Category: Dirty Media
Eyes on Brazil
Recently, I saw a report from Brazil suggesting the military might step in under Constitutional authority to audit the recent election. My understanding is this may be even more volatile than it sounds.
If you’ve been following events in Brazil at all, you probably know President-elect Lula De Silva, the communist convicted felon was certified the winner and sworn into office under dubious circumstances. The Brazilian courts, packed with enough communist sycophants to sway things to the left, have blessed this election despite massive protests from the citizens. And by “massive” I do mean MASSIVE protests. Citizens have been filling the streets nationwide for over a month now to decry what they believe to be a fraudulent election.
As of late, indigenous leaders, who are typically left-wing, have been jailed for joining these protests and being outspoken about the corruption. Not only is the government’s actions considered blatantly unconstitutional but they are causing further uproar among the people. The most casual observer would wonder why left-leaning citizens would be sounding such alarms seeing as how they tend to mostly agree with the agenda of the winning party. This alone should send up red flags everywhere. As Steven Bannon noted, the international media who usually champions these indigenous citizens, remains silent.
Meanwhile, the newly minted Brazilian administration is openly declaring they will replace the current military leadership with their own people. From here, all this looks like kids playing with fire at a gunpowder factory. Wait for it.
The way I see it, the most peaceful path to settling this is for the current military to step in and audit the election. Considering the angst of the citizens, I suspect the audit will uncover massive fraud and overturn the results. If military personnel are able to maintain a strong presence this wrong could be righted without bloodshed. Even this scenario could turn sour depending on how the president-elect responds. I doubt very much if he is acting alone so the question is who is backing him and what resources can they bring to bear?
Should this election stand, I fear a bloodbath, maybe more than one. It doesn’t appear the citizens protesting are likely to simply accept confirmation of this election. Something stinks about it and they all know it. At least until the indigenous leaders were jailed, things were peaceful. It seems jailing these leaders has already wrought some violence. Should the protests continue past verification of the election, I’ve no doubt more citizens will be jailed. Such actions could well incite more violence rather than quell the unrest. One way or another, this scenario seems ripe for escalation.
What does all this have to do with the United States of America? Lots.
For starters, Biden and Co. can be expected to fully support the communists – exactly as they supported Trudeau regime during the Canadian Trucker protest. Biden’s people never met an authoritarian they didn’t like. I suspect they would openly worship Putin if they thought they could do so. If the truth came out, it would surprise me not at all to learn Team Biden actually helped DeSilva steal the election. Do note the leftist articles I perused while researching this post all hail the “victory of Democracy” evidenced in DeSilva’s win. This alone gives me pause. Oh, yeah, and they all never fail to mention how “efficient and secure” Brazil’s electoral system is. Granted, as the fifth most populous nation on earth, that the election was tallied on election day should cause our own election officials to hang their heads in shame, but without more details, I question how secure the Brazilian system really is. A bigger question is, if it IS so “secure” why are so many citizens taking to the streets?
About those protests… right or wrong, the Brazilian citizens deserve our admiration for taking a stand. Unlike us, they are standing strong, even to the extent of ignoring soccer’s World Cup competition. This would be like Americans foregoing the Super Bowl to protest the Biden regime. The Brazilians are at least as passionate about soccer as we are about football, possibly more so. In addition, they’ve continued on for over a month now. How much resolve have we shown? Do you see Arizonans taking to the streets in Phoenix and Tucson? Despite massive issues, including a lot of very sketchy stuff involving election day shenanigans, not to mention mysterious late ballots showing up and counted, and previously rejected ballots added to the count pile. All this while declaring a paper-thin 17,000 vote win for Hobbs. The Arizona election reeks so bad one is inclined to hold one’s nose while watching news stories concerning it.
Back to Brazil, what happens there could well set the stage for elections all across the world. Should this election be overturned, and life return to normal for that nation, it could well encourage those of us who are tired of seeing election after election decided by hinky means. Should violence erupt, the side that comes out on top may well set the tone for other world events. Let’s explore this thought.
Suppose the globalists muster enough forces to shut down the protesters. Violence or no violence the implications are far ranging. The communists would have established a solid foothold on South America – enough to rule the region. Now Valenzuela has already failed due to gross mismanagement but that doesn’t mean Brazil will follow suit. Add in violence and they would set the example for any communist/globalist takeover of a major nation. Worse yet, Team Biden cannot be expected to just protest this move but more likely, they would applaud it. Not good.
On the other hand, if the citizens of Brazil were to prevail, it would be a setback for the globalists. It could be enough to send them reeling because the last thing they expect or want is any push back from the proletariat. The one inherent weakness all globalists have is numbers. Sure they can fool enough of the population to vote for their agenda but once enough citizens understand their true intent and balk, our numbers are overwhelming. You see, when the rubber hits the road, humans actually prefer freedom over tyranny.
