GOP Representatives DENIED Access to Political Prisoners

The good news is, the plight of the political prisoners being held is gaining attention. The bad news is, the stink thus far is not pungent enough to allow even representatives of Congress access to either verify or dismiss the claims of abuse.

What are they hiding?

On another note, below is a video of two Michigan residents who were arrested (this is old news):

The video says these men were released. I found no listing for  either Matthew Staley nor Shawn Floyd  on the Capitol Breach Cases page

Isn’t that interesting? Maybe their names will turn up in the MI case concerning the plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer. Even more interesting is whether they would be defendants or witnesses for the prosecution.

Capitol Cases – A List of Political Prisoners.

Note: If you look through all of these cases, you will seen not all of those charged are still detained. What is more interesting is browsing those who have been released

Consider ALBERTS, Christopher Michael  Here is what the record from the above link states:

Arrested on 1/7/21.

Initial appearance / detention hearing on 1/7/21. Defendant released.

Preliminary hearing held on 1/28/21.

What was he charged with?

Unlawful Possession of a Firearm on Capitol Grounds or Buildings; Unlawful Entry or Remaining on Restricted Grounds without Lawful Authoirty; (SIC) Carrying a Pistol without a License Outside Home or Place of Business; Possession of a Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device

[Bolding mine]

These are some of the most serious charges I’ve seen to date and yet he was released, while others, such as Joey Biggs, remains in custody. What is Mr. Biggs accused of?

Conspiracy; Obstruction of an Official Proceeding and Aiding and Abetting; Destruction of Government Property and Aiding and Abetting; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds; Disorderly Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds

If you remember, I posted some of what Mr. Biggs had to say about is confinement on Tuesday. Yesterday, a group of GOP representatives attempted to see some of these prisoners. They were denied. I’ll post that story next.

Jan 6 Political Prisoners – We Cannot Stand for This!

Below you’ll find  a couple of articles detailing accounts of prisoners arrested for the Jan 6 “armed insurrection”. This is what the controllers call it, while all last summer these same people refused to denounce “peaceful protesters” who burned cities, burned federal buildings, shot and brutalized at will.
There are many more articles out there, I have just begun to collect them.
When did this become acceptable in America?

We cannot stand for this! Please share this post, share these links – whatever you can to get the word out. We citizens need to pull back the rug to reveal this stink!

Joe Biden – The New American Pope

By now if you haven’t seen the hoopla surrounding the latest smoke signals from the White House, go back to sleep. There’s no hope for you anyway. For the rest of us, well, I’m not sure if we should laugh, cry or simply say good-bye to our nation. I’m referring to the announcements concerning “misinformation” and the regime’s stated efforts to put things right, I suppose.

Jen Psaki - "Miss Information"In effect Jen Psaki says they are working with social media, specifically Facebook, but she may have singled out others, to put a stop to Covid-19 “misinformation”. Apparently they are also working with SMS (text messaging) providers to cull wrongthink from texts we send each other. Of course, I imagine the first thought most of us have is “What about our 1st Amendment?”, followed by “What is stopping them from putting the skids on other forms of wrongthink?”, and then, “Who do they think they are?”. It’s this last supposed thought I’ll address here, hence the title.

Think about it. Fair warning, I am not, nor have I ever been Catholic, so anything I state about Catholicism is stuff I’ve picked up over the years. Take it with a grain of salt. That said, I understand the Pope is held as infallible and that’s where I’m coming from. It stands, then, to reason that Joe Biden, along with his coronation as p-Resident is now essentially declaring himself our New American Pope.

His holiness has to be infallible, otherwise how can he, unilaterally, declare what is TRUTH and what is falsehood? Now, I’ve only ever understood that the Catholic Pope is the only man on earth deemed to speak pure unmistakable words. Even certain kings, who believe themselves God have not overtly done such. (Keep in mind, I have not studied the topic in depth so I may, well be mistaken here but you get the point.) Now that I think about it, is it possible Ol’ Joe expects he should rise to the prominence of a Pharaoh, Chinese, Japanese or Roman emperor? These all considered themselves gods.

