Ran across the article below in Ammoland.
Johns Hopkins: More Gun Control Needed to Prevent Second Civil War
Gee… WHERE do I start? How about with the authors/publishers of this “work”? The article itself supplies plenty of detail so I’ll proffer the “Cliff Notes” version:
Johns Hopkins is supposed to be a well-respected medical school and health care center. Thus their expertise is medicine NOT firearms and certainly not “Civil War”. The very title of this hit piece should make it obvious if you also understand there actually was no first “Civil War” in this nation. Certainly nobody in the South made any attempt to overthrow the United States Government any more than West Virginia attempted to overthrow Virginia. They simply wanted to disassociate themselves from what was becoming an unbearably oppressive centralized power – the exact opposite of the original intent of the formation of our Constitutional Republic. Oh yeah, that brings up point #2:
OUR NATION IS NOT A DEMOCRACY! Sorry for shouting but some of those statists lurking in the back like to turn deaf ears to this simple fact. Ours is a republic, formed by our constitution. Taken along with our other primary founding document, The Declaration of Independence, the groundwork was previously laid for the right, nay, the responsibility of a self-governing people to dump oppressive elites, scrap institutions that become too big for their britches and start over. Such is exactly what the Confederacy did. Now get this straight in your head…
It doesn’t matter what their reasoning was or if YOU agree with them. None of that has any relevance to the issue at hand and that is whether the southern states had the right to secede from the union. We all seem to forget this is the crux of the matter and they were well within their rights to take off and do their own thing. The reason I make this point is so many others, particularly fellow conservatives, hold up Lincoln and the Norther Aggression he fomented in such esteem as the feat of some great and noble savior. Maybe it was for the best. Maybe it was all ordained by God Almighty Himself. None of this excuses the brutal truth of the lawless and unconstitutional actions of those on both sides of the conflict.
So right in the title of this presentation, the authors begin with false premises while continuing to tout idiocy. Need I tell you that none other than gun control freak Michael Bloomburg via his money (at least) is behind all this? Go figure. It all boils down to the promise alluded to in the title – more gun control is needed to save our nation. Bull Cookies! (If you like Mikey Bloomburg, you’ll love ’em – crunchy and tasty with a creamy center.)
Hey Mikey! If you’re reading this, lemme tell ya from one of those types you hate and fear so much:
We don’t need no stinkin’ guns!
Now that should take the wind out of your sails and leave your crap dead in the water. Hope you’ve stock up on Bull Cookies ’cause I, for one, ain’t coming to get ya.
Look fool, what never seem to understand is WE the People have the law of the land, the constitution on our side. Now granted, when our Southern ancestors tried to right the wrongs imposed on them, the rest of the nation rallied together to brutally rape, kill, and pillage all those who opposed them. If you ask me, they took the wrong approach and it came back to bite them. What is the right approach? It is simple – not easy, but simple.
WE the People must assert our birthright – our GOD-GIVEN authority to govern ourselves. And that means we need to dump, NOT our government, so to speak, but our party system. It is time.
We now have the technology that allows citizens to stand for whatever seat they wish AND we have the technology to hold our representatives and employeesaccountable. We don’t need anyone to ride from house to house with news or gather at the town square to discuss important matters. We can do these things, but we can also do as much from the comfort of our homes, our place of business, or a laundromat – wherever. We have unprecedented access to our government entities and to each other.
Sure we have guns. Lots of them. We have ammo. Many in our ranks also have outstanding knowledge and skills to use them. But we don’t need any of those things. The entire idea of any “insurrection” or armed takeover of our government is ludicrous. Why? Because WE the People ARE the government! What? Are we to rebel against ourselves? Leave it to Brandon to shoot himself in the foot. I’ll abstain, thank you.
If you look at it all this way, it is laughable. Are you getting this Mikey? Yours is a straw man. The ONLY thing your proposals can accomplish is to either overthrow our government by your penchant for seizing our liberty, forcing us to either surrender to your elites or rise up and toss them out on their ears. (No, we don’t need to stinkin’ guns for that either.) To that end, YOU, sir, are fomenting rebellion BY insisting on more unconstitutional gun control.
As for my fellow citizens, I urge you to stand up and be counted. And no, “voting” alone is not enough. For right now though it is a start, unless you want to see a repeat of 2020. Let’s take action now. How?
Be vocal. Stop biting your tongue and speak up. You need not be loud. You need not be obnoxious. Some of the most effect voices are soft-spoken. While I have zero talent for this myself, do not think because you cannot be heard because you do not raise your voice. It is enough to speak your mind.
Participate. Yes, you’re gonna have to vote but please, please, PLEASE do more, even if it is just a little bit more. Even if it means holding your nose while working with the republican party. Yes, YOUR vote counts but OUR VOTES count more! To this end we need to get more citizens registered to vote and get them to to polls. We need bodies at board meetings to hold our representatives accountable.
Encourage others. The plain truth about our decentralized government is none of us can do this alone. The most daunting problem of our nation today is it is run by a slim few who have slithered themselves into positions of power. Their authority is stolen, or at best acquired by deceit when they were put in place by party bosses who then dictate the terms of their occupation of office. No matter. It is our job to join forces and put them on notice they were elected to represent US and that they will do or be tossed out. Some will comply, most will ignore us. Nobody said it would be easy, but no one of us can begin the process of reclaiming our nation. We need numbers – big numbers, and as birds of a feather flock together, we all need to encourage those around us to join in.
There’s more to come and I fully expect to see more and better I ideas from other citizens. By all means, let’s hear YOUR ideas and suggestions. How can we get more involved? How can we involve others. How can we band together to retake our nation?