Mitch McConnell on His Way Out?

This from The Gateway Pundit:

RUMBLINGS: Senate Republicans Preparing for Mitch McConnell to Retire  Following Fall at Former Trump Hotel

It gets deeper “multiple sources confirm that Senators John Barrasso of Wyoming, John Cornyn of Texas and John Thune of South Dakota are actively reaching out to fellow Republican senators in efforts to prepare for an anticipated leadership vote

Now consider these sterling choices presented to take McConnell’s place. What do they all have in common? They are all card-carrying RINOs. This is not to say who might actually replaced Beloved Leader should we be forced to take the reins of the Senate Minority from his cold dead hands, but each stands a far better chance of seizing that brass ring than any of those Senators who more closely serve the People, i.e. constutionalists.

This alone should be evidence enough for the need to abolish political parties from our ranks. We don’t need no stinking parties. We need solid citizens tapped to serve for a limited time before returning to private life. The day of the professoinal politican should be over. Of course this is unlikely to happen. However there is yet another scenario equally as farfetched: that scenario where all will continue as it always has.

In the first place, the status quo is not at all what it was 20 years ago. In fact it has changed from year to year. Things keep getting worse. The debt ceiling gets higher, the more money we spend. Liberty shrinks with every passing Congress. The globalists gain ground every day. The only real viable outcome on the road we’ve taken is the complete crumbling of our nation. Indeed it is happening before our eyes.

Would a Rand Paul or a Ted Cruz at the helm save us? No, but it would be a start. Unless we change course to a godly heading, there is no hope in sight.

May our Heavenly Father Bless you and keep you in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

SQUIRREL! Trump Indictment vs. Shaman’s Release

Two news stories dated March 30, 2023 – one is ALL OVER THE NEWS and the other? Meh.

First up – The Donald

“Former President Donald Trump faces more than 30 counts related to business fraud in an indictment from a Manhattan grand jury, according to two sources familiar with the case.” CNN reported.

Then there’s this:

“QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley Released from Prison to Halfway House

This second article was buried on the second page of The Gateway Pundit. I only learned about this because my wife found it last night on Yahoo! News of all places.  Seriously?

Now one thing I like about The Gateway Pundit is they’ve run hard with coverage on the J6 Political prisoners. They are relentless. I commend them for this.

Granted we’ve known about Chansley’s promised early release for a couple days now, as we have about Trump potentially being indicted. Strange both travesties of justice should come to a head on the same day. The ONE news program I watched yesterday  on Real America’s Voice, never mentioned Chansley, not once. They were all about Trump.

Think about it. The J6video is released. Tucker Carlson broadcasts video clearly and totally vindicating Chansley. A few days later Shazaam! Whatdoyaknow? He is going to be released. It kinda reminds me of what happened to the Apostle Paul in Philippi.

Acts 16:35  But when it was day, the magistrates sent the sergeants, saying, “Let those men go.”
36  The jailer reported these words to Paul, saying, “The magistrates have sent to let you go; now therefore come out, and go in peace.”
37  But Paul said to them, “They have beaten us publicly, without a trial, men who are Romans, and have cast us into prison! Do they now release us secretly? No, most assuredly, but let them come themselves and bring us out!” (WEB)

The authorities had no qualms about publicly beating Paul and Silas before tossing them in prison. Then they decided to quietly release them.

I do hope this is not the end of Jason Chansley’s story. His maltreatment needs to be addressed, as does that of all the other J6 Political Prisoners. Treating this story as such, essentially sweeping it under the rug, is not acceptable.

As far as the proceedings concerning Trump is concerned, it is yet another sideshow in the American Main Event Circus come front and center. Everything about this is wrong. Worse, they are using the splash caused by this as a distraction from other dirty deeds.

Yet another page ripped from the globalists’ playbook.

J6 “Insurrection” I TOLD YOU SO!

This morning I came across an article detailing what I’ve said all along – the J6 “insurrection” was a covert op all along. Okay, I never used the term “covert op” but I did point out exactly what the article below lays out in detail.

What am I talking about? Just this: the timing of all of this is the key. The joint session of Congress was about to take the next step in the Constitutionally required procedure to debate the validity of the electoral votes in question. AT THAT VERY MOMENT – the “insurrection” was on. The citizens outside the capital building had no idea what was happening. If they did, not one true patriot would have set foot inside. However, somebody knew the score and intertidally fomented the violence for the express purpose of disrupting the constitutional procedure taking place. It was in the nation’s best interest and in the interest of every  patriot for these electoral votes to be scrutinized. Pelosi and company knew this and that is exactly why I don’t trust her or or globalist cohorts.

See the details below.

EXPLOSIVE: The 2020 Election Steal Required an “Emergency” on Jan 6 to Complete the Coup

What I never knew is how devastating this interruption was to the process. Now we all know. The proof is in the pudding.

What will come of these new revelations? Probably nothing. Do not let this deter you. My aim is to show you unequivocally just how evil the globalists and their master the devil himself is. This war is bigger than all of us. It is a spiritual war and the devil more and more works in the open.

Again, do not let this deter you. Do not act in anger. Act in God’s love. Turn to God Almighty. Immerse yourself in His truth. Speak the truth. God will protect his own. Make sure you and those around you are among them.

Is This New “Bank Crisis” Yet ANOTHER Engineered Government Takeover?

Once again, looking at Tucker Carlson via The Gateway Pundit:

Tucker Carlson Goes There: “If People Don’t Start Making a Lot of Noise – It Will Mean Digital Currency… If You Want to Make a Run on the Banks This Is How You Talk”

Tucker doesn’t come right out and say this but it looks to me as though this whole “crisis” might just be an attempt to push our nation into a federal digital currency. After all… didn’t Joe Bobo just recently sign an executive order concerning digital currency? I admit, I paid little attention to it at the time but now that the other shoe has dropped… maybe it is worth a second look.

This story is dated September 18, 2022 but I seem to remember something much more recent, as it a couple of weeks ago.

Biden Regime Moves Forward with US Central Bank Digital Currency So They Can Ban, Censor and Shut Down Accounts of Boisterous Conservatives and Starve Them Out

I can’t find it, but then again, I didn’t look too hard because it really doesn’t  matter in the grand scheme of things. Bobo signed the executive order below in March 0f 2022.

FACT SHEET: President Biden to Sign Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets

In financial circles especially there has been speculation and debate about this and all sorts of other things. As far as the spiritual aspect, a digital currency is likely to be the engine behind the mark of the beast referred to in Revelation. Bundle up all the fears and such in all the articles warning about the evils of a government-controlled digital currency and wrap them around a chip or even a simple tattoo required on the hand or forehead and there ya go.

Meanwhile, the NYSE has stopped trading in over 30 banks due to the latest financial bugaboo.  I heard our local “Big Bank” was also in trouble. I do not know if this is mere rumor or if there is something to it. While even I am not old enough to live through the depression era, I do believe a lot of bank runs were the result of such rumors. The bottom line here is the very worst that can happen is you lose all your money. So won’t everyone else. (Except, of course, the globalists at the top of the heap.) All I can say is, if your trust is in God rather than riches, then you can more easily shrug it off.

Once again, fear not, God is in control. This whole “crisis” may or may not be engineered by government actors. Even is this is true, do you really think they are acting against the will of Almighty God? Please.

Expectations – J6 Video Released – When Will the J6 POLITICAL PRISONERS be Released?

First this from The Gateway Pundit:

J6 Political Prisoners at DC Gulag Leak Heart-Breaking Video from Inside Jail Praying and Singing National Anthem – VIDEO

Unless you’ve been living under a rock or the equivalent i.e. getting your “news” from the Main Stream Media, you know the new Congress is intent on releasing Capitol Police video from J6.

Tucker Carlson has been granted access and I expect to see some exculpatory evidence exonerating those patriots who have already suffered enough abuse and have continually been denied their constitutional rights, not to mention simple human compassion. Even the most vile murderer would be freed by now simply on the basis being denied a speedy trial.

Meanwhile California is expected to recommend reparations for former slaves. Seeing as how California was never a slave state and therefore had no part in that dark era of history, they have no dog in this fight. And yet… reparations.