Beyond this, our Brazilian brethren would also set an example for the world to see. Add their example to the British, the French, the Chinese, the Danes, the Sri Lankans, the Canadians and the Italians and you can see a trend building. World-wide citizens of several nations are breaking the chains of oppressive governments. Brazil is one of the latest but what is most interesting about happenings there is the protests span their nation. The real question that comes to my mind is when will us citizens of these United States face the reality of our corrupt government. Strangely enough, while we kid ourselves into believing we are a shining example of freedom and democracy, the globalists have very nearly completely gained a stranglehold on every facet of our nation.
Is Our Nation Lost?
One comment I read today concerns the Warnock-Walker Senate race in Georgia. The commenter stated if Warnock wins, it’s over for the republican party. Similar dissertations have popped up over other results. Right now the republican party is reeling and wringing their hands on how to become more relevant. Of course, they don’t use those words but isn’t relevance what it amounts to?
Let’s face it, most of today’s republicans can be likened to ghetto white boys. They dress what they think an inner-city gangbanger should wear, pound their ears with incessant hip hop, while trying their very best to act, um, cool? Whatever. Back in the old days, the stereotype was the nerd who wanted to be “popular”. Of course they’d always end up looking like idiots. Seems like some kids never learn. They “grow up” to be republicans – well, RINOs, really. You see, they want to be popular, you know, cool. These days that means going “green”, cheering for Zelensky, and virtue signaling at every opportunity. Of course, wearing the right labels and attending the right parties also earns points. And lets not forget about the most important task, the duty of every government official – ensuring our government continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Priorities, you know.
Meanwhile, here in the trenches, the citizens of our nation are lost. We are wandering. It is blatantly evident we cannot trust those in government – not our elected officials, nor those who ostensibly work for us. We can’t trust the electoral process. We can’t trust those leading our party – whoever that may be. The media lies. New evidence reveals some of the depth of those lies and where they come from. Did I mention we can’t trust those in government? I’ll clue you in… some of us were in class that day when it was revealed how all of a sudden it became legal for our government to lie to us citizens. I’m sure it’s all for our own good.
So is our nation also lost? This remains to be seen. That said, there’s less then two minutes on the clock in the forth quarter and the home team on their own one yard line and down by six touchdowns. Okay, maybe not six touchdowns but it’s not looking all that good. Then again, what if we’re looking at the wrong game? If the home team is 15-1-0 and seeded first in the playoffs, how much does this game matter? What if we stepped back a bit to consider the bigger picture?
This hurts, but what if our beloved nation, the United States of America, the greatest nation in the history of the world crumbled before our eyes? What then? If it all burned down today, what would rise from the ashes? Would we rebuild our Constitutional Republic? Or would something else take it’s place? Would the states survive? Would Texas want to be associated with New York? Would Tennessee cozy up to California? I’m not seeing it. What if the globalists declared victory? You know they would in a heartbeat – assuming all the globalists combined could find a heart among them. I have my doubts. Beyond that, what do the globalists want? It’s no secret. They want our borders to vanish so they can install a one-world government. Isn’t that what globalism is all about? Centralized control of everything? What happens to us patriots?
Sure it is a stark venture in thought but is it really beyond plausibility? I don’t think so. I’ve been saying for years now that the globalist agenda will eventually come about. Prophesy says so. If you cannot wrap your head around that idea, just look at basic demographics. The short view is people cluster. We humans tend to group together. It is our nature. As we gather into city centers, we tend to demand more government. This is indisputable. It always happens. Always. It is only a matter of time before we humans centralize ourselves into a world government. For this to happen, every nation worth two cents will be swallowed up by the central government. Again, it is simple logic. A central government cannot, will not stand competition. If it comes to war, so be it. Winner take all.
Again, we are back to square one. IS our nation lost… yet? Maybe, maybe not but we are at a critical crossroads. As I demonstrated earlier, there is no true opposition to the globalists. At least nothing of consequence. Lump all the conservatives together. Go ahead, toss in the Libertarians, the Constitution Party guys, and constitutionalists (no party affiliation) and whoever else and you still have a minority and a minuscule one at that. The globalists have successfully browbeaten our citizens into accepting enough of their drivel so what was once “far left” is now considered “moderate”. I’ll offer just one example. Suppose some serious public figure was to propose ditching Social Security? We would see howls of protest on both sides of the political spectrum. That figure would be considered a radical, if not entirely shunned. Once a radical Socialist program, SS is now sacred in political circles.
Can we ever find our way back as a nation? Personally I have my doubts. This doesn’t mean I am ready to write the good ol’ USA off entirely but I think it’s time to face facts. We are on the verge and things don’t look good for the home team. For those of us who can accept this possibility I can offer a ray of hope.
What is missing entirely from the postulation above? What have I not considered up until this point? Who is in control? How is this a game changer?
If it’s not obvious, let me be plain: GOD. We can talk politics all day long, but until we recognize that GOD is in total, complete control, all is for naught. By all means, GOD changes the game. Heck, GOD OWNS THE GAME. It is HIS playing field. HE set the rules. You know the adage, the house always wins, well we’re in GOD’s house.
