILIZATION AND REINTEGRATION OFFICER

The article is from Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper – h/t Zerohedge. She includes the actual wording of the UN Job post, just in case this gets “lost”.

Of course she asks if someone is preparing for action in Virginia. Note, I already posted “Wild and Crazy” speculation of just such an idea and essentially laughed it off. Sam Culper of The Forward Observer reviewed some recent news, including the same UN report I saw and called it “Beyond Fake News”. Before this UN posting, I would have agreed. Now I’m beginning to wonder.

Daisy generally posts good stuff. My take on her is she’s got a good head on her shoulders and is not prone to going off the wall.

Here is Daisy.

The UN Is Hiring English-Speaking DISARMAMENT OFFICERS in New York

Here again is a direct link to the UN post:

Proof: The Controller’s Propaganda is Working

From Zerohedge comes an article from Gallup Poll researcher Justin McCarthy.

Overall it is not surprising but it should still alarm. The gist of this is the controller’s stranglehold on media outlets is proving effective. They are turning the tide of public opinion against common sense.

One insight of particular note is how reports of “gun violence” ramps up the public’s desire for more gun control. We all know this but is it sinking in?

This is one reason I focus on liberty and a return to a limited government not just 2a guarantees. Even liberals I talk to who have “nothing against guns” support efforts to strip our liberties because they fail to see where the bottom of this slippery slope. We know.

Here is the article:


May Your New Year Be Interesting…

Yeah, well, so shoot me with a fully-automatic single shot nerf gun… before it’s illegal here in VA, I tend towards non-traditionalism. If memory serves correct, the subject here could be a rephrase of an old Chinese curse… “May you lead an interesting life.” Why is this a curse? Apparently “interesting” is or was considered the antithesis of “peace and tranquility” – the desired standard for a good life.

Well, I’m not so much as invoking a “curse” as much as I am suggesting how I see the current trend going. Lot’s of things going on both here at TheLibertyCoalition.org and elsewhere. One only has to look at some news headlines to ascertain this so I’m not making any psycho, er, psychic predictions here.

I don’t plan on posting much today as I have other things needing attention so I’ll leave you with this:



Returning to the Republic: It All Starts Here

This morning I was inspired by an article by John Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute. It starts off from a somewhat dark corner, as it details so many ways our nation has descended into tyranny. However, John is not without hope. If you think about what he says as well as what I’ve been saying, you will soon realize the details are sketchy for a reason… liberty is naturally messy.

The video I posted the other day from Kris Anne Hall reflects this also. Other Christians are taken aback at Kris Anne’s take on liberty because it doesn’t “fit” their doctrine. I’ve got news for my brethren in Christ: my take on liberty won’t likely fit your doctrine either. Liberty is not about my “doctrine”, my beliefs or yours. Liberty is about the freedom to choose what you believe, even if that belief proves to be less than accurate.

Liberty is messy. There are few hard rules because rules are naturally anti-liberty.

Back to Mr. Whitehead – he does offer guidance on how to restore liberty. He can see this happening right here in Virginia and spreading nationwide. The crux of this idea is local action. It should be clear by now – reform will not come from Richmond or Washington. Reform starts here at home.

When I first started this site, on commenter on the original article correctly observed we will not regain liberty just by posting on the internet. His point was we need to build alliances within our communities rather than just trade electrons over wire. I agreed then and I agree now. Of course there is a place for sites like The Liberty Coalition.org. News of our stand here in Virginia as well as the burgeoning support nationwide would not be possible without the means to spread the word. This is not the first time, nor the last time technology will demonstrate usefulness, but cyberspace is not the answer – meatspace is. That said…

You can read John Whitehead’s article here:




America’s Swan Song or… It’s Over – The Fat Lady Sings

From The Burning Platform – h/t 90 Miles from Tyranny – America’s Swan Song or It’s Over – The Fat Lady Sings

Okay so they put a different title on the article but it all says the same thing – there seems little hope for our nation to return to a constitutional republic. Of course, putting it in those words is a blatant admission we are no longer a constitutional republic. Ouch! If this is true then we are no longer held by a constitution. While the controllers might wring their collective hands in glee over this thought, they may want to consider how some of us deplorables might see things…

No Constitution? All Righty Then… Game ON!