If anyone in this nation deserves reparations, it is these J6 Political Prisoners. They have been denied life, liberty, and happiness with no regard to their rights under our Constitution, in full knowledge and view of our entire nation. Enough is enough. Broadcast the video, show the world, and release these citizens.

The Problem With Brazil

Unless you only watch MSM or otherwise live under a rock, you’ve seen what’s going on in Brazil. For the aforementioned readers who someone stumbled upon this post, I’ll elaborate.

Brazil recently elected a new president. From what I’ve been able to ascertain, he is a convicted felon and an avowed communist. While felons are prohibited from running for that nation’s highest office by law, it appears the communist-leaning court gave him a pass. Does any of this sound familiar? Oh, yeah, that’s right, your MSM blinders don’t allow you to see anything other than the “official” party line. Maybe you’d better sit down. You see, the courts here in the good ol’ USA have likewise squelched any hint of electoral impropriety to the outrageous extent of branding the events in DC on January 6, 2020 as an “insurrection”. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along now.

It was only recently when CBS decided Hunter Biden’s laptop was really was Hunter Biden’s laptop and not some “Russian Hoax”. Now we are seeing the massive extent our own shadow government went to suppress this and a whole bunch of other information in order to install Slow Mo Joe in the White House. All that is just the beginning of sorrows initiated by the usurpers of our nation. Enough of that, back to our regularly scheduled post…

So Brazil’s election was compromised, beginning with a nominee who wasn’t legally qualified to run anyway and ending with massive fraud perpetrated to “elect” a communist, essentially turning the entire nation of Brazil over to the China. But that’s not the real story here. The real story is the reaction by the citizens of Brazil.

They are pissed and they are protesting en masse – all across the nation. The streets of ever major city is filled with citizens who are demanding this wrong be righted. That’s the story. Now for the problem…

Just like here in the US of A, nothing is happening. Here we’ve seen scandals, fraud and widespread criminality all over the place. From elected officials compromised by foreign agents, to open total disregard for our constitution, to former Vice Presidents promoted after openly admitting – bragging, actually, on video, to using his influence as VP to get the man investigating his own son fired by threatening to withhold foreign aid. The list of crimes alleged as well as blatant, staggers the mind and yet, only a handful of scapegoats are pursued and/or prosecuted.

Citizens who dared walk into the Capitol building on January 6 languish in prisons unfit for any human, not only deprived of their constitutional rights, but horrifically beaten and abused, while criminals who firebombed a police car are slapped on the wrist. Again and again, we see our nation sinking into lawlessness and all we can expect is more of the same and worse. How does this relate to Brazil?

Just like these things detailed above in the US, the citizens of Brazil are being ignored. Word is, the government there will impose martial law. The implied threat is “shut up about it or we will kill you.” This is the problem. If you’ve happened to have seen the masses protesting, there should be chills running down your back. First comes the realization that with so many Brazilians protesting, something is very, very wrong and the entire world should be taking notice. Then comes the sucker punch – their protests are not likely to have any effect. Yes, things might end badly either now or in the future. Yes, this may be the start of a very unstable Brazil for months, maybe years to come, but the will of the people is being subordinated to the will of the usurpers. This is most disturbing. Worse, it could be a portent of things to come here and all over the globe.

Not too long ago, I envisioned similar things happening here as those events in Brazil. Think of it, all across the nation, citizens gathering at county seats, asserting our authority as citizens and taking back our nation. What a display of citizen authority! Can you see in your mind’s eye, photo after photo in Twitter of citizens standing tall at their county seats? I was certain it would cause the usurpers to tremble with fear and awe once they realized their gig was up. While such an even could happen, what shook me was the apparent apathy of the Brazilian demonstration. It’s like nobody even bothered to yawn. Are the powers that be so confident of their grasp that they simply don’t care? What would it take to make them take notice?

Likewise Chinese citizens are protesting also. The crimes committed on them are even more mind-boggling in that they are being herded into facilities, let’s call them what they really are, concentration camps. Those who resist are beaten and even killed in the streets. One apartment building had the doors welded shut so the world watched in horror as residents were burned alive. Like the Brazilians, the Chinese government has yet to be challenged. If nobody stands up for them, who will stand with us?

That’s the problem I see. Is there a solution? YES! For most of you, it is not what you think. Not at all.

Abandon Ship!

Wait! What?! Really??!! In a sense, yes, really. I am not advocating leaving the country or giving up. What I am advocating is a complete refocus of our efforts. Now I’ve gone down this road before but this time I mean to burn some bridges, so to speak. For the most part, any and all political action is dead or dying. Can we take back our nation county by county? I do think it is still possible but recent events lead me to believe such efforts are more than not likely to fail. Why?

Look at this last election. Yes, the republicans reclaimed the House of Representatives. whoopie. (was I able to convey my nearly total lack of enthusiasm here?) Meanwhile Arizona’s election was stolen and it looks like it will remain that way. In New York? The democrat machine reinstalled the entirely uninspiring and totally worthless Kathy Hochul. Pennsylvania likewise sent the barely functioning John Fetterman to the US Senate. Michigan went to Gretchen Whitmer. And so on and so forth. As I’ve stated before, it doesn’t matter one whit whether any of these elections were on the up and up or not. It really doesn’t. Unless the cheating was done on such a scale that it totally overwhelmed the will of the People, we need to come to terms with the fact that a significant number of citizens actually voted for these individuals.

Even IF the anticipated “Red Wave” took place, the result would only be a band-aid on the gaping wound infecting our nation – and the adhesive on that would barely cling. The real issue we’re facing is much larger than any one election can address, much less repair. The real issue is we’ve lost God. As a nation we are a people wandering in the wilderness, wondering why God has abandoned us. In truth, WE have abandoned HIM. For this reason, I’m advocating we abandon this “ship”, i.e. an political remedy and turn our attention fully upon God. How can we do this?

For those of you involved in your church already, and I mean really involved, step back and examine what is going on in your church. What is your focus? Are you going through the motions are you in the trenches? Is your church focused inwardly on members or on outreach? Is it effective? Are you bearing fruit? You can ask this of yourself as well as your church. The fruit you bear is the harbinger.

If you are not involved in a church… why not? Are there no churches near you that bear fruit? Surely there must be some Christians in the area doing God’s work. Find them. Join them. Or start something yourself. Look to God to lead you.

If you have not accepted Christ, I’m not sure what I can do for you. Nobody can make you. That’s the whole point. If you are still reading this, I suspect you are doubting your own convictions. All is not lost as long as you are still breathing. Believe it or not, God will help you. I am living proof. God literally saved my life (maybe multiple times, I don’t know.) both before and after I accepted His Son Jesus as my Lord and Savior. He guided me to exactly the right people to provide me with exactly the right information I needed to be saved. And get this, the people He guided me to were not all from some “church group”. Only one was attending services at the time. Ask God to show you the way. Email me if you like.

At this point in history, I do not know what the future holds. Okay, I never do, but that is beside the point. I once had hopes this nation could be restored. Now I am not so sure. Either way, we need to seek out God and His Will. As for me, I’m forming a bible study group. My goal is to get together with other believers and seek out fellowship and biblical truths. My own idea is for this to be the first of many seeded study groups. Whether this is what God has in mind is yet to be seen. All I know is I feel the need to reach out and this is my first step to that end. My own life these days has not born as much fruit as I feel it ought to, so I am doing exactly what I advocate.

What matters most today is outreach. As a Christian, if you are reaching out already, ask God to show you how to do more. If you are not reaching out, then ask God to show you where to start. If you have distanced yourself from God, then your first step is to draw nigh to Him. We can do nothing without God. Until we turn to Him, our nation will continue to decline until we find ourselves fighting for our very lives. Our best effort now is to immerse ourselves in the truth, hold it forth and stand fast.

God bless

WHAT IS This Country Coming To?

For over two years now (longer actually), I’ve put up with all this crap about election fraud, shady elections, questionable election practices and the like. The past two years or so have been the worst because all of a sudden, it’s no longer “cool” to question election results… unless, of course, those results favor a republican nominee over a democrat. I’ve had it.

Like I said this garbage has be going on far longer than the past two years. My most pressing question is:

HOW Did We Get Here?