Now with God in the picture, the game doesn’t just change, it becomes an entirely different game! Let’s call this game “good versus evil”. Right now it looks like evil has good on the ropes. It is an illusion. How about we take another gander at this game from God’s perspective?
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Ephesians 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
Within these three verses we can pretty much figure out God’s end game. Ephesians indicates God’s no dummy. He knows not every one will believe. He knew this before it all began. Just the same, He gave everybody a chance. But wait! You say. What about those who were died before salvation became available? You mean, like David? Please. God’s got everything all figured out. If you can trust me on this one, trust Him. He is not just a “fair” God. He is a merciful and gracious God. I’ll take mercy and grace over fair any day. So let’s swing back on this whole “lost nation” thingy, huh?
We’ve all heard the tale and a lot of the jokes about Israel being so lost it took them forty years to trek about 435 miles, by most estimates about an eleven day journey. The joke I’ve heard most is Israel was lost because Moses refused to stop and ask for directions. How long would the journey taken had the people of this nation had turned to God and kept their eyes on Him? I’d say it’s possible we’d be talking about their amazing land speed record instead of forty years of wandering in the wilderness.
Now ask yourself… WHY is our nation lost? By now the answer should be obvious – we’ve turned away from God. In the battle of good vs evil, we are opting for evil. Huh. Go figure. What if we opted for good instead? What if we turned to God? Could our nation be saved? Restored even? I’d say possibly, but what if we’ve moved beyond that? What then?
In a worst-case scenario, our world would be on the fast track towards the end times. Once a world government is established we are all in for some spicy times. Tell me… what would you do if you woke up one morning with the realization that the wait was over? Those last days are upon us and we Christians are now enemy number one? What then?
In my own limited mind, I can think of two things. First – survival. I mean, I’m long past the point where death scares me but as long as I’m drawing breath, I’ll do what I can do keep drawing breath, so, survival. Second, rescue. By this I mean making every effort to give as many people as possible the chance to opt-in to eternity – whatever it takes. What else matters?
Now we’re not at this point yet. It may not come to that in my lifetime if I live to be 200. I just don’t know. What I do know is no matter whether our nation can be restored or not, God will remain in control and unless our nation, WE the People, turn back to Him, the globalists will continue to solidify their hold on us. Evil is winning, or so they think.
We can fight back but politics is not the answer. Certainly “civil war” is not the answer either. Once the nature of the battle we face is recognized, doesn’t it make sense to fight the spiritual war? I’ll get back to this in a moment. First how about we consider our circumstance in mortal terms.
Again I’ll contend that a physical war a la “Civil War I” is absolutely the worst scenario we can hope for. Nobody wins. Even if, lets call us “nationalists” wins, what do we have? A decimated nation, torn by war with dead yet to bury and either a government restored from our current Constitution or a new one formed from a revised Constitution. I’d say this is the “best case” scenario. It looks pretty bleak to me. Should the globalists win… hoo boy, we’re all in for fun.
So lets drop that notion for example. In the secular world what does this leave us if not a political solution. What political solution? What would a strong, Republican, majority bring to the table? For one thing, they’d be right back to battling the “other” party, whether it is comprised of democrats or whatever. Once again we will instantly be faced with a group whose primary objective has to be to grow the government. It is how power bases are formed. Additionally, it is all the politicians know how to do – grab and wield power via influence. Such is the goal. The tools, money (taxpayer money) and regulations, remain the same. Go ahead, change out “Republican” for “Conservative” or “Libertarian”, whatever. The formula for “getting things done” stays the same.
My own ideal political solution, one I highly doubt anyone else would sign on to would be effective but far too cumbersome and, as such, would soon fall back to the current status quo. In my ideal system, WE the People would rule at the county level. Thus the county seat would be the center of our political universe. All law enforcement would be under the primary jurisdiction of the county sheriff. More importantly, most government functions would be handled at the county level. State and Federal duties would be delegated when a majority of counties deemed it so. Subsequently state and federal representatives would answer to their constituents primarily via oversight committees comprised of representatives from each county. Additionally, each state and federal representative would be required to attend county, and in the case of larger population areas, city, board meetings on a regular basis. The oversight committees would take their direction from county residents who would meet, either in person or virtually, to make their preferences known. The board meetings would offer the opportunity for representatives to hear directly from their constituents and for constituents to have their voices heard.
Granted, my “ideal solution” is more of a work in progress than any sort of blueprint but the idea behind the concept is to find ways to decentralize government and our representation while allowing for a balance between access to our elected representatives and allowing them the breathing room to do the job we give them. Imagine being micromanaged by 500 people, then multiply that by 1000. That is about the average number of citizens in each congressional district. One of the most common complaints I hear from local representatives is they often cannot eat a meal in peace without being inundated with citizens with a word, a gripe, or some advice. Sure, it’s the nature of the job but they have lives too.
Summing up from my wanderings… if you take anything away from this post, I would hope it is the sense that the battle we face is spiritual, rather than political, in nature. As such we need to properly equip ourselves and fight accordingly. Every major issue facing us today has a spiritual base. The globalists are bent on denying evil even exists, much less God Himself.