Uh, yeah, you see when there is no “law of the land” there is no law. Period. In Christian terms, this is often stated as, “Be careful what you ask for… you might just get it.”

So, a couple of points from the article itself. First, the author brings up a letter sent to Nancy “Let Her Speak” Pelosi on the eve of this impeachment. While I see it as a good and strong letter for the most part, I noticed what I consider one mistake. He says his right to due process was violated as he could not face his accusers and so forth. Well… an impeachment is an accusation – more like a grand jury indictment in my mind so, no, that doesn’t fly with me. The trial, if there ever is one, will be held in the Senate where due process should play out. Assuming, of course, the whole thing isn’t just tossed out as the frivolous waste of time it is.

The other point brought up is Joe Biden and his recent preemptive refusal to testify should such a trial take place. My understanding is he is now backpeddling on this but suppose he, like so many in the NObama thumbs his nose at a congressional subpoena. Does such an action essentially declare congress has no such “power”? If such is true then let us dispense with the foolishness of allowing congress to hold such hearings at all. If congress does indeed have the authority to subpoena, does that not imply certain people such as Joe Biden and Eric Holden are above the law? If this is true then my original premise proves correct – no “law of the land” actually exists here.

As for me, I prefer to hope above hope that this is not true and we still can return our nation to a limited republic form of government based on our constitution. Any alternative is to horrible to contemplate.

Read the article for yourself:


Militias… Join Or Not?

As things heat up here in Virginia, the idea of joining a militia is bounced around more and more. Below you’ll find an interesting article about the realities of jumping into a militia movement by a former militia leader.

Spoiler alert! He pulls no punches telling you what you should already know: you are being watched – nay – closely scrutinized, possibly even targeted for a “sting” operation. From what information I’ve gathered, a “sting” is often little more than blatant entrapment by some government entity. Even so, heed his warnings. I will go one step further – do not even think about doing anything illegal. Certainly do not talk about such things. Absolutely do not act on such ideas unless you are prepared to sit out a good part of your life in prison – IF you live through it. These guys are playing for keeps and they’ve stacked the deck against us.

On another note, the author’s warnings make me pause as to whether I will consider joining a local militia should one be formed. In principle, I am all for it – not because I am “anti-government” but because I believe the first defense of any community and county should be local. Said defense does not always entail an armed response but should included critical support for medicinal needs and things such as food, water and shelter.

Add this to the fact that my very public writings are enough to cause the controllers to sweat already puts me in the spotlight. While I have zero indication, much less evidence, of this happening now, I was just as clueless about what was happening on other levels in my previous experience. Things are different today. Though I may well be under the radar right now, everything I publish is more or less permanently on display. Back in the day my words disappeared into thin air almost as soon as they were spoken… or so I thought. What I didn’t know was, some at the other radio station in town apparently recorded my broadcasts and forwarded them to others. I had no idea anyone cared.

In any case, here is a revelation from someone who was active during one of our more turbulent periods:


Returning to Actions Have Consequences?

Inspired by the article below by James Howard Kunstler at Kunstler.com in a roundabout way via Knuckledraggin.com via Zerohedge.com – h/t to both sites. This is great example of the networking principle – word gets around. In yo face GRRRRGLE!

My take on all if this is this: there is no getting around the principle of “actions have consequences”. It is not a matter of IF, but a matter of WHEN – pure and simple. There is no escaping it. One cannot outrun it.

As a Christian, I trust Almighty God will make things right in His own time. While some may scoff at this, I’ll point out even non-believers will point to “karma”. Some lofty folks like to say “the universe” will do whatever. Both of these ideas imply a consciousness and and a scorecard. Do you eschew all of that? Okay, then consider everything man has done – everything. Men are truly the screwups of our little world here. Everything we’ve ever built ends up as a pile of some sort of shit. Consequences baby.

Even while implying the question, Kunstler’s article answers it. This nation is on the brink of collapse. There is no need for a civil war or any “revolution”. All we really need to do is sit back and watch things fall down around our ears. This is where we are headed.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke.

True as this may be, should evil indeed triumph, such victory will be short-lived. Why? Because evil cannot win. This is exactly why men fail again and again because man cannot escape the sin nature introduced by Adam without the Savior from Sin, Jesus the Messiah. Until our Messiah returns, any result can only be temporary.