Pope or emperor, it makes no difference to me. The end result is the same. We can now see the beginnings of an entity who expects the world to see himself as bigger than life itself. Far too big to be constrained by a mere constitution. Why should he be bound by the laws of men? Why does he need a congress? Is he (should I now be rendering the pronoun He or HE?) not above all of this? Speaking of pronouns, I find it a bit difficult to get a grip on them. As we all know, we peasants are rarely blessed with direct communication from the great one himself. Such trifles are relegated to others, such as his press secretary. However, as I understand it, all of these decrees emanate from the source. In light of this it may be time to speak of our p-Resident in the plural Victorian. This we can use they instead of “him” or “he” and Mr. p-Resident can refer to themselves as “we” and “us”. I’m pretty sure even the Catholic Pope refrains from this.

So there you have it. We need no longer concern ourselves with what or how to think. We have The One who will tells us all TRUTH and will benevolently correct us when we run afoul. All of this courtesy of Joe Biden, our New American Pope… or Pharaoh… or Emperor. My apologies for not being more specific. I’m sure they will soon be forthcoming with the proper acceptable forms of address along with guidance concerning the correct title we subjects are expected to use.

Update: on further reflection, I considered how this post meshes with my current views. In other words how does this fit in, seeing as how I advocate turning to God  Almighty to ask Him to restore our nation?

As noted above, historically, certain rulers have deified themselves. This is basically what is happening here. The controllers are elevating Joe Biden to a godlike status. The end result is the destruction of our nation is accelerating more and more each and every day. Remember that snowball?

I am not going to cite example after example. The controllers are attacking our republic on every level. How much longer to we have? I cannot say. How long before I am prohibited from saying?

Go to God now. Ask Him what He would have you do. Keep asking until you have an answer. Prayer is our first defense right now.

Door to Door Vax Teams Making the Rounds

Well that didn’t take long.  A few days ago I posted commentary on this regime’s threat to go door to door to promote covid “vaccinations “.

The Goons are Loose: Biden’s Jab Patrol Spotted Going Door to Door; Now Offering Shots on the Spot (Video)

Well that is their stated intent. Pardon me if I look upon their professed good intentions with a wary eye. Like Ronald Reagan said,  “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help. ”

Sorry dudes, I refuse to be terrified.

One comment I read included an excellent idea I’m adding to my preparations (such as they are). I’m adding the phone number of my local Sheriff to my phone directory for quick access. What preparations you may ask. Simply this, I am requesting all family members follow suit should a government shadow cross our door.

Do not answer any questions.

Do not offer any information.

Request they leave the property immediately.

Call the Sheriff for assistance if necessary.

That’s it.  I’m not looking for nor do I desire any drama here. Just go away.


Answering The Constitutional Naysayers

Note: this is my reply to commenters on another blog who essentially dismissed our constitution and therefore our nation.

I, for one, am tired of this defeatism seemingly pervading even the conservatives posting online. Some seem to expect arm conflict. Some appear to lust for it. Yes, our constitution has been abused, trampled, even shredded. Yes we’ve seen our rights wiped out with the stroke of a pen time and time again. Wiped out… or so they think. I contend our rights are inalienable. By definition this means something that “can’t be transferred to someone else, taken away, or denied.” In practical terms, I have a right to breathe.  One can indeed deny said right and even cut off my oxygen supply and thus deprive me of my life.  Usurping my right to breath and cutting off my oxygen does not wipe out my right. In other words, my right still exists. In same sense, even a SCOTUS opinion denying one of my inalienable rights does not wipe it out.  Thus even our vaunted Supreme Court must bow to God Almighty who gave us these rights.