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
This is the sword that will win spiritual battles.
Ephesians 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
The good news is God has fully equipped us for this battle. He truly is our sufficiency in all things. Are you ready to take up “the whole armour of God”? Not the arms of the world that lead to destruction but the armament given to us by Almighty God to defeat the real foe in this war against evil.
The Problem With Brazil
Unless you only watch MSM or otherwise live under a rock, you’ve seen what’s going on in Brazil. For the aforementioned readers who someone stumbled upon this post, I’ll elaborate.
Brazil recently elected a new president. From what I’ve been able to ascertain, he is a convicted felon and an avowed communist. While felons are prohibited from running for that nation’s highest office by law, it appears the communist-leaning court gave him a pass. Does any of this sound familiar? Oh, yeah, that’s right, your MSM blinders don’t allow you to see anything other than the “official” party line. Maybe you’d better sit down. You see, the courts here in the good ol’ USA have likewise squelched any hint of electoral impropriety to the outrageous extent of branding the events in DC on January 6, 2020 as an “insurrection”. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along now.
It was only recently when CBS decided Hunter Biden’s laptop was really was Hunter Biden’s laptop and not some “Russian Hoax”. Now we are seeing the massive extent our own shadow government went to suppress this and a whole bunch of other information in order to install Slow Mo Joe in the White House. All that is just the beginning of sorrows initiated by the usurpers of our nation. Enough of that, back to our regularly scheduled post…
So Brazil’s election was compromised, beginning with a nominee who wasn’t legally qualified to run anyway and ending with massive fraud perpetrated to “elect” a communist, essentially turning the entire nation of Brazil over to the China. But that’s not the real story here. The real story is the reaction by the citizens of Brazil.
They are pissed and they are protesting en masse – all across the nation. The streets of ever major city is filled with citizens who are demanding this wrong be righted. That’s the story. Now for the problem…
Just like here in the US of A, nothing is happening. Here we’ve seen scandals, fraud and widespread criminality all over the place. From elected officials compromised by foreign agents, to open total disregard for our constitution, to former Vice Presidents promoted after openly admitting – bragging, actually, on video, to using his influence as VP to get the man investigating his own son fired by threatening to withhold foreign aid. The list of crimes alleged as well as blatant, staggers the mind and yet, only a handful of scapegoats are pursued and/or prosecuted.
Citizens who dared walk into the Capitol building on January 6 languish in prisons unfit for any human, not only deprived of their constitutional rights, but horrifically beaten and abused, while criminals who firebombed a police car are slapped on the wrist. Again and again, we see our nation sinking into lawlessness and all we can expect is more of the same and worse. How does this relate to Brazil?
Just like these things detailed above in the US, the citizens of Brazil are being ignored. Word is, the government there will impose martial law. The implied threat is “shut up about it or we will kill you.” This is the problem. If you’ve happened to have seen the masses protesting, there should be chills running down your back. First comes the realization that with so many Brazilians protesting, something is very, very wrong and the entire world should be taking notice. Then comes the sucker punch – their protests are not likely to have any effect. Yes, things might end badly either now or in the future. Yes, this may be the start of a very unstable Brazil for months, maybe years to come, but the will of the people is being subordinated to the will of the usurpers. This is most disturbing. Worse, it could be a portent of things to come here and all over the globe.
Not too long ago, I envisioned similar things happening here as those events in Brazil. Think of it, all across the nation, citizens gathering at county seats, asserting our authority as citizens and taking back our nation. What a display of citizen authority! Can you see in your mind’s eye, photo after photo in Twitter of citizens standing tall at their county seats? I was certain it would cause the usurpers to tremble with fear and awe once they realized their gig was up. While such an even could happen, what shook me was the apparent apathy of the Brazilian demonstration. It’s like nobody even bothered to yawn. Are the powers that be so confident of their grasp that they simply don’t care? What would it take to make them take notice?
Likewise Chinese citizens are protesting also. The crimes committed on them are even more mind-boggling in that they are being herded into facilities, let’s call them what they really are, concentration camps. Those who resist are beaten and even killed in the streets. One apartment building had the doors welded shut so the world watched in horror as residents were burned alive. Like the Brazilians, the Chinese government has yet to be challenged. If nobody stands up for them, who will stand with us?
That’s the problem I see. Is there a solution? YES! For most of you, it is not what you think. Not at all.
Abandon Ship!
Wait! What?! Really??!! In a sense, yes, really. I am not advocating leaving the country or giving up. What I am advocating is a complete refocus of our efforts. Now I’ve gone down this road before but this time I mean to burn some bridges, so to speak. For the most part, any and all political action is dead or dying. Can we take back our nation county by county? I do think it is still possible but recent events lead me to believe such efforts are more than not likely to fail. Why?