Or have we always been this complacent? Looking back, I envision more of a slippery slope. Maybe we’d see some sort of blip or a glitch now and then in this election or that one. What was done? Was the problem taken seriously? Was it resolved? Was the integrity of the election process examined with any issues addressed and corrected? I don’t know. Maybe these things never happened. They should have. Even if they did, somewhere along the line someone shrugged. Some problem was simply ignored or otherwise allowed to fester. Then other problems arose. More and more they slid under the radar. During this last election cycle, where the most glaring example is in Maricopa County, Arizona, issues, major issues of election integrity and an honest count, are in danger of being simply batted away like a pesky fly. If it persists, they’ll just kill the fly.

HOW Can We Let This Happen?

Where is the outrage? I liken this to my wife when she reconciles our checkbook. If she is off just one penny, she will work those figures like a dog worries a bone. I’ve seen her fret for days about the most insignificant (to me) discrepancy. Personally, I’d write off a few cents and be done with it. Not her. Only 100% agreement between the bank and her calculations are acceptable. THIS is the sort of attitude we need to have concerning our electoral process.

Discrepancies, murky questions, and shady dealings should never, EVER be associated with our electoral processes. Everything needs to be on the up and up and on full display for everyone to see. ALL questions should be dealt with, in public. The process should never need be questioned.

Over the past few years, we’ve seen a myriad of issues come up in multiple elections all over our nation. These range from dead people voting, to questionable individuals being allowed to vote without ID (right here in Virginia where ID is legally required to vote!), to scores of voting machine issues – including alleged flip/flopping actual votes, machines that conveniently jam or otherwise fail, districts counting more votes than they have registered voters, and more. Whether any of these issues have been properly addressed, and I’m certain some of them have NOT, is more often than not never publicized beyond the initial reports. Granted, news media thrives on conflict and dies on resolution but one would expect at least a hint that some of these issues are resolved. Instead, crickets.

Enough Is Enough!

Frankly, I’m pissed. My anger is not directed at the cheaters or at those whobenefit from cheating. It’s not directed at the courts who refuse to even look at these problems. It’s not directed at our elected officials who should see to it the issues are addressed properly and corrected. Nor am I angry with those charged with overseeing the processes and ensuring they are right and proper. No. I am mostly pissed at myself and my fellow citizens. WE are allowing this to happen. WE are ultimately responsible to see to it that OUR elections are squeaky clean and there is NO QUESTIONS about their integrity.

WHERE IS OUR OUTRAGE? When are WE going to INSIST our elections are done right? There is no excuse for us if all we do is throw up our hands in surrender. Right here. Right now is when we must take a stand. If any, ANY result is not “right”, then we need to DEMAND a strict accounting. The books need to balance. We cannot afford to be off one single penny, one single vote.

The Society For the Elimination of Thanksgiving

In case you are wondering there is no official “society”… yet. It just feels that way to some of us. Okay, it feels that way to me. Years ago I read where Halloween was the second biggest retail season of the year. It was only outpaced by Christmas. It wouldn’t surprise me if Halloween was now number one. Certainly more people seem to broadcast their love for Halloween far more often and vocally than anyone does for Christmas. Many even fear saying “Merry Christmas”. Instead they substitute the benign “Happy Holidays” or some such tripe… with voices dripping with weak apologies no less.

As for myself, I have always hated Halloween, this even before I came to Christ. The revelry always gave me the creeps. It still does. If you ever want to open your eyes to the truth about this “holiday” I urge you to check out Carol Kornacki. She is a former witch who accepted Christ. My favorite line of hers is “if you are watching the parade, you are part of the parade”. Of course everyone in my family, save my wife, always berated us for refusing to allow our children to participate in the “festivities”. We were just no fun. We were depriving them of their childhood and so on and so forth. I wish my childhood had been as deprived. Seriously, they are all grown now and I don’t really think they were damaged by our decision. About all that “fun” they missed – think about it.

What is the central theme of Halloween? What word do you think of when you hear Halloween? Scary? Close enough. Another word for “scared” is fear. What are those fears based on? Death. Sure, some kids want to be Superman or a firefighter and such but lets face facts. Most of the glory centers around the gory. The movie ain’t about a tea party. Nor are the sequels. They are scary. They are about death. I’ll grant you, Halloween isn’t all about death. It is mostly a celebration of evil. Cry and whine all you want, take out those things that celebrate evil and death and what are you left with? Uh-huh. Without those things are society would abandon Halloween in a heartbeat. What does that say about us?

Skipping on Christmas, why not take a blunt look at this season as well. Personally, I’ve never been a fan of Christmas either. I tend to root for the Grinch. I know it is supposed to be a time when we celebrate the birth of Christ, at least ostensibly. But do we really? Any serious or even semi-serious biblical student (semi-serious so I can count myself in) should have to admit Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th. Just on the basis of angels announcing Jesus birth to the shepherds, one can ascertain he must have been born in the fall or spring. Winter is too cold to be pasturing sheep. There’s more evidence available for anyone willing to look. It’s nearly as easy to debunk as Kwanzaa. Look, if our society truly embraced Jesus during the “Christmas season”, I’d be far more supportive of it but even this holiday was heavily commercialized from the time it was first popularized. I remember reading somewhere that Dickens was encouraged to write “A Christmas Carol” for the express purpose of popularizing the holiday. If it were truly a sacred time then it would be about as exciting as, well, Thanksgiving.

The best the hawkers can do is promote “Black Friday” – the day after Thanksgiving. These days, they’ve polluted that day in order to try to leverage a buck. Now, rather than launching the Christmas season, the “Black Friday season” begins 30 seconds after the Halloween decorations are put up. Of course I’m exaggerating. They no longer wait for Halloween to be over anymore. It’s all about the money. That’s way they hate Thanksgiving. There’s no real money in it. And that’s exactly why I love it.

Now Thanksgiving is under attack. Just the other day I read where protesters (you can guess who) are decrying Thanksgiving. They say it’s an “imperialist” holiday, whatever that means. Oh, I’m sure they’ll tell us. Let me beat them to the punch – by “imperialist” they mean it is NOT communist. For the record, I maintain communism is a poor cousin to globalism. As the Highlander would say, “There can be only one.” and that “one” will be a globalist. Bet on that. Now the curtain has been pulled back, you can see the real reason Thanksgiving will soon become a point of great contention. Thanksgiving by its very name centers around God. To add insult to injury, we celebrate this by bringing families together. There is nothing the globalists hate worse than God and family.

It won’t be long before someone forms an organization resembling “The Society for the Elimination of Thanksgiving”. Wait for it. In past years, globalists have done their best by polluting the waters. Most recently, they urge their minions to insist on discussing volcanic topics at the dinner table. Why think of those things we have to be thankful for when we can talk trash about Trump? This year my money is on “gun violence”. It may be the top menu item from the left as I write for all I know. Yesterday’s Walmart shooting is still fresh off the presses. “Never let a crisis go to waste”, as they say. I’m sure it won’t be “vehicular violence” or “knife violence” or “pushing people into trains violence”. I guarantee no one from the left will want to bring “hammer violence” to the table. Nor will they want to discuss just plain “violence” or “crime” in general. Both are losers. Truth be known, the whole “gun violence” idea is a loser, ask anyone in the nether parts of Chicago.

Word is now out that Biden’s handlers have released a “cheat sheet” to arm his minions with propaganda to spew out for the holidays. Ironically they called it some “talking points when that uncle comes at you”. Interesting. I’d say they stole this from me but I hadn’t posted anything at the time. Unless they are lurking on my computer…

Meanwhile they emphasize “working with Republicans” while downplaying any and all real family issues. The only “republicans” they work with are RINOs and only when they can be taught to perform cheap globalist tricks – like impeaching Donald Trump or holding trials disguised as congressional committee hearings that would make Stalin proud.

May I propose we set aside darkness and talk about godly things instead? Note, I said “godly things” not necessarily God. Sure we can talk about God too or even entirely. I’m all for that. You and I both know how that sort of things go in most families. There’s always Uncle Crank. Why can’t we talk about love? What’s wrong with happiness? There’s a whole world of good things out there to talk about, is it so impossible to focus on them? Many family gatherings will harbor at least one “Uncle Crank” who seems determined to sour the mood if not incite a nuclear incident. Sometimes conflict is unavoidable but more often than not a peacemaker can emerge and save the day. Why not commit yourself to being that peacemaker? Pray about it now and be ready to enlist God’s help to diffuse any situation.

Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

It’s a start. Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you.

America First? Or GOD First?

There’s a lot of talk these days about hiring politicians who put America First. Depending on how they mean this, I’m all for it, but I also wonder… shouldn’t we really be putting GOD first? Hear me out.

Time and time again, I’ve advocated turning to God Almighty as a nation. My premise is our nation was founded by God Himself, blessed by God Himself and has risen to be the greatest nation this world has ever seen because God Almighty Himself has graciously allowed it. Why? Because for the first time in the history of the word, a nation has emerged on the basis if being ruled by its very citizens, one that sensibility guarantees each citizen equal rights under the law as the foundation of our being. We are NOT ruled by a monarch or an emperor. We are NOT ruled by a dictator. Nor are we subject to some communist scheme or ruled by a mob (i.e. a democracy). We are a Constitutional Republic, a shining light to other nations. Our nation was conceived by Christian men who risked everything to give birth to it. Now, as we decline in power, both economically and politically, as we are increasingly engulfed in corruption, we are faced with continuing on this path of assured self-annihilation, or repenting and turning back to God – asking Him to restore our nation to former glory.

I suspect my voice has fallen onto the ears of three distinct groups.

First, my brethren in Christ, most of whom look upon my words in puzzlement. Don’t they already pray to God? Daily? Repent? Of what? Surely we are seeking God already.

Second are those who already “have their religion”. Some of these claim Christ. Others worship other gods.

The third and final group scoff at the very idea. God who? They ask. Aren’t we in the modern world? You mean to say you still believe in those old fables? Well, yes, I do.

Hopefully there is yet another group – those of you who are not satisfied with the so-called “answers” above. Somewhere, maybe deep down, you know something isn’t right. Something is missing. I’m sure most of you identify with one of the above groups in some way but it’s not sitting well with you. It is you to whom I am reaching out. Hang in there. Maybe things will soon start to make sense… finally.

For starters, I’m sure you’ve come across the phrase “For God and country”. I can’t tell you where or when I heard it first. Even here something seems to be missing. In my mind this should include the word “family”. So I did some searching and what do you know?

It seems this phrase “God, family, and country” is attributed to Thomas Aquinas. He was a Roman Catholic priest and philosopher. As such he is also attributed “sainthood” but not being Catholic, I’ll circumvent that label. Still, many of his writings are remembered and studied today. Among them is the idea that the three pillars of traditional Western society are “God, family, and country”.

While I have yet to see where anyone else has said this, maybe it is just too obvious, but the order of this phrase is exactly correct. God first, family second, and country last but certainly not least. Thomas Aquinas is also known for defining many principles of “natural law”. I contend here and now, that God, family, and country are not only pillars of our civilization but also the principles on which our natural, God-given laws must stand on.

Thus God should and must come first. Why? Mostly because without God, we have nothing. Okay, let’s back up. What do we have WITH God?

For the moment set aside the concept of “sin”. For those who do not believe in God, the concept of sin is abstract at best. Rather, let us consider something all humans have sought since our beginning – life after death. For those of you who believe there is no such thing, well there you have it. Once you’ve used up whatever time you have, you’ll end up with nothing. Unless you’re wrong, but let’s not go there. I’m perfectly happy to let it go at that. You die and then… nothing. Isn’t that bad enough? Seriously, without God this is the best you can hope for.

Now WITH God in the picture, we have… eternal life. By my calculations, eternity is going to last a long, long time. Even better, in God’s world, eternity is also going to be a big upgrade to what we have now. What about the other side of that coin? You know, that eternal damnation bit with the fire and brimstone and all that? Well… what about it? I’ve heard stories. I’ve read scripture. Yes, I do believe some will end up there. Who and how, I’m not all that clear on. My own feeling, and it’s just that, a feeling, is only the very worst of the worst will end up there. (No, I don’t know about you mother-in-law.) I’m pretty sure all those devil spirits stand a good chance of job security, unpleasant as that may be. Forgiveness aside, there are a few humans I might not feel all that bad about if they ended up there. Even then, I’m not feeling very gleeful at the thought. I suspect a third option is possible. That option is simply death. Lights out forever. How about we revisit that eternal life thing?

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

1 John 5:11 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

12 He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Well, that doesn’t look all that hard now does it? We can obtain eternal life through Jesus Christ. The fact is, it is not hard at all. It was never meant to be. So what’s the catch?

Matthew 19:23 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.

24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

25 When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?

Is that the catch? Whew! I’m not “rich” so I’m good right? In the passage above, wrath wasn’t the real issue. Jesus was talking to a young man who happened to be wealthy. Jesus told him to sell all he had and to follow him. The statement above falls into the “figure of speech” category. You see, that whole “eye of the needle” stuff was really a thing in those days. In some walled cities, in order for a camel to enter, they had to take off everything it was carrying as the entrance was too small for a loaded camel to get through. Whether this was by design or not, well that’s another topic. The idea here is, like that camel, you gotta lose your baggage before you can get in.

You can look at this a lot of ways but, today, I think it’s safe to say, you’ll need to give up that “well there’s many paths to God” thinking if you want eternal life via Jesus Christ. Last I heard, he wasn’t accepting coupons from other stores. Now if you’re thinking, “fine, I’ll just find a back door somewhere”, um, Houston, we’ve got a problem. Now I haven’t studied those “other paths”. I hopped on the Jesus track after I realized atheism was a dead end – literally. That said, I’m pretty sure they all pretty much think they are the only way to eternity. So, I ask you, how can they all be “right”? I guarantee you not one of them will tell you to accept Jesus as Lord. If they did, they’d have to also tell you:

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Um, yeah, there is that. Of course, you can always say Jesus was the liar, but if that is true than who is saying that and how do you know you can trust them? The thing is, I’m not seeing anyone stepping up to fill the gap if Jesus is tossed out. Nobody, nothing, even comes close. Islam? Funny thing about them, they acknowledge Jesus as a prophet and then deny him as well as his words. I have a hard time seeing how anyone can have it both ways. Can you see the problem here? I see the same issues popping up no matter where else you turn.

Now for the good news – God made it easy for us.

2 Corinthians 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

God only gave Adam ONE commandment – do NOT eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. That was it. Eve was to follow this too but only ADAM was specifically told “NO”. So the serpent, the devil, went to work on Eve who then convinced Adam it was okay to do the ONE thing God said NOT to do. The point here is, God also makes it easy for us to accept Jesus Christ as Lord. Why? Mostly because we’ve got a lot more to deal with than Adam had back then and unless He makes it easy, we’re going to mess it up. So he made it simple.

Really, that’s the whole starter pack. Sure there’s more, a lot more, but this is the ticket you need to get your slice of eternal life. Is there more to it than this? What do you mean by “it”? If by “it” you mean being set as far as eternal life is concerned, I’d say “yep, that’s it”. Now if you are wondering if you need to do more, well… the short answer is yes, but don’t worry, God has got your back. Let me elaborate just a bit.

Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

Whoa! What? Yeah. Let that sink in. God, the CREATOR of the Universe chose YOU before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blame before Him in love. Sink your teeth into that and chew on it again. Remember, God is BIG. He can create, He knows what’s going to happen down to every single detail, and He’s, well, God, so He can do what He wants… and HE CHOSE YOU. I can’t speak for anyone else but the thought still gives me chills. Trust me on this, there are lots of times I wonder why the Creator of the Universe would even want me, but He did and He does.

Romans 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

Now consider the next verse in Ephesians:

Ephesians 1:5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will

This verse does require a bit of work to “get it” due to some common misconceptions and a rather inaccurate rendering.