Now, for those of you who pooh pooh our constitution, I have a question. Have you surrendered then? In other words, will you simply forfeit your God given rights as enumerated in the founding document of this nation and therefore are you ready to bow to your betters who ARE your betters by their own mere proclamation?

What then? What do you propose? War or armed conflict by some other name? Or maybe you plan to vote your way out of this. Oh. Yeah. Voting is something done in some recognized form of government.

Allow me to suggest that unless and until a formal declaration of the abandonment of our constitution is made and a new form of government is officially installed, by whatever method, our Constitution is still the law of the land.

As such we are still self-governing citizens. The mess our nation is now in is NOT entirely the fault of those who usurped power and authority by fraud or device – fraud being feigning to “represent” a group of citizens while actually representing their handlers. It is NOT the fault of those “deep state” players installed in powers of so-called authority by the usurpers. Whose fault is it then?

If we can blame anyone we should first look inward to ourselves as citizens. WE have allowed this to happen by consistently giving to the nod, time and time again, to those who openly and brazenly abuse their fiduciary duties. Granted we have all been snowed, misled into believing lies such as “Our nation is a democracy”. Democracy, simply stated means mob rule. We are NOT ruled by a mob. Our founding document established a limited government granting limited authority by citizens who elect representatives to administer and preserve our republic. Few, if any, of us was taught this. However not being taught does not excuse us from our duty to learn and understand our responsibilities as citizens. I know I was not taught this. I did not pursue this knowledge until very late in life. I am as guilty as anyone of shirking my responsibilities as a citizen. Now that I’ve come to a better understanding myself, I feel duty-bound to help others understand these things.

Know this: those who have usurped power and authority fear us and rightly so. Otherwise they would have formally declared their absolute rule over us. Instead they inch towards such a declaration, gaining ground each day. Our power is NOT in our arms. Our power is in our voice – not the voice of one but the voice of the nation, comprised of free citizens in a constitutional republic. I am just one voice. Some may say “loudmouth”. So be it. No matter how loud I can be. If I can shout so every ear in the nation can hear me, I am only one voice. I am only one citizen. This is the difference between how our nation was designed and what it has become. The usurpers centralize their power. Their desire is to emanate authority from one place, our nation’s capitol. Our nation was designed to distribute power equally amongst all citizens. Thus I do not have any more power or authority than anyone. WE THE PEOPLE have power and even that power is limited by constitutional constraints. Once we realize our power and understand how to wield it, the usurpers have nothing.

For those of you who laugh and scorn our constitution, I say you are either defeated already or an active minion of the usurpers. For those who feel defeated, all is not lost. Not yet. For you minions… if your masters do indeed succeed, their victory will be a short and empty one. God Almighty will prevail.

Can Slo Mo Joe Biden Last Two Years?

Around the time Slo Mo Joe Biden assumed the office of the US Presidency, much speculation was bandied about concerning how long he would last. Many proclaimed Kamal Harris would be sworn in a few days or weeks following Biden’s assumption. That didn’t happen. However in recent days, some noted Harris, rather than traveling separately from ROTUS (Resident of the United States) as is customary for a VP, now travels with him. Many ask why? Good question.

The reasoning for two traveling separately is obvious. If something happens to one, the nation still has someone to act or react. The logic behind it is solid. Not so much for the current practice. This is what got me to thinking. If the powers that be really expected Slo Mo Joe’s residency to expire soon, the last thing even these idiots would want is to chance their chosen successor being somehow losing her place in line. Then again maybe they simply do not care who is number two, or number one for that matter as long as they maintain control. This makes a certain amount of sense to me. Now for the question prompting this essay.

Anyone paying attention is painfully aware the Joester is fading. He is an embarrassment. He always has been but things are getting progressively worse. So how long  will the controllers endure his tragic comedic act? Again, maybe they don’t care. They certainly do not care about this republic. That much is obvious. So what is their game plan?

