Is Psalm 2 Relevant Today?

This is a short Psalm so it only takes a minute to read it all (KJV)

Psalms 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,

3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.

7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.

10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

How relevant is this today? I’d say very relevant. It speaks mostly to those called “rulers”. In our nation, one might be inclined to include those who think themselves “elite”. In my own warped sense of things, claiming my birthright as a citizen in a constitutional republic, i.e. self-rule, I would include all citizens. That said, while I do not see us, as citizens, taking counsel against the LORD (YHWH) and against His annointed (Jesus). I can see this of the “elite” and others deemed rulers – rightfully so or not. So what is the bottom line?

Those in positions of power and authority let such get to their heads and then conspire against those whom they have or have usurped authority and power. They do bad things while ignoring and disrespecting Almighty God. You tell me. Is this relevant?

I dare say it is not only relevant but eminently pertinent. The time of reckoning draws nearer every day. You can choose to acknowledge the Creator of heaven and earth and His only begotten Son or you can laugh in derision. Choose wisely.

1 Thessalonians 1:10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.

Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

There will come a time when these things are no longer relevant. You may or may not have an opportunity to change your mind if you scoff now. I, for one, would not want to wager such large stakes. If your mind is made up, so be it, but if you have even an inkling of a doubt, I strongly suggest you follow that thread until you gain the assurance you lack.

God bless,


SHTF Perspective from Veteran Prepper Daisy Luther

While I don’t “know” Daisy Luther, I’ve been reading her stuff for years. Despite some leftists branding her as something like a “crazed wild-eyed terrorist prepper”, I’ve always found her thoughtful, reasonable and practical. In the article below, Daisy lays it all out about what is going on in her head about the Wuhan Virus pandemic. She’s asking herself IS THIS IT?

Is this where the SHTF?  Many of us have thoughts ranging from disbelief to wondering to… well, pure panic. Daisy recognizes her own resistance to the idea the rules might suddenly change – not without warning but certainly with a surprising suddenness.


I don’t know either. This is what preparing is all about. While no one would call me a “dedicated prepper”, by necessity we typically have a safety net in place as we live far enough from town to realize we cannot always rely on the corner store in a pinch.

No matter what this pandemic, I think it is safe to use honestly use that term at this point, will test some critical points in our personal and nation’s way of life. The words from that annoying “Emergency Testing System” come to mind – “If this had been an actual emergency…” Well, this time it may be. If it is we will know soon enough. If not it may at least serve as a harbinger for revising any plans we have for weathering a similar circumstance or, in some cases devising such a plan.

Here’s Daisy…

SHTF… Is This IT?

Mayor Declares SEO – Seizes Godlike Powers

Okay, maybe not “Godlike” and she did forget to require her permission before wiping one’s, er, nose but other that that she’s decided she can assume the role of Supreme Dictator Descended from Heaven Itself. Champagne, Illinois Mayor Deborah Frank Feinen is not alone, exactly, but she certainly takes the cake and grants herself the authority to decide who eats it.

Another headline states “Politicians Declare a Moratorium on Evictions”. Taking in consideration the sorry state of what’s called “journalism” these days, I’d have to see this for myself. On the other hand, it’s not far fetched to see some politician doing just that.

Um, guys, Debs, ya’ll ain’t got nothing that allows you to assume such authority. Remember when you “assume” you make an “ass” out of “u” and “me”. Mostly you, though.

Have some popcorn, here’s the story…

Mayor Grants Herself Dictatorial Powers

Politicians – The Bottom Line is… The Bottom Line

Good article reveals the underlying truth on who gets chosen to run for office and why. Spoiler: It’s the money, honey.

And here ya’ll thought those guys and gals cared about – what’s the word? – oh yeah “issues”. HA! Take special notice of the term the author uses to describe party controllers – he calls them “party professionals” and this is what they are. They are the “deep state” of the political parties. Their job is to please their masters. Who are their masters? Those folks with cash in hand. Like I said, for politicians the bottom line is  the bottom line.

Read it here:

Joe Biden in 2020 Duplicates Hillary Clinton in 2016

More Mini Mike – I Just Can’t Stop!