Look at this last election. Yes, the republicans reclaimed the House of Representatives. whoopie. (was I able to convey my nearly total lack of enthusiasm here?) Meanwhile Arizona’s election was stolen and it looks like it will remain that way. In New York? The democrat machine reinstalled the entirely uninspiring and totally worthless Kathy Hochul. Pennsylvania likewise sent the barely functioning John Fetterman to the US Senate. Michigan went to Gretchen Whitmer. And so on and so forth. As I’ve stated before, it doesn’t matter one whit whether any of these elections were on the up and up or not. It really doesn’t. Unless the cheating was done on such a scale that it totally overwhelmed the will of the People, we need to come to terms with the fact that a significant number of citizens actually voted for these individuals.
Even IF the anticipated “Red Wave” took place, the result would only be a band-aid on the gaping wound infecting our nation – and the adhesive on that would barely cling. The real issue we’re facing is much larger than any one election can address, much less repair. The real issue is we’ve lost God. As a nation we are a people wandering in the wilderness, wondering why God has abandoned us. In truth, WE have abandoned HIM. For this reason, I’m advocating we abandon this “ship”, i.e. an political remedy and turn our attention fully upon God. How can we do this?
For those of you involved in your church already, and I mean really involved, step back and examine what is going on in your church. What is your focus? Are you going through the motions are you in the trenches? Is your church focused inwardly on members or on outreach? Is it effective? Are you bearing fruit? You can ask this of yourself as well as your church. The fruit you bear is the harbinger.
If you are not involved in a church… why not? Are there no churches near you that bear fruit? Surely there must be some Christians in the area doing God’s work. Find them. Join them. Or start something yourself. Look to God to lead you.
If you have not accepted Christ, I’m not sure what I can do for you. Nobody can make you. That’s the whole point. If you are still reading this, I suspect you are doubting your own convictions. All is not lost as long as you are still breathing. Believe it or not, God will help you. I am living proof. God literally saved my life (maybe multiple times, I don’t know.) both before and after I accepted His Son Jesus as my Lord and Savior. He guided me to exactly the right people to provide me with exactly the right information I needed to be saved. And get this, the people He guided me to were not all from some “church group”. Only one was attending services at the time. Ask God to show you the way. Email me if you like.
At this point in history, I do not know what the future holds. Okay, I never do, but that is beside the point. I once had hopes this nation could be restored. Now I am not so sure. Either way, we need to seek out God and His Will. As for me, I’m forming a bible study group. My goal is to get together with other believers and seek out fellowship and biblical truths. My own idea is for this to be the first of many seeded study groups. Whether this is what God has in mind is yet to be seen. All I know is I feel the need to reach out and this is my first step to that end. My own life these days has not born as much fruit as I feel it ought to, so I am doing exactly what I advocate.
What matters most today is outreach. As a Christian, if you are reaching out already, ask God to show you how to do more. If you are not reaching out, then ask God to show you where to start. If you have distanced yourself from God, then your first step is to draw nigh to Him. We can do nothing without God. Until we turn to Him, our nation will continue to decline until we find ourselves fighting for our very lives. Our best effort now is to immerse ourselves in the truth, hold it forth and stand fast.
God bless
WHAT IS This Country Coming To?
For over two years now (longer actually), I’ve put up with all this crap about election fraud, shady elections, questionable election practices and the like. The past two years or so have been the worst because all of a sudden, it’s no longer “cool” to question election results… unless, of course, those results favor a republican nominee over a democrat. I’ve had it.
Like I said this garbage has be going on far longer than the past two years. My most pressing question is:
HOW Did We Get Here?
Or have we always been this complacent? Looking back, I envision more of a slippery slope. Maybe we’d see some sort of blip or a glitch now and then in this election or that one. What was done? Was the problem taken seriously? Was it resolved? Was the integrity of the election process examined with any issues addressed and corrected? I don’t know. Maybe these things never happened. They should have. Even if they did, somewhere along the line someone shrugged. Some problem was simply ignored or otherwise allowed to fester. Then other problems arose. More and more they slid under the radar. During this last election cycle, where the most glaring example is in Maricopa County, Arizona, issues, major issues of election integrity and an honest count, are in danger of being simply batted away like a pesky fly. If it persists, they’ll just kill the fly.
HOW Can We Let This Happen?
Where is the outrage? I liken this to my wife when she reconciles our checkbook. If she is off just one penny, she will work those figures like a dog worries a bone. I’ve seen her fret for days about the most insignificant (to me) discrepancy. Personally, I’d write off a few cents and be done with it. Not her. Only 100% agreement between the bank and her calculations are acceptable. THIS is the sort of attitude we need to have concerning our electoral process.
Discrepancies, murky questions, and shady dealings should never, EVER be associated with our electoral processes. Everything needs to be on the up and up and on full display for everyone to see. ALL questions should be dealt with, in public. The process should never need be questioned.
Over the past few years, we’ve seen a myriad of issues come up in multiple elections all over our nation. These range from dead people voting, to questionable individuals being allowed to vote without ID (right here in Virginia where ID is legally required to vote!), to scores of voting machine issues – including alleged flip/flopping actual votes, machines that conveniently jam or otherwise fail, districts counting more votes than they have registered voters, and more. Whether any of these issues have been properly addressed, and I’m certain some of them have NOT, is more often than not never publicized beyond the initial reports. Granted, news media thrives on conflict and dies on resolution but one would expect at least a hint that some of these issues are resolved. Instead, crickets.