First, let’s tackle the word “predestinated”. Without getting into a study of the Greek, according the Vine’s New Testament Dictionary, the word can be understood as “foreordained” or “predetermined”. In other words, while some might say everyone’s life is “set in stone”, so to speak, and thus our choices are already made for us, the very wording of this is contradictory. How can we have a “choice” if our actions are predetermined? Do keep in mind one of God’s principles is our own free will. Revisiting the Garden of Eden, Adam did not HAVE to listen to Eve and eat that fruit, but God knew ahead of time he would. If he’d refused, mankind would have taken another path and, chances are, you or I would never have been born.

Now about that word “adoption”. Ask any adopted child, the very term can be somewhat painful. Going back to the Greek, the word used here would have been better rendered “sonship”. We are children of God via birth.

1 Peter 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

John 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

Jesus first alluded to this when he spoke with Nicodemus in John 3. He was speaking of the “new birth” that did not become available until after he died and God raised him from the dead at Pentecost. From that day on, when we confess Jesus as Lord and believe God raised him from the dead, God creates that “incorruptible seed” in us, that earnest (token) of what we be blessed with when Christ returns.

1 Corinthians 15:51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

And here we are right back to eternal life. Putting it all together, God, our Heavenly Father, in His foreknowledge, chose you to be holy and without blame before Him in love before the foundation of the world. He brought you here, today. Whether you accept these words or not, if you are His, He will continue to show you the truth until you are ready to accept Him as God Almighty and His only begotten son, Jesus, the Messiah (or Christ) as Lord and Savior. This is your ticket to ride.

As for my siblings in Christ who may still be wondering what you are doing here… it’s going to take all of us, both new and old, to reclaim our nation. We all need to turn to God and put God first in our lives. Certainly we were born into the greatest nation this world has every seen. We’ve been blessed beyond what anyone could expect. Many of my brothers and sisters in Christ seek God daily. What more can we do?

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

I’ve no doubt you have faith. Of course you believe that He IS, how could you not. But are you on board with the latter part of this verse? Do you believe He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him? Let me put it another way…

Do you really believe God can and will restore this nation just because we ask Him to? I’m not so sure who believes this. My own wife is often skeptical. Even I doubt if it will happen, but I don’t doubt God. Rather I wonder if we have not lost faith in God to deliver us. What faith?

James 1:6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.

But there is more to it than just asking…

James 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

This last election cycle has demonstrated this principle perfectly. The polls, if anyone can believe them, strongly indicated a “Red Wave”, even a “Red Tsunami”. What we saw was a red ripple. What happened? We voted, didn’t we? Yes. We voted. By one account Republican’s outvoted Democrats by over 3 million citizens nationwide and still many key races were lost. Why? Two reasons.

First, I am completely and thoroughly convinced, the Democrats cheated. Whether you agree with this assessment or not (I’ll not belabor it), in any honest contest, any and all discrepancies would be completely examined and questionable tallies removed. It’s been pointed out multiple times since the 2020 election that if the Democrats were so confident that vote was honest, they would insist on audits to vindicate themselves. That never happened. Instead they fought tooth and nail at every level to obfuscate any questionable results. However this is entirely secondary.

Even worse is the realization that these elections were even close. Far too many citizens proudly vote for godless ideals – abortion on demand, racist policies, pro-criminal behavior, and so forth. Much of what the globalists desire is pure evil. Those voting for evil either embrace the evil or they are blinded. The very idea that more people could possibly vote for evil over Godly principles sickens me. These same citizens have effectively rejected God Himself. Even with this great shroud of darkness looming over our nation, there is a ray of light.

Remember Ephesians 1:4-5? How many of those voting for evil are lost souls? How many has God foreordained them to be His children? I do not know, but I am convinced there are more than a few. The even better news is WE need to reach them. All we need do is reach out. It is God’s place to call His children to Him. He will not let a single one fall into the devil’s hands – at least not for eternity.

I see the potential for a great revival in this land. God is not finished with this nation. This can happen whether or not God chooses to deliver it, however restoration will not happen if we continue to turn our backs to Him. In light of this, the only commitment that makes sense is to put God first in our lives. With this strategy, we cannot lose. What can you do?

Seek out God in your private life. Pray. Read scripture daily. Join or start a bible study. Seek out others to worship with. Turn away from sinful things. Speak the truth.

On this last, I am not advocating for anyone to quote biblical passages to individuals or groups as a means of “speaking the truth”. A quiet word injected in a conversation may be enough. If you commit yourself to listening to God, He will show you. He will direct your path.

Psalms 27:11 Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

God will lead you to those who need to hear.

Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?

17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

So many of us, Christians included, look for a Donald Trump or a Ron DeSantis to save our nation. They cannot. Surely God can put such men in place to do His work but our nation needs more. It is bigger than one governorship, or a single presidency. It is greater than Congress. Our nation is one comprised of self-governing citizens, a Constitutional Republic. If we are a nation under God then we will once again be that shining beacon to the world. By putting God first in our lives, we will ensure America is first among all other nations.

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Do you believe?

Was The Election Stolen… Again? Why This Doesn’t Matter

In fact, we are much better off as a nation if this last election was stolen. How crazy is that? Consider the alternative – Fetterman won, fair and square. What does this say about the people of Pennsylvania? Forget Fetterman. Instead take a look at any race in this year’s election cycle resulting in a disappointing loss. As far as I’m concerned, none of these races should have been close, much less a loss. At least they shouldn’t be close from the perspective of liberty.

Every single democrat ran and won on a single unifying principle – more government. This, at a time when we are all drowning in government. You just don’t throw water on a drowning person. Ronald Reagan was right – the more government we have, the less liberty we enjoy. (paraphrased) This idea, in and of itself is nuts. Our nation was founded on the principle of a limited government but today’s society all but demands unlimited government and it’s killing us, literally as well as figuratively.

There was reason and logic behind the concept of a limited government. Citizens should be free to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. As long as we respect each other’s rights, rights each of us equally enjoy, our nation will thrive. While in practice, our implementation of these principles have been flawed from day one, our nation has thrived. We’ve risen to be the most productive, influential, and powerful nation the world has ever seen. Imperfect as we are, we remain a shining beacon for the world. Nobody is flooding Haiti’s borders trying to get in. You know why.

Instead of a prosperous and orderly nation, we’ve devolved into a myriad of tribes each vying for prizes from the treasury. Equity has replaced equality and as such, has burdened our most productive citizens by forcing one group to suffer to appease another. Worse, productivity has taken second place to privilege so merit is devalued as a factor for opportunity. Everybody loses. Those with lessor skills no longer need to sharpen them to make the grade and those with better skills languish where their abilities are wasted. The new normal is to settle for mediocrity rather than strive for excellence and it shows.

Our nation is devolving into a third-world county. Already, we’ve lost the respect of nations that once looked up to us. Once the cash flow to them subsides, our influence will drop to zero. Our military will soon be transformed from the envy of the world to a laughingstock. Even Corporal Klinger would bow his head in shame. Once our economy tanks and we can no longer afford all those things we now take for granted, the world will look for more promising markets. Nobody heeds a bum, no matter how fabulously wealthy and successful they were yesterday.

None of this is, or will be the result of this last election cycle. Rather it the result of where our nation has been headed for decades. Some will look back to Woodrow Wilson’s presidency. Others may recognize roots extending beyond that. In some ways, I contend we were doomed from the start because our forefathers failed to properly educate the people about the duties and responsibilities of our republic. In their defense, I suggest that few, if any, really understood many of the nuances themselves as what they accomplished had never been done before.

From a godly perspective, we are likely right where we ought to be in the grand scheme of things. Perhaps the real question should be… where do we go from here? I see two paths. One continues on the way we are going, growing government, limiting liberty until everything crumbles… and crumble it will. Our current situation is unsustainable, as we continue to spend far faster than we can produce. The second path is rugged. It doesn’t even appear to be navigable. Instead of growing government, we need to shrink it… a lot. Instead of suffocating ourselves with endless regulation, we need to simplify. Rather than practice “set it and forget it” citizenship where we only show up occasionally on election days, we need to roll up our sleeves and dig in. We need to hold our representatives, ALL of our representatives accountable. We need to gauge every action, every proposal against the standard of limited government vs liberty. We need to learn to do things for ourselves instead of clamoring for more government to do things for us. Most of all… we need to get right with God. What does God have to do with anything? Everything.