First let’s revisit one bit of speculation. They don’t care. As long as they are in control all is well for them. This may be the most reasonable, if despicable, conclusion of all. However it occurred to me there could be another game plan based on the supposition the controllers prefer a Harris administration.

What if the controllers are vying for an extended Harris administration? Consider the 22nd Amendment to our Constitution:

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once.

Here is a possible scenario, they keep Slo Mo Joe on virtual life support for two years. Once that milestone is passed Harris can step in for the remainder of the two years. Now she is in place to be ‘elected’ twice while remaining withing the parameters of our Constitution.

So there you have it, not one but two possible explanations about what is  happening in the controller’s camp. The second is not at all precluded by the first so they could both be accurate. Unfortunately, being correct carries no reward but rather indicates we could be in for a long two years suffering through the Joester’s continuing stumbles and mumbles.

Note the one scenario I did not offer was one where ROTUS not only completes his residency and either runs, (or is wheeled) for a second term or defers to his VP who then takes up the mantle for possibly two terms. My reasoning here is I very much doubt Slo Mo Joe can last two years, much less four. Every president has aged severely during their terms. Just look at pictures at the beginning and end of each predecessor. All all of them I’ve seen, Trump actually fared best. Granted, it appears the Joester is taking things very easy but he appears to be devolving in front of our very eyes. Every time I see him speak I tend to count his fumbles, mumbles and stumbles while wondering what wonder drug the controllers may have pumped into him to give the illusion of cognizance.





RE: Growing evidence of a massive pattern of fraud in the USA

Ran across this article in my daily wanderings:

Growing evidence of a massive pattern of fraud in the USA

I first posted my initial response here:

The entire deep state is built on a fraudulent foundation. Look back, waaaaaay back, long before Lincoln back, but let’s start with the election of Lincoln. The newly forming Republican party’s primary goal was
‘internal improvements’. Today’s colloquially is infrastructure. The party was composed of money men. Here’s how it worked. The money men put politicians in office who would vote to spend public money on projects i.e. ‘internal improvements for the public good’. Once passed the money men would then be hired to carry out the ‘internal improvements’. Now one might say, whether such could ever be proven, everyone involved profited except the poor saps who paid for it all. That would be us. Granted, we do all benefit from roads, bridges, etc. however I daresay not nearly as much as a politician who enters the field relatively impoverished and ends their ‘public service’ career a multi-millionaire.

On another note concerning fraud, I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me how Slo Mo Joe was declared the winner in Virginia with only 3% of the vote counted. Shady stuff has been documented in other elections as well. This year for Governor our ‘choice’ is between party faithful Youngkin (R) and a repeat command performance by Terry McAwful (D). My guess is until one of the (D)s dies or does something really really really stupid (such as standing up to a party boss)they will now tag team the Governor’s office.

What I didn’t say is what I’ve been saying forever: politics  is poison. This is nothing new. It has always been poison.

Also, once again, the only way our nation will be restored is via the intervention of God Almighty. The only way God Almighty is likely to do this is if we, the Christian citizens of this nation, confess and repent of our wicked ways and ask Him to restore our nation. All other “options” will destroy our republic.

Revealed! The Plot Behind Push to Defund Police

Like many of you, I’ve been scratching my head over the left’s rabid push to defund police in cities across America. Even more puzzling is why they continue to demand this foolishness even after crime ramps up across the board as any intelligent person might expect. Still they scream their demands. While I am no fan of unethical, overbearing police practices, defunding the police is certainly not the answer to the problem! So why the push? Then the light came on…

The Next Step Is a National Police Force!

This may surprise you but in September 2020, President Trump called for this. As far as I know no one, not the media, nor any politician has put this idea forth. So how did I conclude this is in somebody’s works? Bluntly put it was an epiphany that made absolute sense. Simple observation of current events leaves little room for doubt. Consider what we already know.