That said, I am not willing to munch popcorn while this nation burns. This is exactly the reason for this website and all my efforts. I absolutely believe it is possible to return our nation into a God-fearing constitutional republic where liberty thrives. The alternative promises dire, um, consequences.

Evidence of Absence

Another Good Speech in Fairfax Virginia Supporting 2A

This one is a bit different as the speaker delves more into the mood in Virginia. Mind you his world is Northern Virginia. Those of on the Southside consider them damn near Yankees by comparison. In other words – they tend to be a whole lot more liberal.

I don’t get out much so I cannot gauge what the general mood is around here but it doesn’t take much to figure out there ain’t much support for the controllers ’round here.

I cannot see anyone taking kindly to the so-called “laws” being proposed in Richmond these days.


Why Celebrate Christmas?

Merry Christmas! With that said, consider why Christmas is celebrated. For the devout, the answer will likely be something like “we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the only begotten Son of God.”. This is certainly the best reason but why?

Jesus was the Promised One – the Messiah. His birth signifies the most important period in history, culminating with his death and resurrection. I have no issues with remembering and reflecting on this important event. In fact, I embrace such reflection. Everything else should pale beside the birth of our Lord at this time.

I say all if this even though I do not believe Jesus was even born on December 25. Too much evidence points to his being born either in the fall or spring. One date put forth is, wait for it, September 11. Is this correct? I don’t know nor do I care. What matters is what Jesus did while he lived and the fact that our Heavenly Father raised him from the dead after three days.

Jesus said in John 8:32

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

And in John 10:10

“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

Today these words are as important as they have ever been. The thief has accomplices. Just as Judas supposedly served Jesus, the thieves in government are supposed to be serving us as our representatives. They “hold the the bag” just as Judas did.

The first truth we should hold on to as if our lives depend upon it – because they do – is Jesus lived a life without sin and his death, the shedding of his sinless blood paid for our sins. Because of this each of us can be saved from the wrath to come by simply confessing Jesus as Lord and believing God raised him from the dead.

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

This is the end result of Jesus birth, his life and his death for us today. It is not the end of the story but it is where we are in this story.

Our Heavenly Father has not stopped blessing us! Over the centuries He has blessed His children in many ways. I am convinced no generation has experienced such blessings as we have today. They are indeed unprecedented. Sadly, the determination of many to turn away from God and His only begotten Son is also unprecedented. Please, let this not be said of you!

Among the blessings God has granted are those He bestowed upon the citizens of this nation – our liberties as guaranteed in our constitution as well as our constitutional republic itself. Once again the thieves seek to steal kill and destroy what a Holy God has granted us. They have already done much damage. The truth is we need not stand for it. We only need to turn to Almighty God once again and ask for deliverance. He has already delivered us from His wrath to come. He will also restore our nation if we simply ask.

Consider the words of Proverbs 11:

Proverbs 11:1 A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.

2 When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.

3 The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.

4 Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death.

5 The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness.

Today’s thieves – our politicians are masters at using false balances. Everything they weigh tilts to their advantage at our expense. Already they are deemed an abomination by God Almighty. As stated here, their own perverseness will be their destruction.

In verse 5 the word “perfect” means without blemish. As Christians, Sons of God ourselves, we are righteous because we’ve been made righteous by a Holy God because HE made us righteous.

Ephesians 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Romans 8:30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

To be “justified” in Romans 8:30 means to be “made righteous”.

More from Proverbs 11:

Proverbs 11:18 The wicked worketh a deceitful work: but to him that soweth righteousness shall be a sure reward.

19 As righteousness tendeth to life: so he that pursueth evil pursueth it to his own death.

20 They that are of a froward heart are abomination to the LORD: but such as are upright in their way are his delight.

21 Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.

The controllers are absolutely wicked in every way. They live to deceive us. Notice these words? “…he that pursueth evil pursueth it to his own death” Read all four verses here. It is plain to me that God Almighty WILL deal with these wicked people. How He deals with them is yet to be seen but it is clear to me they will not escape wrath. Their only hope is the same as our own – to accept Jesus as Lord and believe God raised him from the dead.

While some may, I anticipate many more will scoff only to pay the consequences.

God bless and again, Merry Christmas