Okay so Mini Mike “Big Daddy” Bloomberg is gone for the this election season. I get that. He is not going to buy himself the presidency. The thing is, I doubt very much if Mikey is going to stick his tail between his legs and go hide under a rock. He’ll be back and he’ll be coming for our guns… and our sodas… and anything else “Big Daddy” thinks we shouldn’t have. Or he’ll back someone who will because he doesn’t have the guts to do any dirty deeds himself.

Anyway, it is just too much fun tweaking the twerp so here goes!

No More “Life Size Mini Mike” on TV!

Hey! Mikey Won One!

Maybe Two!?

I heard a rumor Hillary is O.U.T.



My personal favorite… this one ALMOST made me wanna vote for him just to see it happen!   NAH!

Okay, okay, Mini Mike “Bid Daddy” Bloomberg is gone goodbye!

Now it’s a showdown between the new improved Sunshine Boys…

Gropin Joe

And Bern, Baby… BERN!

May the best geriatric win!


Goodbye Mini Mike “Big Daddy” Bloomberg

Yes, it is confirmed Mini Mike “Big Daddy” Bloomberg dropped out of the Presidential race.

Well, I really hate to say this but I’m kinda gonna miss “Big Daddy”. Sure there was no love lost between us but, HEY!, the guy is fun to pick on… okay? If he wasn’t so filthy rich, I’d kinda feel sorry for him but, snarky as I am, I’m no bully and he apparently has a cauldron of armed security around him at all times. Too bad they can’t protect him from jibes like mine.

In any case, farewell Mini Mike! I’ve got a bunch of memes that will now never see the light of day on this blog. Never fear, dear readers. I cannot resist letting loose with a couple more. They are just too good to let slide!


Finally… so many of you glued to the TV will no longer feel the need to tear your eyes off the tube every 5 minutes.

And Now… Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Pandemic

Publishers Note: This was scheduled for February 7, 2021. I just noticed this post in the “scheduled posts” section only to find it “missed the schedule”. Never saw that before.  I was going to add a meme but I couldn’t find it and found SO MANY addressing this scamdemic, I decided to give it up and consider dedicating a running post or a category to scamdemic memes.

As the Riot Frenzy calms down, here comes the pandemic! Who would have guessed? Personally, I was tempted to put my money on an invasion from outer space. Well, Independence Day IS just around the corner so…

Of course the “experts”, that is everyone from talking media heads to that venerable scientific child genius Greta Somethingorother will surely decry “letting” people out of their cages, er, opening up society too soon as the culprit. After all, everybody KNOWS better – right? The controllers will want us to believe – hook, line and sinker – the pandemic is back because WE DIDN’T OBEY THEM!. Wrong.

What the new outbreak proves to me is the lockdowns, the masks, the social distancing – all of it doesn’t work. It cannot work because, just like their communism – regardless of the wrapper – cannot work. Neither works as both defy the same basic principle – these doomed concepts try to circumvent the nature of things. In other words, they go exactly against the perfect engineering of God Almighty. Bad mistake. BAD mistake!

Perfect engineering? But, but… people would DIE! Well… yes, yes they will. Guess what? People die anyway, every day without fail. Death is one of the surest facts of life. We all have a limited time on this earth. Such is actually part of the “Divine Design”. Deal with it. Even denying God will not save you. As for communism, one of the basic built-in faults is it tries to eliminate greed. Humans never have and never will be satisfied with “everybody gets the same”. This simply cannot work within the human mind.

Back to the pandemic epic…

Humans all have what is called an “immune system”. It works like this: a human is exposed to something. The immune system goes into action to defeat the invader. Yes, sometimes it doesn’t work and the human dies but, generally speaking, it works… all by itself. Even better, humans have minds and use these fantastic tools to help the immune system from time to time and increase the odds of survival – often dramatically. For you doubters out there look up the term “mortality rates”. Check the figures for the past few hundred years.

Guess what? Those of us paying attention know this virus is very, very treatable. Even better, with little or no treatment, it seems this virus is no worse than any given variation of a flu virus. So have we to fear?