  1. The movement to defund the police is spreading rather than dying down, despite solid evidence demonstrating how devastating this approach is. Less money means fewer police. Fewer police means more crime. It’s that simple. Those officers still out there are under increased scrutiny. Any mistakes are blown out of proportion.
  2. At the same time, criminal behavior is increasingly promoted. Starting with the rioters and provocateurs in these same cities who are typically let off scot-free. Leftist politicians and the MSM either refuse to criticize their actions or outright condone and encourage them. Meanwhile, these same cities are refusing to try or even hold or try criminals when they are caught! Such actions elude any sense of justice while further demoralizing police.
  3. Meanwhile the MSN seizes on every report featuring either an officer involved shooting of anyone of color or any incidents of so-called “gun” violence. This approach generates fear on both sides of the equation – publicly lynching the police while simultaneously illuminating increasingly dangerous streets. In other words, it’s still a violent world out there but the police are not the answer.

At some point the masses will scream for a solution. They will want protection from rampant crime but “OH NO!” NOT those evil police! Then the “obvious solution” will emerge – a national police force. Why they’d be highly trained and held to strict standards… wouldn’t they? And, of course, answerable to nobody but the federal authorities.

Will It Take a “National Emergency”?

In order to shove this down our throats, look for declaration of a “national emergency”. All of a sudden, the “woke” crowd will recognized the necessity of law enforcement. The politicians will be only too happy to step in and take over all of the law enforcement dutiees in the nation. How will they come to terms with our county sheriffs? This remains to be seen but I have no doubt somebody is trying to think of a way to dispose of our only constitutional law enforcement.

For those who remain level-headed, we know what needs to be done. Local law enforcement must be kept in place. EVERY LEO needs to be better versed on what is and is not constitutionally acceptable. Any and all policies and practices not adhering to constitutional principles need to be abandoned – this includes such practices as asset forfeitures and “no-knock” warrants. Those few officers who abuse their authority should be summarily dismissed and/or brought to justice.

The inherent dangers of a national police force should be evident, especially in light of recent revelations regarding the FBI, NSA, BATF and other agencies. Couple such a concept with proposed red flag laws and we have a recipe for institutional terror in a national scale. Imagine a fully militarized SWAT team descending on your home at 3AM to collect on your unpaid parking ticket, and oh!, while we’re at it we should confiscate any guns, ammo, cash or other valuables laying around just be certain they weren’t obtained by some illegal means.

Even IF no proposal for a national police force ever comes to light, the other abuses mentioned above need to be addressed. Unconstitutional laws need to be removed, police and criminals must be held accountable. The foolishness of defunding the police must be abandoned.

Minimum Wage – Maximum Insanity

One of the provisions in the new massive “Covid-19 Relief” bill is to increase the minimum wage to $15.00. Recent indications are this may not make the final version but the controllers are bent on pushing this atrocity through one way or another. They will not stop until they’ve reached this latest benchmark. They know it will further cripple, if not destroy small business in this nation. Not only do they not care – this is their ultimate goal.

As a long-time opponent of the minimum wage, I must say up front I am biased. That said, ask yourself this: how will forcing small businesses – shut down in whole and and in part for the past year – to substantially increase their labor costs going to help anyone? While you are considering this, allow me to suggest this exercise:

Instead of raising the minimum wage to $15.00 – why stop there? Isn’t the goal for everybody to live a better life? Why not stop fooling around? If we are going to do this, let’s do it once and for all. What the heck am I talking about?

Instead of raising the minimum wage to $15.00 – let’s REALLY make it worthwhile. Raise the minimum wage to a cool $1,000,000 per year for everyone. Why not? We can ALL be millionaires! Even the government will be flush with new income taxes! Wouldn’t that be just wonderful? What?

What do you mean – how much will a gallon of milk would cost? Who cares! You’d be a millionaire! Now come on! Don’t give me that crap about the price “everything” going up. We would all be rich, rich, RICH! Even those kids at the drive though window would be living the high life! NOW we’re talking!