Enough Is Enough!
Frankly, I’m pissed. My anger is not directed at the cheaters or at those whobenefit from cheating. It’s not directed at the courts who refuse to even look at these problems. It’s not directed at our elected officials who should see to it the issues are addressed properly and corrected. Nor am I angry with those charged with overseeing the processes and ensuring they are right and proper. No. I am mostly pissed at myself and my fellow citizens. WE are allowing this to happen. WE are ultimately responsible to see to it that OUR elections are squeaky clean and there is NO QUESTIONS about their integrity.
WHERE IS OUR OUTRAGE? When are WE going to INSIST our elections are done right? There is no excuse for us if all we do is throw up our hands in surrender. Right here. Right now is when we must take a stand. If any, ANY result is not “right”, then we need to DEMAND a strict accounting. The books need to balance. We cannot afford to be off one single penny, one single vote.
Pandemic Amnesty
This is apparently from The Atlantic:
My comments are made without reading the article. Forgive me, it’s The Atlantic and I just ate breakfast. Speaking of forgiveness, I have no problem with that.
I forgive Tony Fauci for his part in it. I forgive Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer, and… oh hell the list is far, far to lengthy. I’d bore even myself and that takes some doing. Let’s just call it a blanket of forgiveness. Some of you are guilty of very despicable deeds. Many of you were energized by the power you seized and wielded it like bloodlusting berserkers. You are forgiven. Yes, even the worst of the worst of you… I forgive you.
Now lets talk about amnesty. No way. No how. Uh-uh, forget it. First let’s make sure we are on the same page. This from Merriam-Webster
The forgiveness I offer is spiritual in nature. This is something I am instructed to do as a believer in Christ.
Mark 11:25 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.
Now there is more to it than above, but isn’t this enough? My Heavenly Father has forgiven an untold number of my sins. Surely none of them resulted in a single death, much less hundreds, thousands, or millions of deaths but such is besides the point. The above scripture didn’t qualify any “trespasses”. It didn’t say I’m only required to forgive those trespasses that are equal or less than my own now did it? No. He (Jesus) said “any” and he meant any.
However nowhere in scripture are we told forgiveness allows us to escape consequences. There will be an accounting.
Romans 14:11 For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.
12 So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
Now here consequences are implied but not specifically stated. However we all know that here in this life, forgiven or not, we still must often pay for our mistakes.
Every now and then a story will rise up about a convicted murderer about to face execution. Some have come to Christ since their conviction. Are they forgiven? Surely they are, but the death penalty is still invoked.
Now lets talk about the pandemic, shall we? Where do we begin? With the “two weeks to flatten the curve” crowd? How about those who shut down schools and businesses? Or pushed “vaccines” on those who didn’t need it. (Turns out, that would be just about everybody, at least.) Or those who fired anyone who refused a mandated jab? Again, the list is endless.
Families were separated, friendships forever destroyed, not because of the pandemic itself but over differences of opinion on how to deal with it. The entire world, along with our nation was disrupted and forever soiled. Much of the corruption of the 2020 election is a direct result of the ensuing panic.
Crimes were committed. Our Constitution was shredded in the name of “public health”. Only now are many people beginning to realize what a number of us suspected or even knew – the pandemic was a scam, a con game. The virus was little more than a flu bug, easily treated and quite survivable by more than 99% of the population.
Far more people died due to blatant medical malpractice, with the blessing of our own governments, than were even at risk from the virus alone. Given early, effective treatment, many of those would have lived. Had not so many infected elderly been warehoused in nursing homes, many more lives would have been spared. Then there’s the “vaccine”.
First of all the very term “vaccine” is an aberration. The definition of the word had to be changed to accommodate the mRNA technology. Just like the popular product “Velveeta” cannot legally be called “cheese” (it must be termed a “cheese food”) the mRNA concoction could not be called a “vaccine” unless the term was redefined. Even the term “anti-vaxxer” was redefined to include anyone who dared question the insanity of widespread, repeated jabs of otherwise healthy individuals.
Secondly, early treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were purposely disavowed and still are in some circles. At least one pundit shed light on this by stating the reason for disavowing these treatments was because the FDA could not legally authorize the emergency use of the mRNA product if an effective treatment was available. Oh.
And now we are seeing the consequences of this push to inject this crap multiple times into as many arms as possible. People are dying, literally dropping dead. Many more are suffering severe health issues. These poor people, and their families, are paying dearly for what? A mistake? Or was it all deliberate? We may never know. But really, tell me exactly why those directly or indirectly responsible should receive “amnesty” for their utter disregard for the science, much less logic and common sense.
In this group, I am including health professionals. I myself had a run-in with a physician’s assistant who refused to even discuss sane treatments for Covid. She stated she didn’t want to lose her license to practice. To her credit, she did not advocate the jab, at least to me. And I can understand her fear of losing her livelihood. However many walked away from careers on principle. My problem with her is her total refusal to even consider or discuss alternative approaches. She “wasn’t going to argue” about it with me. Granted I can be very argumentative but in this case, I was far from that point. I was only questioning her about her stance.