In my book there is a greater danger lurking. It “hides” in plain sight. Actually the danger does not hide at all. The media shouts it from their lofty perches. The controllers trumpet their call. The danger is the very control the controllers are trying to grab with both hands. Fear is their greatest tool, followed by misdirection and slight of hand – smoke and mirrors if you will.

We need to plant our feet and stand firm as citizens. Deny their greedy grasping fingers as a parent would a child. Yes they will throw fits. They will shout and swear and stamp their feet. Withstand their tantrums. They have to learn the true meaning of “NO”!

God bless,


Once Is Not Enough

In December, I penned an open letter in support of a Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution up for a vote by the Lunenburg County Board of Supervisors. They did indeed pass said resolution and I commend them for this. Also deserving commendation is all of those citizens who showed up in support at that meeting. While it was a landmark event – I realize now it was not enough.

While many of us look at the events of the past few weeks in wonder and satisfaction, a dark cloud hangs over the commonwealth. Indeed, maps demonstrating the 2A sanctuary movement success are impressive when one considers what they represent. However subsequent events should serve as a dire warning. We are in no way on a certain path to reclaiming our liberty!

This past Friday, the Virginia Legislature voted to send several bills to the Governor for his signature. By the time you read this, chances are some, if not all will be signed into law. Some are deemed “good”, i.e. not harmful for gun owners. Others clearly rob citizens of our God-given rights in one way or another. For me, the most heinous of these is what is known as the “Red Flag” law. This law circumvents due process and God-given, constitutionally enumerated guarantees in several ways. In short, the controllers in Richmond are not only ignoring the will of the people but literally defying us.

Yes, the citizens of Virginia sent a strong message to the political creatures harbored in Richmond. The message was clear: “Do NOT pass unconstitutional gun laws”! The politicians puffed up. Some openly scoffed. They continued to threaten – some threats were even directed at the brave Sheriffs who took the strongest stand for liberty. In the end the controllers toned down their ambitious grab for control. In other words – they moved the bar back a few inches after moving it forward several feet. Against the stated will of the people of Virginia – they still seized more control.

I’ll say this again – our efforts – admirable as they were – were not enough. This should come as no surprise if you think about it. Consider how our commonwealth, our nation, has moved from the principles of liberty towards a police state. Some will contend we already live in a police state and their arguments are hard to counter. It is not just the current efforts to control us as citizens we should be paying attention to but the constant attack on our liberties by those who consider themselves our leaders instead of our representatives. What can we do about it? We can show up. We did it once. We need to do it again… and again and again. If we want to regain our liberty – restore our birthright – we need to become vigilant. To this end I urge all citizens to attend the next Board of Supervisors meeting – to make such attendance a habit. Do not stop there – if you live in a village or a town – show up there also. You need not “do” anything else at this point. You can if you want but all I am calling for is participation. The first goal should be to put our representatives on notice – we citizens are finished with the status quo. We will make our wishes known and we will hold you accountable.

To this end I also urge our representatives at the state and federal level to also attend local meetings. I understand Tommy Wright was at the 2A Lunenburg meeting at least. This is an excellent example of how a representative should act. Besides, he not only represents us in Richmond, he, too is a citizen.

The next Lunenburg BOS meeting will be at the Lunenburg Courthouse Mar 12 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Charlotte County is a bit different: their next regular meeting will be March 9 1:30 pm Meetings of the Board are held in the Board Room of the County Administration Office, 250 LeGrande Avenue, Suite A, Charlotte Court House, Virginia, 23923.

However they are changing how they operate:

Beginning in February 2020, regular meetings of the Board will be held on the second Monday of each month. Regular meetings will alternate between afternoon and evening meetings. ”

Also they are holding a public hearing on the county budget on March 9, 2020 at 6:00 PM.

The Charlotte County Board makes it clear they “are committed” “to allowing” citizens to speak and have set forth their policy for such. As I have no say in Charlotte County matters, I’ll refrain from commenting.

In conclusion, our Second Amendment Sanctuary movement was a good start towards reclaiming our birthright and our liberty but it should only be viewed as a beginning. Not only has Richmond largely ignored us, likely in hopes we will go away now that we’ve had our say, but attacks on our rights and liberties continue at every level. Do we want to be able to defend ourselves? Do we want to put a stop to the endless government intrusions on our liberties and our very lives? Do we want to be able to worship God (or not) as we see fit? Do we wish exercise our right to free speech – even at public meetings held by our representatives? If so we need to step up and take back the power granted by God Almighty and secured by our forefathers. I’ll see some of you on March 12th.