If you cannot see how God fits into the equation then you are part of the problem. I’m sorry if you are an atheist or even a non-Christian. I am particularly sorry if you claim Christ and cannot see my point or worse, take offense. Don’t get me wrong, I am not discounting non-Christians. Nothing in our Constitution requires any citizen to be a Christian or even believe in any god at all to participate. You have just as much say, just as many rights as anyone else. That said, our nation was founded by the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and blessed by Him in no uncertain terms. Those of us who claim Christ need to accept and acknowledge this. Never mind the rest, they get a free ticket to ride. We Christians, however, must put God first in our lives and in our nation.

There is a deeply spiritual aspect to the state of our nation today. It is war. In the end, God wins. Meanwhile this nation is a battleground. The real war is God vs the god of this world, the devil. If we are to win, it will be with God at our side. Politics will not win this war.

Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right

Stuck In The Middle With You · Stealers Wheel

Why did this song suddenly start running through my head?

As you might guess the refrain was what kept coming to mind

Clowns to the left of meJokers to the rightHere I am stuck in the middle with you

Now, it’s not entirely accurate. For the most part both sides of the political spectrum could be deemed to the left of me. It’s not that I’m “so far right” but more that they are so far left. Seriously.

First up, emails from the Virginia GOP. Take a  peek at the snapshot I took.

Note the subject line of each email – “We didn’t receive your response”

and then “Where’s your response”.

Now I’m not going to try to school them or anybody on writing subject lines that get open or emails that get responses. I could learn a few things about both myself. That said, I doubt this approach is very effective. All it did for me was piss me off but maybe I’m just too sensitive.

Inside is an appeal for money, because, the Republicans are losing Virginia or some such. Maybe they are. Our two Senate seats are held by Democrats, crappy ones at that, but they aren’t up for reelection.

According to one search engine, this is the current makeup of Virginia’s representation in the House

So it’s no wonder they think they are losing, they probably are. Here’s a hint fellas – you aren’t getting creamed for lack of money.  How can I say this? In election after election Republicans have won despite being outspent big time. It’s not the money, it’s the message. Take what you sent me for example.
The subject line whines “We didn’t receive a response” while the sender says “”. That tells me you want me to hunt for a way to respond to you. Now, I will tell you the actual email address went to an address  different that the “noreply” addy. That’s comforting. NOT.
Then you follow up with another whiney subject line, same sender demanding to know “Where’s your response”. Not even a question mark. Jerks.
Now they vary the name of the sender, all with the same return addy. Sometimes they’ll say “Team Virginia”, “Team GOP”, or sometimes just a first name, like I’m supposed to know who it is and where they’re from. There’s no consistency.  No rhyme. No reason. Most of these emails are ignored. I can’t even work up enough enthusiasm to delete them, much less unsubscribe.
For the record, I’m not going to send you any money no matter what your subject line says and no matter whom you say it’s from. I’m just not. Why not? Because your message sucks and I’m not talking about your emails. Beyond that, I am generally opposed to party politics because in practice, the two-party system sucks even worse.
So much for the jokers. Now about those clowns.
This one is more sad than irritating. I’ll elaborate in a bit. First, take a gander at these three screenshots I stole from 90 Miles From Tyranny
My thoughts when I read the first one was, sure, let Darwin do his work. Or at least it got me to thinking about all those who have taken the jab and experienced serious health issues up to and including death. Isn’t this sort of what’s happening? This brings me no joy and unlike the late Mr. Rowe, I do care. I have no wish to see anyone suffer or die because they were duped into taking this jab.
This last meme says exactly what I’ve been thinking for quite some time now. I’m fairly certain I’ve posted as much here before.
Mr. Rowe was a fool and he paid for his foolishness with his life. Was he Darwined? I suppose so but again, I only feel sadness, not victorious.
Believe it or don’t but I see a common thread uniting the two more or less “opposite” sides of the spectrum above. Neither side has bothered to take a step back to actually look at things. They are blinded by their micro-focus. For the GOP, maybe it’s just greed. Maybe they don’t really want to win, they just want the money. I find it hard to believe everybody who calls themselves a Republican or work for the party is like that, but enough of them may well be. As for the rabid vaxers, I can’t say. The only thing that comes to mind is this:
The eye sees what the mind tells it to see.
This is always true in my experience. I’ve seen it in myself and I’ve seen it in others.  It is one of the main reasons I try to challenge by beliefs and check my assumptions at the door. Those are the things that blind us.

Book Review and Analysis: The Nation Will Follow by Colonel (Retired) John Mills

RE: Book Review and Analysis: The Nation Will Follow by Colonel (Retired) John Mills

Never before seen here! As a rule I don’t analyze books and I rarely review them. The Nation Will Follow by Colonel (Retired) John Mills is an exception because I believe the book is exceptional. A warning first: what caught my eye and lead me to buy this book in the first place was an appearance by Colonel Mills on Newsmax. There he emphasized the concept of reclaiming our nation county by county. For anyone who has read more than a few posts, you know I strongly advocate this concept.

About the link: it leads directly to the website for the book itself. There you should find a popup where the book can be had for 99¢ from Amazon. I have no idea how long this will be available at the price. If you don’t see the 99¢ deal I suggest going directly to Amazon for the best price. For the record, I am not an affiliate nor do I make any money at all for this recommendation in any way.

Now about the book itself. Much of it covers Col. Mills experience in government, in particular in the DOD. He was working at the Pentagon during the 2016 election. It was there he had his most dramatic epiphany concerning the Deep State, the Swamp. That alone is worth the price of the book, even the $3.99 I paid. Moreover he offers some excellent insights into the inner workings of the governmental labyrinth. What I drew out from it was confirmation that our entrenched government employees largely work against, rather than for us. He also shored up the idea that it is not necessarily the average “grunt” but rather the higher ups in these agencies who are most insidious.

Colonel Mills does promise an “action plan” to get involved in local government. While he fulfills his promise, as well as providing a decent rendering of the structure of county governments, I would have liked to see him take this aspect farther. Most of his focus is on election integrity. I’m all for that. It is indeed something we must absolutely pay strict attention to, particularly considering the fiasco of the 2020 election.

At the risk of invoking the ire and punishment of my detractors, I’ll say it out loud: the 2020 Presidential Election was rigged and the rightful winner was with little doubt, Donald J. Trump. Backing up this claim I’ll first point out to the indisputable facts.

The Pennsylvania election process was unconstitutionally changed by election and/or administration officials. The constitutional challenge was dismissed by Pennsylvania’s liberal-leaning court. For whatever reason, SCOTUS decided not to hear this.

Thousands, THOUSANDS, of affidavits were gathered documenting election irregularities in several key states.

The Dinesh D’Souza documentary “2000 Mules” offers credible and damning evidence of voting irregularities.

The January 6 so-called “insurrection” broke out at the very convenient time when Congress adjourned to debate the first validated challenge to electoral certifications. (objection made in writing and signed by at least one member of house and one member of the Senate).

Rather than encourage any and all votes in question be investigated and validated, the globalist democrats in power have dodged and evaded scrutiny at every turn

Colonel Mills is correct, we cannot allow such shenanigans to happen again and the place to stop them is at the county level. He also points to events in Virginia’s Loudoun County where average moms fought the school board for their kids. He cites these battles as instrumental in electing Glenn Youngkin as Governor. Thus he expands his vision to include county and school boards, as well as county sheriffs as vitally important to reclaiming our nation. I agree wholeheartedly with all of this.

With all of this, I wanted to see more. Yes, we do need to secure our election process. Yes, we need to ensure the integrity of these critical offices. What more is needed?

We need to hold those we elect to public offices accountable. We also need to hold those employed by said officials accountable and by this I mean every individual who is paid with taxpayer dollars.

We need to scale back government to constitutional limitations.

We need to review all government entities, regulations and laws and determine if they are indeed necessary and effective.

We need to monitor law enforcement efforts at all levels to ensure the law is applied equally and without prejudice. This includes police, prosecutors and courts.

Most important: we citizens need to communicate with each other, particularly at the county level. Each county should reflect the will of the citizens residing there and governed according to the will of the people rather than a handful of so-called “leaders”. Local boards for towns, counties and schools should be responsive to those citizens they serve. Board members and other public servants are allowed to live their private lives. Communication needs to be orderly and respectful at all times.