If a far greater number of health professionals stood up and insisted on actually following the science, the entire landscape of the pandemic would have changed for the better. It’s one thing to not understand what is happening. It is quite another to go along with procedures and protocols when you’ve seen the devastating results firsthand.
Then, how should we treat the media and big tech? Both groups colluded with government officials to spread the lies and keep them going. Even today, they continue to double down on falsehoods. At one point, several media personalities advocated those who failed to bow to their lies be imprisoned, left untreated, left to die, or even killed. Concentration camps for the “unvaxed” were advocated and even implemented in some countries (Australia comes to mind). Both suppressed any dissent from the official line. In fact, they still do.
The buzz from these groups is all about eliminating “misinformation” and “disinformation”. Ironically, once the truth becomes overwhelming. it will be their heads on the chopping block. (Note to the feds and other nanny groups – this is a figure of speech and not to be taken literally.) The most outrageous purveyors of “misinformation” and “disinformation” is the main stream media and big tech. It’s almost as if they are incapable of telling the truth.
These are but the worst examples. So, no, those of you who pushed this swindle need to be held accountable. If you broke the law then you need to be charged, tried, and if convicted, punished. These are the consequences of your actions. I’m not advocating this for the sake of vengeance. “Vengeance is mine, saith the LORD, I will repay.” So no, I am not being vengeful. However, in addition to accountability, i.e. “confessing your sins” or in lieu of this, having your actions reviewed in court, an example must be set. If we do not act according to the law and pursue justice for your illegal actions then our inaction would be an open invitation to do it all again. And this, we cannot tolerate.
Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right
Stuck In The Middle With You · Stealers Wheel
Why did this song suddenly start running through my head?
As you might guess the refrain was what kept coming to mind
Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right Here I am stuck in the middle with youNow, it’s not entirely accurate. For the most part both sides of the political spectrum could be deemed to the left of me. It’s not that I’m “so far right” but more that they are so far left. Seriously.
First up, emails from the Virginia GOP. Take a peek at the snapshot I took.
Note the subject line of each email – “We didn’t receive your response”
and then “Where’s your response”.
Now I’m not going to try to school them or anybody on writing subject lines that get open or emails that get responses. I could learn a few things about both myself. That said, I doubt this approach is very effective. All it did for me was piss me off but maybe I’m just too sensitive.
Inside is an appeal for money, because, the Republicans are losing Virginia or some such. Maybe they are. Our two Senate seats are held by Democrats, crappy ones at that, but they aren’t up for reelection.
According to one search engine, this is the current makeup of Virginia’s representation in the House




So I was F Checked by Fn Book
FnBook didn’t like the meme below. They say it “lacks context” or some bs. No, I didn’t check their supplied links. Why? Because these days anyone can say anything and find supporting “evidence” online. The farther left the contention the closer to the top of search results grrrgle will post it. More and more I find myself looking to another search engine or digging waaaay deep to find a dissenting opinion. Is what James Woods posted accurate? Heck, I don’t know but ask yourself this: if I posted a meme about the dogs connected with Fauchi, would I get the same result? Maybe I’ll find out for sure. I can tell you one thing, I saw the video of those dogs who were tortured in the name of “science”. They are heart wrenching.
As a bonus, I’m posting a second meme. Maybe this one got trough FnBooks nannies and maybe not. My question is, is Fnbook a platform or a publisher? If they are editing my posts, they are a publisher IMHO and therefore liable for all they allow on their site. Wouldn’t it be awesome to see the courts stand up and say so?
NOW Ukraine Applies to Join NATO – How Worried Should We Be?
Ukraine has now officially applied for NATO membership. What does it all mean?
Last week, I saw this headline scrolling across the bottom of one newsy site or another. That’s it. Nothing else. Last night Tucker Carlson did a segment on this topic. He brought up some valid points in his usual over-the-top style. Look. I like Tucker. I really do, but between his fake laugh and his typical drama-queen presentation, he gets tiresome. Today I dug down to get some real dirt on the situation. Here’s what I found from the AP of all sources:
9 NATO members urge support for Ukraine after annexation
Well that’s the headline. I almost passed it up. I admit, I’m somewhat ignorant when it comes to NATO. I mean I know it was formed to ward off the Soviets after WWII so they didn’t start acquiring new territories by invasion. I know they become active from time to time in different conflicts. Mostly, I surmise, to enable member nations to participate in international affairs without committing their own militaries. And I know the President Trump once (at least) chided NATO nations for not chipping in their fair share and allowing the US to cover the brunt of the costs. What else is new? Other than that, I don’t know a lot. Now I know more.
NATO membership needs approval from all 30 members and Ukraine is unlikely to join anytime soon. Being a country already at war complicates the request.