Tell Me Now – How This Is Not Treason?

Virginia’s House of Delgates and Senate passed more gun legislation. This is treasonous and should be dealt with as such. Treason? REALLY?! Yes. Really. Here is the definition of treason:


1) the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

2) the action of betraying someone or something

Gun laws – ALL gun laws IMHO – are strictly unconstitutional. As far as I am concerned there is NO wiggle room! How can I say this? I say it because I’ve read the Second Amendment to our constitution over and over again. For good measure I read Virginia’s Bill of Rights also. Both say the same thing: “shall not be infringed”. I’ve dealt with the word “infringed” before but here it is again:

infringe: act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.

Thus ANY attempt to limit or undermine our right to keep and bear arms – any encroachment – violates both constitutions. Intentionally violating either constitution is an attempt to overthrow our constitutional republic. It also betrays the trust of the citizens they are charged to serve. Such is treason.

Am I going too far? No. Our governments, both Federal and State are, in every sense of the word governments of the people, by the people and for the people. Denying this reality is to admit the constitution is no longer the law of this land. Careful controllers! The constitution is the ONLY thing protecting you! No other law is recognized by the citizens of our nation. Denying the constitution is to invite either anarchy or dictatorship. You do not want to go down either road.

These attempts to disarm the law-abiding citizenry by force i.e. declaring non-compliance with their unlawful acts a felony subject to a loss of property, liberty and possibly life itself is a thinly veiled attempt to convert the citizens of this nation into subjects of the controlling elite. Already they disdain the masses. We are “deplorable”. We are “stupid”. Time and time again we are told to heed our “betters” in one way or another. For goodness sakes Michael “Big Daddy” Bloomberg tried to legislate soda pop out of existence because he didn’t think citizens should have it! He seems to think because he has more money than most of us, he is entitled to dictate any aspect of our lives as he so chooses. Oh, yeah, and he is one of the controllers most determined to disarm citizens. What does this tell you?

Overstepping the limits of our constitution is flat out treason… an attempt to undermine and/or overthrow the law of the land – pure and simple.

Are we a commonwealth of the people, by the people and for the people? If so the people have spoken loud and clear concerning our God-given right to keep and bear arms. We descended en masse upon our county seats to insist on passage of Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolutions. We drew the line. How has Richmond responded?

They are passing unconstitutional gun laws anyway. They are spitting in the faces of the citizens and in the face of God Almighty Himself! As these laws declare law-abiding citizens felons for non-compliance – such legislation is an act of war against the citizens of this commonwealth.

Per The Code of Virginian AND the Code of the United States – such is treasonous.

Code of Virginia

§ 18.2-481. Treason defined; how proved and punished.

Treason shall consist only in:

        1. Levying war against the Commonwealth;

Such treason, if proved by the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or by confession in court, shall be punishable as a Class 2 felony.

Code 1950, § 18.1-418; 1960, c. 358; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

The overt act of treason is the passage of unconstitutional laws WE THE PEOPLE of THE COMMONWEALTH have expressly forbidden. Such action by us should never have been necessary. The law of the land is clear. Two witnesses? Millions are witnesses this public display of rebellion. Yes, it is the politicians in Richmond who are openly and brazenly rebelling against the absolute and declared will of the people AND against the constitution itself. This is a blatant act of treason!

Have I gone to far? NO! THEY have gone too far! The “Commonwealth” is NOT the state – the “Commonwealth”consists of the people residing within these borders here. WE are “The Commonwealth” and WE have spoken!

I and my fellow citizens have acted peaceably – lawfully partitioning our representatives – those elected, and by oath of affirmation sworn to uphold the constitution of this commonwealth and this nation. The response from the controllers? Give up your legally acquired property or face arrest and jail! Oh and we’ll just confiscate your property because we made it illegal you know. The Governor has even made motions to increase prison space to accommodate this new class of “felons”.