Uh, yeah, THAT’S what I’m talking about. Once the concept of minimum wages scales up to the sky, my point is easy to see. Minimum wages help no one. Most of you reading this already know this from experience. Inflate wages at the lowest level and you inflate everything. Why? Because all costs and prices are relative. If the labor cost of a burger is 50% of the price of a burger then it if costs $1 in labor to make a burger then the cost of the burger will be $2. If the cost of labor for that burger is $100 then the cost of the burger has to be $200. This is exactly why all minimum wages are insane – the concept is based on flawed logic. What is the alternative?

Kill the minimum wage. Get rid of it entirely. Dump that bitch. Oh my! THEN what?

Of course the first horror stories you will hear will be employers hiring workers for next to nothing. Could that happen? Absolutely it could and it probably would, but then a strange thing will happen. At some point, people willing to work for peanuts will dry up. For employers to get workers, any workers, they will have to pay more. If they want the most qualified workers, they will have to pay even more. The principle involved is simple, well-known and proven. It is called “supply and demand”. As demand increases, the supply costs more. It’s that easy. Prove it?

The fact is, I don’t have to. The fast-food industry already has proven this. In many, many markets, fast food establishments offer above minimum wage, often well above, in order to attract workers. Growing up, fast food was a job for teens and young employees. Years passed finding more and more older workers employed there – why? The reason is simple, the workers were often more readily available then the younger generation.

So my proposal is simple: eliminate the minimum wage. Before long wages will soar as will employment. Everybody benefits – except, of course the controllers who have no business sticking their noses in business matters in the first place. I can’t speak for you, but I care less about them then they care about me. Is this possible or just a pipe dream? Bluntly put, I do not ever expect this to happen because we citizens of this nation are simply too cowed to step up and assume our responsibilities as self-governing individuals. Too bad.

Three Fingers Back At You – Dems!

Today Faux, er Fox News (they still actually get SOME things right!), posted this article… if you can still read it.

In yet another attempt to exert control over former President Donald J. Trump, Chuckie Schumer want to evoke the 14th Amendment to permanently keep Trump from any office.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution says that Congress can bar people who “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the U.S. from holding office. It was originally meant to prevent former Confederates from serving in the government after the Civil War.

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof,” the amendment says.

Yesterday, I pointed out who the real insurrectionists are and, gee whiz, I hate to say this Chuckie, but YOU are at the front of the line! YOU are leading the charge to try former President Trump for the impeachment charges brought by the House. BOTH actions are EXPLICITLY unconstitutional and thus they are acts of rebellion and/or insurrection.

If that is not clear enough Chuckie, allow me to spell it out for you: Defying our constitution, abusing said law of the land for your own political gain is, in itself, an act of TREASON.

You and your comrades SHOULD be hung for all to see. I will gladly settle for the immediate resignation of all involved. I would much rather do so than have my fellow citizens and myself suffer through a host of arrests and trials. Oh yeah, trials. As a citizen of this constitutional republic, I absolutely believe in DUE PROCESS. Maybe you could dust off one of your old law school books or borrow one, if need be, and look the term up.

John and the Coming Conviction of Former President Trump

John who?  John as in the gospel of John – Chapter 12 verses 42,43 specifically.

John 12:42  Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue:
43  For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.

What does this have to do with the impeachment and upcoming trial of former President Trump? Think about it.

Right now, several Republicans have declared this trial to be “dead in the water” and yet it continues. I remember the smirk sported by Bill Clinton during his trial. If finally dawned on me: he was smirking because he knew the fix was in. This should have been no surprise because the opposition party did not have enough of their people in the Senate to convict – just as things are today. However the Democrats are nothing if not devoted to their party. Most will not budge from the party line. The Republicans? Not so much.

because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue:

For a politician, their synagogue, or one of them, is the Senate.