Now that’s some intelligence I can sink my teeth into. Even before Tucker started ranting on what would happen if Ukraine joined NATO now, I shared the same thoughts. Such an act would be equivalent to declaring war on Russia. The vary premise of NATO is an attack on a NATO country is considered an attack on ALL NATO countries. Thus, per the agreement, NATO would be bound to providing military assistance.
So, yeah, Tucker is right to be concerned about Ukraine joining NATO. Where I see the drama queen factor is in the details. ALL 30 NATO Countries would have to vote to let Ukraine join. Let’s face it, this means all 30 NATO nations would essentially be voting to go to war with Russia. I don’t see that happening. Not now.
So let’s move on to the meat of the AP headline:
The nine NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe fearful that Russia could target them next if it isn’t stopped in Ukraine urged a response to the annexation.
So here we have nine countries already in NATO who want to approve Ukraine’s application because they are worried Russia could invade them next? Now that is idiotic. Again if Russia invades a NATO country, it is as if they are invading ALL 30 NATO countries. In other words, it was be akin to Russia declaring war on NATO.
Let’s see the reasoning here… we are going to bring Ukraine under the NATO umbrella so we can enter into battle with Russia because we are afraid Russia is going to invade and thus enter into battle with us.
Hel-LO? Anybody in there? That’s just stupid. Not ignorant as in lacking knowledge but plain ol’ stupid.
Should all 30 NATO nations decide this insanity is the way to get we all will deserve what we get and reap what we sow. I don’t see this coming to pass. It’s a no-win preposition and surely at least one NATO country will understand this. Even Joe Bobo’s handlers are shying away from this idea:
Asked Friday about Zelenskyy’s application for accelerated NATO membership, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said the application process in Brussels “should be taken up at a different time.”
Of course the other major topic of discussion surrounding the Ukraine-Russia theater is the increasing mention of using nukes. Should this be a greater concern? Personally, I don’t think so.
Sure, it could happen but using nuclear weapons opens a whole new can of worms and I really don’t think anyone want’s go to there. You can’t unring that bell. The only time nuclear weapons have been used was in a desperate attempt to end a war. The consequences were horrible. While those with their fingers on nuclear buttons can rest assured they are likely safe from such horrors, nobody knows for sure. Now only could such a action unleash untold destruction on the targeted area but it would also open up the potential for normalization of nuclear weaponry in conflicts. No sane person desires this.
Then there’s the potential of MAD – Mutual Assured Destruction. This policy is not talked about any more but it is still officially in place between Russia and the United States. While the idea of limited nuclear use restricted to certain areas may be “acceptable” to some of those in elite circles, I doubt if even they really want to see how life is in their bomb-proof bunkers. For goodness sakes what if their caviar went bad?
As with so much going on in the world, we are seeing a flurry fear-mongering on every level. It’s not coming from the right, the left, or the top, it is coming from everywhere. One could make a case for much of this being propaganda by nefarious sources trying to stir up FUD – fear, uncertainty and doubt. Bluntly put, I’m sure much of what we see from all media sources is just that, but mixed in with these are simply those who may have the best of intentions but for some reason or another, never take in enough facts to see a bigger picture. In this respect, I am likely guilty of this myself.
Many of these issues are mere distractions and it is easy to get caught up in them. What I am taking from all of this is we need to refocus our efforts closer to home – the closer the better. I can’t do anything about Ukraine. What I can do is speak the truth both here and locally. I can work to secure my county – to work towards making sure our county board, school board and sheriff are working for us citizens rather than some shadowy figure. I use my voice to urge the local party to work for us and to make our voice and desires heard within the state and nation, as well as to convince my fellow citizens to abandon party politics in favor of a non-political approach to our issues. This may be a small pond and even here I may always be a small fish but even so, I can make more waves here than in any ocean. What about you?
They Get It – Managed Dehumanization Article
The gist of this article, as I see it, really says what I’ve been saying all along: the globalists are moving forward with a concerted effort to control our nation. Chances are pretty good, the author, Auron MacIntyre, says it better.
Either way the goal is the same, centralized control of us all. While Mr. MacIntyre’s focus is primarily the US of A, it is easy to see what happens once they’ve got us securely under their thumb. Centralization cannot be complete until everything is controlled from one convenient location.
“Every ruling class needs a way to secure power and justify that power to the masses”
The one term I cringe at is one we all seem to have come to accept: “ruling class”. Hey! This is America… remember? We citizens ARE the ruling class. Why then, do we so readily accept the idea that “the elites” somehow have some right to lord it over us? It’s conditioning folks. We need to shrug it off.
The article is below:
Don’t Look There – Look Over HERE! Marth’s Vineyard!
Sen. Ted Cruz Puts Martha’s Vineyard ‘Crisis’ in Perspective: ‘15,000 Haitian Illegal Immigrants’ Entered Del Rio in One Day
And just like that, the media frenzy diverts attention from the real issues of ILLEGAL ALIENS flooding our nation to whine about the atrocity of 50 ILLEGAL ALIENS flown to Martha’s Vineyard. Not only did they totally redact the point but they tried to turn it around on Governor DeSantis.