The Nation Will Follow is an excellent work as far as it went but a clearer path is needed if we are to reclaim our nation. It’s one thing to secure our elections and a necessary task at that, but for too long we’ve adopted a “set it and forget it” attitude towards our self-governance. If we are to govern ourselves then we must also accept the responsibilities and acknowledge our duty to participate not only in elections, but in keeping a diligent watch on the workings of our government.

Your Vote Means Nothing

Now that’s a shocker, isn’t it? Anyone who has read more than ten of my posts is likely waiting for some sort of twist to take it all away. It’s not coming. I mean it. Your vote means nothing. No, I haven’t turned into a raving lunatic champing at the bit to wipe the slate clean and start from scratch. I’m still the same raving lunatic I’ve always been. It’s just that I had this thought that opened up a different perspective. Bear with me.

Once again I found myself at that pool of thoughts that reflects my past back at me. Okay, I got to thinking about my life – all right? Mostly I got to thinking about my journeys into the world of politics. On occasion I’ve attended caucuses, political events, and yes, even board meetings. I was part of the “Young Republicans” once, though I wasn’t all that young at the time. I even nominated a friend for office and ran for an office myself (TownClerk). At the time I believed I could help shape things from the inside. Said illusions were shattered without mercy. The Party wasn’t interested in my thoughts, only how they could control them and me. I was never one to tame easily. Then life kicked in and I moved on. The one thing I’ve consistently practiced over the years is voting.

Whatever else I might have done, I cannot say voting has ever been a mistake. This doesn’t mean I’ve always voted for the “right” person but I’ve consistently voted for the person who is most likely aligned with the same principles as myself. While I’ve always taken voting seriously I realized voting alone has never been enough and my entire perspective on it is warped.

Your Vote Means Nothing – The Proof

How can I even think this? Taken alone, one vote means nothing. If you doubt this, the next time you are at the polls, try this: instead of checking the box for one of the listed candidates, move down to the blank space and write in your own name. There. You’ve voted. The problem is you don’t stand a chance in hell of being sworn into that office. Your one vote just became meaningless. Chances are it won’t even be listed in the final tally.

For your vote to count, really count, for anything, it must be “e pluribus unum” – one, out of many. Herein lies the power of our Constitutional Republic. This is also the reason and justification for political parties. Any elected official must have the support of a majority of those citizens voting for that position, however misconstrued. Parties are organized to elect and support individuals who have the same goals and want the same things. At some point they all lose their way. Why? Any organization eventually grows to a point where the organization itself becomes more important than the purpose it was organized to serve.

While I have stated as much many times over the years, I cannot say whether this statement is original or if I’ve absconded with it from someone else. For the time being I’ll take full credit or blame for what I can only term as a general principle of organizations.

Moreover, organizations in general and our two premier political parties specifically no longer reflect the interests of their members. Instead they’ve become inbred and corrupt. This is glaringly evident in recent revelations of the money spent in this current Congressional election cycle. Depending on who one asks, anywhere from about $2 billion to over $9 billion dollars has been spent to elect (or re-elect) all 435 of the House of Representatives and 34 U.S. Senators for a total of 469 representative positions. The cumulative salaries of both houses of Congress, all 535 seats, is less than $100,000 million per year. This is insanity.

Where is the justification for this? Why should so much money be spent to elect any Congressional representative? Where is this money coming from? Indeed. Follow the money and you are sure to discover who owns what… or whom. This is not to say every member of Congress serves special interests but the mere avalanche of money dumped into the Swamp daily has to be almost impossible to resist. Harry Truman is quoted as saying “Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician and I’ll show you a crook”. How many poor career politicians can you name?

Yet The Parties want us all to believe they are all snow white, honest, trustworthy servants of the people. Each Party posts lofty ideals. Here is the Virginia Republican Creed:

That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice.

That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society.

That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government.

That the Federal Government must preserve individual liberty by observing Constitutional limitations.

That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense.

That faith in God. as recognized by our Founding Fathers is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation

Nice huh? The problem I see here is that while at least a good number, maybe even most candidates affirm the creed, some may even be able to recite it verbatim, in the end their assertions are only lip service. How can I say this? Consider the preponderance of the evidence of their actions.

Rather than a limited government we are burdened with government without limitations. Ronald Reagan stated it succinctly:

“As government expands, liberty contracts.”

Free enterprise is hobbled by regulations and taxation. Individual liberties are tolerated only when they do not inconvenience government agendas. God has been all but eradicated from society with the blessing of our representatives. Like regulation and taxation, government budgets know no bounds. Need I continue? I expect the Democrats sport something similar to the Virginia Republican creed above but it is just as much a false front. The promises are empty. Only The Party matters. It no longer matters which Party you refer to. Is there a better way?

Suppose instead of opposing candidates for any elected position spending absurd amounts of money battling things out in the media and littering the land with signs, buttons and bumper stickers, they all had to speak to interested voters who actually had a dog in the fight?

Since there is no statewide race here in Virginia this cycle, lets consider the contest between, Dr. Oz and John Fetterman in the Pennsylvania Senate race. Wouldn’t it be wonderful (fantasy as it may be) if ALL the citizens of Pennsylvania took an interest in this race and, having access to say, a website where they could see for themselves what each candidate stood for, watch them speak on video, respond to questions in a forum and even see them participate in a truly even-handed debate? Wouldn’t it be something if whoever was elected to office was actually held accountable to every citizen they are charged with representing?

Sure I said this postulation is fantasy. Today it is but does it have to remain so? Can we not, as sovereign citizens expect, yea, demand better? Yes. We can. And we should. I’ll tell you up front this is never likely to happen at the federal or even the state level unless we take charge of our elected offices at the county level. Look at it this way.

Remember the example above where I demonstrated how your single vote means nothing? As true as this is at the county level, it is even more accurate at the state and federal level. Why? Because so many more citizens are involved. In any Congressional district a Congressman represents, on average, nearly three quarter of a million citizens. It would be impossible to try to listen to so many voices. What is possible is to meet with representatives from each county in a district. Even more efficient would be several counties in a district banded together to make themselves heard on some of the more critical issues. And if this is possible on the federal level, it would also be effective on the state level. The underlying principle here is if enough voices speak as one they can be heard.

Not Voting is the Worst Option

While those occasions where I did not vote in an election are few, I’d say they might be among the most significant. To the best of my knowledge, I have never refrained from voting in a presidential or congressional election. Thus the only times I neglected to cast my ballot, election-wise, is for a local election. Considering my treatise above, I’d say this carries some significance. However, my neglect runs far deeper than this. In fact, I’d say those times I failed to vote, or even show up where a vote was held is far more damning as to my responsibilities as a citizen.

How many times has someone been selected to represent me or other decisions have been made directly effecting me where I wasn’t even present? How many times might my voice have swayed such decisions? I might as well face reality. I’ll never know. Worse, I have very little understanding on how and when I could at least lend my voice to such decisions. Now I’m not talking about “public hearings”. I’ve been to a number of these and from those experiences I can tell you, our “representatives” typically endure those events secure in the knowledge their minds are already made up. In other words, nothing you or I can say is going to have any impact whatsoever. No, the time to have one’s say and make it count comes long before any issue reaches the floor. This is true whether the subject matter is a proposed law, an expenditure or filling some appointed position.

It is also true when it comes to Party decisions but, I fear, much less so. Why? Because it is apparent that most political parties are run from the top down rather than the bottom up. Anyone wishing for their Party’s blessing typically requires the assent of the “leadership” rather than the will of rank and file. We are seeing this during the current election cycle. Certain Republican candidates at the national level are disfavored by those at the top – House Minority Leader Keven McCarthy and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to be exact. Those candidates they don’t personally like (or politically agree with) are not being supported. To what end? Well let’s see, in a two-party system, if one party doesn’t win then the other one does. So effectively, these two “Republican Leaders” are supporting the opposing party. Considering some of the bills they’ve allowed to pass, particularly in the Senate, one must wonder exactly who they are representing.