We are not felons. In fact, as a whole, we are among the most law-abiding citizens in the nation. Should Richmond proceed with these acts of war and follow through with enforcement of these unconstitutional laws – we will be prisoners of war.

So what is the answer?

I am calling upon the elected in Richmond to cease and desist all efforts to restrict our God-given, constitutionally guaranteed rights – especially our right to keep and bear arms. Do NOT go there. Should you insist, I will ask my fellow citizens to join me in seeking arrest and trial for each of you for treason.

Again, I am seeking a peaceful resolution to these issues. I am not alone. Thousands descended upon Richmond on January 20, 2020. Many citizens were armed as per their God-given legal right. Only one arrest was made and that from someone apparently protesting the rally itself. Every 2A Sanctuary vote jam-packed with citizens – many likely exercising their right to bear arms – was peaceful. As citizens, we have consistently advocated for the preservation and restoration of our God-given rights lawfully and peacefully. It is those who are supposedly representing us who foment armed conflict utilizing law enforcement paid for by our tax dollars. It is from their ranks we’ve even been threatened with action by the National Guard. How could such an action NOT be an act of war against peaceful citizens?

Should my pleas for a return to constitutional sanity be ignored; should those charged with enforcing the law of the land against treasonous acts look the other way, I see no other recourse than to invoke Section 3 of the Virginia Bill of Rights:

Section 3. Government instituted for common benefit.

That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community; of all the various modes and forms of government, that is best which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety, and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration; and, whenever any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community hath an indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.

That’s right. Read it for yourself. The remedy, severe as it is, is written in the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia. We have the power. We have the right. As stated in the section above this right is “indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible”. Once again, there is no wiggle room.

Now, Governor Ralphie and company… the ball is in your court. What are you gonna do?

God bless,


P. S. Here is a list of Virginia gun-related laws passed by the House and the Senate yesterday. Courtesy of the VCDL (Virginia Citizens Defense League)

Note not all of these are strictly “gun” laws nor are they all necessarily unconstitutional. In my mind the worst offender is the “Red Flag Law” as it dispenses with so many G0d-given rights – it is singularly abominable.

HB 9 – lost/stolen firearms must be reported in 48 hours – time to report increased from 24 to 48 hours.
SB 14 – bans possession of bump stocks.  Binary triggers, trigger cranks, etc. are not affected.
SB 35 – allows locates to create their own gun laws.  Restricted as to where localities can control guns:  government buildings, parks, recreation and community centers, permitted events and surrounding roads.
SB 173 – allows CHP holders to have a stun-weapon in their vehicle while on K-12 school grounds.
SB 240 – Red Flag law – additional protections for search warrants and wrongful accusations were added.
HB 264 – Eliminates online training and possibly NRA instructors – language eliminating training from NRA instructors was removed from final bill. Bill now only eliminates online training to get a CHP.
SB 268 – No sales tax on gun safes less than $1,500.
HB 421 – allows locates to create their own gun laws. Restricted as to where localities can control guns:  government buildings, parks, recreation and community centers, permitted events and surrounding roads.
HB 1004 – protective orders take away gun rights while in effect.
HB 1080 – only those authorized by state law can carry on K-12 grounds.  Conservators of the Peace cannot carry on school grounds under this bill.
HB 1083 – class 1 misdemeanor for younger than 14-years-old getting access to a loaded firearm in a reckless manner.  Only change to current law is raising the penalty from a Class 3 misdemeanor to a Class 1 misdemeanor.

War Is A Racket – General Smedley Butler

Previously I wrote about President Eisenhower’s final address to the nation where he warns about “The Military Industrial Complex”. He wasn’t alone, nor the first.

Two-time Medal of Honor winner General Smedley Butler wrote the book. Literally. It was called “War is a Racket”. His book, published in 1935, predated President Eisenhower’s revelation by more than 20 years.

Both were men of war. Both achieved high ranks in the US military. Both saw how the politicians have corrupted an honorable profession for personal gain.

This is one more reason we citizens need to reclaim our birthright and take back the reins of government. You can find General Butler’s book here:

The article leading to this post is here:

Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Why No Retired Generals Oppose America’s Forever Wars