There are other parallels between today’s events and the crucifixion of Christ. This trial is as illegal as it gets. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court refuses to preside as constitutionally required. Donald J. Trump is now a private citizen, not a sitting official. The so-called “facts” of this case as revealed to us totally refute the supposition for the case. Furthermore, how can there be any additional “facts” not on record for a charge of publicly inciting a riot? The very idea is an oxymoron.

Do not get me wrong, I am in no way equating Donald J. Trump with our Lord and Savior. However, when you consider the events, then and now, one cannot help to see some similarities in principle.

These days I see a lot of similarities between events recorded in scripture and those unfolding before our eyes. Circumstances may change but the heart of man remains the same. We never seem to learn.

As for the consequences, I believe convicting Trump will be a dire mistake. It will mark the complete and total devastation of our constitution by publicly and unlawfully using our founding document to totally annihilate a private citizen. What is left?

Consider Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s words:

The final word here… “profit” makes me wonder. What does he mean… “profit”?  In public service, profit is unacceptable. While we all know the reality works differently, a “public servant” is not allowed to profit. So could he mean “profit” as a private citizen? Again, there is no precedent  or rule of law or constitution to carry out such a threat.

Either way… what do we have left as citizens of a constitutional republic?

Your Mother Knew… and So Do You!

Every family has secrets. Some come out. Some stay hidden forever. No matter what the secret, chances are Mom knew. She may not know what. She may not have any details but she knew something was wrong. She might ignore it. She might deny it, but she knows something is amiss. Fast forward to the 2020 election.

We are all “Moms”. We know this election stinks – no matter what side of the political spectrum you side with. Maybe you want to hide your head in the sand. It won’t work. The stink pervades everything. Start with the very basis of the voting. First the decree that “everyone” has the right to vote. This is dishonest. No, “everyone” does NOT have a say in our nation’s business. The right to vote is conferred with citizenship. Period. This is the very basis of our constitutional republic. In almost every other instance I will defend the right of someone to refuse to present “papers”. When it comes to voting – it is essential ONLY citizens are voting and thus must present proof of citizenship in the form of a valid voter id.

As for the claim require a voter id somehow discriminates against the poor in our nation – get real. The poorest in our nation qualify for financial help from our governments – local, state and federal. While I personally feel this, in itself, is entirely beyond the framework of our constitution, the simple fact is, our governments take from those who produce and gives to others. In the process, they must identify themselves. In other words – the poorest in our nation are by no means without the means to produce a valid government id. Sorry but that “argument” holds no water.

Of course the radicals on the left go even further by claiming everyone has a right to vote regardless of citizenship. This is absurd. They may as well claim the oceans are really made of soda pop. Of course one must not drink the ocean with a straw but otherwise… My point, for those who need the word “cat” spelled out is, anyone can claim anything but claims do not make anything so.

The bottom line is: not only did the cheaters cheat and cheat big – but they open defy even any sense of the rule of law. This is to the point where they even deny any wrongdoing at all. All of a sudden they are acting like there is no possible way there could be any funny stuff about this election. This after nearly four years of “investigating Russian collusion”. Why the sudden turn about? We all know why – because their man came out on top, that’s why. So what do we do about it?

At the time of this writing the state of California has certified their election, giving Joe Biden enough electoral votes to win the presidency. Is that it then? From my understanding, no, as legal challenges concerning the validity of certain electoral votes remain. I expect the Supreme Court will eventually weigh in. That said, as of now, it appears Biden and Harris could be inaugurated in January 2021. What then?

There’s been talk of war on both sides. The left has been waging guerrilla warfare for years now, lately in the form of attacks on police, riots and other violence upon our nation’s citizens. Their propaganda war has been in full force for an even longer period of time – decades, actually. For the most part, those of us on the right have taken to open and legal means to elicit changes – voting, truly peaceful protests and court challenges, among other things. While one could point to a handful of instances attributed to
right-wing actors, those are not only far and few between but also quickly denounced by nearly everyone on both sides of the issue. You cannot say the same for violence perpetrated on the left. Is this what our nation will resort to? At least one observer believes we are already involved in a civil war. His points are well taken. The problem with this is nobody will win such a conflict. Either the left will destroy our nation to erect an new openly communist state or the right will devastate the land in an effort to save it. It is a no-win situation. Is there an alternative? I believe there is only one way.