Even so, local party decisions still fall under the realm of local members to some extent. As it has been a long time since I’ve participated in party politics and never where I now live, my understanding should be taken with a grain of salt. Realistically, no one can really know about this unless they are personally involved.

All said, I do believe I am opinionated enough, vocal enough and even persuasive enough to possibly make a small difference in those arenas I would participate to any great extent. While I might come across as overbearing in this blog, rest assured my own sense of fair play forces me to consider any dissenting opinions. Damned straight I want to be heard but you have just as much right as I do and I’ll fight for your rights with just as much vigor as I do my own.

Overall I see the need to set aside my personal objections and work toward becoming much more involved as a citizen in local affairs. I can no longer justify not voting. I’m not exactly sure how I will make my voice heard, but I cannot in good conscience keep silent.

My Voice Means Nothing

If one vote means nothing then doesn’t it follow that one voice is also meaningless? While one could make a case for a single voice ringing out to make a clear impact, I contend that unless someone hears it and it moves them, it is all for naught. To be effective the one voice must resonate with others and together we can be heard.

To this end, I have yet to determine whether trying once again to work within the party system is worth the effort, or if I should, by principle, abandon Party Politics altogether in favor of encouraging individuals. Ideally, I’d like to see the two-party system come crashing down. I find it ironic that certain individuals within the Republican party vie for the same thing, even if they don’t realize it or overtly state it. For example, Steve Bannon recently predicted the end of the Democrat party. Okay, so… does he envision the Republican party to be the only choice? Such is doomed to end just as badly. Even if another group takes up where the Democrats left off, we are still faced with the same inherent problem – two groups vying for control. To gain control, a group must gain power and such is only gained by growing government. Bang! Here we go again. This too, is insane.

If we are going to really fix the underlying problems we need to understand the underlying cause. As I see it, the underlying cause is the struggle for control. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan:

“As control expands, liberty contracts.”

The fix centers around decentralization. Return the power to the people, or rather, WE, the People, need to step up, step in and lay claim to what is already ours to begin with. It won’t happen all at once but it can happen. Perhaps the first baby step would be to target a local election and gather supporters for a write-in vote. Is this nuts? I don’t think so. Consider the numbers involved.

In the last election, the current county supervisor in my district was elected by 350 votes. This number does not seem insurmountable. Whether I toss my hat in and win or not isn’t nearly as important as exploring the idea of a no-party system. We naturally tend to think such ideas are unreachable but is persuading 351 people to vote for one person all that daunting?

The globalists would have us think they have it all under control. It’s their game and they’ve already won. Like most everything with the globalists, their presumptions are based on smoke, mirrors and outright lies. WE have control. We always have. It is our birthright. Even IF the voting numbers were entirely stacked against us, those numbers consist of citizens who voted. And just because they voted for one party or another doesn’t mean they have to vote that way again. The fact is, as the 2021 election as well as this coming election should prove out, voters have far more in common with their neighbors than their parties when it comes to ideals.

Here in Virginia, the battle was over our children and the parent’s won. Why? Because most of us parents are not about to concede our children to state control. (No matter how bratty they might be today.) WE citizens generally want the same things. We want to live our lives in peace and safety, raise our children, and enjoy ourselves. Given enough facts about any situation, I think we citizens can come to an agreement on most issues easily. It is the politicians who like to twist things up to get their way. Too often their way is a far cry from what is the best interests of their constituents. This is how we end up with things like “Daylight Savings Time”, banned incandescent light bulbs, and electric cars shoved down our throats.

It’s time we citizens stop whining for “somebody” to do “something” and be the adults in the room. We need to cut up our legislator’s credit cards and restore liberty and sanity. We can do this.

UPDATE on The Ins and Outs Of Local Politics – Finally! Some Word About Election Issues

Well for some reason, the only person I ever heard from was from the lady who first answered my inquiry from the “RNC Election Integrity Team”. I’m not even sure why that was sent but I replied to her saying I hadn’t heard from anyone else. She got right back to me with the text of the email the county guy supposedly sent me. Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. I somewhat think he did because of the content of the email. So I replied to both.

The election official position(s) are filled. He didn’t mention poll-watching, even though, if the early voting poll, i.e. the Registrar’s office was to be watched, it would need to manned daily from now until the election. One more reason for same day voting.

He also expressed a need for volunteers for our current Congressman. For that I said, I didn’t think this seat was in danger of being lost. I also added I wasn’t exactly enthusiastic about this representative. I have my reasons and, of course, I believe they are quite valid. Okay, one of my biggies is he supposedly went to visit the DC gulag with MTG and others. Never heard a word about it. I wrote his office asking about his observations. Crickets. With this and his almost total lack of any communication (not with me personally but with all of us constituents) if he DOES lose his seat, he deserves to. Our side needs more MTGs.

Then he told me about the monthly meetings and such locally. Okay great. Then I’m informed I need to complete a “short form” to “become a member”, pay $20, and then I’m voted on. Wait a minute. I am already registered as a Republican so what’s the deal? Membership to what, exactly? Is this some sort of formal organization? Is there a charter and bylaws? I want to see them. Yes, I am that kind of pain in the ass. MTG, move over. Look, I really am trying to be nice about this but I’m not “joining” something so I can feel good about being a member. I can stir things up on my own and those plans are in the works. This county has had a couple hundred years to get their act together and so far, I’m not impressed. To be fair, it wasn’t any better anyplace else I’ve lived either. Oh! By the way, the monthly meeting was two days ago. Apparently, my presence is not needed this election unless I want to stump for our shoo-in Congressman.

The above was a couple days ago. Since then I’ve had a few emails back and forth with the local R head guy. My tendency is to get blunt and I start pissing people off. I did my best to hold it together this time. The $20 for “membership” is to become a voting member. He referred me to the “State Party Plan” of the Virginia Republican Party. I browsed through that. It’s a lot of goop mostly about party hierarchy. The structure of the party is laid out but I’d almost need a road map in order to follow it. Yawn. I suppose if they want citizens to pay to play, that is their privilege. I’m not so sure I want to be a card-carrying, secret decoder ring-wearing voting member at this point. Sometimes it’s more interesting to snipe from the outside.

For the record, from the exchanges I’ve had with the local head guy, I like him well enough. He seems like a decent guy. He answered my questions as best he could though I don’t think he actually read some of them. For one thing, he encouraged me to ask to our congressman myself about his voting record as he couldn’t answer for him. I never asked him to answer for anybody. What I said about his voting record was from what I’ve seen he’s done all right. As far as the rest of our discussion about “the honorable soandso”, I covered that above. I should have learned by now that most people have difficulty handling directness. I do try to be more roundabout when I can but my tendency is to get fed up with beating around the bush and just saying things plainly. I know, right?

So it turns out our vaunted congressman is due at a local event today. I’m debating as to whether to show up just to see if I can ask him face to face about the whole J6 deal. I know this is not a big “campaign issue”. It should be but it is not. I don’t want to debate anything. I just want to know what he learned from his visit and why I’ve never heard another word about it from him. If I get a chance I’d like to see him pursue due process for these prisoners. That’s it. Due process. At this point I’m concerned these prisoners’ rights have been so woefully violated that they should be immediately released and if they are to be tried, they should be tried in the federal court nearest to their own homes.

I’m hesitating for a couple of reasons. First, I have another commitment so if things run late as they always seem to do, I will have to leave before seeing anyone. Second, I have my doubts about how effective my little voice will be. We are now racing towards an election and he never bothered to answer me way back when things were far calmer. Heck, even all this Ukraine nonsense hadn’t hit at that time. Then there’s crowds. I hate them. While I don’t expect a huge mass of people today, even small crowds are an anathema to me, especially these days. Finally there’s the trust issue. While I long ago stopped worrying about the bogeyman, feds are everywhere these days and our congressman is a federal guy. While I don’t expect any trouble I hesitate to show up on anyone’s radar, even if I am just a brief blip. The bottom line here is I won’t be controlled by fear. I post this blog and I suspect half of my four visitors are likely connected with the feds. I doubt they are fans.

Anyway, I’m posting this today before I go so there is a record of what I expect to do today and why. My intent is to simply ask this congressman about his efforts for the J6 prisoners and encourage him to do what he can to see justice prevails. Hopefully, all goes well.