Last night I met with and signed petitions for both of these gentlemen to be on March’s primary ballot. I know little about either but as citizens, we should have every available option.
In 2015, I signed a similar petition for Donald J. Trump to be on the primary ballot. I didn’t even like the guy but it was not for me alone to say. Granted, he would have been on the ballot with or without my signature but that is not the point. As for last night I had a chance to hear and talk briefly with both men.

Jonathan Emord was a better speaker, more intense with clear thoughts that hit home. I was especially impressed with his passion for the J6 political prisoners. Whether his passion was real or illusionary, I cannot say but if he was faking it, he is good at it.
As for Scott Parkinson, he was articulate and came across as possibly more

conservative than Emord. Certainly he had the benefit of better endorsements. Those things, however, do not sway me all that much because of my inherent distrust of all politicians.
Face value? Either would be a good choice. Bottom line? It doesn’t matter one bit at this point. Not. One. Bit. Why? My reasoning is simple – first, it is impossible on the basis of a few minutes conversation to know the heart of anyone without Godly intervention. I had none of that. Second, the overwhelming need to replace Tim Kaine. The man is too much of an idiot to be a true fool. Worse, he is a democrat party lapdog – “Odie” as I like to call him – and this may well lead to his defeat.
As I was half-listening to Parkinson (sorry dude) my mind was racing. Sitting beside Emord (it was a small room), I tapped the senatorial hopeful and told him I wanted to do all I could to get him elected. While I do think he stands a better chance, it matters not to me who runs on the “R” ticket. I tapped him again and handed him a link to this blog.
Jonathan, I hope you are taking a peek. If, after reading a paragraph or several posts, if you decide to distance yourself, I won’t be offended. My hope is you will garner something useful from my ramblings.
Fact is my mind started working on how to defeat Tim Kaine because as I

was listening to Scott Parkinson, it hit me: While I agreed with most everything he was saying – his words will not beat Kaine. Nor will the words Jonathan Emord. win a U. S. Senate seat They just won’t. Why? Because both men were preaching to the choir. As far as this crowd was concerned, no matter which man wins the nomination, he has our vote. NOBODY in that room is gonna vote for Tim Kaine – except maybe for the FBI operatives in the room. So how CAN we get a Republican in that seat. Well, I’m still thinkin’ BUT…
Initial Thoughts on HOW to Win the Senate in November
For the most part we don’t need “Republican” votes. We need votes from those who vote for the democrat by default – whether is because they are simply used to voting blue or if they somehow think Tim Kaine represents them.
Let’s consider how Trump won. We can look at both the 2016 AND the 202o election. Cheating aside, Trump won both votes. How?
His message resonated more voters. It’s that simple. Nobody is going to match Trump’s style. For goodness sake, I held my nose when I voted for him the first time. The second time around, I was solidly behind him. Two things changed my mind. The first was those things he accomplished – he really did do a great job. The second was the fact that he accomplished so much in spite of having to fight the democrats, the media, and his own party. Talk about “the adult in the room” – we know know it was Trump and HE wasn’t just playing grownup.
So fellas – study Trump’s campaigns. Look closely at those things that drew massive crowds. Look at those things that attracted NOT his base but those on the fringes. This is one key.
The second observation is even easier. Forget about the J6 political prisoners. (WHAT!!? Calm down. Just for now.) Kaine voters don’t care about them. In fact, there are a ton of issues Kainites doesn’t care about. What we need to do is hit ’em where it hurts. And that is Joe Biden.
Biden is a huge disappointment. Few can dispute this with a straight face. As for Harris – if you want to defeat her, just let her talk. She never fails to fall flat on her face. Let’s capitalize on that.
Trot out Biden’s failures. Then put Odie’s leash in Biden’s hands. There you have it. Even IF Joe Biden is defeated, as I’m reasonably confident he can be, even in the face of massive fraud, Tim Kaine could well be re-elected.
What we cannot let anyone forget is Tim Kaine IS Joe Biden. He agrees with everything Joe Biden says. He wants everything Joe Biden wants. Just like Joe Biden, Tim Kaine is incapable of original thought. Let’s go there.
Tim Kaine can be defeated because he is tied to the deck of a sinking ship. There are no lifeboats for him. If he tries to sneak into one, to abandon his “god”, he must be pulled back.
Just remember, had fate turned just a bit in 2016, Tim Kaine would NOT be running for the U. S. Senate in 2024 – he would be running for President as Hilary’s VP (or former VP), if he was running for anything at all.
Imagine that if you dare “Odie for President” Whatever my masters want.
One more personal message to you Jonathan Emord and to you Scott Parkinson:
Get right with God. Do it now. You WILL be tempted to compromise if you haven’t already. Be ready and resist.
James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
This applies to ALL who claim Christ but the devil’s attacks on you will be far more powerful because the responsibilities you’ve signed up for are that much more critical.