We Christians must repent and turn to God Almighty and His Son, our Lord Jesus the Messiah, for the salvation of our nation. It is the only way. Scoff if you will, but in doing so, you will be denying the Lord that bought you with his precious blood. Our nation is in this current sorry state because we turned to the world and subsequently turned our backs to God.

Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

We see these things happening before our very eyes! I say to you, you can either renounce this evil or you will be counted with those who do such things – whether or not you join them. Isaiah was not finished:

Isaiah 5:22 Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:

23 Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!

24 Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

25 Therefore is the anger of the LORD kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath smitten them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcases were torn in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

Do not forget this was prophesy specifically unto Israel and not onto those of us in this Grace Administration. Even so, can you be so confident and believe you are immune? Seriously? Look around you!

Verse 24 Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust

Is this not happening before our eyes? Do you not see our nation crumbling? LOOK around you! God Almighty will not protect this nation simply because some of us who claim Christ as Savior remain here! Look at China, Russia, Venezuela, Taiwan, Iran – the list goes on and on. If we want our nation saved – if we want to reclaim the blessings He bestowed upon us – we MUST ASK!

James 4:2 …ye have not, because ye ask not.

Simply asking is not enough – consider the context of the above verse:

James 4:2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.

3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

There is more to this than these two verses. I urge you to read James in its entirety. Here are a couple more highlights.

James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

James 5:17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.

Ask yourself… what will war bring us other than a broken and destroyed nation? Would you rather our land be restored? Those who promulgate evil yearn for our destruction. This is not speculation – they have said as much over and over again. Their minions have literally burned large parts of our nation’s cities. This is the path they would lead us on. We must resist but our resistance must be Godly if it is to succeed.

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

As Christians, in this nation and all over the world, we’ve turned away from God Almighty and turned to our own lusts. Many no longer believe God can or will step in. We’ve walked so far away from God, many no longer believe God has the power to change the course of their own lives, much less the entire nation. Many do not believe God parted the Red Sea, brought down the walls of Jericho or raised the dead. If God Almighty cannot raise the dead then did He then not raise Jesus from the dead?

1 Corinthians 15:12 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead?

13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen:

14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.

15 Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.

16 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:

17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.

18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.

19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

I know there are many among us who believe. It is you whom I now call upon to turn to God in prayer. Pray for His deliverance. Pray for Almighty God to step in to save our nation. Repent of whatever secret sins you’ve been hanging on to and ask for forgiveness. You know He will forgive you. Our nation can be restored but it will not happen by taking arms.

One more admonition – do not think just because I quote the “Old Testament” so frequently, these words have no application today. As I have shown, the state of our nation and the world speaks loudly. However there remains other indications of my words. Below are just two songs written by modern artists. One of these – Rick Pino – proceeds his song with what is described as a word of prophesy. The Old Testament proof of a prophet was whether his words came true – 100%.


God bless,


Will The Controllers Steal This Election? Nahhhhh!

Looking back at the last Presidential election and the dirty tricks they pulled then.  Democratic Operative Scott Foval bragged they’ve been doing this for 50 years. I’d say he was being modest.

From American Thinker:

How Undercover Journalism Turned the Tide in 2016

Video about 2 minutes of actual ballot box stuffing in 2016 (or so they say)

Of course now all this has been exposed it won’t happen again… right?

If we want a bona-fide election, we citizens need to insist voting be made at the polls and then we should make it clear we WILL stand watch over polling places to thwart such shenanigans.

Bluntly put, I see neither of these things happening but one can dream.